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statiq.framework's Issues

Built-in support for Index metadata

Index metadata should be treated specially.

  • If one or more documents in a module result set have an Index value, the engine should sort all result documents based on their Index values
  • The OrderDocuments module and all other modules that produce ordered results should simply clone and set the Index value and let the engine do the actual ordering
    • This will ensure the set keeps the ordering after other modules, including third-party ones
  • The AsOrdered call being used in base modules for parallel operations can be removed since the documents will get ordered by the engine so preserving order during parallel operations isn’t important

GroupBy is confusing

The GroupBy module is confusing because it groups the result of child modules and not the input documents. This does make some sense because the input documents are used as the basis for each group, but it's different enough from how LINQ GroupBy() works that it causes confusion.

Some ideas:

  • If no child modules are specified, group the input documents with an empty initial document for each group
  • "Flip" the logic so that the input documents are always grouped and the child modules produce the initial group document (or empty if none is specified)
  • Add a configuration method to specify that input documents should be grouped

Not quite sure what the best approach is here. Some are breaking changes, but I'm okay with that if it makes the module substantially easier to use.

Consider native document hierarchy and/or indexes

Consider adding ImmutableArray<IDocument> IDocument.Children. This would allow any document to have a well-defined way of describing children and would be utilized by the following modules:

  • PaginateDocuments
  • GroupDocuments
  • CreateTree

AddDocumentsToMetadata would also need to be rewritten and renamed to something like AddChildren (or SetChildren - would a separate AddChildren be needed in that case? And for that matter, should AddMetadata be renamed to SetMetadata?)

It would also let modules like CombineDocuments treat children a little differently by concatenating them rather than overwriting them as with metadata.

Could also consider adding int IDocument.Index to indicate the document's index within a list. That would be useful to persist ordering after a module clones or other reorders documents. Extensions that rely on the index could be built to do things like get the next document given the current one, even if the input documents are out of order.

Can't use shortcodes while offline

I just tried to run a build and kept getting an error: Shortcodes: One or more errors occurred. (No such host is known) which was claiming to come from a file I haven't touched in a while which contains a youtube shortcode. Eventually I realised that my internet was down and once I got it back up the build worked fine.

So I'm assuming it has to look up what website "YouTube" is referring to or something and I'm wondering if that's something which could be cached, both to allow working offline and just to speed up builds in general.

Support for "templates" in themes

This issue actually belongs to the app, but I'm dropping it here for now since it suggests some framework enhancements. Consider the generation of a blog with tags. Each tag needs to have a page which lists the posts for that tag, or possibly even more than one if the tag pages are paginated.

Right now that's accomplished by making the layout have a known file like _Tag.cshtml and then loading that file, grouping posts by tag, merging the groupings with the archive template for each tag, and calculating a new destination path for each one. Then each tag group is rendered and output using the content from the _Tag.cshtml file.

This works fine but requires a lot of coordination between the theme/layout and the generator. Instead, I'd like the theme to be able to do this entirely on it's own. That would let themes have a lot more control over the pages they generate and would remove the burden from the generator for things like tags, authors, series, etc.

I would like to be able to write a tag.cshtml file in my theme that looks something like:

TemplateDocuments: {PostsPath}/**/*.md
TemplateGroup: tags
TemplateDestination: tags/{GroupKey}.html
<!-- Razor code to iterate the group items for each tag and display as an archive -->

Some thoughts:

  • The TemplateDocuments front matter uses a globbing pattern
    • This will require new functionality to apply a given glob against a single FilePath (or string) to see if the path "matches"
    • Presumably the documents will be filtered from a single known "Pages" pipeline using something like a FilterDocuments module if the Documents front matter is present
    • The globbing pattern uses a simple string substitution that gets values from the global settings metadata - should create generic support for string replacement from an IMetadata
  • The TemplateGroup front matter, if present, indicates the TemplateDocuments should be grouped by the specified metadata value(s) using the GroupDocuments module

Presumably the pipeline that handles this would look something like:

new ExecuteIf(
    // Process each template independently
    new ForEachDocument(
        // Merge the template into the pages or results it's representing
        new MergeDocuments(
            // Merge each potential document the template applies to onto the template
            // This gives us access to "TemplateDocuments" and "TemplateGroups"
            new MergeDocuments("Pages"),
            // Filter to only those documents that match the globbing pattern
            new FilterDocuments(Config.FromDocument(doc =>
            // If we're also grouping the templated documents, go ahead and do that
            new ExecuteIf(
                new GroupDocuments(Config.FromDocument(doc =>
        // Set the destination for each templated result document
        SetDestination(Config.FromDocument(doc =>
// At this point we have the original documents that don't specify TemplateDocuments
// as well as a document for each templated document or group
// with the content of the template

HightLight ShortCode rendering

The highlight shortcode renders my code differently than it would render if I user the markdown syntax.
On the image below, the first piece of code is using the highlight shortcode whereas the second one is using mardown syntax for code.

