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coordinator's Introduction



SwiftUIX attempts to fill the gaps of SwiftUI, providing an extensive suite of components, extensions and utilities to complement the standard library. This project is by far the most complete port of missing UIKit/AppKit functionality, striving to deliver it in the most Apple-like fashion possible.


The goal of this project is to complement the SwiftUI standard library, offering hundreds of extensions and views that empower you, the developer, to build applications with the ease promised by the revolution that is SwiftUI.



Swift 5.9 is the latest release for Swift and adds support for macros, support for Swift 5.8 will be dropped soon.

  • Deployment target: iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13, watchOS 6 and visionOS 1 beta 6 (Xcode Xcode 15.1 beta 3)
  • Xcode 15.0+


The preferred way of installing SwiftUIX is via the Swift Package Manager.

/// Package.swift
/// ...
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", branch: "master"),
/// ...

Xcode 15 integrates with libSwiftPM to provide support for iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS platforms.

  1. In Xcode, open your project and navigate to FileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependency...
  2. Paste the repository URL ( and click Next.
  3. For Rules, select Branch (with branch set to master).
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Open the Project settings, add SwiftUI.framework to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries, set Status to Optional.


All documentation is available via the repository wiki.

While the project itself is stable and heavily being used in production, its documentation is work-in-progress. Contributions are encouraged and welcomed.

UIKit → SwiftUI

UIKit SwiftUI SwiftUIX
LPLinkView - LinkPresentationView
UIActivityIndicatorView - ActivityIndicator
UIActivityViewController - AppActivityView
UIBlurEffect - BlurEffectView
UICollectionView - CollectionView
UIDeviceOrientation - DeviceLayoutOrientation
UIImagePickerController - ImagePicker
UIPageViewController - PaginationView
UIScreen - Screen
UISearchBar - SearchBar
UIScrollView ScrollView CocoaScrollView
UISwipeGestureRecognizer - SwipeGestureOverlay
UITableView List CocoaList
UITextField TextField CocoaTextField
UIModalPresentationStyle - ModalPresentationStyle
UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate - UIHostingControllerTransitioningDelegate
UIVisualEffectView - VisualEffectView
UIWindow - WindowOverlay


  • ActivityIndicator

  • AppActivityView - a SwiftUI port for UIActivityViewController.

    AppActivityView(activityItems: [...])
        .onCancel { }
        .onComplete { result in


  • View/visible(_:) - Sets a view's visibility.


Use CollectionView within your SwiftUI view, providing it with a data source and a way to build cells.

import SwiftUIX

struct MyCollectionView: View {
    let data: [MyModel] // Your data source

    var body: some View {
        CollectionView(data, id: \.self) { item in
            // Build your cell view

Error Handling

  • TryButton - A button capable of performing throwing functions.


  • flip3D(_:axis:reverse:) - Flips this view.
  • RectangleCorner - A corner of a Rectangle.
  • ZeroSizeView - A zero-size view for when EmptyView just doesn't work.


  • Keyboard - An object representing the keyboard.
  • View/padding(.keyboard) - Pads this view with the active system height of the keyboard.

Link Presentation:

Use LinkPresentationView to display a link preview for a given URL.

LinkPresentationView(url: url)
    .frame(height: 192)

Navigation Bar

  • View/navigationBarColor(_:) - Configures the color of the navigation bar for this view.
  • View/navigationBarTranslucent(_:) - Configures the translucency of the navigation bar for this view.
  • View/navigationBarTransparent(_:) - Configures the transparency of the navigation bar for this view.
  • View/navigationBarLargeTitle(_:) - Set a custom view for the navigation bar's large view mode.


  • PaginationView

    PaginationView(axis: .horizontal) {
        ForEach(0..<10, id: \.hashValue) { index in


  • View/isScrollEnabled(_:) - Adds a condition that controls whether users can scroll within this view. Works with:

    • CocoaList
    • CocoaScrollView
    • CollectionView
    • TextView

    Does not work with SwiftUI's ScrollView.


  • SearchBar - A SwiftUI port for UISearchBar.

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State var isEditing: Bool = false
        @State var searchText: String = ""
        var body: some View {
            SearchBar("Search...", text: $searchText, isEditing: $isEditing)
                .onCancel { print("Canceled!") }
  • View/navigationSearchBar(_:) - Sets the navigation search bar for this view.

