Giter VIP home page Giter VIP logo's Introduction is a platform for managing WordCamp conferences and WordPress meetup events. It provides a website for every WordCamp, with tools for creating public-facing content and managing event logistics.

The platform also includes tools for program volunteers and administrators to manage logistics for the program itself.


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Automate WordCamp Gravatar Badge Creation

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Created by @iandunn:

The process for creating Gravatar badges for WordCamp attendees is kind of clunky and is more work for organizers than it should be. There are steps of the process that we can automate to make it easier for them.

Basically, we should make it so that all they have to do is visit a page in the Admin Panels, enter a few options, and then hit submit. Then they should get a .zip file containing everything they need to take into InDesign.

  1. Generate better CampTix attendee CSV, that only has the data needed. Let them customize which data fields to include.
  2. Take the generated CSV and runs the script to slurp Gravatars and generate the final CSV. Prompt for the filesystem path they want to use. Send zip file.

After this is done, the documentation should be updated to reflect the new process.

In terms of architecture, my initial thought would be to build an independent plugin that extends the CampTix_Addon class.

Automate Tagregator settings

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Created by @hlashbrooke:

The Tagregator settings (API keys) for each WordCamp site always need to be filled in by the organisers each year. My assumption is that there is no need to generate new keys every year and, in many cases, I'm sure this is something that organisers forget to do as there are so many more pressing things to take care of when organising a WordCamp.

While Tagregator is perhaps a more minor feature, we could do a lot to improve the flow of it. There are two options here I think:

  1. Organisers generate and add their API keys for the first camp in their city and then subsequent years automatically copy the previous year's keys as the site is created.
  2. We generate API keys for each service that are linked to the WordCamp Central and auto-populate all future WordCamp sites with them.

Option 1 would be a quick win (I think), but option 2 would be even better if we could do it. The main issue that would probably come up are the usage limits for each API key, so we would need to research those for each service before we could go with option 2.

If we don't do any of this, then we could at least try to improve the oAuth flow for organisers to make this whole thing a lot simpler.

Site Cloner: Scale to support hundreds of sites

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Created by @iandunn:

Currently the Site Cloner is limited to 50 sites, because more than that would not be easily manageable by the user, and could have performance issues. There are almost 500 sites on, though, so we need a way to allow users to find a small number of relevant sites to consider.

We can probably exclude a lot of camps off the bat, and cut down on the number we need to manage. Camps that meet the following criteria probably won't be desirable by users:

  • Have the Coming Soon plugin enabled, since we know they're not done building the theme
  • Older than 2 or 3 years, since the design is probably no longer modern
  • Any ideas for others?

Once that's done, there should definitely be a search feature, similar to Core's Theme Switcher, for the use case when there's a particular city that the user has in mind, and they just want to quickly find it.

From there, we can add the following filters to narrow down the list:

  • Year the camp occurred in
  • Site theme
  • Custom CSS preprocessor

It'd also be nice to have these additional filters, but it's a lower priority:

  • Colors used in theme
  • Number of sessions
  • Number of attendees

For the colors, maybe there's a library out there that will process the screenshot we already have and tell us the most commonly used 2-3?

See the original discussion in the old development repo.

De-List Default CoC Content

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Created by @melchoyce:

By default, the CoC included on each WordCamp site is contained in a list. The list also seems to come with a bunch of nbsp;'s, which make the styling a bit wonky.

Is there a reason the CoC needs to be in a list? Could this just be regular text? It would improve the display on many of WordCamp sites I've seen it on.

Improve CampTix 'Notify' function, including adding auto-save and an Editor-style email composition

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Created by @alicestill:

The existing Notify tool on CampTix (found in Tickets > Tools > Notify) is very useful for bulk contacting WordCamp attendees and subsets of attendees, but it isn't as user friendly as it could be.

