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quickstart's Issues

Make image smaller

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
stellar/quickstart   latest              66a81376d4a2        5 days ago          3.95GB

We should probably make it smaller.

The resource at the url requested was not found. This is usually occurs for one of two reasons: The url requested is not valid, or no data in our database could be found with the parameters provided.

docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "/home/scott/stellar:/opt/stellar" --name stellar stellar/quickstart:testing --testnet

    "type": "",
    "title": "Resource Missing",
    "status": 404,
    "detail": "The resource at the url requested was not found.  This is usually occurs for one of two reasons:  The url requested is not valid, or no data in our database could be found with the parameters provided."

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""
        "next": {
            "href": ""
        "prev": {
            "href": ""
    "_embedded": {
        "records": []

catchup between ledger 0 and N

I set CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true in /opt/stellar/core/etc/stellar-core.cfg but I did it shortly after the sync started so it looks like I am missing ledgers between 0 and N.

Core database

maybe it doesn't matter for core, I can't tell if it is auto pruning old stuff despite CATCHUP_COMPLETE

core=> select min(ledgerseq) from ledgerheaders;
(1 row)

but horizon seems to be missing 67 ledgers

Horizon database

horizon=> select min(sequence) from history_ledgers;
(1 row)

if core's lowest ledger is 750016 then I assume it's not possible to get anything less than that, so then my question is: how can I force core+horizon to sync between 0 and 750016?

I've tried this: but it doesn't seem to help (unless I'm doing it wrong)

Waiting for postgres to be available....

I tried to run a local persistent version:

winpty docker run --rm -it -p "15432:5432" -p "18000:8000" -p "11626:11626" - "c:/some/local/path:/opt/stellar" --name stellar tellar/quickstart --testnet
running `/start --testnet'
pids are [5]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: persistent
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
postgres user: stellar
Enter New Postgresql Password:
init-postgres: yes
Waiting for postgres to be available...
Waiting for postgres to be available...
Waiting for postgres to be available...
Waiting for postgres to be available...

It seems like it is stuck waiting for postgres container to be available. I have postgres 9.6 installed fwiw.

I then tried to shut down the process and rerun and got a different error:

running `/start --testnet'
pids are [5]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: persistent
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
postgres: config directory exists, skipping copy
supervisor: config directory exists, skipping copy
stellar-core: config directory exists, skipping copy
horizon: config directory exists, skipping copy
postgres user: stellar
Enter New Postgresql Password:
init-postgres: failed!

The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "C".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "SQL_ASCII".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

Data page checksums are disabled.

initdb: directory "/opt/stellar/postgresql/data" exists but is not empty
If you want to create a new database system, either remove or empty
the directory "/opt/stellar/postgresql/data" or run initdb
with an argument other than "/opt/stellar/postgresql/data".
exited 5

ManageDataOp fails v10 (Docker only, not in testnet).

Stellar/quickstart container fails with "exited 8"

Using Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a, starting container with the following command:

docker run -v "/home/stellar/data:/opt/stellar" \
    -p "8002:8000" \
    -p "11626:11626" \
    -p "11625:11625" \
    --name stellar \
    stellar/quickstart --pubnet

Fails with exited 8:

running `/start --pubnet'
pids are [8]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: persistent
network: pubnet (Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015)
postgres user: stellar
exited 8

How can we debug the reason of the failure?

What level of participation by default?

Perhaps a newb question but I’m curious what level of participation comes by default when setting up a docker image.

Then how would one adjust that level after setting things up initially?