The main difference is that using markdown the code is rendered inside a pre and a code wrapper whereas in the shorcode only the code element is used. The shortcode allows to specify an element to wrap the highlighted content in so I can specify "pre" instead of "code", but I don't see how I can specify both the the code and pre markers. From what I understood, highlight.js has some css that make the code to be inline with only the code marker and to be in block with both pre and code markers.

Maybe I am missing something, but I think most of the time the content highlighted should be in block rather than inline, so this should be the default behavior.

Cache module

Finally figured out a strategy for per-document caching that I’m happy with:

  • A new Cache module that has child modules.
  • The Cache module looks at IDocument.Source and the hash of all input documents and stores them for the next run. The first time through every input document is a cache miss so it runs them all through the child modules and then saves the output document for each input source.
  • If on the next run the source and hash of a given input document match the previous run, the saved output document for that source is output instead of sending the input document through the modules.
  • Cache should have a option to either run each input cache miss document through the child modules one at a time or all at once (similar to other modules with child modules).
  • Need a way to tell the engine not to dispose the output documents that are being cached for the next run. And need to make sure they get disposed when no longer being stored in the cache. What if two cache modules back to back? Probably need some kind of persistence no-dispose reference counter.
  • Need a way to expand the set of inputs considered for a cache hit to say “if the input document source and hash match the previous run and all these other documents also match...” - that’ll be useful in scenarios like Razor where we can key the cache off the input Razor document but also trigger a miss if any _*.cshtml documents change (which could be captured by another pipeline specifically to guide the cache).
  • Add a method to get a hash for the content to the content provider and then surface that in the document. The hash can/could be itself cached for some types of content providers.
  • Hash should be combined at the document level with the normal .GetHashCode() for each metadata key and value (excluding settings).
  • Need to consider if the child modules use documents from other pipelines how to handle that - maybe specifying other documents to trigger a miss if they change as described above is sufficient.
  • The Cache module should use a metadata value/setting to disable and clear it. This would dovetail nicely with the other issue for manual regeneration, something like a “Press c to regenerate without caching”.
  • Consider splitting Razor into two modules, one for compilation and another for rendering. This would allow the Cache module to aggressively cache Razor compilation since that doesn’t actually rely on other documents and pipelines - it may even be performed during the process phase. Then the Razor assembly for each page would get stored as document content (maybe a new content provider for dynamic assemblies?) and could be used in the render phase without caching (or with caching that looks at all other dependent pipelines).

I think the approach of making caching a module concern rather than try and deal with it more broadly in the engine or pipeline will be more powerful and flexible.

Add a handler that can override output paths

This will make it easier to change the output path for anything without having to redefine pipelines. Basically, whenever WriteFiles goes to output something, allow a global event handler to change the path. I.e., if you wanted to change the tag index for the blog recipe, you could add a handler that checks for the known output path and then resets it to something different.

Possibly related to #192

Possible to create cross-references between pages and posts

I have not found any documentation on this yet, but I'm wondering whether it's possible to cross-reference between pages and / or posts.

In DocFx you can set a uid in the yml header, which can be used with an @<uid> syntax (other syntaxes are also available, but this is a shorthand).

Consider flattening namespaces

As Statiq grows, the namespace hierarchy is getting confusing. I'm even finding myself forgetting certain extensions or objects exist when they're not in scope due to being in a nested namespace. One solution that I theoretically like is flattening the namespace structure to a single namespace per package (only Statiq.Common, Statiq.Core, etc.).

The tradeoff is that namespaces are also used to communicate organizational structure, particularly for documentation. Imagine what the Statiq API docs would look like if everything in Statiq.Common were listed in a single table. Until a feasible way of presenting better organization in documentation without relying on namespaces is found, flattening the namespaces doesn't make sense.

I made a new issue for this general feature as #32 - if it can be implemented then flattening the namespaces becomes a possibility.

