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market-maker's Introduction

Market maker bot


Market making is a risky activity and running this bot can lead to loss of funds.

Market maker bot for GeniusYield DEX which implements fixed spread versus market price strategy.

Fixed spread vs market price strategy


Order classification and price

We call non-ada tokens as commodity and ada as currency. Order offering currency in exchange of commodity is called as buy order whereas order offering commodity in exchange of currency is called as sell order.

Price is described in display unit1 of currency token per display unit of commodity token.

Given a market price M and a variable δ defined as spread, bot would place following orders where exact number and volume is determined by configuration:

  • Buy orders at price:
    • M * (1 - δ)
    • M * (1 - δ - δ / 2)
    • M * (1 - δ - δ / 2 - δ / 2)
    • And so on, where nth buy order's price is given by M * (1 - δ - (n - 1) * δ / 2).
  • Sell orders at price:
    • M * (1 + δ)
    • M * (1 + δ + δ / 2)
    • M * (1 + δ + δ / 2 + δ / 2)
    • And so on, where nth sell order's price is given by M * (1 + δ + (n - 1) * δ / 2).

If market price has drifted way higher ("way higher" as directed by configuration) than the price at which buy orders were placed, buy orders would be canceled. Likewise, if the price has drifted way lower than the price at which sell orders were placed, they would be canceled.

Running the market maker bot: Using docker compose (simple)

The simplest way to start an MM bot instance is by using Docker compose.

After cloning the repository only a few environment variables must be set. As soon as this has been done; the Market Maker can be started using docker compose:

# Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:geniusyield/market-maker.git
cd market-maker
# TODO: update the following values with your own configuration.
export MAESTRO_API_KEY=aBcDefghijoXj3v0LB3txySofSPrP3Vf2
export PAYMENT_SIGNING_KEY='{ "type": "PaymentSigningKeyShelley_ed25519", "description": "Payment Signing Key", "cborHex": "4210268dsb870d08s83a4cf6a4408240248ea551a35bb22bf443586c233ae56bc340" }'
export COLLATERAL_UTXO=d235edd34566a425668a4751233dfc2c1cs23b11287340b202c35093433491df#0
# Update the docker images:
docker compose pull
# Start the MM bot with your config:
docker compose up

As in the example above; the following environment variables must be specified before calling docker compose up:

  • MAESTRO_API_KEY: The MAINNET API key to be used for accessing the Maestro services.
  • PAYMENT_SIGNING_KEY: The payment signing key to be used. Please see the signing key generator for details.
  • COLLATERAL_UTXO: A suitable UTxO with 5 ADA to be used as collateral UTxO.

The configuration values used for these environment variables in the example above are just placeholders. These must be replaced by your own configuration values. A MAINNET Maestro API key is needed, a payment signing key must be generated and a collateral UTxO must be provided after sending funds to the address controlled by the payment signing key.

Maestro API keys are available after registration via the following link:


Please make sure to adapt the MARKET_MAKER_CONFIG configuration according to your needs! Please see the docker-compose.yml file for further details. For the configuration of the Market Maker, please see the Configuration Settings chapter.

Running the market maker bot: Building from source (advanced)

In case you would like to build the Market Maker Bot from source, this chapter covers how to accomplish this.


If you are not planning to contribute to the project, simply using the pre-built docker image, as described above, is likely the easier way to get started.

First, you need to setup the necessary tooling to work with haskell.nix, then simply run nix develop, and it will drop you into a shell with all the necessary tools. Once inside the environment, you can build the order bot with cabal build all.


Nix is not necessary if your environment already has the right set of dependencies. One may look at the CI file for our transaction building tool, which current project also relies on, to see dependencies used.

Then the bot can be ran with following command: cabal run geniusyield-market-maker-exe -- Run my-atlas-config.json my-maker-bot-config.json where my-atlas-config.json is the configuration for Atlas and my-maker-bot-config.json is the configuration of our market maker bot.

See atlas-config-maestro.json & atlas-config-kupo.json as an example of Atlas configuration using Maestro provider & local node with Kupo respectively.