    Text("Hello, world!")
        .navigationSearchBar {
            SearchBar("Placeholder", text: $text)
  • View/navigationSearchBarHiddenWhenScrolling(_:) - Hides the integrated search bar when scrolling any underlying content.


  • Screen - A representation of the device's screen.
  • UserInterfaceIdiom - A SwiftUI port for UIUserInterfaceIdiom.
  • UserInterfaceOrientation - A SwiftUI port for UserInterfaceOrientation.


  • ScrollIndicatorStyle - A type that specifies the appearance and interaction of all scroll indicators within a view hierarchy
    • HiddenScrollViewIndicatorStyle - A scroll indicator style that hides all scroll view indicators within a view hierarchy.

Status Bar

  • View/statusItem(id:image:) - Adds a status bar item configured to present a popover when clicked

    Text("Hello, world!")
        .statusItem(id: "foo", image: .system(.exclamationmark)) {


  • TextView

    TextView("placeholder text", text: $text, onEditingChanged: { editing in

Visual Effects

  • VisualEffectBlurView - A blur effect view that expands to fill.

    VisualEffectBlurView(blurStyle: .dark)


  • View/windowOverlay(isKeyAndVisible:content:) - Makes a window key and visible when a given condition is true.


SwiftUIX welcomes contributions in the form of GitHub issues and pull-requests. Please refer the projects section before raising a bug or feature request, as it may already be under progress.

To create an Xcode project for SwiftUIX run bundle install; bundle exec fastlane generate_xcodeproj. To check the automated builds for SwiftUIX run bundle install; bundle exec fastlane build.


SwiftUIX is licensed under the MIT License.


SwiftUIX is and will always remain free and open-source.

Maintaining SwiftUIX is a massively time-consuming endeavour. If you're reliant on SwiftUIX for your app/project and would like to see it grow, consider either:


SwiftUIX is led and maintained by @vatsal_manot.

Special thanks to Brett Best, Nathan Tanner, Kabir Oberai and many more.

coordinator's People


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coordinator's Issues

Do we have some transition type similar to fullScreenCover?

Hello! First of all, this is an amazing repo! Congratulations!!

I'm studying use it into some proof of concept project, and I didn't found nothing about present in full screen.
Do you have implemented this scenario? There's something more to do when when we return .present(view) into Coordinator?

I've tried to use .set(view), but it's replacing my current view, right? So with this we don't have the @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode to dismiss later 😩.

Thank you.

EnvironmentObjects not being passed to `.present`-ed views

I'm having trouble figuring out how to have my environment objects pass along to views presented modally with the .present ViewTransition. I am getting the following error: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type MyObject found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for MyObject may be missing as an ancestor of this view.

The following reproduces the issue:

import SwiftUI
import Coordinator

enum Route {
  case presentView(AnyView)

class AppCoordinator: UIViewControllerCoordinator<Route> {
  override func transition(for route: Route) -> ViewTransition {
    switch route {
    case .presentView(let anyView):
      return .present(anyView)

class MyObject: ObservableObject {
  let string = "My Object's String"

  init() {}

struct ContentView: View {
  var body: some View {

struct ViewA: View {
  @Coordinator(for: Route.self) var coordinator
  @EnvironmentObject var myObject: MyObject

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Button(action: {
      }, label: Text("Press Me"))

struct ViewB: View {
  @EnvironmentObject var myObject: MyObject

  var body: some View {

Am I missing some required setup? Or is this not possible, if I must I could make the environment objects that I create singletons, although at least one of them that will be less-than-straightforward.

Are you sure about the name? It seems like more Router pattern than Coordinator.

In iOS app development, both the Coordinator pattern and the Router pattern are commonly used to manage navigation and flow within an app. While they serve similar purposes, there are some differences between the two patterns. Let's explore each pattern in more detail:

  1. Coordinator Pattern:

    • The Coordinator pattern is a higher-level architectural pattern that focuses on managing the flow and coordination of screens (view controllers) in an app.
    • Each screen or view controller has its own coordinator responsible for its presentation and dismissal.
    • Coordinators abstract the navigation logic away from view controllers, making them independent and reusable.
    • Coordinators can handle complex navigation scenarios, such as presenting modally, pushing onto navigation stacks, or presenting in a tab bar controller.
    • Coordinators can also handle other tasks related to the screen, such as data fetching, dependency injection, and handling user actions.
    • Coordinators typically communicate with each other and with other parts of the app using protocols or callbacks.
    • The Coordinator pattern promotes separation of concerns and helps in keeping view controllers lightweight and focused on their specific responsibilities.
  2. Router Pattern:

