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notepadpp-wakatime's Issues

notepad++ slow to start

After I install the plugin, notepad++ will take about 10-20 seconds before the main editor will appear. And after I remove the plugins, the editor display in 1 or 2 sec.

Plugin not working

Install plugin for np++ also for MS word. But seems its not grab anything.

wanted compatibililty for Notepad++ v7.9.1

Hi there, I tried to integrate wakatime in latest version of wakatime. I tried as suggested in this site of wakatime. I updated the Notepad++ to latest version of 7.9.1 as of today.

I got the below error later.

waka time issue

I request for adding this compatibility in latest version of Notepad++ also.

What do you think of the idea? Do let me know if you have any suggestions for me.


pythonw.exe error showed twice on start

Hi !

Juste found your plugin and will absoluty test it but unfortunately, after installing and adding the key, everytime i start notepadd i got this pythonw.exe error Application couldn't start correctly ... I get this twice in a row on start, and several times after ..

Here is my debug conf

Notepad++ v7.4.2   (32-bit)
Build time : Jun 18 2017 - 23:34:19
Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : ComparePlugin.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll NppFTP.dll NPPSvn.dll NppTextFX.dll PluginManager.dll regrexplace.dll SpellChecker.dll WakaTime.dll 


Not tracking stats

The plugin doesn't fetch anything at all, even the logs show no errors at all (Wakatime works fine with other IDEs so, not global outage?)

I've searched in existing issues 'n seems like no one has proposed to this issue with a solution as in #44 #45

Logs (in Roaming Folder)

[Wakatime Info 03:46:36 PM] Initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 03:46:40 PM] wakatime-cli is up to date
[Wakatime Info 03:46:40 PM] Finished initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 04:01:50 PM] Initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 04:01:52 PM] wakatime-cli is up to date
[Wakatime Info 04:01:52 PM] Finished initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 04:21:33 PM] Initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 04:21:35 PM] wakatime-cli is up to date
[Wakatime Info 04:21:35 PM] Finished initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 04:22:21 PM] Initializing WakaTime v5.1.1
[Wakatime Info 04:22:23 PM] wakatime-cli is up to date
[Wakatime Info 04:22:23 PM] Finished initializing WakaTime v5.1.1

Core logs: no logs found (file is empty)

Extra info

Notepad++ Version: 8.4.7 (64-bit)

Crashes Notepad++ v.7.51

After about 30 minutes or so i am having to restart notepad++ as wakatime crashes it. Once i remove wakatime plugin, notepad++ runs flawlessly. It's affecting productivity.

Not detecting installed Python, and SSL error when downloading embedded Python

Error from WakaTime.log file:

[Wakatime Info 10:46:28 odp.] Initializing WakaTime v4.1.0
[Wakatime Debug 10:46:28 odp.] Downloading python...
[Wakatime Debug 10:46:28 odp.] No proxy will be used. It's either not set or badly formatted.
[Wakatime HandledException 10:46:28 odp.] Are you behind a proxy? Try setting a proxy in WakaTime Settings with format https://user:pass@host:port. Exception Traceback:: System.Net.WebException: Požadavek byl přerušen: Nelze vytvořit zabezpečený kanál SSL/TLS..
   v System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
   v WakaTime.Dependencies.DownloadAndInstallPython()
   v WakaTime.WakaTimePackage.InitializeAsync()
[Wakatime Info 10:46:28 odp.] Finished initializing WakaTime v4.1.0
[Wakatime HandledException 10:46:36 odp.] Could not send heartbeat because python is not installed: 
[Wakatime HandledException 10:46:44 odp.] Could not send heartbeat because python is not installed: 

The exception error message is:
System.Net.WebException: Request aborted: Unable to create secure SSL / TLS channel

I installed Python in default location (local) then again in "C:\Python" and still not working.

Startup time increased after installing

With the plugin installed to Notepad++, I've noticed that it takes a few seconds for the application to start. Without the plugin installed, the startup time of Notepad++ is nearly instantaneous.

Notepad 6.6.8 Hangs

When I install this plugin on my N++ it hangs my editor. It's not "Program has stopped working" but I totally cannot interact with my notepad. Can't close it. Have to shut it from task manager. Its happens everytime after 1-10 minutes.

Not compatible with current Notepad ++

I get the following error when opening Notepad++ with the plugin installed:

Failed to load

This plugin is not compatible with the current version of Notepad++.

