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vpp's Introduction

vpp / VHDL PreProcessor README
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Takashige Sugie <[email protected]>, All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Vpp is a simple VHDL preprocessor on command-line.
Its preprocess symbols have cpp-like functions.
For example, multi-line comment out, conditional comment out and including source code from a file.
As original functions, random number generator, source code replication and so on.

2. Install / Uninstall

2.1 Install
Download the latest source package from
Extract it.

% tar Jxvf vpp-x.y.z.tar.xz

Change the directory which is extracted.
Execute a configure script.

% cd vpp-x.y.z
% ./configure

Compile and install.

% make
% make install

If normally exit, vpp has been installed in PREFIX directory.
Make sure that $PATH has PREFIX directory.

2.2 Uninstall
Only delete an executable file in PREFIX directory.

% rm PREFIX/vpp

3. Usage

% vpp [option] OriginalFileName ConvertedFileName

Vpp reads source code from a file whose name is "OriginalFileName".
Vpp compiles it according to the preprocess symbols.
Vpp writes converted source code to a file whose name is "ConvertedFileName".

-D, --define=<label>	Define a label for conditional comment out on command-line. (refer to 4.3)
-C, --comment=<char>	Define a comment out character. The default is '-'.
-s, --silent		No message is printed to the standard output stream.
-v, --version		Print vpp version string.
-h, --help		Print help.

4. Preprocess symbols

4.1 Multi-line comment out: /* */
Source code is to be comment from /* to */.
This preprocess symbol is the highest priority in all preprocess symbols.
Therefore, a preprocess symbol which has a sharp, is invalid within this preprocess symbol.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
/*							--
a <= b + c;						--a <= b + c;
d <= e - f;						--d <= e - f;
*/							--*/
a <= b - c;						a <= b - c;
d <= e + f;						d <= e + f;

g <= a + d;						g <= a + d;

4.2 Include source code from a file: #include "FILENAME"
Source code in a file whose name is FILENAME, is copied here.

[a file whose name is "clk bench.vhd"]
process begin
	PCI_Clk <= transport '1';
	wait for PciClkT / 2;
	PCI_Clk <= transport '0';
	wait for PciClkT / 2;
end process;

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#include "clk bench.vhd"				--#include "clk bench.vhd"
							process begin
process begin							PCI_Clk <= transport '1';
	wait;							wait for PciClkT / 2;
end process;							PCI_Clk <= transport '0';
								wait for PciClkT / 2;
							end process;

							process begin
							end process;

4.3 Define a label for #if, #ifndef and #elif: #define LABEL
A label is defined for #ifdef, #ifndef and #elif.
A label must be a single word.

ex.) refer to 4.7

4.4 Replace a label with a string: #define LABEL "STRING"
A label is replaced by following string.
A label must be a single word.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#define cbe_t "std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)"		--#define cbe_t "std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)"

signal pci_cbe:		cbe_t;				signal pci_cbe:		std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

4.5 Generate a random string: #rand LABEL FORMAT
A label is replaced by generated random characters according to format.
A format has an alphabet for radix and a digit number to generating.
An alphabet for radix has the kinds as follows:
B, b	: binary number
D, d	: deciaml number
H, h	: hexadeciaml number.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#rand aaa B1						--#rand aaa B1
#rand bbb b5						--#rand bbb b5
#rand ccc D6						--#rand ccc D6
#rand ddd h8						--#rand ddd h8

e <= aaa;						e <= '1';
f <= bbb;						f <= "10110";
g <= ccc;						g <= 309274;
h <= ddd;						h <= X"a5cb907d";

4.6 Undefine a defined label by #define and #rand: #undef LABEL
A label which has been defined by #define or #rand, is deleted.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#rand aaa B1						--#rand aaa B1

e <= aaa;						e <= '0';

#undef aaa						--#undef aaa

f <= aaa;						f <= aaa;

