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podcast's Issues

Being a co-producer, or producing an episode: Hello from Apple Coding


My name is Julio César Fernández, host and producer of Apple Coding podcast ( that is related to technology through the development, and focused on Apple technologies and Swift. I'm the author of "Aprendiendo Swift", a book to learn Swift in spanish with more than 2.500 copies sold. Also I'm a Swift trainer with more than 3 years of experience and usual guest at Applelianos podcast where Gui Rambo was invited as a guest a couple of times.

Will be a pleasure to help this project about produce or help about how to begin in Swift, why Swift above other languages and other things about learning language and bringing new developers into the language.

💡 Topic: Swift for Good

I've been talking with @lattner and @twostraws to record an episode to cover Swift for Good, from the initial idea to the release of its first volume.

I'm not sure about the exact way to approach the episode yet, as that would also depend on those who would join the recording. @JohnSundell said he would consider joining the episode too.

Also, we'd love it if someone from the community could help produce the episode and allow us to release it! That would mean helping out with the post production as laid out in the Contributing guidelines.

As for a recording date: what about the weekend of February 1st? Either Saturday or Sunday works for me.

Podcast Song

I would like to collaborate to create a melody or song for the podcast.
It would be interesting to do something similar to the intro song of @JohnSundell podcast (Swift by Sundell)


Topic Ideas: The Future of Swift

Hey, everyone! I loved the first episode and think this podcast is a fantastic idea.

One of my favorite things about Swift is its ability to inspire amazing ideas for what the language could be and could bring for the future. Because of this, the topics I'm most interested in hearing about have to do with future goals and possibilities within and enabled by Swift. I would love to hear about some of the following discussed in an episode about the future, or if there is enough bandwidth, in several episodes covering each of these different topics:

  • Concurrency: I believe concurrency will be the biggest table stakes for programming languages going forward and I think concurrency should be dead simple. I think we're going to see that when the async/await proposal is eventually implemented, but I'd like to hear even more about what that will mean for the language and the different things it will enable.

    • Along with this, I'm fascinated by the actor model and can't wait to have actor support in Swift, but the concept is pretty complicated and hard to explain. I'd love to hear someone with a lot of experience using the actor model talk about how actors work. I'd also love to hear someone explain how actors could be used in common Swift scenarios (GUI development, server-side development, etc.)
  • Self-Hosting: I've seen the idea of a self-hosted compiler floated a few times before and the work Robert and Harlan have done with LLVMSwift is very interesting. What would a potential roadmap for a self-hosting Swift compiler look like? What would the architecture of a self-hosting compiler look like? What unique features of Swift would make it a great tool for writing a compiler? What features is Swift missing that would need to be added before the compiler team could conceivably start on a self-hosting version? Would one even want to tackle a self-hosting compiler if it would depend on more C++ code (LLVM) or are there ideas out there for rebuilding the entire toolchain, including LLVM, from bottom up in Swift? If so, what would someone building a new generation of compiler infrastructure want to implement differently than LLVM (i.e. what new ideas have come to light since the inception and design of LLVM)?

  • Other Language Interoperability: One of Swift's greatest strengths is its ability to leverage the decades of code built on C and Objective-C via incredible interoperability that makes old code (mostly) a pleasure to use in a Swifty way. Will this interoperability come for more languages in the future, especially once the ABI is stable? Are there any sort of efforts to make more languages compatible with each other, even from the LLVM side of the project? I've seen #[repr(swift)] and extern "swift" pitched inside the Rust community and I believe better interoperability (even if it is just with languages that compile directly to machine code or use LLVM at first) would be a huge bonus for the language.

  • Dynamism: There's been a lot of discussion in the Apple programming community from Swift's inception about dynamism in the language. Most of this seems to be coming from people familiar with (and reliant upon) the Smalltalk-style message passing present in Objective-C. There were some mentions of dynamic/reflective futures in Joe Groff's talk at Swift Summit, but I get the sense that the core team, and the community at large, are more in favor of static solutions when possible. I'd like to hear opinions about introducing Smalltalk-like dynamism to Swift (pro/con) and and possible plans for or against that going forward, outside of Objective-C interoperability (i.e. @objc).

  • Swift Package Manager: What is the future of the Package Manager? What new tools could be built to support the Package Manager? Could the Package Manager support other languages, besides Swift and the C family, in the future (re: Other Language Interoperability, above)? Would it be possible to build a central repository that could keep track of all the decentralized sources (for an "App Store of Frameworks," if you will)?

  • WebAssembly: What will it look like once Swift gains WebAssembly support as a compilation target? Server-side web development is a big focus of Swift right now, but once WebAssembly realizes its full post-MVP feature-set, client-side web development will also become an option. What kind of tools and frameworks do you see becoming possible once this is a reality? Do you foresee this opening up a new era of "write once, run anywhere" once Swift supports native and front/backend web development? How will we be able to use features like Codable to our advantage once we can use Swift client-side, on both the web and mobile devices?