    • The Router pattern is a simpler navigation pattern that focuses on managing the presentation and dismissal of view controllers.
    • Routers are typically associated with a specific view controller or a group of related view controllers.
    • Routers provide methods for presenting, dismissing, or navigating to other view controllers.
    • Routers can encapsulate common navigation behaviors and animations, making them reusable across multiple view controllers.
    • Routers are often used within view controllers or their presenters to handle specific navigation actions.
    • Routers can also be used to handle deep linking, URL routing, or other navigation-related tasks.
    • The Router pattern helps in decoupling the navigation logic from view controllers, making them more modular and testable.

In summary, the Coordinator pattern is a more comprehensive architectural pattern that handles the flow and coordination of screens in an app, while the Router pattern is a simpler pattern that focuses on managing the presentation and dismissal of view controllers. Both patterns can be used together or independently, depending on the complexity and requirements of your app. It's important to choose the pattern that best suits your app's architecture and navigation needs.

Certainly! Here are simple examples for both the Coordinator pattern and the Router pattern in iOS app development:

  1. Coordinator Pattern Example:
// Coordinator Protocol
protocol Coordinator {
    func start()

// Example Coordinator
class MainCoordinator: Coordinator {
    let navigationController: UINavigationController

    init(navigationController: UINavigationController) {
        self.navigationController = navigationController

    func start() {
        let viewController = MainViewController()
        viewController.coordinator = self
        navigationController.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)

    func showDetail() {
        let detailCoordinator = DetailCoordinator(navigationController: navigationController)

// View Controller
class MainViewController: UIViewController {
    var coordinator: MainCoordinator?

    @IBAction func showDetailButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {

// Usage
let navigationController = UINavigationController()
let mainCoordinator = MainCoordinator(navigationController: navigationController)

In the above example, the MainCoordinator manages the flow between the main view controller (MainViewController) and the detail view controller. The coordinator sets itself as the delegate for the main view controller and handles the navigation to the detail view controller when the "Show Detail" button is tapped.

  1. Router Pattern Example:
// Router
class AppRouter {
    static let shared = AppRouter()

    private var navigationController: UINavigationController?

    private init() {}

    func setNavigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController) {
        self.navigationController = navigationController

    func showHomeScreen() {
        let homeViewController = HomeViewController()
        navigationController?.setViewControllers([homeViewController], animated: false)

    func showDetailScreen() {
        let detailViewController = DetailViewController()
        navigationController?.pushViewController(detailViewController, animated: true)

    func dismissScreen() {
        navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

// Usage
let navigationController = UINavigationController()

In this example, the AppRouter manages the presentation and dismissal of view controllers. It has methods for showing the home screen, detail screen, and dismissing the current screen. The router is responsible for configuring the navigation stack and handling the navigation transitions.

Note: These examples provide a simplified representation of the Coordinator and Router patterns. In real-world scenarios, you would typically have more view controllers, coordinators, and routers, and they would handle more complex navigation scenarios.

Based on the your code, it appears to be an implementation of the Router pattern.

The class overrides the transition(for route:) method. This method defines the transitions for different routes (AppDestination). Based on the route, it returns the appropriate ViewTransition, such as presenting a view controller (view 1), pushing a view controller (view 2), or setting a view controller (view 3).

The Protocol suggests that this class is responsible for handling the navigation or routing logic within the app, determining how different destinations or routes should be presented or transitioned to.

Overall, this code demonstrates the Router pattern by encapsulating the navigation logic and providing a clear separation between the routes and the transitions associated with them.

Swallow Lib not being imported

Compilation error in UIViewControllerCoordinator:
Coordinator/Sources/Intramodular/Bridging/AppKitOrUIKitViewControllerCoordinatorType.swift:57:13 Cannot find 'runtimeIssue' in scope

 public override func triggerPublisher(for route: Route) -> AnyPublisher<ViewTransitionContext, Error> {
        guard let rootViewController = rootViewController else {
            runtimeIssue("Could not resolve a root view controller.") // <--- Here
            return .failure(TriggerError.rootViewControllerMissing)
        return transition(for: route)
            .triggerPublisher(in: rootViewController, animated: true, coordinator: self)
            .handleOutput { [weak self] _ in

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