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Open Live iOS for Swift

This tutorial describes how to add live video chat to your iOS applications using Swift and the Agora Video SDK.

With this sample app, you can:


  • Xcode 8.0+

  • Physical iOS device (iPhone or iPad)

    Note: Use a physical device to run the sample. Some simulators lack the functionality or the performance needed to run the sample.

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare, build, and run the sample application.

Create an Account and Obtain an App ID

To build and run the sample application, you must obtain an app ID:

  1. Create a developer account at Once you finish the sign-up process, you are redirected to the dashboard.
  2. Navigate in the dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
  3. Copy the app ID that you obtained from the dashboard into a text file. You will use this when you launch the app.

Update and Run the Sample Application

  1. Open OpenLive.xcodeproj and edit the KeyCenter.swift file. In the agoraKit declaration, update <#Your App Id#> with your app ID.

    static let AppId: String = <#Your App Id#>
  2. Download the Agora Video SDK. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the libs/AograRtcEngineKit.framework file from the SDK folder into the sample application's OpenLive folder.

  3. Connect your iPhone or iPad device and run the project. Ensure a valid provisioning profile is applied, or your project will not run.

Steps to Create the Sample

Set Permissions and Add Frameworks and Libraries

Under the Capabilities tab, enable Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture mode.


Open the info.plist file. Enable the camera and microphone privacy settings for the application. Ensure background mode enables AirPlay to play audio/video.


Under the Build Phases tab, add the following frameworks and libraries to your project:

  • libresolv.tbd
  • libc++.tbd
  • AgoraRtcEngineKit.framework
  • SystemConfiguration.framework
  • CoreTelephony.framework
  • VideoToolbox.framework
  • AudioToolbox.framework
  • CoreMotion.framework
  • CoreMedia.framework
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • Accelerate.framework


Design the User Interface

Add Assets

Add the following assets to Assets.xcassets.

Note: Use Xcode to import assets to Assets.xcassets. PDF files are used for these assets, which contain images for each iOS screen resolution.


Asset Description
btn_close An image of an X to close a window
btn_join and btn_join_cancel Images of a camera to join/leave a call
btn_mute and btn_mute_cancel Images of a microphone to mute/unmute audio
btn_overturn An image of a camera and rotational arrows to switch between the two cameras
btn_setting An image of a cog to open the settings window

Create the MainViewController UI

Create the layout for the MainViewController.

Note: This layout includes a navigation segue to move from screen to screen.


Create the LiveRoomViewController UI

Create the layout for the LiveRoomViewController.

Note: The LiveRoomViewController layout includes tap recognizer for handling user interaction.


Create the SettingsViewController UI

Create the layout for the SettingsViewController.


Create the MainViewController Class

MainViewController.swift defines and connects application functionality with the MainViewController UI.

Define Global Variables

The MainViewController class has three IBOutlet variables. These map to the MainViewController UI elements.

Variable Description
roomNameTextField Maps to the UITextField in the MainViewController layout
popoverSourceView Maps to the placeholder UIView in the MainViewController layout
import UIKit
import AgoraRtcEngineKit

class MainViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var roomNameTextField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var popoverSourceView: UIView!

The MainViewController class has one private variable. The videoProfile variable is initialized with the Agora 640 x 360 video profile using AgoraVideoDimension640x360.

    fileprivate var videoProfile = AgoraVideoDimension640x360

Override the prepare() Segue Method

Override the prepare() segue method to manage the application navigation.

If the segueId is mainToSettings, prepare the settings view through the segue destination SettingsViewController:

  • Set settingsVC.videoProfile to the current videoProfile.
  • Set settingsVC.delegate to self.

If the segueId is mainToLive, prepare the room view through the segue destination LiveRoomViewController:

  • Set roomVC.roomName to roomNameTextField.text.
  • Set roomVC.videoProfile to the current videoProfile.
  • Set liveVC.clientRole to role. role is retrieved by converting sender into an AgoraClientRole.
  • Set roomVC.delegate to self.
    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        guard let segueId = segue.identifier else {
        switch segueId {
        case "mainToSettings":
            let settingsVC = segue.destination as! SettingsViewController
            settingsVC.videoProfile = videoProfile
            settingsVC.delegate = self
        case "mainToLive":
            let liveVC = segue.destination as! LiveRoomViewController
            liveVC.roomName = roomNameTextField.text!
            liveVC.videoProfile = videoProfile
            if let value = sender as? NSNumber, let role = AgoraClientRole(rawValue: value.intValue) {
                liveVC.clientRole = role
            liveVC.delegate = self

Create the MainViewController Extensions

The showRoleSelection() method is an extension method to display the role selection window.

