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profiles's Issues

I can delete a catalog source from my cluster

The API needs to handle removing things from the profiles array which are associated with that catalog.

This would be useful to have sooner rather than later, because right now the integration tests keep failing when run multiple times as the in memory list persists between runs

I can update my profile subscription values

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
After deploying my profile subscription with a set of values I want to be able to update the values and have the changes propagate to the running deployments

After #69 this might be a no-op for certain cases as changes to the subscription will result to changes in the artifacts. Regardless testing needs to be added + how this works when using a configmap instead of a list of values

Why do you want this feature?
So that I can update my deployments

I can install a Profile that contains a Profile

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
Add basic support for having a profile as an artifact

e.g. Profile A:

kind: Profile
  name: profile-A
  description: Profile for deploying nginx
  version: v0.0.1
    - name: nginx-server
      path: nginx/chart
      kind: HelmChart

Profile B:

kind: Profile
  name: profile-B
  description: Profile for deploying nginx
  version: v0.0.1
    - name: nginx-server
        branch: main
      kind: Profile
    - name: nginx-consumer
      path: some/helm/chart
      kind: HelmChart

Why do you want this feature?
So that I can write more granular re-usable profiles

Wards against breaking changes in `pctl` from `profiles`


Changes in profiles can break things in pctl. There are two types of breakages and changes:

Compile time

Some changes, like type renaming, api changes that are directly used and imported by pctl will break pctl's compile.


Changes to output, changes in profiles name or things in the YAML files which are installed and tested by pctl.

Solution 1

Version the usage of profile in pctl so breaking changes aren't so apparent. Versioning also has the benefit of setting up testing and overwriting a version to a latest tag. This requires two things.

Versioning in Profiles

We already do this now somewhat with tags and releases. It's just not happening every time now which is what we need. Publish more tags and release more versions.

Pin in Go modules

In pctl we need a pin to a specific version and add an ability to say update-modules.
go.mod v0.0.1


The test then can use a replace target call before running the test to update to the latest version:

go mod -replace[email protected]

I can create a profile with a text editor and a git client

Create a simple profile in a "profile repository".

kind: Profile
  name: nginx-profile
  description: <insert description>
  maturity: alpha
  owner: WeaveWorks <[email protected]>
  version: v0.0.1
    # An artifact references a Helm chart, a local path, or a remote Profile.
    # version, url go together, and path is mutually exclusive with the url/version
    - name: nginx-server
      path: nginx/chart # <- relative to the profile.yaml, this gets the example nginx Helm chart we want to deploy.

This story involves creating a valid Helm chart and a profile.yaml that points to the Helm chart.

I can configure "exposed" values on a profile containing raw yaml

something along the lines of:

$ pctl show weaveworks/nginx-ingress
Version: 1.10.1
Catalog: weaveworks (
Prerequisites: Kubernetes 1.18+
Description: NGINX Ingress Controller
Maintainer: WeaveWorks <[email protected]>
Configurable values: containerPort, somethingElse...

not exact api, just illustrative

kind: ProfileSubscription
  name: nginx-profile-test
  namespace: default
  branch: main
     containerPort: 8080
     somethingElse: foo

[Investigate] How can we discover outdated profiles?

Example UX:

$ pctl outdated --namespaces dev-pesto,dev-pitch-black
dev-pesto       weaveworks/nginx-ingress 1.10.2 [upgradable from: 1.10.1] auto (6hrs)
dev-pitch-black weaveworks/nginx-ingress 1.10.2 [upgradable from: 1.10.1] manual

Outcomes for this ticket:
The aim here is to investigate/play around/spike and come up with a good solution (or several potential solutions) for how we discover when profiles fall out of date.

Add any ideas with pros and cons in this thread (or link to a googledoc if the discussion and investigation could get lengthy).

This ticket is complete when a follow up user feature has been created to actually implement the work.

