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k-bench's Introduction


(K-Bench) is a framework to benchmark the control and data plane aspects of a Kubernetes infrastructure. K-Bench provides a configurable way to prescriptively create and manipulate Kubernetes resources at scale and eventually provide the relevant control plane and dataplane performance metrics for the target infrastructure. Example operations include CREATE, UPDATE, LIST, DELETE, RUN, COPY etc. on different types of Kubernetes resources including Pod, Deployment, Service, ReplicationController, etc.

K-Bench has the following features:

  • It allows users to control the client side concurrency, the operations, and how these different types of operations are executed in sequence or in parallel. In particular, user can define, through a config file, a workflow of operations for supported resources. User can also specify parameters such as image for Pod, number of replicas for Deployment, etc.
  • For control-plane (life-cycle management) performance, the benchmark complements the server-side timing adopted in many other existing benchmarks with a client-side approach, based on Kubernetes' event callback mechanism. This addressed the coarse-grained timestamp issue on the server-side and enhanced the measuring precision.
  • K-Bench also includes benchmarks built into it, which allows users to study the data plane performance by independently scaling up and scaling out infrastructure resource usage in terms of compute, memory, I/O and network. The framework comes with blueprints for running these benchmarks in various ways at scale to evaluate specific aspects of a K8s infrastructure. For E.g., one can use the integrated dp_network_internode test to automatically place two pods on two different K8s nodes to measure inter-pod network latency and bandwidth.
  • It supports docker compose files and convert them into Kubernetes spec files.
  • It is integrated with Prometheus, which can be enabled by simply including prometheus configuration options in the benchmark config file. K-Bench also supports Wavefront, an enterprise-grade data analytic and monitoring platform.


The above diagram shows an overview of the benchmark. Upon starting, a json config file is parsed for infrastructure and operation information. Then a sequence of operations are generated, each of which may contain a list of actions such as create, list, scale, etc. The operations run one by one, optionally in a blocking manner. Actions inside one operation, however, run in parallel with Go routines. Actions supported for different types of resources are defined in their respective managers. The resource managers also provide metrics collection mechanism and produce Wavefront consumable data. The benchmark uses client-go to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster.

K-Bench can be extremely flexible in that it allows virtually any supported actions performed with user chosen parameters on selected resource objects serially, in parallel, or in a hybrid manner. To achieve this, a crucial problem to address is to determine how actions and resources are handled or partitioned by different threads. We call this workload dispatch. In K-Bench, dispatch for actions is straightforward: the configuration parser scans the entire config file and determines the maximum concurrency for each operation by summing up all the Count fields of different resource types in the operation. The dispatcher spawns and maintains all go routines so that corresponding actions of different types of resources in an operation are fully parallelized. Different actions for the same resource in the operation share the same go routine and are executed in order. To achieve dispatch for resource objects, K-Bench maintains two types of labels, namely k-label and u-label respectively, for each resource object. K-Bench assigns each go routine a TID and an operation an OID, which are also attached as k-label to the relevant objects. Other metadata such as resource type, app name, benchmark name, etc., are also attached as k-label when a resource is created. K-Bench provides predefined label matching options such as MATCH_GOROUTINE, MATCH_OPERATION to select objects created by a specified routine in certain operations. Users labels passed through the benchmark configuration specification are attached to resources as u-labels, which can be also used for resource dispatch.

Control Plane Metrics

After a successful run, the benchmark reports metrics (e.g., number of requests, API invoke latency, throughput, etc.) for the executed operations on various resource types. One resource type whose metrics need special consideration is Pod, as its operations are typically long-running and asynchronous. For Pod (and related resource types such as Deployment), we introduce two sets of metrics, server-side and client-side, to better summarize its performance from different perspectives. The server-side metrics design for Pod in K-Bench inherits the definition suggested by the kubernetes sig group (the exact way those Pod metrics are defined can be revealed from the density and performance test in the e2e: density_test.go). The client-side set of metrics, collected by an event callback mechanism, is a more accurate reflection on the time taken for Pod states to transition end-to-end. The below table describes all the supported metrics:

