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100-days-of-coding's Introduction

Repository Goals (To Do List)

  • If possible, add icons to applicable elements. (i.e. figcaption elements in the list)
  • Have all completed task as links so that if anyone wants to see what exactly I did they can go to it or at least try it for themselves.
  • Have a real nav bar that will not only send you to specific days, but also to a project section, social media section etc...
  • Find Icons for social media contacts (Twitter*, linkedIn, codepen, etc)
  • Want to have a tutorial list with links to the video and to my version of it
  • Instead of calendar style day navigation, a scrolladex might be eaiser.
  • Add project tiles to completed repositories and code pens.
  • Change list to tables to make this shorter
  • wrap text around images.
  • wrap list around images.
  • see if is possible to add gif/videos in github

Day's Navigation:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28
Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Day 41 Day 42
Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Day 46 Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 Day 50 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55 Day 56
Day 57 Day 58 Day 59 Day 60 Day 61 Day 62 Day 63 Day 64 Day 65 Day 66 Day 67 Day 68 Day 69 Day 70
Day 71 Day 72 Day 73 Day 74 Day 75 Day 76 Day 77 Day 78 Day 79 Day 80 Day 81 Day 82 Day 83 Day 84
Day 85 Day 86 Day 87 Day 88 Day 89 Day 90 Day 91 Day 92 Day 93 Day 94 Day 95 Day 96 Day 97 Day 98
Day 99 Day 100

Day 1 / 100: To You, 100 Days from Now

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Summary: Currently I am using a chrome extension called "" ( This extension allows you to Set a main goal of your journey and then set specific goals for each day; you can also set subtasks for that day's goal. The first day is always the hardest, but once you get over that hump the rest seems easy. Out of my 4 subtasks set I only finished about 3 of them. Fatigue set in and I didn't want to go any further. I noticed that setting a small amount of task is better than setting a whole bunch for the sake of getting something done.

The Marathon Continues

Day 2 / 100: Perfect Practice makes Perfect

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Summary: Nothing was really done today due to hardware issues, but an attempt was tried.

The Marathon Continues

Day 3/100: If its for free its for me!!!

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Summary: For the 100th time, I restarted my progress in Freecodecamp just to have a fresh start. So far all I did was the HTML & HTML5 section in freecodecamp. A good note taking note app to use with coding is remnote ( You can create a code section that color codes and indents any code you put inside it. This is my first time using it so we will see if it comes in handy further down the line.

The Marathon Continues

Day 4/100

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Summary: I only did the freecodecamp "Basic CSS."

The Marathon Continues

Day 5/100: I finally know what it feels like to be a programmer

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Summary: First, I was accepted to Resilent Coders Bootcamp for their co-hort of 2021. Even though I will be getting trained how to be a software engineer I will still be updating my 100 days of code. Today showed me that copying code might not always yield the same result. For the first project apart of the "10 Mega Websites" wasn't working for me even though I copied the code exact. The first error on my part was putting the script outside of the body but even with that things still were not working properly. On top of that I completed some of Freecodecamp's "Applied Visual Design."

Project 1 Food

The Marathon Continues

Day 6/100: I finally know what it feels like pt.2

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The Marathon Continues

Day 7/100 | Date:08/12/2021 | Wasted Time Could be Benificial

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Summary: I don't remember much of the work I completed, but it was more of the freecodecamp "Responsive Web Design" modules. I also watched this video on entrepreneurship on Udemy . If you are new to entrepreneurship this course is worth picking up.

The Marathon Continues

Day 8/100 | Date: 08/13/2021 | CSS is Hard

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Summary: Even though Freecodecamp was detailed in their explanation of the flexbox and grid, I know have to dive deeper into those subjects before I feel comfortable using these new techniques.

The Marathon Continues

Day 9/100 | Date: 08/16/2021 | Work & Vacation

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Summary: I finished the tribute page for freecodecamp and got started on the survey page, but since I was on vacation I didn't get much done.

Tribute Page

Survey Page

The Marathon Continues

Day 10/100 | Date 08/19/2021 | Networking is Important

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Summary: Finished the product landing page for FCC (freecodecamp) and branched out to software engineers on LinkedIn and Twitter (of all places). Learned a few things that gave me the confidence to keep going with my journey.

  • Don't Give Up.
  • Once you are building fullstack apps, you are job ready, whether you think you are or not.
  • Try 100 devs
  • When it gets hard, just remind yourself that it will all make sense eventually.
  • Coding is 90% not giving up and 10% pushing yourself.

