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liveagent-api-python's Introduction


This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 3.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build date: 2018-03-20T15:27:20.907+01:00
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import liveagent_api 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import liveagent_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import time
import liveagent_api
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: privileges
liveagent_api.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# Configure API key authorization: apikey
liveagent_api.configuration.api_key['apikey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. BEARER) for API key, if needed
# liveagent_api.configuration.api_key_prefix['apikey'] = 'BEARER'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = liveagent_api.AgentphoneApi
agent_id = 'agent_id_example' # str | 
type = 'I' # str | API (I - default), SIP (S) (optional) (default to I)

    # Gets phone currently used by agent (use me as agentId for self)
    api_response = api_instance.get_agent_phone(agent_id, type=type)
except ApiException as e:
    print "Exception when calling AgentphoneApi->get_agent_phone: %s\n" % e

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v3

Class Method HTTP request Description
AgentphoneApi get_agent_phone GET /agent_phone/{agentId} Gets phone currently used by agent (use me as agentId for self)
AgentphoneApi set_agent_phone PUT /agent_phone/{agentId} Sets phone currently used by agent (use me as agentId for self)
AgentsApi create_agent POST /agents/ Create agent
AgentsApi delete_agent DELETE /agents/{userId} Agent
AgentsApi get_agent GET /agents/{userId} Agent
AgentsApi get_agent_statuses GET /agents/{userId}/status Get agent statuses in departments
AgentsApi get_agents GET /agents/ Agent list
AgentsApi login_agent POST /agents/{userId}/_login Login agent
AgentsApi logout_agent POST /agents/{userId}/_logout Logout agent
AgentsApi pause_agent POST /agents/{userId}/_pause Pause agent
AgentsApi update_agent PUT /agents/{userId} Update agent
AgentsApi update_agent_statuses PUT /agents/{userId}/status Update agent statuses in departments
ApiApi create_api_keys POST /apikeys Creates api key
ApiApi delete_api_key DELETE /apikeys/{apikeyId} Deletes api key
ApiApi generate_api_key POST /apikeys/_generate Gets new api keys
ApiApi get_api_info GET /api/info/{apiVersion} Gets api info
ApiApi get_api_key GET /apikeys/{apikeyId} Gets api keys
ApiApi get_api_keys GET /apikeys Gets api keys
ApiApi get_api_privileges GET /api/privileges Gets api privileges
ApiApi update_api_key PUT /apikeys/{apikeyId} Updates api key
BansApi create_ban POST /bans/ Create ban
BansApi expire_ban POST /bans/{banId}/_expire Expire ban
BansApi get_ban GET /bans/{banId} Get ban item
BansApi get_bans GET /bans/ Bans list
BansApi update_ban PUT /bans/{banId} Update ban
BillingApi check_vat POST /billing/_check_vat Vat validity
BillingApi get_coupon GET /coupons/{couponCode} Coupon
CallsApi call_add_message POST /calls/{callId}/messages Adds a message to the call group in corresponfing ticket
CallsApi call_add_recording POST /calls/{callId}/recordings Adds a recording to the call group in corresponfing ticket
CallsApi call_answer POST /calls/{callId}/_answer Set call as answered by agent
CallsApi call_change_channel_status PUT /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_status Change channel status
CallsApi call_create POST /calls/{callId} Create new call
CallsApi call_fetch_ivr POST /calls/{callId}/_fetchIvr Fetches IVR for the call from external URL
CallsApi call_get_status GET /calls/{callId}/status Return the status of call
CallsApi call_move_channel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_move Moves existing channel to target call
CallsApi call_remove_channel DELETE /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId} Removes channel from the call
CallsApi call_reroute POST /calls/{callId}/_reroute Let the call ring to another agent
CallsApi call_ring POST /calls/{callId}/_ring Let the call ring
CallsApi call_start POST /call/_start Starts new outcoming / internal call
CallsApi call_start_canceled POST /call/_startCanceled Callback that starting call canceled
CallsApi call_start_failed POST /call/_startFailed Callback that starting call failed
CallsApi call_stop POST /calls/{callId}/_stop Stops the call
CallsApi call_transfer POST /calls/{callId}/_transfer Transfers call to different department / agent
CallsApi confirm_ring POST /calls/{callId}/_confirmRing Confirm that call is ringing
CallsApi get_calls_list GET /calls Gets list of calls
CallsApi merge POST /calls/{callId}/_merge Merge two calls
CallsApi stop_ring POST /calls/{callId}/_stopRing Stop ringing of call
CannedmessagesApi create_canned_message POST /canned_messages Create canned message
CannedmessagesApi delete_canned_message DELETE /canned_messages/{cannedMessageId} Canned message
CannedmessagesApi get_canned_message GET /canned_messages/{cannedMessageId} Gets canned message
CannedmessagesApi get_canned_messages_list GET /canned_messages Gets list of canned messages
CannedmessagesApi update_canned_message PUT /canned_messages/{cannedMessageId} Update canned message
ChatsApi get_chats_list GET /chats Gets list of chats
CompaniesApi create_company POST /companies Create new company
CompaniesApi delete_company DELETE /companies/{companyId} Delete company
CompaniesApi get_companies_list GET /companies Gets list of companies
CompaniesApi get_specific_company GET /companies/{companyId} Get company by specific id
CompaniesApi update_company PUT /companies/{companyId} Update company
ContactphonesApi get_contact_phone GET /contact_phones/{phone} Get contact phone
ContactphonesApi get_contact_phones_list GET /contact_phones Gets list of contact phones
ContactsApi create_contact POST /contacts Create new contact
ContactsApi delete_contact DELETE /contacts/{contactId} Delete contact
ContactsApi get_contacts_list GET /contacts Gets list of contacts
ContactsApi get_specific_contact GET /contacts/{contactId} Get contact by specific id
ContactsApi update_contact PUT /contacts/{contactId} Update contact
CountriesApi get_countries GET /countries/ Country list
DefaultApi ping GET /ping Check that API is responding
DepartmentsApi get_department_list GET /departments Gets list of departments
DepartmentsApi get_specific_department GET /departments/{departmentId} Get department by specific id
