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database's Issues

Hellfire Warder (This NPC can be found in Magtheridon's Lair)
Hellfire Warders - Come in groups of 3. One group patrols. 4 groups total. They are immune to Silence effects and all forms of CC, including stuns. They have several spell damage abilities:
Need add one group creature_linking and creature_movement(guid point)
Also down the left side on the official server, I saw the second group Chunnel Void red zone (I do not know what kind of spell, but it disappeared when they engage in)
The third group (if you go on the right side) - Chunnel unknown to me green beams on some triggers. Hardly side with ACID can solve this cosmetic script.
Remains as usual hack - dbscript_on_creature_movement guid, it is the only thing that will work.

10909 - Fel Spirits

you should use the Anchorite Relic at Gor'gaz Outpos and kill mobs to slay 10 released Fel Spirits
but it doesn't work

Bloodwarder Protector(The Botanica)

I vaguely remember, but when approaching the room Laj, the protector should says:

Bloodwarder Protector yells: Get out of here, there are too many of them! Escape while you can!
Bloodwarder Protector yells: Help! Someone help us!

and then dies, and all the blood elves in this room also die (their plants to break free and rend)
more information I do not unfortunately.

Madrigosa and Brutallus(Isle of Quel'Danas side, not in Sunwell Plateau)
At the moment, this mini Event is not implemented.
Brutall has EventAI, but if Madrigosa make him a frosty blast, he becomes aggressive towards her. I think there is interference core need. Namely create EventAI action ACTION_T_SET_REACT_STATE (Passive, Defensive and Aggressive). This is required for many creatures. It also flies through waypoints and periodic taunt Brutallus.
On the official server, when we fly by taxi we see the battle of the Scourge and the Legion, flying by Brutallus, we see how Madrigosa flying around at the moment, it just flies in place.
Need script support.
P.S: How to add a label to the issue? Tell me please and thanks in advance.

5541 - Ammo for Rumbleshot

You can't finish the quest, couse if you want to end the quest by the NPC 1243 - Hegnar Rumbleshot
the quest don't open to finish, but else the shop from the NPC opend

The Mechanar - Cache of Legion and two doors problem.
Should respawn after death Gatewatcher Iron-Hand, Mechano-Lord Capacitus and Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill
Also two door should open after death three bosses.
184322 and 184632(wowhead not found link)
I tried to do so, but it still did not work.

DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id=19128;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death VALUES 
(19128,0,9,4692,43200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Respawn Cache of Legion.'),
(19128,0,11,8496,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Use Door Mo\'arg 1'),
(19128,0,11,8497,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Use Door Mo\'arg 2'),
(19128,0,31,19710,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Return script if found alive Gatewatcher Iron-Hand'),
(19128,0,31,19219,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Return script if found alive Mechano-Lord Capacitus');

DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id=19710;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death VALUES 
(19710,0,9,4692,43200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Respawn Cache of Legion.'),
(19710,0,11,8496,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Use Door Mo\'arg 1'),
(19710,0,11,8497,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Use Door Mo\'arg 2'),
(19710,0,31,19128,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Return script if found alive Gatewatcher Iron-Hand'),
(19710,0,31,19219,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Return script if found alive Mechano-Lord Capacitus');

DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id=19219;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death VALUES 
(19710,0,9,4692,43200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Respawn Cache of Legion.'),
(19710,0,11,8496,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Use Door Mo\'arg 1'),
(19710,0,11,8497,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Use Door Mo\'arg 2'),
(19710,0,31,19710,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Return script if found alive Gatewatcher Iron-Hand'),
(19710,0,31,19218,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Return script if found alive Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill');

-- Import GO(thanks YTDB for Data.
DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id`=184322;
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`,`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`,`phaseMask`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`rotation0`,`rotation1`,`rotation2`,`rotation3`,`spawntimesecs`,`animprogress`,`state`) VALUES
(8496, 184322, 554, 3, 1, 242.874, 52.3148, 1.59633, 3.14159, 0, 0, -1, 0, 43200, 0, 1);

DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id`=184632;
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`,`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`,`phaseMask`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`rotation0`,`rotation1`,`rotation2`,`rotation3`,`spawntimesecs`,`animprogress`,`state`) VALUES
(8497, 184632, 554, 3, 1, 236.46, 52.3636, 1.65354, 3.14159, 0, 0, -1, 0, 43200, 0, 1);

DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id`=184849;
INSERT INTO `gameobject` (`guid`,`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`,`phaseMask`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`rotation0`,`rotation1`,`rotation2`,`rotation3`,`spawntimesecs`,`animprogress`,`state`) VALUES
(4692, 184849, 554, 2, 1, 225.442, 83.4075, 0.002621, 4.74591, 0, 0, 0.695157, -0.718858, -43200, 100, 1);

Sunwell Gauntlet Event after Felmyst death.