Unable to run stellar core

I am running the docker run commands with parameters given in README but 11626 port for Stellar core is not able to connect. Horizon does respond on Telnet. Below is console output:

docker-stellar-core-horizon git:(master) docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "/Users/AdnanAhmad/stellarofficial" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet
running `/start --testnet'
pids are [7]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: ephemeral
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
postgres user: stellar
postgres password: kmjGQunveSNvnyAg
finalize-pgpass: ok
init-postgres: ok
postgres: up
create-horizon-db: ok
create-core-db: ok
stellar-postgres-user: ok
chown-core: ok
finalize-core-config: ok
init-core-db: ok
chown-horizon: ok
init-horizon-db: ok
postgres: down
starting supervisor
2018-02-01 10:17:03,621 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-02-01 10:17:03,629 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-02-01 10:17:03,629 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-02-01 10:17:03,630 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2018-02-01 10:17:04,632 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 143
2018-02-01 10:17:04,634 INFO spawned: 'stellar-core' with pid 144
2018-02-01 10:17:04,635 INFO spawned: 'horizon' with pid 145
2018-02-01 10:17:05,757 INFO success: postgresql entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-02-01 10:17:05,757 INFO success: stellar-core entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-02-01 10:17:05,757 INFO success: horizon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

stopping stellar-core doesn't

root@93abfd9dbeda:/# pstree
root@93abfd9dbeda:/# supervisorctl stop stellar-core
stellar-core: stopped
root@93abfd9dbeda:/# pstree

support standalone mode with friendbot in quickstart container

The quickstart container is awesome for use with the testnet. However the standalone mode is a bit less clear from the documentation.

There is a standalone mode; but it is kind of useless and pointless without friendbot running as well. Unless I'm missing something, you can't really create accounts without it in standalone mode.

As far as I can see friendbot is no longer included with horizon. It still includes a friendbot endpoint but it does a redirect to its own root. Apparently you need to run a separate service with the friend bot and then tell horizon to use that. That seems to be not included with the quickstart container.

What would be helpful is simply including this and allowing users to enable it with some extra config. IMHO standalone by definition means it's a setup intended for integration testing so I don't see any reason to exclude friendbot in such a setup or make it hard to set that up.

some horizon endpoints not available

Running quickstart docker in ephemeral mode, the endpoints /trades and /assets do not work:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Resource Missing",
  "status": 404,
  "detail": "The resource at the url requested was not found.  This is usually occurs for one of two reasons:  The url requested is not valid, or no data in our database could be found with the parameters provided.",
  "instance": "5f0cf7d598d2/o8w9Hm008D-000001"

Unable to start a persistent box

I started a container using the readme instructions but it seems to be crashing and nothing shows in the logs.

$ docker run -d -v "/str:/opt/stellar" -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --pubnet

$ docker container ls -al
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS               NAMES
7bda77b07a53        stellar/quickstart   "/init -- /start -..."   5 seconds ago       Exited (0) 4 seconds ago                       stellar

$ docker logs stellar
running `/start --pubnet'
pids are [5]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: persistent
network: pubnet (Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015)
postgres: config directory exists, skipping copy
supervisor: config directory exists, skipping copy
stellar-core: config directory exists, skipping copy
horizon: config directory exists, skipping copy
postgres user: stellar
exited 5

Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

Recommended way for updating container in standalone mode


I've run docker container from stellar/quickstart image some time ago (tag: 12.3) and right now I'm trying to update it using version horizon-0.13.1. Is is possible to do it in simple way? When I try to use volume from version 12.3 none of services maintained by supervisord even start.

Any helpful recommendations are welcomed.

docker can't start stellar

When I start with
docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet,
but it will always stop the log in
2018-12-26 12:32:11,091 INFO success: horizon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
Then it is not work.
All supervisor log is:

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: ephemeral
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
postgres user: stellar
postgres password: cI05aBv4fKucrg91
finalize-pgpass: ok
init-postgres: ok
postgres: up
create-horizon-db: ok
create-core-db: ok
stellar-postgres-user: ok
chown-core: ok
finalize-core-config: ok
init-core-db: ok
chown-horizon: ok
init-horizon-db: ok
postgres: down
starting supervisor
2018-12-26 12:32:08,764 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-12-26 12:32:08,777 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-12-26 12:32:08,778 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-12-26 12:32:08,779 INFO supervisord started with pid 6
2018-12-26 12:32:09,782 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 119
2018-12-26 12:32:09,791 INFO spawned: 'stellar-core' with pid 120
2018-12-26 12:32:09,796 INFO spawned: 'horizon' with pid 121
2018-12-26 12:32:09,797 INFO reaped unknown pid 116
2018-12-26 12:32:11,091 INFO success: postgresql entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-12-26 12:32:11,091 INFO success: stellar-core entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-12-26 12:32:11,091 INFO success: horizon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

