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binance-api-node's Introduction

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A complete API wrapper for the Binance API.

Note: This wrapper uses Promises, if they are not supported in your environment, you might want to add a polyfill for them.

For PRs or issues, head over to the source repository.


yarn add binance-api-node

Getting started

Import the module and create a new client. Passing api keys is optional only if you don't plan on doing authenticated calls. You can create an api key here.

import Binance from 'binance-api-node'

const client = Binance()

// Authenticated client, can make signed calls
const client2 = Binance({
  apiKey: 'xxx',
  apiSecret: 'xxx',
  getTime: xxx // time generator function, optional, defaults to () =>

client.time().then(time => console.log(time))

If you do not have an appropriate babel config, you will need to use the basic commonjs requires.

const Binance = require('binance-api-node').default

Every REST method returns a Promise, making this library async await ready. Following examples will use the await form, which requires some configuration you will have to lookup.

Table of Contents

Public REST Endpoints


Test connectivity to the API.



Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.

console.log(await client.time())


Get the current exchange trading rules and symbol information.

console.log(await client.exchangeInfo())
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "serverTime": 1508631584636,
  "rateLimits": [
      "rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
      "interval": "MINUTE",
      "intervalNum": 1,
      "limit": 1200
      "rateLimitType": "ORDERS",
      "interval": "SECOND",
      "intervalNum": 1,
      "limit": 10
      "rateLimitType": "ORDERS",
      "interval": "DAY",
      "intervalNum": 1,
      "limit": 100000
  "exchangeFilters": [],
  "symbols": [{
    "symbol": "ETHBTC",
    "status": "TRADING",
    "baseAsset": "ETH",
    "baseAssetPrecision": 8,
    "quoteAsset": "BTC",
    "quotePrecision": 8,
    "orderTypes": ["LIMIT", "MARKET"],
    "icebergAllowed": false,
    "filters": [{
      "filterType": "PRICE_FILTER",
      "minPrice": "0.00000100",
      "maxPrice": "100000.00000000",
      "tickSize": "0.00000100"
    }, {
      "filterType": "LOT_SIZE",
      "minQty": "0.00100000",
      "maxQty": "100000.00000000",
      "stepSize": "0.00100000"
    }, {
      "filterType": "MIN_NOTIONAL",
      "minNotional": "0.00100000"


Get the order book for a symbol.

console.log(await{ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required Default
symbol String true
limit Number false 100
  lastUpdateId: 17647759,
     { price: '0.05411500', quantity: '5.55000000' },
     { price: '0.05416700', quantity: '11.80100000' }
     { price: '0.05395500', quantity: '2.70000000' },
     { price: '0.05395100', quantity: '11.84100000' }


Retrieves Candlestick for a symbol. Candlesticks are uniquely identified by their open time.

console.log(await client.candles({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
interval String false 5m 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h,
4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 1w, 1M
limit Number false 500 Max 1000
startTime Number false
endTime Number false
  openTime: 1508328900000,
  open: '0.05655000',
  high: '0.05656500',
  low: '0.05613200',
  close: '0.05632400',
  volume: '68.88800000',
  closeTime: 1508329199999,
  quoteAssetVolume: '2.29500857',
  trades: 85,
  baseAssetVolume: '40.61900000'


Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.

console.log(await client.aggTrades({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
fromId String false ID to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE.
startTime Number false Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE.
endTime Number false Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades until INCLUSIVE.
limit Number false 500 Max 500

Note: If both startTime and endTime are sent, limit should not be sent AND the distance between startTime and endTime must be less than 24 hours.

Note: If frondId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned.

  aggId: 2107132,
  price: '0.05390400',
  quantity: '1.31000000',
  firstId: 2215345,
  lastId: 2215345,
  timestamp: 1508478599481,
  isBuyerMaker: true,
  wasBestPrice: true


Get recent trades of a symbol.

console.log(await client.trades({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
limit Number false 500 Max 500
    "id": 28457,
    "price": "4.00000100",
    "qty": "12.00000000",
    "time": 1499865549590,
    "isBuyerMaker": true,
    "isBestMatch": true


24 hour price change statistics, not providing a symbol will return all tickers and is resource-expensive.