[Documentation] How we will implement multi-profile repos with tagging

We want users to be able to have multiple profiles in a repo. We also want users to use git tags to version profiles.

Lets document how users should layout there repo when it contains multiple profiles, and how to do tagging. Kustomize uses a relatively straight forward approach for tagging a repo that contains muiltiple products. For example it contains the following tags:


The prefix to the version references the component name and its path. So for example on the kyaml/v0.10.19 git tag, if you go to the kyaml directory it contains the kyaml source code for version v0.10.19.

The doc should:

  • explaining our approach
  • list out the required changes
    • e.g. Introducing tag field (placeholder #102)

Add GH action PR check for docs

Add a Github Action which checks that PRs with the kind/feature labels have modified the The PR should not be mergeable without it. This may require a ticket/PR to corp to add this requirement to the branch protection rules

Install a profile from a private repository


Currently the profile fetching in the Git implementation is not using authentication. We would like to provide private repository options as well, which means authentication needs to be implemented there.


What kind of authentication that will be is up for debate and needs to be further discussed.

Proposition 1

A client factory.
TODO: flesh this out

Proposition 2

TODO: flesh this out

A chain pattern of providers.

Handle multiple ProfileCatalogSources with the same name in different namespaces

The pctl show commands shows details of a profile:

pctl --catalog-url http://localhost:8000 show <catalog-name>/<profile-name>

The catalog name here comes from metadata.Name of the ProfileCatalogSource resource, but one can add multiple ProfileCatalogSource resources with the same name to different namespaces. It's not clear what the show command should return in this case.

I can customize the values of my profile with a helm values file

When deploying a Helm chart from a profile, I want to be able to provide configuration for the deployed chart.

apiVersion: ...
kind: ProfileSubscription
   values: # This should be taken from the config for the Nginx chart and applied to the HelmRelease
      foo: value1
      baz: value2
      - item1
      - item2
   - configMapKeyRef:
       # Name of the config map
       name: default-values  # mandatory
       # Namespace of the config map
       namespace: my-ns      # optional; defaults to HelmRelease namespace
       # Key in the config map to get the values from
       key: values.yaml      # optional; defaults to values.yaml
       # If set to true successful retrieval of the values file is no
       # longer mandatory
       optional: false       # optional; defaults to false


This should work in Fluxv2.

Documentation for configuring HelmReleases

This is not concerned with Secrets or ConfigMaps, if a value is exposed by the Helm chart, this can configure it.

Filter returned results based on access to catalog sources

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

Currently we cache the results, but we should only return results from ProfileCatalogSources that the "current user" has access to.

This probably involves querying for accessible sources, and then filtering the results based on the accessible elements, we don't need to reindex.

Why do you want this feature?

Enterprise access-control is used to control access to objects (via policies etc), and we should make it easy to prevent installation of profiles that user doesn't have access to.

Set up release flow

Task to set up basic releasing workflow, should include pushing docker image.

You should not be able to recursively nest profiles

currently we only check 1 deep to see if the current profiles is artifacting itself. Lets add a check to ensure that no matter how many profiles down the recursion occurs it is caught.

Profile on branch main

kind: Profile
  name: nginx
  description: Profile for deploying nginx
  version: v0.0.1
    - name: nested-profile
      kind: Profile
        branch: helm-artifact     

Where helm-artifact is:

kind: Profile
  name: nginx
  description: Profile for deploying nginx
  version: v0.0.1
    - name: nested-profile
      kind: Profile
        branch: foo

Where foo is:

kind: Profile
  name: nginx
  description: Profile for deploying nginx
  version: v0.0.1
    - name: nested-profile
      kind: Profile
        branch: main

This should error out as we are installing profile on branch main that eventually contains itself as an artifact

Authenticate to a repository for a profile

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

Access to a private repository to access a profile.

Why do you want this feature?
Some profiles will not be public, and we want access to access them.

