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stabilitysoft's Introduction


STABILITYSOFT calculates the several parametric and non-parametric statistics as defined in STABILITYSOFT: a new online program to calculate parametric and non-parametric stability statistics.

Step 1: Loading the library

To get started, execute the library code (STABILITYSOFT.R) in your RStudio console.

##   STABILITYSOFT: a new online program to calculate parametric and non-parametric stability statistics
##   Authors:
##   Alireza Pour-Aboughadareh ([email protected])
##   Mohsen Yousefian ([email protected])
##   Usage:
##   1. load table data to a dataframe variable named "df"
##   If you have average matrix:
##   2. results <- Calculate(df)
##   3. print(results$statistics)
##   4. print(results$ranks)
##   Or, if you have raw data:
##   2. results <- CalculateRaw(df)
##   3. print(results$enviroments)
##   4. print(results$average_matrix)
##   5. print(results$statistics)
##   6. print(results$ranks)
##  np1, np2, np3, np4: Thennarasu’s non-parametric statistics
##  ShuklaEquivalance: Shukla’s stability variance
##  s1, s2, s3, s6, z1, z2: Huhn’s and Nassar and Huhn’s non-parametric statistics
##  BI: Regression coefficient
##  SDI: Deviation from regression
##  CVI: Coefficient of variance
##  Kang: Kang’s rank-sum
##  P: Plaisted’s GE variance component
##  PaP: Plaisted and Peterson’s mean variance component

(init <- function()
    np1 <- function(a, b, mat, rankMid)
        mat <- abs(mat - rankMid)
        sum <- apply(mat, 1, sum)
        output <- sum / b
    np2 <- function(a, b, mat, rankMid, rankMidO)
        mat <- abs((mat - rankMid) / rankMidO)
        sum <- apply(mat, 1, sum)
        output <- sum / b
    np3 <- function(a, b, mat, rankAvg, rankAvgO)
        mat <- (mat - rankAvg) ^ 2 / b
        sum <- apply(mat, 1, sum)
        output <- sqrt(sum) / rankAvgO
    np4 <- function(a, b, mat, rankAvgO)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- vector(length = a)
        for (i in 1:a)
            for (j in 1:b)
                for (k in j:b)
                    sum[i] <- sum[i] + abs(mat[i, j] - mat[i, k])
        output <- (2 / (b * (b - 1))) * (sum / rankAvgO)
    ShuklaEquivalance <- function(a, b, pureMatShu)
        equivalance <- apply(pureMatShu, 1, sum)
        equivalanceTotal <- sum(pureMatShu)
        output <- matrix(nrow = a, ncol = 2)
        shukla <- ((a * equivalance) / ((b - 1) * (a - 2))) - ((equivalanceTotal) / ((a - 1) * (a - 2) * (b - 1)))
        output[, 1] <- equivalance
        output[, 2] <- shukla
    z1 <- function(a, b, mat, eS1, varS1)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- vector(length = a)
        for (i in 1:a)
            for (j in 1:b)
                for (k in j:b)
                    sum[i] <- sum[i] + abs(floor(mat[i, j] - mat[i, k]))
        output <- (((2 / (b * (b - 1))) * sum) - eS1) ^ 2 / varS1
    z2 <- function(a, b, mat, matAvg, eS2, varS2)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- apply((mat - matAvg) ^ 2, 1, sum)
        output <- (((sum / (b - 1)) - eS2) ^ 2) / varS2
    s1 <- function(a, b, mat)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- vector(length = a)
        for (i in 1:a)
            for (j in 1:b)
                for (k in j:b)
                    sum[i] <- sum[i] + abs(floor(mat[i, j] - mat[i, k]))
        output <- (2 / (b * (b - 1))) * sum
    s2 <- function(a, b, mat, matAvg)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- apply((mat - matAvg) ^ 2, 1, sum)
        output <- sum / (b - 1)
    s3 <- function(a, b, mat, matAvg)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- apply((mat - matAvg) ^ 2, 1, sum)
        output <- sum / matAvg
    s6 <- function(a, b, mat, matAvg)
        mat <- pmax(mat, 0)
        sum <- apply(abs(mat - matAvg), 1, sum)
        output <- sum / matAvg
    BI <- function(a, b, pureMatBI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatTotalAvg)
        powAvg <- ((pureMatAvgCol - pureMatTotalAvg) ^ 2)[1,]
        powAvgTotal <- sum(powAvg)
        sum <- apply(pureMatBI, 1, sum)
        output <- sum / powAvgTotal
    SDI <- function(a, b, pureMatSDI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatTotalAvg, pureMatBI)
        powAvg <- ((pureMatAvgCol - pureMatTotalAvg) ^ 2)[1,]
        powAvgTotal <- sum(powAvg)
        sum <- apply(pureMatSDI, 1, sum)
        bi <- BI(a, b, pureMatBI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatTotalAvg)
        output <- ((sum) - ((bi * bi) * powAvgTotal)) / 7
    CVI <- function(a, b, pureMatSDI, pureMatCVI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatAvg, pureMatTotalAvg, pureMatBI, pureMatBPJ, pureMat)
        sumSDI <- apply(pureMatSDI, 1, sum)
        CV <- ((sqrt(sumSDI / (b - 1))) / pureMatAvg) * 100
        output <- CV
    Kang <- function(a, b, pureMatShu, PureMatAvg)
        equivalance <- apply(pureMatShu, 1, sum)
        equivalanceTotal <- sum(equivalance)

        shukla <- ((a * equivalance) / ((b - 1) * (a - 2))) - ((equivalanceTotal) / ((a - 1) * (a - 2) * (b - 1)))

        rankAvgR <- vector()
        tmp <- sort(PureMatAvg)
        for (i in 1:a)
            for (j in 1:a)
                if (tmp[j] == PureMatAvg[i])
                    rankAvgR[i] <- a - j

        rankShu <- vector()
        tmp <- sort(shukla)
        for (i in 1:a)
            for (j in 1:a)
                if (tmp[j] == shukla[i])
                    rankShu[i] <- j + 1