console.log(await client.dailyStats({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required
symbol String false
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  priceChange: '-0.00112000',
  priceChangePercent: '-1.751',
  weightedAvgPrice: '0.06324784',
  prevClosePrice: '0.06397400',
  lastPrice: '0.06285500',
  lastQty: '0.63500000',
  bidPrice: '0.06285500',
  bidQty: '0.81900000',
  askPrice: '0.06291900',
  askQty: '2.93800000',
  openPrice: '0.06397500',
  highPrice: '0.06419100',
  lowPrice: '0.06205300',
  volume: '126240.37200000',
  quoteVolume: '7984.43091340',
  openTime: 1521622289427,
  closeTime: 1521708689427,
  firstId: 45409308, // First tradeId
  lastId: 45724293, // Last tradeId
  count: 314986 // Trade count


Current average price for a symbol.

console.log(await client.avgPrice({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required
symbol String true
  "mins": 5,
  "price": "9.35751834"


Latest price for all symbols.

console.log(await client.prices())
  ETHBTC: '0.05392500',
  LTCBTC: '0.01041100',


Best price/qty on the order book for all symbols.

console.log(await client.allBookTickers())
    symbol: 'DASHBTC',
    bidPrice: '0.04890400',
    bidQty: '0.74100000',
    askPrice: '0.05230000',
    askQty: '0.79900000'
    symbol: 'DASHETH',
    bidPrice: '0.89582000',
    bidQty: '0.63300000',
    askPrice: '1.02328000',
    askQty: '0.99900000'

Authenticated REST Endpoints

Note that for all authenticated endpoints, you can pass an extra parameter useServerTime set to true in order to fetch the server time before making the request.


Creates a new order.

console.log(await client.order({
  symbol: 'XLMETH',
  side: 'BUY',
  quantity: 100,
  price: 0.0002,
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
side String true BUY,SELL
type String false LIMIT LIMIT, MARKET
quantity Number true
price Number true Optional for MARKET orders
timeInForce String false GTC FOK, GTC, IOC
newClientOrderId String false A unique id for the order. Automatically generated if not sent.
stopPrice Number false Used with stop orders
newOrderRespType String false RESULT Returns more complete info of the order. ACK, RESULT, or FULL
icebergQty Number false Used with iceberg orders
recvWindow Number false

Additional mandatory parameters based on type:

Type Additional mandatory parameters
LIMIT timeInForce, quantity, price
MARKET quantity
STOP_LOSS quantity, stopPrice
STOP_LOSS_LIMIT timeInForce, quantity, price, stopPrice
TAKE_PROFIT quantity, stopPrice
TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT timeInForce, quantity, price, stopPrice
LIMIT_MAKER quantity, price
  • LIMIT_MAKER are LIMIT orders that will be rejected if they would immediately match and trade as a taker.
  • STOP_LOSS and TAKE_PROFIT will execute a MARKET order when the stopPrice is reached.
  • Any LIMIT or LIMIT_MAKER type order can be made an iceberg order by sending an icebergQty.
  • Any order with an icebergQty MUST have timeInForce set to GTC.
  symbol: 'XLMETH',
  orderId: 1740797,
  clientOrderId: '1XZTVBTGS4K1e',
  transactTime: 1514418413947,
  price: '0.00020000',
  origQty: '100.00000000',
  executedQty: '0.00000000',
  status: 'NEW',
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  type: 'LIMIT',
  side: 'BUY'


Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow. Creates and validates a new order but does not send it into the matching engine.

Same API as above, but does not return any output on success.


Check an order's status.

console.log(await client.getOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBETH',
  orderId: 50167927,
Param Type Required Description
symbol String true
orderId Number true Not required if origClientOrderId is used
origClientOrderId String false
recvWindow Number false
  clientOrderId: 'NkQnNkdBV1RGjUALLhAzNy',
  cummulativeQuoteQty: '0.16961580',
  executedQty: '3.91000000',
  icebergQty: '0.00000000',
  isWorking: true,
  orderId: 50167927,
  origQty: '3.91000000',
  price: '0.04338000',
  side: 'SELL',
  status: 'FILLED',
  stopPrice: '0.00000000',
  symbol: 'BNBETH',
  time: 1547075007821,
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  type: 'LIMIT',
  updateTime: 1547075016737


Cancels an active order.