I would love to hear discussions on each of these topics, as these are the things that fascinate me the most about the language and community. If you need help writing show notes, interview questions, research, or any other pre-show prep work for these topics, please don't hesitate to get in contact! Hopefully I'll be able to contribute more in the future. Thanks everyone!

Suggesting a show topic : How should one's life be to become a good programmer ?

I know this is not related to swift specifically but I would like to suggest a show were we focus on non-technical stuff which goes into becoming a good developer for example we should try and discuss following questions

  1. Do you have a daily routine for day to day activities ? Does it matter if you don't have one ? How ?
  2. How do you manage to give equal importance to your health ?
  3. How to be disciplined about your work ?
  4. When you are not in mood to code or maybe you are unable to concentrate properly what do you generally do during such time ?
  5. How do you manage your time ?
  6. Do you ever fear or have anxiety about how fast things are moving around you and you are not able to cope with it ? If not why ? If yes what's your opinion on how to handle such situation ?
  7. Number of lines of code on daily basis ?
  8. Number of days you go without coding ?
  9. What you do for entertainment ?
  10. Any habits which you are not proud of & fighting on daily basis to improve upon it ?
  11. How do you keep yourself happy & peaceful does it affect your performance ?


Possible topic for a future episode


I would love hear a discussion about what knowledge and experience an iOS/macOS developer should have in order be called Junior, Mid, Senior or Lead developer. There are so many inconsistency in this topic. One group of people says one thing, another group has something completely different in mind. There were even attempts to define and make it more clearer for young and even experienced developers (links are attached). I do understand that differences in opinions are normal and there is nothing wrong about that.

I’m writing this, because of my own personal experience. I’ve seen so many people who simply gave up on software development. They thought that it’s endless, impossible thing to learn. And it is in some ways. Once I’ve personally defined some “borders” between different roles (so to speak, the things that I should be able to do and know in order to be competitive for a particular position) I felt much better, since I was able to define myself as a developer, set concrete goals in order to get into the next level and grow.

Since it’s a community podcast, I offer to discuss those blurry borders between the roles and name several concrete expertises for each of them. That should help everyone who is just starting out to guide them though the process of becoming an iOS/macOS developer. I hope the audience would be interested in to hear some of your own stories and thoughts related to this topic.

Willing to help

Hey there, I'm super new to Swift (still learning) and the community, but I'd love to help out wherever it's needed. I have some familiarity with audio production so I could possibly help with editing episodes, but really I'm just looking at getting involved so feel free to put me to work. ;)

💡 Topic: Reactive Programming in Swift and Combine


  • Swift
  • Combine
  • Reactive
  • Rx


Since episode 6 was SwiftUI first impressions, maybe we could have a Combine first impressions or something like a discussion around combine and the state of Reactive Programming in the Swift Community (How people are using it with swift, what is the impact that Combine will have on the way we develop apps, and so on ...), also talk about 3rd party libraries like RxSwift and ReactiveCocoa too.

Episode collaboration

After recording episode 2 (#22), @garricn and I discussed how we could best collaborate on episodes. This would ideally be a place for all those involved in an episode to discuss things, in one place, asynchronously.

This could be discussing the episode structure before recording, having notes for recording, or compiling a list of show notes or other ideas afterwards.

My proposal would be to invite anyone working on an episode to this organization in GitHub, and then create a team of involved people per episode. These teams can then have discussions to allow for a smooth collaboration process!

Contributing show notes and Squarespace site


Along similar lines of #27, is there a way for the community to help out with the Squarespace site or show note revisions?

Screen Shot 2019-04-22 at 8 43 26 AM

"Result Type SE-0325" should be "Result Type SE-0235"

"SE-0240 Integer-convertible character literals" is "SE-0243"

Great job so far!

I look forward to more episodes 😄

Podcasting documentation

I think it would be a great idea to start documenting things that help anybody with podcasting. Things that come to mind are @garricn's list of things to check and prepare for when podcasting, tips on creating notes and gathering show notes.

I am not sure how much would be covered, so I haven't yet thought out any structure to this; suggestions are welcome!

Would love to be a guest


I would love to be a part of this community podcast, I think it's a fantastic idea.

Briefly about me, I'm a 16 year old developer from Adelaide, Australia. I develop Apple Watch apps like Chirp for Twitter and Nano for Reddit.

I've been on a couple podcasts before and I always really enjoy them.

If you have any questions for me let me know!



Would love to be a guest - Swift in Depth book author

Great job everybody, I enjoyed the first episode a lot, it makes my commute feel a lot shorter, and I would love to see where this podcast is headed!

