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vueform's Introduction



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Vueform is an open-source form framework for Vue.js.

It standardizes the entire form building process, while taking care of everything from rendering to validation and processing:

  • 25+ form elements with multi-file uploads, date pickers and rich text editor
  • element nesting and repeating
  • a complete theming and templating system with Tailwind support
  • 50+ validators with async, dependent and custom rules
  • conditional logic with and/or condition groups
  • built-in form steps support
  • translating form contents and global i18n support
  • fully accessible
  • ... and many more

Get Started

Create your first Vueform project using your favourite package manager:

npm create vueform@latest
yarn create vueform
pnpm create vueform
bun create vueform

Manual Installation

To manually install Vueform, use our Installation Wizard. This wizard will guide you through the necessary steps for a hassle-free setup.


For a detailed understanding of Vueform, its features, and how to use them, refer to our Documentation.


Explore real-world applications of Vueform with some of our examples. Whether you're building a simple contact form or a complex multi-step questionnaire, these examples will give you ideas how to leverage Vueform features in your projects.

Drag and Drop

Build forms even quicker using our drag and drop form builder tool and export the code as a native Vue component:

Vuefom Builder


We welcome contributors of all levels and backgrounds. Whether you're fixing bugs, enhancing functionality, or updating documentation, your efforts help strengthen Vueform for everyone.

Here are a few ideas how can your contribute:

  • Report bugs to help us maintain stability. Please check our reporting bugs guide.
  • Share ideas for innovative features or improvements in Ideas.
  • Ask questions to clarify doubts in Questions and let others find it later.
  • Send pull requests for code enhancements or fixes. Please check our contribution guide.
  • Help with translating Vueform to new languages.


For those interested in diving deeper into Vueform's inner workings, you can set up a local development environment. Please follow our guide for setup instructions.


Clone Vueform into your local environment.

git clone


Setup Vueform in a test environment and import the source files for Vueform plugin.

import { vueform } from '@vueform/vueform/src'

Now you can make changes in the src directory and you should see their effect in your test environment.


Once you're finished make sure that all the tests are still passing.

npm run test


If everything looks good, run the build script.

npm run build

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vueform's Issues

DateElement has no appendToBody


vuejs: 3.4.21, vueform: 1.9.5
Using tailwind


A minimal reproduction has been created. In it the Date Picker "vertical" space is limited for the form field. Since we allow scrolling in the overflow (there could be many more form elements) expanding the date picker shows the popup in this space when if it was attached to the body it could overlay correct on top,index.html

Describe the bug

Any Date Element appearing the bottom of the screen, or near the bottom of its container will open within the container. This same behavior was seen with SelectElement before the "append-to-body" flag was added. As a popup control this should be handled in the same fashion.


Additional context

No response


No response

EditorElement and TEditorElement missing placeholder prop




Add the placeholder attribute

Describe the bug

When adding the placeholder to the EditorElement and TEditorElement it does not render it.

			description="Demo description"
			placeholder="test placeholder"
			label="Demo label"
			:accept="['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']"

Additional context

No response


No response

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'steps')


  • vue: ^3.2.31
  • @vueform/vueform: ^1.5.4
  • vite: ^4.5.0
  • @vitejs/plugin-vue: ^4.4.0


Minimal reproduction available here:


  1. Open the Debugger, by clicking the small bug icon in the preview window (top-right).
  2. Select the Console tab.
  3. Reload using the refresh icon in the preview window, to see the error.

Describe the bug

An error is thrown when attempting to create a multi-step form.

I attempted creating the form, first by following the basic example:

Then later by using the demo form builder:

I attempted using both inline and schema methods.
Both methods result in error.

