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denv's Issues

deduce full path for denv mounts prior to mounting

Describe the bug
At some clusters, I have a symlink from my home directory (where I end up after SSHing) to the workspace for the experiment (where I have actual access to disk space and the software). This allows me to have the following workflow.

ssh <cluster>
cd work

where work points to some directory on a different filesystem.

This leads to (for example)

tom@cluster-node:~/work$ denv config print
denv_shell="/bin/bash -i"
singularity version 3.8.7-1.el7

Now this leads to normal behavior within the denv while interacting with the shell, but if I were to go to the work directory via some other path, any deduced paths (e.g. paths deduced during a cmake call) within the previous denv session would be invalid.

Expected behavior
I would like to have denv resistant against how the user cds to their workspace directory. I think this could be accomplished by using realpath to get the full, non-symlink path for mounting. I could implement a method to mount both the symlink path and the full, non-symlink path but I'm concerned that would be difficult.

Additional context

$ denv version
denv v0.2.0

shebang `#!` support

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'd like to write scripts that run programs in a denv. The easiest approach to do this is to write a normal script and then execute it with denv:


But sometimes, this execution path is unavailable or bloated. For example, sometimes I want to run in a denv that resides somewhere else. The currently supported way to do this is

denv_workspace=/full/path/to/denv denv

It is a hassle to type out the full denv_workspace path and sometimes its not possible to do (for example in batch processing contexts).
This forces me to write a second script that can wrap

denv_workspace=/full/path/to/denv \
  denv $@

which unfortunately means another round of shell interpretation when expanding $@ and another file to carry around.

Describe the solution you'd like
It'd be really cool if I could specify denv with a shebang so that is automatically run within the denv.
Something like

#!/usr/bin/env denv
<rest of contents>

This would allow me to have a single file whose first line specifies that it is run by denv
I've tried this, but it does not work out of the box. It appears to hang probably due to my misunderstanding how the script is given to denv when it is specified in the shebang.

This solution could be expanded by adding a denv option specifying what should be run within the denv.

#!/usr/bin/env denv --shebang python
print("hello world")

Or using the current "remote" running capability

#!/usr/bin/env denv_workspace=/full/path/to/denv denv
<shell script contents>

Describe alternatives you've considered
A wrapper script like shown above may be able to function as a shebang, but it still would introduce the bloat of an additional script to carry around.

Additional context
GNU parallel has a --shebang option:

Looking at the source parallel and searching for --shebang reveals that it needs to re-execute itself when acting as a shebang.
It looks like we want to mimic --shebang-wrap so that the user can tell denv which program to give the script to within the container.

  # Program is called from #! line in script
  # remove --shebang-wrap if it is set
  $opt::shebang_wrap = ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--shebang-?wrap *//);
  # remove --shebang if it is set
  $opt::shebang = ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--shebang *//);
  # remove --hashbang if it is set
  $opt::shebang .= ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--hashbang *//);
  if($opt::shebang) {
      my $argfile = Q(pop @ARGV);
      # exec myself to split $ARGV[0] into separate fields
      exec "$0 --skip-first-line -a $argfile @ARGV";
  if($opt::shebang_wrap) {
      my @options;
      my @parser;
      if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
    # FreeBSD's #! puts different values in @ARGV than Linux' does
    my @nooptions = @ARGV;
    while($#ARGV > $#nooptions) {
        push @options, shift @ARGV;
    while(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne ":::") {
        push @parser, shift @ARGV;
    if(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq ":::") {
        shift @ARGV;
      } else {
    @options = shift @ARGV;
      my $script = Q(Q(shift @ARGV)); # TODO - test if script = " "
            my @args = map{ Q($_) } @ARGV;
      # exec myself to split $ARGV[0] into separate fields
      exec "$0 --_pipe-means-argfiles @options @parser $script ".
                "::: @args";
    if($ARGV[0] =~ / --shebang(-?wrap)? /) {
  ::warning("--shebang and --shebang-wrap must be the first ".

