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benchmark/run fails with 6 errors

i tried to run the benchmarks after a clean checkout of the project, but compilation fails.

[error] /Users/tlossen/Code/jawn/benchmark/src/main/scala/jawn/ParseLongBench.scala:98: value += is not a member of Long
[error]   Expression does not convert to assignment because:
[error]     not found: value Util
[error]     expansion: sum = sum.+(<Util: error>.<parseLong: error>(css(i)))
[error]       sum += Util.parseLong(css(i))
[error]           ^
[error] /Users/tlossen/Code/jawn/benchmark/src/main/scala/jawn/ParseLongBench.scala:108: value += is not a member of Long
[error]   Expression does not convert to assignment because:
[error]     not found: value Util
[error]     expansion: sum = sum.+(<Util: error>.<parseLongUnsafe: error>(css(i)))
[error]       sum += Util.parseLongUnsafe(css(i))
[error]           ^
[error] /Users/tlossen/Code/jawn/benchmark/src/main/scala/jawn/ParseLongBench.scala:126: not found: value Util
[error]   @Benchmark def stringValueSafe(): Long = Util.parseLong(str)
[error]                                            ^
[error] /Users/tlossen/Code/jawn/benchmark/src/main/scala/jawn/ParseLongBench.scala:127: not found: value Util
[error]   @Benchmark def seqValueSafe(): Long = Util.parseLong(seq)
[error]                                         ^
[error] /Users/tlossen/Code/jawn/benchmark/src/main/scala/jawn/ParseLongBench.scala:131: not found: value Util
[error]   @Benchmark def stringValueUnsafe(): Long = Util.parseLongUnsafe(str)
[error]                                              ^
[error] /Users/tlossen/Code/jawn/benchmark/src/main/scala/jawn/ParseLongBench.scala:132: not found: value Util
[error]   @Benchmark def seqValueUnsafe(): Long = Util.parseLongUnsafe(seq)
[error]                                           ^
[warn] one warning found
[error] 6 errors found
[error] (benchmark/compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 11 s, completed Jul 5, 2017 10:40:07 AM

maybe some dependency missing?

(scala version: 2.12.2)

Error messages for literal booleans and null are kind of useless

For example:

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString("nul!")
res1: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Failure(jawn.ParseException: expected null got n (line 1, column 1))

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString("tru!")
res2: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Failure(jawn.ParseException: expected true got t (line 1, column 1))

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString("fals!")
res3: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Failure(jawn.ParseException: expected false got f (line 1, column 1))

Introduce sbt-doge but keep sbt-release working

I want to introduce sbt-doge. We will need it to add support for 2.12.0-RC1, and also so we can start dropping 2.10 from our support projects as their respective JSON libraries drop 2.10 support.

However, it doesn't work out-of-the-box with sbt-release.

@eed3si9n pointed me at the play build which seems to use both, but has other structural differences.

I'll try to look at this soon, but if anyone is dying to become a Jawn contributor and knows a bit about SBT this is your chance!


Facade for serialization of supported ASTs?

Escalating Twitter discussion discussion beyond 140 characters:

I created jawn-streamz for parsing scalaz-streams of ByteVectors to any Jawn-supported JSON AST. I think it could make a good Jawn module, but I also have the use case of serializing JSON back to ByteVectors. It would be splendid if this could also be done through a facade, and keep streamz support shielded from the Great JSON Framework Holy War.

Open questions:

  1. Would serialization be in scope for Jawn, or is that bloat?
  2. If in scope, what types are targeted for serialization? Parser supports String, File, Channel, ByteBuffer, and Symmetry is neat.
  3. What additions to the facade would be necessary to support those targets?
  4. Should a serialization facade offer options for pretty-printing, compact, etc.?

How to do stream parsing?

I have tried to use the AsyncParser but I couldn't figure out how to get anything out other than a single jsobject as defined by my AST (in this case Play JSON).

Assume I have something like:

  "name": "thing"
  "elements": [{
    "key": "a",
    "value": "alice"
    "key": "b",
    "value": "bob"

How can I get it so that each call to absorb will return zero or more elements?

jawn-play for Play 2.4.x

Are there plans to support Play 2.4.x?

Play's JsObject constructor parameter changed from a Seq to a Map (the Seq version is now on the companion object). jawn is compiled for the old version, leading to MethodNotFound exceptions.

Parser.parseNum() no support `Long` type number?