New CompileContent/ExecuteContent modules

Add new modules CompileContent and ExecuteContent that executes the content of a document as raw code. Document (the current document) and Context (the execution context) will be provided as global properties. The CompileContent module will pre-compile the content and store the assembly bytes in a content stream while the ExecuteContent module will either execute the precompiled content assembly or perform the compilation if not already done. Precompiling allows for better caching in the prepare vs. transform phases.

The code can return a few different things (similar to the Execute module):

  • IDocument or IEnumerable<IDocument> will result in the module outputting the returned document(s)
  • IModule or IEnumerable<IDocument> will result in the module executing the returned module(s) without an initial input document
  • Any other return will result in the module outputting the input document with the string value of the return object as it's content

This will go in Statiq.CodeAnalysis.

Interpolate metadata from frontmatter in app

This issue actually goes to the Statiq app, but I'm putting it here for now.

The default pipelines should run front matter through interpolation by default using the InterpolateMetadata module (#38). A global or document level metadata bool key (probably named InterpolateMetadata too) should allow control over whether metadata is interpolated either for all documents or for specific documents.

Implement a type hierarchy provider model in Statiq.CodeAnalysis

Offer an option when building docs in Statiq to present classes in their file system folder structure in addition to, or instead of, in their namespaces. That would require the docs to be built either from source or to find some way to gather symbol location data from a pdb for docs built from an assembly (and if neither source or a pdb is available, then location data won't be either and you can't present symbols organized by file system location).

One question is what to do when we don't know the original location even when we have a pdb or source files, I.e. for external references. First thought is they just wouldn't be included in the file system structure view.

This is really a Statiq app issue but putting in Framework for now.

New pipeline(s) CLI argument

By default all pipelines are executed. It should be possible to specify specific pipeline(s) to execute, which will execute only them (and their dependent pipelines once pipeline parrallelism/dependencies are implemented in #189). You should be able to specify one or more pipelines to run.

Pipelines should also be able to specify that they shouldn't be run by default. That will allow special pipelines that only get run when the pipeline CLI argument specifies that they should.

Right-To-Left support

Hi, I was wondering what would it take to add a new module to wyam to support RTL content. The module needs to add dir="rtl" attribute to all elements that start with RTL characters and align="right" to tables, RTL characters are specified by section D of RFC3454. For more information, please take a look at xoofx/markdig#239.

It would also be useful if the module adds a css class to these html elements so that they can be styled (most probably their font characteristics) separately.

I am willing to create a PR, but might need some help and guidance.

Remove ModuleCollection module

It made sense when configurations were scripted out, but now that it's all in code a List<IModule> or IModule[] would work just as well for reusability.

The "If" module should have a simpler way to test meta values

The If module should have a convenience signature that evaluates meta keys

If(string key, object value)

I often find myself testing meta keys in the If module, and I feel like this is common enough to be made simpler. For example:

If("SourceFileBase", "introduction")

// Which is easier and clearer than...

If((doc, ctx) => { return doc["SourceFileBase"] == "introduction"; })

This wouldn't replace anything, just make a common scenario easier.

Any reason why I shouldn't write this and submit it? Should it be another signature on If, or should it be another module (IfMeta) that wraps If?

Refactor PaginateDocuments

Similar to how GroupBy used to work, PaginateDocuments paginates documents as a result of running child modules. Instead it should paginate the input documents similar to the refactoring performed for GroupBy in #8.

Add plumbing for CancellationToken

Now that module execution is async, support for CancellationToken should be added to the module execution method. That's important because right now when one of the parallel modules throws there's no way to stop other modules which results in a loop that's not as tight as it could be. Should also respond to quit requests from the CLI.

Add config methods for metadata

Add Config.FromDocument<T>(string) and Config.FromContext<T>(string) to get config values from metadata. Audit code to see if these can be used anywhere instead of the delegate config methods.

Simpler path case sensitivity handling

File system case sensitivity is tricky. Windows and Linux are different. And on Linux the sensitivity can actually vary from folder to folder depending on if a different file system is mounted in that location. The current LocalDirectory implementation attempts to deal with this on a directory-by-directory basis, but that requires surfacing a IsCaseSensitive property for every directory, is error prone and requires temporary file writes, and can't be cascaded all the way through for things like documents that only store a source path.

