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entitiesbt's Introduction

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Table of contents

Behavior Tree framework based on and used for Unity Entities (DOTS)

Why another Behavior Tree framework?

While developing my new game by using Unity Entities, I found that the existing BT frameworks are not support Entities out of box and also lack of compatibility with plugins like odin, so I decide to write my own.


  • Actions are easy to read/write data from/to entity.
  • Use Component of Unity directly instead of own editor window to maximize compatibility of other plugins.
  • Data-oriented design, save all nodes data into a continuous data blob (NodeBlob.cs)
  • Node has no internal states.
  • Separate runtime nodes and editor nodes.
  • Easy to extend.
  • Also compatible with Unity GameObject without any entity.
  • Able to serialize behavior tree into binary file.
  • Flexible thread control: force on main thread, force on job thread, controlled by behavior tree.
  • Runtime debug window to show the states of nodes.
  • Optimized. 0 GC allocated by behavior tree itself after initialized, only 64Byte GC allocated every tick by CreateArchetypeChunkArrayAsync.


  • Incompatible with burst.
  • Lack of action nodes. (Will add some actions as extension if I personally need them)
  • Not easy to modify tree structure at runtime.
  • Node data must be compatible with Blob and created by BlobBuilder


  • essential: essential part of entities behavior tree, any extension should depend on this package.
  • builder.component: build behavior tree data from unity components.
  • debug.component-viewer: show selected entity with behavior tree as components in inspector of unity while running.
  • variable.scriptable-object: extension for using scriptable object data as variable source of behavior tree node.
  • samples: samples.



Requirement: Unity >= 2020.1 and entities package >= 0.13.0-preview.24

Install the packages either by

UPM: modify Packages/manifest.json as below

  "dependencies": {
    "com.quabug.entities-bt.essential": "0.21.0",
    "com.quabug.entities-bt.builder.component": "0.21.1",
    "com.quabug.entities-bt.debug.component-viewer": "0.21.0",
    "com.quabug.entities-bt.variable.scriptable-object": "0.21.0"
  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "",
      "url": "",
      "scopes": [



openupm add com.quabug.entities-bt.essential
openupm add com.quabug.entities-bt.builder.component
openupm add com.quabug.entities-bt.debug.component-viewer
openupm add com.quabug.entities-bt.variable.scriptable-object


Create behavior tree


Attach behavior tree onto Entity




Thread control


  • Force Run on Main Thread: running on main thread only, will not use job to tick behavior tree. Safe to call UnityEngine method.
  • Force Run on Job: running on job threads only, will not use main thread to tick behavior tree. Not safe to call UnityEngine method.
  • Controlled by Behavior Tree: Running on job threads by default, but will switch to main thread once meet decorator of RunOnMainThread

Variable Property

Fetch data from different sources.

  • ComponentVariableProperty: fetch data from Component on Entity
    • Component Value Name: which value should be access from component
    • Copy To Local Node: Will read component data into local node and never write back into component data. (Force ReadOnly access)

  • NodeVariableProperty: fetch data from blob of another node
    • Node Object: another node should be access by this variable, must be in the same behavior tree.
    • Value Field Name: the name of data field in another node.
    • Access Runtime Data:
      • false: will copy data to local blob node while building, value change of Node Object won't effect variable once build.
      • true: will access data field of Node Object at runtime, something like reference value of Node Object.