@non when I use jawn lib, some error happens below:

[info] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1493016373269"
[info] at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
[info] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
[info] at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
[info] at$$anon$1.jint(Parser.scala:15)
[info] at$$anon$1.jint(Parser.scala:10)
[info] at jawn.Parser.parseNum(Parser.scala:188)
[info] at jawn.Parser.rparse(Parser.scala:392)
[info] at jawn.AsyncParser.churn(AsyncParser.scala:213)
[info] at jawn.AsyncParser.finish(AsyncParser.scala:98)
[info] at jawnstreamz.package$$anonfun$parseJson$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(package.scala:31)

How to fix it ?

Update support library versions

When we update to 0.11.0 we should bump the following library versions:

  • Play-JSON: 2.5.9
  • Rojoma-V3: 3.7.0
  • json4s: 3.5.0

(I will add to this list as new versions are discovered.)

We should also consider dropping Rojoma v2 and standardizing on Rojomva v3.

Add Scala.js support

For extra points, please refer to Reference Summary:

InTheNow: Main issues are ReadableByteChannel and - File, FileInputStream
sjrd: No, cannot be implemented in Scala.js.
sjrd: You could implement in Scala.js-goodies-for-Node.js, but not in general, obviously.
non: we could potentially try to make the I/O parts JVM only
sjrd: Yes, that would probably be the best thing to do, here.

Async parser memory consumption

I am exploring the capacity of the async. parser and I think that the current implementation does not properly release its memory.

My current use case requires parsing rather long Stream[String] containing JSON objects and I can see that the Heap usage just keeps on increasing until it eventually blows up.

I have created a project to reproduce the issue

Is this a normal behavior and is parsing this kind of long (infinite :neckbeard:) stream a use case for Jawn's async. parser?


File left open when parsing as string

This method in jawn.ChannelParser

  def fromFile[J](f: File, bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize): SyncParser[J] =
    if (f.length < ParseAsStringThreshold) {
      val bytes = new Array[Byte](f.length.toInt)
      val fis = new FileInputStream(f)
      new StringParser[J](new String(bytes, "UTF-8"))
    } else {
      new ChannelParser[J](new FileInputStream(f).getChannel, bufferSize)

For the string parser case, opens input stream, reads the data but never closes it. That leaves file open and can cause problems (it did cause problems for me on windows).

This is just one line to fix, I will try to submit a PR.

Inconsistencies in parsing failure location reporting

Just making a note of this so I don't forget about it.

Given some invalid JSON like this:

import jawn.{ AsyncParser, NullFacade, Parser }
import, java.nio.channels.Channels

val json = "[1, 2,\nx3]"
val ch = Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(json.getBytes))

Different Jawn parser implementations give three different locations for the failure:

scala> println(Parser.parseFromString(json)(NullFacade))
Failure(jawn.ParseException: expected json value got x (line 2, column 8))

scala> println(Parser.parseFromChannel(ch)(NullFacade))
Failure(jawn.ParseException: expected json value got x (line 2, column 2))

scala> println(Parser.async(jawn.AsyncParser.UnwrapArray)(NullFacade).absorb(json)(NullFacade))
Left(jawn.ParseException: expected json value got x (line 2, column 1))

The async parser is the only correct one.

Special character stripped away in String containing double quotes

I recently encountered an issue where £ would be stripped away from json string when the string also contains a ". Here is a relatively small test using argonaut facade:

case class Example(i: Int, s: String)

object Example {
  implicit val codec = Argonaut.casecodec2(Example.apply, Example.unapply)("i", "s")

val name = "hel£££l \"o £ "
val example = Example(5, name)
val s = Argonaut.nospace.pretty(Example.codec.encode(example)) // {"i":5,"s":"hel£££l \"o £ "}
implicit val facade =

val parser = AsyncParser[Json](AsyncParser.SingleValue)
val parsedString = parser.absorb(s)
  .fold(_ => None, _.headOption)
  .flatMap(_ -| "s")

assert(parsedString === Some(name))  // Some("hell "o  ") did not equal Some("hel£££l "o £ ")

Move to Typelevel?

The lack of a 2.13.0-M5 release for jawn-parser has been blocking a circe release for 2.13.0-M5 for over a month now, and @eed3si9n has a working PR open that's two months old with no feedback from any Jawn maintainers (which as far as I know is just Erik?).