A simpler (though maybe not as correct) approach would be to define a single case-sensitivity rule in the engine and leave it at that. Most (like, almost all) sites will end up pulling in files from the same subfolder structure, especially now that alternate file systems have been removed. The engine should attempt to determine the case sensitivity of it's current file system and make that the default for all path comparisons.

Glossary plugin

I'm working on my thesis at the moment and there are a couple of things I'm missing in almost all systems so far. One of them is something to create a glossary.

What I'm thinking of is a yaml or markdown file which contains the terms and their descriptions, and a shortcode that can be used to include the terms into markdown files. Then a page should be generated with all glossary items that are actually used. It would also be useful when a shortcode is used that's not included in the glossary file.

Yaml vs Markdown for the glossary file

Yaml is built to create lists like this. The downside I see here is that it's harder to include other shortcodes or Markdown syntax.
When a Markdown file is used, which brings the advantage of md syntax and shortcodes, it will need to have a simple yet rigid structure.

I think this might be a useful feature for scholars, who don't really have any choice besides Word or LaTeX.

New IDocument.Interpolate() extension methods

New extension methods string IMetadata.Interpolate(string) and string IMetadata.Interpolate(string, IExecutionContext) that performs a kind of string interpolation, making the current metadata (and context if provided) available to the expressions.

For example, given a document with metadata "Foo"="Bar":

  • document.Interpolate("ABC {Foo} 123") = "ABC Bar 123"
  • document.Interpolate("ABC {Foo.ToUpper()} 123") = "ABC BAR 123"
  • document.Interpolate("ABC {Context.String("Global")} 123") = "ABC XYZ 123"

That last example demonstrates that Metadata and Context have special meanings that override any existing metadata and correspond to the passed-in metadata and execution context (if provided). If the provided metadata also contains a key named "Metadata" or "Context" it can be accessed through the Metadata value like "ABC {Metadata.String("Metadata")} 123".

This will need to use Roslyn and go in Statiq.CodeAnalysis since each expression needs to be evaluated as code. The Roslyn script host should provide metadata keys and the special Metadata and Context values as global properties. The whole thing could potentially be evaluated by wrapping the input string as an actual interpolated string and then evaluating that as code in a single script submission.

Split Razor module

As mentioned in #831, the Razor module should be split into RazorCompile and RazorRender (exact names TBD - CompileRazor and RenderRazor?). Because Razor compilation doesn't need access to other documents, it can be performed in the prepare pipeline phase and cached. That should make rebuilds faster when the Razor files don't change.

Bibliography plugin

This falls in the same line as #839, where I think it might be a nice plugin for scholars.

For this we might use a Yaml or a BibTeX file. I even thought about using C# to create a strong typed DSL for a while. It should also include a shortcode to be used in Markdown files. When generating the site it should create a page with the bibliography for all items used on md pages and show a warning when a shortcode is used for an unknown item.

It would be nice if a setting can be included in config.wyam to select the different Bibliography styles. (APA, IEEE, Harvard, et. al.).

What do you think about this?

Reconsider Concat, ConcatBranch, and Branch modules

They're a little confusing - is there a way to merge them into a single module? May not need all of them since modules no longer start with an initial input (or starting with inputs vs. empty for child modules could be an option).

Delegate module registration

When using the fluent engine builder API, the user should be able to register plain delegates as modules and the builder will wrap them in an Execute module automatically.

Replace file location metadata

The file location metadata like RelativeFilePath that modules like ReadFiles and WriteFiles use has been bugging me for a long time. This is another significant change I'm strongly considering for 2.0. I figure we're going to break so much anyway, might as well get some of the other big wish list breaks in at the same time.

Data about where the document was from and where it's going are so fundamental to the process that they should get special treatment. And we already do treat the source specially with the IDocument.Source property. But we currently don't give the destination equally special treatment. It's also really confusing right now which of the many ReadFiles and WriteFiles metadata should be used for what. This aims to remedy both those problems by providing one source of truth for where a document will be/was written to.