Welcome to the Sunwell Plateau there gauntlet event after the murder Felmyst. He started immediately, but after aggro any of the NPC that you are caught first. Kill the Commander of the Clan of the Dark Sword and gauntlet event trigger despawn and stop spawning.
I decided to try to implement it in the database!

DELETE FROM `creature_movement` WHERE `id`=50700;
INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `orientation`) VALUES

-- Creature id: 25483
REPLACE INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('2548304','25483','0','0','100','2','1000','1000','0','0','48','2','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Shadowsword Manafiend - Start Waypoint Movement on Aggro (special guid) - Start Gauntlet Imp Event and Shadowsword Assassins and Shadowsword Deathbringers'),
('2548305','25483','11','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','21','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Shadowsword Manafiend - Preevent Combat Movement on Spawn.'),
('2548306','25483','0','0','100','2','3000','3000','0','0','21','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Shadowsword Manafiend - Allow Combat Movement on IC Timer.'),
('2548307','25483','21','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','11','45769','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Shadowsword Manafiend - Cast Sunwell Radiance on Reached Home.');

DELETE FROM `db_script_string` WHERE `entry` = @SHADOWSWORD_COMMANDER;
INSERT INTO `db_script_string` (`entry`, `content_default`, `content_loc8`, `comment`) VALUES
(@SHADOWSWORD_COMMANDER,'Bring forth the imps!','Бесы, вперёд!','Shadowsword Commander - Yell on Start Gauntlet imp event.');

-- Script id: 2548301
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id=2548301;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement VALUES 
(2548301,0,10,25848,86400000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1697.92,502.315,86.4882,1.65806,'Shadowsword Manafiend - Summon Imp Gauntlet Event Trigger.'),
(2548301,0,32,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Shadowsword Manafiend - Set Pause Movement.'),
(2548301,0,0,6,0,25837,348086,16,@SHADOWSWORD_COMMANDER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Shadowsword Commander Guid - Yell on Start Gauntlet Imp Event.'),
(2548301,0,31,25848,50000,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Shadowsword Manafiend - Terminate All script if found alive Gauntlet Event Trigger Imp (start event only first try)');

-- Script id: 25837
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id=25837;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death VALUES 
(25837,1,18,0,0,25848,1000,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Gauntlet Event Trigger - Force Despawn on Death.');

-- Creature id: 25848
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE entry=25848;
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id=25848;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('2584801','25848','11','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','18','33554432','0','0','21','0','0','0','20','0','0','0','YTDB Gauntlet Imp Event Trigger - Set Not_Selectable Flag and Preevent Combat Movement and Auto Attack.'),
('2584802','25848','11','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','38','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Gauntlet Imp Event Trigger - Set In Combat With Zone.'),
('2584803','25848','0','0','100','3','3000','3000','15000','15000','12','25851','4','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Gauntlet Imp Event Trigger - Summon Imp.'),
('2584804','25848','0','0','100','35','10000','14000','20000','25000','12','25485','4','0','12','25484','4','0','0','0','0','0','YTDB Gauntlet Imp Event Trigger - Summon Random Shadowsword Assasin or Shadowsword Deathbringer.');

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `ExtraFlags`=`ExtraFlags`|2048 WHERE entry IN (25848, 25851, 25485, 25484);

DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `id` IN (25848, 25485, 25484);

Had in some cases use guid NPC. Spread the screenshots, so you know about any guid in question!
Thanks YTDB Cata for npc data guid! Manafiend guid = 50700. Commander guid = 348086

Oblivion Mage and Doomfire Destroyer(Sunwell Plateau)

Happy New Year!
Oblivion Mage(Only separate guid, not everything)
should channeling cast on Doomfire Destroyer.
Screenshots confirm this.
EventAI EVENT_T_RECEIVE_EVENT and can not be used, may affect other guid Mage Oblivion that should not cast a spell on him.
What you need - to learn id spell and cast script write.
If spell has spell_script_target, 38 or 7 or 8 targets. Use EventAI can not, I have already explained above why.
Only if db_script_on_creature_movement. Create these two guid to waypoint, with the coordinates of this point must be equal to the spawn point. And the process - though this is a hack.