Because Notify doesn't work as well as it could, organisers often have to send very small batches of emails using Gmail, or export attendee information into 3rd party apps like MailChimp. Note, organisers can't use Gmail for bulk emailing, as this results in Gmail either labelling emails as spam, or blocking all emails from a Gmail account for an undefined period of time (sometimes days).

Making the Notify tool more user friendly has the potential to save a huge amount of time across all WordCamps, plus remove the risks involved in exporting personal attendee data and prevent legitimate WordCamp email addresses from getting blacklisted by Gmail.

So I'd like to suggest the following Notify enhancements:

  1. The ability to save and auto-save email drafts. Currently your email is irretrievable if you leave your draft. For example: if you accidentally close a tab or go back, there's no warning that you will lose your work, and it won't be auto-saved.
  2. An easy to use, Editor-style email composition. Currently it isn't easy to compose an email without having a strong knowledge of HTML. Please see the attached screenshot of a portion of one email I composed for WordCamp Brighton. Everything needs to be coded in and there is no ability to drag and drop images - instead these need to be separately uploaded and then added using HTML. Images are vital in WordCamp emails as including sponsors in event emails is a criteria of most top tier sponsorship packages.
  3. Ability to view sent emails. Currently, you can see an email has bee sent but cannot view the contents of that email or who it was sent to. Also, the ability to view and copy previous emails as templates would save emails needing to be created from scratch each time.

There's plenty of potential for further enhancements in future, but as a start, these changes would make a huge difference to Notify's usability.

Warn organizers that CampTix doesn't work on multiple pages

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Created by @iandunn:

CampTix in designed in such a way that some things break if the [camptix] shortcode is used on multiple pages, but it doesn't do anything to inform users about that fact. So, people often use it on multiple pages for valid reasons, and non-obvious problems occur.

It'd probably be easy to add an admin_notice to the page if we detect the shortcode is used on other pages. That way people could remove the second instance of the shortcode.


Fonts-Plugin: Allow fonts from other sources than Typekit, Google and BoostrapCDN

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Created by @2ndkauboy:

For the WordCamp Berlin 2015, we have used the very popular Web Font "Hack". We included the font using @import in the Custom CSS. With changeset [2085] it is not longer possible to use @import in the Custom CSS. But as the font is not available through Google Fonts or Typekit, the design is now broken.

Would it be possible to allow more URLs in the Google Web Fonts setting, so we can continue to use Hack?

Automate thumbnail and about on

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Created by @ePascalC:

The thumbnail on is the featured image of the post about that WordCamp.

Organizers are asked in a dashboard widget on their WordCamp site to submit the picture and about text. Afterwards there is a manual upload. See

Some ideas:

  1. A page e.g. under Settings on the WordCamp site requesting this information might be more useful as the lead organizer can then deputize these tasks more easily to the admins of the site. The links here could then be picked up by Central automatically.

  2. If the meta property "og:image" is correctly filled on the homepage, the image could maybe be taken from there?

Attach PDFs to Sponsor Invoice posts

Imported from
Created by @iandunn:

Currently copies of sponsor invoices from Quickbooks are just attached to the notification email that is sent to the organizing team, but it'd be better to attach them to their corresponding Sponsor Invoice post on

  • Add a random key to the filename, to mitigate exposing e-mail addresses to someone crawling the uploads directory
  • Upload PDF to media library, attach to corresponding sponsor invoice post
  • Add link to PDF inside the invoice post, in the Status meta box
  • Remove the attachment from the email and link to the copy on instead

Site Cloner: Prime mShots cache

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Created by @iandunn:

The plugin uses the mShots service to generate the site screenshots, but those are built asynchronously when the first request is received, and then retained for 21 days.

If the image isn't requested at least once every 21 days, it will be deleted. If that happens, users will see the default Generating screenshot... image instead of the actual screenshot when they first load the Cloner. To avoid that, we should have a network-wide cron job that makes non-blocking HTTP requests for each of the images every 20 days, so that they're always available when a user needs them.

It should sleep for ~2000 milliseconds between each request to be polite, or maybe process them in small batches.

