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albedo's Issues

CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue

I've taken to deploying static sites via ViteJs recently but when including a .well-known stellar toml in the public directory I'm noticing CORS issues on Albedo. Other wallets seem able to resolve the toml just fine but Albedo is throwing this:

Access to fetch at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

If I run the request in Albedo like this:
await fetch('') it fails but if I run it like this:
await fetch('', {mode: 'no-cors'}) it resolves just fine.

Is this something we'll always need a server to specifically set CORS headers or can you call the fetch request from your side in such a way as to successfully resolve the toml without me needing to set stuff on my end?

Let sign option back instead of confirm

before update, theres option to sign transaction (so i can add another sign, before confirm it), its really useful to sign a transaction that need more 1 sign, now i need to copy XDR and add new sign in new page..

Ledger Nano X connect

Hey team, I am trying to connect to Albedo using my ledger nano X but it throws an error. I was able to connect to accountviewer on Stellar.
I was not able to connect using the chrome extension so I tried using the where I got this error -
message: "Unable to claim interface." name: "TransportInterfaceNotAvailable"


Feature request: Custom description on operations

Hi there,

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this feature request. With CAP38 and Turret-backed smart contracts coming to Stellar, some "clever" but not very descriptive operations will be happening, and it would be useful to show the user what they're all about via a bespoke description. The description should not replace the actual operation "Pay 100 XLM to G...1 from G...2", but it would be good if it could also be explained as "Pay 100 XLM to Company X for product A".

If this sounds feasible and reasonable, I'm also keen to explore helping out with the implementation if you can point me in the right direction.

Keen to hear your feedback.

Thank you!

FYI: Some JS errors that I noticed to happen

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setItem' of null
    at Module.<anonymous> (albedo-contentscript.js:1)
    at s (albedo-contentscript.js:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (albedo-contentscript.js:1)
    at s (albedo-contentscript.js:1)
    at albedo-contentscript.js:1
    at albedo-contentscript.js:1

I keep seeing these in my console every once in a while. This happens when Albedo is inactive (window is not open).

Cannot verify the results of publicKey intent

I'm having the following issue. I'm trying to use the publicKey intent.

I'm getting the following output:


I'm trying to verify the signature but it always fails. I'm doing it in Rust, but even in node.js it is failing:

stellar = require('stellar-sdk')
signed_message = Buffer.from('GDLDAMLIQ3SCEZK4UGCMMM3B7HXRN7GIVEF4MQWLFBORNBJVA6ZHFIJH:24880b3aa7de51ac253277a1d48abbe187340f69395b020e0b5aca49c34b7072')
message_signature = Buffer.from('47fa0aba402e8698e156882bb498f7533ec30e711438a05d06f40fdc690342137ef22e86035242ad11b2773f810bd3ec8ff5c7b86532cbe70d7c181f3c77280f', 'hex')
key.verify(signed_message, message_signature) => false

I might be doing something wrong, but couldn't figure out what it is.

Balances page fails when you have trustline to liquidity pool with 0 balance

Trying to use Albedo to make deposits into liquidity pools, founds few bugs, this is number 4

Created trustline to liquidity pool outside of albedo, now trying to see balances and the whole page crashes with

"Cannot read properties of null (reading '0')" at
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '0')
    at d (
    at oa (
    at Gs (
    at Su (
    at Cu (
    at Iu (
    at mu (
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (
    at Ko (
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36

new BigNumber() not a number: 0aN

Trying to use Albedo to make deposits into liquidity pools, founds few bugs, this is number 2

When you choose assets for which liquidity pool exists but has 0 balances

"new BigNumber() not a number: 0aN" at
BigNumber Error: new BigNumber() not a number: 0aN
    at ee (
    at r (
    at new V (
    at M (
    at Q (
    at F (
    at le (
    at oa (
    at Gs (
    at Su (
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36

View public key from Trezor device

In the playground I tried to show public key from account linked to trezor,
at first browser blocked "double" pop-up, but after I enabled it and confirmed hash on the device (which doesn't really tell user what's going on, so on-screen guidance would be very helpful)

Then it failed
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11 37 50 AM
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11 38 05 AM

`signed_message` is not the message that's signed

The signed_message parameter prepends the account pubkey: onto the message but the signature is only for the actual token. This is odd and unexpected. Either sign the whole message including the prepended account pubkey or drop the prepend. Either way whatever signed_message is is what the signature should match against. Otherwise you've gotta do some wonky splitting on the signed_message string.

Trying to send XLM from an albedo account with IOS and the transaction is not processed


I am trying to send XLM from albedo to a Bitstamp account.

