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nginfinitescroll's Issues

How to use ngInfiniteScroll and $resources


I'm trying to use $resource to retrieve my data instead of the $http in the exemple.
And i can't get it to work properly.
Maybe this has to do with that fact: "It is important to realize that invoking a $resource object method immediately returns an empty reference (object or array depending on isArray). Once the data is returned from the server the existing reference is populated with the actual data."

Found the same question on stackoverflow :

Thanks for your help.

Infinite scroll is not working on FX and IE


we had a situation that infinite scroll is not working only on FX and IE, I checked the source code it is because shouldScroll is always false, cannot be true even scrolling to the bottom, is it because jquery height function is getting different values on different browsers ? Does anyone see similar issue before ?


Issue with ngAnimation

With animation on ng-view does not start the request for retrieving data and it does not show anything.

is there a way to detect when the repeated items have finished loading?

between the ng-repeat div tags,

I am supposed to have div.cover_container.fetched elements.

I want to attach event handlers on them, but I cannot do so because sometimes they are not finished loading.

Even though I place the code inside the success part:

$http.get(url).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
      var items = data.stories;
      this.maxLimit = data.paging.count;
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        if (this.items.length < this.maxLimit) {

the activateGear is the function that will attach the event handler on the repeated elements.


I got what I wanted by using setInterval. Not the best ideal way. I am hoping for a better solution.

  MyWorks.prototype.nextPage = function() {
    if (this.busy) return;
    this.busy = true;
    var url = "/my_works?page=" + + "&top=" + this.perPage + "&callback=JSON_CALLBACK";
    $http.defaults.headers.get = { 'Accept' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' };
    $http.get(url).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
      var items = data.stories;
      this.maxLimit = data.paging.count;
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        if (this.items.length < this.maxLimit) {
      } = parseInt(this.items.length / this.perPage) + 1;

     // this is the crucial setInterval part
      var currentMyWorks = this;
      var theIntervalId = setInterval(function() {
        if (currentMyWorks.busy == false) {
      }, 300);
      this.busy = false;

is it possible that the infinite-scroll-distance can be the decimal ?


I tried to create like a buffer as close to the bottom of browser as possible but I cannot. I check In line 15 it makes the infinite-scroll-distance as a integer even if i put like 0.05. I was wondering why is that to make it as a integer ? I try to make $window.height() * scrollDistance as small as possible but set scrollDistance to be an integer make it little bit hard.


scrolling event handler never get triggered if the DOM structure is too deep


I ran into an issue that the entire infinite scroll is not working, and I figured out the reason which is the scroll event handler never get executed. Because my content DOM is deep inside of the entire DOM structure, and scroll event is not bubbling up, thus the event handler never get triggered, Since the event handler is registered on $window object.

I suggest a solution which is created another attribute to specify the scrolling target used ID on the directive, and if it is defined registered the scroll event handler on that, if not use the $window.

Any suggestions ?

ngInfiniteScroll fires Multiple calls

When fetching data from an external resource I will sometime see multiple calls being fired by ngInfiniteScroll.

This usually happens when there's a small delay before the data is retrieved and the user continues to scroll down.

A simple work around is to create a timeout that ensures at least 300ms (in my case) passes between calls.

Though a better solution would be to wait for the promise of the data to be resolved. I'm just not sure how to pass that data back into the service.

I can post my timeout fix but it's really straightforward.

Make it scroll Upwards as well

I want to create a little chat window that initially shows the latest messages, but when scrolling upwards should show the previous ones as well.


Events are not triggered when within iFrame (Facebook App).


Hi in the bower install I get this warning

deprecated component.json

Data loaded twice when use ngInfiniteScroll and directives together

Hi, I met a problem when using ngInfiniteScroll and directives at the same time. It will load twice of the data when scroll to the bottom. I don't know what to search for the solution. Could you help?


