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finitedomain's Issues

Idea: don't add solved vars to the var-to-propagators hash

There is a lookup table that gives you the index of all propagators that use a certain variable index. This is used for determining which propagators to step in the next propagation cycle.

We should clear the list for any variable that is solved at the start of searching. This happens a lot. We can't do it afterwards since we don't recompute this list for every step of the search. But at least it would prevent some useless operations since a solved var can not affect other propagators unless it flat-out rejects by becoming empty.

  • Probably a simple thing to implement

Eliminate identical constraints

C = solver.isEq(A, B);
D = solver.isEq(A, B);

The constraint is identical because whatever the value of C or D (or A and B for that matter), the state will be propagated across them all eventually, regardless. And at the end of it C == D in any case.

We should be able to detect these constraints, add a hidden mapping from D to C. This way we can eliminate the second constraint AND the second anonymous variable D from the system.

Note that this same scrubbing should be done for any constraint, especially those with more than two vars or those where the constraint is commutative (a @bergie b == b @ a). In those cases sort the var index, if commutative, and drop the result vars to detect equivalent constraints. Use a string on an object (or Trie, if that turns out to be slow) to "color" them.

Another case to check is whether vars are already solved since any constraint that uses the same variables but different constants can also be considered the same. This case should not happen very frequent since it's most likely that they result in a reject. But for all intentions and purposes, any "solved" var as well as any constant should be considered "the same variable" in this context.

domain_applyEqInlineFrom bugged

Does not take into account that the number of array elements of a domain (not values! just array.length) can grow during this operation.

Must update:

      domain1[index] = domain2[index] = lo1;
      domain1[index + 1] = domain2[index + 1] = hi;


      if (index >= p1) {
        domain1.splice(p1, 0, lo1, hi);
        len1 += PAIR_SIZE;
        p1 += PAIR_SIZE;
      } else {
        domain1[index] = lo1;
        domain1[index + 1] = hi;

      if (index >= p2) {
        domain2.splice(p2, 0, lo1, hi);
        len2 += PAIR_SIZE;
        p2 += PAIR_SIZE;
      } else {
        domain2[index] = lo1;
        domain2[index + 1] = hi;

strdom todos

  • initial version
    • rewrite domain.js
    • update domain tests
    • update config tests (only place now with arrdoms)
    • update other tests
    • fix the build
  • fix namespacing to be domain_str_isValueStr with domain_str domain_num domain_arr domain_any
  • replace all the typeof asserts with something like ASSERT_NUMDOM(domain)
  • remove the ASSERT_DOMAIN stuff
  • gteTest to lteTest in domain.js
  • redefine createRange in terms of what addRange does. then make addRange use createRange instead.

Idea: pre-optimize `distinct` by pruning solved vars

A distinct is perhaps the most expensive constraint that we have because it builds a "pyramid" of propagators. One distrinct on n variables causes n^2-1 propagators because it has to create an neq for every pair of variables (but not to itself). Being able to eliminate some means a potential reduction of a lot.

Now solved variables in a distinct are easily resolved. Say we have a var x which is solved, we search for the value of x in all the other vars. If we encounter it, we remove it from the domain. Then we drop this var from the list of vars for distinct. Repeat for all vars.

In the real world this may not help much, but there's at least one case in the curator right now that does something "silly" like distinct([1,1], [2,2], [3,3], [4,4], [5,5], [6,6], [7,7], [8,8], [9,9], [10,10], [11,11], [12,12], [13,13], [14,14], [15,15], [16,16], [17,17], [18,18]). That is a distinct on 18 vars, causing 18^2-1=323 propagators for "obviously" no good reason. I mean, there's probably a reason, but finitedomain should definitely eliminate these cases as soon as possible and the generator should reconsider whether it actually needs to do this in the first place.

Idea: precompute value distributions

Right now the value distributors are applied during runtime and every step in the search tree has to figure out the next value over and over again. This is simple for min and max, of course, but less so for others.

What if we could somehow precompute the order of resolving?

Sounds good but it's not that trivial;

  • You would need to extrapolate all the numbers in the domain to order them properly
    • Expanding the domain to a list of numbers can result in a huge set for domains like [0, SUP] or anything like that.
  • Unless you want to copy and reduce this list on every step (which is infeasible for memory reasons) you'd still need to search for the next valid value of the precomputed list that is still part of the domain at the current step. That's not likely to be any faster.