It would be cool to be a guest. I am the author of Swift in Depth, published by Manning. I have a lot of experience working with many developers and extracted common learning paths into a book.

I'd love to talk about:

  • Common learning patterns and hurdles that developers experience in their Swift careers and how to become a better Swift developer in a shorter time.
  • Working with Swift at a larger scale, e.g. working with multiple international teams, splitting up Swift code into multiple frameworks, the challenges it brings.
  • Hiring Swift developers and interviews.
  • Swift in general 😃

I love how this podcast is "open source" and would be happy to help!

💡 Topic: The State of Swift on The Server


  • Server
  • Vapor
  • Kitura
  • NIO


In less then 2 weeks, the ServerSide.swift conference will be happening in Copenhagen, DK. I thought this would be a great time to pull some people together from the community to discuss why we do Swift on the server, the current state of the frameworks, tools, and community, and where we want to see it go in the future.

Topic Suggestion

There is a lot of talk about contributing to Swift. But could there be a discussion in a future episode about what is a good way to actually help contribute Swift, which seems to be fairly fast moving. As someone new to (and aspiring to work in) language development and to contributing to open-source as a whole I think it would help people understand the process.

Potential Avenues:
-Picking a project/issue
-Finding help
-Navigating Past developments

Episode 1

What did you think about Episode 1?

One Suggestion - Satish Mavani

Loved the concept! Wish more success to the idea and swift as well

When you are talking about the world dominated by swift, My self as a swift developer I have never get a chance to meet a swift developer who is not working on Apple platforms. I guess there are very few.
It will be more exciting to know about their experience that how they leverage the use of swift on other platforms. That might encourage some other developers like me who wanted to move forward in the same direction.

Here is the suggestion, Can we get a couple of developers who are working on swift but not with Apple platforms in an upcoming podcast?

[RFC] [WIP] 💡 Topic: The pace of community tooling changes when compared to that of Objective-C


  • tooling
  • objective-c
  • swift


I want to talk about the pace of tooling innovation with Swift as opposed to that of Objective-c. Specifically around testing, where, before swift, the pace was largely dictated by Xcode and there would be years of less than ideal tools with community contributions being largely pigeonholed to the depths of swizzling. The tools with Swift seem to be arriving to the community much quicker and with a higher level of quality and expectation of longevity.

Transcript for Episode 1

This is an exciting project. Great job on the first episode!

I ran the first episode through Amazon's Transcribe service. The result is a massive JSON file that includes not only the transcribed text but also timecodes and speaker identification (i.e. you tell the AWS Transcribe API how many speakers there were and it will try to distinguish them as "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" and so on). Here's a screenshot of the AWS Transcribe console:

screen shot 2019-01-21 at 00 28 56

The transcription is obviously not perfect, but I think it's a good start and manually editing the file is probably way faster than typing everything out manually. I'm a big fan of transcripts to make it possible to find things again later, but I also think a podcast transcript need not (and perhaps should not) mirror the spoken word precisely. Transcribed text is generally not very readable if it includes every "uh" etc.

You can download the complete JSON file (5.6 MB). I ran it through a formatter and removed my AWS account ID, other than that it's unchanged.

The bulk of the file is a huge array of recognized words with a per-word timecode and sometimes with word alternatives if the system wasn't certain. For example, this is how the first two words ("Welcome to") look like:

    "items": [
        "start_time": "0.54",
        "end_time": "1.31",
        "alternatives": [
            "confidence": "1.0",
            "content": "Welcome"
        "type": "pronunciation"
        "start_time": "1.31",
        "end_time": "1.45",
        "alternatives": [
            "confidence": "1.0",
            "content": "to"
        "type": "pronunciation"

I'm not sure how much time I can spend on editing the transcript and/or writing a script to process the whole thing into something that can be published on the web. If anyone would like to help, feel free to chime in.

Lastly, I'd like to mention the Podlove web player, a great (I think) open-source HTML5 audio player that can, among many other features, display transcripts and sync them to the audio, i.e. you can search the transcript for something, click on a search result, and the player will jump to that timecode in the audio. I think this or something like this would be a great addition to the web site — at least if transcripts become a regular thing that we create for each episode (making a good transcript is a lot of work, and somebody has to do it).

🏥 Help Wanted: Document Episode Proposal Process

Now that both @AndrewLitteken and I have gone through the process of pitching/producing an episode, I think we can start the process of documenting the desired workflow. This should be a living document either in the root of this repo or linked to early in the read me for visibility. I could see this document living either in or adjacent to the contributing guidelines.

I see this being different from the contributing guidelines in that the contributing guidelines are left a little more generic so it can introduce each of the possible roles one could fill to help get an episode aired. Whereas the document I'm proposing is strictly about the path from GitHub Issue to scheduling a recording session.

