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boltello's Introduction


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with boltello
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


Install Katello and capsule servers with Puppet Bolt.

"Katello is a systems life cycle management plugin to Foreman. Katello allows you to manage thousands of machines with one click. Katello can pull content from remote repositories into isolated environments, and make subscriptions management a breeze."

"Foreman (also known as The Foreman) is an open source complete life cycle systems management tool for provisioning, configuring and monitoring of physical and virtual servers. Foreman has deep integration to configuration management software, with Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Salt and other solutions through plugins, which allows users to automate repetitive tasks, deploy applications, and manage change to deployed servers."

"The Smart Proxy server is a Katello component that provides federated services to discover, provision, control, and configure hosts. Each Katello server includes a Default Smart Proxy, and you may deploy additional Smart Proxies to remote data centers."

"Bolt's agentless multi-platform solution allows you to get started without the prerequisites of an agent or any Puppet knowledge. Choose your operating system, follow the install link and run the listed Bolt command via your command line interface."

References: Satellite, Puppet

This Bolt project replaces the Katello installer -- e.g., foreman-installer -- with Puppet Bolt. Configuration data is derived from foreman-installer answer files and stored in boltello's Hiera backend. Roughly ~30% of this project's content is YAML data; the remainder is a collection of Bolt tasks and plans, with a scant amount of Puppet DSL code provided as glue. Puppet module dependencies are sourced from Puppet Forge with Bolt, as referenced in this project's Puppetfile.

Boltello was created out of a desire to produce an enterprisey-installation of open source Puppet, replete with all of the bells and whistles preconfigured; i.e, the Foreman GUI and ENC, Katello packaging management, Hiera, r10k and Foreman REX integration, fully configured upon first deployment. Additionally, the ability to deploy complete Katello infrastructure, including capsule servers and Puppet agents from one host was paramount; as well as the ability to migrate a fleet of agents to a new pupetmaster via automation tooling.

NOTE: A default Katello installation configures each Puppet compile master, or capsule server, as a Certificate Authority. In contrast, Boltello scales Katello infrastructure by centralizing the (Puppet) certificate authority on the Katello server and configuring capsule servers to proxy certificate requests to the designated Katello server; i.e. the Puppet master CA.


  • In place upgrades of Katello/Foreman
  • Migrate agents from one puppetmaster to another with the 'boltello::add_nodes' plan
  • Manage cross-datacenter Foreman/Puppet federation with a single Puppet CA
  • Manage catalog master installations remotely, from the Katello master server using Bolt
  • Proxy puppet agent certificate requests through catalog masters to the Puppet CA using nginx
  • Install a puppet agent and bind it to its respective catalog master with a single command
    curl -k https://fqdn-of-local-master:8140/install | bash
  • Manage Foreman's ignored_environments feature with the 'boltello::ignored_environments' Array
    • Where environments are the branches of your control repo which you don't wish to be visible to Foreman:
        - 'common'
  • Manage the Yum versionlock plugin with the 'boltello::versionlock_packages' Hash
      'puppetserver': '6.4.0'
      'fuafup': '13.9.4'
      'susfu': '1.7.1'
  • Foreman Remote Execution, r10k and Hiera integration
  • Foreman Hammer client integration

A note regarding Hiera lookup()

  • Bolt's Hiera implementation is explicity disallowed from interpolating fact values in Hiera lookups
  • This means that any key with an interpolation token in its value is REMOVED from search returns by Bolt
  • To solve around this limitation, boltello swaps lookup() with the loadyaml() function to access the raw YAML in data/plans/shared.yaml
  • Additionally, shared.yaml is aliased thoughout the hierarchy for normal Puppet lookups in order to avoid data duplication

Generating a CSR

  • Boltello loads the "subject_alt_names" array as raw YAML and combines the result of a regex on the node's "certname", with a split on each element of the array containing an interpolation token; e.g., '%' (see above)
  • The sole assumption is that any interpolation token used in the "subject_alt_names" array references a "domain" fact; e.g., %{facts.networking.domain}
  • Dirty interpolation via loadyaml() is provided as a means to localize DNS records per datacenter/location; no other fact values are manipulated as described above
  • Also see the "boltello::katello_alt_names" array which contains cnames for the katello server/puppet master CA
  • Be careful editing any metadata outside of data/plans/shared.yaml
  • See hiera.yaml