Idea: Reduce GC pressure by representing domains more memory efficient

Right now, about 40~50% of the time spent is GC. We can't really control that directly so we must try to alleviate the pressure on it. I think by far the biggest pressure comes from generating lots of objects, especially the arrays for the domains. So let's change that.


One part has already been done here; domains only containing values lower than 31 will become bitfields. This already brought some huge savings.

The other part is the larger domains, which we can't efficiently express in terms of bitfields. Let's try to turn them into strings.

Currently the SUP is 100000000, which is well above 16bit but well below 32bit. This means every (range) value of a domain can't be encoded in one 16bit char, but we can have two of them. Or maybe even better, use the UTF way of using a high-bit for multi-byte overflow.

I am worried that this will create a lot of string concat overhead on its own. Perhaps this turns out to be superduper fast though so we'll just have to give this a spin. Not a trivial change to flush through the system but it has high potentials.

Idea: introduce a conditional that can prune constraints/vars

This is related to multiverse and how the input data from which the constraints are generated is modeled as a tree. In such a model certain branches fan out into other branches. But that model also makes unchosen branches completely irrelevant. Finitedomain will still want to solve all those constraints unless told otherwise. That bit is currently not possible in finitedomain and as such, the conditional doesn't improve anything.

  • The conditional is a logical "implication" (if x then y. if not x then y can be anything)
  • A new constraint should be introduced that applies this logic, similar to how reifiers work. When the constraint is set to false, it should remove certain given constraints from the current search node onwards. This way the engine won't bother with solving unused parts of the tree.
  • Finitedomain is currently not aware of any higher model than a "constraint". And even those are compiled to even lower level "propagators" which have no concept of higher level models. This introduction would slightly change that and it's not certain what kind of effect that will have on things, especially when used in conjunction with one another.
  • Should save considerably in large data sets, especially if branches are ignored often.
  • Currently the conditional is implemented as a sort of lte(eq(A, B), eq(C, D)), meaning "if A=B then C=D, but if A!=B then don't care about C and D"). This introduces three constraints where maybe one specific one "implication constraint" could suffice, in a similar way as reifiers do. This constraint could then also contain a list of constraints that the condition omits when "A != B". Should be trivial to search that list through the list of unsolved propagators or variables and prune them accordingly.
  • An implication constraint could be confusing, similar to how reifiers are kind of confusing. Reifiers don't enforce their operation, they reflect it. However, once a reifier solves its result var, this result is enforced and as such it can still enforce the operation or its inverse. Implication would be even more different in that the left side basically determines whether or not the right side gets solved at all. So it should probably not be called "implication" in the first place.

Idea: var distributor that is based on most constraints affected

The main idea of solving domains is to reduce them as fast as possible. Often one step of the search affects only one or two constraints, especially after the first couple of nodes. We should add a var distributor that picks its next var based on how many constraints it affects. The more constraints are affected by a choice, the higher the number of changes should (or at least could) be in the same search node.

  • The list of constraints per var is already generated
  • Runtime can still be tricky since we don't want to maintain an active list of constraints per var per search node.
    • Maybe this count is static throughout the search as long as the variable is unsolved?
    • Propagators can solve before its operand variables solve, like lt is solved when the max of the left var is lower than the min of the right var (since there are no values that could falsify left<right).
  • There's no guarantee that directing the search based on this distribution actually means finding a solution faster. If the key to a solution is only affected by one propagator, which may have been picked quickly before, it may now take a much longer time as it's suddenly the last one to be evaluated. But this is always a potential problem.
  • Many test cases rely on a particular search order. Changing them would mean a lot of updates in the tests.

Idea: variables whose constraints have been eliminated should not actively be solved

This is confusing but it means that if you add lt(A, B) and the constraint is eliminated because all elements in A are already lower than those in B, A and B should not be solved explicitly in the search. They should still be solved, but only when a solution is constructed should these vars be solved to any value that is still left in the domain. Probably would need to apply the value distributor for every such var.

The main point is that the search should not create new spaces just so it can solve those variables whose constraints have been eliminated at compile time. External code may depend on an actual solution, but that doesn't mean that the search should be burdened with them because it doesn't need to. When variables have no constraints, any value in their domain is considered a valid outcome.

  • This should be fairly trivial change to make

Idea: precompute var distributions

Var distributors are currently applied during runtime. So every time a new step in the search tree is created the var distributor is applied over and over again. What if instead of searching we could precompute the list of vars in the order as specified by the distribution(s) picked?