        kang <- rankAvgR + rankShu

        output <- kang
    P <- function(a, b, pureMatShu)
        equivalance <- apply(pureMatShu, 1, sum)
        equivalanceTotal <- sum(equivalance)

        shukla <- (((-1 * a) * equivalance) / ((b - 1) * (a - 2) * (a - 1))) + ((equivalanceTotal) / ((a - 2) * (b - 1)))

        output <- shukla
    PaP <- function(a, b, pureMatShu)
        equivalance <- apply(pureMatShu, 1, sum)
        equivalanceTotal <- sum(equivalance)

        shukla <- ((a * equivalance) / (2 * (b - 1) * (a - 1))) + ((equivalanceTotal) / (2 * (a - 2) * (b - 1)))

        output <- shukla
    calRankMid <- function(a, b, mat)
        temp <- apply(mat, 1, sort)
        bd2 <- ceiling(b / 2)
        if (b %% 2 == 0)
            rankMid <- ave(temp[bd2:bd2 + 1,])
            rankMid <- temp[bd2 + 1,]
    getranks_df <- function(a, b, df_orig)
        df <- t(df_orig[, c(3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 19, 18)])
        ranks <- apply(df, 1, rank, ties.method = "min")

        Y <- data.frame(rank(-df_orig[2]))
        colnames(Y) <- c("Y")

        ranks <- cbind(Y, ranks)

        # Sum Rank
        SR <- data.frame(apply(ranks, 1, sum))
        colnames(SR) <- "SR"

        # Average Rank
        AR <- SR / length(ranks)
        colnames(AR) <- "AR"

        # Standard deviation
        STD <- data.frame(apply(ranks, 1, sd))
        colnames(STD) <- "Std."

        ranks <- cbind(df_orig[1], ranks, SR, AR, STD)

    validateTable <- function(df, rawData)
        hasNanInDataFrame <- any(apply(df, 2, function(x) any( | is.infinite(x))))
            stop("Missing data: A value with non-numeric/infinite value was found in the data frame.")
    Calculate <<- function(table_original)
        validateTable(table_original, FALSE)

        table <- cbind(table_original)[, -1]
        a <- nrow(table)
        b <- ncol(table)

        eS1 <- ((a * a) - 1) / (3 * a)
        varS1 <- (((a * a) - 1) * (((a * a) - 4) * (b + 3) + 30)) / (45 * a * a * b * (b - 1))
        eS2 <- ((a * a) - 1) / 12
        varS2 <- (((a * a) - 1) * (2 * ((a * a) - 4) * (b - 1) + (5 * ((a * a) - 1)))) / (360 * b * (b - 1))

        pureMat <- data.matrix(table)

        pureMatAvg <- rowMeans(pureMat)
        pureMatAvgCol <- t(matrix(colMeans(pureMat), nrow = b, ncol = a))
        pureMatTotalAvg <- ave(pureMat)[1, 1]

        pureMatNP <- pureMat - pureMatAvg + pureMatTotalAvg

        pureMatShu <- (pureMat - pureMatAvg - pureMatAvgCol + pureMatTotalAvg) ^ 2

        pureMatBI <- (pureMat - pureMatAvg) * (pureMatAvgCol - pureMatTotalAvg)

        pureMatBPJ <- (pureMat - pureMatAvg - pureMatAvgCol + pureMatTotalAvg) * (pureMatAvgCol - pureMatTotalAvg)

        pureMatSDI <- (pureMat - pureMatAvg) ^ 2

        pureMatCVI <- (pureMat - pureMatTotalAvg) ^ 2

        mat <- apply(pureMat, 2, rank, ties.method = "min")
        matNP <- apply(pureMatNP, 2, rank, ties.method = "min")

        matAvg <- apply(mat, 1, ave)[1,]
        matAvgNP <- apply(matNP, 1, ave)[1,]

        rankMid <- calRankMid(a, b, matNP)
        rankMidO <- calRankMid(a, b, mat)

        rankAvg <- apply(matNP, 1, ave)[1,]
        rankAvgO <- apply(mat, 1, ave)[1,]

        Y <- pureMatAvg

        np1 <- np1(a, b, matNP, rankMid)
        np2 <- np2(a, b, mat, rankMid, rankMidO)
        np3 <- np3(a, b, matNP, rankAvg, rankAvgO)
        np4 <- np4(a, b, mat, rankAvgO)

        z1 <- z1(a, b, mat, eS1, varS1)
        z2 <- z2(a, b, mat, matAvg, eS2, varS2)

        s1 <- s1(a, b, mat)
        s2 <- s2(a, b, mat, matAvg)
        s3 <- s3(a, b, mat, matAvg)
        s6 <- s6(a, b, mat, matAvg)

        ShuklaEquivalance <- ShuklaEquivalance(a, b, pureMatShu) # wri Shu

        SDI <- SDI(a, b, pureMatSDI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatTotalAvg, pureMatBI)

        BI <- BI(a, b, pureMatBI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatTotalAvg)

        CVI <- CVI(a, b, pureMatSDI, pureMatCVI, pureMatAvgCol, pureMatAvg, pureMatTotalAvg, pureMatBI, pureMatBPJ, pureMat)

        Kang <- Kang(a, b, pureMatShu, pureMatAvg)

        P <- P(a, b, pureMatShu)

        PaP <- PaP(a, b, pureMatShu)

        stats_df <- data.frame(table_original[, 1], Y, s1, z1, s2, z2, s3, s6, np1, np2, np3, np4, ShuklaEquivalance[, 1], ShuklaEquivalance[, 2], SDI, BI, CVI, P, PaP, Kang)
        colnames(stats_df) <- c("Genotype", "Y", "S1", "Z1", "S2", "Z2", "S3", "S6", "NP1", "NP2", "NP3", "NP4", "Wricke’s ecovalence", "Shukla’s stability variance", "Deviation from regression", "Regression coefficient", "Coefficient of variance", "GE variance component", "Mean variance component", "Kang’s rank-sum")

        ranks_df <- getranks_df(a, b, stats_df)

        output <- list(statistics = stats_df, ranks = ranks_df, correlation_matrix = cor(data.matrix(stats_df[c(-1, -4, -6)][, 1:(length(stats_df[c(-1)]) - 2)])))

