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wmentity_overview's Introduction

Entity Overview

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Improved EntityListBuilders with support for paging, table sorting, table dragging, filtering, bulk actions, database queries and more.


At Wieni, we're not a big fan of the Views module and for a couple of reasons:

  • we're programmers, we don't like to create functionality by clicking through the Drupal interface and especially not the bloated Views interface
  • we prefer to write our own database or entity queries, it gives us more flexibility when filtering and including non-entity field data and it makes it easier to optimize queries

That's why a couple of years ago we decided to disable the module altogether and we ended up with the EntityListBuilder based listings.

Those proved to be lacking in functionality and user friendliness soon enough, which is how we ended up creating this module: the perfect middle ground between Views and EntityListBuilder. It offers all features of the latter, plus the following:

  • Exposed filtering with a custom form
  • Behind-the-scenes filtering using custom database queries
  • Table sorting, configurable on a per-column basis
  • Bulk actions using core Action plugins
  • Override built-in entity listings with a custom one, on an entity type or bundle level
  • Override any route with a custom entity listing


This package requires PHP 7.1 and Drupal 8 or higher. It can be installed using Composer:

 composer require wieni/wmentity_overview

How does it work?

Create an overview

Overviews are Drupal plugins with the @OverviewBuilder annotation. Every annotation needs at least the entity_type and id parameters to function.

There are three base classes you can choose from:



namespace Drupal\yourmodule\Plugin\EntityOverview;

 * @OverviewBuilder(
 *     entity_type = "node",
 * )
class NodeOverview extends FilterableOverviewBuilderBase

Override en existing entity listing

You can override the default entity listing with a custom overview by adding the override parameter to the annotation. In case the entity type is not recognised by this module, you can add the route_name and pass the route name of the entity listing instead.

It is also possible to override the entity listing only when a certain combination of filters is active. This way, you could for example add extra filters or table columns when your overview is filtered by a certain bundle.



namespace Drupal\yourmodule\Plugin\EntityOverview;

 * @OverviewBuilder(
 *     id = "node",
 *     entity_type = "node",
 *     override = true,
 * )
class NodeOverview extends FilterableOverviewBuilderBase

namespace Drupal\yourmodule\Plugin\EntityOverview;

 * @OverviewBuilder(
 *     id = "redirect",
 *     entity_type = "redirect",
 *     route_name = "redirect.list",
 * )
class RedirectOverview extends FilterableOverviewBuilderBase

namespace Drupal\yourmodule\Plugin\EntityOverview;

 * @OverviewBuilder(
 *     id = "node.article",
 *     entity_type = "node",
 *     override = true,
 *     filters = {
 *         "type" = "article",
 *     },
 * )
class ArticleOverview extends NodeOverview

Render an overview

When you create an overview without overriding an existing route, you will have to render it somewhere manually.

Creating an instance of an entity overview is done the same way as other Drupal plugins, by using the createInstance method of OverviewBuilderManager.

Another option is adding _entity_overview to the defaults section of your route definition, with as value the plugin id.


    path: '/admin/content/article'
        _entity_overview: 'node.article'
        _title: 'Articles'
        _permission: 'administer nodes'
        _admin_route: TRUE

Filter storages

Entity overviews with exposed filter forms need a place to (temporarily) store their filter values. That's where filter storages come to play: an abstraction in the way these values are stored.

By default, two storage methods are included: query, which stores values as query parameters in the URL and session, which stores values in the session storage.

Custom storage methods can be added by creating a Drupal plugin with the @FilterStorage annotation and an id parameter, implementing FilterStorageInterface and optionally extending FilterStorageBase.

The default storage method is query, but this can be changed by adding a filter_storage parameter to @OverviewBuilder annotations.

Add bulk actions

Bulk actions can be added to your overview by implementing BulkActionOverviewBuilderInterface and the getBulkActionPlugins method. This method can return two kinds of arrays:

  • an associative array with the plugin IDs as keys and the labels as values
  • a flat array with plugin ID's

In the last case the default plugin labels will be used.

It is possible to attach a configuration form to your action plugin by implementing PluginFormInterface. In case you need access to the entities in your form validate and/or submit handlers, you can implement ActionPluginFormInterface instead. Note that in contrary to PluginFormInterface this is a custom interface, only supported by this module.

Hooks and events


This hook is only called when using overrides or when using the _entity_overview default in routes. An event equivalent to the hook is also provided: WmEntityOverviewEvents::ENTITY_OVERVIEW_ALTER


use Drupal\wmentity_overview\Annotation\OverviewBuilder;

function yourmodule_entity_overview_alter(OverviewBuilder $definition, array &$overview)
    if (!empty($overview['form'])) {
        $overview['form']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'custom-entity-overview__form';

    $overview['table']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'custom-entity-overview__table';

namespace Drupal\yourmodule\EventSubscriber;

use Drupal\wmentity_overview\Event\EntityOverviewAlterEvent;
use Drupal\wmentity_overview\WmEntityOverviewEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class EntityOverviewSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        $events[WmEntityOverviewEvents::ENTITY_OVERVIEW_ALTER][] = ['onAlter'];

        return $events;

    public function onAlter(EntityOverviewAlterEvent $event): void
        $overview = &$event->getOverview();

        if (!empty($overview['form'])) {
            $overview['form']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'custom-entity-overview__form';
        $overview['table']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'custom-entity-overview__table';