  • var distributors are a bit more complex than value distributors. there's an intricate system of fallbacks if no suitable var can be chosen under the current distributor
  • you would still need to search through the ordered list for the next unsolved variable according to the current node of the search tree. Is that cheaper? Consider large sets of 10.000+ vars.

Idea: implement fd in webassembly

Where asm.js works with code annotations forcing/hinting the types to the browser, webasm is more close to classic assembly than anything else available right now. However, it is still in an infancy state, browser support and tools are very limited and it'll be quite some work to port the lib to webasm.

You would have full control, though. And in some cases of the code that could be a huge win. And if webasm is supported in node.js then we could already profit from it on the server side, reducing running costs considerably.

Additionally we could also decide to only port hot code to webasm, certain tricky things in domain.js for example where we know the browser has trouble optimizing for some reason or the other. No need to port the entire library. At first...

Obviously coding in asm is on a completely different level from js or higher languages in general.

Idea: postpone or eliminate isSolved checks during propagation

Right now the code will check whether a variable is rejected on every step of a propagator. This is somewhat of an optimization because it means propagation can stil there immediately.

What if we stop doing that during propagation and only afterwards, once none of the propagator make any changes? Then we could eliminate some of this overhead at the cost of propagating longer than absolutely needed. However, since the changes per space are often rather limited after the first few, this may not be a bad thing considering the overhead of checking for it explicitly right now.

  • Currently space_propagate will propagate all propagators (low level representation of constraints) until they either reject (when any domain becomes empty the current path to a solution can not lead to a solution and is aborted immediately) or no more changes apply. This does not mean the propagator is solved (like [0,1] == [0,1] but simply that the propagator can't infer any furthe reductions on its own.
  • All propagators actively check whether vars have become empty. They return a constant to reflect the result of propagating; REJECTED, SOME_CHANGES, NOCHANGES. We could omit this check and simply return whether or not something changed.
  • It could be that not stopping a failed branch prematurely leads to doing more steps which in turn could outweigh the potential gains of not checking in the first place. This may also simply differ case by case.
  • Can't outright eliminate rejected checks in propagate because some propagators may need to reject explicitly even though their vars are not EMPTY...

[Idea] Trie optimizations

We (now) use the Trie structure in two key positions in the library;

  • map var names to their index (on config.all_var_names).

Internally all vars are only referenced to by their index but while setting up the solver the api is called with (original) var names. This means we need to be able to map these efficiently and an indexOf in this area was bogging the system down with tens thousands of vars.

  • track changed vars while propagating

As an alternative strategy to keep trying until nothing changes, the code (now) steps a propagators and if it changed, record the variables that can be affected by that propagator. At the end of the loop, all these changed vars will compile a new list of propagators to check. We use a Trie to dedupe the list of vars that changed because if we didn't the complexity would explode.

The initial implementation used a naive and simple tree of objects. That worked great, now we need to reiterate on that and improve. Some things to do or try:

  • Manually implement Trie in a buffer instead of a tree of regular objects in an attempt to relieve the GC (1c940e6)
  • hash number keys in a different path (skip the ordinal step) (e70393e)
  • investigate whether we can implement a custom language to setup a solver and omit the main name-to-index lookup use case.
  • asmjs implementation
  • wasm implementation

Ftr; I tried caching the trie (per propagation call or even globally) that tracks changed vars but that didn't really change anything in terms of perf. For the sake of simplicity I'm dropping that change.

Idea: Prune values from a domain that are not in a list distributor's list

I don't think this is done yet but the list distributor, that is a variable that is defined with an ordered list of values to attempt, should remove any value from its domain that is not in the list. In fact, it should be the intersection of its initial domain and the values in the list.

Symmetrically the list could be pruned from values not in the initial domain.

Should first check whether this is actually useful at all. Maybe list vars are already defined "cleanly" in our system.

Note that if the var contains a backup distributor, the above trick can not be applied since non-list values in the domain may still be valid. Just only after the list has been exhausted. The list itself could still be updated to remove values not in the initial domain.

Idea: improve memory behavior of tracking changed vars during propagation

Currently the propagation tracks all the changed variables and when it completes a propagation cycle, it will queue up all the propagators that are affected by the vars changed in the previous cycle. It repeats until no more variables change.

While this is super efficient on the one hand it does mean having highly volatile objects during a search. Temporary queue objects are created and destroyed by the millions which is very heavy on on the GC. We probably want to take a look at some standard techniques in an attempt to mitigate that. Recycle a queue, or use two and swap them after every cycle, etc.