Create a UIAlertController object and three UIAlertAction objects broadcaster, audience, and cancel.

Apply the three UIAlertAction objects to sheet using addAction() and set the following properties for sheet.popoverPresentationController?:

  • sourceView as popoverSourceView, which is the placeholder UIView created in MainViewController UI.
  • permittedArrowDirections as .up to indicate the window should animate from the bottom to the top of the screen.

Display sheet using the present() method. The window will automatically listen for the following user actions.

  • If the user chooses the broadcaster action, invoke self?.join() with the broadcaster role.
  • If the user chooses the audience action, invoke self?.join() with the audience member role.
  • If the user chooses the cancel action, close the role chooser window.
private extension MainViewController {
    func showRoleSelection() {
        let sheet = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
        let broadcaster = UIAlertAction(title: "Broadcaster", style: .default) { [weak self] _ in
            self?.join(withRole: .broadcaster)
        let audience = UIAlertAction(title: "Audience", style: .default) { [weak self] _ in
            self?.join(withRole: .audience)
        let cancel = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel, handler: nil)
        sheet.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = popoverSourceView
        sheet.popoverPresentationController?.permittedArrowDirections = .up
        present(sheet, animated: true, completion: nil)

The join() method is an extension method to begin joining the channel with a specific role.

This method navigates from the main screen to the room screen using the performSegue() method.

private extension MainViewController {
    func join(withRole role: AgoraClientRole) {
        performSegue(withIdentifier: "mainToLive", sender: NSNumber(value: role.rawValue as Int))

Create the MainViewController Delegates

The settingsVC() method is a delegate method for the SettingsViewController. This method is invoked when the video profile for the SettingsViewController changes. It updates the videoProfile, and dismisses the view using dismiss().

extension MainViewController: SettingsVCDelegate {
    func settingsVC(_ settingsVC: SettingsViewController, didSelectProfile profile: CGSize) {
        videoProfile = profile
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

The liveVCNeedClose() method is a delegate method for the LiveRoomVCDelegate. This method is invoked when the user leaves the room, and reviews the view using navigationController?.popViewController().

extension MainViewController: LiveRoomVCDelegate {
    func liveVCNeedClose(_ liveVC: LiveRoomViewController) {
        let _ = navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

The textFieldShouldReturn() method is a delegate method for the UITextField objects in MainViewController. This method is invoked when the user presses the keyboard return.

If the current text field is textField and the field is not empty, show the role selection UI using showRoleSelection().

extension MainViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
    func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        if let string = textField.text , !string.isEmpty {
        return true

Create the LiveRoomViewController

LiveRoomViewController.swift defines and connects application functionality with the LiveRoomViewController UI.

Define the LiveRoomVCDelegate Protocol and IBOutlet Variables

The liveVCNeedClose() method is used for communication between the LiveRoomViewController class and its delegate. The method informs the delegate to close the room.

import UIKit
import AgoraRtcEngineKit

protocol LiveRoomVCDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
    func liveVCNeedClose(_ liveVC: LiveRoomViewController)

The LiveRoomViewController class contains IBOutlet variables to manage buttons, view containers, and handle other UI elements. The variables map to the LiveRoomViewController UI elements.

Variable Description
roomNameLabel Label for the room name in the header of the layout
remoteContainerView Container for the videos in the room
broadcastButton Button for broadcasting
sessionButtons Array of buttons for session management
audioMuteButton Button to mute/unmute the audio
class LiveRoomViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var roomNameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var remoteContainerView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var broadcastButton: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet var sessionButtons: [UIButton]!
    @IBOutlet weak var audioMuteButton: UIButton!

Define Public Variables

The LiveRoomViewController class has six public variables. These variables manage the LiveRoomViewController settings.

Variable Description
roomName The name of the room
clientRole The role of the user. Default value is set to audience member. When this variable is set, it invokes the updateButtonsVisiablity() method.
videoProfile The video profile for the room
delegate The delegate for the LiveRoomViewController class
AgoraRtcEngineKit The Agora RTC Engine SDK object
    var roomName: String!
    var clientRole = AgoraClientRole.audience {
        didSet {
    var videoProfile: CGSize!
    weak var delegate: LiveRoomVCDelegate?
    //MARK: - engine & session view
    var rtcEngine: AgoraRtcEngineKit!

Define Private Variables

The LiveRoomViewController class has five private variables. These variables manage the LiveRoomViewController settings.