Installation script on macOS fails

Describe the bug
The installation script on macOS (13.3.1) fails with a permission error.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up denv with...
  2. Try to run...
  3. See odd behavior...

Expected behavior
denv should install without errors

Here is the output of a session where I try to install denv:

░ tamasgal@silentbox:~
░ 17:42:18 > curl -s | sh

ERROR: Cannot write into /Users/tamasgal/.local/share/man/man1, permission denied

░ tamasgal@silentbox:~
░ 17:43:04 1 > mkdir .denv

░ tamasgal@silentbox:~
░ 17:43:13 > curl -s | \
  sh -s -- --prefix .denv --next --simple

ERROR: Cannot write into .denv/share/man/man1, permission denied

░ tamasgal@silentbox:~
░ 17:43:24 1 > mkdir -p .denv/share/man/man1

░ tamasgal@silentbox:~
░ 17:47:03 > curl -s | \
  sh -s -- --prefix .denv --next --simple

 INFO: Checking dependencies...
 INFO: Downloading...
 INFO: Unpacking...
install: illegal option -- D
usage: install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
               [-o owner] file1 file2
       install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
               [-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory
       install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
ERROR: Copying to .denv/bin failed.
       Do you have permission to write there?

additional runners that we could look at including

I haven't done a very exhaustive search, but I have stumbled upon other runners that may be useful for denv to support.

  • lilipod is a container manager focused on pulling images, managing images, and running containers. It was created as a simple/light backend for distrobox and so it naturally works as a runner for denv as well.
  • charliecloud is a container manager focused on bringing easy-to-manage containers to HPCs. This manager is appealing to me since I could see it ending up on HPCs due to its security-focused design similar to singularity/apptainer.

init completions

write up some completions that can do the minimum of

  • tab-complete our subcommands (not necessarily options)
  • tab-complete directory option for workspace

I don't forsee an easy way to tab-complete image tags, although I could maybe hook into docker/podman's tab complete functions if that is the runner being used.

remove setting of denv_runner in config file

I think it makes sense to only have one way to set different configuration variables and I think a logical separation is the config file has the normal and necessary options for running and the optional parameters will be looked for in the environment.

support unpacked images with docker/podman runners

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Unpacked images are supported natively by singularity/apptainer but I'd like to also support them with docker/podman so that a user's workflow doesn't need to change between machines.

Describe the solution you'd like
Something within denv that would allow docker/podman to load these unpacked images (perhaps docker load?). This would then allow users to have CVMFS on their laptops with docker/podman and use the same commands they would use on a HPC with apptainer/singularity.

write up a test matrix

want to make sure uniformity across runners when opening a specifically-configured denv. What is the minimal feature set of denv?

  • user in the container is same user out of the container
    • so any files written by user or by programs user runs in the container are still owned by the user when they leave
  • the home directory in the container is the denv workspace
    • opinionated choice but this makes "installation" in the container easier since stuff like ~/.local are already in the path
    • this also means things like .bashrc can be controlled per-workspace and specialized
  • actual definition of terminal prompt and sharing color pallette of host
    • makes denv slightly more familiar
  • non-interactive running support
    • drop denv into shell script when wanting to run stuff
  • display connection
    • launch basic GUIs from within denv by connecting to DISPLAY
  • only pull image if non-existent or confirmed by user
    • this aligns with the docker/podman flow and is the main reason to prevent singularity/apptainer from storing the OCI image itself, they check the remote on every run of the image and that prevents users from using denv in scripts as well as allowing the user to be forced into a newer image version

sub-command to check if a supported runner is available

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'd like to make the start-up process more user friendly. Specifically, having a denv check (or similar) command to verify installation and availablility of a runner will be helpful. In addition, this runner check could take the time to compare version numbers on top of just checking for existence of commands within the PATH.

Describe alternatives you've considered
The only alternative I can think of is to manually do this checking outside of denv and document this process in the manual. This is icky.