See sample-preprod-maker-bot-config-gens.json and sample-mainnet-maker-bot-config-gens.json for sample Preprod and Mainnet market maker bot configuration respectively.

  "mbc_user": {
    "ur_s_key_path": "path-to-skey",
    "ur_coll": "tx-id#tx-ix"
  "mbc_fp_nft_policy": "compiled-scripts/minting-policy",
  "mbc_fp_order_validator": "compiled-scripts/partial-order",
  "mbc_po_config_addr": "addr_test1wrgvy8fermjrruaf7fnndtmpuw4xx4cnvfqjp5zqu8kscfcvh32qk",
  "mbc_po_refs": {
    "por_ref_nft": "fae686ea8f21d567841d703dea4d4221c2af071a6f2b433ff07c0af2.8309f9861928a55d37e84f6594b878941edce5e351f7904c2c63b559bde45c5c",
    "por_val_ref": "be6f8dc16d4e8d5aad566ff6b5ffefdda574817a60d503e2a0ea95f773175050#2",
    "por_mint_ref": "be6f8dc16d4e8d5aad566ff6b5ffefdda574817a60d503e2a0ea95f773175050#1"
  "mbc_delay": 120000000,
  "mbc_price_config": {
    "pc_api_key": "<<MAESTRO_TOKEN>>",
    "pc_network_id": "mainnet",
    "pc_dex": "genius-yield",
    "pc_override": {
      "mpo_commodity_token": "c6e65ba7878b2f8ea0ad39287d3e2fd256dc5c4160fc19bdf4c4d87e.7447454e53",
      "mpo_pair": "ADA-GENS",
      "mpo_commodity_is_first": false
  "mbc_strategy_config": {
    "sc_spread": {
      "numerator": 1,
      "denominator": 100
    "sc_token_volume": {
      "tv_sell_min_vol": 1000000000,
      "tv_buy_min_vol": 2000000000,
      "tv_sell_budget": 3500000000,
      "tv_buy_budget": 6600000000,
      "tv_sell_vol_threshold": 10000000000,
      "tv_buy_vol_threshold": 20000000000
    "sc_price_check_product": 9,
    "sc_cancel_threshold_product": 4
  "mbc_token": {
    "stAc": "c6e65ba7878b2f8ea0ad39287d3e2fd256dc5c4160fc19bdf4c4d87e.7447454e53",
    "stPrecision": 6
  • mbc_user describes individual bot, it specifies ur_s_key_path which is the path to signing key file and ur_coll which is the UTxO reserved as collateral. Specifying ur_coll is optional but it is advised to set it as then this UTxO would be reserved (i.e., would not be spent) and thus be always available to serve as collateral. It is preferred for ur_coll to be pure 5 ada only UTxO (i.e., no other tokens besides ada).

  • Fields mbc_fp_nft_policy, mbc_fp_order_validator, mbc_po_config_addr and mbc_po_refs relate to DEX smart contracts and can be left as it is.

  • mbc_delay - Bot in single iteration tries to determine which orders need to be placed and which are needed to be cancelled. Once determined, it tries building the transactions and proceeds with submitting them, completing this single iteration. mbc_delay determines time in microseconds that bot must wait before proceeding with next iteration.

  • mbc_price_config gives the configuration on how to get market price using Maestro endpoint, for a token.

    • pc_api_key is the Maestro API key.
    • pc_network_id determines Cardano network which is mentioned for in API calls. It should always be kept mainnet as of now.
    • pc_dex determines DEX from which market price is queried for. Currently minswap & genius-yield are supported.
    • pc_override is optional and is needed in case one is not running bot on Mainnet. Since tokens on test network aren't actively traded, their price is not returned for by Maestro endpoint. To still get mainnet price for them, one can override the token given by mpo_commodity_token to pair with commodity token as described by mpo_pair & mpo_commodity_is_first respectively. In the above configuration, we are overriding the testnet GENS asset class c6e65ba7878b2f8ea0ad39287d3e2fd256dc5c4160fc19bdf4c4d87e.7447454e53, for the mainnet token pair ADA-GENS, and GENS is the second token in the pair so mpo_commodity_is_first is set to false. If the pair instead was GENS-ADA then mpo_commodity_is_first should be set to true.
  • mbc_strategy_config determines parameters for strategy:

