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Grunt plugin for phantomas

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Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-phantomas --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "phantomas" task

You're looking for a tool that gives you detailed metrics about your site? Great!!! This grunt plugin executes phantomas for you and visualizes the returned metrics in a generated index.html for you. It will keep track of history, so that you can set it up and check reports after every deployment of your site. Read below to learn how to setup history tracking in different CI systems.

Examples of rendered output:

I'm still at early stage, but I think you can already work with it. ;)


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named phantomas to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    gruntSite : {
      options : {
        indexPath : './phantomas/',
        options   : {},
        url       : '',
        buildUi   : true
} )



Type: String|Boolean Default value: false

If you don't like the phantomas default styling and want to customize it, you can set the path to an additional stylesheet, that will be copied and loaded in the generated index.html.


Type: Object Default Value: {}

An object that represents possible assertions for your generated UI. Best way is to run grunt-phantomas once and setting these values afterwards for particular metrics. The UI will warn you whenever the median value of your defined runs of a specific metric will go over the specified value by highlighting depending graphs and showing warnings on top of the built UI. Using this option you can easily keep track of getting worse values. Performance budget for the win. :)


phantomas : {
  /* */
  grunt : {
    options : {
      assertions : {
        assetsWithQueryString : 3,     // receive warning, when there are more than 3 assets with a query string
        bodyHTMLSize          : 10500, // receive warning, when the bodyHTMLsize is bigger than 10500
        jsErrors              : 0,     // receive warning, when more than 0 JS errors appear
        gzipRequests          : {      // receive warning, when less compressed assets are loaded then 10 ( might be useful for checking server configurations )
          type  : '<',
          value : 10
      indexPath  : './phantomas/',
      options    : {
        'timeout' : 30
      url        : ''


Type: Boolean Default value: true

If you want to use grunt-phantomas without generating a UI for the data, this is an option to switch off the visualization interface. If set to false only defined data format will be outputted at options.indexPath + '/data/'.


Type: String Default value: ./phantomas/

A string value that represents the relative path to the place where phantomas will render your metrics. Inside of this folder an index.html, a data folder and an assets folder will be created.


Type: Number|false Default value: 30

A numeric value that sets a limit for the included runs inside of the built UI. In case you run grunt-phantomas on a hourly/daily basis the generated UI might become slow, because of the big amout of data. Solve this by setting the limit to a lower value.

In case you are fine with all runs included in the UI set it to false.


Type: Number Default value: 5

A numeric value that represents the number of times the phantomas executable will be started. The more times it runs the more reliable metrics become.


Type: Object Default value: {}

An object that represents possible options for phantomas executable. For more information please check the official api documentation and list of possible parameters. See usage examples later on.


Type: Array Default value: [ 'json', 'csv' ]

Choose to output CSV or JSON files. The default is JSON and CSV. The buildUi option does not work if json is not included in options.output. You have to set buildUi to false, if you want to write CSV files only.

Type: Object Default value:

  'REQUESTS' : [
  'TIMINGS' : [
  'HTML' : [
  'DOM' : [
  'HEADERS' : [
  'CACHING' : [
  'COOKIES' : [
  'COUNTS & SIZES' : [
  'JQUERY' : [

An object that represents the metrics grouping rendered inside of the generated index.html. You can set up your grouping by just passing another object to this option.


phantomas : {
  /* */
  grunt : {
    options : {
      indexPath : './phantomas/',
      options   : {
        'timeout' : 30
      url       : '',
      group     : {
        'foo' : [ 'cookiesSent' ]

This configuration will lead to a rather empty looking rendered index.html. :) Additionally you will be informed, which metrics you missed during the build process.