4.7 Conditional comment out: #ifdef LABEL , #ifndef LABEL , #elif , #else , #endif
If a label has been defined by #define, below source code is valid until #else or #endif are found.
In the case of #ifndef, its are invalid.
If #else is found, the valid status is reversed and continue.
The nest description is permit. (depth is less than 30)
#elif is equal to describe #else and #ifdef.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#define aaa						--#define aaa

#ifdef aaa						--#ifdef aaa
#rand bbb B2						--#rand bbb B2
#else							--#else
#rand bbb H4						--#rand bbb H4
#endif							--#endif

ccc <= bbb;						ccc <= "10";

#undef aaa						--#undef aaa
#undef bbb						--#undef bbb

#ifndef aaa						--#ifndef aaa
ccc <= bbb;						ccc <= bbb;
#else							--#else
ccc <= ddd;						--ccc <= ddd;
#endif							--#endif

4.8 Duplicate source code: #for LABEL , #endfor
Source code is duplicated from #for to #endfor LABEL times.
The nest description is NOT permit.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#rand aaa B4						--#rand aaa B4
#for 4							--#for 4
ad <= aaa;						ad <= "0110";
wait for ClkT;						wait for ClkT;
#endfor							--
							ad <= "1100";
							wait for ClkT;
							ad <= "0101";
							wait for ClkT;
							ad <= "1001";
							wait for ClkT;

4.9 Print a message: #message "STRING"
Print a string to the standard output stream.
This preprocess symbol has no effect to source code.

[original source file]					[converted source file]
#ifndef LOGICAL						--#ifndef LOGICAL
#message "A label \"LOGICAL\" is not defined."		--#message "A label \"LOGICAL\" is not defined."
#endif							--#endif

[standard output stream]
A label "LOGICAL" is not defined.

5. Tips

5.1 Shell function
It's very useful to define a shell function as the below function.

# Update Source
us() {
    for d in $@
      VPP_DEF="$VPP_DEF -D$d"

    vpp $VPP_DEF ~/cvs/project/packages.vhd ~/ise/project/packages.vhd
    vpp $VPP_DEF ~/cvs/project/modules.vhd ~/ise/project/modules.vhd
    vpp $VPP_DEF ~/cvs/project/top.vhd ~/ise/project/top.vhd
    vpp -s -C'#' $VPP_DEF ~/cvs/project/device.ucf ~/ise/project/device.ucf

5.2 Makefile
Sample makefile for ISE-9.2.03i on cygwin.

# Sample makefile for ISE 9.2.03i


all: ts vpp syn trans map pr bit

	rm -rf xst _ngo netgen ${PROJECT}*


	vpp ${HOME}/cvs/project/packages.vhd packages.vhd
	vpp ${HOME}/cvs/project/modules.vhd modules.vhd
	vpp ${HOME}/cvs/project/${TOP}.vhd ${TOP}.vhd
	vpp -s -C'#' ${HOME}/cvs/project/${DEVICE}.ucf ${DEVICE}.ucf

	vpp -DLOGICAL ${HOME}/cvs/project/packages.vhd packages.vhd
	vpp -DLOGICAL ${HOME}/cvs/project/modules.vhd modules.vhd
	vpp -DLOGICAL ${HOME}/cvs/project/${TOP}.vhd ${TOP}.vhd

syn: lso prj xst
	${SYN} -intstyle xflow -ifn ${XST} -ofn ${PROJECT}.syr

	${NGD} -intstyle xflow -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ${TOP}.ucf -p ${DEVICE} ${PROJECT}.ngc ${PROJECT}.ngd

	${MAP} -intstyle xflow -p ${DEVICE} -w -logic_opt on -ol high -xe n -t 1 -register_duplication -global_opt on -retiming on -equivalent_register_removal on -cm speed -ignore_keep_hierarchy -k 6 -bp -o ${PROJECT}_map.ncd ${PROJECT}.ngd ${PROJECT}.pcf