Create Organizer Reminder trigger for when a city has their first camp

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Created by @iandunn:

There are some things that could be automated if the Organizer Reminders plugin had a trigger that would fire when a city has their first WordCamp. For example, an email could go to a deputy to remind them to update the list of cities in PollDaddy for the attendee surveys.

The trigger would probably be similar to the existing WordCamp Website Created trigger, except that it would check if the city portion of the URL was unique across existing sites.

DB Log list in CampTix Edit Attendee Info CSS shade area extends past right margin

Imported from
Created by @faddah:

set-up meta, our site, running WordPress 4.3.2-alpha (that's what it says in the dashboard), using the current verion of the WordCamp Base Redux theme.

steps to reproduce --

  1. in a browser, log-in as an admin to your site using the WordCamp Base Redux theme.

  2. in the Dashboard, once people have started purchasing tickets through the CampTix plug-ins for your WordCamp, go to Dashboard > Tickets > Attendees.

  3. choose a random attendee who has purchased a ticket.

  4. click on them to Edit their Attendee Info.

  5. in the Attendee Info screen for that Attendee, scroll down to the CampTix DB Log a the bottom of the screen.

  6. click on one of the link data entries in the CampTix DB Log to expand it.

expected behavior --

the db log text should expand and the grey area background goes to the right edge of the screen -- doesn't look the greatest, but necessary for how the text of the db log can expand out to the right if it is lengthy, but all other grey barred entry rows, every other row, in the log below it should only extend as far as the CampTix DB Log div right margin.

issue --

instead of every other grey row (odd or even child or sibling, however you are doing it in the CSS) below the expanded row in CampTix DB Log only extending as far right as that div's margin within the window, every other grey row extends right all the way to browser window edge. a screen shot is attached showing this behavior. happened in a couple different browsers for me -- google chrome on a chromebook, chrome version 45.0.2454.98 (64-bit), Platform 7262.57.0 (Official Build) stable-channel peppy, Firmware Google_Peppy.4389.93.0, and Apple Safari for iOS on an iPad Air, iOS 9.1.

comments --

this should be a fairly easy CSS fix, or jQuery, if you're using jQuery to select and color the background of the ODD or EVEN child or sibling of the elements.

Site Cloner: Confirm dialog is displayed when switching sites

Imported from
Created by @iandunn:

Sometimes the browser will display an unwanted confirmation dialog when the user is previewing multiple themes in succession.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Browse to any site
  2. Browse to another site that uses the same theme
  3. Browse to a site that uses a different theme

The action at step 2 will trigger an input field in the Customizer to change, so when you try to browse to to a different URL at step 3, the browser thinks you've left a form partially filled-out, and warns you that you'll lose the entered values. That's technically true, but not applicable in this context.

IIRC, Core has some code to get around the same issue, maybe in the Theme Switcher.

Self-serve portal for speakers on WordCamp websites

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Created by @andreazoellner:

The WordCamp Montreal organizing team would find value in having more tools for managing speakers, like creating a self-serve portal on WordCamp sites where they can upload their slides and edit their own bio, their gravatar, download website "speaking" badges" and RSVP to speaker dinners, This would diminish the number of individual email requests we receive.

defect: Some CTP list views have wide whitespace on narrow screen

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Created by @Nao:

On local WordCamp sites, the list view for speakers, sessions, and organizers have very wide unwanted whitespace when you are on a narrow screen.

How to reproduce:

  1. Open one of the list view pages (e.g. )
  2. Make the screen narrower to the point where the hamburger menu shows up on the top left.
  3. Very wide whitespace appears to the right of names/titles.

I've only tested this with Japanese WC sites (Tokyo 2017, 2018, and Osaka 2018), but the same issue appeared with English names/titles too.

Add notification about combaining reimbursement requests

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Created by @timiwahalahti:

In WordCamp organizers handbook it states that

... we urge all organizing teams to submit one reimbursement request per out-of pocket purchaser.