Additional context
LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw#1232 using in ldmx-sw's would benefit from a check command.

disable network connection when running

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
HPS's slic falls-back to downloading GDML and LCDD schemas from the internet if they are not found locally. This has caused me issues when running on SLAC's cluster since sometimes this internet connection is disrupted. The reason these schemas are not found locally is simply due to a mis-configuration of the container environment (the actual files were there), and the most direct way for me to quickly test slic is to prevent it from connecting to the internet at all so I can see if it fails at this fallback or continues successfully.

Describe the solution you'd like
apptainer can be given --net --network none1 which puts the container into a network-less environment. I expect the other runners have something similar.

Describe alternatives you've considered
From the denv side, there isn't really an alternative. I think keeping the network connected is a sensible default but it is helpful to run without it occasionally.



calling local installations noninteractively

Set Up

Imagine a world where we are developing using denv and we have installed a program to the logical place of ~/.local (within the denv). This means a program we want to run is probably within ~/.local/bin/. We can add this path to the PATH variable in a .bash_aliases file which will be sourced by bash when we launch an interactive shell in the denv.

denv init ubuntu:22.04
mkdir -p .local/bin
cat > .local/bin/hello <<\WORLD
echo world
chmod +x .local/bin/hello
cat 'export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}' > .bash_aliases


This setup works and we can call our newly installed program.

# world is printed

The issue arises when we want to run the program directly from outside the denv. Perhaps due to our workflow or perhaps in another script or something.

denv hello
# entrypoint complains about not being able to find the program 'hello'


We can get around this issue by launch bash explicitly, but it would be cool if denv did this automatically.

denv bash -ic hello
# world is printed

update `denv check` to handle podman emulation of docker

Describe the bug
On some clusters, podman is installed in a "emulation" mode such that the program docker is also installed which simply redirects to podman (presumably with some translation layers inserted). This leads to the following output of denv check:

Entrypoint found alongside denv
Looking for docker... Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
found 'podman version 1.6.4' <- would use without DENV_RUNNER defined
Looking for podman... found 'podman version 1.6.4'
Looking for apptainer... found 'apptainer version 1.2.5-1.el7'
Looking for singularity... not found

I think handling this could be an easy case of processing the text returned by docker --version a bit more than I do already. It outputs podman inside it anyways.

Update denv check to output a "emulation via podman" message if this case is found. Maybe do a similar message for singularity symlinks to apptainer?

get working with docker

need to figure out which code from distrobox is necessary and which is there for its extra features denv won't support

patch man-generation github action

Describe the bug
With the new branch protection rules on main, the GitHub actions fail to push directly to it. I have attempted to make the action open a PR rather than push directly to main, but I am getting a funky error.

 Switched to a new branch 'auto-man-update'
[auto-man-update 652c946] Auto Man Page Update from
 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
pull request create failed: GraphQL: Head sha can't be blank, Base sha can't be blank, No commits between main and auto-man-update, Head ref must be a branch (createPullRequest)
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

It's weird that gh is not seeing the commit I just made. Not sure why that is...

support already unpacked singularity/apptainer images

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
On many HPCs with CVMFS, there is a cvmfs repo called which has "unpacked" SIF images. These are "unpacked" because they are not compressed into a single file that is easier to pass around. Being able to run directly from these unpacked images would be helpful since it would save the user from waiting for the image file to be built.

Describe the solution you'd like
singularity and apptainer can already run these images so I'd just need to update the denv code to be able to avoid building the intermediate file unless necessary. In addition, I'd like to check if docker/podman can run these images - if they can't, I'd need to seriously consider if these types of images should be supported by denv whose primary purposes is unifying the experience these different runners.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Alternatively, we could require unpacked images to be built into a single file. This is undesirable because it is making unnecessary copies, but it would enforce a certain level of stability on the denv users are using.

Additional context

retreive the labels of the image being used

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
It is helpful when using the image as an environment to do some mild introspection.

