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certigo's Issues

OpenSSL doesn't support PEM headers

We currently print PEM headers when the --pem flag is passed with extra information, e.g. the friendly name of an entry in a PKCS12 keystore. However, OpenSSL can't handle these and will refuse to parse them. We should consider scrubbing headers on PEM output.

Explicitly print if cert is self-signed in non-verbose mode

Right now, a root appears as something like this:

Serial: 927650371
Valid: 1999-05-25 16:09 UTC to 2019-05-25 16:39 UTC
Signature: SHA1-RSA (self-signed)
Subject Info:
	Country: US
	Organizational Unit: incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)
	Organizational Unit: (c) 1999 Limited
	CommonName: Secure Server Certification Authority
Issuer Info:
	Country: US
	Organizational Unit: incorp. by ref. (limits liab.)
	Organizational Unit: (c) 1999 Limited
	CommonName: Secure Server Certification Authority
Subject Key ID: F0:17:62:13:55:3D:B3:FF:0A:00:6B:FB:50:84:97:F3:ED:62:D0:1A
Authority Key ID: F0:17:62:13:55:3D:B3:FF:0A:00:6B:FB:50:84:97:F3:ED:62:D0:1A
Basic Constraints: CA:true
Key Usage:
	Cert Sign
	CRL Sign
	Size of RSA key should be at least 2048 bits
	Signed with SHA1-RSA, which is an outdated signature algorithm

We print (self-signed) next to the signature if it's self-signed.
However, we still print an issuer, repeating all the information from the subject, which since it's self-signed must be the same.

In non-verbose mode, we don't print anything at all indicating it's self-signed.

I propose we change the Issuer Info: field to say something like:

Issuer Info:

when the certificate is self-signed, in both verbose and non-verbose modes.

No changes to JSON are needed, as it always has a "is_self_signed": true, field, though we could omit the issuer information in that case, but there's no real need to change that.

Show format

Certigo should output what format the tool guessed. It can help when debugging issues with other tools and/or with certigo itself.



it is not work

Automatically try "well known" passwords

Many java trust stores are "protected" with the default password changeit. Password protection often provides little value when the files are protected, perhaps in a secrets management system.

Other passwords I have seen from a github search for "keytool storepass" and we could guess:


Building certigo with Go tip can cause panics with 'certigo connect' in certigo/lib.explainCipher

The illustration and reproduction:

$ certigo connect
panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc, 0xc00035e3e0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /homes/hawklords/cks/go/src/ +0x1e3, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0)
        /homes/hawklords/cks/go/src/ +0x148
        /homes/hawklords/cks/go/src/ +0x667

The problem is that explainCipher() has a hard-coded list of ciphers and it assumes that this list covers all ciphers that Go's TLS code can ever use. In Go tip, the list of supported TLS ciphers has expanded (to include TLS 1.3 ciphers, such as TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, which is what I believe is being negociated here), but the cipher is not in the list and so explainCipher winds up trying to slice up a null string and creating a bad index.

One fix would be to add the new Go supported ciphers to the list. This is a bit tricky, since their tls. values are not defined in current released Go versions, so they would have to be added by explicit hex value with comments. Another would be to make explainCipher cope (somehow) with ciphers not in the cipherSuites map.

(I believe that there is probably a similar issue with the tlsVersions map, which currently doesn't include TLS 1.3.)

The build issue might be dealt with by pulling both tlsVersions and cipherSuites out into multiple separate files, each built only on Go versions with the necessary constants defined.

(It is a real pity that crypto/tls does not export any name mapping information in its public API, because it sticks programs and code like this with a tough job and a tough set of tradeoffs. But I assume that the Go authors have their reasons.)

SNI and redirects

Is there a way to verify a cert chain if the site is sitting behind some sort of LB that is using SNI or is doing a redirect?

Two examples, and

certigo connect

** TLS Connection **
Version: TLS 1.2
Cipher Suite: ECDHE_RSA key exchange, AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher

Valid: 2017-10-08 21:20 UTC to 2018-01-06 21:20 UTC
Issuer: CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
DNS Names:

Valid: 2016-03-17 16:40 UTC to 2021-03-17 16:40 UTC
Subject: CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Issuer: CN=DST Root CA X3

Failed to verify certificate chain:
	x509: certificate is valid for, not
certigo connect

** TLS Connection **
Version: TLS 1.2
Cipher Suite: ECDHE_RSA key exchange, AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher

Valid: 2015-08-11 18:24 UTC to 2025-08-08 18:24 UTC
	Certificate doesn't have any valid DNS/URI names or IP addresses set

Failed to verify certificate chain:
	x509: certificate is valid for, not

Add an option to verify on connect

One thing I've been using certigo for is to validate that our systems have proper SSL certificates installed (since we're using an internal CA). The "problem" is that certigo connect will show whether there are issues with the certificate, but it exits with a 0 regardless.