This can easily forgotten or not even noticed if team member has not read handbook deeply. We could and should show friendly notice about this always when organizer is on dashboard page which is related to reimbursements.

Easiest way to achieve this is check 'wcb_reimbursement' === $GET['post_type'] which applies on reimbursements listing and creating new one. Edit view already has reminder about this on "Payment Information" meta box, but it does not hurt to state it bigger when creating new, does it?

I'll make patch in few days.

Use a WordCamp-specific default theme

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Created by @sonjaleix:

In order to make the new "CampSite 2017" WordCamp theme more useful to more WordCamp organizers/designers, I'd like to suggest a few things.

Enhance CampSite 2017 theme styles
We shipped the theme with minimal styles so designers can write their own. We also released a separate living style guide that can be imported. But we are aware that small WordCamps have limited or no design resources, or might not be savvy enough to customize the living style guide to their needs. To help with that we should add theme styles for the theme in the Custom CSS of the customizer upon activation of the theme. These styles could then be overwritten or removed by the admin. The living style guide can still be forked and used by more savvy users, but the custom CSS inside the theme would help the not so savvy users.

Make CampSite 2017 the default theme for WordCamps
Once the above mentioned styles have been added, we should consider making CampSite 2017 the default theme when a new WordCamp site is being created. When developing CampSite 2017, we put a lot of emphasis on accessibility. If more events would use the theme it would help us make more events accessible. This would also help less savvy organizers have a better starting point. Currently I believe the default theme is TwentyThirteen, which is lacking some flexibility when it comes to customization options based on event site needs.

Automatically send confirmation email for WordCamp talk submissions to applicants

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Created by @wiredpinecone:

As a failsafe in case anything goes wrong with a website, internet connection, etc. and while the junk mail ticket has not been resolved, the site would automatically confirm talk submissions, preventing data/information loss that has already been documented.

Camps could then add to the contact form that "if you don't see a confirmation email that your application has been recorded, please contact us."

This would also help to establish good communication with applicants from the very beginning.

i18n: numbered placeholders for notify_applicant_application_received

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Created by @felipeelia:

In notify_applicant_application_received function (sites/trunk/ we should:

1 - Have numbered placeholders.
2 - Update translators comment.

So, this

//translators: Name and city of the event. Egs WordCamp in New York.
$message = sprintf(
		"Thank you for applying to organize a %s in %s! We'll send you a follow-up e-mail once we've had a chance to review your application.",
	$this->get_event_label(), sanitize_text_field( $meetup_city )

Should actually become something like:

/* translators: 1: Name of the event. 2: City of the event. */
$message = sprintf(
		'Thank you for applying to organize a %1$s in %2$s! We'll send you a follow-up e-mail once we've had a chance to review your application.',
	$this->get_event_label(), sanitize_text_field( $meetup_city )

Accept default Gravatar URL/image in [camptix_attendee] shotcode

Imported from
Created by @BandonRandon:

The [camptix_atteendee] shortcode currently uses the default Gravatar setting from the WordPress Discussions page. With the prevalence of custom Wapuus and as a way to support a bit more customization, this ticket is a request for adding the ability to set a custom default Gravatar URL for those who don't have one associated with the ticket email.

As with most things there are many ways to do this. Three options I can think of are:

  1. Add a custom URL parameter inside of Settings > Discussions which takes an image URL
  2. Add Custom URL setting to Camptix > General
  3. Pass Parameter into [camptix_atteendee defalt_gravatar="URL"]

Of those three options, I think options one or two would be the best route as shortcodes can be confusing to new users. I'm looking forward to other ideas here as well.

WordCamp Post Type: Add optional fields for details about events/sessions for kids

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Created by @coreymckrill:

Similar to WordCamps with Contributor Days, some camps have events or sessions specifically for kids, and it would be great to have a way to filter for these. This could be as simple as a checkbox for indicating that there will be content geared towards kids, or more complicated with additional fields to provide more specific details.