Metric 1 Definition Applied Resource Type Notes & References & Sources
Pod creation latency (server) scheEvent.FirstTimestamp (the FirstTimestamp of a scheduling event associated with a pod) - pod.CreationTimestamp (the CreationTimestamp of the pod object) Pod Deployment density.go
Pod scheduling latency (server) pod.Status.StartTime (the server timestamp indicating when a pod is accepted by kubelet but image not pulled yet) - scheEvent.FirstTimestamp (the first timestamp of a scheduled event related to a pod) Pod Deployment density.go
Pod image pulling latency (server) pulledEvent.FirstTimestamp (the FirstTimestamp of an event with "Pulled" as the reason associated with a pod) - pod.Status.StartTime (the timestamp indicating when a pod is accepted by kubelet but image not pulled yet) Pod Deployment a new metric defined in pod_manager.go for kbench
Pod starting latency (server) max(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[...].State.Running.StartedAt) (the StartedAt timestamp for the last container that gets into running state inside a pod) - pulledEvent.FirstTimestamp (the FirstTimestamp of an event with "Pulled" as the reason associated with a pod) Pod Deployment density.go
Pod startup total latency (server) max(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[...].State.Running.StartedAt) (the StartedAt timestamp for the last container that gets into running state inside a pod) - pod.CreationTimestamp (the CreationTimestamp of the pod object) Pod Deployment density.go
Pod client-server e2e latency the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Phase becomes running - pod.CreationTimestamp (the server-side CreationTimestamp of the pod object) Pod Deployment this is similar to the "watch" latency in e2e test
Pod scheduling latency (client) the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Conditions[...] has a PodScheduled condition - the first time client watches the pod (and thus does not have a PodScheduled condition) Pod Deployment a new metric defined in pod_manager.go in kbench
Pod initialization latency (client) the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Conditions[...] has a PodInitialized condition - the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Conditions[...] has a PodScheduled condition Pod Deployment a new metric defined in pod_manager.go in kbench
Pod starting latency (client) the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Phase becomes running - the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Conditions[...] has a PodInitialized condition Pod Deployment a new metric defined in pod_manager.go Note that there is no client-side watch event for image pulling, so this metric includes the image pulling.
Pod startup total latency (client) the first time when client watches that pod.Status.Phase becomes running - the first time client watches the pod (and thus does not have a PodScheduled condition) Pod Deployment a new metric defined in pod_manager.go
Pod creation throughput sum(number of running pods of every operation that has pod actions / 2) / sum(median Pod startup total latency of every operation that has pod actions) Pod Deployment a new metric defined in pod_manager.go.
API invoke latency latency for an API to return All resource types a new metric defined in pod_manager.go.

Data Plane Workloads and Metrics

Metric 1 Resource Category Benchmark Notes
Transaction throughput CPU/Memory Redis Memtier Maximum achievable throughput aggregated across pods in a cluster
Transaction latency CPU/Memory Redis Memtier Latency for the injected SET/GET transactions
Pod density CPU/Memory Redis Memtier Transaction throughput and latency for given pod density
I/O bandwidth (IOPS) I/O FIO Synchronous and Asynchronous Rd/Wr bandwidth for 70-30, 100-0 and 0-100 read-write ratios, block sizes on various K8s volumes
I/O Latency (ms) I/O Ioping Disk I/O latency on Ephemeral and Persistent K8s volumes
Network b/w Network Iperf3 Inter-pod TCP, UDP performance with varying pod placements on nodes, zones
Network Latency (ms) Network Qperf Inter-pod network latency for TCP and UDP packets with varying pod placements

Infrastructure Diagnostic Telemetry

In addition to the above metrics that the benchmark reports, K-Bench can be configured to report Wavefront- and Prometheus-defined metrics that include: memory, CPU, storage utilization of nodes, namespaces, pods, cluster level statistics, bytes transferred and received rates between pods, uptime, infrastructure statistics, etc.

To use Wavefront monitoring of the nodes, one can install the Waverunner component using pkg/waverunner/ Invoking this script without any parameters will give the help menu. To start telemetry, invoke pkg/waverunner/ as follows:

./ -r <run_tag> -i <Host_IP_String> -w <Wavefront_source> [-o <output_folder> -k <ssh_key_file> -p <host_passwd>]

The above command defaults to /tmp for output folder and a null host password.

To use Prometheus as your metrics monitoring mechanism, configure the PrometheusManifestPaths option in the K-Bench config file. Please see top level configuration options section below and prometheus readme.

K-Bench Quickstart Guide

To use K-Bench, clone this repo, install the benchmark, and then you can use it to run workload against your k8s cluster by following the below instructions.