<div ng-app='myApp' ng-controller='DemoController'>
  <test infinite-scroll='reddit.nextPage()' infinite-scroll-disabled='reddit.busy' infinite-scroll-distance='1'>
    <div ng-repeat='item in reddit.items'>
      <span class='score'>{{item.score}}</span>
      <span class='title'>
        <a ng-href='{{item.url}}' target='_blank'>{{item.title}}</a>
      <small>by {{}} -
        <a ng-href='{{item.permalink}}' target='_blank'>{{item.num_comments}} comments</a>
      <div style='clear: both;'></div>
    <div ng-show='reddit.busy'>Loading data...</div>
.directive('test', function() {
  return {
    template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
    transclude: true

$window.height() should be window.innerHeight?

In Chrome 34.0.1847.116 beta, $(window).height() is returning the height of the window outside of the viewing area, instead of the inner height. This means scrolling /always/ triggers loading of more elements. Replacing with window.innerHeight fixes things.

immediate-check required more that once

infinite-scroll-immediate-check populates data, but if it doesn't populate enough, it will not work.

i.e. it would take two loads to produce enough data to fill the windows.

If after an immediate-check, it did another to verify there is enough data, this would be great.

Can infinite scroll work to the top of the page as well?

The project logo indicates it does :), but I cannot find any reference or hooks that allow me to.

I want to implement (near) infinite scroll to the bottom and the top. At some point the stream would be exhausted. But how to implement this? Can ngInfiniteScroll even help me with that?

Div's scroller

Is it possible to bind infiniteScrollComponent to div's scroll instead of window scroll by changing configuration?

Trim out-of-vew records for better performance on large record sets

First, thanks for an awesome resource, love it! I got it up and running in no time :) Second, have you given any thought to trimming hidden records (outside the scroll area) for better performance? This pattern is popular for mobile performance and given the overhead of Angular data binding I wonder if it might be the best approach? Paul @ StackFull has a couple great blog posts on the topic where he's given a lot of thought to this, however he doesn't go so far as to produce a production ready solution (tables don't render correctly for example). I'd attempt to merge your work and his for a complete solution, but I'm afraid I don't quite have the chops to handle it all, however I'd be more than happy to contribute anywhere I can. Anyway, is this approach is on your radar?


loads json but theres no output

I've tried this plugin but I don't get it work...
Here's my service:

app.factory('galleryService', function($http) {
    var gallery= function() {
        this.items = [];
        this.busy = false;
        this.after = '';

    gallery.prototype.loadMore = function() {
    if (this.busy) return;
    this.busy = true;

    var url = "http://localhost/apps/test/images/getList" + this.after;
    $http.jsonp(url).success(function(data) {
      var items =;
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      this.after = "t3_" + this.items[this.items.length - 1].id;
      this.busy = false;

    return gallery;

If I look in firebug, I see an ajax request with a json return, but I doens't see it in my app.
gallery.items = is always empty.

how to add event listeners to the elements created by infinite-scroll? Got blogpost or documentation on this?

I'm most familiar with jQuery and very little on angularJs.

Basically I have div elements that contain data fetched by the infinite scroll.

I want to attach event listeners to these div elements.

Currently the way I am doing it is to use jQuery.

I made sure that the elements contain at least a fetched class in the html.

Everytime there is a successful $http.get, I will run a function that will execute


and at the end of that event handler, I will remove the fetched class.

Is there a better way to do this without jQuery?

ngInfiniteScroll not working

I followed the steps given in .
But the scroll event is not fired ,so I am able to see a fixed no. of items only.

div infinite-scroll="LoadMoreItems()" infinite-scroll-disabled="false"


$scope.count = 2;
$scope.lastCount = 0;
function LoadMoreItems() {
    angular.extend($scope.items, $scope.allItems.slice($scope.lastCount, $scope.lastCount + $scope.count));
    $scope.lastCount += $scope.count;

I also invoked LoadMoreItems() at the time when I loaded $scope.allItems in pageload.

No error is also coming.

Is there anything which I am missing here?

Scrolling inside absolute-positioning divs

Suggestion for improvement:

In order to support scrolling nicely in tables with headers, it would be helpful if an element different from $window could be specified as the scroller target.

In this example, the scrolling table resides inside a div that has an absolute position and auto overflow; unfortunately, infinite scrolling does not work as expected:

Issue on Panels

Hi All,
ngInfiniteScroll works on Entire page but I have multiple bootstrap panels in my page, how would I use this plugin for each and every panel in page.

