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dogary's Introduction

Project Overview - Dogary🐶

As my capstone-project of the neue fische Bootcamp I am developing the React App Dogary. The dog's daily needs can be tracked in the App, which simplifies communication between dog owners. In addition, appointments can be organized in a calendar and todos can be planned.

Used technology

JavaScript React HTML5 CSS3


The app is split across three pages which each hold different functionalities.


The key element of the Dogary-App is it's tracking feature. Here the user can track the food the dog ate while simultaneously setting a food-goal for the dog to reach that day day. The same applies to the walks the did with the dog and the business the dog did. The user can also display a history and get a quick overview of the activities of the last few days.

dogary-home-image dogary-home-screen dogary-home-input dogary-home-history

You can also upload a cute picture of your dog to display on the main screen!


Thanks to the Full Calendar for React-Library I was able to implement a Calendar into the dogary-App. This allows the user to add their dog-related events and change their date using drag-and-drop.

dogary-calendar-overview dogary-calendar-date


The final aspect of the dogary-App is the todo-list feature. Here the user can organize, edit, delete or set todos to urgent if they are extremely important.

dogary-todo-overview dogary-todo-urgent dogary-todo-completed

Plans for the future🌱


In the future I would like to build a page for statistics. On this page, the user should see the entered activities of the dog graphically processed. I would also like to add the ability to track the dog's weight.


What is a dog without the experiences with him? In order to remember them, I would like to add another diary page in which the user can enter the special experiences with his dog and have them to go back again and again.

dogary-statistics dogary-diary

dogary's People


yannhn avatar



dogary's Issues

Edit todos

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to edit todos
so that I do not have to create new ones if I changed my mind




  • the user should see an option to edit the todos
  • after editing the todo should be visible at the same place


  • create new branch
  • create button on todo-component
  • enable option to edit text-input after button click

Refactor activity-card

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to refactor my activity-Cards
so that I can lessen redundant repitive code


  • there should be a Card-Component which holds the content
  • the styling of the component should be reusable


  • create new branch
  • create form-component
  • update walkCard to erase object and use one array instead
  • insert activity-content into form

Show history of business

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to see a history of businesses my dog did for the last days
so that I can orientate myself on the last few days




  • the user should see a button to open up a history of the last days
  • the user then should see his/her inputs of the last days
  • the user should be able to cancel the form and get back from the history


  • create new branch
  • add date-Object to existing components
  • add showHistoryBusiness-component
  • add a list to show of the last events
  • sort the list via the date (?sort-method)
  • apply basic styling to showHistory-component
  • add a button to the businessCard-component
  • connect the showHistoryBusiness-component to the button-click on the BusinessCard-component (?conditional templates)



Startup screen

User Story

As a user
I want to have a startup-screen
so that I know what I have to do first using the app




  • show startup-screen when the user opens up the app
  • insert Logo on startup-screen
  • the user should be able to input the name of the dog


  • create new branch
  • add splashcreen-component
  • insert inputName Component so that the user can input them
  • add logo
  • add localstorage

Delete unnecessary files

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to delete unneccessary files
so that I have a better file structure


  • delete files and folders that currently are not in use


  • create new branch
  • delete button and inputLabel files
  • delete other unneccessary files

Add todos

User Story

As a user
I want to add todos
so that I can plan the things surrounding my dog




  • the user should have an option to add todos
  • the user should see the todos on the todo/calendar-page
  • the user should be able to check the todos


  • create a new branch
  • add a form to add todos
  • show new todos after submit
  • apply basic styling to form
  • add button to todo-component
  • show Form on button click

Show overall business-amount of the day

User Story

As a user
I want to see the business my dog did today
so that I can have a quick overview of it




  • sum up the submitted-inputs of business
  • show total amount of the business the dog made
  • split the amount into small or big


  • create new branch
  • create counter-element in the displayBusiness-component
  • add the amount-inputs to sum up to a total amount of the inputs
  • show the sum in the counter



Add events to calendar

User Story

As a user
I want to add events to the calendar
so that I can plan events with my dog


  • the user should be able to create events
  • the events should than be able to move to different dates


  • create new branch
  • add a footerbar to calendar to store events
  • handle option to create events
  • enable drag and drop to move the events to the single dates



Apply same look for the activities

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to have a reusable Card-component
to reduce the amount of redundant styling



  • every activity card should have a similar look


  • create new branch
  • create card-component
  • apply basic styling
  • use children.prop to implement the card-component as a container for the activites



File structure

Developer story

As a developer
I want to have a better file-structure
so that I can have a better overview over them


  • setup better file-structure
  • create folder structure that holds similar components


  •  create new branch
  • create folder for activities
  • create folder for forms
  • create folder for todos
  • create folder for calendar

input todos without a form

User Story

As a user
I want to input todos without opening a new window
so that I can add todos in a faster way