  • Add a new FilePath property IDocument.Destination that tracks where a document should be written to (or was written to if it's already been output by the WriteFiles module).
  • Remove all metadata in use by ReadFiles and WriteFiles (RelativeFilePath, WritePath, etc.) - they should set/use IDocument.Source and IDocument.Destination exclusively to avoid confusion.
  • IDocument.Destination will initially get set by the ReadFiles module to the relative input path (same as RelativeFilePath metadata right now).
  • New IExecutionContext.GetDocument() overloads will be added that allow setting the destination in much the same way we can set the source when requesting a new document.
  • The WriteFiles module will only look at the new IDocument.Destination property to figure out where to write to. If it's relative, it'll append it to the output path. If it's absolute, that's where the file will go.
  • If the WriteFiles module changes where the file was written to (I.e., by using the overload that lets you set the extension), it'll adjust the IDocument.Destination property to match.
  • Any modules and methods that rely on the old metadata will need to be refactored (I.e., .GetLink()).
  • Add a new Destination module that sets IDocument.Destination (similar to the current pattern of using a Meta module to set WritePath or RelativeFilePath).

Automatically prefix trace messages with current pipeline (and maybe module)

Not quite sure how to do this yet (of if it's possible). Can't rely on the thread since we jump around via async. Maybe a custom SynchronizationContext per pipeline that stores the pipeline name? Or we could force getting a trace instance from the execution context, which always knows the current pipeline and module.

Rename modules [feedback wanted]

Since tons of other stuff is breaking in v3, I've started looking at other stuff that's been bothering me but that I'd normally just leave alone. This may be the one final opportunity to correct some of these nits.

One area I think could be improved is module names. It made sense for them to be as short as possible when we were scripting config files (at least that was the thinking), but since it'll be code-based with Intellisense in v3, maybe it's time to rethink that.

I'm considering going through modules and renaming them so they all follow the pattern [verb][noun]:

  • Append -> AppendContent
  • AutoLink -> InsertLinks
  • Content -> SetContent
  • Replace -> ReplaceContent
  • Markdown -> RenderMarkdown
  • Redirect -> GenerateRedirects
  • Shortcodes -> ProcessShortcodes
  • Branch -> ExecuteBranch
  • Concat -> ConcatDocuments
  • GroupBy -> GroupDocuments
  • If -> ExecuteIf

You get the idea. I'll generate a table we can point to that shows the old and new names for people porting custom configs.

Thoughts? cc @deanebarker because I know you had some opinions on this a while back.

New FilterSources module

A new FilterSources module that can filter document by their source using a globbing pattern. For example:

new FilterSources("/foo/**/*.md")

would get all the .md documents.

Refactor input documents into context

Instead of passing input documents to modules as a separate argument, create a Documents property in the execution context to carry them (the existing Documents property will need to be renamed to Pipelines or something). This solves a number of problems:

  • Simplifies the module execution signature
  • Makes all input documents available to configs
  • Allows passing a single object with input and context data

Combine execute code modules

Merge the various Execute, ExecuteContext, and ExecuteDocument modules into a single ExecuteCode module - challenge will be differentiating constructor lambdas enough between a single document and all documents to avoid ambiguity.

Before and after tasks

This is one thought that came out of a good discussion with @deanebarker. The new code-based model in v3 promotes doing work outside the bounds of pipelines. That said, there still some advantages to letting the engine coordinate this work such as parallelism, access to state, etc.

  • Add support for Before tasks:
    • They all execute in parallel (probably - need to think through concurrency complications) before the engine executes pipelines.
    • They take an IExecutionContext as input (or maybe an IEngine so the before tasks can manipulate the engine - need to be careful about concurrency if we do that) which contains the file system, settings etc.
    • They do not take or return documents.
    • They night return some sort of other object that could get passed down to pipeline (similar to settings) - need to think about this.
    • They always run after cleanup of the output folder has taken place - since before and after tasks run in parallel, and after tasks might publish the output folder, any writing to output files should happen in before tasks.
  • Add support for After tasks:
    • They all execute in parallel (probably - need to think through concurrency complications) after the engine executes pipelines.
    • They take an IExecutionContext as input which contains the file system, settings, etc. as well as all output documents from all pipelines.
    • These might be a way to implement the built-in publishing functionality I’ve been thinking about (I.e., a publishing extension adds an after task).

Need to think about overall before/after vs. before/after re-execution (I.e. due to previewing). First thought is to add a innerLoop flag (name TBD) to indicate if the task should always run or just run during initial and final execution.

The before and after tasks should be implemented as IBeforeTask and IAfterTask though the fluent engine builder should also allow registering them as delegates (which will create a delegate oriented instance behind the scenes).

Change globbing patterns to use brackets instead of braces

Globbing patterns can currently accept braces to indicate expansion: *.{xml,txt}. This has potential to conflict with string interpolation which also uses braces. One or the other could be escaped, but that's counter-intuitive and not very friendly. Instead the globbing patterns could be changed to use brackets instead which keeps similar semantics: *.[xml,txt].