    CalculateRaw <<- function(original_table)
        validateTable(table_original, TRUE)

        objkeys <- colnames(original_table)
        specs_keys <- c()
        arr_not_specs <- c("replication", "yield", "genotype")
        for (i in 1:length(objkeys))
            key <- objkeys[i]
            if (!(tolower(key) %in% arr_not_specs))
                specs_keys <- append(specs_keys, key)
        genotypekey <- if ("genotype" %in% objkeys) "genotype" else (if ("Genotype" %in% objkeys) "Genotype" else objkeys[3])
        yieldkey <- if ("yield" %in% objkeys) "yield" else (if ("Yield" %in% objkeys) "Yield" else objkeys[3])
        if (length(specs_keys) < 1)
            stop("At least one property for enviroments (location, year, ...) should be provided in input data")
        specs_columns <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(specs_keys))
            specs_columns <- append(specs_columns, original_table[specs_keys[i]])
        sorted_df <- original_table[, specs_columns),]

        genotypes_list <- list()
        enviroments_array <- list()
        for (i in 1:nrow(sorted_df))
            enviroment_case <- list(as.numeric(sorted_df[i, specs_keys]))
            if (length(intersect(enviroment_case, enviroments_array)) < 1)
                enviroments_array <- append(enviroments_array, enviroment_case)

            genotype <- sorted_df[i, genotypekey]
            if (length(intersect(genotype, genotypes_list)) < 1)
                genotypes_list <- append(genotypes_list, genotype)
        enviroments <- data.frame(c(1:length(specs_keys)))
        for (i in 1:length(enviroments_array))
            for (j in 1:length(enviroments_array[[i]]))
                enviroments[i, j] <- enviroments_array[[i]][j]
        colnames(enviroments) <- specs_keys
        rownames(enviroments) <- lapply(list(1:length(enviroments[, 1])), function(x) { return(paste0('E', as.character(x))) })[[1]]
        sum_matrix <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = length(enviroments[, 1]), nrow = length(genotypes_list)))
        colnames(sum_matrix) <- rownames(enviroments)
        counter_matrix <- data.frame(sum_matrix)
        specs_keys_count <- length(specs_keys)
        for (i in 1:nrow(original_table))
            row_data <- original_table[i,]
            target_specs <- list()
            for (key in specs_keys)
                target_specs <- append(target_specs, as.numeric(row_data[key]))
            enviroment_index <- 0
            for (i in 1:nrow(enviroments))
                enviroment <- enviroments[i,]
                if (all(as.numeric(enviroment) == as.numeric(target_specs)))
                    enviroment_index <- i
            genotype_index <- which(as.character(row_data[genotypekey]) == genotypes_list)

            counter_matrix[genotype_index, enviroment_index] <- counter_matrix[genotype_index, enviroment_index] + 1
            sum_matrix[genotype_index, enviroment_index] <- sum_matrix[genotype_index, enviroment_index] + as.numeric(row_data[yieldkey])
        average_matrix <- sum_matrix / counter_matrix
        average_matrix <- cbind(Genotype = as.array(genotypes_list), average_matrix)
        calc_results <- Calculate(average_matrix)
        output <- list(average_matrix = average_matrix, enviroments = enviroments, statistics = calc_results$statistics, ranks = calc_results$ranks, correlation_matrix = calc_results$correlation_matrix)

Step 2: Loading the data

After execution, functions Calculate and CalculateRaw can be used to get the results. These functions take a dataframe as input and return the results as an object.

First, you need to convert your data to a dataframe (given that the data is already like examples provided here).

NOTE: Examples 1-4 are average matrixes and Example 5 is raw data.

Option 1: Copy data from your favorite app and get it from clipboard

1. Copy input data as table (average matrix or raw data) in your favorite app

Copying table data from excel

2. Execute the following command in your RStudio console

df <- read.delim("clipboard")

Option 2: Read from Excel file directly

1. Install XLConnect library


2. Load XLConnect library


3. Load data from xlsx file

df <- readWorksheetFromFile("<Path to .xlsx file>", sheet=1)

Step 3: Getting the results

The table data in df variable should now look like the following if you are using average matrix as input:

> print(df)
   Genotype   E1       E2       E3       E4       E5       E6      E7      E8      E9
1        G1 1111 1852.000 2296.333 1257.000 1789.000 2177.667 445.667 527.333 979.667
2        G2  978 1839.000 1877.667 1178.333 1717.333 2265.667 452.667 566.000 873.333
3        G3 1258 1963.000 2092.333 1520.333 2537.333 2502.000 501.667 665.000 893.333
4        G4 1131 1885.333 2111.000 1353.667 1471.667 1788.333 430.000 761.333 854.667
5        G5 1288 1922.333 2349.333 1371.000 1731.000 2499.000 452.667 508.333 962.667
6        G6 1045 2003.667 2124.667 1432.333 1552.000 2265.000 458.333 598.333 907.000
7        G7 1319 2052.333 1923.333 1399.667 1918.333 2307.000 482.000 572.000 739.000
8        G8 1060 2357.000 2257.000 1170.333 1121.000 1806.000 297.000 998.333 898.667
9        G9 1229 2059.000 1972.333 1220.333 2094.000 2708.333 523.333 662.333 845.667
10      G10 1022 1931.333 2173.000 1146.000 1260.667 2052.333 337.000 647.333 855.667
11      G11 1128 2071.333 2020.333 1238.000 1674.333 2318.333 280.000 632.667 805.667
12      G12 1236 2229.000 2055.000 1230.333 2017.333 1845.333 510.667 638.667 762.000
13      G13  958 2067.000 1635.667 1271.667 1145.667 2392.333 302.000 914.333 793.333
14      G14 1003 2013.000 2119.000 1362.000 1616.333 2274.667 228.000 808.667 835.333

And if you are using raw data as input, the table data in df variable should look like the following:

> print(df)
    Replication Location year Genotype yield
1             1        1    1        1  1882
2             1        1    1        2  2013
3             1        1    1        3  2295
4             1        1    1        4  2222
5             1        1    1        5  1413
6             1        1    1        6  1713
7             1        1    1        7  1700
8             1        1    1        8  1485
9             1        1    1        9  1584
10            1        1    1       10  1479
11            1        1    1       11  1487
12            1        1    1       12  1873
13            1        1    1       13  2497
14            1        1    1       14  2497
15            1        1    1       15  2100
16            1        1    1       16  2253
17            1        1    1       17  1066
18            1        1    1       18  2348
19            2        1    1        1  1844
20            2        1    1        2  1976
21            2        1    1        3  2179
22            2        1    1        4  1406
23            2        1    1        5  1419
24            2        1    1        6  1470
25            2        1    1        7  2364
26            2        1    1        8  1730
27            2        1    1        9  1067
28            2        1    1       10  2112
29            2        1    1       11  1156
30            2        1    1       12  1800
31            2        1    1       13  2408
32            2        1    1       14  1713
33            2        1    1       15  1993
34            2        1    1       16  1752
35            2        1    1       17  1342
36            2        1    1       18  2008
37            3        1    1        1  2017
38            3        1    1        2  2035
39            3        1    1        3  2036
40            3        1    1        4  2237
41            3        1    1        5  1969
42            3        1    1        6  1028
43            3        1    1        7  1373
44            3        1    1        8  1706
45            3        1    1        9  1245
46            3        1    1       10  1997
47            3        1    1       11  1256
48            3        1    1       12  1628
49            3        1    1       13  1845
50            3        1    1       14  1662
51            3        1    1       15  2233
52            3        1    1       16  2020
53            3        1    1       17  1495
54            3        1    1       18  2341
55            4        1    1        1  2326
56            4        1    1        2  2098
57            4        1    1        3  2019
58            4        1    1        4  1841
59            4        1    1        5  1706
60            4        1    1        6  2035
61            4        1    1        7  1699
62            4        1    1        8  1570
63            4        1    1        9  1170
64            4        1    1       10  1870
65            4        1    1       11  1645
66            4        1    1       12  1905
67            4        1    1       13  1853
68            4        1    1       14  1736
69            4        1    1       15  2202
70            4        1    1       16  1829
71            4        1    1       17  1217
72            4        1    1       18  1690
73            1        2    1        1  2350
74            1        2    1        2  3650
75            1        2    1        3  2956
76            1        2    1        4  2425
77            1        2    1        5  3538
78            1        2    1        6  2625
79            1        2    1        7  2153
80            1        2    1        8  3013
81            1        2    1        9  4144
82            1        2    1       10  2563
83            1        2    1       11  2600
84            1        2    1       12  2456
85            1        2    1       13  3475
86            1        2    1       14  1988
87            1        2    1       15  3250
88            1        2    1       16  1964
89            1        2    1       17  2410
90            1        2    1       18  1631
91            2        2    1        1  2994
92            2        2    1        2  4088
93            2        2    1        3  2963
94            2        2    1        4  2313
95            2        2    1        5  3281
96            2        2    1        6  1825
97            2        2    1        7  2063
98            2        2    1        8  3131
99            2        2    1        9  3013
100           2        2    1       10  2125
101           2        2    1       11  2894
102           2        2    1       12  2619
103           2        2    1       13  3544
104           2        2    1       14  2263
105           2        2    1       15  3125
106           2        2    1       16  3219
107           2        2    1       17  2470
108           2        2    1       18  3200
109           3        2    1        1  3369
110           3        2    1        2  3281
111           3        2    1        3  2306
112           3        2    1        4  2281
113           3        2    1        5  3044
114           3        2    1        6  2781
115           3        2    1        7  1956
116           3        2    1        8  2225
117           3        2    1        9  2750
118           3        2    1       10  2406
119           3        2    1       11  2788
120           3        2    1       12  1775
121           3        2    1       13  3065
122           3        2    1       14  1719
123           3        2    1       15  2163
124           3        2    1       16  2769
125           3        2    1       17  2931
126           3        2    1       18  3050
127           4        2    1        1  2606
128           4        2    1        2  3413
129           4        2    1        3  2388
130           4        2    1        4  2206
131           4        2    1        5  3650
132           4        2    1        6  2494
133           4        2    1        7  2438
134           4        2    1        8  2553
135           4        2    1        9  2756
136           4        2    1       10  2113
137           4        2    1       11  2944
138           4        2    1       12  2675
139           4        2    1       13  2600
140           4        2    1       14  1981
141           4        2    1       15  2219
142           4        2    1       16  2519
143           4        2    1       17  2869
144           4        2    1       18  2744
145           1        3    1        1  2544
146           1        3    1        2  2578
147           1        3    1        3  1904
148           1        3    1        4  2172
149           1        3    1        5  2502
150           1        3    1        6  2171
151           1        3    1        7  1928
152           1        3    1        8  1821
153           1        3    1        9  2265
154           1        3    1       10  1878
155           1        3    1       11  1871
156           1        3    1       12  2087
157           1        3    1       13  2363
158           1        3    1       14  1960
159           1        3    1       15  1617
160           1        3    1       16  2194
161           1        3    1       17  2425
162           1        3    1       18  2285
163           2        3    1        1  2387
164           2        3    1        2  2706
165           2        3    1        3  1975
166           2        3    1        4  1830
167           2        3    1        5  1953
168           2        3    1        6  2298
169           2        3    1        7  2524
170           2        3    1        8  1878
171           2        3    1        9  2129
172           2        3    1       10  2778
173           2        3    1       11  1961
174           2        3    1       12  2291
175           2        3    1       13  2185
176           2        3    1       14  1980
177           2        3    1       15  2300
178           2        3    1       16  2380
179           2        3    1       17  1958
180           2        3    1       18  1931
181           3        3    1        1  1696
182           3        3    1        2  2462
183           3        3    1        3  2156
184           3        3    1        4  2428
185           3        3    1        5  2385
186           3        3    1        6  1606
187           3        3    1        7  1861
188           3        3    1        8  1530
189           3        3    1        9  2281
190           3        3    1       10  1938
191           3        3    1       11  2063
192           3        3    1       12  2333
193           3        3    1       13  2138
194           3        3    1       14  2295
195           3        3    1       15  2543
196           3        3    1       16  2918
197           3        3    1       17  2035
198           3        3    1       18  1992
199           4        3    1        1  2598
200           4        3    1        2  2447
201           4        3    1        3  2013
202           4        3    1        4  1882
203           4        3    1        5  1852
204           4        3    1        6  2463
205           4        3    1        7  2365
206           4        3    1        8  2101
207           4        3    1        9  2313
208           4        3    1       10  2297
209           4        3    1       11  1995
210           4        3    1       12  2259
211           4        3    1       13  2715
212           4        3    1       14  2087
213           4        3    1       15  2374
214           4        3    1       16  2257
215           4        3    1       17  2290
216           4        3    1       18  2223
217           1        4    1        1  1176
218           1        4    1        2  2043
219           1        4    1        3   900
220           1        4    1        4  1150
221           1        4    1        5  1520
222           1        4    1        6   950
223           1        4    1        7   936
224           1        4    1        8  1934
225           1        4    1        9   930
226           1        4    1       10   989
227           1        4    1       11  1270
228           1        4    1       12  1343
229           1        4    1       13  2158
230           1        4    1       14  2436
231           1        4    1       15  1110
232           1        4    1       16  1195
233           1        4    1       17  1312
234           1        4    1       18   915
235           2        4    1        1   619
236           2        4    1        2   635
237           2        4    1        3   760
238           2        4    1        4   760
239           2        4    1        5   883
240           2        4    1        6   851
241           2        4    1        7   581
242           2        4    1        8   694
243           2        4    1        9   804
244           2        4    1       10   955
245           2        4    1       11   566
246           2        4    1       12   391
247           2        4    1       13   768
248           2        4    1       14   838
249           2        4    1       15   653
250           2        4    1       16   882
251           2        4    1       17  1011
252           2        4    1       18   576
253           3        4    1        1  1678
254           3        4    1        2  1579
255           3        4    1        3  1028
256           3        4    1        4   518
257           3        4    1        5  1518
258           3        4    1        6  1390
259           3        4    1        7  1586
260           3        4    1        8   987
261           3        4    1        9  1735
262           3        4    1       10   968
263           3        4    1       11  1550
264           3        4    1       12  1550
265           3        4    1       13  1399
266           3        4    1       14  1649
267           3        4    1       15   790
268           3        4    1       16  1124
269           3        4    1       17  1348
270           3        4    1       18  1876
271           4        4    1        1   773
272           4        4    1        2  1636
273           4        4    1        3  1730
274           4        4    1        4  2049
275           4        4    1        5  1361
276           4        4    1        6  1743
277           4        4    1        7  1592
278           4        4    1        8  2096
279           4        4    1        9  1865
280           4        4    1       10  1273
281           4        4    1       11  1413
282           4        4    1       12  1780
283           4        4    1       13   923
284           4        4    1       14  1399
285           4        4    1       15  1861
286           4        4    1       16  1420
287           4        4    1       17  1564
288           4        4    1       18  2038