	${PAR} -w -intstyle xflow -ol high -xe n -t 1 ${PROJECT}_map.ncd ${PROJECT}.ncd ${PROJECT}.pcf
	${TRCE} -intstyle xflow -e 3 -s 1 -xml ${PROJECT} ${PROJECT}.ncd -o ${PROJECT}.twr ${PROJECT}.pcf -ucf ${TOP}.ucf

bit: ut
	${BITGEN} -intstyle xflow -f ${UT} ${PROJECT}.ncd

	@echo "creating lso..."
	@echo "mylib" > ${LSO}
	@echo "work" >> ${LSO}

	@echo "creating prj..."
	@echo "vhdl mylib \"packages.vhd\"" > ${PRJ}
	@echo "vhdl work  \"modules.vhd\"" >> ${PRJ}
	@echo "vhdl work  \"${TOP}.vhd\"" >> ${PRJ}

	@echo "creating xst..."
	@mkdir -p xst
	@mkdir -p xst/projnav.tmp
	@echo "set -tmpdir \"./xst/projnav.tmp\"" > ${XST}
	@echo "set -xsthdpdir \"./xst\"" >> ${XST}
	@echo "run" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-ifn ${PRJ}" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-ifmt mixed" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-ofn ${PROJECT}" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-ofmt NGC" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-p ${DEVICE}" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-top ${TOP}" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-opt_mode Speed" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-opt_level 2" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-power NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-iuc NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-lso ${LSO}" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-keep_hierarchy NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-rtlview Yes" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-glob_opt AllClockNets" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-read_cores YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-write_timing_constraints NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-cross_clock_analysis NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-hierarchy_separator /" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-bus_delimiter <>" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-case maintain" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-slice_utilization_ratio 100" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-bram_utilization_ratio 100" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-dsp_utilization_ratio 100" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-verilog2001 YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-safe_implementation No" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-fsm_style lut" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-ram_extract Yes" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-ram_style Auto" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-rom_extract Yes" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-mux_style Auto" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-decoder_extract YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-priority_extract YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-shreg_extract YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-shift_extract YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-xor_collapse YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-rom_style Auto" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-auto_bram_packing NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-mux_extract YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-resource_sharing YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-async_to_sync NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-use_dsp48 auto" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-iobuf YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-max_fanout 100000" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-bufg 32" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-register_duplication YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-register_balancing No" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-slice_packing YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-optimize_primitives NO" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-use_clock_enable Yes" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-use_sync_set Yes" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-use_sync_reset Yes" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-iob auto" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-equivalent_register_removal YES" >> ${XST}
	@echo "-slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5" >> ${XST}

	@echo "creating ut..."
	@echo "-w" > ${UT}
	@echo "-g DebugBitstream:No" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g Binary:no" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g CRC:Enable" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g ConfigRate:2" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g CclkPin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g M0Pin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g M1Pin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g M2Pin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g ProgPin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g DonePin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g InitPin:Pullup" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g CsPin:Pullup" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g DinPin:Pullup" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g BusyPin:Pullup" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g RdWrPin:Pullup" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g TckPin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g TdiPin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g TdoPin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g TmsPin:PullUp" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g UnusedPin:PullDown" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g UserID:0xFFFFFFFF" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g RetainConfigStatus:Yes" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g ConfigFallback:Enable" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g SelectMAPAbort:Enable" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g BPI_page_size:1" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g OverTempPowerDown:Disable" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g DCIUpdateMode:AsRequired" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g StartUpClk:CClk" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g DONE_cycle:4" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g GTS_cycle:5" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g GWE_cycle:6" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g LCK_cycle:NoWait" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g Match_cycle:Auto" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g Security:None" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g DonePipe:No" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g DriveDone:No" >> ${UT}
	@echo "-g Encrypt:No" >> ${UT}

5.3 Line buffer size
Number of characters in a line is less than 4000 at the default.
Please reconfigure with --with-lbs option.

vpp's People


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