Install using Script

On a Linux box (tested on Ubuntu 16.04), just invoke:


to install the benchmark.

If you would like the kbench binary to be copied to /usr/local/bin so that you can directly run without specifying the full kbench path, run it with sudo.

On systems like Ubuntu, just being able to use sudo is enough and one does not explicitly need to be the "root" user. Also, please ensure that the K8s nodes and the client on which you run K-Bench have their times synchronized as K-Bench uses both client and server side time stamps to calculate latencies.

Run the Benchmark

Once the installation completes, you can start using K-Bench. To run the benchmark, you need to make sure your

~/.kube/config file or the KUBECONFIG environment variable points to a valid and running Kubernetes cluster. To verify this, you may install kubectl (this expects a ~/.kube/config file in place, which you can copy from the Master node) and simply run:

kubectl get nodes

Once you verify that you have a running Kubernetes cluster, the workload can be run directly using the kbench go binary or using the script. The default benchmark config file ./config/default/config.json specifies the workload you would like to run. You can modify the config file to run workload of your choice. After that, simply run:




If your config file is at a different location, please use -benchconfig option if invoking the kbench binary directly:

kbench -benchconfig filepath

If your filepath is a directory, the benchmark will run them one by one.

When using the script, invoking this script with -h provides the following help menu:

Usage: ./ -r <run-tag> [-t <comma-separated-tests> -o <output-dir>]
Example: ./ -r "kbench-run-on-XYZ-cluster"  -t "cp_heavy16,dp_netperf_internode,dp_fio" -o "./"

Valid test names:

all || all_control_plane || all_data_plane || cp_heavy_12client || cp_heavy_8client || cp_light_1client || cp_light_4client || default || dp_fio || dp_network_internode || dp_network_interzone || dp_network_intranode || dp_redis || dp_redis_density || predicate_example || 

To get details about each of the existing workloads, please check the individual README or config.json in config/<test-name> folder. For more details about how to configure workload, please check the examples under the ./config directory, or read the benchmark configuration section of this document.

Adding a new test to use with

Add a new folder in config/<test-name>, include the run configuration as config/<test-name>/config.json and run the test by providing the <test-name> as input to the -t option of

Alternative Installing Method: Install Manually with Go (old way with GOROOT and GOPATH)

First, you need to setup your Go environment. Download Go and unzip it to a local directory (e.g., /root/go) and point your GOROOT environment variable there. Also, set your GOPATH (e.g., /root/gocode). The below instructions are example for your reference (assuming you download Go to /root/go):

cd /root/go

gunzip go***.linux-amd64.tar.gz

tar -xvf go***.linux-amd64.tar

mkdir /root/gocode && cd gocode/

export GOPATH=/root/gocode

export GOROOT=/root/go

export PATH=$PATH:/root/go/bin

Clone or download benchmark source code to $GOPATH/src/k-bench (create this directory if it does not exist) using Git or through other means.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/k-bench

After you have all the files under $GOPATH/src/k-bench, cd to that directory.

It is also handy to include into your PATH variable locations where Go typically places and finds binaries and tools:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

Now, you are ready to build the benchmark. To build, you can either use the below command to install the kbench binary into $GOPATH/bin:

go install cmd/kbench.go

or run (under the $GOPATH/src/k-bench directory) the below to generate the kbench executable under $GOPATH/src/k-bench/bin:

mkdir -p bin && cd bin && go build k-bench/cmd/kbench.go

Benchmark Configuration

The benchmark is highly configurable through a json config file. The ./config/default/config.json file is provided as an example (this file is also the default benchmark config file if user does not specify one through the -benchconfig option). More config examples can be found under the ./config directory and its subdirectories.