I'm on version 6.8.3. It might be possible that it's a proxy issue being behind my work firewall. But I am transmitting data from PyCharm so I'm inclined to think that isn't the case.

Plugin is logging but not posting to site

I installed the plugin yesterday. The log output with debug true is not logging to AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config\WakaTime
The only output in that file i see is this:
1:20:02 PM : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : The operation has timed out.
And that's from yesterday. I've since restarted Notepad++ a few times.

What is logged is in USER.wakatime :

{"now": "2015/07/28 10:28:18 Central Daylight Time", "version": "4.1.0", "plugin": "notepadpp/394008 notepadpp-wakatime/2.0.0", "time": 1438097297.220843, "caller": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\AppData\\Roaming\\Notepad++\\plugins\\Config\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\languages\\", "lineno": 99, "file": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\Desktop\\2x ui punchlist.txt", "level": "DEBUG", "message": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"C:\\Users\\Chris\\AppData\\Roaming\\Notepad++\\plugins\\Config\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\languages\\\", line 93, in __init__\n    module = import_module('.%s' % module_name, package=__package__)\n  File \"C:\\Python34\\lib\\importlib\\\", line 109, in import_module\n    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)\n  File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 2254, in _gcd_import\n  File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 2237, in _find_and_load\n  File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 2224, in _find_and_load_unlocked\nImportError: No module named 'wakatime.languages.special'\n"}
{"now": "2015/07/28 10:28:41 Central Daylight Time", "version": "4.1.0", "plugin": "notepadpp/394008 notepadpp-wakatime/2.0.0", "time": 1438097321.392413, "caller": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\AppData\\Roaming\\Notepad++\\plugins\\Config\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\", "lineno": 316, "file": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\Documents\\GitHub\\stdev\\st\\db-migrations\\2015-07-28_100000_title-order-schema-updates.js", "level": "DEBUG", "message": "Sending heartbeat to api at"}
{"now": "2015/07/28 10:28:41 Central Daylight Time", "version": "4.1.0", "plugin": "notepadpp/394008 notepadpp-wakatime/2.0.0", "time": 1438097321.392413, "caller": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\AppData\\Roaming\\Notepad++\\plugins\\Config\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\", "lineno": 344, "file": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\Documents\\GitHub\\stdev\\st\\db-migrations\\2015-07-28_100000_title-order-schema-updates.js", "level": "DEBUG", "message": {"time": 1438097321.392413, "language": "JavaScript", "lines": 16, "branch": "alpha", "entity": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\Documents\\GitHub\\stdev\\st\\db-migrations\\2015-07-28_100000_title-order-schema-updates.js", "project": "st", "type": "file"}}
{"now": "2015/07/28 10:28:43 Central Daylight Time", "version": "4.1.0", "plugin": "notepadpp/394008 notepadpp-wakatime/2.0.0", "time": 1438097323.110631, "caller": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\AppData\\Roaming\\Notepad++\\plugins\\Config\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\languages\\", "lineno": 99, "isWrite": true, "file": "C:\\Users\\Chris\\Documents\\GitHub\\stdev\\st\\db-migrations\\2015-07-28_100000_title-order-schema-updates.js", "level": "DEBUG", "message": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"C:\\Users\\Chris\\AppData\\Roaming\\Notepad++\\plugins\\Config\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\languages\\\", line 93, in __init__\n    module = import_module('.%s' % module_name, package=__package__)\n  File \"C:\\Python34\\lib\\importlib\\\", line 109, in import_module\n    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)\n  File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 2254, in _gcd_import\n  File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 2237, in _find_and_load\n  File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 2224, in _find_and_load_unlocked\nImportError: No module named 'wakatime.languages.javascript'\n"}```

Wakatime not installing correctly via Notepad++


I have 2 bugs/issues with Wakatime for Notepad++

  1. When installing via the plugin manager, as described here, the %appdata%\Wakatime files are not installed, so Wakatime can't update.

  2. Wakatime will periodically freeze Notepad++, and the only way to get control is to either kill the process, or close it from the taskbar.
    This will happen seemingly at random, and can be after 5 minutes, or 2 hours, or anything in-between.

Both behaviours occur with x64 v8.1.2 and x86 v7.9.1 on Windows 10, with al the latest updates installed.

No log files created in Notepad++ 7.5.4 32 bit

I've got nothing - nothing being written to the logs at all. In fact, when I went to the directory the log file was meant to be in, there was no log at all. I created a blank file, hoping maybe it would work then, but nada.