Describe the solution you'd like
Something like denv config print --image or whatever that calls the necessary docker inspect --format .... and apptainer inspect ... commands.

Describe alternatives you've considered
An alternative is just to document it, but I think this is a simple enough task that it can be done across the current four runners. I'll probably have it be an optional feature of the runners so that future runners don't have too many requirements outside of download images and actually running them.

documents to write

  • Getting started example
  • Tuning the denv (point out that the .bashrc and/or .profile could be useful)
  • Developing the Environment (general tips and tricks I've learned from working with these images for a few years)
  • How to Contribute (the basic contributing doc)
  • Adding a new Runner (i.e. what would need to change)
  • What to Test (i.e. besides the non-interactive CI tests)

Unsure on GUI connection for non-Linux hosts

In, we need to go through a whole rigamarole to deduce the OS so we can pass the correct DISPLAY environment variable to docker:

Currently, I've only tested denv manually on Linux hosts whose GUI applications are connected pretty cleanly by the auto-mounting of /tmp and the forwarding of the DISPLAY environment variable from the host environment.

What are you trying to do?

I'd like to make sure denv can share GUI applications with the host whether the host is Windoze via WSL or MacOS. I don't have a direct way of testing this, so I may need to rope some friends into helping test this for me 👀

It looks like WSL has been updated to support forwarding GUI applications with the help of a few environment variables.

I can't find anything on MacOS signalling an update relative to whats in on the first page of google.

enhance configuration of environment variables

In order to help isolate the denv from the host environment, it will be helpful to allow the user to be specific about which variables are shared between the host and the denv. We could also have a config mode that enables the current behavior: sharing all environment variables (except special and weird ones).

I'm thinking we'd introduce three new variables to the config.

  • env_var_copy_all: 1 if doing the current behavior and 0 otherwise
  • env_var_copy: space-separated string of environment variables to copy into the denv, special variables will throw an error (e.g. HOME cannot be in this list) and weird values will throw an error (e.g. can't copy in variables with newlines), ignored if env_var_copy_all is set to 1
    • basically, this is a replacement for the printenv | ... stuff that is currently being used to deduce the environment
  • env_var_set: space-separated key=value pairs to define for within the denv, allows for the user to set a variable for in the denv that may have a different variable on the host

interactive terminal shell woes

in a normal terminal, I can enter a apptainer image with an interactive shell and get a nice prompt

 apptainer exec --hostname hps-env.$(uname -n) --home $PWD --env PS1="${PS1}" .denv/images/tomeichlersmith_hps-env-v3.2.0.sif /bin/bash -i                                                                       
sourced .bashrc
eichl008@hps-env ~> 

but this seemingly requires me to pass the PS1 into the container which is lame. I want the PS1 to be set by the .bashrc that is in the workspace. I know the bashrc is being sourced since I put echo "sourced .bashrc" at the bottom. Adding set -x to the bottom of the .bashrc shows that apptainer is setting the prompt itself somewhere

apptainer exec --hostname hps-env.$(uname -n) --home $PWD .denv/images/tomeichlersmith_hps-env-v3.2.0.sif /bin/bash -i
sourced .bashrc and has PS1=${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ 
++ PS1='Apptainer> '

The extra + signs makes me think that apptainer is spawning an extra shell somewhere. I can edit it by defining --env PS1="<prompt>" at apptainer run time.

This is because apptainer defines the PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable.

sharing LD_LIBRARY_PATH (when we probably don't want to)

Noticed this while trying to use combine which needs the container-defined LD_LIBRARY_PATH in order to load the shared libraries when running.

Currently, you can avoid this manually by running in a more environment-restricted mode.

denv config env copy all off
denv config env copy hostkey key=var ...

I think denv should make the opinionated choice to not share *PATH variables by default. This is the opposite choice made compared to distrobox; however, I think it makes sense in order to isolate the programs in the denv from the programs in the host. I still think there should be some path (lol) for sharing specific *PATH variables if the user desires, i.e. allow them via denv config env copy but exclude them from denv config env copy all.

