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It is a high-performance causal inference (statistical model) computing library based on OLAP, which solves the performance bottleneck of the existing statistical model library (R/Python) under big data

License: Other

Shell 0.10% Python 3.94% C++ 3.88% Dockerfile 0.02% Kotlin 0.14% FreeMarker 0.11% Java 91.46% HTML 0.16% Batchfile 0.02% PigLatin 0.01% Ruby 0.01% SCSS 0.15% JavaScript 0.01% Makefile 0.01% CMake 0.01%

fast-causal-inference's Introduction


license Release Version PRs Welcome


Fast Causal Inference is Tencent's first open-source causal inference project. It is an OLAP-based high-performance causal inference (statistical model) computing library, which solves the performance bottleneck of existing statistical model libraries (R/Python) under big data, and provides causal inference capabilities for massive data execution in seconds and sub-seconds. At the same time, the threshold for using statistical models is lowered through the SQL language, making it easy to use in production environments. At present, it has supported the causal analysis of WeChat-Search, WeChat-Video-Account and other businesses, greatly improving the work efficiency of data scientists.

Main advantages of the project:

  1. Provides the causal inference capability of second-level and sub-second level execution for massive data Based on the vectorized OLAP execution engine ClickHouse/StarRocks, the speed is more conducive to the ultimate user experience
  2. Provide basic operators, causal inference capabilities of high-order operators, and upper-level application packaging
    Support ttest, OLS, Lasso, Tree-based model, matching, bootstrap, DML, etc.
  3. Minimalist SQL usage SQLGateway WebServer lowers the threshold for using statistical models through the SQL language, and provides a minimalist SQL usage method on the upper layer, transparently doing engine-related SQL expansion and optimization

The first version already supports the following features:

Basic causal inference tools

  1. ttest based on deltamethod, support CUPED
  2. OLS, 100 million rows of data, sub-second level

Advanced causal inference tools

  1. OLS-based IV, WLS, and other GLS, DID, synthetic control, CUPED, mediation are incubating
  2. uplift: minute-level calculation of tens of millions of data
  3. Data simulation frameworks such as bootstrap/permutation are being developed to solve the problem of variance estimation without a displayed solution

Project application:

Already supported multiple businesses within WeChat, such as WeChat-Video-Account, WeChat-Search, etc.

Project open source address


Getting started

  1. The machine needs to install and start the docker service
    • Linux:

      • Centos:

        yum-config-manager --add-repo
        yum install docker-ce
        systemctl start docker

      • Ubuntu:

        sudo apt-get install docker-ce

      • verify docker service status:

        systemctl status docker

      • Install docker-compose container service orchestration tool

        pip3 install --upgrade pip && pip3 install docker-compose

    • MacOS:
      reference to, Directly download the .dmg package and double-click to install it, Please make sure the docker service is running
      Add PATH:

      echo 'export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && . ~/.bash_profile

    • verify docker service status:

      docker ps

One-Click Deployment:

git clone
cd fast-causal-inference && sh bin/

To start causal analysis, please refer to the built-in demo.ipynb

fast-causal-inference's People


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Ye Ding avatar baijing avatar ACNUL avatar lefay avatar  avatar crazyseabiscuit avatar  avatar joey7 avatar  avatar  avatar kun avatar  avatar  avatar xlows avatar  avatar Reliۣۖeved avatar Codievilky August avatar chuckiefan avatar  avatar Steven (Szu-Han) Chen avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Maciej Beręsewicz avatar Alexander Fischer avatar zrg1048 avatar  avatar uniHk avatar  avatar Guyang Song avatar zhaomiao avatar  avatar Tom Jobs avatar Baden avatar  avatar Zhuoluo Yang avatar  avatar delongwu avatar Shixuan Sun avatar hongshi avatar Onebot avatar  avatar Zhaohu(Jonathan) Fan avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Tevin avatar Sen avatar CCM avatar microxxx avatar  avatar  avatar Kangkona D.Han avatar  avatar be1be1 avatar arcosx avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar WuKongCoder avatar Sammy Credell avatar zhaodongsheng avatar Seven avatar  avatar Simon Cheung avatar  avatar Hertz avatar  avatar Pedro Correia avatar Shengmin Jin avatar FunAI avatar fan avatar Taketoday avatar cloud.eve avatar Athyrson Machado Ribeiro avatar BirdyLiu avatar Starcheus Sergey avatar Adi Lin avatar sayhi-x avatar Jeff avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar hmx avatar Sofia Faltenbacher avatar hero1122 avatar xiaolei565 avatar Nighthawk avatar  avatar Richard Ho avatar 周荷 avatar Alan Tang avatar Gavin avatar  avatar Lex.Chen avatar ShichaoHan avatar  avatar Wang Yong avatar  avatar FriendLey avatar


TX avatar  avatar Zhaohu(Jonathan) Fan avatar  avatar 腾讯开源 avatar  avatar Jack_Gu avatar

fast-causal-inference's Issues




“Based on the vectorized OLAP execution engine ClickHouse/StarRocks, the speed is more conducive to the ultimate user experience”



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