Additional context

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'steps')
    at ReactiveEffect.fn (/node_modules/.vite/deps/@vueform_vueform.js?v=68aa8a66:4858:79)
    at (/node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk-PBWN42R4.js?v=68aa8a66:422:19)
    at get value [as value] (/node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk-PBWN42R4.js?v=68aa8a66:1370:35)
    at ReactiveEffect.fn (/node_modules/.vite/deps/@vueform_vueform.js?v=68aa8a66:4700:126)
    at (/node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk-PBWN42R4.js?v=68aa8a66:422:19)
    at get value [as value] (/node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk-PBWN42R4.js?v=68aa8a66:1370:35)
    at ReactiveEffect.fn (/node_modules/.vite/deps/@vueform_vueform.js?v=68aa8a66:4700:176)
    at (/node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk-PBWN42R4.js?v=68aa8a66:422:19)
    at get value [as value] (/node_modules/.vite/deps/chunk-PBWN42R4.js?v=68aa8a66:1370:35)
    at ReactiveEffect.fn (/node_modules/.vite/deps/@vueform_vueform.js?v=68aa8a66:4702:16)



No response

Error when placing password fields in a group


  • vite/5.0.11 darwin-x64 node-v21.4.0
  • Nuxt 3.9.1
  • Theme: tailwind
  • yarn


Copy this code:

<Vueform size="lg">
      :rules="[ 'required', 'min:8', 'same:password_confirmation' ]"
      :rules="[ 'required' ]"
      field-name="Password confirmation"
      placeholder="Password again"

Enter something like 1 into the "password" field and make sure there are no errors in the browser console.

Extend the example above by combining it into a group:

<Vueform size="lg">
  <GroupElement name="password_group">
        :rules="[ 'required', 'min:8', 'same:password_confirmation' ]"
        :columns="{ container: 6, label: 12, wrapper: 12 }"
        :rules="[ 'required' ]"
        field-name="Password confirmation"
        placeholder="Password again"
        :columns="{ container: 6, label: 12, wrapper: 12 }"

Do the same thing by writing something like 1 in the "password" field.

As a result, the browser console will display an error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value')
    at Proxy.check (@vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:10694:85)
    at Proxy._validateSync (@vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:9656:26)
    at @vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:9644:53
    at (<anonymous>)
    at le (@vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:8998:19)
    at i (@vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:9010:9)
    at @vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:9015:7
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at @vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:9007:12
    at Proxy._validate (@vueform_vueform.js?v=24254ff1:9645:7)

Describe the bug

Based on this example:

Additional context

No response


No response

Using MultifileElement throws "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'source')"


Vue 2.7
Vueform 1.9.0


<Vueform> <MultifileElement name="multifile" label="Multi-file" :drop="true" :upload-temp-endpoint="{ url: '/temp', method: 'POST', }" /> </Vueform>

Describe the bug

Using the MultifileElement throws the following error

index.mjs:6145 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'source')
at eval (index.mjs:6145:225)
at ()
at asyncGeneratorStep (index.mjs:133:1094)
at _next (index.mjs:133:1408)


Additional context

No response


No response

Unreadable text inputs on Nuxt with TailwindCSS theme


package manager: pnpm 8.12.1
nuxt: 3.8.2
@vueform/nuxt: 1.4.0
@nuxt/ui: 2.11.1
theme: tailwind 3.4.0 (dependency added in lockfile by @nuxt/ui)


Following fresh install using the official vueform documentation to implement Vueform on Nuxt with TailwindCSS theme

see sandbox: here or here

Describe the bug

In dark mode, text inputs seems to be unreadable by default :

  • dark mode

  • light mode

Additional context

No response


No response

Default for select element not applied with schema


vue 3.4, vite 5.0, vueform 1.6.5


Describe the bug

When a default value is assigned through the global default option and the value is 0 (zero) the element is not selected in the select element. It's is working fine if the default value is different from 0, or the default value is provided at the level of the select element it-self.

Additional context

No response


No response

Form response event in case of not 200 code returns empty object instead of axios response


Can be reproduced in sandbox


  • Try to submit form
  • See {} in console log output

Describe the bug

Seems that problem is in useVueForm send function if axios.request fails it throws an exception and response is not set in this case

response = await services.value.axios.request({
          method: method.toLowerCase(),
          [method.toLowerCase() === 'get' ? 'params' : 'data']: data,

so it is empty object in

 finally {
      fire('response', response, form$.value)
      submitting.value = false

Additional context

No response


No response

Validator message for numeric size is confusing


"@vueform/vueform": "^1.9.4"



Describe the bug

The <field> must be 4.