Install by generating a ProfileSubscription

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

Install a profile by generating a ProfileSubscription, that can install Profile with a secret or configmap. (assuming config map exists in cluster.)

$ pctl install weaveworks/nginx-ingress --namespace europe --config-secret=service-config-secret
kind: ProfileSubscription

I can then apply that yaml to my cluster and see that my profile is installed with my values set.

Why do you want this feature?

I want to be able to create a subscription to a specific profile.

Document and create an example profiles repository

As part of #108 we agreed on an implementation for multi-profile repos and how to tag them. We need to document how users can setup a profile repository and can setup an example repo that contains multiple profiles & tags.


  • I can read docs on how to setup a repo containing multi profiles and tags
  • I have a repo I can go to to see an example

I can install a profile by updating the gitops repository with the subscription

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

As per story #26 but putting the profile subscription into a git repository.

As a user:

  1. I have an existing gitops repo in Github. This repo is connected to Flux running in my cluster
  2. I cd to a local directory which is my gitops repo
  3. I run the pctl command to install a profile with secret values provided via a config map
  4. I see output telling me that
    1. A new branch has been created in my repo
    2. A single commit has been added to that branch
    3. A PR has been opened on my gitops repo from that new branch against my default branch
    4. A link to the PR which I can merge
  5. I can navigate to that PR in my gitops repo
  6. I can see that the PR adds a single ProfileSubscription yaml file, which details the profile I requested in my initial install command.
  7. I can merge that PR, and I should see that:
    1. My profile is installed into my cluster by Flux
    2. The values I have requested have been applied

Example UI:

$ pctl install weaveworks/nginx-ingress --namespace europe --config-secret=service-config-secret
Branch 'install-nginx-agf10' created with Profile installation.
Pull Request opened on GitHub repository
You can merge this PR by visiting:

# user merges PR
# waits for flux to pick up

$ kubectl get pods # etc
# wooo such profile

Why do you want this feature?

We're GitOps!


Take a look at for creating a branch easily

[Spike] Explores ways of extracting profiles from private Git repository

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
Currently we have a simple hard-coded set of profiles in a catalog source.

// ProfileCatalogSourceSpec defines the desired state of ProfileCatalogSource
type ProfileCatalogSourceSpec struct {
	// Profiles is the list of profiles exposed by the catalog
	Profiles []ProfileDescription `json:"profiles,omitempty"`

Possible solutions

GitRepository resource

This is a proposal to alternatively, parse a Flux GitRepository artifact for profiles, something like:

type GitRepositoryReference corev1.LocalObjectReference

// ProfileCatalogSourceSpec defines the desired state of ProfileCatalogSource
type ProfileCatalogSourceSpec struct {
	// Profiles is the list of profiles exposed by the catalog
	Profiles []ProfileDescription `json:"profiles,omitempty"`
        GitRepository *GitRepositoryReference `json:"gitRepository,omitempty"`

This would point at a Flux GitRepository in the same namespace (for simplicity of access).

We should grab the status from this object, which includes the SHA and the URL for downloading the source as a tarball.

We should look for profile.yaml files in the tarball, parse and index the data just as if it was an embedded profile.

Why do you want this feature?

This is necessary to access profiles stored in Git repositories.

I suspect we'll need more, to do versioning of the repo etc.


A set of proposals on how to solve this, with some (hacky) demos

Add support for installing profiles from a tag

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

Placeholder, may change depending on the output of #76

Follow up to #76, now we have documented and understand our approach for tagging we need to add support for getting a profile from a tag. Currently a subscription looks like:

kind: ProfileSubscription
  name: nginx-profile-test
  namespace: default
  branch: main

We use the profileURL and branch to fetch the profile. This story is to introduce a new alternative to the branch field, tag

kind: ProfileSubscription
  name: nginx-profile-test
  namespace: default
  tag: nginx/1.2.3

Why do you want this feature?
So I can install a profile from a tag

I can set config values for multiple Helm charts

From #45 (comment)

how do we want to handle helm values now that the profile can contain multiple helmchart artifacts? Currently its 1 top-level set of values passed into both helmcharts, which obviously causes some limitations. Do we want to start scoping the variables per-artifacts?