1. If you have average matrix:

1. Use Calculate function to get the output

results <- Calculate(df)

2. Get the output values available in results variable (results$statistics and results$ranks)

> print(results$statistics)

   Genotype        Y       S1          Z1        S2          Z2        S3       S6      NP1       NP2       NP3       NP4 Wrickes ecovalence Shuklas stability variance Deviation from regression Regression coefficient Coefficient of variance GE variance component Mean variance component Kangs rank-sum
1        G1 1381.741 5.055556 0.237646387 18.277778 0.135054140 19.641791 3.940299 3.333333 0.4920635 0.5105263 0.6791045           130990.84                   16150.910                 18611.651              1.0142696                49.30999              36905.51                28004.17              11
2        G2 1305.333 3.666667 1.329642080  9.944444 1.305911945 16.651163 5.395349 3.444444 0.7460317 0.7578684 0.7674419            79251.14                    8605.539                 10547.931              0.9605701                49.11263              37485.92                24521.69              16
3        G3 1548.111 3.388889 2.194010502  8.361111 2.044084570  6.142857 1.938776 3.333333 0.4907407 0.3751995 0.3112245           605291.02                   85319.687                 82048.086              1.0942677                49.74944              31584.83                59928.22              14
4        G4 1309.667 3.888889 0.793179971 10.527778 1.075465840 13.068966 3.655172 3.111111 0.5694444 0.5759756 0.6034483           232648.11                   30975.930                 19158.542              0.8318085                43.06008              35765.12                34846.49              20
5        G5 1453.815 5.111111 0.305934568 19.777778 0.408761159 16.752941 3.341176 3.222222 0.3240741 0.4048153 0.5411765           178501.43                   23079.538                 20466.731              1.1005737                50.79425              36372.54                31202.00              11
6        G6 1376.259 3.722222 1.182607167 10.111111 1.237789309  9.972603 3.095890 2.666667 0.2777778 0.4072896 0.4589041            59576.78                    5736.361                  8509.389              1.0017816                48.43901              37706.63                23197.45               9
7        G7 1412.518 5.277778 0.562476655 20.194444 0.511021143 19.648649 4.054054 3.555556 0.3232323 0.4834742 0.6418919           148068.56                   18641.412                 20980.190              1.0186165                48.54216              36713.93                29153.63              10
8        G8 1329.481 6.444444 4.528728056 30.194444 6.386598493 33.446154 6.123077 5.444444 0.5151515 0.7310526 0.8923077           768667.73                  109145.458                106042.331              0.9129902                50.77757              29752.08                70924.73              24
9        G9 1479.370 4.722222 0.008788698 15.750000 0.008211211 13.500000 3.071429 3.444444 0.3888889 0.4435223 0.5059524           337558.79                   46275.404                 42314.402              1.1089635                51.14604              34588.24                41907.78              13
10      G10 1269.481 3.555556 1.649550678  9.277778 1.596649623 13.632653 3.918367 2.666667 0.9555556 0.5942947 0.6530612           171801.26                   22102.430                 23719.015              0.9593070                51.13876              36447.70                30751.02              21
11      G11 1352.074 3.611111 1.485289917  9.250000 1.609397274 11.100000 3.100000 2.333333 0.4603175 0.4169999 0.5416667            33570.15                    1943.727                  2095.788              1.0736594                52.49422              37998.37                21447.01              10
12      G12 1391.593 5.166667 0.382835673 18.750000 0.205280265 18.750000 4.250000 4.777778 0.4040404 0.5846546 0.6458333           335134.29                   45921.830                 47013.082              0.9583498                47.72290              34615.44                41744.59              15
13      G13 1275.556 5.611111 1.308109771 22.750000 1.387694589 30.333333 6.333333 4.333333 0.6805556 0.7444352 0.9351852           525752.34                   73720.296                 71690.605              0.9171362                51.34729              32477.09                54574.66              25
14      G14 1362.222 4.166667 0.316393118 12.111111 0.562645328 14.064516 3.645161 3.111111 0.3750000 0.5388159 0.6048387            77183.44                    8303.998                  9893.674              1.0477063                51.20861              37509.12                24382.52              11