I would have expected The <field> must be 4 digits.

Additional context

No response


No response

VueForm not Working with Nuxt Layers


nuxt 3.7.0


Describe the bug

The app cannot be rendered because it is missing vueform.config.ts (since this file is sitting in the layer, and not in the main app).

The following error is shown: ERROR [nuxt] Could not compile template vueformPlugin.mjs.

Putting vueform.config.ts in the main app solves this error.

Additional context

Other nuxt packages like @nuxtjs/tailwindcss support that their config file is taken from the layer if no file is found in the main app. Alternatively, nuxt-ui adds its config to app.config.ts.


No response

Conditional rendering on DateElement with extendOptions: { weekNumbers: true } causes the Flatpickr render with width 1px


  • vite 4.3.2
  • vue 3.2.47
  • tailwindcss 3.3.3


Use schema object with conditional rendering:

start_date_with_time: {
    conditions: [['use_time', true]],
    type: 'date',
    time: true,
    default:  dayjs().format(),
    rules: [
        required: ['use_time', true]
    formatData(name, value) {
      return { start_date: value };
    extendOptions: {
      // weekNumbers: true, // <- this is causing the error and flatpickr width will be 1px
      allowInput: true,
      position: 'above' // <- unrelated to this bug, but it seems this options isn't respected and doesn't work with vueform

Describe the bug

Conditional rendering on DateElements (at least when using schema object) doesn't render correctly with extendOptions. Not sure if it's actually a bug related to Flatpickr itself. The issue is with the config options weekNumbers. Displaying week numbers changes the width of the container so perhaps that's the reason. As an additional note, also config option position is not respected causing the flatpickr always to render below the input field.

Additional context

No response


No response

`FormErrors`: Property "hasErrors" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.


"@vueform/vueform": "^1.9.4",
"vue": "^3.4.21"
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.0.4",
"postcss": "^8.4.38",
"tailwindcss": "^3.4.3",
"vite": "^5.2.0"


      <template #empty>
        <FormErrors v-if="hasErrors" />

Describe the bug

App.vue:185  [Vue warn]: Property "hasErrors" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. 
  at <Vueform> 
  at <App>

Additional context

I'm trying to follow


No response

The requested module '/node_modules/wnumb/wNumb.js?v=c0698822' does not provide an export named 'default' (at useTooltip.js:2:8)

I'm trying to integrate this into my Vue3+Vite project get the following error every single time:

Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/wnumb/wNumb.js?v=c0698822' does not provide an export named 'default' (at useTooltip.js:2:8)

I also tried creating a fresh Vue3 + Vite and follow your installation steps (from the logged in are) but still no luck.

Do you have any suggestion?

Astro error "window is not defined" in @vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs


Astro 4.4, Tailwind 3.4.1, Vue 3.4.20, npm 10.2.4, node 20.11.0, @vueform/vueform 1.8.0
Astro in static and server mode (netlify)


Follow the installation steps for astro
run dev

Describe the bug

On dev I get the error:

Astro detected an unhandled rejection. Here's the stack trace:
ReferenceError: window is not defined
    at file:///C:/SITES/XXXXXX/node_modules/@vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs:12806:51
    at file:///C:/SITES/XXXXXX/node_modules/@vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs:12806:524
    at file:///C:/SITES/XXXXXX/node_modules/@vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs:12822:3