    • sc_spread - Ratio representing δ as described before.
    • sc_cancel_threshold_product - If the price in buy order is less than (1 - sc_cancel_threshold_product * δ) * M, then it is canceled. Likewise if the price in sell order is greater than (1 + sc_cancel_threshold_product * δ) * M then it is canceled.
    • sc_token_volume specifies following:
      • tv_sell_min_vol - Amount of commodity tokens (in lowest possible denomination) that order must at least offer.
      • tv_buy_min_vol - Amount of currency tokens (in lovelaces) that order must at least offer.
      • tv_sell_budget - Total amount of commodity tokens that bot can cumulatively offer in the orders. In every iteration, bot determines the number of commodity tokens locked in the orders and subtracts it from tv_sell_budget field, let's call the obtained number asb (short for available sell budget) then it determines number of sell orders placed to be ⌊asb / tv_sell_min_vol⌋ = ns where ns is short of number of sell orders. Now bot would place ns sell orders, each having offer amount as ⌊asb / ns⌋.
      • tv_buy_budget - Total amount of currency tokens that bot can cumulatively offer in the orders. It governs bot symmetric to tv_sell_budget.
      • tv_sell_vol_threshold - this is related to sc_price_check_product. Bot would build an order book from all the orders for the given pair in GeniusYield DEX. It will sum the offered commodity tokens for sell orders which have price less than M * (1 + sc_price_check_product * δ) to get SV (short for sell volume) and sum the asked commodity tokens for buy orders which have price greater than M * (1 + sc_price_check_product * δ) to get BV' (short for buy volume in commodity token). We'll multiply BV' with M to get BV to represent buy volume in currency token. Now, bot would not place a new sell order, if tv_sell_vol_threshold is less than or equal to SV. Idea is that if there is enough liquidity than bot need not place orders. Symmetrically, bot would not place new buy orders only if tv_buy_vol_threshold is less than or equal to BV.

Canceling all the orders using docker (simple)

If you would like to cancel ALL orders placed by your Market Maker Instance ran in Docker, you can do this by executing the following commands:

# Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:geniusyield/market-maker.git
cd market-maker
# Stop the market maker (in case it is still running):
docker compose down
# TODO: update the following values with your own configuration:
export MAESTRO_API_KEY=aBcDefghijoXj3v0LB3txySofSPrP3Vf2
export PAYMENT_SIGNING_KEY='{ "type": "PaymentSigningKeyShelley_ed25519", "description": "Payment Signing Key", "cborHex": "4210268dsb870d08s83a4cf6a4408240248ea551a35bb22bf443586c233ae56bc340" }'
export COLLATERAL_UTXO=d235edd34566a425668a4751233dfc2c1cs23b11287340b202c35093433491df#0
# Update the docker images:
docker compose pull
# Start the MM bot in 'CANCEL' mode:
docker compose up

You should see log entries with X orders to cancel! and finally No more orders to cancel! messages after all the orders placed by your MM instance had been canceled.

The final ExitSuccess and the mm exited with code 0 output confirms that all went well.

Canceling all the orders using cabal (advanced)

If you would like to cancel ALL orders placed by your Market Maker Instance and you built it from source, you can simply run:

cabal run geniusyield-market-maker-exe -- Cancel my-atlas-config.json my-maker-bot-config.json

The output should be similar like in the previous chapter.

Known Issues

  • When bot tries to place multiple orders in a single iteration, it might happen that we pick same UTxO against different transaction skeletons (due to a quirk where place order operation specifies UTxO to be spent in skeleton itself), leading to successful building of only some of the transaction skeletons and thus only few of the orders might be successfully placed even though bot might very well have the required funds to place all. Now the bot can place the remaining ones in next the iteration but as of now, these next orders are placed starting with initial spread difference from market price leading to a situation where the bot might have multiple orders at the same price.


  1. Display unit is one to which decimals are added as directed under cardano-token-registry.

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