The Marathon Continues

Day 11/100 | Date 08/22/2021 | Rough Roads Ahead

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Summary: Got my certificate for the Responsive Web Design. Even though I spent hours obtaining this, I still need to go back through my notes on the modules and update my projects. Other than that it feels good to see my work paying off.

ADVICE: Even if your projects look like a baby did, be proud of them because they are 10,000 steps you will take to mastery

The Marathon Continues

Day 12/100 | Date 08/23/2021 | I hate that JavaScript is Long

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Summary: Did 10 modules of the "Basic JavaScript" for FCC. Planning on going thru the #100Devs discord and working on some projects they have done and getting feedback from that community on my work and what could use improving.

The Marathon Continues

Day 13/100 | Date 08/24/2021 | More JavaScript, but more project plans

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Another day of doing the freeCodeCamp (I see why they spell the name out like this, IYKYK) basic JavaScript modules and did some reading of simple JavaScript from "If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript". I finished the day off with a YouTube video on Front-End engineering just to get a lay of the land. Hopefully by my next log in I will have a navbar at the top of this repository that will allow navigation to all days. This not gives me practice on making navigation bars, but also confindence in my abilities.

Tasks Completed
  • Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript
  • Increment a Number with JavaScript
  • Decrement a Number with JavaScript
  • Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
  • Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript
  • Divide One Decimal by Another with JavaScript
  • Finding a Remainder in JavaScript
  • Compound Assignment with Augmented Addition
  • Compound Assignment with Augmented Subtraction
  • Compound Assignment with Augmented Multiplication
  • Compound Assignment with Augmented Division
  • GitHub
  • Updated GitHub 100DaysOfCode repository
  • If Hemingway wrote JavaScript
  • Ernest Hemingway
Front-End Developer Handbook 2019
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2 (incomplete)

The Marathon Continues

Day 14/100 | Date 08/25/2021 | Wake up (code), sleeping (code)

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Summary: Read "The Great Divide" from Chris Coyier. It seemed as though that just knowing HTML and CSS is not enough to be a front-end web developer, but having some mastery over JavaScript is more valuable than having a properly built website. To me, JavaScript seems like a typical programming language like python, but it doesn't seem like that when I do the modules from freeCodeCamp. The plan right now is going through some changes and by tommorow I can show a detailed approach I will take from here on out.

Task Completed
  • Declare String Variables
  • Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings
  • Quoting Strings with Single Quotes
  • Escape Sequences in Strings
  • Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator
  • Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator
  • Constructing Strings with Variable
  • Appending Variables to Strings
  • Find the Length of a String
  • Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String
Front-End Developer Handbook
  • 2.2 - Front-End Job Titles

The Marathon Continues

Day 15/100 | Date 08/26/2021 | Steele Sharpen Steele

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Summary: Did my usually 10 JavaScript modules and decided to do Colt Steele's Web Developer 2021 Bootcamp course on udemy. I bought this course awhile ago, but felt overwhelmed by all the content, but now that I feel more comfortable with web development I think its time to tackle this course.

Task Completed

  • Understand String Immutability
  • Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String
  • Use Bracket Notation to Find the last character in a string
  • Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth to Last Character in a String
  • Word Blanks
  • Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
  • Nest one Array within Another Array
  • Access Array Data with Indexes
  • Modify Array Data with Indexes
  • Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays with Indexs
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021

  • CSS: The Very Basics

Day 16/100 | Date 08/30/2021 | On your mark, get set, code!!!

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Summary: Did 30 more modules of freeCodeCamp's Basic JavaScript. Hopefully, I can learn all the basics of JavaScript and start planning out apps that only need the 3 core technologies

Task(s) Completed freeCodeCamp: Basic JavaScript

The Marathon Continues

Day 17/100 | Date 08/31/2021 | You can't understand it all

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Summary: Did more JavaScript basics, still have 20+ modules to go thru, but once thats done I can move on to building projects using the 3 core technologies.

Task(s) Completed
freeCodeCamp: Basic JavaScript
  • Golf Code
  • Selecting from Many Options with Switch Statements
  • Adding a Default Option in Switch Statements
  • Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements
  • Replacing If Else Chains with Switch
  • Returning Boolean Values from Functions
  • Return Early Pattern for Functions
  • Counting Cards
  • Build JavaScript Objects
  • Accessing Objects Properties with Dot Notation
  • Accessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation
  • Accessing Object Properties with Variables
  • Updating Object Properties
  • Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object
  • Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object

The Marathon Continues

Day 18/100 | Date 09/01/2021 | It's finally over, for today

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Task(s) Completed
freeCodeCamp Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour

The Marathon Continues

Day 19/100 | Date 09/02/2021 | Review & Learn

Here is my Code Pen

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Summary: Started doing projects using the core technologies. I still feel like I don't know what I am doing, but the more projects under my belt the more confidence I can build. This is also the time to review old modules from new voices, meaning that instead of going directly back to the freeCodeCamp modules to re-learn a topic, I can go to another e-course and start from there. It sounds reductive to go to another course to get the same information, but hearing another person's explanation on a topic can help you reinforce a subject/topic.