and horizon-stderr.log is:

time="2018-12-26T12:25:46.499Z" level=warning msg="could not load stellar-core info: http request errored: Get http://localhost:11626/info: dial tcp connect: connection refused" pid=123
time="2018-12-26T12:25:46.536Z" level=info msg="Starting horizon on :8000 (ingest: true)" pid=123
time="2018-12-26T12:25:47.511Z" level=warning msg="ingest: waiting for stellar-core sync" pid=123 service=ingest
time="2018-12-26T12:25:48.504Z" level=warning msg="ingest: waiting for stellar-core sync" pid=123 service=ingest
time="2018-12-26T12:25:49.567Z" level=warning msg="ingest: waiting for stellar-core sync" pid=123 service=ingest
time="2018-12-26T12:25:50.467Z" level=warning msg="ingest: waiting for stellar-core sync" pid=123 service=ingest

and postgresql-stderr.log is :

2018-12-26 12:25:46 UTC [129-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2018-12-26 12:25:44 UTC
2018-12-26 12:25:46 UTC [129-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
2018-12-26 12:25:46 UTC [121-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2018-12-26 12:25:46 UTC [133-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started

and stellar-core-stderr---supervisor-l_QAbH.log is:

Using DEPRECATED command-line syntax.
Please refer to documentation for new syntax.

cp: cannot stat '/opt/stellar/history-cache/history/00/15/32/history-001532ff.json': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/opt/stellar/history-cache/ledger/00/15/10/ledger-001510ff.xdr.gz': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/opt/stellar/history-cache/ledger/00/15/11/ledger-0015113f.xdr.gz': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/opt/stellar/history-cache/ledger/00/15/12/ledger-001512ff.xdr.gz': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/opt/stellar/history-cache/ledger/00/15/13/ledger-0015133f.xdr.gz': No such file or directory

Running horizon with all previous data

I recently started up this docker image and it is working well. However, it seems like the data in the horizon database is only data from after I started the container. Is there any way to start the container with the option to get all the previous data as well?

[BUG] Multi-signature unexpected failure (tx_bad_auth_extra while all signers are legit)


When a transaction is signed by more legit signers than required, it will be rejected with 'tx_bad_auth_extra' error.

Expected behavior

The transaction should be validated and each legit signer should be recorded into the blockchain.


In the current state of affairs wallets/authenticator multisig implementors have to implement additional routines to remove valid signatures from transaction so that the transaction get validated.

Steps to reproduce

var server = new StellarSdk.Server('')
var account1 = StellarSdk.Keypair.random()
var account2 = StellarSdk.Keypair.random()

function fundAccount (publicKey) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', '' + publicKey, true)
    xhr.onloadend = function () {
      if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) resolve()
      else reject()

console.log('Fund account1')
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Fund account2')
    return fundAccount(account2.publicKey())
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Set account2 as signer for account1')
    return server.loadAccount(account1.publicKey())
  .then(function(account) {
    var tx = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account)
        signer: { weight: 1, ed25519PublicKey: account2.publicKey() }
    return server.submitTransaction(tx)
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Sign a transaction with both account1 & account2 and send')
    return server.loadAccount(account1.publicKey())
  .then(function(account) {
    var tx = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account)
    return server.submitTransaction(tx)

Awaiting 1/1 prerequisites of: get-history-archive-state

After I running a quick start version , it shown Awaiting 1/1 prerequisites of: get-history-archive-state issue(this msg shown in status after I use stellar-core -c info command ) , and can't sync the nodes . Is there some one can help me to fix that issue ?

how to manage stellar with supervisor?