  • temporary objects should be very cheap these days thanks to JIT (but don't appear to and is engine dependent)
  • the array only contains numbers (indexes) so we could use one of [](the fixed size arrays) like Uint16Array. Together with a fixed length, the upper bound being the total number of variables, this could prevent a lot of GC related overhead
  • it may not matter at all, the slowness could be originating from a different artifact.

Idea: value distributor that aims to solve/reject a propagator

Barring some very explicit value propagators like markov and list, the other distribution strategies are only guided by metrics that are not likely to be of any semantic relevance, like min, max, and middle.

What if we had a propagator that examined the propagators that a var affects and then tries to pick a var that leads to either a quick solve or quick reject rather than an arbitrary value? For example, consider gt([3, 100], [0, 3]) (and ignore the fact that it will be eliminated at compile time); if a value distributor would pick 100 as a value it would make the propagator pass, sure. But if it would pick 3 it would make the propagator fail and any further search nodes would eliminate the propagator permanently without having to check the other 96 values first.

  • The analysis could be costly, perhaps only certain constraints are feasible
  • Just because you can eliminate propagators this way doesn't mean the whole thing runs faster. If in the example 100 would lead to a solution then picking 100 first would be faster than picking 3 first (and failing).
  • It would probably be helpful to be able to invalidate as many propagators with a choice. Unfortunately it will be rather expensive to find this most efficient candidate efficiently.

[FD] performance improvement ideas

Idea: Try to implement asm.js

The idea of asm.js is to use certain operations to force values to be of a certain type. The overhead this causes is eliminated by the browser which will know about these tricks and at the same time they work as type annotations which allow the browser to be more effective when optimizing. An example is let foo = getCount(); foo = foo|0; return foo;. The browser will eliminate the |0 line and assume the returned value is an integer.

I'm not entirely sure how precise these additions have to be and how complete. You tell the browser you use asm.js with the "use asm" header and it will kick you into this mode.

There's various articles on the web on asmjs, like here.

For finitedomain it could mean some improvements though I'm not certain how much. Additionally it would either mean we would need to translate the code to asmjs with a tool first. We don't want asmjs in our regular code base. I'm not sure how much effort is needed for that. But we should check it because if the effort is low, or can for the most part be done through jsdocs then we should totally do it. It'd basically be "free".

Idea: More optimizations at compile time

I've already started with this avenue but there's probably more fruit to be picked. Certain inputs can be immediately determined to be solved or rejected. Others can at least be reduced in complexity. For example; sum([0, 1], 'x') is the same as sum([1], 'x'), which is the same as eq('x', 1) which means you can eliminate the constraint entirely and set 'x' to 1 if it contains 1, or empty if it doesn't contain 1.

This type of optimization happens already and more can still be found. Simplifying the input can save a lot at runtime and the overhead is only executed once, opposed to many times while searching.

Idea: Optimize markov legends/vectors

The markov vars are relatively quite expensive as their probability table is built up on every step of the way. We should take a look at this and see if we can pre compute certain parts of this table. And for example prune stuff that is never going to be used. The smaller the legend of a markov var the faster it will run.

  • May not affect speed that much
  • May be complex with the implicit vector expansion
  • Legend elements whose probability vector is 0 should be eliminated entirely. Their domains should be pruned from these options
  • There could be multiple steps which would make this idea very hard, if not impossible, to implement. Take care about the various edge cases of markov configs.

Idea: Address two major `indexOf` performance issues

We currently have two main performance problems in finitedomain when scaling up. They both related to indexOf. The reason is variable names. We do a lot of lookups for translating variable names to their internal id. This is a side effect of other optimizations, in particular the one where all domains are stored in a large domain. We currently translate the variables to the index of this array. So internally we only work with numbers, varIndexes. But this sometimes requires a lookup and that was fine on "small" tests.

But when the number of variables exceeds a few thousand to more than 20k the indexOf overhead becomes a problem. To illustrate here are two prints of profiling the curator test which runs, at the time of writing this, in about 20s in total. This is after already optimizing it down from a runtime of 70s by eliminating obvious unnecessary indexOf occurrences.

There are two phases; the preparation phase and the solving phase. There are two different ways in which indexOf is used so the solutions are probably different for each;

Preparation phase (the top six items, sans the anon, are all internals to the browser's indexOf):

Solving phase:

The preparation phase is haunted by indexOf because it needs to translate each variable name to its final index. And while this is "free" when declaring the variable, the pattern is usually doing something like solver.decl('A', 5); solver.decl('B', 6); solver.eq('A', 'B'). So for the last call the index would need to be looked up which incurs the indexOf wrath of a growing list of variable names.