Wailing Caverns - Endevent with Naralex don't work

the endevent to with Naralex don't work.
i killed every bossmod in the dungeon than you can talk to NPC 26878 - Disciples of Naralex
then you go with him to naralex
when he will wake im up the event should start and more mob waves should spawn
the 1. mobwave spawn but they don't come to naralex when i killd all the 2. mobwave spawn, here the same they don't come after i killt all than spawn no 3. mobwave so the bossmob don't spawn to kill him to finish the event and you don't complete the dungeon

Immortal Guardian and Helper Npc Encounter should despawn after Yogg-Saron Death.


UPDATE  creature_linking_template  SET  flag =flag|16 WHERE  entry  = 33988 AND  master_entry  = 33288;

Thorim, Mimiron, Freya and Hodir Helper(First, they cast a spell, and only then go to the despawned. If sniff says the opposite - you can throw him. His eyes on the official server to see and make sure that sniff lying.)

-- Cleanup Up Helper after Yogg death.
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id=33288;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death VALUES 
(33288,0,15,62940,0,33413,100,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Thorim Helper - Cast Teleport Self after Yogg-Saron Death'),
(33288,0,15,62940,0,33412,100,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Mimiron Helper - Cast Teleport Self after Yogg-Saron Death'),
(33288,0,15,62940,0,33411,100,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Hodir Helper - Cast Teleport Self after Yogg-Saron Death'),
(33288,0,15,62940,0,33410,100,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Freya Helper - Cast Teleport Self after Yogg-Saron Death'),
(33288,0,18,3000,0,33410,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Freya Helper - Force Despawn'),
(33288,0,18,3000,0,33411,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Hodir Helper - Force Despawn'),
(33288,0,18,3000,0,33412,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Mimiron Helper - Force Despawn'),
(33288,0,18,3000,0,33413,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Thorim Helper - Force Despawn');
(33288,0,18,3000,0,33413,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Sanity Well - Force Despawn');
(33288,1,18,3000,0,33413,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Sanity Well - Force Despawn');
(33288,2,18,3000,0,33413,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Sanity Well - Force Despawn');
(33288,3,18,3000,0,33413,100,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Sanity Well - Force Despawn');

Warning: From Cata DB (but it has not yet been updated. So you need to change datalong dataint for the command SCRIPT_COMMAND_CAST_SPELL)
Sanity Well - had to specify a delay. Creature_linking_template will not help - the conditions for despawned much. When Sara evade in phase 1, when evade Yogg-Saron in phase 2 and 3, at the death of Yogg-Saron in phase 3. 3 conditions - need to expand SCRIPT_COMMAND_DESPAWN_SELF(despawn all buddy list in radius)
@xfurry and @Schmoozerd - Case for you.

Patchwerk - need set corpse delay and respawntime delay.
Patchwerk has Rank World_Boss - Because of this, his corpse removed for too long, plus it will ignore
respawntime in DB creature.
Analogic issue and more details provided here - TrinityCore/TrinityCore#4146
I beg please read to the end.
It is necessary. Otherwise you'll have to edit mangosd.conf, and this is bad, very bad. On the work of other creatures may have a negative impact.

Shade of Aran

Few Bugs on Shade of Aran (16524)

Triggers must be Visble Entrys (17168,17169,17170,17171,17172)

Spells not cast on trigger have records on spell_script_target maybe worng ?



Records on spell_script_target

SELECT * FROM `spell_script_target` WHERE entry IN (37051,37052,37053,29962);

Quest 12701 - Massacre At Light's Point - Not implemented #116

[RyeNCode didn't follow thru on this one. So, I post it here for grz3s]

First issue post, apologies for bad info.
Quest ID 12701 : Massacre At Light's Point

Expected: Able to jump in the mine car and the miners will move the cart and you continue on the quest
Actual: Abe to jump in the mine cart, and ... nothing happens. Miners don't trigger.

My limited research shows that this may not exist yet in SD2. My intention is to log this for awareness for a future addition as I couldn't find this quest referenced in the code, in the issues or the wiki.

This quest is a Death Knight required quest.

Thank you.

Fix for Kirtons the Herold

This NPC is not attackable
I don't know what the Flag 832 is
Fix is testet and Works fine

UPDATE creature_template SET UnitFlags='0' WHERE Entry='10506';

Event missing/Defias Tower Patroller

Defias Tower Patroller -
Two of them actually meat in one place and start's having this conversation:

J: Hey, Raven...
(Other patroller comes running to stand in front of the speaker)
R: Yea?
J: Can we take a break? My feet are killing me and those ... those things down there are creeping me out.
R: Klaven doesn't pay me enough to deal with zombies, drones, or whatever he calls 'em. I don't know Jill. If Klaven comes down while we're slacking, we might end up as one of those things!
J: Sigh You're probably right, Raven. I'm going back on patrol...