Add support for installing a profile from a tag or path

As part of #108 we agreed how we will implement multi-profile repos and tagging. We now need to update the controller and profile subscription to pull from these repos. We now need to update the profile subscription to match:


Version (git tag) workflow:

kind: ProfileSubscription
  name: foo-test
  namespace: default
  version: foo/v0.1.2

This should result in the foo directory in git tag foo/v0.1.2 being the source of truth for this profile


Branch & path base workflow:

kind: ProfileSubscription
  name: bar-test
  namespace: default
  branch: main
  path: bar/

This should result in the bar directory on branch main being the source of truth for this profile

Profile installation via Git

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
Installing a profile.

This is about installing a profile to a "git repository".

Assuming that you have a cluster configuration repository, installation of a
profile should look like this:

This also assumes that the profile has helm-chart references.

$ pctl install

This should result in the generation of several files relative to the cluster
configuration repository root.

In the paths below, the nginx-profile part should come from the profile-name
(let's not worry too much about conflicts here).


To get there, I suspect that we need to rename the ProfileDefinition to a
Profile, there's no controller (initially) for this, but the CR is installed
into the cluster.

To deploy this, we'd be deploying the artifacts directory.

For this iteration, we need to side-step values configuration.

Why do you want this feature?

Support Helm Chart Repository Chart installations

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

Currently, we support charts that are embedded in the profile itself, but we should be able to support upstream charts from chart repositories.

Why do you want this feature?

To simplify the installation of a provided Helm Chart.

This should use a HelmRepository rather than a GitRepository.

Set up branch defaulting to main

Currently we set the default branch in the controller, let's have a webhook do that instead. We can add further things to this as we like.

Improve pod names


To check your subscription was successful, you can inspect the nginx pod: kubectl describe pod [-n <namespace>] <pod-name>. The pod name will be comprised of profileSubscriptionName-profileDefinitionName-artifactName-xxxx

The separation character - is always the same, whether the sections have semantic meaning, or not.

Is there some advantage (besides convention) to separating artifactName and xxxx?
I feel like profileSubscriptionName-profileDefinitionName-artifactNamexxxx without the last - is already an improvement because it's 3 items (instead of 4) for a human to parse.

Could we use other UTF-8 characters here like

What do other people think?

Avoid using latest in manager tag version

It's not nice for several reasons:

Latest Tag on image pull and updating

Leaving the tag at least will significantly hinder the update process since we don't set image pull policy to always.

Image tag is always latest

This also means that on each tag release the tag version for the controller manager is actually always latest and not the version that we are publishing. That means if a user pulls / prepares a version say, v0.0.1, they will get a manifest file for which the tag will be latest and not actually the version they wanted.

Show profile details from a catalog

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

Show profile details

$ pctl show weaveworks/nginx-ingress --catalog-url
Version: 1.10.1
Catalog: weaveworks (
Prerequisites: Kubernetes 1.18+
Description: NGINX Ingress Controller
Maintainer: WeaveWorks <[email protected]>

Why do you want this feature?

Before installing a profile, I want to make sure that it will work with my cluster and that it provides what I expect.

Prevent arbitrary artifact resources modifications

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
If I create a profile that creates a HelmRelease resource, if a users tries to manually edit the spec the controller should overwrite any changes and it bring it back to the desired state. Essentially mirroring the same behaviour that would occur if you tried to modify a pod owned by a deployment.

The same should occur if a user deletes the HelmRelease, it should get recreated.

Why do you want this feature?
To prevent the artifact resources from drifting out of sync

Detect when a profile update is available

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
After installing a profile I want to be notified when a newer version of a profile is available.