If I type wakatime in the command line, I get an error - maybe the CLI is not being downloaded?

I installed the plugin using the Plugin Manager. I tried running Notepad++ as administrator and reinstalling the Wakatime plugin, but nothing changed.

I'm running Windows 10 64-bit, with Notepad++ 7.5.4 32 bit, and the latest Plugin manager

Notepad++ freezes and can't be clicked on anywhere.

Similar to issue #34 , my Notepad++ will hang/freeze, several times throughout the day when I have the WakaTime plugin installed.
If I uninstall it, the problem goes away.

If I doubleclick a text file, it opens into NP++, but it remains otherwise frozen.

I have tried re-installing the plugin, but with no success.

This happens across two laptops, work & personal. Both are Win 10 with the latest updates, NP++ is & 8.1.2 respectively.

Is this something I can prevent somehow?

do not suppot X64

hi, i am using X64 notepad++ which do not support X86 plugins now, would please update the plugins, thanks very much

Not compatible with laltest Notepad++ 6.9.2


It seems Wakatime-Notpad++ plugin is not compatible with latest Notepad++ (6.9.2) version

Getting attached error. I am using Windows 7, 64 bit - i7 processor.


notepad++ 7.9.0 not working log file has error,don‘t no what's mean

{"now": "2021/05/13 16:20:11 +0800", "version": "13.1.0", "plugin": "notepadpp/458845 notepadpp-wakatime/4.2.2", "time": 1620894004.489945, "caller": "C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\", "lineno": 62, "file": "C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Desktop\\\u65b0\u5efa\u6587\u4ef6\u5939 (3)\\new 1.txt", "level": "ERROR", "message": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\\", line 66, in execute\n hb = Heartbeat(vars(args), args, configs)\n File \"C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\\", line 109, in __init__\n project, branch = get_project_info(configs, self, data)\n File \"C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\\", line 92, in get_project_info\n project_file = os.path.join(project.folder(), '.wakatime-project')\n File \"C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\WakaTime\\wakatime-master\\wakatime\\projects\\\", line 45, in folder\n if 'Repository Root' not in\nAttributeError: 'Subversion' object has no attribute 'info'\n"}

Please enter valid API key

When trying to enter the API key (either with or without the "waka_" prefix), the following message comes up.


It looks like the field only accepts 36 characters, and the full API key is 41 characters.

notepadpp-wakatime version: 5.1.0
np++ version: 8.4.8
Windows 10

i get this error log in notepad++ plugin

13:57:38 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : The remote name could not be resolved: ''
13:57:41 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : "C:\Users\KJ\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\wakatime-master\wakatime\" --key="" --file="new 0" --plugin="notepadpp/393293 notepadpp-wakatime/1.0.0"
13:57:41 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.
14:17:05 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
14:17:09 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : "C:\Users\KJ\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\wakatime-master\wakatime\" --key="" --file="new 0" --plugin="notepadpp/393293 notepadpp-wakatime/1.0.0"
14:17:09 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.
14:21:12 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
14:21:19 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
14:25:00 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
15:52:34 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
16:47:41 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
10:34:41 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
10:44:03 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
10:44:16 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : "C:\Users\KJ\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\wakatime-master\wakatime\" --key="" --file="new 0" --plugin="notepadpp/393293 notepadpp-wakatime/1.0.0"
10:44:16 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.
10:44:17 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : "C:\Users\KJ\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\wakatime-master\wakatime\" --key="" --file="C:\TC\BIN\BEAT.CPP" --plugin="notepadpp/393293 notepadpp-wakatime/1.0.0"
10:44:17 : WakaTime : ERROR : Could not send heartbeat : Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.
10:51:00 : WakaTime : ERROR : An exception occured : Could not load file or assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

please do check and let me know

Doesn't Work with Notepad++ V7.6.3 (64-Bit)

My OS is Windows 10 Home 64 bit. with above notepad++ version.
Followed the documented procedures but the plugin doesn't seem to work
If Need additional details please ask.

Randomly freezes becomes unresponsive

i'm not sure if notepad is crashing or exactly what's going on, but for some reason notepad will in a sense become minimized and unresponsive. the only way to fix the issue is if i close and reopen it, which can cause massive issues if you don't regularly save your work...

Windows 10 64-bit version 1709
Notepad version 7.5.1

Notepad++ hangs and then unable to click on notepad++ window anywhere.