Top Level Configuration Options

At top level, the benchmark supports the following configuration options:

  • BlockingLevel: Currently can be configured as "operation", so that the benchmark waits (for pod creation and deletion) until the previous operation is completely done before executing the next. If this option is not specified, the benchmark only waits the specified sleep time after each action and then proceeds to the next operation, even if there are outstanding actions in the previous operation.
  • Timeout: Used with BlockingLevel. This is the longest time in mini-seconds for the benchmark to wait after each operation if BlockingLevel is specified. By default it is 3 minutes.
  • CheckingInterval: The time interval in mini-seconds to check whether all the actions in the previous operation complete. By default it is 3 seconds.
  • Cleanup: Whether clearing all the created resources after a run completes. By default it is false.
  • Operations: This is an array of operation structures, each of which can contain a list of resource action configurations. Each resource action configuration includes information such as resource type, actions (a list of actions to be performed in order), count (number of actions to be executed in parallel), sleeptimes (time to sleep after each parallel batch of actions), image to use, etc. For details please refer to below Operation Configuration.
  • RuntimeInMinutes: The time in minutes that benchmark should run. If all the configured operations are completed but time elapsed hasn't reached the specified time, the benchmark will loop over and run the configured operations again.
  • PrometheusManifestPaths: This option, if configured, installs and enables prometheus stack for cluster monitoring. See prometheus readme for details.
  • WavefrontPathDir: This option tells the benchmark where to store Wavefront output logs.
  • SleepTimeAfterRun: In case user wants to add sleep time after each run, this is the option to use.
  • Tags: If specified, the wavefront output and logs will be tagged with the given keys and values.

Operation Configuration

In each operation of the "Operations" array, users can specify one or more resource types, and each resource type can have a list of actions to perform, and each action may accept some options. Below are example (and a subset of all supported) resource types with the corresponding actions and options:

  • Pods: Pod resource supports "CREATE", "LIST", "GET", "RUN", "COPY", "UPDATE", and "DELETE" actions. For the CREATE action, users can specify operation options including "ImagePullPolicy" (where you can specify one of "IfNotPresent", "Always", and "Never"), "Image", etc. Also, if user specifies a "YamlSpec" option, then the CREATE action will first try to use the yaml file to create the Pod before using other explicit options such as "ImagePullPolicy" and "Image". For the RUN action, user can provide the "Command" option, which is the command to be executed in the specified Pod(s). For COPY action, user can specify LocalPath, ContainerPath, and Upload options. Certain Pod actions (LIST, RUN, COPY) can be applied to a selected/filtered list of Pods using the LabelKey and LabelValue options. For all pod actions, "Count" option specifies the concurrency and "SleepTime" specifies the sleep time user would like to incur after each action.
  • Deployments: Deployment resource type supports all the options that Pod does, and in addition it also supports "SCALE" action and "NumReplicas" option for its CREATE action. Currently it does not support "RUN" and "COPY" action yet.
  • Namespaces: Namespace resource type supports "CREATE", "LIST", "GET", "UPDATE", and "DELETE" actions. It has "Count" option (number of namespace actions to be performed in parallel), similar to all the above resource types.
  • Services: Service resource type supports "CREATE", "LIST", "GET", "UPDATE", and "DELETE" actions. It has "SleepTimes", "Count", and "YamlSpec" options.
  • ReplicationControllers: ReplicationController resource type supports the same options and actions as Deployment.

The benchmark also supports other resource types including ConfigMap, Event, Endpoints, ComponentStatus, Node, LimitRange, PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, PodTemplate, ResourceQuota, Secret, ServiceAccount, Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, etc.

In addition to different types of resource types, in an operation you can also specify a RepeatTimes option to run the operation for a given number of times.

For more supported resources, actions, and configuration options in K-Bench, please checkout the sample config files under ./config or source code.

Operation Predicate

To simplify synchronization and orchestrate operation execution flow, the benchmark supports Predicate, which blocks an operation's execution until certain conditions are met. A predicate is configured through the below options:

  • Resource: It has two possible formats: namespace/kind/[object name/][container name], or group/version/namespaces/namespace/kind/[object name/][container name]. With the first format, you specify a namespace, a kubernetes resource kind, optionally with an object name and a container name (only valid if the resource kind is Pod). The benchmark will search resources with default kubernetes group ("") and API version (v1). With the second format, the benchmark will search resource using the given group, kind, and version. Once this predicate (called a resource predicate) is specified, the matched resource must exist before the operation can be executed. If a container name is specified, the corresponding pod has to be in Running phase in order for the operation to proceed.
  • Labels: Labels has format of key1=value1;key2=value2;.... Labels are used if only namespace and kind are given in the Resource option to filter resource objects.
  • Command: This predicate executes a command (inside the container if a container name is specified in the Resource option, or on the box where the bencmark is invoked). It works with Expect below.
  • Expect: This option currently supports formats such as contains:string or !contains:string. With this option configured, the benchmark checks the output of the Command execution, and proceed only if the output is expected.