New InterpolateMetadata module

Now that interpolation has been implemented, create a new InterpolateMetadata module in Statiq.CodeAnalysis that will check all metadata items in a document for the presence of { and, if found, interpolate those values and produce a new document with the interpolated metadata. The module should only modify string metadata (which covers values from front matter).

Remove UnwrittenFiles module

See for a discussion of why it was created. I think the scenario continues to be confusing, and now that the output folder is cleaned on every rebuilt, the module won't work anymore as intended anyway unless you turn off output cleaning (and screw up other pipelines).

The underlying use case of not wanting to spend time processing large assets on every build could be better addressed by creating multiple generators and pre-generating the expensive assets as needed into a holding space and then using CopyFiles to get them into the output in the main generator. Could also do something similar in a single generator once #4 is implemented and you can say "only run this one pipeline" from the CLI.

Razor.WithModel() shouldn't require IDocument

The WithModel fluent method for Razor requires an IDocument. The ViewDataDictionary specifies this somewhere.

This code is out of LinqPad, and it's as self-contained and stripped down as I can get it:

void Main()
	var engine = new Engine();
		new Documents((d,c) =>
			return new List<IDocument>() { c.GetDocument() };
		new Razor().WithModel(new Person() { Name = "Deane" })

public class Person
	public string Name { get; set; }

That throws the error:

The model item passed into the ViewDataDictionary is of type 'UserQuery+Person', but this ViewDataDictionary instance requires a model item of type 'Wyam.Common.Documents.IDocument'

Note that there was no Razor template file even specified (and the Content property of the Document passed in is empty), so there's no way this can be coming from Razor code. It has to be in the Razor module somewhere.

I've looked all through it, and I can't find it...

New Eval shortcode

A shortcode to evaluate C# scripts similar to the new EvaluateScript module in Statiq.CodeAnalysis including bringing all metadata into scope as global properties

Refactor document and content providers, remove document factory

Documents are currently disposable because of an earlier design in which they kept open file handles that needed to be disposed (and might potentially have kept other disposable items from other file providers). The execution context was responsible for tracking documents and disposing them when they fell out of scope.

Since we no longer have alternate file providers and content is managed by content providers, there's really no need for documents to be disposable. And if they're not disposable, the execution context doesn't have to track them. And if they don't need to be tracked, we don't need a factory pattern and can allow modules to instantiate them directly.

Removing all of this legacy would open up a lot of possibilities for custom document types and strongly-typed documents while simplifying the document APIs.

  • Remove document factories
  • Remove CustomDocument
  • Make Document public
  • Add virtual methods to Document to make it easy to use as a base class
  • Make constructors on Document public (they'll also need to take an IExecutionContext to get access to settings...or maybe an IEngine is enough so they can be instantiated before execution)
  • Add IDocument.Clone() methods and appropriate implementations to Document (keeping in mind possible use as a base class)
  • Generally stop using the dispose pattern to handle cleaning up - temp files can just sit in the temp folder until they're cleaned and the MemoryStream we get from RecyclableMemoryStream should clean itself and return to the pool on finalize when the GC collects the content provider after the last document using it is collected

Global setting for generating absolute links

Right now a host can be specified with Keys.Host and the link generator provides an option for including the host at the call site. However, it's sometimes useful to turn on absolute link generation globally or for a given page, regardless of if the call to GetLink() requests the host be included.

There should be a settings Keys.AbsoluteLinks (or similar) that forces all links that would otherwise be relative to include the Keys.Host (or alternate provided host).

Consider switching to IFileProvider

Consider switching the file provider model to ASP.NET file providers. That would allow use of existing and new file providers as well as make file provider development for Wyam more broadly usable in ASP.NET. There’s also a built-in file watching system so that could be leveraged as well.

Combine Order and Sort modules

Having two modules for sorting documents is confusing, combine them into a single OrderDocuments module (using the term "order" for the module because it implies an overall ordering whereas "sort" only implies arranging items in groups).

Add events

It would be useful in certain situations for a script (or code) to be able to handle important events like pipeline start/finish, module start/finish, etc. The event could return a bool (or more likely, set one in an args object) that would indicate if the operation should proceed. Should also pass some context information (IExecutionContext or something else?) to the handler.

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.