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go_rng's Introduction

go_rng --- 伪随机数生成器库的Go语言实现

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A pseudo-random number generator written in Golang v1.1


1.Leesper 2.Danny Patrie 3.Akihiro Suda

Inspired by:

2.Numerical Recipes

3.Random number generation

4.Quantile function

5.Monte Carlo method

6.Pseudo-random number sampling

7.Inverse transform sampling

Supported Distributions and Functionalities:

均匀分布 Uniform Distribution
伯努利分布 Bernoulli Distribution
卡方分布 Chi-Squared Distribution
Gamma分布 Gamma Distribution
Beta分布 Beta Distribution
费舍尔F分布 Fisher's F Distribution
柯西分布 Cauchy Distribution
韦伯分布 Weibull Distribution
Pareto分布 Pareto Distribution
对数高斯分布 Log Normal Distribution
指数分布 Exponential Distribution
学生T分布 Student's t-Distribution
二项分布 Binomial Distribution
泊松分布 Poisson Distribution
几何分布 Geometric Distribution
高斯分布 Gaussian Distribution
逻辑分布 Logistic Distribution
狄利克雷分布 Dirichlet Distribution

API Documentation

    package rng
    import "rng"

Uniform Distribution

    1) struct UniformGenerator
    UniformGenerator is a random number generator for uniform
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewUniformGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewUniformGenerator(seed int64) *UniformGenerator
    NewUniformGenerator returns a uniform-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: urng
    := rng.NewUniformGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (ung UniformGenerator) Float32() float32
    Float32 returns a random float32 in [0.0, 1.0)
    4) func (ung UniformGenerator) Float32Range(a, b float32) float32
    Float32Range returns a random float32 in [a, b)
    5) func (ung UniformGenerator) Float32n(n float32) float32
    Float32n returns a random float32 in [0.0, n)
    6) func (ung UniformGenerator) Float64() float64
    Float64 returns a random float64 in [0.0, 1.0)
    7) func (ung UniformGenerator) Float64Range(a, b float64) float64
    Float32Range returns a random float32 in [a, b)
    8) func (ung UniformGenerator) Float64n(n float64) float64
    Float64n returns a random float64 in [0.0, n)
    9) func (ung UniformGenerator) Int32() int32
    Int32 returns a random uint32
    10) func (ung UniformGenerator) Int32Range(a, b int32) int32
    Int32Range returns a random uint32 in [a, b)
    11) func (ung UniformGenerator) Int32n(n int32) int32
    Int32n returns a random uint32 in [0, n)
    12) func (ung UniformGenerator) Int64() int64
    Int64 returns a random uint64
    13) func (ung UniformGenerator) Int64Range(a, b int64) int64
    Int64Range returns a random uint64 in [a, b)
    14) func (ung UniformGenerator) Int64n(n int64) int64
    Int64n returns a random uint64 in [0, n)
    15) func (ung UniformGenerator) Shuffle(arr []interface{})
    Shuffle rearrange the elements of an array in random order
    16) func (ung UniformGenerator) ShuffleRange(arr []interface{}, low, high int)
    Shuffle rearrange the elements of the subarray[low..high] in random order

Bernoulli Distribution

    1) struct BernoulliGenerator
    UniformGenerator is a random number generator for uniform distribution.
    The zero value is invalid, use NewBernoulliGenerator to create a
    2) func NewBernoulliGenerator(seed int64) *BernoulliGenerator
    NewBernoulliGenerator returns a bernoulli-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: urng
    := rng.NewBernoulliGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (beng BernoulliGenerator) Bernoulli() bool
    bernoulli returns a bool, which is true with probablity 0.5
    4) func (beng BernoulliGenerator) Bernoulli_P(p float32) bool
    bernoulli_P returns a bool, which is true with probablity p

Binomial Distribution

    1) struct BinomialGenerator
    BinomialGenerator is a random number generator for binomial
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewBinomialGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewBinomialGenerator(seed int64) *BinomialGenerator
    NewBinomialGenerator returns a binomial-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: urng
    := rng.NewBinomialGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (bing BinomialGenerator) Binomial(n int64, p float32) int64
    Binomial returns a random number X ~ binomial(n, p)