Additional context

No response


16:17:28 [ERROR] [UnhandledRejection] Astro detected an unhandled rejection. Here's the stack trace:
ReferenceError: window is not defined
    at file:///C:/SITES/xxxx/node_modules/@vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs:12806:51
    at file:///C:/SITES/xxxx/node_modules/@vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs:12806:524
    at file:///C:/SITES/xxxx/node_modules/@vueform/vueform/dist/tailwind.mjs:12822:3
    at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:218:25)
    at async ModuleLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:329:24)
    at async nodeImport (file:///C:/SITES/xxxx/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-jDlpJiMN.js:54763:17)   
    at async ssrImport (file:///C:/SITES/xxxx/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-jDlpJiMN.js:54663:24)    
    at async eval (C:/SITES/xxxx/vueform.config.ts:5:31)
    at async instantiateModule (file:///C:/SITES/axxxx/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-jDlpJiMN.js:54725:9)

Invalid prop type for content StaticElement


vite 5.1.3
vue 3.4.19
theme: vueform


I would like to use a Function for the content prop, but only Object or String are allowed. Using a function works but vue generate some pesky warnings in dev, about prop type check failure.
Could the type Function be added to the allowed types?

Describe the bug

Unecessary warnings in dev consoles

Additional context

No response


runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:44 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "content". Expected String | Object, got Function  
  at <StaticElement type="static" wrap=false  ... >

SelectElement "X" control is on top of control text


Vite 5.0.4 and tailwind theme - reproducible in sandbox (see link)


I created an example, but basically set the fields


And the "X" control of the select picker upon picking a long value with truncation in effect will overrun the display.


Describe the bug

SelectElement with long value displays will properly truncate but the value display is not accounting for the "X" control when "search" parameter is true and thus is running behind it.


Additional context

No response


No response

NUXT ERROR: Failed to resolve import "/.nuxt/vueformPlugin.mjs"


node 20.9.0
npm 10.1.0
Nuxt 3.8.1
theme vueform


Describe the bug

When attempting to add modules to my project, I am encountering the following errors:

  1. Compilation Error:

    ERROR  Could not compile template vueformPlugin.mjs.
  2. Path Resolution Warnings:

    WARN  Could not resolve /.nuxt/vueformPlugin.mjs.
    WARN  Could not resolve /.nuxt/vueformPlugin.mjs.
    WARN  Could not resolve /.nuxt/vueformPlugin.mjs.

Translated from Portuguese (pt-BR).

Additional context

No response


No response

Validator 'in' must be named 'in_' otherwise it is not found


"@vueform/vueform": "^1.6.6",
"vite": "5.0.0-beta.0",
"vite-plugin-imagemin": "0.6.1",
"vite-plugin-purge-icons": "0.9.2",
"vite-plugin-pwa": "0.16.4",
"vite-plugin-radar": "0.9.1",


<TextElement :rules="['in:test']" />

Describe the bug

The reason seems the class that is named 'in_' (because 'in' is a reserved name i guess)

Additional context

No response


@vueform_vueform.js:8840 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unknown rule: 'in'
    at Proxy.make (@vueform_vueform.js:8840:13)
    at @vueform_vueform.js:8835:75
    at arrayMap (@vueform_vueform.js:2476:25)
    at map (@vueform_vueform.js:4098:14)

EditorElement and TEditorElement are not initialising their value with synced v-model




Add the v-model to the EditorElement or TEditorElement

Describe the bug

For the given example, the EditorElement is not rendering it's value from the v-model.

    <Vueform v-model="form" sync>
        <TextElement name="hello_world" label="Label"/>
            description="Demo description"
            :endpoint="async (file, $el) => {
                await uploadFile(file.file)
            label="Demo label"
            :accept="['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']"
        <ToggleElement name="toggle">
            Receive notifications


<script setup>

import { ref } from "vue";
import useFilesApiProvider from "@/utils/FilesApiProvider.js";

const { uploadFile } = useFilesApiProvider();
const form = ref({
    hello_world: "Hello World",
    test_description: "<div>Test</div>",
    toggle: true,


Additional context

No response


No response

Module not found: Error can't resolve '@vueform/builder'