I started my test net on ephermeral (Do i need to use persistence mode?) mode using the following command
docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet
what do i need to update on supervisord.conf to work with supervisor ?
I typed supervisorctl but i have no way to restart horizon for example and i do not see anything like following

Restarting services
Services within the quickstart container are managed using supervisord and we recommend you use supervisor's shell to interact with running services. To launch the supervisor shell, open an interactive shell to the container and then run supervisorctl. You should then see a command prompt that looks like:

horizon RUNNING pid 143, uptime 0:01:12
postgresql RUNNING pid 126, uptime 0:01:13
stellar-core RUNNING pid 125, uptime 0:01:13
From this prompt you can execute any of the supervisord commands:

restart horizon

supervisor> restart horizon


starting a persistant container

I meet some questions when starting a persistant container.
i check logs .
1 stellar-core-stdout
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
NOTICE: relation "pubsub" already exists, skipping
database system was interrupted; last known up at 2017-07-12 05:59:20 UTC
database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
time="2017-07-12T08:05:40Z" level=warning msg="could not load stellar-core info: Get http://localhost:11626/info: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused" pid=10

i don't know how to starting a persistant container correctly

Error while trying to run Persistent Mode

docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -v "/Users:/opt/stellar" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet
running `/start --testnet'
pids are [5]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: persistent
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
rsync: mkdir "/opt/stellar/postgresql" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(674) [Receiver=3.1.1]
exited 5

Setting up a persistent container

I'm successfully able to start the container in persistent mode and it downloads the ledger files and bucket files okay and persists them on my file system. HOWEVER, when I stop the container and start a new one and mount the same volume I'd used initially, it detects that the mounted volume is not empty but restarts the whole catchup process again and downloads all the ledger files it already had!

I've noticed that it deletes all the files it had downloaded before being stopped the first time.. Am I the one doing it wrong as noone else seems to have this issue. I've spent dozens of hours trying to fix it and would appreciate the help.

Postgresql wont run with fatal error

hi, with PostgreSQL 9.4 it used to work fine, but when I rebuilt the image today and ran it , it kept failing with the following fatal other other specific info in the log ..any idea why the PostgreSQL wont run? bin path and data directory are all correct

2018-06-10 17:25:45,979 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-06-10 17:25:45,988 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-06-10 17:25:45,988 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-06-10 17:25:45,988 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2018-06-10 17:25:46,991 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 19
2018-06-10 17:25:46,993 INFO spawned: 'stellar-core' with pid 20
2018-06-10 17:25:46,995 INFO spawned: 'horizon' with pid 21
2018-06-10 17:25:47,007 INFO exited: postgresql (exit status 1; not expected)
2018-06-10 17:25:48,057 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 45
2018-06-10 17:25:48,058 INFO success: stellar-core entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-06-10 17:25:48,058 INFO success: horizon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-06-10 17:25:48,074 INFO exited: postgresql (exit status 1; not expected)
2018-06-10 17:25:50,157 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 82
2018-06-10 17:25:50,174 INFO exited: postgresql (exit status 1; not expected)
2018-06-10 17:25:53,310 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 137
2018-06-10 17:25:53,327 INFO exited: postgresql (exit status 1; not expected)
2018-06-10 17:25:53,353 INFO gave up: postgresql entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

Suggestion: Don't rely on git to set executable permission

Spent hours trying to figure out why my copy of your code was not working

It seems you have added some files in git with the executable permission? I didn't even know that was possible and was confused why your code worked and mine failed. I created a new repository and just dragged your files over so that permission was not set, and it was not able to run these files.

For simplicity, always set the permission in the Dockerfile.

I had to add this:

RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/opt/stellar-default/common/core/bin/start"]
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/opt/stellar-default/common/horizon/bin/start"]
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/opt/stellar-default/common/horizon/bin/horizon"]


stellar/quickstart stuckin fail retry loop

I am having an issue with the latest stellar/quickstart docker image. I started the container with the following: docker run -p 8000:8000 -v /Users/jhancock/Desktop/stellar:/opt/stellar --name stellar -it stellar/quickstart:latest --standalone.

The first transaction that i attempt causes the system to get stuck in the WORK_RUNNING -> WORK_FAILURE_RAISE, WORK_PENDING -> WORK_RUNNING loop. This was a fresh instance of the container. If i destroy the container, remove the local volume, and rerun a new instance the same thing happens. I am not sure how to start diagnosing this issue.


