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meteor-factory's Issues

Nesting relationships inside arrays of objects fails with Maximum call stack size exceeded

The following factory creates an infinite loop:

  Factory.define("book", Books, { links: [{ _id: Factory.get("author") }] });

The following workaround seems to work:

  Factory.define("book", Books, { links: () => [{ _id: Factory.create("author")._id }] });

The code that loops over arrays does not use the same recursive logic as the rest of the values, but it doesn't look trivial to update.

Document better what `.get` does

From the

Returns the instance of name

For what I've tried, what .get does is creating an instance (just like create) but returning the _id of the instance instead of the instance itself.

Hooks don't get called

This is my helper

Posts.before.insert(function (userId, doc) {
    doc.createdAt = moment().toDate();

and schema

PostsSchema = new SimpleSchema({
    title: {
        type: String
    createdAt: { // this is required
        type: Date

This works fine when i am inserting doc on client side. But when using the factor the hooks don't get called before insert.

Factory.define('post', Posts, {
    title: function () {
        return Fake.word();

Factory & Simple-Schema – ID is required


I'm using meteor factory to create documents for testing and whenever I try to .create('something') whose collection has a schema attached to it, I get an error "ID is required" on insert from the Factory.

I see that SimpleSchema is getting called on insert so I called .create('something', {_id:}) and still get the same error.

Is there a way to use this package with collections that have schemas attached to it?

Cannot create a has many relation

We have a case where a parent has a list of child ids. There's no way to specify that the child ID should be in an array – trying to do [Factory.get("child")] throws an error (RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded).

Test case:

Authors = new Meteor.Collection('authors');
Books = new Meteor.Collection('books');
Factory.define('author', Authors, {name: 'John Smith'});
Factory.define('book', Books, { authorIds: [Factory.get('author')] });

throws the error instead of creating the book.

Factory: There is no factory name error


When I'm trying to run the meteor app with all the factories defined and associated with Factory.get('name'), the tests seems to work fine on meteor test --driver-package [Driver] command but not when I simply run meteor command to run the app.

I checked for typos with the defined Factory names and everything seems to be correctly defined.


Problem with define custom "_id"?

I have problem with custom _id

Factory.define('location', Sample.Collection.Location, {
    _id: function () {
        return '001';

Simpleschema autoValue with this.userId


I'm implementing some unit tests for my Meteor methods and I'm running into the issue that I can't create a simple object with a factory. The reason for this is simpleschema trying to add this.userId as the author in my colletion.

I have the following set in my schema:

author: {
   type: String,
   autoValue: function () {
      if (this.isInsert) {
         return this.userId;

When running my tests I get the error that author has to be set, and even if I add it to the factory, the simpleschema will set it to undefined because this.userId is not set.

I initially thought of creating a user and login in as the user, but I haven't been able to get this working on the server side. Alternatively, I read something about replacing this.userId with a default value, but I'm not sure how to go and implement that. Would you have any suggestions on how to go ahead and solve this issue?

Thank you in advance!

No way to automatically create parent when child is created

I have a relationship like this:

Authors = new Meteor.Collection('authors');
Books = new Meteor.Collection('books');
Factory.define('author', Authors, {name: 'John Smith'});
Factory.define('book', Books, { author: Factory.get('author') });

and would like a book to be created whenever I create an author. I tried adding a link from the author back to the book, but that causes a stack overflow exception (I assume the author creates a book which creates a new author etc.).

Can you suggest any other ways of handling this?

Using factory with Mongo.ObjectID collections

My collections use Mongo.ObjectID's for _id generation.
export const Clients = new Mongo.Collection('clients', { idGeneration: 'MONGO' });

However, factory seems to default to a Random.Id() id generation which fails a lot of tests for me, so I tried adding id generation right into factory definition:
Factory.define('client', Clients, { _id: new Mongo.ObjectID(), //... });

This results in a mongo duplicate id error when I call Factory.create('client') three times in a row, though. For some reason all three clients end up with the same _id field.