Version 1.0.1 introduces breaking changes

I noticed that version 1.0.1 is now using isolated scopes, which collide with other directives that are using isolated scopes as well.

I think 1.0.1 should be 1.1 as per semver specifications, shouldn't it?

state.isDone is not updated when there is no more data

It is only set to true on error, or if defaulted to true in the options.

This means every time the user scrolls at the end of the list the loading image comes up and a request is made, even if there is no more data.

Add support for getting the current item

I have a set of chapters of a book that I'm using this directive to load the next chapters.
I there a chance to add a functionality to set the current viewable chapter? So I can change the URL and the page title accordingly?

handler firing twice when scrolling


Not sure if i have something wrong setup here... I have followed your demo code and structured mine in the same way. When i first load my page all is well, though with every click of the mouse wheel i am finding that my infinite-scroll method is being fired, even when i am at the top of the page. I have a distance of 1 set, though have tried changing this.

I put a console.log output inside the handler function to output the value of shouldScroll and in my console window I see it outputs true and then false for each scroll movement.

any idea what may be causing this?


Error… dynamic height?

Hello i'm getting this error:

error: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'n.height()')

when using infinite scroll. I'm using a ul list and repeated items are li elements. May be that the source of this problem is the height of each li item? currently there is not a fixed height for each item, so may be infinite scroll has some problems with this…

Question re: Reddit demo

Thanks for the very useful lib!

I'm attempting to adapt the Reddit remote data-loading demo for my application, and I'm having difficultly understanding the part of the nextPage code that is triggered by the scrolling. Specifically, in the last line:

  Reddit.prototype.nextPage = function() {
    if (this.busy) return;
    this.busy = true;

    var url = "" + this.after + "&jsonp=JSON_CALLBACK";
    $http.jsonp(url).success(function(data) {
      var items =;
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      this.after = "t3_" + this.items[this.items.length - 1].id;
      this.busy = false;
    }.bind(this)); // <-- Why is this necessary?

What does the '.bind(this));' accomplish and why is it necessary? I'm not able to decipher this from the source code.

(Also, is this a reasonable place to ask this, or should I kick over to a stackoverflow or the google group?)

Thanks again!

To add in FAQ?

I would like to share my experience using the plugin.

I got a lot of calls calling my pagination while scrolling anywhere in the window.

I had this :

<div style="height: 100%" infinite-scroll="pagerFunction()">
   <div ng-repeat="elem in elems">

but it was calling a lot of pagerFunction(). Similar behaviour to current FAQ Why is ngInfiniteScroll triggering my expression on every single scroll event?.

InfiniteScroll seems to use the div offset top and height. As I use height: 100% I had to wrap in an additional div like this :

<div style="height: 100%">
   <div infinite-scroll="pagerFunction()">
      <div ng-repeat="elem in elems">

Maybe this can help others if put in FAQ.

Remove jQuery Dependency

I've been reading through the code and it seems like the dependency for jQuery is based on the use of the following methods...

  • on()
  • off()
  • height()
  • scrollTop()

From my understanding, all of these methods have suitable replacements either in vanilla javascript or angularjs's jqLite. Here is a list of the replacements...

  • bind() - on()
  • unbind() - off()
  • window.innerHeight - height()
  • window.pageYOffset - scrollTop()

Do you see any reason for not replacing these jQuery dependencies with the alternatives presented?

It doesn't work unless I use window and elemen with jQuery.

Hello everyone, I started trying to use this directive as it comes from the repo, but it wasn't working it was complaining about lines like these one

$window.on 'scroll', handler

( and repectively)

I was saying that [object object] doesn't have the method 'on' (for $window) and same for elem (it was complaining about the 'offset').

I had to modify this variables to make it work:

$window = $(window) #before it was $window = angular.element($window)
$elem = $(elem) #now I call $element instead of just element

Do I have to configure something else out of ng-infinite-scroll to make it work without making those modifications?

Adopt a prefix

I'm sorry, but I found it hilarious mentality that in order to avoid conflicts with the frameworks namespace you chose not to use a namespace whatsoever. That's an anti-pattern.

Just adopt is- or something.

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