The solving phase is slightly different. A recent optimization changed the way "propagation" works from actively maintaining a list of solved propagators to dynamically tracking a list of vars that changed and revisiting only those propagators that can be affected by those vars.

This last optimization works great on the small and relatively small test cases but went kapooya when we tried scaling up the number of variables.

The two cases are difference since the first one is about an ever growing list of variables that never decreases and goes all the way up to n. This list persists throughout the search. So calls later in the preparation phase always take more time than earlier calls. The solve phase uses constantly growing lists, which tend to be smaller than the big list most of the time, that are quite quickly discarded and regenerated (with different values). Also the first list is an array of strings and the second is a list of numbers.

Here is a print of the second case. You're seeing the number of elements in the array where the culprit indexOf happens:


Let's try to solve this. The solution in both cases is simply using a different data structure. An unguided search in a flat list of pseudo unordered strings is obviously not going to scale well. It's like doing bubble sort on big data. Good luck.

The actual data model may be different, though maybe not I'm not sure. For the main list of variables that persists we'll need a structure that performs well on search(). The delete() and findAll() cases are not very relevant for it since we never remove elements and we could also track all vars in an actual array for trivial findAll(). Since insert() only happens once per var per search the (constant) overhead and GC concerns are not very relevant.

This last bit is different for the solve time problem because those arrays are constantly growing and destroyed. So it needs a structure that has good insert() and findAll() performance and which doesn't bog down the GC too much.

Anyways. There's a few different structures (somehow missing Trie) to pick from but I'm not convinced there's a clear winner between them. Especially when implemented in JS, taking the memory and GC overhead into account. A worst case search of O(log(n)) is definitely better than O(n) so this must be figured out and tested asap.

Meta data to rng functions

We shouldn't use bare rng functions inside the project but instead an object that contains the meta data so we can reconstruct the function if needed.

Basically right now we accept a rng (like Math.random, or something more reproducable for prod, or something fixed for tests) which is just a function. But once we have it we can't really trace back how it was created. This makes it harder to generate the code to reproduce a particular test case.

Something like this would solve it:

  _class: 'special_rng',
  _params: 'fcxfds9fdsfua9uf98ds',
  roll: function(){ ... },

Then we can figure out what created the function through _class, recreate it through the _params property, and just call it through rng.roll().

Idea: implement cycle cutting

The idea of a cycle cut is to find secluded groups of variables such that the constraints that use them do not use variables outside that group. Smaller groups have smaller search spaces which may lead to considerable improvement in solving time. These disjointed groups can be solved independently from each other, in parallel even, as a solution to on group will not affect the other group(s).

I've already tried to implement this once and my conclusion at the time was that finding these cycles is rather expensive. To make matters worse most configurations had little to no cycles in the first place; every var was somehow tied into every other var. And in the cases where something was found, the overhead outweighed any potential gains.

We should still revisit this as I'm not convinced that the approach is useless.

Solved domains can still end up empty

This is a problem because currently solved vars are copied by reference. But if the domain of a var can end up empty, then it will end up empty up the search tree as well. I was afraid this was the case but today I ran into an example.

      it('should return REJECTED if domains resolved to same value', function() {
        let A = fdvar_create('A', specDomainCreateRanges([SUP, SUP]));
        let B = fdvar_create('B', specDomainCreateRanges([SUP, SUP]));
        let R = fdvar_forceNeqInline(A, B);

        expect(A).to.eql(fdvar_create('A', specDomainCreateRanges([SUP, SUP])));
        expect(B).to.eql(fdvar_create('B', specDomainSmallEmpty()));

The problem above lies in that B ends up empty. I suspect there are more ways this can happen so we may have to revise the var copying strat.

Idea: Optimize operations on bools

When inspecting the configuration of a large case (20k+ constraints) the vars are often boolean bound (or at otherwise have an upper bound of about 5). We have a lot of code intended to be generic, but maybe it would pay off to handle boolean cases explicitly.

We already have "small" domains, represented as bitwise flags, this already helps considerably. We could simply compare domain === ONE and act accordingly. For example, the eq([0, 1], [1, 1]) could be handled with a table. Now this is a bad example because eq on small domains is dealt with through binary AND-ing. But the point is that not all propagators can get away with bitwise shortcuts. For them a simply solution table for booleans could make a lot of difference.