Output for example:

>> You are currently not displaying the following metrics:
>> requests, gzipRequests, postRequests, httpsRequests, notFound, timeToFirstByte, timeToLastByte, bodySize, contentLength, ajaxRequests, htmlCount, htmlSize, cssCount, cssSize, jsCount, jsSize, jsonCount, jsonSize, imageCount, imageSize, webfontCount, webfontSize, base64Count, base64Size, otherCount, otherSize, cacheHits, cacheMisses, cachePasses, cachingNotSpecified, cachingTooShort, cachingDisabled, consoleMessages, domains, maxRequestsPerDomain, medianRequestsPerDomain, DOMqueries, DOMqueriesById, DOMqueriesByClassName, DOMqueriesByTagName, DOMqueriesByQuerySelectorAll, DOMinserts, DOMqueriesDuplicated, eventsBound, headersCount, headersSentCount, headersRecvCount, headersSize, headersSentSize, headersRecvSize, documentWriteCalls, evalCalls, jQueryOnDOMReadyFunctions, jQuerySizzleCalls, jsErrors, redirects, redirectsTime, assetsNotGzipped, assetsWithQueryString, smallImages, multipleRequests, timeToFirstCss, timeToFirstJs, timeToFirstImage, onDOMReadyTime, onDOMReadyTimeEnd, windowOnLoadTime, windowOnLoadTimeEnd, timeBackend, timeFrontend, httpTrafficCompleted, windowAlerts, windowConfirms, windowPrompts, cookiesRecv, domainsWithCookies, documentCookiesLength, documentCookiesCount, bodyHTMLSize, iframesCount, imagesWithoutDimensions, commentsSize, hiddenContentSize, whiteSpacesSize, DOMelementsCount, DOMelementMaxDepth, nodesWithInlineCSS, globalVariables, localStorageEntries, smallestResponse, biggestResponse, fastestResponse, slowestResponse, smallestLatency, biggestLatency, medianResponse, medianLatency


Type: String Default value:

A string value that represents the url of the site, which will be analyzed by phantomas.

Usage Examples

Default Options

In this example, the default options are used to fetch metrics of and render the visualized metrics at ./phantomas.

  phantomas: {
  	yourSite: {}

Grunt task options

In this example, custom options are used to fetch metrics of and render the visualized metrics at ./yoursite/.

grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    yourSite : {
      options : {
        additionalStylesheet : '/Users/foo/bar/custom.css',
        assertions : {
          'assetsWithQueryString' : 3,
          'biggestLatency'        : 1400,
          'bodyHTMLSize'          : 10500,
          'commentsSize'          : 55,
          'consoleMessages'       : 0,
          'hiddenContentSize'     : 65,
          'jsErrors'              : 0,
          'gzipRequests'          : 8,
          'medianResponse'        : 400,
          'nodesWithInlineCSS'    : 0,
          'requests'              : 30,
          'timeToFirstImage'      : 1100,
          'DOMelementsCount'      : 200,
          'DOMqueries'            : 10
        indexPath            : './yoursite/',
        url                  : '',
        numberOfRuns         : 10
} );

Output options

Build ui
grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    yoursite : {
      options : {
        indexPath            : './phantomas/',
        options              : {
          'timeout' : 30
        url                  : ''
Export JSON data only
grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    yoursite : {
      options : {
        buildUi              : false,
        output               : 'json',
        indexPath            : './phantomas/',
        options              : {
          'timeout' : 30
        url                  : ''
Export CSV data only
grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    yoursite : {
      options : {
        buildUi              : false,
        output               : 'csv',
        indexPath            : './phantomas/',
        options              : {
          'timeout' : 30
        url                  : ''

Phantomas options

In this example, the phantomas option is used to set phantomas execution parameters. In this case all external script except the defined ones are blocked by phantomas, what can become really handy, when dealing with a lot of third party scripts that influence your site performance. Additionally phantomas will wait 30 seconds for all resources to be loaded until it quits with the timeout status code 252.

grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    yourSite : {
      options : {
        indexPath : './yoursite/',
        options   : {
          'allow-domain' : ',',
          'no-externals' : true,
          'timeout'      : 30

        url       : ''
} );


By default, the experimental film-strip option is true. If the grunt phantomas command fails, try setting the film strip option to false:

grunt.initConfig( {
  phantomas: {
    yourSite : {
      options : {
        indexPath : './yoursite/',
        options   : {
          'film-strip'   : false
        url       : ''
} );

Tracking history in CI

To track history in Travis CI, use the caching option to cache the indexPath folder.


Formatters are not supported as options for Phantomas, because they are not implemented in the CommonJS version of Phantomas.


Support this project and others by stefanjudis via gittip.

Support via Gittip


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

To make sure tests are passing and coding style is in a good shape please run grunt test before applying changes.