> print(results$ranks)

   Genotype  Y S1 S2 S3 S6 NP1 NP2 NP3 NP4 Wrickes ecovalence Shuklas stability variance Deviation from regression Coefficient of variance Kangs rank-sum Mean variance component GE variance component  SR      AR     Std.
1        G1  6  9  9 11  9   7   9   7  11                   5                           5                         5                       6               4                       5                    10 118  7.3750 2.334524
2        G2 12  4  4  8 12   9  13  14  12                   4                           4                         4                       5              10                       4                    11 130  8.1250 3.896580
3        G3  1  1  1  1  1   7   8   1   1                  13                          13                        13                       7               8                      13                     2  91  5.6875 5.134443
4        G4 11  6  6  4  7   4  11   9   6                   9                           9                         6                       1              11                       9                     6 115  7.1875 2.857009
5        G5  3 10 11  9  5   6   3   2   4                   8                           8                         7                       9               4                       8                     7 104  6.5000 2.732520
6        G6  7  5  5  2  3   2   1   3   2                   2                           2                         2                       3               1                       2                    13  55  3.4375 3.010399
7        G7  4 12 12 12 10  11   2   6   8                   6                           6                         8                       4               2                       6                     9 118  7.3750 3.422962
8        G8 10 14 14 14 13  14  10  12  13                  14                          14                        14                       8              13                      14                     1 192 12.0000 3.464102
9        G9  2  8  8  5  2   9   5   5   3                  11                          11                        10                      11               7                      11                     4 112  7.0000 3.326660
10      G10 14  2  3  6  8   2  14  11  10                   7                           7                         9                      10              12                       7                     8 130  8.1250 3.739430
11      G11  9  3  2  3  4   1   7   4   5                   1                           1                         1                      14               2                       1                    14  72  4.5000 4.366539
12      G12  5 11 10 10 11  13   6  10   9                  10                          10                        11                       2               9                      10                     5 142  8.8750 2.872281
13      G13 13 13 13 13 14  12  12  13  14                  12                          12                        12                      13              14                      12                     3 195 12.1875 2.561738
14      G14  8  7  7  7  6   4   4   8   7                   3                           3                         3                      12               4                       3                    12  98  6.1250 2.963669

2. Or if you have raw input:

1. Use CalculateRaw function to get the output

results <- CalculateRaw(df)

2. Get the output values available in results variable (results$statistics, results$ranks)

> print(results$average_matrix)

   Genotype      E1      E2      E3      E4
1         1 2017.25 2829.75 2306.25 1061.50
2         2 2030.50 3608.00 2548.25 1473.25
3         3 2132.25 2653.25 2012.00 1104.50
4         4 1926.50 2306.25 2078.00 1119.25
5         5 1626.75 3378.25 2173.00 1320.50
6         6 1561.50 2431.25 2134.50 1233.50
7         7 1784.00 2152.50 2169.50 1173.75
8         8 1622.75 2730.50 1832.50 1427.75
9         9 1266.50 3165.75 2247.00 1333.50
10       10 1864.50 2301.75 2222.75 1046.25
11       11 1386.00 2806.50 1972.50 1199.75
12       12 1801.50 2381.25 2242.50 1266.00
13       13 2150.75 3171.00 2350.25 1312.00
14       14 1902.00 1987.75 2080.50 1580.50
15       15 2132.00 2689.25 2208.50 1103.50
16       16 1963.50 2617.75 2437.25 1155.25
17       17 1280.00 2670.00 2177.00 1308.75
18       18 2096.75 2656.25 2107.75 1351.25

> print(results$enviroments)

   Location year
E1        1    1
E2        2    1
E3        3    1
E4        4    1

> print(results$statistics)