When I confirm the transaction, the status of the transaction says "submitting transactions".

Unfortunately, the transaction is never processed and it is always saying "submitting transactions".

It could be due to a pop-up issue with IOS but I am not sure.

Do you know what I could do to finalize the transfer?

Thanks a lot!

Assets are not in lexicographic order

Trying to use Albedo to make deposits into liquidity pools, founds few bugs, this is number 1


Error details:
"Assets are not in lexicographic order" at
Error: Assets are not in lexicographic order
    at new e (
    at mt (
    at gt (
    at ie.get poolId (
    at We (
    at e.t.computeValue_ (
    at e.t.trackAndCompute (
    at e.t.get (
    at e.t.getObservablePropValue_ (
    at ie.get (
Components stack: 
    at u (
    at t (
    at t (
    at de (
    at t (
    at t (
    at div
    at u (
    at pe (
    at p (
    at t (
    at t (
    at We (
    at n (
    at t (
    at div
    at u (
    at Je (
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36

I understand why this happens, but it may not be clear to users which asset should go first, therefore you might want to fix it and automatically sort assets instead of showing this error.

Creating liquidity pool fails

Trying to use Albedo to make deposits into liquidity pools, founds few bugs, this is number 3

Trying to create liquidity pool that does not yet exist

Screen Shot 2021-11-05 at 9 34 32 PM

Transaction fails

Screen Shot 2021-11-05 at 9 34 52 PM also doesn't show it correctly

"Invalid asset name: undefined." at
TypeError: Invalid asset name: undefined.
    at new s (
    at Function.parse (
    at a (
    at T (
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36

Issue Transaction Sign with CreateClaimableBalance Operation


we have just found an issue with albedo parsing a transaction XDR containing a CreateClaimableBalance operation.

Albedo show a wrong claimant destination address, you can view an example in the image below:

If needed I can post also the XDR transaction string

Trezor connect

Hey, just an issue I spotted while trying it out.
I wasn't able to connect trezor from chrome extension at all. When you click connect (where it usually redirects to trezor hosted page) it just refreshes the page and nothing happens.

On the itself I was able to link the account, but it threw CSP error
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11 30 20 AM
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11 30 31 AM

Support for Claimable Balances

Hey there!

I love the functionality of the payment function Albedo does. Is there a plan on making a similar function for Claimable Balances?

Using Albedo in browser (not server-side)

Please provide code which demonstrates how to use Albedo in the browser, and not server-side.

Your documentation indicates the following:

Alternatively, you can import the UMD build in the browser directly from UNPKG:

<script src=""></script>

Please provide some code to show how I can use the publicKey function (from the albedo object that is provided in albedo.intent.js).

Memo attach bug in Albedo

Transaction is made without memo, while memo is entered in transaction form


  1. Go to Transfer
  2. Insert wallet and sum
  3. Write text memo
  4. Delete wallet address with select-all - backspace
  5. Insert wallet again
  6. Execute transaction

Support Futurnet integration

I've noticed that the wallet supports only testnet and mainnet, but not futurenet. Are there plans to provide support for futurenet, given it's the only "test" network that allows for testing Soroban contracts?

TX intent fails to display when pubkey is given and CreateAccountOperation present in tx

I ran into the following issue. I have a transaction that I want the user to sign, this transaction contains a CreateAccountOperation. If the pubkey is not present in the params given to the tx intent, things are displayed correctly. But I want to restrict the user to signing with a specific public key. When I set the pubkey param, Albedo starts loading and then shows a blank page.

I debugged it a bit and found that it is making a request to horizon for the account being created and of course, that returns a 404. This seems to be triggering the failure.

This is the info I'm using:

  • network: testnet

Albedo can't connect to Ledger wallets

Issue description

Unable to sign using Ledger Wallets.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Connect to Ledger via Albedo
  2. Default BIP Path checked
  3. unable to create account

What's the expected result?

Able to create account

What's the actual result?

No error/feedback/account created

What I believe is going on/possible fix:

Currently unable to connect to Ledger wallets using default BIP path m/44'/148'/0'.
if you change to the paths from -> m/49'|84'/0'/0' you can get albedo to recognize the ledger, however you are unable to sign anything. I'm assuming this is due to the fact that no account matching that path derivation exists on the ledger, and I'm unable to create an account matching that path using ledger live or any other tool.