If my catalog consists of:

kind: ProfileCatalogSource
  name: nginx-catalog
    - name: nginx
      description: This installs nginx.
      version: 1.0.0
      maintainer: weaveworks (
      - Kubernetes 1.18+

and I deploy my subscription:

kind: ProfileSubscription
  name: nginx-profile-test
  namespace: default
  profileName: nginx
  catalog: nginx-catalog
  version: 1.0.0

and a new version 1.0.1 of nginx gets added to my catalog I should get a notification that my profile subscription is out of date.

How to notify the user

Lest start by updating the pctl get and pctl list to have a new column "Available Updates" that has a list of versions, e.g. "1.1.1, 1.2.0"
Why do you want this feature?
so that I can keep my subscription up to date with the latest updates

I can see the profile I subscribed to installed in the cluster

As a user, I want to be able to see all my subscriptions, and confirm that they have been deployed.

Run kubectl to get the object and check that the created object status is available.

Scenario 1

Deleting the helm release post-installation should cause the profile subscription status to update

Add docs

We should have a docs folder which contains something like:

  • Architectural plans
  • Feature roadmap checklist (basically something high level that anyone can look at to see where we are at and where are are going)

Feel free to add whatever else you think would be good. Make sure docs are linked from Readme.

Validate profile version before adding them to the catalog

When someone tries to create a profile thats invalid it should not get added to the catalog


The below catalog entry should get rejected because it does not have a valid version

kind: ProfileCatalogSource
  name: nginx-catalog
    - name: weaveworks-nginx
      description: This installs nginx.
      version: totally!not?semver
      maintainer: weaveworks (
      - Kubernetes 1.18+

Not sure what fields outside of version we want to check ๐Ÿคท

Implementation thoughts

Two reasonable approaches:

  1. Validating webhook, checks each entry and rejects any that are malformed. This lets the user get immeditate feedback about the failures
  2. The controller simply ignores any malformed profiles
  3. Regex matching as part of the CRD

Search for a Profile

What feature/behavior/change do you want?

$ pctl search nginx
weaveworks/nginx-ingress - NGINX Ingress Controller
thirdparty/nginx - NGINX server for static content

Why do you want this feature?

I want to be able to find profiles for installation.

This is simply about querying a cached index of known profiles, indexing these profiles from a simple, static catalog source.

Associating profile subscriptions with catalog entry

What feature/behavior/change do you want?
I want to be able to associate what catalog, profile & version a subscription is linked to.

Currently a ProfileSubscription spec looks like:

  branch: main

Using pctl you can install a profile from a catalog entry, e.g. :

pctl install nginx-catalog/weaveworks-nginx # generates profile_subscription.yaml

cat profile_subscription
  branch: main

This doesn't leave any connection to what catalog entry was used to generate the profile. I want to be able to get the catalog name and version from the subscription.


You can keep the current way of specifying a profile subscription directly:

  branch: main

Or alternatively you can just provide the catalog name, version and profile name:

  profileName: nginx
  catalog: weaveworks-catalog
  version: 1.0

Which would get mutated by a mutating webhook to fill in the profileURL and branch by looking up the catalog entry, e.g.:

  profileName: nginx
  catalog: weaveworks-catalog
  version: 1.0
  branch: main

This might be a good opportunity to think about renaming the spec fields, and possibly grouping them to something like:

  name: nginx
  catalog: weaveworks-catalog
  version: 1.0
  src: # something better than this
    branch: main # maybe "ref"?

Why do you want this feature?
so that I can clearly see what catalog & profile my profile subscription was generated from.

I can subscribe to a profile with a helm release (nginx) in it

As a user, I want to trigger the deployment of a Helm chart from a profile, by subscribing to a specific version of a profile.

apiVersion: ...
kind: ProfileSubscription
    profileURL: # <- profile.yaml

Use kubectl to apply this yaml, and this should trigger a HelmRelease with chart from the profile.

This does not require any configuration.

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