This hook is only called in the OverviewBuilderManager::getAlternatives method. An event equivalent to the hook is also provided: WmEntityOverviewEvents::ENTITY_OVERVIEW_ALTERNATIVES_ALTER



namespace Drupal\yourmodule\EventSubscriber;

use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\wmentity_overview\Event\EntityOverviewAlternativesAlterEvent;
use Drupal\wmentity_overview\OverviewBuilder\OverviewBuilderManager;
use Drupal\wmentity_overview\WmEntityOverviewEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class EntityOverviewAlternativesSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    /** @var OverviewBuilderManager */
    protected $overviewBuilders;
    /** @var RouteMatchInterface */
    protected $routeMatch;

    public function __construct(
        OverviewBuilderManager $overviewBuilders,
        RouteMatchInterface $routeMatch
    ) {
        $this->overviewBuilders = $overviewBuilders;
        $this->routeMatch = $routeMatch;

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        $events[WmEntityOverviewEvents::ENTITY_OVERVIEW_ALTERNATIVES_ALTER][] = ['onTaxonomyAlternativesAlter'];

        return $events;

     * Since taxonomy has a per-bundle overview, we get the bundle from
     * the route parameters and use it to add more possible alternatives.
    public function onTaxonomyAlternativesAlter(EntityOverviewAlternativesAlterEvent $event): void
        if (!$vocabulary = $this->routeMatch->getParameter('taxonomy_vocabulary')) {

        if ($event->getDefinition()->getEntityTypeId() !== 'taxonomy_term') {

        $filters = ['vid' => $vocabulary->id()];
        $alternatives = array_merge(
            $this->overviewBuilders->getAlternativesByFilters($event->getDefinition(), $filters)



All notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG file.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


Distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

wmentity_overview's People


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wmentity_overview's Issues

Add module to

  • Create the Drupal project (example)
  • Change the license to GPLv2 to comply with requirements (example)
  • Update the composer install command in the README
  • Add contributing section to the README (example)
  • Create releases for existing tags on

Filter form does not have any default styling


When using this module with any backend theme other than the proprietary Wieni backend theme, the filter form does not look right.

Steps to reproduce

Visit any entity overview with a filter form.

Expected result

What should happen?

Actual result

What happened.


Your version of Drupal, PHP and other packages that may be relevant.

Add PHPStan to coding standard fixers

  • Add phpstan.neon config file referencing the wmcodestyle rule files (example)
  • Add phpstan analyse to the coding-standards composer script
  • Add autoload-dev entry to ensure autoloading during analysis

Upgrade from `popperjs` to `floating-ui`


The 'tooltip' library is depending on a deprecated library. The "core/popperjs" asset library is deprecated in Drupal 9.5.0 and will be removed in Drupal 10.0.0. There is no replacement. See

I think webform already changed to floating-ui, so might be able to go look there what to do

Fix deprecations

The drupal/upgrade_status module found some warnings.
Not all of them are important. But in this case there is also a found deprecations.

Entity Overview
Scanned on Thu, 03/07/2024 - 10:34.

23 warnings found.

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                          MESSAGE                          │
│ Check    │ 25   │ Implicit array creation is not allowed - variable $events │
│ manually │      │ does not exist.                                           │
│          │      │                                                           │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                          MESSAGE                          │
│ Check    │ 27   │ Implicit array creation is not allowed - variable $events │
│ manually │      │ does not exist.                                           │
│          │      │                                                           │
│ Check    │ 39   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict         │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                               │
│          │      │                                                           │
│ Check    │ 39   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict         │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                               │
│          │      │                                                           │
│ Check    │ 49   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict         │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                               │
│          │      │                                                           │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                          MESSAGE                          │
│ Check    │ 26   │ Implicit array creation is not allowed - variable $events │
│ manually │      │ does not exist.                                           │
│          │      │                                                           │
│ Check    │ 45   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict         │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                               │
│          │      │                                                           │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                      MESSAGE                      │
│ Check    │ 137  │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │
│ Check    │ 174  │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │
│ Check    │ 226  │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │
│ Check    │ 255  │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                      MESSAGE                      │
│ Check    │ 70   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │
│ Check    │ 81   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │
│ Check    │ 100  │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │
│ Check    │ 131  │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                         MESSAGE                          │
│ Check    │ 184  │ Implicit array creation is not allowed - variable $build │
│ manually │      │ does not exist.                                          │
│          │      │                                                          │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                           MESSAGE                            │
│ Check    │ 68   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict            │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                                  │
│          │      │                                                              │
│ Fix      │ 145  │ Call to deprecated function watchdog_exception(). Deprecated │
│ later    │      │ in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Use  │
│          │      │ Drupal\Core\Utility\Error::logException() instead.           │
│          │      │                                                              │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                      MESSAGE                      │
│ Check    │ 27   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                      MESSAGE                      │
│ Check    │ 14   │ Construct empty() is not allowed. Use more strict │
│ manually │      │ comparison.                                       │
│          │      │                                                   │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                        MESSAGE                        │
│ Check    │ 48   │ Only booleans are allowed in a negated boolean, mixed │
│ manually │      │ given.                                                │
│          │      │                                                       │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                          MESSAGE                           │
│ Check    │ 0    │ Value of core_version_requirement: ^9.1 || ^10 is not      │
│ manually │      │ compatible with the next major version of Drupal core. See │
│          │      │                           │
│          │      │                                                            │

│  STATUS  │ LINE │                           MESSAGE                            │
│ Check    │ 0    │ The drupal/core requirement is not compatible with the next  │
│ manually │      │ major version of Drupal. Either remove it or update it to be │
│          │      │ compatible. See                                              │
│          │      │    │
│          │      │                                                              │

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