Missing Creature Spawn Karazhan

Creature Entry 16595 and 17651 is complete missing spawn on kara

Missing quite a few mobs (Sorcerous Shade, and a few Spell shades).

2240 - The Hidden Chamber

to open the chamber you need the staff from the trogg Revelosh, but he don't drop the staff and in the chest isn't it too, so without staff you can't open the door and the Bossmob Ironaya don't come

The Refectory, Shadow Labyrinth

The entire last room with Murmur in it needs to be looked at.
The mobs that are supposed to spawn and run into the middle and get killed by Murmur are already spawned.
The Cabals cast an invisible shadow bolt at Murmur.
Murmur doesn't shoot his spell at any one.

NPC-ID 4772 Ultham Ironhorn <Riding Trainer> Dun Morogh

Ultham Ironhorn at Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh
i playing dwarf hunter
can't learn riding from this NPC
with lvl 20 i get the mail that i can learn riding from this NPC
when i go to the NPC i can talk to him and i have the needed Gold
but i can't learn anything from him

27347 - Corrosion Prevention

This quest is buggy, "The zeppelin's fragmented power core should power the device. The one near the main crash works all the time, but the others flicker on and off"
Every power core fragment doesn't working

5098 - All Along the Watchtowers

1 from the 4 towers you can mark with the torch, the working one is the 1. (west tower)
the other towers you can use the torch but the tower will don't show as marked in the quest,
so you can't finisch the quest

Missing Stratholme Teleporter

Missing exit Teleporter from Stratholme
Map 329
GroundZ 132,468750
FloorZ 119,659317
X 3928,597656
Y -3374,333496
Z 119,659317

Forum backup

This might be in vain, but nevertheless:

Can @arrai or @amki possibly make contact with someone from the UDB or CMangos dev team please?

Many great posts/links/ideas/tools etc were still there, and it would be a real pitty to see all these getting lost forever.

I for one, would be very grateful.
Hope to see this settled one day, cheers! : )

12946 - Hypercapacitor Gizmo

when i open the cage, the panther don't come out of the cage and don't attack me, i can't attack the panther too.
the Panter is not attackable

wenn i killed the panther with GM command .die i can loot the questitem.

Forge of Souls - small cosmetic.

UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='76068'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='76069'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='76070'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='76078'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='82732'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='82733'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='82734'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='82743'; 
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`='2' WHERE `guid`='92109'; 

DELETE FROM `creature_movement` WHERE id IN (76068, 76069, 76070, 76078, 82732, 82733, 82734, 82743, 92109);
INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `orientation`) VALUES

-- Script id: 3656401, 3652201, 3652202)
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id IN (3656401, 3652201, 3652202);
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement VALUES 
(3656401,5,15,68834,0,36522,50,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Soulguard Adept, Animator and Bonecaster  - cast Soulguard Channel Beam 2 on Soul Horror.'),
(3652202,'5','36','0','0','36516','82732','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Animator - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652202,'5','36','0','0','36516','82733','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Animator - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652201,'5','36','0','0','36516','76068','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Animator - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652201,'5','36','0','0','36516','76069','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Animator - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652201,'5','36','0','0','36516','76070','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Adept - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652202,'5','36','0','0','36516','82743','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Adept - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652202,'5','36','0','0','36516','82734','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Bonecaster - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.'),
(3652201,'5','36','0','0','36516','76071','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Soulguard Bonecaster - Set Facing to Soul Horror and Set Target Focus.');

Adept, Animator and Bonecaster should channel spell on Soul Horror and set target focus on him. Complete.

Bonechewer Messenger
Need add waypoint, also when you reach the point of what I do not remember, there are four sinister catcher and attacking it. Plus, it must be accompanied by four more four marauder follow for messenger
follow. If the player intervenes and carefully destroy demons, they will continue to move in and out despawned after the leave can not remember at what point - I was there for a long time and I do not remember all the details, remember that they begin their movement as much in Terrokar Forest. I think they definitely need to add more and flag CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_ACTIVE.
wowhead quote:

Apparently, these spawn at about 67,54 in Terokkar Forest, just outside and to the east of the large central building in Bonechewer Ruins. I found this out the hard way (and in the process also discovered that they can swim, joy). They're guarding a single Bonechewer Messenger ( The group of 5 travel to and along the road until they reach about 23,29 in Shadowmoon Valley, where they're summarily slaughtered by elite Wrathwalkers. Lovely.
Wrathwalker - npc, their spawns four and they attack Bonechewer.