  • the user should see an input-field to add todos


  • create new branch
  • remove form
  • add input-field directly into card

refactor forms

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to refactor my forms
to make better use of reusable components


  • cleanup form components


  • create new branch
  • refactor forms

Show history of food

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to see a history of the amount of food the dog ate the last days
so that I can orientate myself on the last few days




  • the user should see a button to open up a history of the last days
  • the user then should see his/her inputs of the last days
  • the user should be able to cancel the form and get back from the history


  • create new branch
  • add date-Object to existing components
  • add showHistoryFood-component
  • add a list to show of the last events
  • sort the list via the date (?sort-method)
  • apply basic styling to showHistory-component
  • add a button to the foodCard-component
  • connect the showHistoryFood-component to the button-click on the foodCard-component (?conditional templates)



[ON HOLD]Show Food Goal as button in Card

User Story

As a user
I want to add the food goal for the day in the Activity-Card
so that I can easily change the goal for the day


  • the user should be able to update the food-goal via a button in the activity-card


  • create new branch
  • move inputGoal-button in the foodCard-Component
  • display goal in the foodCard

Show history of walks

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to see a history of walks for the last days
so that I can orientate myself on the last few days




  • the user should see a button to open up a history of the last days
  • the user then should see his/her inputs of the last days
  • the user should be able to cancel the form and get back from the history


  • create new branch
  • add date-Object to existing components
  • add showHistoryWalks-component
  • add a list to show of the last events
  • sort the list via the date (?sort-method)
  • apply basic styling to showHistory-component
  • add a button to the walkCard-component
  • connect the showHistoryWalks-component to the button-click on the walkCard-component (?conditional templates)



Daily Events

User Story

As a user
I want to see events for a marked day in the calendar
so that I can see what I have to do on that specific day


  • show the todos for the specific day
  • the events should be displayed below the calendar




  • create a new branch
  • create events-component
  • input mock-data for the events
  • apply basic-styling



Depends on


Add navigation for Home and ToDo/Calendar-Page

Developer story

As a developer
I want to add a navigation
so that I can select through different pages




  • the user should see a footer where the navigational-elements are stored
  • the user should be able to select between two navigational-elements
  • the user should always see the footer on every page
  • the user should see which element is selected


  • create new branch
  • add footer
  • add navigational-elements within the footer
  • implement react router
  • create navLinks directing to the pages
  • apply styling to show which element is active



Show forms as overlay modal

Developer Story

As a developer
I would like the forms to be displayed as an overlay over the homepage
So that it looks way tidier




  • the forms should overlay the actual page
  • the background should be greyed-out/blurred out so that the focus lies on the form
  • button click to open up the form should open up a modal


  • create new branch
  • create modal-component
  • apply styling so that the focus lies on the form



Check todos

User Story

As a user
I want to check todos
so that I can mark them as accomplished




  • the user should have an option to mark todos as checked
  • when the todo is checked it should move to a different log-section
  • the user should see every checked todo in that section


  • create new branch
  • create log-section
  • add checkbox to todos
  • filter checked todos to move into the log-section

Add Walks-component

User Story

As a user
I want to add the walks I did with my dog already
So that I can see how much time I should go outside with him afterwards




  • an option to add new walks
  • the user should have an option to select between the duration or the timeframe of the walk
  • the user should be able to input the starting-time of the walk
  • the user should be able to open up the input-selection
  • the user should see when the last walk was
  • the user should see how long their last walk was


  • create new branch
  • add inputWalk-component
  • add a form so that the user can input when and for how long the last dog walk was
  • add a button to the displayWalks-component to display the form
  • connect the inputWalk-component to the button-click (?conditional templates)
  • apply basic styling to form
  • update given item-card-elements with the submitted input



Depends on


Add "business"

User Story

As a user
I want to add the „business“ I did with my dog already
So that I can see what „business“ my dog already did at that day



  • an option to add new new „business“
  • the user should be able to open up a input-selection
  • the user should have an option to select between the kind of „businesses“ the dog did
  • the user should be able to input the time of day
  • a visual cue to show what kind of „business“ the dog did the last time
  • a visual cue to show when the dog did his „business“ the last time


  • create new branch
  • add inputBusiness-component
  • add a form so that the user can input when and what kind of business the dog did the last time
  • apply basic styling to form
  • add a button to the displayBusiness-component to display the form
  • connect the inputBusiness-component to the button-click on the displayBusiness-component (?conditional templates)
  • update given displayBusiness-component with the submitted input



Depends on


Refactor history component

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to have a reusable history-component
to reduce the amount of redundant styling and code



  • there should be one component in which the data will be stored


  • create new branch
  • create history-component
  • apply basic styling
  • use children.prop to implement the history-component as a container for the activites



Update name and picture

User Story

As a user
I want to add informations of my dog
So that the information can be displayed on the homepage