Peer rejections on core

Fresh install on a Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64 Digital Ocean droplet. Ran through the same process yesterday and it was working fine. Today it seems wrecked. Any ideas?

docker run --rm -d \
  -v "/home/tyler/stellar--test:/opt/stellar" \
  -p "5432:5432" \
  -p "8000:8000" \
  --name stellar--test \
  stellar/quickstart --testnet
starting core...
2018-01-31T21:06:33.277 GBAUN [default INFO] Starting stellar-core v9.1.0
2018-01-31T21:06:33.277 GBAUN [default INFO] Config from /opt/stellar/core/etc/stellar-core.cfg
2018-01-31T21:06:33.278 GBAUN [Database INFO] Connecting to: postgresql://dbname=core host=localhost user=stellar password=********
2018-01-31T21:06:33.290 GBAUN [SCP INFO] LocalNode::LocalNode@GBAUN qSet: 273af2
2018-01-31T21:06:33.290 GBAUN [default INFO] Listening on for HTTP requests
2018-01-31T21:06:33.292 GBAUN [History INFO] Archive 'cache' has 'get' command only, will not be written
2018-01-31T21:06:33.292 GBAUN [History INFO] Archive 'h1' has 'get' command only, will not be written
2018-01-31T21:06:33.292 GBAUN [History INFO] Archive 'h2' has 'get' command only, will not be written
2018-01-31T21:06:33.292 GBAUN [History INFO] Archive 'h3' has 'get' command only, will not be written
2018-01-31T21:06:33.292 GBAUN [History WARNING] No writable archives configured, history will not be written.
2018-01-31T21:06:33.293 GBAUN [default INFO] Loading last known ledger
2018-01-31T21:06:33.295 GBAUN [Ledger INFO] Loaded last known ledger: [seq=1, hash=63d98f]
2018-01-31T21:06:33.296 GBAUN [default INFO] Performing maintenance
2018-01-31T21:06:33.297 GBAUN [History INFO] Trimming history <= ledger 0 (rmin=4294967295, qmin=1, lmin=0)
2018-01-31T21:06:35.367 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:35.370 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:35.372 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:35.393 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:35.393 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:06:35.394 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:35.394 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:06:35.395 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:35.395 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:06:38.375 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:38.398 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:38.398 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:06:44.381 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:44.402 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:44.403 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:06:50.385 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:50.408 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:50.408 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:06:56.389 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:06:56.413 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:06:56.413 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:07:08.295 GBAUN [Herder INFO] Lost track of consensus
2018-01-31T21:07:08.295 GBAUN [Herder INFO] Out of sync context: {
   "queue" : null,

2018-01-31T21:07:17.398 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:07:17.420 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:07:17.420 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:07:20.401 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:07:20.423 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:07:20.423 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:07:23.404 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:07:23.427 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:07:23.427 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:07:29.408 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:07:29.432 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:07:29.432 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:07:50.417 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:07:50.440 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:07:50.440 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:08:08.424 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:08:08.446 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:08:08.446 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:08:14.428 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:08:14.450 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected
2018-01-31T21:08:14.450 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] Dropping peer [email protected]:11625
2018-01-31T21:08:23.434 GBAUN [Overlay INFO] New connected peer
2018-01-31T21:08:23.456 GBAUN [Overlay WARNING] Received error (ERR_LOAD): peer rejected

Stellar/horizon database retention policy

At some point of historical data gap filling I'm getting a message:
[History INFO] Trimming history <= ledger 19521619 (rmin=19521619, qmin=19522067, lmin=19522003
I roughly estimated that the retention policy for the database is set for 1 week by default.
Here is my settings to handle the history upload:

Starting a container I'm getting an error:
<startup> [default FATAL] Got an exception: Unknown configuration entry: 'HISTORY_RETENTION_COUNT' [main.cpp:915]

Is it possible to fix that somehow or possible workaround to set up a different retention policy or even disable it at all?