The isBroadcaster variable indicates if the user is a broadcaster or not.

    fileprivate var isBroadcaster: Bool {
        return clientRole == .broadcaster

The isMuted variable indicates if the user is a muted or not. Initialized to a value of false. When this variable is set, the rtcEngine?.muteLocalAudioStream() method is invoked and the mute button image is updated using setImage().

    fileprivate var isMuted = false {
        didSet {
            audioMuteButton?.setImage(UIImage(named: isMuted ? "btn_mute_cancel" : "btn_mute"), for: .normal)

The videoSessions variable is an srray of video sessions for the connected users. Initialized with an empty array of VideoSession objects. When this variable is set, the updateInterface() method is invoked if remoteContainerView is not nil.

    fileprivate var videoSessions = [VideoSession]() {
        didSet {
            guard remoteContainerView != nil else {
            updateInterface(withAnimation: true)

The fullSession variable is the video session for the full view video. When this variable is set, the updateInterface() method is invoked if the value has changed and remoteContainerView is not nil.

    fileprivate var fullSession: VideoSession? {
        didSet {
            if fullSession != oldValue && remoteContainerView != nil {
                updateInterface(withAnimation: true)

The viewLayouter variable is a VideoViewLayouter object for handling the layout for the videos.

    fileprivate let viewLayouter = VideoViewLayouter()

Create Superclass and IBAction Methods

The viewDidLoad() method initializes the LiveRoomViewController:

  1. Set the roomNameLabel text to roomName.
  2. Update the buttons for the view using updateButtonsVisiablity().
  3. Load the Agora RTC engine SDK using loadAgoraKit().
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        roomNameLabel.text = roomName

The IBAction methods map to the UI elements for the LiveRoomViewController.

Create the doSwitchCameraPressed() IBAction Method

The doSwitchCameraPressed() method is invoked by the camera UI button action and switches the camera view using rtcEngine?.switchCamera().

    //MARK: - user action
    @IBAction func doSwitchCameraPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
Create the doMutePressed() IBAction Method

The doMutePressed() method is invoked by the audio UI button and updates isMuted.

    @IBAction func doMutePressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        isMuted = !isMuted
Create the doBroadcastPressed() IBAction Method

The doBroadcastPressed() method is invoked by the broadcast UI button.

If the user is a broadcaster set clientRole to .audience and set fullSession to nil if fullSession?.uid is equal to 0. Otherwise, set clientRole to .broadcaster.

Set the new client role using rtcEngine.setClientRole() and update the interface using updateInterface().

    @IBAction func doBroadcastPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        if isBroadcaster {
            clientRole = .audience
            if fullSession?.uid == 0 {
                fullSession = nil
        } else {
            clientRole = .broadcaster
        updateInterface(withAnimation :true)
Create the doDoubleTapped() IBAction Method

The doDoubleTapped() method is invoked by the UITapGestureRecognizer gesture recognizer created in the storyboard.

  • If fullSession is nil, detect the video session using viewLayouter.responseSession(), and set fullSession to the selected video session.
  • If fullSession already exists, set fullSession to nil.
    @IBAction func doDoubleTapped(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        if fullSession == nil {
            if let tappedSession = viewLayouter.responseSession(of: sender, inSessions: videoSessions, inContainerView: remoteContainerView) {
                fullSession = tappedSession
        } else {
            fullSession = nil
Create the doLeavePressed() IBAction Method

The doLeavePressed() method is invoked by the close UI button action and invokes the leaveChannel() method.

    @IBAction func doLeavePressed(_ sender: UIButton) {

Create Private User Interface Methods

The private user interface methods for the LiveRoomViewController are created as functions in a private extension.

private extension RoomViewController {
Create the updateSelfViewVisiable() Method

The updateSelfViewVisiable() method sets the session buttons to hidden/not hidden.

Update the image for broadcastButton using setImage().

For each button in sessionButtons, show the button if the user is a broadcaster. Otherwise, show the button.

private extension LiveRoomViewController {
    func updateButtonsVisiablity() {
        guard let sessionButtons = sessionButtons else {
        broadcastButton?.setImage(UIImage(named: isBroadcaster ? "btn_join_cancel" : "btn_join"), for: UIControlState())
        for button in sessionButtons {
            button.isHidden = !isBroadcaster
Create the leaveChannel() Method

The leaveChannel() method enables the user to leave the video session.

  1. Set the idle timer to active using setIdleTimerActive().
  2. Clear the local video and leave the channel by applying nil as the parameter for agoraKit.setupLocalVideo() and agoraKit.leaveChannel().
  3. If the user is a broadcaster, stop the video preview using rtcEngine.stopPreview().
  4. Loop through videoSessions and remove its hostingView from the superview using removeFromSuperview().
  5. Clear the video sessions array using videoSessions.removeAll().
  6. Complete the method by invoking the room to close using delegate?.roomVCNeedClose().
    func leaveChannel() {
        if isBroadcaster {
        for session in videoSessions {
Create the setIdleTimerActive() Method

The setIdleTimerActive() method updates the idle timer of the sample application to be either active or inactive using UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled().

    func setIdleTimerActive(_ active: Bool) {
        UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = !active
Create the alert() Method

The alert() method appends an alert message to the chat message box.