DepartmentsApi if_agent_is_in_department GET /departments/{departmentId}/{agentId} Is agent is department
ExtensionsApi get_extension GET /extensions/{extensionId} Gets Extension
ExtensionsApi get_extensions_list GET /extensions Gets list of extensions
ExtensionsApi set_extension PUT /extensions/{extensionId} Set extension
FilesApi upload_file POST /files Upload new file to the system
GroupsApi create_group POST /groups Create contact group
GroupsApi delete_group DELETE /groups/{groupId} Delete contact group
GroupsApi get_group_by_id GET /groups/{groupId} Get contact group by group id
GroupsApi get_groups_list GET /groups Gets list of contact groups
GroupsApi update_group PUT /groups/{groupId} Update contact group
HostingApi get_info GET /hosting/info Used hosting system info
InvoicesApi dowload_invoice POST /invoices/{invoiceNumber}/_download Download invoice
InvoicesApi get_invoices GET /invoices/ Invoice list
PhonenumbersApi add_number POST /phone_numbers Add new number
PhonenumbersApi get_phone_number GET /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId} Gets phone number
PhonenumbersApi get_phone_numbers_list GET /phone_numbers Gets list of available phone numbers
PhonenumbersApi remove_phone_number DELETE /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId} Remove phone number
PhonenumbersApi update_phone_number PUT /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId} Update phone number
PhonenumbersApi update_phone_number_status PUT /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId}/status Update phone number status
PhonesApi create_phone POST /phones Creates external phone
PhonesApi get_phone GET /phones/{phoneId} Gets phone device (use app for LiveAgent Phone app device and web for web device)
PhonesApi get_phones_list GET /phones Gets list of available phone devices.\nSpecial filters (userId - filter phones available for specified user only)\n
PhonesApi remove_phone DELETE /phones/{phoneId} Remove phone
PhonesApi update_phone_params PUT /phones/{phoneId}/_updateParams Update phone paramas
PredefinedanswersApi create_predefined_answer POST /predefined_answers Create predefined answer
PredefinedanswersApi delete_predefined_answer DELETE /predefined_answers/{predefinedAnswerId} Predefined answer
PredefinedanswersApi get_predefined_answer GET /predefined_answers/{predefinedAnswerId} Gets canned message
PredefinedanswersApi get_predefined_answers_list GET /predefined_answers Gets list of predefined answers
PredefinedanswersApi update_predefined_answer PUT /predefined_answers/{predefinedAnswerId} Update predefined answer
SlasApi get_sla GET /slas/{levelId} Gets sla
SlasApi get_sla_ticket_history GET /slas/{ticketId}/history Gets ticket sla history
SlasApi get_slas_list GET /slas Gets list of slas
SubscriptionsApi change_addons PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/addons/ Addon change
SubscriptionsApi change_plan POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_upgrade Change plan
SubscriptionsApi get_active_addons GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/addons/ Addon list
SubscriptionsApi get_billing_info GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingInfo Billing info
SubscriptionsApi get_billing_metrics GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingMetrics Billing metrics
SubscriptionsApi get_billing_status GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingStatus Billing status
SubscriptionsApi get_domain_info GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/domain Domain info
SubscriptionsApi get_payment_method GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/paymentMethod Payment method
SubscriptionsApi get_payment_processor GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/paymentProcessor Payment processor
SubscriptionsApi get_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Subscription
SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_attributes GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/attributes/ Subscription attribute list
SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_discounts GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discounts Subscription discounts
SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_invoices GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/invoices/ Subscription invoice list
SubscriptionsApi get_upgrade_variations GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/upgradeVariations Upgrade variation list
SubscriptionsApi resume_billing POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_cancelStop Restart billing
SubscriptionsApi set_billing_info PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingInfo Billing info
SubscriptionsApi set_custom_domain PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/domain Custom domain
SubscriptionsApi set_payment_method PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/paymentMethod Payment method
SubscriptionsApi set_subscription_usage PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/usage Subscription usage
SubscriptionsApi stop_billing POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_stop Stop billing
SubscriptionsApi update_application POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_update Update subscription
SubscriptionsApi validate_billing_info POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_validateBillingInfo Test Billing info
TagsApi create_tag POST /tags Create tag
TagsApi delete_tag DELETE /tags/{tagId} Delete tag
TagsApi get_tag_by_id GET /tags/{tagId} Get tag by tag id
TagsApi get_tags_list GET /tags Gets list of tags
TagsApi update_tag PUT /tags/{tagId} Update tag
TicketsApi create_ticket POST /tickets Create ticket
TicketsApi delete_ticket DELETE /tickets/{ticketId} Deletes ticket
TicketsApi get_ticket GET /tickets/{ticketId} Gets ticket
TicketsApi get_ticket_attribute GET /tickets/{ticketId}/attributes/{attributeName} Gets ticket attribute
TicketsApi get_ticket_sla GET /tickets/{ticketId}/sla Gets ticket Sla
TicketsApi get_tickets_list GET /tickets Gets list of tickets
TicketsApi set_ticket_attribute PUT /tickets/{ticketId}/attributes/{attributeName} Sets ticket attribute
TicketsApi set_ticket_postpone PUT /tickets/{ticketId}/postpone Sets postpone status to ticket
TicketsApi update_ticket PUT /tickets/{ticketId} Updates ticket
TokenApi get_access_token GET /token Access token
VariationsApi get_variation GET /variations/{variationId} Variation