For examples on how to use predicates, you may check config file samples under ./config/predicate_example.

Contributing to the Benchmark

Please contact the project members and read if you are interested in making contributions.

Project Leads

Karthik Ganesan Email: [email protected] for questions and comments


Yong Li Helen Liu


  1. For each latency related metric, there are four values reported: median, min, max, and 99-percentile. โ†ฉ โ†ฉ2

k-bench's People


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k-bench's Issues

Use KUBECONFIG environment variable if it exists

What would you like to be added:
I want K-bench to recognize the KUBECONFIG environment variable that I set.

Why is this needed:
The k-bench README tells the use to use kubectl get nodes to verify the cluster they are currently operating on. While this is a good way to check, it can be misleading due to not handling the KUBECONFIG variable in the code.

Quoting from Kubernetes docs:

If the KUBECONFIG environment variable doesn't exist, kubectl uses the default kubeconfig file, $HOME/.kube/config.

If the KUBECONFIG environment variable does exist, kubectl uses an effective configuration that is the result of merging the files listed in the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

This small change will reduce the chances of running the tests on the wrong cluster while not introducing breaking changes.

Release k-bench version or publish roadmap

Hi Guys,

Is it possible to release a version of kbench at this stage? Even if its alpha?

Also is it possible to publish a roadmap along with feature list? Possibly with target dates?

This will help community gauge the maturity of the tool and future plan.


Add flags to scale load

It'll be valuable to have functionality that allows the user to increase or decrease the number or resources created during a kbench run. One could scale the number of Pods, Deployments, and Services in order to observe the effects on performance.

Dataplane Tests Error in container command

It looks as though the commands used to start iPerf in the containers are failing?

time="2023-04-21T12:52:32.366" level=info msg="Run: Container netperfclientcontainer found for pod kbench-pod-oid-2-tid-0"
time="2023-04-21T12:52:43.210" level=info msg="Container netperfclientcontainer on pod kbench-pod-oid-2-tid-0, Run out:  err: mkdir: cannot create directory '/tmp/perfoutput': File exists\n"
time="2023-04-21T12:52:43.210" level=info msg="Sleep 10000 mili-seconds after RUN action"
time="2023-04-21T12:52:53.222" level=info msg="One operation completed. Continue to run the next..."
time="2023-04-21T12:52:53.222" level=info msg="Performing pod actions in operation 6"
time="2023-04-21T12:52:53.222" level=info msg="Waiting all threads to finish on the current operation"
time="2023-04-21T12:52:53.445" level=info msg="Run: Container netperfservercontainer found for pod kbench-pod-oid-1-tid-0"
time="2023-04-21T12:53:44.875" level=info msg="Container netperfservercontainer on pod kbench-pod-oid-1-tid-0, Run out:  err: mkdir: cannot create directory '/tmp/perfoutput': File exists\n"
time="2023-04-21T12:53:44.876" level=info msg="Sleep 10000 mili-seconds after RUN action"

And therefore we are not getting any network I/O results from ./ -t "dp_netperf_internode" but just the generic pod start/stop stats.


I can get these tests to run by deploying manually in the same environment and just running the test commands in sequence.

If the dataplane tests do run, where would I expect to see the results? I can't find anything that look like what I would expect for dataplane throughput and latency.

0 "NumReplicas" in Deployments causes the wait to check until benchmark timeout

If a "Deployments" workload is defined without any "NumReplicas", the benchmark spins until timeout. Example workload:

  "BlockingLevel": "operation",
  "Timeout": 540000,
  "CheckingInterval": 3000,
  "Cleanup": false,
  "Operations": [
      "Deployments": {
        "Actions": [
            "Act": "CREATE",
            "Spec": {
              "ImagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
              "Image": ""
            "Act": "DELETE"
        "SleepTimes": [
        "Count": 1

I would suggest to default it to 1 as it defaults in K8s.

Convert logs to CSV

I think there's value in adding something that converts Kbench.log to CSV. It will make managing, and analyzing the data as a spreadsheet easier.

Running kbench on aarch64 VM

Tried running this on some aarch64 compute instances and there doesn't seem to be support. If it is, please point us me in the right direction. Thank you!

What is Pod creation average latency?

In log file Im getting log like
time="2022-04-27T13:42:53.644" level=info msg="Pod creation average latency: 1.0219923 "
In Pod creation average latency not explained. I think the it is entirely different from Pod creation latency (server).