The reason I think this is necessary is because, as this is a very new process, it felt like at several times we were left trying to figure out what the next step should be. It may very well be that we're still trying to figure the process out, but some documented lessons learned may help the next community member have a smooth path to air.

Remove website banner

Remove top banner on website saying "The show will soon come to Apple Podcasts...", since you're already on there. Btw, congrats on being on Apple Podcasts now!

💡 [RFC] Topic: Swift and Machine Learning


  • Swift
  • Python
  • Machine Learning
  • Dynamic Languages
  • Interoperability


Swift gained interoperability with scripting languages in Swift 4.2 with the addition of @dynamicMemberLookup. Python, for one, is widely used in machine learning contexts.

  • What are the advantages of using Swift in this field?
  • What other fields could apply these same advantages?
  • What other changes would Swift need to improve this interop?
  • What are the potential pitfalls of these changes?
  • Can Swift replace existing Python solutions in machine learning, for instance? Should it?

In the continuing goal of Swift world-domination, it would be good to discuss the current state of this in a particular field and what the broader implications might mean currently and in the future.


What other information should I include? Who are the experts that could discuss this topic?

My Contribution - Sean Allen

Loved the show and the concept. Great job everyone. I especially like the idea of it being a variety show and not a set format each time.

I would love to be a fill-in co-host. Kind of like having a back up host on speed dial when you need it.

If there's ever an in-person episode at a conference or event like WWDC (which I think there should be), I would be more than happy to do any video editing and help release a video version of the show.

Overall, love the idea and looking forward to contributing!

Topic Idea: iOS Career Advice

I always find it helpful to hear ways to improve your professional career in iOS dev. Things ranging from how to land your first job to how get promoted. All advice helps.

Brandon Shaw

Label Suggestions

It might be nice to create some new labels to help keep issues organized.

For example:

suggestion - Episode/Topic Suggestions
feedback - General feedback

Just a thought. 😁

Helping out with editing

Hi everyone!

In case you want to help out producing the show, one way to do so which can have a big impact on the end result - is to help out with editing. You can either edit a part of an episode, or a complete one.

Feel free to reply to this issue if you're interested. I'm planning to host a free podcast editing workshop in February in case you want to learn more about how editing works - even if you're a beginner you can pick it up quite quickly.

You can also find the GarageBand file that I used to edit the first episode here, if you want to see what an episode looks like under the hood 🙂

Suggesting a show topic: Intern progress

I think it would be interesting if you got a couple of new swift coders that will enrol in an internship and just talk about their knowledge and what they expect from their Internship. Then you could reach back out to them after the internship and talk about their experience and so on...

Episodes do not have speed controls

I watch / listen to (almost) all online content at 2x speed.
However, the Swift Community Podcast does not have speed controls,
and also does not support:

document.querySelector("video").playbackRate = 2.0;


document.querySelector("audio").playbackRate = 2.0;

Topic idea / languages that influenced Swift

I think that an episode where Chris talks about what languages influenced Swift in which way and/or what did Swift “borrow” from them would be interesting... At least to “programming language geeks” like me 😃

Would like to be a guest - Topic: How to Become an iOS/Swift Developer

Love the podcast idea! So excited about this idea.

Would like to be a guest for an episode.
I was thinking about coming on and discussing "How to Become an iOS Developer"; discuss things like networking, meetups, technical skills, where to find great materials to master Swift and iOS as a platform, etc. I have really great experience and background in this area and would love to give back by sharing these insights.

Let me know your thoughts!

[WIP] [RFC] Episode Suggestion: State of The Community


  • Community
  • Episode


There has been an interesting shift in the community. Where people used to gather around iOS or macOS as topics, everyone seems to have instead moved to all gather around Swift. I think it would be interesting to hear from a group of community builders and members about the state of the community, what it means to them, and how others can help keep up the spirit of building together.

Suggested Co-Host Roles:

  • Content Creator (author, streamer, etc.)
  • Community Organizer (meetup, user group, etc.)
  • Community Member (someone who learned from community contribution)

General Issue Information

New episode: SwiftUI first impressions

Hi everyone,

We're looking to record a new episode of the show this week, which will be about sharing first impressions of SwiftUI. The episode will feature myself, @twostraws, @erica and Kateryna Gridina. I'm really excited about it!

For this episode I thought we could try something fun. If anyone wants to share their first impressions of SwiftUI, then feel free to reply to this thread - and we'll read out some of the responses on the show.

So let us know, what do you think of SwiftUI now that we are a few weeks past the initial announcements? Have you had time to start playing around with it, and what are some of your initial reactions to the way it works?

If you have any other feedback or suggestions for the episode, those are of course super welcome too.

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