Completed Task(s)

50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML, CSS & JavaScript

10 Mega Responsive Websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

The Marathon Continues

Day 20/100 | Date 09/03/2021 | Something Slight

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Summary: Did one youtube tutorial today and read a article nothing much after that. My project doesn't work exactly like the video so I am planning on going over the documentation tomorrow.

Completed Task(s)

The Marathon Continues

Day 21/100 | Date 09/09/2021 | Just like the Phoenix, I rise

Here is my Code Pen

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Completed Task(s) Reviewed
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021
  • Section 5: HTML: Forms & Tables
    • Section 5: HTML: Forms & Tables - What Matters in This Section
    • Section 5: HTML: Forms & Tables - Unit Goals
    • Section 5: HTML: Forms & Tables - Introducing HTML Tables
    • Section 5: HTML: Forms & Tables - Tables: TR, TD, and TH Elements
  • Section 4: HTML: Next Steps & Semantics
    • Section 4: What Matters in This Section
    • Section 4: What Exactly is HTML 5?
    • Section 4: Block vs. Inline Elements - Divs and Spans
    • Section 4: An Odd Assortment of Elements: HR, BR, Sup, and Sub
    • Section 4: Entity Codes
    • Section 4: Coding Exercise 4: Snowman Logo Exercise
    • Section 4: Intro to Semantic Markup
    • Section 4: Playing with Semantic Elements
    • Section 4: Screen Reader Demonstration
    • Section 4: VSCode Tip: Emmet

The Marathon Continues

Day 22/100 | Date 09/10/2021 | Boss up like Rick Ross

Here is my Code Pen

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Completed Task(s)
CSS Diner

Day 23/100 | Date 09/11/2021 | Soul Coder

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Completed Task(s)
Bootcamp Activities

The Marathon Continues

Day 24/100 | Date 09/13/2021 | Fake it til you make it

Here is my Code Pen

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Summary: Today was a day of reflection. Updating this repository still counts as coding.

The Marathon Continues

Day 25/100 | Date 09/15/2021 | We are almost there

Here is my Code Pen

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Summary: Used github pages to host my main portfolio website which you can checkout in the completed tasks section. The confidence to build more sites has been sparked so going thru tutorials and Colt's Bootcamp is the plan.

Completed Task(s)

The Marathon Continues

Day 26/100 | Date 09/15/2021 | Coding is Unbreakable pt 1

Here is my Code Pen

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The Marathon Continues

Day 27/100 | Date 09/16/2021 | Coding is Unbreakable pt 2

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The Marathon Continues

Day 28/100 | Date 09/17/2021 | Coding is Unbreakable pt 3

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The Marathon Continues

Day 29/100 | Date 09/18/2021 | Coding is Unbreakable pt 4

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The Marathon Continues

Day 30/100 | Date 09/19/2021 | Coding is Unbreakable pt 5

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The Marathon Continues

Day 31/100 | Date 09/20/2021 | Coding is Unbreakable pt 6

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The Marathon Continues

Day 32/100 | Date 09/21/2021 | Divergence

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The Marathon Continues

Day 33/100 | Date 09/24/2021 | Made in VS Pt 1

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The Marathon Continues

Day 34/100 | Date 09/30/2021 | Made in VS Pt 2

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The Marathon Continues

Day 35/100 | Date 10/04/2021 | Made in VS Pt 3

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The Marathon Continues

Day 36/100 | Date 10/05/2021 | Made in VS Pt 4

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The Marathon Continues

Day 37/100 | Date 10/07/2021 | Made in VS Pt 5

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The Marathon Continues

Day 38/100 | Date 10/07/2021 | Made in VS Pt 6 (End)

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The Marathon Continues

Day 39/100 | Date 10/11/2021 | 11 Days until the "Big 50"

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Roadmap for Today

The Marathon Continues

Day 40/100 | Date 10/12/2021 | 10 Days until the "Big 50"

Here is my Code Pen

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Summary: Started @wesbos CSS Grid course. This will be my refresher on CSS since for the last few weeks I been learning JavaScript. In my studies I found that trying to memorize everything in code is impossible. Even the small things like declaring a variable. So an idea I had was creating a repository that will house all of the coding languages and techniques. Basically, there will be folder named "So you forgot "blank" " and the corresponding folders will have specific lessons I can refer to those folders for guidence. Hopefully, I can have a dedicated hosting page on firefox to have my own coding playground.