Certificate Management

  • Katello comes with a suite of certificate management tools
  • Katello/Capsule server certificates are generated with the katello/certs module
  • Puppet certificates are generated via a Bolt task which adds custom subject alternative names to the CSR
  • Once certificates are generated via Puppet module and task, they're shipped to their respective host for deployment using Bolt's 'upload_file' method
  • Use Katello certificate tools for managing certificates after installtion and initial configuration



ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f /root/.ssh/bolt_id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/ >> /home/centos/.ssh/authorized_keys
### Distribute your public key if necessary ###
rpm -Uvh
yum -y install puppet-bolt
yum -y install git
git clone 
cd ~/boltello
export PATH="/opt/puppetlabs/bin:$PATH"
bolt puppetfile install
bolt plan run boltello::build_katello

What boltello affects

Package/Feature Katello Catalog/Proxy Agent

Setup Requirements

  • Port connectivity - see chart
  • Install and configure Puppet Bolt
  • Ensure SSH public-key authentication across all nodes
  • Clone this bolt project
  • Edit the Hiera data to match your environment
  • Source the Puppet module dependencies
  • Exec the Bolt orchestration plans


The following steps are to be completed on the Katello server

  1. Install Bolt:
    rpm -Uvh
    yum -y install puppet-bolt
  2. Install Git
    yum -y install git
  3. From the root user's $home directory on the Katello server, clone the project; e.g., /root/boltello
    cd ~/
    git clone
  4. Generate/copy the private/public key pair
    • The public key needs to be distributed to all hosts.

Bolt workflow

The following steps are to be completed on the Katello server

  1. Edit the inventory.yaml file and add the katello server's hostname to the katello group's nodes array. Also be sure to add the proxy server/s to the proxy group's node array:
    vi ~/boltello/inventory.yaml
  2. Add the katello server's hostname and proxy server hostnames to the shared.yaml file. The keys to look for are:
    • Leave the '%{trusted.certname}' entry unedited in the proxy server array.
    • Update the usernames/passwords for your deployment.
    • Data in shared.yaml is distributed throughout the hierarchy via interpolation functions.
    • Optionally, edit the r10k remote setting in shared.yaml:
      'boltello::r10k_remote': ''
  3. Next, use Bolt to sync the dependency modules:
    cd ~/boltello
    bolt puppetfile install
  4. Run the boltello::build_katello plan:
    bolt plan run boltello::build_katello 
    The above plan builds the katello server and generates certificates for each proxy server found in the inventory file. For a monolithic build of katello; e.g., no proxies, run the command below and skip step 5:
    bolt plan run boltello::build_katello monolithic=true
    Primary command line options
    agent_only     # installs puppet and exits plan
    katello_prep   # installs puppet and katello packages only
    monolithic     # installs puppet and katello packages, sets facts and runs puppet apply
    Other options
    force       # ensures installation even if desired version is achieved
    Options represent runtime stages and are mutually exclusive.
  5. Run the boltello::build_proxies plan:
    bolt plan run boltello::build_proxies
    This plan reads in targets from the inventory. See below for adding new proxy servers.


  1. Ensure hosts and proxies are added to the correct locations and organizations. Proxies must be disambiguated by location. This Hammer CLI guide may be helpful getting started with Hammer. Also review the Hammer commands for managing these configurations.

  2. Add katello content and publish it.

  3. Add agents to Katello

    • Run the 'boltello::add_nodes' plan:

      With proxies:

      bolt plan run boltello::add_nodes --targets $targets server=proxy1.internal


      bolt plan run boltello::add_nodes --targets $targets monolithic=true

      Migrating from an existing Puppet master:

      bolt plan run boltello::add_nodes --targets $targets migrate_hosts=true manage_package=false force=true server=proxy1.internal 

      Other command line options

      fresh_install removes existing packages; force removes the certificate directory, without creating a backup; clean_certs will force remove a certificate on the katello CA:

      bolt plan run boltello::add_nodes --targets $targets \
        migrate_hosts=true \
        fresh_install=true \
        clean_certs=true \
        force=true \
    • Optionally, the following command, executed on a node intended to be a puppet agent, will install the puppet agent package and bind the agent to its respective catalog master/capsule server:

      curl -k https://<fqdn-of-capsule>:8140/install | bash

      This command can be included in a bootstrap script, executed during host provisioning workflows.