Release History

Please check release history at Github. :)

grunt-phantomas's People


bitdeli-chef avatar chriswren avatar donato avatar filaraujo avatar gampleman avatar gmetais avatar ionutzp avatar mkehlmann avatar nickpresta avatar rsnickell avatar rupl avatar shama avatar stefanjudis avatar stryju avatar vinvol avatar


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grunt-phantomas's Issues

[FR] Add date and time (human readable) to JSON results

Add date and time as object properties like this:

results = {
  '2014-01-01 08:15:00' : {
    'requests' : ...,
  '2014-01-02 08:15:00' : { ... },

This would still be traversible, order is still maintained (via timestamps)

Inspiration for new UX features

Hey guys, sorry for bothering. I'm close to shipping the next version of grunt-phantomas and I'm wondering what my next steps should be.

I'm thinking of UX improvements and am just curious what some people would like to have. I just want to collect some ideas.

If you're not using it, just ignore this message. ๐Ÿ˜„ I'm just collecting people, that filled issues...

Thanks a lot.

@pedro-teixeira, @nickpresta, @paazmaya, @pgilad, @shama, @mkehlmann, @Augenfeind, @davidlinse, @Greg-Boggs

Filmstrip in single image for each page

Since phantomas --filmstrip generates several images for a single page, those could be scaled down and stitched together.
The resulting stitched images would then be listed in the report page, as a thumbnail taking the width of the page.

The stitching process would include adding the timestamp of the image added as an overlay for the given image in the stitched image.

Pass Configs to phantomas, e.g. Logging


how to set configs, what am I doing wrong. An example would be cool,
if I'm doing it wrong:

phantomas: {
gruntSite : {
options : {
indexPath : './doc/phantomas/result',
options : ['log', '--verbose'],
url : 'http://localhost:9000/'

both ways do not work.

Windows - Fatal error: spawn ENOENT

Running grunt phantomas -v
with config:

phantomas: {        
      hitrost: {
        options: {
          indexPath: 'phantomas/',
          url: ''


Running "phantomas" task

Running "phantomas:hitrost" (phantomas) task
Verifying property phantomas.hitrost exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: indexPath="phantomas/", raw=[], url=""

Executing phantoms with following parameters:
--url --format json
Fatal error: spawn ENOENT

Running phantomas --url --verbose does work.

export data in CSV format

export data as CSV - also available with multiple runs

currently phantomas CommonJS doesn't export as CSV, and the command line tool only supports csv for the single run mode.

this would be useful for integration with ci servers as Jenkins


multiple route feature


After installing and configuring grunt-phantomas, when trying to run the 'grunt phantomas -v' task, I get this error:

Running tasks: phantomas

Running "phantomas" task

Running "phantomas:productionSite" (phantomas) task
Verifying property phantomas.productionSite exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: indexPath="skin/frontend/lesara/lesara/phantomas/", numberOfRuns=5, raw=[], url="", options={"no-externals":true,"allow-domain":""}

Executing phantoms ( 5 times ) with following parameters:
--url --format json

Phantomas executation successful.
Phantomas executation successful.
Phantomas executation successful.
Phantomas executation successful.
{ name: 'RejectionError',
message: '',
cause: [Error],
stack: 'Error\n at callDone (/var/dev/\n at ChildProcess. (/var/dev/\n at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)\n at maybeClose (child_process.js:735:16)\n at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:802:5)' }

My Phantomas-config in the Gruntfile is this:

    // phantomas - Collect live statistics using PhantomJS (
    phantomas: {
        productionSite: {
            options: {
                indexPath: '<%= directories.dist %>/<%= directories.phantomas_dist %>/',
                options  : {
                    'no-externals': true,
                    'allow-domain': ''
                url      : ''

Versions (under Ubuntu 13.10 64bit):
grunt-cli v0.1.11
grunt v0.4.2
node v0.10.15
npm 1.2.18

How can you wrap the url with quotes in order to escape & chars?

currently if you try url: ' grunt phantomas fails with error message of hi is not recognized...

But if you run phantomas in CLI and wrap url with quotes it works great.

Any solutions for this?