Roadmap for Today

Completed Task(s)

The Marathon Continues

Day 41/100 | Date 10/13/2021 | 9 Days until the "Big 50"

Here is my Code Pen

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Summary: Finished section 24 of Colt's bootcamp and plan on making more projects while still reviewing older modules. I feel like memorizing code isn't a effective way of learning, (for me) so my current plan is taking more time to learn a technique before learning a new one. The way this would go is say that I watch a video that is 12 mins long, instead of coding along (stopping and pausing to match code) I will watch the video thru and just listen. Then I would watch the video again and take notes of steps and syntax; the video will be put on a higher speed. Then, on the final watch, I will code along with the instructor seeing if I full understand how this new technique and old ones work together. I'm still fleshing out the process.

Today's Roadmap

Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021

The Marathon Continues

Day 42/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 8 Days until the "Big 50"

Here is my Code Pen

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Summary: Tried my new strategy, didn't go so well, but I shouldn't give up on it just because it failed on deployment. Maybe some tweaking of process should happen. The one project I did today has it's own repository right Here. Newer versions of this project will be updated there. At the time of writing this I am still going thru my roadmap trying to finish at least one more section.

Today's Roadmap

Completed Projects/Exercises

Background randomizer

Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021
  • What Matters in this Section
  • Intro to Events
  • Inline Events
  • Coding Exercise 59; Know Thy Enemy Exercise
  • The Onclick property
  • addEventListener
  • Coding Exercise 60: Click Events Exercise
  • Random Color Exercise
  • Events & The Keyword This
  • Keyboard Events & Event Objects
  • Form Events & PreventDefault
  • Coding Exercise 61: Form Events
  • Input & Change Events
  • Coding Exercise 62: Input Event Practice
  • Event Bubbling
  • Event Delegation

The Marathon Continues

Day 43/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 7 Days until the "Big 50"

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Summary: Today was tough to get thru, but I made it out on the other end. The main concepts that I am currently lost on are Form events. This concept will require more research to understand, rewatching lectures to hammer down certain points, and trying out the concept without the guided code; I am looking forward to this. Tried the 50 days project 1 over again with my new found knowledge of the DOM made leaving notes in the code much more concise than before. I plan on implementing this project in my portfolio. which is getting updated this weekend.

Completed Projects/Exercises

Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021
  • Score Keeper pt 1
  • Score Keeper pt 2
  • Score Keeper pt 3
  • Score Keeper pt 4
50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  • Project Intro
  • Initial Cards
  • Expanding Effect

The Marathon Continues

Day 44/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 6 Days until the "Big 50"

Here is my Code Pen

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The Marathon Continues

Day 45/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 5 Days until the "Big 50"

Here is my Code Pen

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The Marathon Continues

Day 46/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 4 Days until the "Big 50"

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Summary: Today was packed with information ranging from Async JS to AJAJ (Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON). Most of the information completely went over my head, but I presisted through. I plan on going back over the videos tomorrow while still continuing learning new information. Not much coding was done today (after this commit, some coding was done), but that is apart of my learning process. The first viewing of a section, I will only take notes and save the actual coding for the second viewing. Many of udemy courses recommend this approach with e-courses. Instead of calling this approach time consuming, I will embrace it until the end of the course and see how much information I retained. Another section is getting to my daily reports and that is the stats section. This section will hold my time spend learning today along with how long I was coding in VScode.

Today's Stats

Today's Roadmap

Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: Async JavaScript
  • The Call Stack
  • WebAPIs & Single Threaded
  • Callback Heck
  • Demo: fakeRequest Using Callbacks
  • Demo: fakeRequest Using Promises
  • The Magic Of Promises
  • Creating Our Own Promises
  • The Async Keyword
  • The Await Keyword
  • Handling Errors in Async Functions
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: AJAX and APIs
  • Intro to AJAX
  • Intro to APIs
  • What is JSON
  • Using Postman
  • Query Strings & Headers
  • Making XHR's
  • The Fetch API
  • Intro to Axios

The Marathon Continues

Day 47/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 3 Days until the "Big 50"

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Today's Stats

Today's Roadmap

The Marathon Continues

Day 48/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 2 Days until the "Big 50"

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The Marathon Continues

Day 49/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | 1 Days until the "Big 50"

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The Marathon Continues

Day 50/100 | Date 10/14/2021 | "placeholder"

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The Marathon Continues

Day 51/100 | Date 11/15/2021 | Divergence

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Summary: I finally found my rhythm with studying and still progressing foward with learning. In order for me to retain all of the information I learned the day prior, I make that the first thing I review before starting new material. Notes go first then flashcards to finish it off. After today I am adding the "Certification" section to my post to show my creditals on certain topics. On Linked Learning I started the learning path "Become a Front-End Web Developer" just to reinforce older topics I getting further from.