Add environment variables for most used config variables

It would be convenient in my opinion to have the possibility to set some of the configuration variables using a ENV variable.

E.g. I'm now trying to run a node with a larger CATCHUP_RECENT. But that's hard to do without building a new docker image based on this one. Altering the variable after boot of the container has no effect.

It would have been nice if this could just be set using an ENV variable.

Some questions on starting a persistant container

I would like to try and start a persistent container on aws. After reading the README, I have some questions:

  1. I am planning on just creating an ec2 instance and running this docker container on there. Is there a recommended volume size that I need to attach?

  2. The README mentions passing in db credentials in persistent mode but does not clarify how exactly this is done. How do I pass in the credentials for the postgres instance?

Thanks in advance.

How to run docker over a secure server using letsencrypt?

Need to start Horizon server over a secure network.
Following Readme-dok tried

`docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet`

this start my horioz over port 8000 with http server. I need https server. For this tried out few things like

docker run --rm -it -p "8000:443" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet

`docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet docker --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem` 

And few more with these ssl keys. Tried to redirect https calls from server to http call using nginx, however failed to do so.

Please provide a way to start server over secure server.

When I connect to testnet, it doesn't appear to connect to the network

I start up the docker quickstart container using the command from the readme:

$ docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet
running `/start --testnet'
pids are [7]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: ephemeral
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
postgres user: stellar
postgres password: Xb5HlKSR7E32NIVJ
finalize-pgpass: ok
init-postgres: ok
postgres: up
create-horizon-db: ok
create-core-db: ok
stellar-postgres-user: ok
chown-core: ok
finalize-core-config: ok
init-core-db: ok
chown-horizon: ok
init-horizon-db: ok
postgres: down
starting supervisor
2018-03-28 15:43:24,752 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-03-28 15:43:24,760 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-03-28 15:43:24,760 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-03-28 15:43:24,760 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2018-03-28 15:43:25,765 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 148
2018-03-28 15:43:25,768 INFO spawned: 'stellar-core' with pid 149
2018-03-28 15:43:25,770 INFO spawned: 'horizon' with pid 150
2018-03-28 15:43:26,859 INFO success: postgresql entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-03-28 15:43:26,859 INFO success: stellar-core entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-03-28 15:43:26,859 INFO success: horizon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

It looks like everything is correct. It says it's connecting to the testnet. And I can curl it:

$ curl localhost:8000/assets
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8000/assets?cursor=\u0026limit=10\u0026order=asc"
    "next": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8000/assets?cursor=\u0026limit=10\u0026order=asc"
    "prev": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8000/assets?cursor=\u0026limit=10\u0026order=desc"
  "_embedded": {
    "records": []

The issue is that this is not the same as the actually test net:

$ curl
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "\u0026limit=10\u0026order=asc"
    "next": {
      "href": "\u0026limit=10\u0026order=asc"
    "prev": {
      "href": "\u0026limit=10\u0026order=desc"
  "_embedded": {
    "records": [
        "_links": {
          "toml": {
            "href": ""
        "asset_type": "credit_alphanum12",
        "asset_code": "004d40",
        "paging_token": "004d40_GD4SAUKGB6GE2Q25H2CZMZ3BSP5CVYIY2LQYJDCFNNICR473AVL7IYH5_credit_alphanum12",
        "amount": "52269.0000000",
        "num_accounts": 789,
        "flags": {
          "auth_required": false,
          "auth_revocable": false

Which does return assets. Any ideas?

Postgres exits due to missing /var/run directory

Apparently the /var/run/postgresql directory is missing inside the container. Thus starting postgres fails (the error is sent to /dev/null) and the /start script waits for postgres forever. Quick workaround for it:

$ docker run --rm -it --name stellar-testnet --entrypoint /bin/bash stellar/quickstart -c "mkdir -p /var/run/postgresql && /start --testnet"

Failing to run the quickstart docker image


I'm trying to run the quickstart docker image (
with docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet.
However I'm getting this:

running `/start --testnet'
pids are [7]

Starting Stellar Quickstart

mode: ephemeral
network: testnet (Test SDF Network ; September 2015)
postgres user: stellar
postgres password: XgaJqIQ8B3JiYwQk
finalize-pgpass: ok
init-postgres: failed!

exited 7

The only thing I've done are pulling the image and running this command, so I really don't know. Any idea where I should look?