console.log(await client.cancelOrder({
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  orderId: 1,
Param Type Required Description
symbol String true
orderId Number true Not required if origClientOrderId is used
origClientOrderId String false
newClientOrderId String false Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Automatically generated by default.
recvWindow Number false
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  origClientOrderId: 'bnAoRHgI18gRD80FJmsfNP',
  orderId: 1,
  clientOrderId: 'RViSsQPTp1v3WmLYpeKT11'


Get all open orders on a symbol.

console.log(await client.openOrders({
  symbol: 'XLMBTC',
Param Type Required
symbol String true
recvWindow Number false
  symbol: 'XLMBTC',
  orderId: 11271740,
  clientOrderId: 'ekHkROfW98gBN80LTfufQZ',
  price: '0.00001081',
  origQty: '1331.00000000',
  executedQty: '0.00000000',
  status: 'NEW',
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  type: 'LIMIT',
  side: 'BUY',
  stopPrice: '0.00000000',
  icebergQty: '0.00000000',
  time: 1522682290485,
  isWorking: true


Get all account orders on a symbol; active, canceled, or filled.

console.log(await client.allOrders({
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
orderId Number false If set, it will get orders >= that orderId. Otherwise most recent orders are returned.
limit Number false 500 Max 500
recvWindow Number false
  symbol: 'ENGETH',
  orderId: 191938,
  clientOrderId: '1XZTVBTGS4K1e',
  price: '0.00138000',
  origQty: '1.00000000',
  executedQty: '1.00000000',
  status: 'FILLED',
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  type: 'LIMIT',
  side: 'SELL',
  stopPrice: '0.00000000',
  icebergQty: '0.00000000',
  time: 1508611114735,
  isWorking: true


Get current account information.

console.log(await client.accountInfo())
Param Type Required
recvWindow Number false
  makerCommission: 10,
  takerCommission: 10,
  buyerCommission: 0,
  sellerCommission: 0,
  canTrade: true,
  canWithdraw: true,
  canDeposit: true,
  balances: [
    { asset: 'BTC', free: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
    { asset: 'LTC', free: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },


Get trades for the current authenticated account and symbol.

console.log(await client.myTrades({
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
limit Number false 500 Max 500
fromId Number false TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades.
recvWindow Number false
  id: 9960,
  orderId: 191939,
  price: '0.00138000',
  qty: '10.00000000',
  commission: '0.00001380',
  commissionAsset: 'ETH',
  time: 1508611114735,
  isBuyer: false,
  isMaker: false,
  isBestMatch: true


Lookup symbol trades history.

console.log(await client.tradesHistory({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param Type Required Default Description
symbol String true
limit Number false 500 Max 500
fromId Number false null TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades.
    "id": 28457,
      "price": "4.00000100",
      "qty": "12.00000000",
      "time": 1499865549590,
      "isBuyerMaker": true,
      "isBestMatch": true


Get the account deposit history.

console.log(await client.depositHistory())
Param Type Required Description
asset String false
status Number false 0 (0: pending, 1: success)
startTime Number false
endTime Number false
recvWindow Number false
  "depositList": [
      "insertTime": 1508198532000,
      "amount": 0.04670582,
      "asset": "ETH",
      "status": 1
  "success": true


Get the account withdraw history.

console.log(await client.withdrawHistory())
Param Type Required Description
asset String false
status Number false 0 (0: Email Sent, 1: Cancelled 2: Awaiting Approval, 3: Rejected, 4: Processing, 5: Failure, 6: Completed)
startTime Number false
endTime Number false
recvWindow Number false
  "withdrawList": [
      "amount": 1,
      "address": "0x6915f16f8791d0a1cc2bf47c13a6b2a92000504b",
      "asset": "ETH",
      "applyTime": 1508198532000
      "status": 4
  "success": true


Triggers the withdraw process (untested for now).

console.log(await client.withdraw({
  asset: 'ETH',
  address: '0xfa97c22a03d8522988c709c24283c0918a59c795',
  amount: 100,
Param Type Required Description
asset String true
address String true
amount Number true
name String false Description of the address
recvWindow Number false
  "msg": "success",
  "success": true


Retrieve the account deposit address for a specific asset.

console.log(await client.depositAddress({ asset: 'NEO' }))
Param Type Required Description
asset String true The asset name
  address: 'AM6ytPW78KYxQCmU2pHYGcee7GypZ7Yhhc',
  addressTag: '',
  asset: 'NEO',
  success: true,