Using vue/cli 5.0.8 and yarn


Described below

Describe the bug

My imports look like:

import Vueform from '@vueform/vueform'
import vueformConfig from './../vueform.config'
import Builder from '@vueform/builder'
import builderConfig from './../../builder.config'

but when I run yarn serve I get the following errors:

 error  in ./src/main.js

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@vueform/builder' in <>\src'

 error  in ./src/main.js

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './../../builder.config' in '<>\src'

ERROR in ./src/main.js 7:0-39
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@vueform/builder' in '<>\src'

ERROR in ./src/main.js 8:0-51
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './../../builder.config' in '<>\src'

webpack compiled with 2 errors

When I don't include the Builder and builderConfig imports, it doesn't complain and I can see some forms but the formatting is not all there.

Additional context

No response


No response

VueForm fails to render multilingual forms with localized default values


Vite 5.0.4
Vue 2.7.15
VueForm 1.6.4


  1. Create a builder application with multiple locales.
  2. Create a form in that builder with Text and Hidden with default values defined for each language.
  3. Export the form and use with with VueForm with locales enabled.
  4. Note that you get an exception in the console
    Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "default". Expected String, Number, got Object found in <HiddenElement>

See example here:

Describe the bug

It seems that the Hidden and Text elements expect a simple string and don't accept the localized object with multiple locales.

Additional context

No response


No response

vueform does not render when used with nextauthjs/next-auth


framework: Nuxt 3.8.2 with Nitro 2.8.1
package manager: yarn


Issue is obvious ...

 ERROR  Could not compile template vueformPlugin.mjs.

Describe the bug

git clone

pick up apps/playgrounds/nuxt from the cloned repo dir and place it in a new dir outside the repo dir

in the new dir - create a very simple vueform in pages/ and then try to access it

you will hit - ERROR Could not compile template vueformPlugin.mjs. and the vueform will not render

you will see this in the browser window when trying to access the page using vueform -


[vite-node] [ERR_LOAD_URL] ./.nuxt/vueformPlugin.mjs

at ./.nuxt/vueformPlugin.mjs

Additional context

No response


No response

Bug when I set the prop 'disabled' between several toggles in a ListElement.


Vite: ^4.4.11
Vue: ^3.3.8
Theme: Vueform
Package manager: Npm



Describe the bug

When I add two or more objects to the list element with two toggles and I change the prop "disabled" of one, automatically the other toggles from the list change. I dont know if I am doing fine, but this problem is like if the current toggle keep reference in memory.

Pd. Sorry for my bad english

Additional context



No response

StaticElement from schema with content as function ignores tag field


Vite 5.1.5, Vue 3.4.21


Describe the bug

If you use StaticElement as a schema but try to set the content as a function, the tag field is then ignored, and no tag is applied.

<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
const schema = reactive({
  header: {
    type: 'static',
    tag: 'h2',
    content: ($el) => {
      return 'Hello World';
  hello_world: {
    type: 'text',
    label: 'Hello',
    placeholder: 'World',

  <div class="max-w-[500px] mx-auto mt-10">
    <Vueform :schema="schema"> </Vueform>


Additional context

No response


No response

Issue Report: Unexpected Checkbox Group Behavior in VueForm Form Builder

Issue Report: Unexpected Checkbox Group Behavior in VueForm Form Builder


When using the VueForm form builder component, the checkbox groups exhibit unintended behavior by selecting all options when choosing just one. This behavior contradicts the expected functionality of independent checkbox selections.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Visit the example URL:
  2. Observe the checkbox groups in the form.
  3. Attempt to select a single option within any checkbox group.

Expected Behavior:

Checkbox groups should allow individual options to be selected without automatically selecting others in the same group. Each checkbox should function independently.

Actual Behavior:

Upon selecting a single checkbox option within a group, all other options in that group are simultaneously selected. The preview JSON data also reflects this, with all options in the group set to true.

Additional Notes:

This behavior compromises accurate data collection within the form, particularly for checkbox groups.
A short video clip demonstrating the issue is included:


DateTime does not fire change event when nested in container


This could be a regression – I think it worked before, but as I didn't commit work, I cannot offer more details.

