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tukaan's Issues

Allow wildcard imports? πŸ€”

When I create an app with tkinter I normally will start the file with from tkinter import * so it gets rid of the hassle of importing labels and buttons and whatnot. We need to make that compatible and work with Tukaan. Great job on the release by the way!

AttributeError: partially initialized module 'tukaan' has no attribute 'App' (most likely due to a circular import)

I just follow the example given in ReadMe to try this module at the first time.

import tukaan

app = tukaan.App("My first Tukaan app")

Then I get this error.

(env) D:\Desktop\coding\sandbox>d:/Desktop/coding/discordpy/env/Scripts/python.exe d:/Desktop/coding/sandbox/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\Desktop\coding\sandbox\", line 1, in <module>
    import tukaan
  File "d:\Desktop\coding\sandbox\", line 3, in <module>
    app = tukaan.App("My first Tukaan app")
AttributeError: partially initialized module 'tukaan' has no attribute 'App' (most likely due to a circular import)

I am new to this module and I have no idea about why would this happens.
Sorry for my incoveniences causes.

Upload to pypi soon

Hasn't been updated in a while and I'd like to try some of the new features

Screen and ScreenDistance may not work at all

Tukaan's Screen and ScreenDistance objects are really nice and useful, but based on this SO question, they may not work at all on dual monitor setups.

Another problem is that Tcl/tk doesn't know the real ppi, only dpi, so ScreenDistance works well only if user doesn't use xrandr --dpi <not ppi>.

Font management

I have no better idea than what teek does.

Usually you don't need a named, mutable font object, just an object to specify the widget font, so a tcl namedfont is a total waste of memory. On the other hand it isn't good to have multiple font classes to different tasks.

Create DockMenu

Important: when using MacOS having a good DockMenu menu is incredibly important. I propose that we create a good system for this as it does not seem to be built into tk. See my stackoverflow question for more detail. This is also an issue for windows so setting up a good system is important to get done at some point.

ScrollView widget

A scrollable frame.

scrollview = ScrollView(
    overflow=(False, "auto"),
    padding=(1, 2, 3, 4),

Add `tukaan.TextBox` widget

tukaan.TextBox widgets

Requires: tukaan.Image

Documentation: text(3tk)

Features to be implemented:

  • all attributes
  • implement peers
  • get
  • delete
  • insert
  • search
  • replace
  • scroll_to
  • tags
  • all tag attribute
  • marks
  • dump
  • line info
  • count
  • fancy index handling
  • auto scrollbars
  • insert from file
  • easy way to embed widgets
  • insert images
  • text getter, setter
  • fancy undo/redo handling


Font management in Tk (and in Tkinter too) is a big pile of shitt

In Tukaan it shouldn't be

Images for `Button` and `Label`

Implement image support for tukaan.Button and tukaan.Label widgets

Requirement: tukaan._images._image_converter_class

Features to be implemented:

  • images

Add TabView widget

tukaan.TabView and tukaan.TabView.Tab widgets

Requires other widget: tukaan.Frame

Documentation: ttk_notebook(3tk)

Features to be implemented:

  • append tabs
  • remove tabs
  • hide/unhide tabs
  • move tabs
  • select tabs
  • config tabs
  • get selected tab -> property

`tukaan.App` is crazy inefficient


Lines 56 to 70 in fcf7ff9

self.title = title
self.topmost = topmost
self.transparency = transparency
# i can't figure out why, but mypy says 'size' is read-only
self.size = width, height # type: ignore
self.fullscreen = fullscreen
if theme is None:
theme = (
if self.tcl_call(str, "tk", "windowingsystem") == "x11"
else "native"
self.theme = theme

$ cat
import tukaan, tkinter, timeit

def asdf():
    _ = tukaan.App()

def qwer():
    _ = tkinter.Tk()

print(timeit.timeit(asdf, number=100))
print(timeit.timeit(qwer, number=100))

$ python3
can't invoke "event" command: application has been destroyed
    while executing
"event generate $w <<ThemeChanged>>"
    (procedure "ttk::ThemeChanged" line 6)
    invoked from within
[...] * 99
10.320173018000037  # tukaan
2.983373939999933   # tkinter

without those lines, tukaan is only between 2.9 and 3.3 seconds


  • with tukaan I never got below 2.9 (commented out those lines)
  • with tkinter I never got below 2.7
  • (with teek I never got below 3.3)

Improve `TextBox`

  • do something with Tag. prev, next range, (i really don't like, how they currently work)
  • more preset tag?