Retrieve the account trade Fee per asset.

console.log(await client.tradeFee())
  symbol: 'BTC',
  maker: 0.0001,
  taker: 0.0001,
  symbol: 'LTC',
  maker: 0.0001,
  taker: 0.0001,


Every websocket utility returns a function you can call to close the opened connection and avoid memory issues.

const clean ='ETHBTC', depth => {

// After you're done


Live depth market data feed. The first parameter can either be a single symbol string or an array of symbols.'ETHBTC', depth => {
  eventType: 'depthUpdate',
  eventTime: 1508612956950,
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  firstUpdateId: 18331140,
  finalUpdateId: 18331145,
  bidDepth: [
    { price: '0.04896500', quantity: '0.00000000' },
    { price: '0.04891100', quantity: '15.00000000' },
    { price: '0.04891000', quantity: '0.00000000' } ],
  askDepth: [
    { price: '0.04910600', quantity: '0.00000000' },
    { price: '0.04910700', quantity: '11.24900000' }


Top levels bids and asks, pushed every second. Valid levels are 5, 10, or 20. Accepts an array of objects for multiple depths.{ symbol: 'ETHBTC', level: 10 }, depth => {
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  level: 10,
  bids: [
    { price: '0.04896500', quantity: '0.00000000' },
    { price: '0.04891100', quantity: '15.00000000' },
    { price: '0.04891000', quantity: '0.00000000' }
  asks: [
    { price: '0.04910600', quantity: '0.00000000' },
    { price: '0.04910700', quantity: '11.24900000' }


24hr Ticker statistics for a symbol pushed every second. Accepts an array of symbols.'HSRETH', ticker => {
  eventType: '24hrTicker',
  eventTime: 1514670820924,
  symbol: 'HSRETH',
  priceChange: '-0.00409700',
  priceChangePercent: '-11.307',
  weightedAvg: '0.03394946',
  prevDayClose: '0.03623500',
  curDayClose: '0.03213800',
  closeTradeQuantity: '7.02000000',
  bestBid: '0.03204200',
  bestBidQnt: '78.00000000',
  bestAsk: '0.03239800',
  bestAskQnt: '7.00000000',
  open: '0.03623500',
  high: '0.03659900',
  low: '0.03126000',
  volume: '100605.15000000',
  volumeQuote: '3415.49097353',
  openTime: 1514584420922,
  closeTime: 1514670820922,
  firstTradeId: 344803,
  lastTradeId: 351380,
  totalTrades: 6578


Retrieves all the tickers. => {


Live candle data feed for a given interval. You can pass either a symbol string or a symbol array.'ETHBTC', '1m', candle => {
  eventType: 'kline',
  eventTime: 1508613366276,
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  open: '0.04898000',
  high: '0.04902700',
  low: '0.04898000',
  close: '0.04901900',
  volume: '37.89600000',
  trades: 30,
  interval: '5m',
  isFinal: false,
  quoteVolume: '1.85728874',
  buyVolume: '21.79900000',
  quoteBuyVolume: '1.06838790'


Live trade data feed. Pass either a single symbol string or an array of symbols. The trade streams push raw trade information; each trade has a unique buyer and seller.['ETHBTC', 'BNBBTC'], trade => {
  eventType: 'trade',
  eventTime: 1508614495052,
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  price: '0.04923600',
  quantity: '3.43500000',
  maker: false,
  tradeId: 2148226


Live trade data feed. Pass either a single symbol string or an array of symbols. The aggregate trade streams push trade information that is aggregated for a single taker order.['ETHBTC', 'BNBBTC'], trade => {
  eventType: 'aggTrade',
  eventTime: 1508614495052,
  symbol: 'ETHBTC',
  price: '0.04923600',
  quantity: '3.43500000',
  maker: false,
  tradeId: 2148226


Live user messages data feed.

Requires authentication

const clean = await => {

Note that this method returns a promise which will resolve the clean callback.

  eventType: 'account',
  eventTime: 1508614885818,
  balances: {
    '123': { available: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
    '456': { available: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
    BTC: { available: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },


An utility error code map is also being exported by the package in order for you to make readable conditionals upon specific errors that could occur while using the API.

import Binance, { ErrorCodes } from 'binance-api-node'

console.log(ErrorCodes.INVALID_ORDER_TYPE) // -1116

binance-api-node's People

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