Geometric Distribution

    1) struct GeometricGenerator
    GeometricGenerator is a random number generator for geometric
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewGeometryGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewGeometricGenerator(seed int64) *GeometricGenerator
    NewGeometricGenerator returns a geometric-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: urng
    := rng.NewGeometricGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (grng GeometricGenerator) Geometric(p float64) int64
    Geometric returns a random number X ~ binomial(n, p)

Poisson Distribution

    1) struct PoissonGenerator
    PoissonGenerator is a random number generator for possion distribution.
    The zero value is invalid, use NewPoissonGenerator to create a generator
    2) func NewPoissonGenerator(seed int64) *PoissonGenerator
    NewPoissonGenerator returns a possion-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: prng
    := rng.NewPoissonGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (prng PoissonGenerator) Possion(lambda float64) int64
    Poisson returns a random number of possion distribution

Exponential Distribution

    1) struct ExpGenerator
    ExpGenerator is a random number generator for exponential distribution.
    The zero value is invalid, use NewExpGenerator to create a generator
    2) func NewExpGenerator(seed int64) *ExpGenerator
    NewExpGenerator returns a exponential-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: erng
    := rng.NewExpGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (erng ExpGenerator) Exp(lambda float64) float64
    Exp returns a random number of exponential distribution

Cauchy Distribution

    1) struct CauchyGenerator
    CauchyGenerator is a random number generator for cauchy distribution.
    The zero value is invalid, use NewCauchyGenerator to create a generator
    2) func NewCauchyGenerator(seed int64) *CauchyGenerator
    NewCauchyGenerator returns a cauchy-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: crng
    := rng.NewCauchyGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (crng CauchyGenerator) Cauchy(x0, gamma float64) float64
    Cauchy returns a random number of cauchy distribution
    4) func (crng CauchyGenerator) StandardCauchy() float64
    StandardCauchy() returns a random number of standard cauchy distribution (x0 = 0.0, gamma = 1.0)

Logistic Distribution

    1) struct LogisticGenerator
    LogisticGenerator is a random number generator for cauchy distribution.
    The zero value is invalid, use NewLogisticGenerator to create a generator
    2) func NewLogisticGenerator(seed int64) *LogisticGenerator
    NewLogisticGenerator returns a logistic-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: lrng
    := rng.NewLogisticGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (lrng LogisticGenerator) Logistic(mu, s float64) float64
    Logistic returns a random number of logistic distribution

Gaussian Distribution

    1) struct GaussianGenerator
    GaussianGenerator is a random number generator for gaussian
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewGaussianGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewGaussianGenerator(seed int64) *GaussianGenerator
    NewGaussianGenerator returns a gaussian-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: crng
    := rng.NewGaussianGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (grng GaussianGenerator) Gaussian(mean, stddev float64) float64
    Gaussian returns a random number of gaussian distribution Gauss(mean, stddev^2)
    4)func (grng GaussianGenerator) StdGaussian() float64
    StdGaussian returns a random number of standard gaussian distribution

Pareto Distribution (type I)

    1) struct ParetoGenerator
    ParetoGenerator is a random number generator for type I pareto
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewParetoGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewParetoGenerator(seed int64) *ParetoGenerator
    NewParetoGenerator returns a type I pareto-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: crng
    := rng.NewParetoGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (prng ParetoGenerator) Pareto(alpha float64) float64
    Pareto returns a random number of type I pareto distribution (alpha > 0,0)

Weibull Distribution

    1) struct WeibullGenerator
    WeibullGenerator is a random number generator for weibull
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewWeibullGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewWeibullGenerator(seed int64) *WeibullGenerator
    NewWeibullGenerator returns a weibull-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: wrng
    := rng.NewWeibullGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())

    3) func (wrng WeibullGenerator) Weibull(lambda, k float64) float64
    Weibull returns a random number of weibull distribution (lambda > 0.0 and k > 0.0)