Code Example
    public class BTVariableNode : BTNode<VariableNode>
        // have to generate an interface of `Int32Property` to make it possible to serialize and display by Unity.
        // see "Generate specific types` below
        [SerializeReference, SerializeReferenceButton] // neccessary for editor
        public Int32Property IntVariable; // an `int` variable property

        protected override void Build(ref VariableNode data, BlobBuilder builder, ITreeNode<INodeDataBuilder>[] tree)
            // save `Int32Property` as `BlobVariable<int>` of `VariableNode`
            IntVariable.Allocate(ref builder, ref data.Variable, this, tree);
    public struct VariableNode : INodeData
        public BlobVariable<int> IntBlobVariable;

        public NodeState Tick<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard blackboard)
            where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
            where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
            var intVariable = IntBlobVariable.GetData(index, ref blob, ref blackboard); // get variable value
            ref var intVariable = ref IntBlobVariable.GetDataRef(index, ref blob, ref blackboard); // get variable ref value
            return NodeState.Success;
        public void Reset<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard bb)
            where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
            where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
Generate specific types of VariableProperty<T>

Generic VariableProperty<T> cannot be serialized in Unity, since [SerializeReference] is not allowed for a generic type. A specific type of VariableProperty<T> must be declared before use.

  • First create a Scriptable Object of VariableGeneratorSetting


  • Fill which Types you want to use as variable property.
  • Fill Filename, Namespace, etc.
  • Create script from this setting and save it in Assets


  • And now you are free to use specific type properties, like float2Property etc.

Multiple Trees

Add multiple BehaviorTreeRoot onto a single entity gameobject will create multiple behavior tree to control this single entity. Behavior tree sorted by Order of BehaviorTreeRoot.



Custom behavior node


// most important part of node, actual logic on runtime.
[Serializable] // for debug view only
[BehaviorNode("F5C2EE7E-690A-4B5C-9489-FB362C949192")] // must add this attribute to indicate a class is a `BehaviorNode`
public struct EntityMoveNode : INodeData
    public float3 Velocity; // node data saved in `INodeBlob`
    [EntitiesBT.Core.ReadWrite(typeof(Translation))] // declare readwrite access of `Translation` component
    [EntitiesBT.Core.ReadOnly(typeof(BehaviorTreeTickDeltaTime))] // declare readonly access of `BehaviorTreeTickDeltaTime` component
    public NodeState Tick<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard bb)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
    { // access and modify node data
        ref var translation = ref bb.GetDataRef<Translation>(); // get blackboard data by ref (read/write)
        var deltaTime = bb.GetData<BehaviorTreeTickDeltaTime>(); // get blackboard data by value (readonly)
        translation.Value += Velocity * deltaTime.Value;
        return NodeState.Running;

    public void Reset<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard bb)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard

// builder and editor part of node
public class EntityMove : BTNode<EntityMoveNode>
    public Vector3 Velocity;

    protected override void Build(ref EntityMoveNode data, BlobBuilder _, ITreeNode<INodeDataBuilder>[] __)
        // set `NodeData` here
        data.Velocity = Velocity;

// debug view (optional)
public class EntityMoveDebugView : BTDebugView<EntityMoveNode> {}


// runtime behavior
[Serializable] // for debug view only
[BehaviorNode("A13666BD-48E3-414A-BD13-5C696F2EA87E", BehaviorNodeType.Decorate/*decorator must explicit declared*/)]
public struct RepeatForeverNode : INodeData
    public NodeState BreakStates;
    public NodeState Tick<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard blackboard)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
        // short-cut to tick first only children
        var childState = blob.TickChildrenReturnFirstOrDefault(index, blackboard);
        if (childState == 0) // 0 means no child was ticked
                             // tick a already completed `Sequence` or `Selector` will return 0
            blob.ResetChildren(index, blackboard);
            childState = blob.TickChildrenReturnFirstOrDefault(index, blackboard);
        if (BreakStates.HasFlag(childState)) return childState;
        return NodeState.Running;

    public void Reset<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard bb)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard

// builder and editor
public class BTRepeat : BTNode<RepeatForeverNode>
    public NodeState BreakStates;
    public override void Build(ref RepeatForeverNode data, BlobBuilder _, ITreeNode<INodeDataBuilder>[] __)
        data.BreakStates = BreakStates;

// debug view (optional)
public class BTDebugRepeatForever : BTDebugView<RepeatForeverNode> {}