Originally proposed by @andreamiddleton

Attendee information upload tool for CampTix

Imported from
Created by @andreamiddleton:

Occasionally WordCamps must run their registration through non-WordCamp channels, for various reasons.

This is a challenge for the WordCamp program, because we lose access to attendance and attendee data. This affects our ability to report accurately on WordCamp programs to sponsors and the global community.

A simple attendee upload tool would resolve this challenge. It should allow organizers to upload a CSV file to CampTix with the following attendee information, at a minimum:

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Ticket price
Date of purchase

Organizers could create a ticket with question fields that match the CSV file they have from the other registration platform. Then, they could navigate to the Tools section and choose the Import Attendee Data tab.

On that tab, they'd find a selector for the ticket they wanted to map the attendee data to, then a file selector. Upon selecting the file, the tool would provide suggested mapping based on CSV file headings, if there were any, and otherwise ask the user to map the columns to the ticket fields.

Once the mapping was confirmed, the data would be viewable in Tickets > Attendees

Changes to WordCamp attendee life-threatening allergy and special accommodations notifications

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Created by @francina:

As discussed in the Community P2, we are sending out quite a few email notifications to the organisers inbox when the allergy/special accommodations workflow is triggered.
Some WordCamps create a Gmail account to receive emails and emails get collated in threads: this makes it more difficult to read them all.
Instead of sending two emails would it be possible to have one email and one notification in the WordCamp website dashboard?

Sponsor Info to have billing and contact emails

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Created by @Kenshino:


So I received a unique case whereby the sponsor has a specific contact address and another billing address for emails.

Unfortunately, we could only put one email, so I'm keeping track of the contact email out of the system.

This is because the billing email is more relevant in the system for invoicing.

I think the system should be used for both archival, contact and billing purposes.

Let me know if it sounds okay and I'll make a patch.

Hide speakers and sessions from team until selections has been confirmed

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Created by @timiwahalahti:

Speaker request form creates automatically session and speaker posts, which itself is very nice. If whole organising team has access to dashboard (as they should), they can see those applications before any selections has been made.

There's camps making selections anonymously, this is when we get to small issue. I think it would be reasonable to show session and speaker posts only to lead organiser and team members responsible on running selection process. This could be done with new post status and setting where LO could select capable users to see posts with that status. Post status draft can be then used to mark selected sessions and speakers.

Gmail adds different emails from contact forms in the same thread

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Created by @ePascalC:

When creating a contact form on a wordcamp site and forwarding the form content to a gmail address, gmail is grouping different forms together in the same thread, making it difficult to work on the inbox. All emails have the same subject ( [aH6FlOBO] WordCamp Contact Request ) except for the unique ID in between the brackets.

Looking around for explanations, the best one I found was :

Gmail joins messages into conversations based entirely and only on the subject content.
It sometimes does not join messages together if there are time gaps between them.

It never joins messages together in a conversation if the subject line is different except when the subject begins with a phrase within square brackets!!
Gmail ignores the square bracketed part to assist in the handling of messages from Google groups.

So as the unique ID between the brackets is skipped, the subject is the same and multiple email are going together in the same thread in gmail.

Session's date/time on session info page

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Created by @Cheffheid:

A session's speaker name is already displaying on a session's page, but once a session is scheduled why doesn't it display the date/time as well?

It helps to have all that information in one place (as opposed to having to refer back to the schedule page for it) and is especially helpful when you've navigated to an entirely different session with the previous/next links.

Add Website and Twitter fields to Speakers post type / shortcode

Imported from
Created by @iandunn:

It'd be good to provide attendees with more information about speakers, by adding links to their website and Twitter profile when displaying their bio via the [speakers] shortcode.

We should add input fields for each to the Speaker post type, and then display the links underneath the bio if they exist. e.g.,

Jane Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin finibus hendrerit lacus, elementum pharetra velit aliquet non. Donec auctor lacus quis lectus aliquet tincidunt. Ut nisl nisl, pretium in mauris in, congue tincidunt elit. Cras hendrerit, arcu sit amet aliquet aliquet, eros metus ultrices mi.