Edit: To be more clear, I think distrobox combines both the host and the internal *PATH variables so that both are available within the containerized environment. I'll need to look into that to see if its possible but I don't think it is since the limiting factor seems to be how apptainer defines the envrionment variables (i.e. with some sh init scripts that check if they are already defined).

entrypoint notes

in order to unify the environment, especially with the user setting a home directory on the command line, we'll need to run a special entrypoint after opening the container similar to distrobox. However, it will be simplified relative to distrobox since many apptainer/singularity installations are configured to not allow writable images or containers and so users are unable to install packages after creating an image file (usually downloaded from DockerHub). For this reason, the only purpose of the entrypoint script would be to attempt to check if the attached HOME is setup with some RC files and if not, setup a few default RC files before starting the interactive shell. I could also see an option where the interactive shell is not started in favor of the user supplying a command to run in the container a la the ldmx command.

The rough outline would look something like below but it is still lacking

  • A stable (multi-shell) way to check if the home is already setup
  • The correct system tool method for setting up a new home
  • A way for the user to define the shell they want to use
  • Proper command and error handling
if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.bashrc ]; then
  # try to use system tools like usermod/useradd to setup default RC files
  if command -v usermod; then
    usermod -d ${HOME} ${USER}
    echo "No `usermod` available, falling back to plain cp"
    cp -t ${HOME} /etc/skel/*

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
  /bin/bash -i
  exec "$@"

UID Issue on MacOS

Describe the bug
Attempting to use any tool that checks /etc/passwd for user IDs seems to not work on Mac devices. Examples include git or just whoami.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up denv with...
  2. Try to run whoami
  3. See output

You also see your username in the prompt as I have no name

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add output of denv version and denv config print here.
denv v0.5.0
denv_shell="/bin/bash -i"
Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc

update order of runner deduction

By default, the current order prefers docker/podman over apptainer/singularity; however, this tends to lead to issues on systems that have both apptainer and a restricted, rootless podman installed. The installed podman has a ID restriction preventing it from running some images. (More detail printout below)

My general idea is to, at minimum, have denv prefer apptainer/singularity as a proxy for a test on if podman is restricted or not. I could also investigate the addition of a prompt for the user to choose the runner they wish to use and then write that runner into the config (or maybe a user config in ~/.config?). This is somewhat tied with #93 since having a check function that actually shows which runner will be used by denv will be helpful for testing a more complicated deduction procedure.

I've seen this on SLAC's S3DF and JLab's ifarm.

$ podman run --rm hello-world
!... Hello Podman World ...!