Ensure string is not empty before creating an UIAlertController object with the provided string and add an UIAlertAction to alert.

Display the alert using present().

    func alert(string: String) {
        guard !string.isEmpty else {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: string, preferredStyle: .alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .cancel, handler: nil))
        present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Create Private Interface Update and Session Methods

The interface update and session methods are contained within a private extension.

private extension LiveRoomViewController {
Create updateInterface() Methods

The updateInterface() methods handle layout updates for the video session.

The updateInterface() method with animation checks if animation is used for the update, and animates the update within 0.3 seconds using UIView.animate().

    func updateInterface(withAnimation animation: Bool) {
        if animation {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: { [weak self] _ in
        } else {

The updateInterface() method without animation updates the layout for the video views.

  • If the user is not a broadcaster and displaySessions is empty, remove the first session using displaySessions.removeFirst().

  • Use viewLayouter.layout() to update the layout of displaySessions.

  • Set the stream type for the sessions using setStreamType().

    func updateInterface() {
        var displaySessions = videoSessions
        if !isBroadcaster && !displaySessions.isEmpty {
        viewLayouter.layout(sessions: displaySessions, fullSession: fullSession, inContainer: remoteContainerView)
        setStreamType(forSessions: displaySessions, fullSession: fullSession)
Create Session Methods

The setStreamType() method sets the stream type for each session.

Set each session's remote video stream type using rtcEngine.setRemoteVideoStream.

  • If fullSession is valid, and the session is equal to fullSession, set the type to .high. Otherwise, set the stream type to .low.
  • If fullSession is not valid, set all session video stream types to .high.
    func setStreamType(forSessions sessions: [VideoSession], fullSession: VideoSession?) {
        if let fullSession = fullSession {
            for session in sessions {
                rtcEngine.setRemoteVideoStream(UInt(session.uid), type: (session == fullSession ? .high : .low))
        } else {
            for session in sessions {
                rtcEngine.setRemoteVideoStream(UInt(session.uid), type: .high)

The addLocalSession() method adds a new local session.

Create the session using VideoSession.localSession() and appending it to videoSessions using append().

Set up the local video for the session using rtcEngine.setupLocalVideo().

    func addLocalSession() {
        let localSession = VideoSession.localSession()

The fetchSession() method returns the VideoSession for a specified user. Loop through videoSessions until the session.uid matches the uid.

    func fetchSession(ofUid uid: Int64) -> VideoSession? {
        for session in videoSessions {
            if session.uid == uid {
                return session
        return nil

The videoSession() method returns the VideoSession for the user. The difference between this method and the fetchSession() method is that if no fetchSession() exists a new VideoSession object is created and appended to videoSessions.

    func videoSession(ofUid uid: Int64) -> VideoSession {
        if let fetchedSession = fetchSession(ofUid: uid) {
            return fetchedSession
        } else {
            let newSession = VideoSession(uid: uid)
            return newSession

Create LiveRoomViewController Agora Methods and Delegates

The methods for the Agora SDK are placed within extensions for LiveRoomViewController.

Create the loadAgoraKit Method

The loadAgoraKit() method initializes the Agora RTC engine using AgoraRtcEngineKit.sharedEngine().

Create an AgoraRtcEngineKit shared engine object with KeyCenter.AppId using AgoraRtcEngineKit.sharedEngine().

Apply the following settings for rtcEngine:

  • Set channel profile to live broadcasting using rtcEngine.setChannelProfile().
  • Enable dual stream mode using rtcEngine.enableDualStreamMode().
  • Enable video using rtcEngine.enableVideo().
  • Set the video encoder configuration using rtcEngine.setVideoEncoderConfiguration().
private extension LiveRoomViewController {
    func loadAgoraKit() {
        rtcEngine = AgoraRtcEngineKit.sharedEngine(withAppId: KeyCenter.AppId, delegate: self)
        rtcEngine.setVideoEncoderConfiguration(AgoraVideoEncoderConfiguration(size: videoProfile,
                                                                              frameRate: .fps15,
                                                                              bitrate: AgoraVideoBitrateStandard,
                                                                              orientationMode: .adaptative))

If the user is a broadcaster, start the preview using rtcEngine.startPreview() and invoke addLocalSession().

        if isBroadcaster {

Join the channel roomName using rtcEngine.joinChannel():

  • If the code is equal to 0, the channel join is successful. Disable the idle timer using setIdleTimerActive and enable the speakerphone using rtcEngine.setEnableSpeakerphone().