Add Frame widget

tukaan.Frame widget

Required widgets: tukaan.ScrollBar

Documentation: ttk_frame(3tk)

Features to be implemented:

  • Built in scrollbars, adjustable by the overflow attribute

Add `CheckBox` widget

tukaan.CheckBox widget

Requirements: Boolean control variable

Documentation: ttk_checkbutton(3tk)

Features to be implemented:

  • select
  • deselect
  • invoke
  • toggle state
  • get if selected
  • set if selected

Add Images

tukaan._images._image_converter_class, tukaan.Image, tukaan.Icon and tukaan.IconFactory classes

Images work only with PIL, because Tk images still suck.

A widget to display images

image ="img.jpg")

image_widget = tukaan.Image(root, image)

Can also be used for a button, or anything else

image ="img.jpg")

image_button = tukaan.Button(root, image=image)

Icon class WITHOUT PIL, so it's fast, but immutable, only png

icon = tukaan.Icon("icon.png")

icon_button = tukaan.Button(root, image=icon)

IconFactory is basically an object to collect Icons

icons = tukaan.IconFactory(light_theme="./dark_icons", dark_theme="./light_icons")

icon_button = tukaan.Button(root, image=icons.get("new_tab"))
  • Image
  • Icon
  • IconFactory
  • Animated images


Can we create a widget that shows text when widgets are hovered over?

High DPI support

  • High DPI awareness
    High DPI awareness should be enabled on Windows by default
  • Scaling
    • Implement UI scaling
    • Support SVG based themes
    • Create SVG based sun valley theme (will be in a separate package)

Add GitHub CI actions

Would be nice to have:

  • Pyright checks
  • Pytest checks (when we finally have tests lol)
  • Various Flake8 checks
  • Black check
  • Isort check
  • Pypi publisher

Create MenuBars

How do I create menubars? Can we make it possible to create menubars before the application window is created in order to have an instant loading of it?

Messageboxes and dialogs


  • Messageboxes
  • Filedialogs
    • Open file
    • Save file
    • Select directory
  • Color selection
  • Input dialog
    • String
    • Number
    • Slider
  • Font chooser
    • Native dialogs on Windows and mac
    • Custom font chooser on X11
  • Calendar dialog
  • About dialog
  • Task dialog
  • Progress dialog
  • Notifications
  • Credentials dialog
  • Print dialog
  • Custom dialog API


  • Use KDialog if available
  • Use Zenity if available
  • Use notify-send if available

tukaan.exceptions.TclError: Serif: Unsupported platform windows-x64

I cant run any Tukaan code on windows? Help

import tukaan

# Create window
app = tukaan.App("Test TabView widget")

# Create tabview
tabview = tukaan.TabView(app)

# Create tabs
tab_1 = tabview.Tab("Tab 1")
tab_2 = tabview.Tab("Tab 2")

# Add tab contents
tukaan.Button(tab_1, "Button in tab 1").grid()  # You can display it inline, but then you can't access the object later
tukaan.Button(tab_2, "Button in tab 2").grid()


Theming in Tukaan

System appearance information

The LookAndFeel object

  • system_theme
  • system_colors
# LookAndFeel.system_theme returns:
# - 'dark' or 'light' on macOS and MS Windoze
# - current Gtk theme if available (not yet implememted)

# Returns a namedtuple containing the system colors

Using native themes

  • AquaTheme
  • Win32Theme
  • KolorScheme
  • NativeTheme
from tukaan import App, AquaTheme, GtkTheme, KolorScheme, Win32Theme

app = App()

app.theme = AquaTheme  # macOS only
app.theme = Win32Theme  # MS Windows only
app.theme = GtkTheme  # Tries to use native Gtk 2.0 theme, Linux only
app.theme = KolorScheme  # Uses Clam theme with KDE Plasma colorscheme, needs `kreadconfig5`