  • It also may not if it turns out the small domains already save most of this
  • Any boolean bound domain should be a number, which can be compared to constants (EMPTY ZERO ONE BOOL) which is much faster than what arrays used to do. Simple lookup tables can lead to O(1) solutions for propagation steps, for insofar they aren't already.

Idea: Prune useless reifiers

This ticket has multiple parts;

  • When the result of reifier is unused elsewhere in the config it cannot affect the outcome of a search. As such those propagators should not be part of the solve space. The operation being checked is only enforced if the boolean is solved and if that never happens, the reifier will never do anything.

Note that while this appears to be worthwhile for or main case, it's unsafe to do so because you don't really know how the boolean vars are used externally. For example, they are used in markov matrix conditions and we can't really detect that easily. Let alone use cases really outside of finitedomain in a callback or something. So for now this vector is not pursued and must be fixed at call sites.

  • When the result of a reifier is declared as solved immediately, a regular propagator for given operation or inverse operation should be added depending on the solve value. The reifier itself should not become a propagator as it's only an extra layer of overhead. This layer can only affect the result var and since that's already done it is no longer needed.
  • When the either operand var is declared solved, the reifier should compile a propagator that matches the expected outcome. For example, an isEq(A, 1) is equal to isEq(A, 1, [0,1]) and means C=A==1?1:0, which we could simplify with an eq. Some mapping is in order for non-boolean-bound values.

removeGteNum optimization explanation

This ticket is only for reference and explains the "trick" that removeGteNum and removeLteNum use.

Given a domain as number, where each bit is a flag indicating that number is contained in the domain or not (for numbers 0 up to and including 30), return a domain with all flags that represent numbers lesser than or equal to given value turned off.


[[0, 5], [8, 10], [12, 20]] (or actually [0, 5, 8, 10, 12, 20]) only contains numbers <= 30 so it becomes this "small domain", represented as a single 32bit number: 2094911, or in binary: 0000000000111111111011100111111. As you can see, there are three ranges of ones which corresponds to the ranges defined.

Now given this domain, let's say we want to remove anything >= 9, that should result in the domain [0, 5, 8, 9] or 831 or 0000000000000000000001100111111. When we put these next to each other the pattern is slightly more obvious:


Anyways, there isn't a simple bit hack available to do this but we can get close to something like that.

When we write out manual bit masks per input value we get something like this:

switch (value) {
  case 0: return 0x00000000;
  case 1: return domain & 0x000000001; // ZERO;
  case 2: return domain & 0x000000003; // (ZERO | ONE);
  case 3: return domain & 0x000000007; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO);
  case 4: return domain & 0x00000000f; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE);
  case 5: return domain & 0x00000001f; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR);
  case 6: return domain & 0x00000003f; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE);
  case 7: return domain & 0x00000007f; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX);
  case 8: return domain & 0x0000000ff; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN);
  case 9: return domain & 0x0000001ff; // (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT);
  case 10: return domain & 0x000003ff; //  (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT | NINE);
  case 11: return domain & 0x000007ff; //  (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT | NINE | TEN);
  case 12: return domain & 0x00000fff; //  (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT | NINE | TEN | ELEVEN);
  case 13: return domain & 0x00001fff; //  (ZERO | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT | NINE | TEN | ELEVEN | TWELVE);
... etc

The pattern we see here is (note that the numbers are hex): 1 3 7 f 1f 3f 7f ff 1ff .... This pattern is equal to doubling 1 as many times as value and then subtracting 1 from the result.

You can double a number bitwise by a left shift (x << 1). The resulting bit mask can be AND with the domain to remove all those values, so that results in the compact:

domain & ((1 << value)-1)

And we can drop the switch and other complexities. Yay.

Note that a jump table, like above, is probably slightly faster when you can trust the runtime to actually use it as a jump table. As it stands, this is not the case. But perhaps we'll use that pattern for asm.js or wasm, later. There we can actually rely on it becoming a proper jump table and it will be (slightly) cheaper.

Idea: boolean specific reifiers

When inspecting the configurations I see many cases like reifier[eq] -> [0,1] eq [1,1] = [0,1]. Also variations like reifier[eq] -> [0,0,2,2] eq [2,2] = [0,1] which may not be binary but is the exact same pattern.

For one, the binary kind of reifiers can be simplified to an eq([0,1], [0,1]), or rather eq(left, result) or eq(right, result), when either left or right is already solved to [1,1]. Note that this trick doesn't work with non-binary but we could construct a special propagator that does this mapping for us.

It may not be worth it, but perhaps it is because it you can simplify the whole thing with a lookup table.

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