K-Bench Benchmarking and Server Side Metrics

Good evening
First of all congratulations on the awesome tool.
I am a master's student in Computer Engineering at the University of Coimbra and, together with another colleague and supervisores, we are carrying out a scientific paper in which we are using K-Bench for benchmarking. We ran different tests (cp_heavy_12client, cp_heavy_8client, cp_light_4client and cp_light_1client) and with neither of those tests we managed to retrieve information on the server side metrics such as Image pulling latency. Is this supposed to happen or should we use another flag other than -benchconfig so as to run the tests?
Thank you for your attention.

unable to run k-bench for GKE clusters

Running in to the following issue while running k-bench against GKE.
tceuser@tkg-cli-client:~/k-bench$ ./ -r gke_notap -t all
Running test command_in_container_predicate and results redirected to "./results_gke_notap_15-Dec-2021-08-58-54-am/command_in_container_predicate"
Starting benchmark, writing logs to results_gke_notap_15-Dec-2021-08-58-54-am/command_in_container_predicate/kbench.log...
Running workload, please check kbench log for details...
panic: no Auth Provider found for name "gcp"

goroutine 1 [running]:
k-bench/util.Run(0xc000206800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/root/go/src/k-bench/util/testdriver.go:164 +0x22f1
/root/go/src/k-bench/cmd/kbench.go:193 +0xe76
Running test command_outside_container_and_resource_predicate and results redirected to "./results_gke_notap_15-Dec-2021-08-58-54-am/command_outside_container_and_resource_predicate"
Starting benchmark, writing logs to results_gke_notap_15-Dec-2021-08-58-54-am/command_outside_container_and_resource_predicate/kbench.log...
Running workload, please check kbench log for details...
panic: no Auth Provider found for name "gcp"

goroutine 1 [running]:
k-bench/util.Run(0xc00023a800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/root/go/src/k-bench/util/testdriver.go:164 +0x22f1
/root/go/src/k-bench/cmd/kbench.go:193 +0xe76
Running test cp_heavy_12client and results redirected to "./results_gke_notap_15-Dec-2021-08-58-54-am/cp_heavy_12client"
Starting benchmark, writing logs to results_gke_notap_15-Dec-2021-08-58-54-am/cp_heavy_12client/kbench.log...
Running workload, please check kbench log for details...
panic: no Auth Provider found for name "gcp"

goroutine 1 [running]:
k-bench/util.Run(0xc0001f2800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
/root/go/src/k-bench/util/testdriver.go:164 +0x22f1
/root/go/src/k-bench/cmd/kbench.go:193 +0xe76

Is this project still maintained?

TL;DR: I'm wondering if this project is still supported and maintained.

We recently used k-bench to run some benchmark test against kubernetes clusters, but we are now a little worried that the project might be unmaintained since no PRs have been merged or issue discussion for a long time. And there has not been a new release. It seems maintainers no longer active on GitHub too: @ganesank-git @yonglipa @ganesank

I think looking for new maintainers to help out with the workload would help. This is a pretty cool project which I hope will continue to improve! And we'd like to maintain it!

Panic due to concurrent map read and map write

K-bench had a fatal error and panicked due to concurrent map read and map write. Adding the trace log.

time="2023-04-07T04:44:19.124" level=info msg="Updated ProgressDeadlineSeconds for deployments kbench-deployment-oid-0-tid-1568"
time="2023-04-07T04:44:19.124" level=info msg="Sleep 9000 mili-seconds after UPDATE action"
time="2023-04-07T04:44:19.124" level=info msg="Updated ProgressDeadlineSeconds for deployments kbench-deployment-oid-0-tid-819"
time="2023-04-07T04:44:19.124" level=info msg="Sleep 9000 mili-seconds after UPDATE action"
time="2023-04-07T04:44:28.125" level=info msg="All operations completed."
fatal error: concurrent map read and map write