Theming with CSS

See #71

  • CssTheme class
  • Css parser
  • Generate SVG images from the css
  • Generate Tcl theme script from the css

Theme collection

Theme collection module with Tcl themes. See first few comments of #74

Add Entry widget

tukaan.Entry widget

Documentation: ttk_entry(3tk)

Features to be implemented:

  • fancy index handling
  • built in validation for
    • int
    • float
    • email address
    • hex color
    • custom regex
  • parameters
  • everything else

`ButtonGroup` widget

A group of buttons, similar to RadioGroup. The button labels and callbacks could be specified in a dict, like items={"Text": do_something}.

The leftmost button should have the Left.TButton style, the rightmost Right.TButton, and all the others Middle.TButton (similar stuff when the orientation is vertical), this way it's possible to do, that only the outer buttons have round corners. (I think my forest theme has this feature, but it might be only in one of my local branches).

Move tkdnd to Dropp submodule


  • Move tkdnd to Dropp submodule
  • Rename tkdnd to Dropp
  • Improve build system (help needed)
  • Translate Tcl part to Python for easier maintainability
  • Include it in libtukaan

Improve tooltip

Tooltip has some issues on Mac and I have some ideas. First and foremost is the usage of the toplevel:

  1. On mac this makes quite a weird illusion and looks pretty bad. I recommend that we use the button idea and that we just position and un-position as it was initially. My picture of the issue is attached.
  2. I believe that the time for scheduling should be halved to 500 ms instead of a whole second. I also removed the schedule to remove the tooltip after a set time because it seems like it could lead to issues for large amounts of text.
  3. Using newlines makes it look janky because its not an actual button. Image is attached
  4. Users should be able to specify which side the tooltip goes too and I think it would be good if the tooltip keeps the same theming
  5. Make sure that the tooltip keeps the font of the owner widget

Proposed code:

    def schedule(cls, widget: str) -> None:
        cls._can_show = True

        message = cls._widgets.get(widget)
        if message is None:
            return, ".tooltip.label", "configure", "-text", message)
        cls._after_id =, "after", 500, cls._show_cmd, widget)

    def show(cls, widget: str) -> None:
        if not cls._can_show:

        owner_x =, "winfo", "rootx", widget)
        owner_width =, "winfo", "reqwidth", widget)
        tip_width =, "winfo", "reqwidth", ".tooltip")
        tip_x = owner_x + owner_width // 2 - tip_width // 2

        owner_y =, "winfo", "rooty", widget)
        tip_height =, "winfo", "reqheight", ".tooltip")
        tip_y = owner_y - tip_height - 5

        if tip_y <= Tcl.eval(int, f"winfo rooty [winfo toplevel {widget}]"):
            tip_y = owner_y +, "winfo", "reqheight", widget) + 5, "wm", "geometry", ".tooltip", f"+{tip_x}+{tip_y}"), "wm", "deiconify", ".tooltip")


  1. Screen Shot 2022-07-03 at 9 24 37 PM

2 . Screen Shot 2022-07-03 at 9 38 19 PM


  • MessageCatalog object
  • Localized internal strings
  • Right to left on non-Windows systems?

Add multiple monitor support

Multiple monitors

Unsupported Platform?

I get this error idk why
tukaan.exceptions.TclError: Serif: Unsupported platform windows-x64

Add unittests

Ohh, I hate writing tests...

But there are so much bug and I always mess up something, so it'd be useful.

TerminalView widget

Terminal-like widget thingy, that allows you to run basic commands.
I don't want it to be a fully functional terminal, as it would require a lot of work, but it'd be useful for running basic commands.

Example usage:

term = tukaan.TerminalView(
    prompt="{user}@{node}:{cwd}$ ",

Feature: Audio stuff

In or submodule.