I asked on Gitter last month about things us non-maintainers could do to help speed up PR merges and releases, also with no response.

@non (and @milessabin, @ceedubs, @larsrh, etc.), how would you feel about moving the project to and publishing to org.typelevel? This would spread the maintenance burden and let us avoid blocking everything downstream for weeks or months at a time. If you'd like, @non, we could agree on some kind of arrangement that would require your approval for any non-trivial changes.

/cc @SethTisue

Integration with scala-json AST

After the results of SLIP-28/scala contributors, the ScalaJSON AST has finally been put into the scala platform (see for more details). Currently its a 1.0.0-M1 release however a full release is expected in a few days if there are no major issues).

This ticket is to describe integration with Jawn, and how it would possibly work. A really ideal situation would be to integrate the scalajson.ast.unsafe.JValue into the core Jawn parser (and I would also be interested to see the results in regards to parsing). Doing so would also automatically expose the standard safe AST to any users and would provide "automatic" interopt once the other frameworks/json libraries adopt scalaJSON.

If this doesn't work out, it can always be added as either a module (least ideal situation) or a first class type that jawn exposes. Let me know if there are any ways that I can help!

Make JObject and JArray immutable

Currently (and historically) JObject and JArray are mutable. They are case classes wrapping mutable data structures.

@ijuma wisely points out that this is maybe not the best for folks who want to use long-lived JObject instances, and suggests it would be nice to make the types safer.

Here are some possible scenarios (from least to most safe):

(I) Types are constructed with mutable collections, and expose them via getters. This is the status quo.

(II) Types are still constructed with mutable collections, but don't expose them directly. Data is accessed via read-only methods, or by copying the underlying data into a new structure. Mostly safe, although a fiendish user could construct a JObject, hang onto the mutable map, and change it later. (The parser is guaranteed not to do this.) The downside here is that it becomes more expensive to use JObject and JArray as a scratchpad during parse/modify/save cycles. (This is probably not a big deal.)

(III) Provide a public constructor using an immutable map, and a private constructor used internally that uses mutable maps. This way, users can't play games with mutable data, and (assuming the parser doesn't do anything fishy) we are totally safe. The downside here is that the objects become more expensive to construct, or that we have to add different JObject types for the different backing structures.

(IV) Convert Jawn to use immutable data structures only, possibly using builders in the Parser. This solves the safety issues, but probably increases the memory footprint and might have other performance issues.

Personally I think I prefer (II), but I'm open to hearing other suggestions.

Leading whitespace can result in stack overflows

For example, on my machine:

jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString(("     " * 2000) + "null")

Unfortunately Parser#parser(i: Int) can't be @tailrec-ed, but it's pretty straightforward to pull out the whitespace consumption.

Number parsing doesn't match the spec

".1" is correctly rejected, but "-.1" gets parsed successfully:

scala> jawn.Parser.parseFromString("-.1")(jawn.ast.JawnFacade)
res0: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Success(-.1)

I wanted to confirm that this is a bug and not intentional before I start looking into why it happens.

json4s Long support

Could we change JInt to JLong at this line ?

jawn is not parsing big integers and crashing with:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1481223311239"
        at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
        at jawn.Parser.parseNum(Parser.scala:188)
        at jawn.Parser.rparse(Parser.scala:392)

Any chance of publishing to maven central?

I'm using jawn in a number of projects, and it's exceedingly difficult to remember to add the custom resolver. This is especially true because once cached in your .ivy/cached folder, the custom resolver is thereafter unnecessary for your computer but still necessary for other people on other computers without it cached.

As it result, it has come up over and over

Maybe it's my fault I don't regularly clear my ivy cache to make sure I'm not missing a resolver. Maybe it's SBTs fault for not permitting transitive resolvers to intentionally make this error occur over and over for people to "encourage" people to publish things on standard resolvers. Either way, it would be solved if you put jawn on maven central =P

Expose current parse index in jawn.Facade

I need this in order to implement a one-pass parse-to-data-type flow in uPickle. Since parsing to a data-type can fail even if the JSON is valid, due to it being the wrong thing (e.g. got-array-expected-dict or got-string-expected-int) I need the current index exposed in the Facade's callback functions in order to throw error messages with the correct position info

should not depends on jmh

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
            <name>Erik Osheim</name>
        <developerConnection>scm:git:[email protected]:non/jawn.git</developerConnection>