goroutine 1 [running]:
runtime.throw({0x11d3617?, 0x0?})
	/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/panic.go:992 +0x71 fp=0xc0021096c0 sp=0xc002109690 pc=0x43a491
runtime.mapaccess2_faststr(0xc002109b88?, 0xd8f55ce171?, {0xc03510b5c0, 0x31})
	/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/map_faststr.go:117 +0x3d4 fp=0xc002109728 sp=0xc0021096c0 pc=0x419214
	/root/go/src/k-bench/manager/pod_manager.go:1173 +0xef3 fp=0xc002109d08 sp=0xc002109728 pc=0xf75c93
	/root/go/src/k-bench/manager/deployment_manager.go:547 +0x1d fp=0xc002109d20 sp=0xc002109d08 pc=0xf63a3d
	/root/go/src/k-bench/util/testdriver.go:323 +0x1c6 fp=0xc002109f20 sp=0xc002109d20 pc=0xf9e966
k-bench/util.Run(_, {{{0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, ...}, ...}, ...}, ...)
	/root/go/src/k-bench/util/testdriver.go:297 +0xfdd fp=0xc00210f670 sp=0xc002109f20 pc=0xf9dbdd
	/root/go/src/k-bench/cmd/kbench.go:195 +0xb6e fp=0xc00210ff80 sp=0xc00210f670 pc=0xfb740e
	/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/proc.go:250 +0x212 fp=0xc00210ffe0 sp=0xc00210ff80 pc=0x43cc72
	/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1571 +0x1 fp=0xc00210ffe8 sp=0xc00210ffe0 pc=0x46a1c1

goroutine 35 [chan receive]:*loggingT).flushDaemon(0x0?)
	/root/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/klog.go:1010 +0x6a
created by
	/root/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/klog.go:411 +0xef

goroutine 3 [syscall, 20 minutes]:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/sigqueue.go:151 +0x2f
	/usr/lib/golang/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:23 +0x19
created by os/signal.Notify.func1.1
	/usr/lib/golang/src/os/signal/signal.go:151 +0x2a

Running k-bench against the OpenShift 4.6 cluster keeps printing the `Unauthorized` error

Please advise how to solve this issue.

I also applied the PR #28 in order to recognize the KUBECONFIG variable.

terminal output

[root@node9 ~]# export KUBECONFIG=/root/ocp/46/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig
[root@node9 ~]# cd k-bench
[root@node9 k-bench]# ./ -r "kbench-dp-fio"  -t "dp_fio" -o "./results"
Running test dp_fio and results redirected to "./results/results_kbench-dp-fio_20-Oct-2021-04-44-39-pm/dp_fio"
I1020 16:44:41.287582  154604 request.go:645] Throttling request took 1.192939072s, request: GET:https://api.ssic.openshift.smc:6443/apis/
Error from server (NotFound): error when creating "./config/dp_fio/fio_pvc.yaml": namespaces "kbench-pod-namespace" not found
Starting benchmark, writing logs to results/results_kbench-dp-fio_20-Oct-2021-04-44-39-pm/dp_fio/kbench.log...
Running workload, please check kbench log for details...
E1020 16:44:43.385243  154654 reflector.go:156] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:108: Failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized
E1020 16:44:44.390633  154654 reflector.go:156] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:108: Failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized
E1020 16:44:45.397357  154654 reflector.go:156] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:108: Failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized
E1020 16:44:46.404606  154654 reflector.go:156] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:108: Failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized
E1020 16:44:47.411525  154654 reflector.go:156] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:108: Failed to list *v1.Pod: Unauthorized
[root@node9 k-bench]#


time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.363" level=info msg="Starting kbench..."
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.365" level=info msg="Created a new Pod manager."
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.379" level=warning msg="Fail to create namespace kbench-pod-namespace, Unauthorized"
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.379" level=info msg="Performing pod actions in operation 0"
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.379" level=info msg="Waiting all threads to finish on the current operation"
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.390" level=warning msg="Fail to create namespace kbench-pod-namespace, Unauthorized"
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.395" level=error msg=Unauthorized
time="2021-10-20T16:44:43.395" level=info msg="Sleep 100000 mili-seconds after CREATE action"
time="2021-10-20T16:44:47.436" level=info msg="Terminating the run after receiving SIGTERM signal."

Support for the WATCH act

First, awesome project! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

I saw from the configuration file that k-bench can define the actions for the benchmark. In most of the examples out there, CREATE, LIST, GET, DELETE, and UPDATE are used: wondering if there's support also for the WATCH one.

The reason behind that is that I'm using an etcd shim and need to be sure that the watch events that would be faked since not supported natively by the datastore are performing as expected.

I tried to take a look in the code base and wasn't able to find anything so far.

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