  • Open sound
  • Play sound
  • Play section of sound
  • Pause sound
  • Stop sound
  • Record sound
  • Save sound
  • Concatenate sounds
  • Insert sounds
  • Insert section of sound
  • Mix sounds
  • Mix section of sound
  • Apply filters to sounds
  • Apply filters to section of sound
  • Cut section of sound
  • Crop to section of sound
  • Reverse sound
  • Reverse section of sound
  • Get length of sound
  • Filters
    • Amplifier
    • Echo
    • FadeIn
    • FadeOut
    • Formant
    • Generator
    • IIR
    • Map
    • Reverb
  • Modify sound
    • Bitrate
    • Number of channels
    • Encoding
    • Length
  • Configure sound reading
    • Bitrate
    • Number of channels
    • Encoding
  • Delete sound object, and clean up memory

Create layout managers

The grid LM

widget.layout.grid(row=1, col=1, margin=(1, 2, 3, 4))


Parameter Description
row row
col column
rowspan rowspan
colspan columnspan
margin human understandable expression for padx and pady
hor_align horizontal stickiness see below
vert_align vertical stickiness see below
  • Parameters done

Horizontal and vertical alignment (sticky)

Horizontal align Vertical align Tk sticky value
None None
None top n
None bottom s
right None e
left None w
left top nw
right top ne
left bottom sw
right bottom se
stretch top new
stretch None ew
stretch bottom sew
left stretch nsw
None stretch ns
right stretch nse
stretch stretch nsew
  • Alignment done

The position LM

widget.layout.position(x=10, y=10, width=ScreenDistance(4, "cm"))


Parameter Description
x x, if you give it in percents, it will be relx
y y, if you give it in percents, it will be rely
width width, if you give it in percents, it will be relwidth
height height, if you give it in percents, it will be relheight
anchor anchor
  • Parameters done


In tkinter you can do things like this:, x=-20)

which will place the widget 20 pixels before 100%, because Tukaan don't supports explicit relative sizes and positions you cant do this. could be solved by a move method


# and also for grid:
  • Move method done

  • Implement info, and other methods (slaves command into the child_stats of the widget )

Rewrite bindings

Implement binding API

Event classes



Rethink grid

Implement placing by cell name, like you'd do it in css

  • Done

In css you can do things like this to place an element by grid cell name:

.some__parent {
      "label button . ."
      "frame frame other other"
      "button_1 button_1 other other";

.some__widget {
  grid-area: other

This will place the widget in row: 1, column: 2, and will set the column and rowspan.

So in Tukaan instead of this:

some_widget.layout.grid(row=1, col=2, rowspan=2, colspan=2)

you could write this, and cells are already created for the rest of the widgets:

some_parent.layout.grid_cells = [
    ["label", "button", None, None],
    ["frame", "frame", "other", "other"],
    ["button_1", "button_1", "other", "other"],

Allow to row-, and columnconfigure widgets, by setting size template (like in css)

  • Done

In css

.some__parent {
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 3fr;
  grid-template-rows: 0fr 1fr 1fr;

In Tkinter

some_parent.columnconfigure(index=0, weight=1)
some_parent.columnconfigure(index=1, weight=1)
some_parent.columnconfigure(index=2, weight=1)
some_parent.columnconfigure(index=3, weight=3)

some_parent.rowconfigure(index=0, weight=0)
some_parent.rowconfigure(index=1, weight=1)
some_parent.rowconfigure(index=2, weight=1)

In Tukaan

some_parent.layout.grid_column_template = (1, 1, 1, 3)
some_parent.layout.grid_row_template = (0, 1, 1)

Always catch Tcl errors and raise Python exceptions instead

Currently at lot of places Tukaan simply re-raises the errors thrown by Tcl, which aren't very informative, and since Tukaan covers so much of the Tk stuff, they are sonetimes not even relevant.
We need to create appropriate exception classes and raise them in these places with descriptive messages.

Write documentation

This will make it much easier to get started, I didn’t even know this had so many options without looking at the code!

Add `RadioButton` and `RadioGroup` widget

tukaan.RadioButton and tukaan.RadioGroup widgets

Requirements: control variables

Documentation: ttk_radiobutton(3tk)

Features to be implemented:

  • select
  • invoke
  • get if selected


  • select radio by id (value)
  • destroy radio by id (value)
  • get radio object by id (value)
  • get selected radio object
  • get current value
  • configure items
  • access radio object's id

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