Minimize JS bundles size

Currently the size of the main js bundle exceeds 1MB. Possible optimizations:

  • Use preact instead of react
  • Drop MobX dep in favor of centrzliaed state managed with react hooks
  • Drop Trezor support (they don't want to fix things on their side)
  • Use pure js version of the argon2 module if possible โ€“ wasm build is pretty huge
  • Trim all unused code and cleanup data models

Get public key on testnet

Hello! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'd like to use Albedo on the Stellar test network, but I can't find a way how to fetch account info (get a public key) on testnet using @albedo-link/intent. I looked at the documentation and this repo but no luck (other methods have an option to set the network). Could you please point me in the right direction if I'm missing something? We'd like to add this to the Account Viewer. Thank you!

"Assets are not in lexicographic order" adding liquidity to tokens with Alphanumeric 12 and 4 (mixed)

Albedo seems to have issues on adding liquidity to tokens with Alphanumeric 12 when the name comes before other asset which is Alpha4.

Here is the LP:

The example is XCHF BTCLN. X is after B but BTCLN is Alphanumeric 12.

I think what is happening is
native goes before Alphanumeric 4 which goes before alphanumeric 12.

"Assets are not in lexicographic order" at
Error: Assets are not in lexicographic order
    at new e (
    at wt (
    at bt (
    at ie.get poolId (
    at We (
    at e.t.computeValue_ (
    at e.t.trackAndCompute (
    at e.t.get (
    at e.t.getObservablePropValue_ (
    at ie.get (
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36

Unable to login on mobile browser

On I can't login on my mobile browser.
I have tried with both Opera and Firefox browser.
I'm able to import my accounts fine, but on this login screen, the Log In button doesn't become pressable after entering a password.
When pressing the enter/return/confirm button on the onscreen keyboard, an unhandled error pops up.
The behavious is the same in both Opera and Firefox browsers.

signTransaction using ledger error

Hey team, I was able to connect my ledger to Albedo. I was also able to signHash (sign text message on playground). However, I am unable sign any transaction using my Ledger Nano X. I have received the following errors (the first one while signing transaction on playground and the second one while using @albedo-link/intent to sign tx (albedo.tx()). I am able to sign using Stellar laboratory) -



Albedo on Testnet

I want to know if it's possible to use Albedo chrome extension with the testnet, thanks!

How to add liquidity in new version?

I don't see how to add liquidity to a pool anymore.
The only option (I can find) is to withdraw liquidity.
Definitely NOT an improvement hiding the liquidity tab.

The 'public_key' example does not work

This URL has the following example:

token: 'vuEiDlijTCLdR8fqDHdfUQUUyVpVenVO2YGBrljh/Iw='
.then(res => console.log(res.pubkey, res.signed_message, res.signature))

I preceded that code with this script tag:

<script src=""></script>

It displays the following error:
albedo.publicKey is not a function

The following code confirms that a Module named 'albedo' is accessible from albedo.intent.js:

Please describe how I can access the publicKey function.

Partially signed Tx

Hi all,

This is possibly me not understanding how it works, but I'd like to see if there's a workaround.

I am offering the user to sign a transaction that required 3 signatures; 2 signatures are already included and their signature is the third one.

The transaction consists of:

Main signatory account A
Main signatory account B

Issuer Account C (signed w/ main signatory account A)
Distributor Account D (signed w/main signatory account B)
User Account C

User C pays into Distributor Account D (2 payments)
Issuer Account pays into Distributor Account D
Distributor account D pays into User C

I am seeing that "More signatures are required" but the transaction goes through just fine. Is this the expected behaviour?


Here is the test XDR:

Thank you!

WalletConnect fails to pair.

When trying to connect to StellarX,, and StellarTerm using the WalletConnect option continues to throw an error. I get the error using the website and browser extension. I have tried copying the QR code and pasting it to connect as well as screencap the QR and uploading it but neither option works. I keep getting the error "Failed to pair with dapp."

Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:	11
Codename:	bullseye
Brave Browser
[Version 1.46.153 Chromium: 108.0.5359.128 (Official Build) (64-bit)](

The 'public_key' example still does not work

I am using just javascript. I am not using any "build system". The Albedo Chrome extension is active on my browser. My code is preceded with: <script src=""></script>

I was instructed to add the "default" indicator, as is shown below:

token: 'vuEiDlijTCLdR8fqDHdfUQUUyVpVenVO2YGBrljh/Iw='
.then(res => console.log(res.pubkey, res.signed_message, res.signature))

Although it is not displaying an error, it is not displaying the public key.

I also tried this approach (in an async function):
var objPublicKey = await albedo.default.publicKey()

It did not execute the "console.log" line. The program hung on "await albedo.default.publicKey()".

This problem was caused by the Chrome popup blocker. No other extensions use popups. You might want to consider using the extension sidebar instead, (which Chrome does not block as a popup).

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