For instance:

$ certigo connect --name xxx  
** TLS Connection **
Failed to verify certificate chain:
        x509: certificate is valid for,, not xxx
$ echo $?


$ certigo connect --pem | certigo verify --name xxx
Failed to verify certificate chain:
        x509: certificate is valid for,, not xxx
$ echo $?

It would be useful for connect to have an option like --verify that fails if the certificate is invalid.

Print warning if using small key

We should show a warning if we encounter a certificate that is using a key that's too small (e.g. 1024-bit for RSA keys, or 160-bit for ECC keys).

Warn on incorrect password (p12 files)

./certigo dump < certs/certWithPassword.p12 with an incorrect password simply exits. We should show an error message, similar to when handling jceks files.

Better trust chain output

Today, we dump all built trust chains.

That could be improved in a few ways:

  • Don't print all of them out unless in --verbose
  • Warn about un-needed intermediates (but be careful; they may be needed with other trust stores)
  • Warn about un-needed roots served in trust chains
  • some support for pinning leafs / intermediates

Expose list of supported formats

It seems users currently have to guess (or look at the source code) to figure out the set of valid formats.

We should improve the output of certigo dump --help. We could also list all the valid formats when an invalid one is provided (currently, we only return unknown file type: xyz).

Set up Travis-CI for testing

Once we have unit/integration tests, we should set up for automated testing. Depends on issue #19. Also neat: coveralls for code coverage information.

Support JKS stores

The documentation indicates that certigo supports both JKS and JCEKS keystore files, but it appears to only support JCEKS files:

scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -keypass password -alias selfsigned -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 365 -dname CN=selfsigned
scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ certigo dump keystore.jks -p password
scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ certigo dump keystore.jks -p password -j
scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ keytool -list -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

selfsigned, Mar 15, 2017, PrivateKeyEntry, 
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): F5:38:97:C4:D9:78:7C:0D:A8:12:1A:7E:C8:EE:28:3C:5F:22:5A:CB

By contrast, if I convert the same keystore into a JCEKS file:

scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore keystore.jceks -deststoretype JCEKS -srcstorepass password -deststorepass password
Entry for alias selfsigned successfully imported.
Import command completed:  1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled
scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ certigo dump keystore.jceks -p password
Valid: 2017-03-15 18:29 UTC to 2018-03-15 18:29 UTC
Subject: CN=selfsigned
Issuer: CN=selfsigned

I created the keystore files using the version of keytool provided with Java 1.8u112:

scapeless:jkstest elyscape$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_112"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.112-b16, mixed mode)

If you want to test with the keystore files I generated here, I've attached them in this zip file.

Feature request: An option for terser output from at least 'certigo connect'

certigo connect is awesome for providing detailed information about the TLS certificate and certificate chain actively being used by a service. But sometimes displaying all that information is overkill, and what I really want to know is basic information about the certificate, the certificate chain, and the validity of the whole chain. So, this is a feature request for some sort of 'terse' flag for at least certigo connect that would produce terser output. If this is a feature that would be accepted for certigo, I'd be happy to see if I can do at least a preliminary implementation.

What should be included in terse output is certainly an open question. What I think I would find most useful is:

  • TLS version and cipher suite
  • the DNS names covered between the certificate's CN and alternate DNS names
  • the certificate's not before and not after dates
  • the shortest valid certificate chain (possibly with not-after dates for each chained certificate)

A more feature-rich 'terse output' implementation might provide additional options to control some of these, but that might be best done in separate enhancements.

Add lint command

Instead of showing warnings on dump, we should add a "lint" command that checks for things like in #13, #14, #15, etc.

Better output for multiple certificates

Right now, the output is a bit confusing if a file contains multiple certificates.