Gamma Distribution

    1) struct GammaGenerator
    GammaGenerator is a random number generator for gamma distribution. The
    zero value is invalid, use NewGammaGenerator to create a generator

    2) func NewGammaGenerator(seed int64) *GammaGenerator
    NewGammaGenerator returns a gamma distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: grng
    := rng.NewGammaGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (grng GammaGenerator) Gamma(alpha, beta float64) float64
    Gamma returns a random number of gamma distribution (alpha > 0.0 and beta > 0.0)

Lognormal Distribution

    1) struct LognormalGenerator
    LognormalGenerator is a random number generator for lognormal
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewLognormalGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewLognormalGenerator(seed int64) *LognormalGenerator
    NewLognormalGenerator returns a lognormal-distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: crng
    := rng.NewLognormalGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (lnng LognormalGenerator) Lognormal(mean, stddev float64) float64
    Lognormal return a random number of lognormal distribution

Beta Distribution

    1) struct BetaGenerator struct
    BetaGenerator is a random number generator for beta distribution. The
    zero value is invalid, use NewBetaGenerator to create a generator
    2) func NewBetaGenerator(seed int64) *BetaGenerator
    NewBetaGenerator returns a beta distribution generator it is recommended
    using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: brng := 
    3) func (brng BetaGenerator) Beta(alpha, beta float64) float64
    Beta returns a random number of beta distribution (alpha > 0.0 and beta > 0.0)

Chi-Squared Distribution

    1) struct ChiSquaredGenerator
    ChiSquaredGenerator is a random number generator for chi-squared
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewChiSquaredGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewChiSquaredGenerator(seed int64) *ChiSquaredGenerator
    NewChiSquaredGenerator returns a chi-squared distribution generator it
    is recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example:
    crng := rng.NewChiSquaredGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (crng ChiSquaredGenerator) ChiSquared(freedom int64) float64
    ChiSquared returns a random number of chi-squared distribution

Student's t-distribution

    1) struct StudentTGenerator
    StudentTGenerator is a random number generator for student-t
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewStudentTGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewStudentTGenerator(seed int64) *StudentTGenerator
    NewStudentTGenerator returns a student-t distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: stng
    := rng.NewStudentTGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (stng StudentTGenerator) Student(freedom int64) float64
    Student returns a random number of student-t distribution (freedom > 0.0)

Fisher's F Distribution

    1) struct FisherFGenerator
    FisherFGenerator is a random number generator for Fisher's F
    distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewFisherFGenerator to
    create a generator
    2) func NewFisherFGenerator(seed int64) *FisherFGenerator
    NewFisherFGenerator returns a Fisher's F distribution generator it is
    recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: frng
    := rng.NewFisherFGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (frng FisherFGenerator) Fisher(d1, d2 int64) float64
    Fisher returns a random number of Fisher's F distribution (d1 > 0 and d2 > 0)

Dirichlet Distribution

    1) struct DirichletGenerator
    DirichletGenerator is a random number generator for dirichlet
distribution. The zero value is invalid, use NewDirichletGenerator to
create a generator
    2) func NewDirichletGenerator(seed int64) *DirichletGenerator
NewDirichletGenerator returns a dirichlet-distribution generator it is
recommended using time.Now().UnixNano() as the seed, for example: drng
:= rng.NewDirichletGenerator(time.Now().UnixNano())
    3) func (drng DirichletGenerator) Dirichlet(alphas []float64) []float64
Dirichlet returns random numbers of dirichlet distribution (alpha > 0.0, for alpha in alphas)

    4) func (drng DirichletGenerator) SymmetricDirichlet(alpha float64, n int) []float64
    SymmetricDirichlet returns random numbers of symmetric-dirichlet distribution (alpha > 0.0 and n > 0)

    5) func (drng DirichletGenerator) FlatDirichlet(n int) []float64
    FlatDirichlet returns random numbers of flat-dirichlet distribution (n > 0)

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