Actually, the Wrathwalkers despawn very shortly after appearing, and the Bonechewers continue to about 30,46 at Illidari Point and despawn.

All Is Well That Ends Well(13631) and Heroic: All Is Well That Ends Well(13819), Last Part - Generic Lab should cast spell.

Original issue.
scriptdev2/scriptdev2-cata#3 (comment)

Regarding the spells, this can't be done by dbscript because it's too complex. It requires SD2, but I don't know exactly how to bind the current script to SD2, since there is no dummy spell or event involved. Anyway, I set the documentation in comments for future development.

It is unnecessary here SD2, you can do without it.

DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE  `guid` BETWEEN 800000 AND 800010;
INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`) VALUES

DELETE FROM `creature_movement` WHERE  `id` BETWEEN 800000 AND 800010;
INSERT INTO `creature_movement` (`id`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`) VALUES

-- Creature id: 28332
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE entry=28332;
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id=28332;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('2833201','28332','30','0','100','0','5','16128','0','0','48','2','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Generic Lab Trigger - Receive AI Event(pSender == Rhonin) - Start Waypoint Movement.');

INSERT IGNORE INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement VALUES 
(1612823,59,15,51347,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Rhonin - Cast Simple Teleport.'),
(1612823,55,35,5,450,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Rhonin - Send AI Event Custom A (Inform Generic Lab Trigger about start cast Alpha Reply Code)');

For target cast spell use SCRIPT_FLAG_BUDDY_BY_GUID.
It remains only to fill db_script_on_creature_movement table.
Movement coordinate = spawn coordinate. On Receive AI Event Custom A - start waypoint movement. Also added a missed simple teleport spell.
Well, is the last problem - respawn Rhonin after despawned.
cmangos/mangos-wotlk#148 (comment)
Here I am talking about.

12779 - An End To All Things...

if i am on the dragon and want to eat the mobs, i can't do it, when i get damage, the dragon go's away and i have to fight vs the NPC
so i can't get mana with the dragon to kill the NPC's

Leotheras the Blind and Spellbinder Greyheart cosmetic.

Spellbinder Gray Heart of the tribe must not only channeling spell (completed in ACID), but also to take in the Target Leotheras. Leotheras himself must have STAND STATE KNEEL.
can help me with this. I have long understood how the team should work SET_FACING.

DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `id`=21806;
INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`,`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`,`phaseMask`,`modelid`,`equipment_id`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`spawntimesecs`,`spawndist`,`currentwaypoint`,`curhealth`,`curmana`,`DeathState`,`MovementType`) VALUES
(71742, 21806, 548, 1, 1, 0, 0, 383.127, -435.241, 29.5273, 3.34481, 604800, 0, 0, 80416, 80775, 0, 0),
(701001, 21806, 548, 1, 1, 0, 0, 373.747, -444.703, 29.5225, 0.981184, 604800, 0, 0, 80416, 80775, 0, 0),
(701000, 21806, 548, 1, 1, 0, 0, 372.455, -434.156, 29.5231, 5.28776, 604800, 0, 0, 80416, 80775, 0, 0);

UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType` = 2 WHERE `id` = 21215;

DELETE FROM `creature_movement_template` WHERE `entry` = 21215;
INSERT INTO `creature_movement_template` (`entry`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `orientation`) VALUES

-- Script id: 2121501
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id=2121501;
INSERT INTO `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` (`id`, `delay`, `command`, `datalong`, `datalong2`, `buddy_entry`, `search_radius`, `data_flags`, `dataint`, `dataint2`, `dataint3`, `dataint4`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `o`, `comments`) VALUES
('2121501','0','36','0','0','21806','701001','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Spellbinder Greyheart - Set Facing to Leotheras.'),
('2121501','0','36','0','0','21806','71742','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Spellbinder Greyheart - Set Facing to Leotheras.'),
('2121501','0','36','0','0','21806','701000','24','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Spellbinder Greyheart - Set Facing to Leotheras.'),
('2121501','0','28','8','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Leotheras the Blind - Set Stand State on Kneel.');

952 - Grove of the Ancients

after you finished the quest by the NPC "Onu " you get a next Quest and you should get an Item "Phial of Scrying"
but no quest in questlog and no item in inventory but "Onu " have an yellow ? when you talk to him

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