      Note: The 'boltello::enable_remote_agent_install' is set to true by default; please consider any security implications as autosign is enabled by default on the katello CA.

  4. Scaling boltello with additional proxies (monolithic or with proxies):

    • Ensure BOTH new proxy/proxies and existing proxies are present in inventory.yaml and data/plans/shared.yaml
    • Run the 'boltello::build_katello' plan to whitelist the new proxies on the katello server
    • Ensure the 'boltello::build_katello' plan does not include the 'monolithic=true' argument when run
    • Run the 'boltello::build_proxies' plan with the new proxies set as the target list:
      bolt plan run boltello::build_katello
      bolt plan run boltello::build_proxies --targets $proxies
  5. Upgrade Katello and Foreman in place:

    • Take a snapshot and/or use foreman-maintain to backup and protect your data.

    • Upgrades must be performed incrementally.

    • Downgrade is not possible.

    • Run the 'boltello::katello_upgrade' plan as shown in the example below.

    • Assuming the current Katello version is 3.12 and you want to upgrade to 3.14, the updrade steps would be:

      With proxies:

      bolt plan run boltello::katello_upgrade --targets $targets katello_version=3.13 foreman_version=1.23
      bolt plan run boltello::katello_upgrade --targets $targets katello_version=3.14 foreman_version=1.24


      bolt plan run boltello::katello_upgrade katello_version=3.13 foreman_version=1.23 monolithic=true
      bolt plan run boltello::katello_upgrade katello_version=3.14 foreman_version=1.24 monolithic=true
    • The plan is idempotent and may need to be run more than once. To re-run the plan against a node, use the "force" switch:

      bolt plan run boltello::katello_upgrade --target proxy3.internal katello_version=3.13 foreman_version=1.23 force=true
    • Database operations are performed each run until the installed katello version matches the command line version.

    • Optionally, use 'maintain_database=true' to include database operations each time the plan is executed.

    • Database options:

      maintain_database   # default value false: perform database operations each run 
      manage_candlepin    # default value true: updates the candlepin database
      manage_pulp         # default value true: updates the pulp database
      optimize_database   # default value false: reclaims database storage after migration 
      delete_auditrecords # default value false: delete audit records older than $days_audit days
      delete_reports      # default value false: delete reports older than $days_reports days
      days_audit          # default value 10
      days_reports        # default value 2
      rails_env           # default value production


      bolt plan run boltello::katello_upgrade \
        katello_version=3.14 \
        foreman_version=1.24 \
        monolithic=true \
        force=true \
        maintain_database=true \
        optimize_database=true \
        delete_auditrecords=true \
    • The ' optimize_database' option uses a selector to locate the database-appropriate command by sniffing the database adapter in /etc/foreman/database.yml.

    • The 'boltello::katello_upgrade' plan runs two health checks:

      • check the status of katello services
      • check for active katello tasks

      If the service check fails, the plan attempts to start katello services. If the active tasks check fails, the plan will exit with an error message. If a failure condition exists, cancel the tasks in katello and re-run the plan. You can also try deleting failed/paused tasks in postgresql:

      su - postgres
      psql foreman
      delete from foreman_tasks_tasks where id in(select id from foreman_tasks_tasks where state = 'paused' and result = 'error');
      delete from foreman_tasks_tasks where id in(select id from foreman_tasks_tasks where state = 'stopped' and result = 'error');
    • Once all katello infrastructure is upgraded, update the version metadata in hiera and re-run the 'boltello::build_katello' and 'boltello::build_proxies' plans with "force=true" to ensure fully converged infrastructure.

    • Reboot nodes if necessary; i.e., changes in SELinux policies, etc.


See the Katello documentation. Also be sure to review the included per-role Hiera data.

Port Requirements

Port Protocol Service Purpose
80 TCP HTTP Anaconda, yum, Katello certificates, templates, downloading iPXE firmware
443 TCP HTTPS Subscription Management, yum, Telemetry Services, Foreman dashboard
5467 TCP AMQP Katello Agent communication with Qpid dispatch router
8140 TCP HTTPS Puppet agent/Puppet master communication
9090 TCP HTTPS Smart Proxy communication


Katello Documentation


Centos/7 only.


Fork, branch and send me a pull request.

Release Notes/Contributors/Etc.

Gerard Ryan

boltello's People


superfantasticawesome avatar



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