[email protected] /home/user/vueform-vite-starter-dbn
├── @vitejs/[email protected]
├── @vueform/[email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]


Go to the builder and put a DateTime element in a container element.
Add to the application (e.g. in onMount):
form$.el$('container.datetime').on('change', (n,o,el$) => console.log(n))

Describe the bug

A DateTime element does not fire on change when nested in a container.

Additional context


Do not put the DateTime element in a container. Then, it works.


No response

no infinite property in multiselect element


latest vite, vue 3


need reproduction

Describe the bug

in your multiselect package has a infinite property but in vueform docs, i cant see
and when add infinite prop it does not work

Additional context

No response


No response

Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: default


  • Vite 5.0.5
  • Tailwind 3.3.5
  • pnpm 8.12.1


Describe the bug

First, Thank You for open sourcing VueForm, I hope this project all the best! 🙏

Following the installation instructions for Vite project + pnpm here: -- without shamefully hoisting -- VueForm dies with Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: default.

Additional context

I understand that a bug appearing when not strictly following the installation instructions does not constitute a bug, but in my eyes forcing users to use a highly discouraged practice (of shamefully hoisting) is the bug here.

Vue community has largely adopted pnpm as the default package manager (Vue itself, vue-router, pinia, etc.) and supporting it properly is something that a Vue package should do IMHO. The real reason behind this issue is non-standard/sub-optimal engineering which also makes good TypeScript support hard to do. I hope you consider fixing this issue for all pnpm users.


No response

File Element convertFormData not working for Vite >= 3.0.0


vite: 4.1.4 (or higher)
@vueform/vueform: 1.6.3


Issue is obvious and present for many months

Describe the bug

Following the example here: I used the following handler for uploading a file document:


const handleFileUpload = async function (file, el$) {
  console.log("file", file); -- this is not empty
  let uploadFormData = el$.form$.convertFormData({
  }); // becomes `FormData` object
  console.log(uploadFormData); -- this is empty, not a file blob

The functionality works fine with vite 2.9.12 but not if you upgrade. First saw this issue back in March.

Additional context

No response


No response

Required rule doesn't consider default value 0 with numeric/integer rule


@vueform/vueform: 1.8.0
vue: 3.4.20


Describe the bug

The default value equals 0 is expected to be accepted as a required numeric value, but this is not

Additional context

If the default value not equals 0 or there are no numeric/integer rules, then everything works as expected

If you change the value and then make it 0 again, then the value is accepted


No response

Astro Vueform integration issue


"@astrojs/vue": "^4.0.7",
"@vueform/vueform": "^1.6.5",
"astro": "^4.0.9",
"vue": "^3.3.8"


Describe the bug

I have an issue when trying to follow the Astro Vue integration docs, just wanted to check if I was doing something silly

I've followed this Vueform doc to try setup the project and I’m hitting the error “Cannot use import statement outside a module”

After checking here:[email protected] it looks like the warning "./dist/index.js is written in ESM, but is interpreted as CJS." could be related to my issue, but I'm not sure what makes this env setup unique enough to cause issues

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(node:12) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
17:19:43 [ERROR] Cannot use import statement outside a module
  Stack trace:
    at internalCompileFunction (
    at Module._compile (
    at Module.load (

Using EditorElement throws "The 'data' option should be a function that returns a per-instance value in component definitions."


Vue 2.7
Vueform 1.9.0


<template> <Vueform> <EditorElement name="note" label="Note" /> </Vueform> </template>

Describe the bug

Using the EditorElement throws the following error

vue.runtime.esm.js:4414 [Vue warn]: The "data" option should be a function that returns a per-instance value in component definitions.

found in

<EditorWrapper> <ElementLayout> <EditorElement> <FormElements> <Vueform>

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Missing text wrapping in the input boxes of TagElements


Vueform Builder (latest webapp)



Describe the bug

Text entered in the input box of TagElements do not wrap, casuing the text to flow out of the bounds of the component.

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