   Genotype        Y       S1          Z1        S2          Z2        S3        S6      NP1       NP2       NP3       NP4 Wrickes ecovalence Shuklas stability variance Deviation from regression Regression coefficient Coefficient of variance GE variance component Mean variance component Kangs rank-sum
1         1 2053.688 6.666667 0.112027932 36.666667 0.359667369 10.000000 1.6363636 2.833333 0.3994975 0.4084591 0.6060606            95033.13                    31172.28                  7199.445              1.2004122                36.13158              73811.21                54724.32               9
2         2 2415.000 2.166667 3.472620395  3.583333 2.059896392  0.641791 0.3283582 6.333333 0.5050251 0.3360696 0.1293532           323542.87                   116863.43                 11404.622              1.4682888                37.61617              68770.56                95049.57              16
3         3 1975.500 7.666667 0.677650332 40.666667 0.715314787 15.250000 2.2500000 5.583333 0.5502513 0.7395100 0.9583333           158260.81                    54882.65                 22587.442              0.9884323                32.59516              72416.48                65882.14              20
4         4 1857.500 3.666667 1.278624132 11.333333 0.918782104  5.666667 1.6666667 3.833333 0.4673367 0.7107801 0.6111111           130068.33                    44310.47                 12313.234              0.8013042                27.79671              73038.38                60907.00              23
5         5 2124.625 6.166667 0.008183194 22.916667 0.060535731  6.111111 1.3333333 6.583333 0.3391960 0.5443311 0.5481481           424719.73                   154804.75                 32738.764              1.4194727                42.69391              66538.71               112904.31              19
6         6 1840.188 2.666667 2.621977333  4.333333 1.929602690  2.000000 0.9230769 3.500000 0.4221106 0.5493406 0.4102564            49538.88                    14111.93                  4572.467              0.8744006                29.46052              74814.76                46695.92              18
7         7 1819.938 3.000000 2.121165832  7.333333 1.450992070  3.666667 1.3333333 4.166667 0.4673367 0.8769819 0.5000000           193550.97                    68116.46                 13936.505              0.7060984                25.60869              71638.03                72109.82              31
8         8 1903.375 8.666667 1.720516632 45.666667 1.330130802 16.117647 2.5882353 5.750000 0.4974874 0.7270122 1.0196078           161842.96                    56225.96                 20617.940              0.8744516                30.24380              72337.47                66514.29              23
9         9 2003.188 7.000000 0.247541632 44.666667 1.192033666 12.181818 1.8181818 3.833333 0.4447236 0.4953294 0.6363636           522604.94                   191511.70                 55691.187              1.3456377                44.67053              64379.48               130178.17              25
10       10 1858.812 6.500000 0.064156244 26.250000 0.001681548 12.600000 2.7200000 5.000000 0.4824121 0.8616264 1.0400000           139545.27                    47864.33                 17729.914              0.8821465                30.88784              72829.33                62579.40              23
11       11 1841.188 6.333333 0.029541332 25.666667 0.005911692 11.846154 2.4615385 4.750000 0.5050251 0.7408215 0.9743590           154364.83                    53421.66                 19121.073              1.1358742                39.26215              72502.43                65194.62              26
12       12 1922.812 4.333333 0.648190832 11.333333 0.918782104  3.777778 1.1111111 3.500000 0.2788945 0.4230985 0.4814815            87375.64                    28300.72                  6254.132              0.8019369                26.15025              73980.13                53373.00              13
13       13 2246.000 3.000000 2.121165832  6.333333 1.602961977  1.225806 0.4516129 4.833333 0.3919598 0.2713323 0.1935484           102287.89                    33892.81                  5438.605              1.2403831                33.98526              73651.18                56004.57               8
14       14 1887.688 9.333333 2.680896333 53.666667 2.707318675 18.941176 2.5882353 5.500000 0.5502513 0.7463869 1.0980392           590140.59                   216837.57                  6126.899              0.2982694                11.51551              62889.72               142096.22              30
15       15 2033.312 6.500000 0.064156244 28.916667 0.015133933  8.463415 1.4146341 4.583333 0.3015075 0.4601942 0.6341463           119093.86                    40195.05                 16660.443              1.0471512                32.81060              73280.46                58970.33              14
16       16 2043.438 6.333333 0.029541332 25.666667 0.005911692  7.333333 1.5238095 4.833333 0.3618090 0.4873688 0.6031746            91128.12                    29707.90                 12824.174              1.0349680                31.96798              73897.35                54035.20              10
17       17 1858.938 4.500000 0.523724445 17.583333 0.329583423  6.393939 1.5151515 4.416667 0.2638191 0.6527472 0.5454545           218563.63                    77496.21                 31079.297              1.0301249                36.70719              71086.28                76523.82              27
18       18 2053.000 5.500000 0.055318394 20.250000 0.168154808  5.400000 1.3333333 3.833333 0.3391960 0.3520662 0.4888889            81899.08                    26247.00                  8158.466              0.8506472                26.09885              74100.93                52406.54               7

> print(results$ranks)

   Genotype  Y S1 S2 S3 S6 NP1 NP2 NP3 NP4 Wrickes ecovalence Shuklas stability variance Deviation from regression Coefficient of variance Kangs rank-sum Mean variance component GE variance component  SR      AR     Std.
1         1  4 14 14 12 11   1   8   4  10                   5                           5                         5                      13               3                       5                    14 128  8.0000 4.501851
2         2  1  1  1  1  1  17  15   2   1                  15                          15                         7                      15               7                      15                     4 118  7.3750 6.672081
3         3  9 16 15 16 14  15  17  14  14                  11                          11                        15                      10              10                      11                     8 206 12.8750 2.825479
4         4 15  5  5  7 12   4  11  12  11                   8                           8                         8                       5              11                       8                    11 141  8.8125 3.166886
5         5  3  9  9  8  5  18   4   9   8                  16                          16                        17                      17               9                      16                     3 167 10.4375 5.403317
6         6 17  2  2  3  3   2   9  10   3                   1                           1                         1                       6               8                       1                    18  87  5.4375 5.561400
7         7 18  3  4  4  5   7  12  18   6                  13                          13                        10                       2              18                      13                     6 152  9.5000 5.597619
8         8 11 17 17 17 16  16  14  13  16                  12                          12                        14                       7              11                      12                     7 212 13.2500 3.255764
9         9  8 15 16 14 13   4  10   8  13                  17                          17                        18                      18              14                      17                     2 204 12.7500 4.986649
10       10 14 12 12 15 18  13  13  17  17                   9                           9                        12                       8              11                       9                    10 199 12.4375 3.119161
11       11 16 10 10 13 15  10  15  15  15                  10                          10                        13                      16              15                      10                     9 202 12.6250 2.655184
12       12 10  6  5  5  4   2   2   5   4                   3                           3                         4                       4               5                       3                    16  81  5.0625 3.473111
13       13  2  3  3  2  2  11   7   1   2                   6                           6                         2                      12               2                       6                    13  80  5.0000 3.949684
14       14 12 18 18 18 16  14  17  16  18                  18                          18                         3                       1              17                      18                     1 223 13.9375 6.329494
15       15  7 12 13 11  8   9   3   6  12                   7                           7                        11                      11               6                       7                    12 142  8.8750 2.895399
16       16  6 10 10 10 10  11   6   7   9                   4                           4                         9                       9               4                       4                    15 128  8.0000 3.162278
17       17 13  7  7  9  9   8   1  11   7                  14                          14                        16                      14              16                      14                     5 165 10.3125 4.346934
18       18  5  8  8  6  5   4   4   3   5                   2                           2                         6                       3               1                       2                    17  81  5.0625 3.802959