For example:

$ ./certigo dump --format PEM certs/cert.pem
Not Before: 2016-05-27 21:15:31 +0000 UTC
Not After : 2017-10-09 21:15:31 +0000 UTC
Signature algorithm: SHA1-RSA
Subject Info:
    CommonName: ApertureScience
    Organization: [Aperture Science]
    OrganizationalUnit: [Research and Development]
    Country: [US]
    Locality: [San Francisco]
Issuer Info:
    CommonName: ApertureScience
    Organization: [Aperture Science]
    OrganizationalUnit: [Research and Development]
    Country: [US]
    Locality: [San Francisco]
Subject Key ID  :
Authority Key ID:
Alternate DNS Names: []
Serial Number: 11578389349061131131
Not Before: 2016-05-27 21:15:31 +0000 UTC
Not After : 2017-10-09 21:15:31 +0000 UTC
Signature algorithm: SHA1-RSA
Subject Info:
    CommonName: ApertureScience
    Organization: [Aperture Science]
    OrganizationalUnit: [Research and Development]
    Country: [US]
    Locality: [San Francisco]
Issuer Info:
    CommonName: ApertureScience
    Organization: [Aperture Science]
    OrganizationalUnit: [Research and Development]
    Country: [US]
    Locality: [San Francisco]
Subject Key ID  :
Authority Key ID:
Alternate DNS Names: []
Serial Number: 11578389349061131131

It's not clear at first sight that those are two certificates in one file.

Hide empty fields in output

Hide empty fields in dump output, e.g. empty subject fields or missing key idents:

Subject Info:
    CommonName: *
    Organization: [Google Inc]
    OrganizationalUnit: []
    Country: [US]
    Locality: [Mountain View]

Organizational unit doesn't need to be in the output if it's empty.

Subject Key ID  :
Authority Key ID:

If key idents are missing we can elide the output.

Ship well-known CA bundles in Certigo

It can be useful to diagnose connectivity problems.

We could then alert if trust status is different in various bundles.

EG: a warning like not trusted in Windows XP, Centos 6; trusted by Windows 10, Centos 7, Apple

Attempting to verify a CSR causes panic: runtime error: index out of range

% certigo verify --name=REDACTED -f pem server2019.csr 
panic: runtime error: index out of range

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7ffc75d487a2, 0x18, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
        /home/meta/go/src/ +0x8e3
        /home/meta/go/src/ +0x1033

Better output for certs with a lot of subject alt names

Improve output for certs with a lot of subject alt names.

For example, this is what's current cert shows (note the many SANs):

$ ./certigo dump certs/
Enable Date: 2016-05-25 15:03:23 +0000 UTC
Expiry Date: 2016-08-17 14:42:00 +0000 UTC
Algorithm Type: SHA256-RSA
Subject Info:
    CommonName: *
    Organization: [Google Inc]
    OrganizationalUnit: []
    Country: [US]
    Locality: [Mountain View]
Issuer Info:
    CommonName: Google Internet Authority G2
    Organization: [Google Inc]
    OrganizationalUnit: []
    Country: [US]
    Locality: []
Subject Key ID  : 7C:D4:C5:48:38:F5:22:2C:4B:20:AA:B1:BD:A1:08:CA:B6:4B:6E:3C
Authority Key ID: 4A:DD:06:16:1B:BC:F6:68:B5:76:F5:81:B6:BB:62:1A:BA:5A:81:2F
Alternate DNS Names: [* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *]
Serial Number: 9101476628582717928

Panic in certigo/lib.explainCipher

❯❯❯ certigo connect <redacted>
panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc, 0xc00002a960, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/private/tmp/certigo-20200106-25422-1jnrsi9/certigo-1.11.0/lib/tls.go:182 +0x1e3, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0)
	/private/tmp/certigo-20200106-25422-1jnrsi9/certigo-1.11.0/lib/tls.go:62 +0x148
	/private/tmp/certigo-20200106-25422-1jnrsi9/certigo-1.11.0/main.go:162 +0x667

This happened on a new AWS Classic LB, haven't been able to consistently reproduce.

More STARTTLS Protocols

Here's a list of STARTTLS type protocols I've found:

Many of these are simple text protocols, and we can probably get away with a very simple client that talks just enough to get to the STARTTLS.

Print warning if cert is using outdated X.509 version

Certificates should be in X.509 version 3 format. We should print a warning if we encounter a certificate that is in an old format (X.509 versions 1 or 2). Note that the "version" tag in the certificate is zero-indexed, i.e. 0/1/2.

Support BER input

Go can't process BER input, only DER. Would be nice to have a preprocessing step that canonicalizes any BER into DER.

Enhancement: support SMTP STARTTLS with an EHLO name other than 'localhost'

The Go net/smtp package that certigo's starttls.GetConnectionState uses defaults to EHLO'ing with the name localhost. Unfortunately not all SMTP servers accept this EHLO name; since it's frequently abused by bad clients, it's also frequently rejected, which hampers using certigo connect -t smtp ... to obtain TLS certificate information from various SMTP servers.

The official way to supply a non-localhost name is to explicitly call smtp.Hello() immediately after connecting (before you do anything else). Probably the simplest approach here is to add an extra command line argument to specify the EHLO name to use, since this avoids the morass of trying to automatically determine a plausible host name for the connection.

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