Today's Stats

Certificate(s) of Completion

The Marathon Continues

Day 52/100 | Date 11/16/2021 | Back to Basics

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Summary: Finally put my pride aside and went back in my course to relearn JS instead pushing on just to get my certificate. Each day I go over 1 section from colt's course and take notes on that section.

Today's Stats


Certificate(s) of Completion


Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: Section 14: JavaScript Basics!
  • What matters in this section
  • Why JavaScript is Awesome
  • Primitives & The Console
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • WTF is NaN
  • Varialbe & Let
  • Updating variables
  • const & var
  • Booleans
  • Variable Naming and conventions

The Marathon Continues

Day 53/100 | Date 11/17/2021 | Final Flash(card)

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Summary: Got my flashcard system setup on anki and remnote

Today's Stats


Certificate(s) of Completion


Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: Section 15: JavaScript Strings and More
  • What matters in this section
  • Why JavaScript is Awesome
  • Primitives & The Console
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • WTF is NaN
  • Varialbe & Let
  • Updating variables
  • const & var
  • Booleans
  • Variable Naming and conventions

The Marathon Continues

Day 54/100 | Date 11/18/2021 | 5 projects a day

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Summary: Decided to do more projects solely based on HTML and CSS since I am re-learning JS.

Today's Stats


Certificate(s) of Completion


Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: Section 16: JavaScript Decision Making
  • What matters in this section
  • Decision making with code?
  • Comparison operators
  • Equality: Triple Vs Double Equals
  • Console, Alert & Prompt
  • Running JavaScript from a script
  • If statements
  • else-if
  • else
  • Nesting conditionals
  • Truth-y & false-y values
  • Logical AND
  • Logical OR
  • Logical NOT
  • The Switch Statement is... a lot

The Marathon Continues

Day 55/100 | Date 11/19/2021 | Finally caught a vibe

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Summary: Got my study plan all set and will share it in tomorrow's summary.

Today's Stats

Certificate(s) of Completion


Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: Section 17: JavaScript Arrays
  • What matters in this section
  • Introducing Arrays
  • Array Random Access
  • Push & Pop
  • Shift & unshift
  • concat, indexOf, includes & reverse
  • Slice & splice
  • Reference Types & Equality testing
  • Arrays + const
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays

The Marathon Continues

Day 56/100 | Date 11/20/2021 | The Plan is set

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Summary: Now that I finally figured out how I will study I comfortable with sharing that information with the people. The course I am currently working on is the colt's "The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022" and it has 61 sections with about 70+ hours (including quizzes) of content. There is two ways you can approach this course, take about 4 hours mon thru fri and finish the course in about a 2 (3 max) weeks or you could take each section day by day; I choose the latter. Once you get past the HTML and CSS sections, taking it slow is a better way to ingrain JS (if you never worked with a standard* programming language). With each section I create at 10 to 20 flashcards based off of the information given and use flashcard apps like anki to study with. So my day would look like

  1. Review prior material,
  2. Review flashcards,
  3. Learn new section,
  4. Review today's notes.
After that since you know the basics of HTML and CSS, you should be building projects based off those two skills. Don't worry about adding functionality to your pages, thats something you can add on later. Keeping those skills always active instead of inactive will reinforce everything you learned and reduce the time need to review prior notes; you can still review old notes if you want. My goal would be at least 5 projects posted to my code pen or github. Thats it so far.

Today's Stats


Certificate(s) of Completion


Completed Task(s)
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2021: Section 17: JavaScript Object Literals
  • What matters in this section
  • Introducing Object Literals
  • Creating Object Literals
  • Accessing Data Out of Objects
  • Modifying Objects
  • Nesting Arrays & Objects

The Marathon Continues

Day 57/100 | Date 11/21/2021 | Setting up for the end

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Summary: Only did one section of my coding bootcamp today. Hopefully, this week I get the call about a potential job where I'll learn C# (c sharp). So in the meantime I am going to take some courses on C# and get a basic understanding on the language.

Today's Stats


Certificate(s) of Completion


The Marathon Continues

100-days-of-coding's People


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Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    ๐Ÿ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.