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorizatoin URL:
  • Scopes:
  • Read invoices
  • subscription.own: Read/write own subscriptions (use 'me' as subscriptionId)
  • Subscriptions read
  • subscription.write: Subscriptions write
  • Hosted account read
  • hosted_account.write: Hosted account write
  • call.write: Call write
  • Call read
  • Agent read
  • agent.write: Agent write
  • Read all phones
  • phone.write: Write all phones
  • phone.own: Read/write phones available to me
  • Read all phone numbers
  • phone_number.own: Read phone numbers available to me
  • phone_number.write: Write all phone numbers
  • Read all contacts
  • user.write: Write contact
  • file.add: Upload files
  • hosting.login: agent login
  • Read tags
  • tag.write: Modify tags
  • Read canned messages
  • canned_message.write: Modify canned messages
  • Read predefined answer
  • predefined_answer.write: Modify predefined answer
  • Read agent phone device assigments
  • agent_phone.write: Change agent phone device assigments
  • agent_phone.own: Change my own phone device assigments
  • conversation.create: Create new conversation
  • Read api
  • api.write: Modify api
  • Ticket read
  • ticket.write: Ticket write
  • Read sla
  • extension.own: Read/Write own extensions
  • extension.write: Write extension
  • Read extension
  • Read contact phone
  • Read chats


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: apikey
  • Location: HTTP header


[email protected]

liveagent-api-python's People


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