Depending on the jawn sbt project from another sbt project fails


import sbt._

object MyBuild extends Build {
  lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn(jawn)
  lazy val jawn = RootProject(uri("git://"))


java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
        at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:313)
        at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:311)
        at MyBuild$$anonfun$benchmarkSettings$5$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Build.scala:81)
        at MyBuild$$anonfun$benchmarkSettings$5$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Build.scala:76)
        at sbt.Project$.setProject(Project.scala:226)
        at sbt.BuiltinCommands$.doLoadProject(Main.scala:454)
        at sbt.BuiltinCommands$$anonfun$loadProjectImpl$2.apply(Main.scala:445)
        at sbt.BuiltinCommands$$anonfun$loadProjectImpl$2.apply(Main.scala:445)
        at sbt.Command$$anonfun$applyEffect$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(Command.scala:60)
        at sbt.Command$$anonfun$applyEffect$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(Command.scala:60)
        at sbt.Command$$anonfun$applyEffect$2$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(Command.scala:62)
        at sbt.Command$$anonfun$applyEffect$2$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(Command.scala:62)
        at sbt.Command$.process(Command.scala:95)
        at sbt.MainLoop$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(MainLoop.scala:100)
        at sbt.MainLoop$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(MainLoop.scala:100)
        at sbt.State$$anon$1.process(State.scala:179)
        at sbt.MainLoop$$anonfun$1.apply(MainLoop.scala:100)
        at sbt.MainLoop$$anonfun$1.apply(MainLoop.scala:100)
        at sbt.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:18)
        at sbt.MainLoop$.next(MainLoop.scala:100)
        at sbt.MainLoop$.run(MainLoop.scala:93)
        at sbt.MainLoop$$anonfun$runWithNewLog$1.apply(MainLoop.scala:71)
        at sbt.MainLoop$$anonfun$runWithNewLog$1.apply(MainLoop.scala:66)
        at sbt.Using.apply(Using.scala:25)
        at sbt.MainLoop$.runWithNewLog(MainLoop.scala:66)
        at sbt.MainLoop$.runAndClearLast(MainLoop.scala:49)
        at sbt.MainLoop$.runLoggedLoop(MainLoop.scala:33)
        at sbt.MainLoop$.runLogged(MainLoop.scala:25)
        at sbt.StandardMain$.runManaged(Main.scala:57)
        at xsbt.boot.Launch$$anonfun$run$1.apply(Launch.scala:57)
        at xsbt.boot.Launch$.withContextLoader(Launch.scala:77)
        at xsbt.boot.Launch$.run(Launch.scala:57)
        at xsbt.boot.Launch$$anonfun$explicit$1.apply(Launch.scala:45)
        at xsbt.boot.Launch$.launch(Launch.scala:65)
        at xsbt.boot.Launch$.apply(Launch.scala:16)
        at xsbt.boot.Boot$.runImpl(Boot.scala:32)
        at xsbt.boot.Boot$.main(Boot.scala:21)
        at xsbt.boot.Boot.main(Boot.scala)

Round-trip render-parsing unicode string gives exhausted input?

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString(jawn.ast.JString("\u001e").render(jawn.ast.FastRenderer))
res14: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Success("\u001e")

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString(jawn.ast.JString("\ud8a3").render(jawn.ast.FastRenderer))
res15: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Success("\ud8a3")

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString(jawn.ast.JString("\u001e\ud8a3").render(jawn.ast.FastRenderer))
res13: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Failure(jawn.IncompleteParseException: exhausted input)

First reported here. I'm not sure if this is a bug or some misunderstanding in how JSON/Unicode works, but presumably anything you stuff into a JSString should be able to survive a round trip right?

Invalid Unicode escapes are accepted

I just ran Jawn 0.13.0 through the Parsing JSON is a Minefield tests, and the one failure is for n_string_invalid_unicode_escape.json, where ["\uqqqq"] is accepted even though it should not be:

scala> val input = "[\"\\uqqqq\"]"
input: String = ["\uqqqq"]

scala> jawn.ast.JParser.parseFromString(input)
res0: scala.util.Try[jawn.ast.JValue] = Success(["\u0000"])