  • If the channel join is not successful, display an error message alert using self.alert().

        let code = rtcEngine.joinChannel(byToken: nil, channelId: roomName, info: nil, uid: 0, joinSuccess: nil)
        if code == 0 {
        } else {
            DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
                self.alert(string: "Join channel failed: \(code)")

Create the didJoinedOfUid Event Listener

The Agora delegate methods are placed within an extension of LiveRoomViewController. The remaining methods in this section are contained within this delegate extension.

extension LiveRoomViewController: AgoraRtcEngineDelegate {

The didJoinedOfUid event listener is triggered when a user joins the channel.

  1. Retrieve the video session of the user using videoSession().

  2. Set the remove video for the user using rtcEngine.setupRemoteVideo().

    func rtcEngine(_ engine: AgoraRtcEngineKit, didJoinedOfUid uid: UInt, elapsed: Int) {
        let userSession = videoSession(ofUid: Int64(uid))

Create the firstLocalVideoFrameWith Event Listener

The firstLocalVideoFrameWith event listener is triggered when the first local video frame has elapsed.

Retrieve the first video session using videoSessions.first and update the video interface using updateInterface().

    func rtcEngine(_ engine: AgoraRtcEngineKit, firstLocalVideoFrameWith size: CGSize, elapsed: Int) {
        if let _ = videoSessions.first {
            updateInterface(withAnimation: false)

Create the didOfflineOfUid Event Listener

The didOfflineOfUid is triggered when a user goes offline.

Loop through videoSessions to retrieve the video session of the offline user:

  • If the video session is found, remove the video session from the videoSessions array, remove the session's hostingView from the superview using removeFromSuperview() and set fullSession to nil if it is set to the deletedSession.

  • If the offline user session is fullSession, set fullSession to nil.

    func rtcEngine(_ engine: AgoraRtcEngineKit, didOfflineOfUid uid: UInt, reason: AgoraUserOfflineReason) {
        var indexToDelete: Int?
        for (index, session) in videoSessions.enumerated() {
            if session.uid == Int64(uid) {
                indexToDelete = index
        if let indexToDelete = indexToDelete {
            let deletedSession = videoSessions.remove(at: indexToDelete)
            if deletedSession == fullSession {
                fullSession = nil

Create the SettingsViewController

SettingsViewController.swift defines and connects application functionality with the SettingsViewController UI.

Create Variables, Protocols, and the IBAction Method

The settingsVC() protocol method is used by external classes to update the video profile.

protocol SettingsVCDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
    func settingsVC(_ settingsVC: SettingsViewController, didSelectProfile profile: CGSize)

he profileTableView IBOutlet variable maps to the profile table created in the SettingsViewController UI.

class SettingsViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var profileTableView: UITableView!

When the videoProfile is set, profileTableView?.reloadData() is invoked to update the profile table information.

    var videoProfile: CGSize! {
        didSet {

The delegate variable is an optional SettingsVCDelegate object.

The private profiles variable is an array of AgoraVideoProfile objects and is initialized with AgoraVideoProfile.list().

    weak var delegate: SettingsVCDelegate?
    fileprivate let profiles: [CGSize] = CGSize.list()

The doConfirmPressed() IBAction method is invoked by the upper right button in the UI layout. This method updates the video profile by invoking delegate?.settingsVC().

    @IBAction func doConfirmPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        delegate?.settingsVC(self, didSelectProfile: videoProfile)

Create Delegate and DataSource Methods

The tableView() data source methods are added as an extension to the SettingsViewController.

Determine the number of rows for the table by returning the profiles.count.

extension SettingsViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return profiles.count

Create the table cell using tableView.dequeueReusableCell(). Set the cell's selectedProfile using cell.update and return the resulting cell.

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "profileCell", for: indexPath) as! ProfileCell
        let selectedProfile = profiles[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]
        cell.update(withProfile: selectedProfile, isSelected: (selectedProfile == videoProfile))
        return cell

The tableView() delegate method is added in an extension to the SettingsViewController.

When a table row is selected, set videoProfile to the selectedProfile.

extension SettingsViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        let selectedProfile = profiles[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]
        videoProfile = selectedProfile

Create Agora Size Method

The CGSize private extension adds a list() method, which returns an array of Agora video dimension objects.

private extension CGSize {
    static func list() -> [CGSize] {
        return [AgoraVideoDimension160x120,


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This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). View the license.

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