> print(results$correlation_matrix)
                                      Y         S1          S2         S3         S6        NP1         NP2        NP3        NP4 Wrickes ecovalence Shuklas stability variance Deviation from regression Regression coefficient Coefficient of variance GE variance component Mean variance component Kangs rank-sum
Y                            1.00000000 -0.2549881 -0.21150447 -0.4006036 -0.6289655  0.3872190 -0.09718758 -0.7620708 -0.6113699          0.13069056                  0.13069056               -0.05678023              0.6724806              0.37266177           -0.13069056              0.13069056      -0.5988499
S1                          -0.25498812  1.0000000  0.96587271  0.9387308  0.8182752  0.2393298  0.26387846  0.3222167  0.8400549          0.36342753                  0.36342753                0.29840910             -0.2503471             -0.13787570           -0.36342753              0.36342753       0.1990615
S2                          -0.21150447  0.9658727  1.00000000  0.9410083  0.7690399  0.1722324  0.34119595  0.2862215  0.7772251          0.46625079                  0.46625079                0.37654936             -0.2068342             -0.09853684           -0.46625079              0.46625079       0.2530706
S3                          -0.40060364  0.9387308  0.94100832  1.0000000  0.9199104  0.2230979  0.49821118  0.5394216  0.9321775          0.38576369                  0.38576369                0.29455543             -0.3557948             -0.20382840           -0.38576369              0.38576369       0.4331784
S6                          -0.62896553  0.8182752  0.76903989  0.9199104  1.0000000  0.1275381  0.46679096  0.7391819  0.9857845          0.20340007                  0.20340007                0.25779964             -0.4362998             -0.21150745           -0.20340007              0.20340007       0.5337392
NP1                          0.38721896  0.2393298  0.17223239  0.2230979  0.1275381  1.0000000  0.34567108  0.1664839  0.1850023          0.44266774                  0.44266774                0.18311385              0.2069021              0.10713143           -0.44266774              0.44266774       0.2163356
NP2                         -0.09718758  0.2638785  0.34119595  0.4982112  0.4667910  0.3456711  1.00000000  0.5130536  0.4759613          0.30627826                  0.30627826               -0.02674715             -0.2082947             -0.20962130           -0.30627826              0.30627826       0.4759756
NP3                         -0.76207085  0.3222167  0.28622150  0.5394216  0.7391819  0.1664839  0.51305356  1.0000000  0.7260324          0.14146077                  0.14146077                0.17279542             -0.5234650             -0.28378894           -0.14146077              0.14146077       0.8353099
NP4                         -0.61136992  0.8400549  0.77722511  0.9321775  0.9857845  0.1850023  0.47596134  0.7260324  1.0000000          0.19952002                  0.19952002                0.18500493             -0.4776977             -0.27507539           -0.19952002              0.19952002       0.5094397
Wrickes ecovalence          0.13069056  0.3634275  0.46625079  0.3857637  0.2034001  0.4426677  0.30627826  0.1414608  0.1995200          1.00000000                  1.00000000                0.52370504              0.0251226              0.02182641           -1.00000000              1.00000000       0.5219578
Shuklas stability variance  0.13069056  0.3634275  0.46625079  0.3857637  0.2034001  0.4426677  0.30627826  0.1414608  0.1995200          1.00000000                  1.00000000                0.52370504              0.0251226              0.02182641           -1.00000000              1.00000000       0.5219578
Deviation from regression   -0.05678023  0.2984091  0.37654936  0.2945554  0.2577996  0.1831139 -0.02674715  0.1727954  0.1850049          0.52370504                  0.52370504                1.00000000              0.4403501              0.64363999           -0.52370504              0.52370504       0.4078273
Regression coefficient       0.67248064 -0.2503471 -0.20683417 -0.3557948 -0.4362998  0.2069021 -0.20829472 -0.5234650 -0.4776977          0.02512260                  0.02512260                0.44035014              1.0000000              0.93333506           -0.02512260              0.02512260      -0.3630245
Coefficient of variance      0.37266177 -0.1378757 -0.09853684 -0.2038284 -0.2115075  0.1071314 -0.20962130 -0.2837889 -0.2750754          0.02182641                  0.02182641                0.64363999              0.9333351              1.00000000           -0.02182641              0.02182641      -0.1447713
GE variance component       -0.13069056 -0.3634275 -0.46625079 -0.3857637 -0.2034001 -0.4426677 -0.30627826 -0.1414608 -0.1995200         -1.00000000                 -1.00000000               -0.52370504             -0.0251226             -0.02182641            1.00000000             -1.00000000      -0.5219578
Mean variance component      0.13069056  0.3634275  0.46625079  0.3857637  0.2034001  0.4426677  0.30627826  0.1414608  0.1995200          1.00000000                  1.00000000                0.52370504              0.0251226              0.02182641           -1.00000000              1.00000000       0.5219578
Kangs rank-sum             -0.59884992  0.1990615  0.25307064  0.4331784  0.5337392  0.2163356  0.47597563  0.8353099  0.5094397          0.52195780                  0.52195780                0.40782725             -0.3630245             -0.14477128           -0.52195780              0.52195780       1.0000000

Step 3: Plotting the correlation matrix

1. Install R library ggcorrplot
2. Load library ggcorrplot
3. Plot the heatmap for pearson's correlation matrix available in results$correlation_matrix variable
ggcorrplot(results$correlation_matrix, colors=c("#26fc06", "#ffff0a", "#ff2607"))

Spearman correlation heatmap

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