Interpolation isn't actually interpolated in error messages

There are a couple of $xs that are just $xs:

scala> import jawn.ChannelParser
import jawn.ChannelParser

scala> import, java.nio.channels.Channels
import java.nio.channels.Channels

scala> val ch = Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream("null".getBytes))
ch: java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel = java.nio.channels.Channels$ReadableByteChannelImpl@209ab5df

scala> ChannelParser.fromChannel[Unit](ch, -1)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: negative bufferSize ($x)
  at jawn.ChannelParser$.computeBufferSize(ChannelParser.scala:37)
  at jawn.ChannelParser.<init>(ChannelParser.scala:55)
  at jawn.ChannelParser$.fromChannel(ChannelParser.scala:26)
  ... 38 elided

scala> ChannelParser.fromChannel[Unit](ch, Int.MaxValue / 2 + 2)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bufferSize too large ($x)
  at jawn.ChannelParser$.computeBufferSize(ChannelParser.scala:39)
  at jawn.ChannelParser.<init>(ChannelParser.scala:55)
  at jawn.ChannelParser$.fromChannel(ChannelParser.scala:26)
  ... 38 elided

Argonaut 6.2: where should it go?

Argonaut 6.2-M1 has been released. A facade should be trivial enough, but where does it go?

  • Here, alongside 6.1 support?
  • Here, in replacement of 6.1 support?
  • Argonaut?
  • A third-party glue microlibrary?

ClassCastException on Argonaut 6.1-M5

Jawn is on argonaut-6.0.4, which is Scalaz 7.0. http4s uses argonaut-6.1-M5, which is a necessary upgrade for Scalaz 7.1. Hilarity ensues.

I see three ways out:

  1. Upgrade jawn to argonaut-6.1-M5 now. 6.0 users lose.
  2. Publish two argonaut-support libraries under the jawn umbrella. Everyone is confused, but has a path to happiness.
  3. I publish argonaut-support fork as third party until jawn is ready to take the plunge. A variation on 2.

Faster whitespace detection

At nescala Matthias suggested there was a faster way to check for possible whitespace characters using bitwise logic. We should look into that.

Play-Json Interop Example

Is there an example of using Jawn with Play Framework 2? For example, obtaining play.api.libs.json.JsValue from a request body, and doing something with it using Jawn:

def parseJson = Action(parse.json) { implicit request =>
  val body: JsValue = request.body

Jawn doesn't blow up on some invalid inputs

In particular, these cases do not cause jawn to throw an exception:

["Illegal backslash escape: \x15"]
["Illegal backslash escape: \017"]
["tab\   character\   in\  string\  "]

Whereas they're meant to blow up AFAICT. They blow up correctly in Node.js' JSON.parse

These invalid inputs are taken from Among those listed, there are others which do not blow up, but these are the ones which blow up in Node.js' and do not blow up in Jawn

JValue.asInt/getInt methods

It would be handy to have convenience methods for retrieving a number as an Int (quite a common need). This is easily done as an extension method, so I understand if you don't think it should be part of the AST, but I thought I'd bring it up for discussion.

Support for play 2.6 using scala 2.11

#90 Added support for play 2.6
Unfortunately, my project still has a lot of dependencies available for scala 2.11, thus I'm sticking with the 2.11 version of Play

If I add depdendency to "org.spire-math" %% "jawn-play" % "0.11.0"
the play-json 2.5.15 dep gets evicted (its defined to 2.6.1 in my dependencies)

If I use "org.spire-math" % "jawn-play_2.12" % "0.11.0" I get a cross version conflict on jawn-play and its dependencies

Do you think theres a possible solution to build a play 2.6 support with scala 2.11 ? I've copied the Parser.scala locally to depende only on jawn-parserin the meantime

Thanks a lot

Allowing comments

Hi Erik,

Very nice piece of work indeed!

Recently i changed from play to your parser for my home brew json operator lib. Because I have quite a lot if "comments" in my json i forked your lib, and wanted to extend it so it can spit out comments or at least skip them. Due to the clarity of your code this is rather easy to do.

I have a question about one design decision you made though. You differentiate between parseStringSimple and parseStringComplex, the only difference (from a performance point of view at least) seems to be the inspection of \\. The price you pay is rescanning the string when it turns out not be simple after all. Was this the sole ground for have two separate methods here, or am I missing something? Would one extra if statement in the scan make a big difference and not outweigh the disposal of work done?

If not, i would integrate the methods scan regularly until the first \\ and then, if this happens, switch to the collection into the CharBuilder. But, maybe you have already tested this and turned out to be a dead end.

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