Please advise.

Factory.create returns undefined inconsistently

This is related to issue #32.

I have tests wrapped like this one :

describe('Testing DB', () => {
  it('should create model', dbTest(() => {
    const user = Factory.create('user');
    expect( user );

Where the dbTest function is defined as such :

export function dbTest(handler) {
  if (Meteor.isServer) {
    return function run() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const runner = Meteor.bindEnvironment(() => {
          Fiber(function () {
            try {
              Promise.resolve(handler()).then(resolve, reject);
            } catch (error) {
  } else {
    return handler;

(BTW: I have tried swapping the Fiber and Meteor.bindEnvironment, but nothing is different, so...)

I have tried several implementations, and this is the one that gives the least amount of failure. But some tests still fail because the created model is undefined. The errors are inconsistent, so I cannot pinpoint exactly where or what may be causing this. But it is always associated with models created from Factory.

Some of these tests directly fetch models from the collections, and I have yet to see any failure there; but all the random failures are from Factory.create.

Hard to deal with repeated objects

I'm having some problems with objects when the relations form a graph.

Consider this:

Factory.define "author", Author, { name: "F. Scott Fitzgerald" }
Factory.define "book", Book, { title: "The Great Gatsby": author: Factory.get("author") }
Factory.define "contract", Contract, { author: Factory.get("author"), book: Factory.get("book") }

When we Factory.create("contract"), we fail because there will be two inserts of author; one by contract and one when it creates the relation for book. We should only have one author object and the same id in both places. This can be fixed by after() hooks but it's a mess.

But, for this following case we might expect that a relation is different each time.

Factory.define "person", Person, { name: Random.string }
Factory.define "dance", Pair, { leader: Factory.get("person"), follower: Factory.get("person") }

It's easy to fix the first case by putting a name:object cache in and using it to ensure that relations created unique objects. But that would break the latter case. Is the latter case a reasonable expectation? If not then I can probably build the cache and make a PR. If so then we need to figure out the best way to accommodate it.

Simplify creating a Meteor user

Example factory for Meteor users:

Factory.define('user', Meteor.users, {
  password: () => faker.internet.password(),
  emails: () => [{ address: () =>, verified: true }],

This returns a function when accessing emails[0].address. Related to test Factory - Build - Array with an object containing a function.

My workaround:

const buildEmail = () => [{ address:, verified: true }];

Factory.define('user', Meteor.users, {
  password: () => faker.internet.password(),
  emails: () => buildEmail(),

Cannot define _id

When there is a nested _id property for a document, Factory cannot set the value of it and throw an error.


Factory.define('myColection', MyColection, {
  name: 'something'
  owner: {
    _id: 'testOwnerId',
    name: 'testOwnerName',

When creating a doc, it throws:

Mod on _id not allowed
MinimongoError: Mod on _id not allowed

But when I insert the same doc throw browser console or mongo shell, it works.

Make the package DebugOnly

I can't see why anyone would want factories in production, but I may be wrong.
Is there a reason to not add debugOnly: true?

how to setup dependent properties?

not sure if there's a way to do this or not, looking at the code so far I think not...

but I want to be able to say something like:

Factory.define('event', Actions, {
    end () {
      if (!this.start || !this.duration) {
        throw new Error('must provide start and duration if end not specified')
      return new Date(+this.start + this.duration)

That would allow me to optionally provide start and duration. I notice that this object contains the statically defined properties, but not what the user provides as arguments to Factory.create

Any tips on how to implement that?

Array of Objects using Factory.get

I've the impression that this is yet another use case that it is not supported at the moment.
#15 and #14 seems related to this one, but not quite.

Running this define I get a RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded Error ...

    'name': () ->
    'visibility': 'public',
    'leads': () -> [ {'userId': Factory.get('fakeUser'), 'role': 'lead'} ]
    'tags': () -> [faker.lorem.words()],

I can't find a better title to describe this problem ...