Website | Twitter

Add Notes Field to Invoice

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Created by @Kenshino:

I think it would be nice if we are able to add some notes to the invoice before sending.

Eg. If my sponsorship amount was $500 and the sponsor wants to add $20 to cover the PayPal fees, I should be able to document that decision and that price in the invoice itself.

Or else it'll be lost to emails and whoever is working Quickbooks would have to ask anyway.

See @miss_jwo and my chat on slack for background -

I'll be happy to make a patch if needed :)

CampTix: Poor UX when one ticket type is sold out

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Created by @hlashbrooke:

CampTix allows WordCamp organisers to create multiple ticket types. The most common usage of this is to create the following two tikets:

  1. A general admission ticket (no more than the local equivlent of $20/day).
  2. A "micro-sponsor" ticket, which is generally around 3-5x more expensive than the regular ticket.

This is entirely correct, but the issue comes in when the general admission tickets are sold out and there are only micro-sponsor tickets remaining. This happened recently in the case of WordCamp Greenville and it creates a confusing UX for potential attendees. See these URLs to see the issue:

The issue here is that a potential attendee comes to the ticket sales page and only sees the micro-sponor ticket available, then thinks that the tickets for the WordCamp are $100 each (this did actually happen, so it's not a made-up scenario). If we had some kind of indicator that the other ticket type was sold out, then that could help to mitigate this issue.

I created a quick mockup for a potential solution here (attached below) that does the following if a ticket type is sold out:

  1. Does not remove the ticket type from the table.
  2. Replaces the quantity select box with a 'Sold out' string.
  3. Reduces the opacity of the row to 0.3.

There may be a better solution for this as this was a very quick mockup, so open to ideas here of course. Essentially I think we need to improve the UX so that it's clear what tickets are sold out to prevent confusion.

Pre-fill fields for wcdocs

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Created by @ePascalC:

Both the 'Attendee Visa letter' and 'Speaker Visa letter' are asking for information that is always the same for any request for the same WordCamp. Fields like 'WordCamp Name, WordCamp Location, WordCamp Date Start, WordCamp Date End, Organizer Name, Organizer Contacts' are the same for every Visa letter request so could be added on a 'settings' page or tab at the start of /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wcdocs

It would save time for bigger WordCamps like WCEU where several requests come in. It would also avoid spelling mistakes, decrease human errors and increase the overall consistency of the documents per WordCamp.

Using wcpt_get_wordcamp_location() to get the information might even be a better way, but for now just some fields to fill the info once would already be great.

Notification about calls for volunteers or speakers

Imported from
Created by @ePascalC:

If you like speaking or volunteering at WordCamps, there is no easy way to keep track when the WordCamps in a 500km radius launch a call for those, except subscribing to all the news of all WordCamps.

Some months ago there was an initial short discussion on a centralized email list where one could subscribe and then be warned, but as there was no clear idea about who would manage that list, or who would be allowed to send, the idea just faded away... but I have given it some thought so here I go with a proposal:

On any site:

  • The organizer has 2 fields that are empty by default.
  • The moment a call for volunteers or a call for speaker is launched, the permalink of the post is copied in the appropriate field.
  • In case there is something wrong, a different parmalink could be posted, triggering an new notification.


  • Possibility to subscribe to (and opt-out of) a mailing list for speakers and/or for volunteers.
  • Nightly job, checking new or changed opportunities on the different WordCamp sites and notify the subscribers of WordCamps that have published a call.

I'm going for the nightly job and not for an immediate notification so that:

  • If an organizer makes a mistake, it can still be modified in the next minutes/hours without generation extra notification
  • In case multiple WordCamps launch something, it could be aggregated into 1 notification.

The advantage of this approach is that nobody needs to handle the list. When WordCamp organizers perform an action, everybody that subscribed gets notified.

Any further ideas/proposals? Please add notes.

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