       / -     - \         
      / (O)   (O) \        
   ~~~| -=(,Y,)=- |         
    .---. /`  \   |~~      
 ~/  o  o \~~~~.----. ~~   
  | =(X)= |~  / (O (O) \   
   ~~~~~~~  ~| =(Y_)=-  |   
  ~~~~    ~~~|   U      |~~ 

X/Twitter: @Podman_io
Mastodon:  @[email protected]
$ podman image ls
REPOSITORY            TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED     SIZE  latest      b1c06f48960c  4 days ago  1.7 MB
$ podman pull busybox:latest
Resolved "busybox" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 7b2699543f22 done  
Error: writing blob: adding layer with blob "sha256:7b2699543f22d5b8dc8d66a5873eb246767bca37232dee1e7a3b8c9956bceb0c": Error processing tar file(exit status 1): potentially insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace (requested 65534:65534 for /home): Check /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid if configured locally and run podman-system-migrate: lchown /home: invalid argument
$ podman image ls
REPOSITORY            TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED     SIZE  latest      b1c06f48960c  4 days ago  1.7 MB

Check executable might not be available on all platforms

Describe the bug
Running denv check on a MacOs system is likely to result in

sh: 1: check: not found

since check isn't installed by default. This can be resolved by the user installing it (e.g. brew install check), but it might be worth working around to make denv easier to use for people

add CI script for setting the version number

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I don't like that I have to manually edit three files just to set the version number. I think a small shell script would be able to do it as well as add in a few more checks.

Describe the solution you'd like
Something that can

./ci/set_version X.Y.Z

and change the code in the necessary places to change the version to X.Y.Z

Describe alternatives you've considered

  • Continue to manually open these files and write them. (lame)
  • Try to find a github action which does this for me.

Connect ports and network

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'd like to host jupyter labs in denv alongaide my other crap I have in it. One denv to rule them all.

Describe the solution you'd like
Apptainer already conencts ports by default, I think I just need to add a specific flag for docker.

Describe alternatives you've considered
We could have the lab outside the denv or connect to the denv over ssh for port forwarding a la vs code but thats lame.

Investigate `argc` for CLI generation

It's mainly marketed as a way to avoid boilerplate in scripts, but it also has a "build" option which can generate the boilerplate CLI code. I want to see if we can use this because then the CLI, the help messages, and the man pages would all be generated from the same source of truth.


  • multiple subcommands (or equivalent)
  • unknown command pass through
  • posix-sh valid

enable setting denv_name

both via the config command and the init command

maybe change the default to something more helpful (like the workspace directory basename?)

add MacOS testing

Currently, I have templated out MacOS testing within the testing workflow.

# test-macos:
# name: Test on MacOS
# runs-on: macos-latest
# steps:
# - uses: douglascamata/setup-docker-macos-action@v1-alpha
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: enable debug mode if requested
# if: ${{runner.debug == '1'}}
# run: echo "DENV_DEBUG=1" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# - name: Install
# run: sudo ./install
# - name: deduce runner name
# run: echo "DENV_RUNNER=docker" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# - name: Test
# run: ./ci/test

It is commented out due to a few complexities.

  1. GitHub macos runners do not currently provide an installation of docker and/or podman. This means we either have to (a) somehow test denv without a container runner or (b) install a container runner during the action.
  2. I tried using to initialize docker since that is probably the most popular runner on macos, which appears to work but it left me with some odd issues within denv that are difficult to debug since I don't have MacOS locally.
    • In the past when I tried running with this, I attempted mounting the entrypoint ro at a special (root) location. This got around the issue of being unable to launch the container, but the tests still failed.

interface design


One program denv running commands.

External Commands

  • init WORKSPACE [ -i, --image IMAGE ] [--no-gitignore] [--home HOMEDIR] [--mount DIR0 [DIR1...]]
    • initialize a new workspace, creating necessary image files in WORKSPACE/.denv
    • write a WORKSPACE/.denv/config file for container runners to read
    • add a .gitignore inside .denv to ignore local-only files (can be disabled on the CLI)
    • allow setting of other config variables as well
  • config : safely view and edit config
    • print show config to user
    • image : image manipulation commands
      • pull : re-pull image without changing tag (e.g. in the case of *:latest-type image tags)
      • use : set which image to use (and pull if not available locally)
    • mounts: add the command line arguments to set of mounts to put into the denv
    • home: change the home directory for the denv (discouraged)

Internal Commands

Run commands inside the opened container. We should copy over all environment variables except for any that are found to break the workspace-is-home configuration we are trying to focus on.

  • (no other inputs)
    • open interactive shell
    • copy over /etc/skel if file WORKSPACE/.dbx/skel-init does not exist
  • <command> [args ...]
    • run <command> [args ...] in container

Config Dir

  • .denv/
    • config - holds container configuration variables, written by init and set, read by container running commands
    • .gitignore - ignore all files in this directory except config
    • skel-init - empty, exists to signal to container entrypoint to not copy over skel files
    • images/ - only exists for apptainer/singularity runners, holds *.sif files

Config Variables

Name Description
image container image to run
home full path to workspace directory which will be container home
mounts additional mounts besides workspace directory
shell which the command to execute when starting an interactive session

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