Create user account within factory

I'm having trouble creating a user account on the fly. Something like this:

Factory.define('team', Teams, {
  name: () => faker.lorem.words(),
  userId: () => {
    const email =;
    const password = faker.lorem.words(1);
    Accounts.createUser({ email, password });

    if (Meteor.userId()) return Meteor.userId();
    return Accounts.findUserByEmail(email)._id;

Since this factory can be both run on client and server, there are differences in how Meteor.userId() works.

On client tests, I get this error: Accounts.findUserByEmail is not a function
On server tests, I get: Error: Meteor.userId can only be invoked in method calls. Use this.userId in publish functions. (but using this.userId results in a different error)

Any tips? Great package btw!

get _id from Factory.get('name')

Is there a possibility to get id of created instance. If I call Factory.get('name') I dont see any _id field

Best Regards

Inconsistent errors server-side, factory not created every time

I'm having lots of trouble making my tests run consistently every time, with errors coming from this package. It is very well possible that it is my fault, but I don't understand why.

This is one of the errors I see on the first run of my tests (though not every time), and not on a subsequent rerun of my tests, only on the server, never on the client:

Error: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined
    at makeRelation (packages/dburles:factory/factory.js:45:14)
    at packages/dburles:factory/factory.js:71:20
    at Function._.each._.forEach (packages/underscore.js:147:22)
    at walk (packages/dburles:factory/factory.js:67:7)
    at Function.Factory._build (packages/dburles:factory/factory.js:97:3)
    at Function.Factory.create (packages/dburles:factory/factory.js:121:23)
    at Hook.beforeEach2 (imports/api/loanrequests/test/loanRequests.test.js:67:27)
    at run (packages/practicalmeteor:mocha-core/server.js:34:29)

On circle CI, this test keeps failing but with a timeout error:
timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.

These are the 3 factories that are involved in this error:

// Top level
Factory.define('loanRequest', LoanRequests, {
  userId: Factory.get('user'),
  createdAt: () => new Date(),
  general: () => ({
    fortuneUsed: 250000,
    insuranceFortuneUsed: 0,
    partnersToAvoid: ['joe', 'john'],
  borrowers: [Factory.get('borrower')],
  property: () => ({ value: 1000000 }),
  files: () => ({}),
  logic: () => ({ auction: {}, lender: {}, verification: {}, step: 1 }),
  name: () => 'request name',
  emails: () => [],

// Linked
Factory.define('user', Meteor.users, {
  roles: () => 'user',
  emails: () => [{ address:, verified: false }],

Factory.define('borrower', Borrowers, {
  userId: Factory.get('user'),
  createdAt: () => new Date(),
  expenses: () => [{ description: 'test', value: 1 }],
  files: () => ({}),
  logic: () => ({}),

And this is the structure of my test file:

describe('loanRequests', function () {
  beforeEach(function beforeEach1() {
    // xolvio:cleaner

  describe('modifiers', () => {
    let request;
    beforeEach(function beforeEach2() {
      request = Factory.create('loanRequest');

    it('should work', () => {
      // This is where it fails
      const id = request._id;

      // ..test..

Add auto-incremental fields

Helpful for generating sequence of e.g. ids or names.

For example:

Factory.define('place', Places, {
  name: Factory.autoIncrement('Place')
})'place') // returns { name: 'Place 0' }'place') // returns { name: 'Place 1' }'place') // returns { name: 'Place 2' }

Feature request: Hooks before insertion of document

Sometimes some fields need to be randomised based on other fields within the document. For eg. DateResponded property should contain a timestamp that is later than DateRequested property for each document.

Add ability to pass options to the factory definition

Suppose I have a single collection where each document has a child array

   name: "Charles Dickens",
   books: [
      {  name: "Great Expectations"  },
      {  name: "A Tale of Two Cities" }

Now I want to be able to create a document with a specific number of books. I'd like to be able to have access to an options object within my factory functions. Like this:

Factory.define('authors', Authors, {
   name: faker.fake("{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}}"),
   books: function (options) {
       _(options.bookCount).times( function (n) {
            return ({ name: faker.lorem.words() })

Then I could create documents like this:

var author = Factory.create('authors', {}, { bookCount: 25})

To create a document with 25 books.