(required for my app inner params routing)

Output to CSV

Should I be expecting a CSV when setting ouput : 'csv' as an option? Doesn't seem to be working and I can't see any details when using the verbose option.

My gruntfile looks like this:

phantomas: {
            mySite : {
                options : {    
                    url       : '',
                    indexPath : './phantomas/',
                    // set numberOfRuns to 1 for csv output
                    numberOfRuns : 1,
                    // Use buildUI to generate html page *does not work with output option so set to false for that
                    buildUi   : false,
                    //ouput only works with numberOfRuns : 1
                    output  :  'csv'


For 3 days now on both - my private and my office Ubuntu installation (13.10 with recent updates) when running the grunt phantomas task I get this error - reproducable, as it always occurs:

Running "phantomas:productionSite" (phantomas) task
Verifying property phantomas.productionSite exists in config...OK
File: [no files]
Options: indexPath="./phantomas/", numberOfRuns=5, raw=[], url="", options={"no-externals":true,"allow-domain":"","timeout":2000}

Executing phantoms ( 5 times ) with following parameters:
--url --format json
{ name: 'RejectionError',
  message: '',
  cause: [Error],
  stack: 'Error\n    at callDone (/var/dev/\n    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/var/dev/\n    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)\n    at maybeClose (child_process.js:735:16)\n    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:802:5)' }

The grunt phantomas task was totally fine all the days before (despite some irregular RejectionErrors probably due to some timeouts). My Versions are:

$ grunt --version
grunt-cli v0.1.11
grunt v0.4.2
$ npm --version
$ phantomas --version
phantomas v0.11.0

Run Error

Receiving the following error:

5 Phantomas execution(s) done -> checking results:
Phantomas execution successful.
Phantomas execution successful.
Phantomas execution successful.
Phantomas execution successful.
Phantomas execution successful.
No run was successful.

have tried increasing the timeout as well as fresh installs

Help toolitip animation is slow

The animation for showing and hiding a tooltip which is shown on [?] hover is somewhat slow.
Also the text shown is wrapped to a multiline, but while the animation progresses and the tooltip becomes wider, the number of lines reduces.

Please make the animation faster, ~50...100 ms and cut the text instead of adjusting its width.

Export data in other formats

In the phantomas documentation it's mentioned that:
"Results can be emitted as TAP, CSV and JSON. plain format is most useful for human beings :)"

Setting the options.options.reporter of the grunt-phantomas doesn't work
How about adding this option into grunt-phantomas to be able to choose between visualizations or data export for integration with a CI server?

--verbose option not respected

While running phantomas from the command line with the --debug option like

$ phantomas --url --verbose

produces a lot of debug output it looks like the grunt-phantomas task ignores any verbose option.

The following config will not produce any debug output at all which makes it pretty difficult to track down errors or issues while running the task.

phantomas: {
    gruntjs: {
        options: {
            verbose: true,
            options: {
                verbose: true
            url: ''

I'm running this on OSX 10.6.8

$ node --version #=> v0.10.21
$ phantomjs --version #=> 1.9.2

Please let me know if i missed something or if could provide more infos to resolve this issue.


Rejection Error on a Local site (similar to others with a debug attached)

Grunt Phantomas is beautiful and it works on all the remote sites I've tried and most of my local sites too. But, on one it fails. Phantomas works when I run it directly, and Curl -D- works as well.

Here's my Phantomas config:

phantomas: {
  gruntSite: {
    options: {
      indexPath: './stats/',
      options: {},
      numberOfRuns : 1,
      //verbose: true,
      url: ''

And here's a link to the debug output which shows Phantomas did indeed run:

UI - Improvements for big data sets

When storing more than 40 runs the UI gets much too big.

First of all add particular date to the tooltips of the graphs.
To make it easier to match data with date.

Additionally make the tables expandable.
Show the last 10 results and give the option to either expand the whole table or scroll up, if wanted.

@paazmaya can I have your opinion on that?

Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'phantomas/data'

I'm having an error in the first execution:

$ runt phantomas
Running "phantomas:google" (phantomas) task

>> Phantomas executation successful.
{ [Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'phantomas/data']
      errno: 34,
      code: 'ENOENT',
      path: 'phantomas/data',
      syscall: 'mkdir' }

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