Description of the Issue
Notepad++ hangs and then unable to click on notepad++ window anywhere.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue
Open Notepad++ Window.
Open any program & and after sometime Notepad++ hangs and show the process in "Suspended" state.
Only closing from the taskbar "Close Window" & reopening solves this problem and sometimes "Close window" also does not work then Only "End Task" from Task Manager do the trick.
If there are some unsaved file open, I do see the option to save file, But still Notepad++ remains unclickable.

This behavior only occurs after installing the wakatime plugin.

Reference: notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus#4295

This still happens to me.

Expected Behavior
Notepad++ should not hang and becomes unclickable.
Actual Behavior
Notepad++ hangs and then unable to click on notepad++ window anywhere.

Plugin does not work with Notepad++ v7.8.9 and does not generate log file

Description of the issue
Not 100% sure the version on Notepad++ is really the reason of this issue. But Notepad++ does not generate log files but it properly configured. VS Code from the same machine is able to submit with no issues.

Steps to reproduce

  • Install Notepad++ v7.8.9
  • Install WakaTime via Plugins admin
  • Configure and restart Notepad++
  • Log fill in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config\WakaTime.log does not get generated

Steps tested so far

  • Re-install Notepad++
  • Re-install WakaTime via Plugins Admin
  • Run Notepad++ as administrator

Issue in Windows 10

I have WakaTime installed and working with Netbeans correctly. However, I went to install it with Notepad++ and went though all the steps and I see in the WakaTime.log the following error:

[Wakatime Debug 10:12:09 AM] CLI STDERR: pythonw: can't open file 'C:\Users\Nathan\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\wakatime-master\wakatime\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I looked in that directory and there is no wakatime-master directory so I'm guessing whatever happens when Notepad++ runs the .dll it doesn't have the permissions to do it. I tried running Notepad++ as administrator and that didn't seem to help. Any ideas?

Downloads ~2.5MB every time Notepad++ is launched

Each time Notepad++ is launched, a web request is made to the following URL:

This seems unnecessary to do every time the application is started. If it's just pulling down some code, ideally it would cache this data locally and retrieve it only when it differs from the latest version on Github.

Is this perhaps the underlying cause for #6?

Edit: After briefly looking at the code, it seems that it's supposed to cache this data, and only retrieve it when it doesn't exist.

The conditional calls DoesCliExist() as well as IsCliLatestVersion().

The code for DoesCliExist() is relied on elsewhere (or else the plugin wouldn't work at all, from what I can tell), so it seems somewhat safe to assume that the bug isn't in that method.

Having not looked into it much further than this, the code for IsCliLatestVersion() seems to be erroneously returning false. the issue may have something to do with this conditional, but without actually debugging it, I can't be certain.

For what it's worth, here's the output of the roughly equivalent command entered directly into the command prompt.

C:\Users\Joshua>python "C:\Users\Joshua\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config\wakatime-master\wakatime\" --version

Which, at a glance, seems to match the constant defined in that file.

WakaTime causing Notepad++ to freeze

I was trying to install the new version (4.3.0) to fix this issue... and get the following message:

"This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your unicode Notepad++
WakaTime.dll is not compatible with the current version of Notepad++"

NP++ v8.4.6

Any idea what causes this?

v2.0.3 can't work normally

the log is:
[Wakatime Info 04:29:57 下午] Initializing WakaTime v2.0.3
[Wakatime HandledException 04:29:57 下午] Error initializing Wakatime: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'IntPtr System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(!!0)'.
at WakaTime.FuncItems.Add(FuncItem funcItem)
at WakaTime.PluginBase.SetCommand(Int32 index, String commandName, NppFuncItemDelegate functionPointer, ShortcutKey shortcut, Boolean checkOnInit)
at WakaTime.PluginBase.SetCommand(Int32 index, String commandName, NppFuncItemDelegate functionPointer, ShortcutKey shortcut)
at WakaTime.WakaTime.CommandMenuInit()

Error: Unknown Exception

After installing, i always got error box: "Unknown Exception" when launching notepad++.
Also, it taking so long to notepad++ to start after i clicked it.

[ASK]How WakaTimes recognize Project in NPP?

Ah, hello, I want to ask to @alanhamlett about project tracking, I use NPP alot for developing PHP, and NPP support categorizing project, nah until now WakaTime not record any data about the project and provide it with unknown project, anyway how I could make wakaTime recognize my project on NPP? Thanks

Projects Not Grouping

Everything I'm editing goes into a big Unknown Project, and I can't rename or delete that project. How can I select a specific project to have tracked time go towards?

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