// runtime behavior
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] // sizeof(SelectorNode) == 0
[BehaviorNode("BD4C1D8F-BA8E-4D74-9039-7D1E6010B058", BehaviorNodeType.Composite/*composite must explicit declared*/)]
public struct SelectorNode : INodeData
    public NodeState Tick<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard blackboard)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
        // tick children and break if child state is running or success.
        return blob.TickChildrenReturnLastOrDefault(index, blackboard, breakCheck: state => state.IsRunningOrSuccess());

    public void Reset<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard bb)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard

// builder and editor
public class BTSelector : BTNode<SelectorNode> {}

// avoid debug view since there's nothing need to be debug for `Selector`


Behavior tree need some extra information for generating EntityQuery.

public struct SomeNode : INodeData
    // add an `optional`, `readonly` or `readwrite` attribute to mark an access type of `BlobVariable`
    // `readwrite` by default.
    [EntitiesBT.Core.Optional] BlobVariable<int> IntVariable;
    [EntitiesBT.Core.ReadOnly] BlobVariable<float> FloatVariable;
    [EntitiesBT.Core.ReadWrite] BlobVariable<double> FloatVariable;

    // declare right access types for `Tick` method
    public NodeState Tick<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard blackboard)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
        // access `ComponentData`s by variables or directly from `blackboard`
        // ...
        return NodeState.Success;

    // also declare right access types for `Reset` method if there's any
    public void Reset<TNodeBlob, TBlackboard>(int index, ref TNodeBlob blob, ref TBlackboard bb)
        where TNodeBlob : struct, INodeBlob
        where TBlackboard : struct, IBlackboard
        // access `ComponentData`s by variables or directly from `blackboard`
        // ...

Advanced: automatically generate unity components from nodes


  1. Create a NodeComponentsGenerator scriptable object.
  2. Fill values of NodeComponentGenerator
  3. Click GenerateComponents in the menu of scriptable object.

Advanced: customize debug view

Advanced: access other node data

NodeBlob store all internal data of behavior tree, and it can be access from any node. To access specific node data, just store its index and access by INodeData.GetNodeData<T>(index).

Advanced: behavior tree component

[BehaviorTreeComponent] // mark a component data as `BehaviorTreeComponent`
public struct BehaviorTreeTickDeltaTime : IComponentData
    public float Value;

public class BehaviorTreeDeltaTimeSystem : ComponentSystem
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        Entities.ForEach((ref BehaviorTreeTickDeltaTime deltaTime) => deltaTime.Value = Time.DeltaTime);

The components of behavior will add into Entity automatically on the stage of convert GameObject to Entity, if AutoAddBehaviorTreeComponents is enabled.

Advanced: virtual node builder

A single builder node is able to product multiple behavior nodes while building.

public class BTSequence : BTNode<SequenceNode>
    [Tooltip("Enable this will re-evaluate node state from first child until running node instead of skip to running node directly.")]
    [SerializeField] private bool _recursiveResetStatesBeforeTick;

    public override INodeDataBuilder Self => _recursiveResetStatesBeforeTick
        // add `RecursiveResetStateNode` as parent of `this` node
        ? new BTVirtualDecorator<RecursiveResetStateNode>(this)
        : base.Self

Data Structure

public struct NodeBlob
    // default data (serializable data)
    public BlobArray<int> Types; // type id of behavior node, generated from `Guid` of `BehaviorNodeAttribute`
    public BlobArray<int> EndIndices; // range of node branch must be in [nodeIndex, nodeEndIndex)
    public BlobArray<int> Offsets; // data offset of `DefaultDataBlob` of this node
    public BlobArray<byte> DefaultDataBlob; // nodes data
    // runtime only data (only exist on runtime)
    public BlobArray<NodeState> States; // nodes states
    // initialize from `DefaultDataBlob`
    public BlobArray<byte> RuntimeDataBlob; // same as `DefaultNodeData` but only available at runtime and will reset to `DefaultNodeData` once reset.


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