Reference other fields in Factory.define

Hi, certain fields in my collection depend on other field values. How can a obtain the value of a field in definition?

Factory.define 'product', App.collections.products,
sex: -> getRandomElementFromList ['Male', 'Female']
category: -> # This value depends on the chosen sex value.


after hook for .build

How about making after hook run for Currently it only runs for Factory.create().

A useful case would be when simulating a document not yet inserted to the db.

// post object not persisted yet
Factory.define('newPost', Posts, {
  body: 'testBody',
}).after(function (post) {
  delete post._id;

Faster insertion

I am starting to use your package for my tests, and I would be interested to accelerate the insertions of fixtures. What do you think of theses proposition ? Is it possible in this repo or another ?

First, to insert in batch. Instead of passing an object we could pass an array of objects to the function Factory.create, and it would insert in batch with an insertMany or somethink like this ? But I am not sure it is possible with meteor or if we can use a newer version of mongo just for the tests.

Second, I saw that in the factory.create : you findOne on the new document and return it. Sometime it is useful ( to get the id for example ) but sometime we could just pass it, with a flag or an other function ?

Factory._create = (name, doc) => {
  const collection = Factory.get(name).collection;
  const insertId = collection.insert(doc);
  // const record = collection.findOne(insertId); optional for an other function like fastICreate or with boolean and return nothing
  return record;

Factory.get returns Circular object

I am currently setting up a testing environment for a new project.

I am in the process of debugging some errors, and wanted to know what object get returned since it did not return what I expected. Upon printing in the console it printed [Circular].

I slimmed down everything and ended up with this basic code that you would be able to use to reproduce the error.

import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo'
import { Factory } from 'meteor/dburles:factory';
import { assert } from 'chai';

describe('ItemTester', function() {
	let Items = new Mongo.Collection('items');

	beforeEach(function() {
		Factory.define('item', Items,
			{a: "b"}

	afterEach(function() {

	it('Should load nodes by ID', function() {
		assert.equal(1, 1);

Simple way for getting related objects in a single create call?

When you define a collection with relationships like this:

Factory.define('book', Books, {
  authorId: Factory.get('author'),
  name: 'A book',
  year() { return _.random(1900, 2014); }

And then when calling:

const book = Factory.create('book');

Is there a simpler way to get the author object that I'm missing? Or should I do this:

const author = Authors.find({ _id: book.authorId });

Factory.define is not working!

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  describe('Workspaces Methods', function () {
    Factory.define('workspace', CollectionWorkSpaces, {
      owner: () => 'ABC',
      participant_ids: () => ['123'],
      invitee_emails: () => []

    beforeEach(function () {

    it('updates invitee email list', function () {
      const document1 = Factory.create('workspace');
//output of document1
  _id: '7Qc9PTQpxCesqZS5k',
  owner: '3a6rW9QqnoTpMctCd',
  participant_ids: [],
  invitee_emails: []

//expected output:
  _id: '7Qc9PTQpxCesqZS5k',
  owner: 'ABC',
  participant_ids: ['123'],
  invitee_emails: []

Meteor version 2.5
dburles:factory version 1.1.0

Meteor 1.3 and testing packages

I seem to be missing something. When following the README but using Factory in a package I get errors like this:

TypeError: Object function (collection, attributes) {                                                         
W20160407-10:40:12.710(-7)? (STDERR)   this.collection = collection;                                                                     
W20160407-10:40:12.710(-7)? (STDERR)   this.attributes = attributes;                                                                      
W20160407-10:40:12.710(-7)? (STDERR)   this.afterHooks = [];                                                                              
W20160407-10:40:12.710(-7)? (STDERR) } has no method 'define'

Thank you!

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