Stellar/quickstart has state: "Catching up"

Hi. I launched the container with the following
docker run --rm -it -p "8000:8000" -p "11626:11626" -p "11625:11625" -v "/home/user/Stellar/data:/opt/stellar" --name stellar stellar/quickstart --testnet

And second day the state is "Catching up". How long does it take to synchronize the testnet?
My config:


NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Test SDF Network ; September 2015"


DATABASE="postgresql://dbname=core host=localhost user=stellar password=stellar"

#The public keys of the Stellar testnet servers
THRESHOLD_PERCENT=51 # rounded up -> 2 nodes out of 3

and results:

   "info" : {
      "build" : "v9.2.0",
      "ledger" : {
         "age" : 1535565962,
         "baseFee" : 100,
         "baseReserve" : 100000000,
         "closeTime" : 0,
         "hash" : "63d98f536ee68d1b27b5b89f23af5311b7569a24faf1403ad0b52b633b07be99",
         "num" : 2,
         "version" : 0
      "network" : "Test SDF Network ; September 2015",
      "peers" : {
         "authenticated_count" : 12,
         "pending_count" : 0
      "protocol_version" : 9,
      "quorum" : {
         "10785910" : {
            "agree" : 3,
            "disagree" : 0,
            "fail_at" : 2,
            "hash" : "273af2",
            "missing" : 0,
            "phase" : "EXTERNALIZE"
      "startedOn" : "2018-08-28T17:09:45Z",
      "state" : "Catching up",
      "status" : [
         "Catching up: Awaiting 1/1 prerequisites of: get-history-archive-state"

broken wont run

this is not working out of box for sure..I found that it didn't create none of the env variables defined in start file thats why supervisors didnt run. By manually firing up supervisord got the following log , but PostgreSQL will exit ..happens both in testnet and pubnet mode.. any idea how to fix and why postgress would quit..nothing on pg log either
root@7836ab23988c:/# 2018-08-04 00:29:15,812 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-08-04 00:29:15,935 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-08-04 00:29:15,935 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-08-04 00:29:15,936 INFO supervisord started with pid 25
2018-08-04 00:29:16,940 INFO spawned: 'postgresql' with pid 28
2018-08-04 00:29:16,943 INFO spawned: 'stellar-core' with pid 29
2018-08-04 00:29:16,946 INFO spawned: 'horizon' with pid 30
2018-08-04 00:29:17,926 INFO success: postgresql entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-04 00:29:18,107 INFO success: stellar-core entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-04 00:29:18,107 INFO success: horizon entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-04 00:29:18,136 INFO exited: postgresql (exit status 2; expected)

Make sure build fails when something is broken


Horizon path was invalid but the build on Docker Hub succeeded.

```gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
mv: cannot stat '/horizon-v0.12.2-linux-amd64/horizon': No such file or directory
�[91mchmod: cannot access '/usr/local/bin/horizon': No such file or directory

Done installing stellar-core and horizon...```

Container seems to have stalled. How to restart?

I have a running container with CATCHUP_COMPLETE=true. It seems to have caught up to "2016-05-22 16:20:32" and then stopped. By stopped, I mean that I see no new db entries getting added (to the core db's ledgerheaders table and to horizon db's history_ledgers table). I do however see the process listed when I do docker ps.

I guess I have two questions:

  1. What might have caused this?
  2. What are my options? Should I restart the container (and if so how can I tell it to just pick up where it left off).

Thanks in advance.

Enable friendbot on horizon server

When i try to call friendbot on docker testnet i get error json as

{ "type": "", "title": "Friendbot is disabled", "status": 403, "detail": "This horizon server is not configured to provide a friendbot. Contact the server administrator if you believe this to be in error.", "instance": "2480baf748ef/vJBlnyq3qF-000002" }

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