  • an option to update information of the dog on the homepage
  • the user should be able to change the name and a new profile-picture
  • the information entered should also be usable in the other components like the Add food-item


  • create a new branch
  • create button to open up input-information on the homepage
  • create a input-information component
  • add a form so that the user can update the name and the picture
  • connect the input-information component to the button-click (?conditional templates)
  • apply basic styling



Depends on


Checkbox if the dog did not do any business

User Story

As a user
I want to select an option that the dog did not do any of his business
so that I can see when I/he was not successfull


  • the user should have an option to select 'no business'
  • this input should then be displayed in the card


  • create a new branch
  • create new checkbox in the inputBusiness-component
  • show result in the card

Cancel forms

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to cancel the input-selection
so that I am able get back if I changed my mind about it




  • the user should see a button to cancel the input-form
  • the user should then be able to get back from the form


  • create new branch
  • add a button to the form-component
  • connect the button the showForm-state to exit the form and just show the Card



Depends on



User Story

As a user
I want to have a calendar
So that I can see on which day events are planned


  • a calendar with a monthly-view
  • the calendar shown on the Calendar/ToDo-page
  • Days with upcoming events are marked




  • create a new branch
  • decide upon a calendar-library
  • create a component for the calendar
  • apply basic styling
  • insert calendar-component into the Calendar/ToDo-page



Add local storage

Developer story

As a developer
I want to add local storage to my app
so that the data is stored after refreshing the site


  • the data should be stored after refreshing the page
  • moving to a different page should not delete the inputs


  • create new branch
  • add custom-hook for localStorage
  • use hook to store local storage for activities, calendar and todos

show only todays submits

User Story

As a user
I want to see only todays activity-inputs
to have a quick overview of them


  • the user should only see todays inputs
  • if the user inputs activities from another day it should not be displayed on the card


  • create new branch
  • update input to only display todays inputs on the card
  • configurate todays-date in the app

design todo-page

User story

As a user
I want to apply styling to the todo-page
to reach the design-goal




  • the design should look like the design goal
  • the activity-cards should have the same design
  • the footer should consists of pictures/svgs
  • there should be a placeholder-image for the image-upload


  • create new branch
  • replace the footer-text with svg's
  • apply global-style to background
  • style calendar

header component

User story

As a user
I want to have a different title for each page
so that I can easily distingish the pages


  • the user should be able to see a header on the different pages
  • the header should always have the same style


  • create new branch
  • create header-component
  • connect header-component with routing
  • update name on selected route

Display walks

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to see a section with the walks I did with my dog
So that I can have a overview over them




  • a card that displays the walks with the dog


  • create new branch
  • create component for the item-card that should contain the information about the walks a user did with his/her dog
  • add text-element with placeholder-data to show how long the last dog walk was
  • add text-element with placeholder-data to show when the last dog walk was
  • add text element with placeholder-data to show how long the dog has been outside today and how much time he should still be outside today
  • apply basic styling
  • add testing



Input Picture without always inputting name

User Story

As a user
I want to update the picture for my dog seperate from the name
so that I can change the picture more frequently


  • the user should be able to update only the picture
  • the upload should be seperated from the name-input


  • create new branch
  • seperate the name input from image submit
  • create a button to handle the upload via form

Update food component

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to update my inputFood-component
to use the data later on



  • show the last inputted food items the dog ate


  • create new branch
  • use the map.method to display the submitted foodItems



NOCH INS REV // Have a page to hold the settings

User Story

As a user
I want to have a page to update the settings
so that I can configurate them when I want


  • the user should see a navigational-element in the footer
  • the user should be able to input the info settings as well es the amount of food the dog should eat in one day
  •  the data should be visible in the other pages


  •  create new branch
  • add new settings-page
  • create navigation to new settings-page
  • move the info-settings from the homepage to the new page

Add navigation for todo-page

Developer story

As a developer
I want to add a navigation
so that I can select through different pages




  • the user should see a footer where the navigational-elements are stored
  • the user should be able to select between two navigational-elements
  • the user should always see the footer on every page
  • the user should see which element is selected


  • create new branch
  • add footer
  • add navigational-elements within the footer
  • implement react router
  • create navLinks directing to the pages
  • apply styling to show which element is active



Refactor Styling for ToDo-page

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to refactor my styling-components on the todo-page
so that I have less repetetive code


  • lessen the amount of code


  •  create new branch
  • make more use of global styles
  • lessen repetetive and redundant code

design calendar-page

User story

As a user
I want to apply styling to the calendar-page
to reach the design-goal




  • the design should look like the design goal
  • the activity-cards should have the same design
  • the footer should consists of pictures/svgs
  • there should be a placeholder-image for the image-upload


  • create new branch
  • replace the footer-text with svg's
  • apply global-style to background
  • style calendar

Show Name

User Story

As a user
I want to see the name of my dog on the homepage
So that it is always clear which dog it is




  • a title that shows the name of the dog
  • the title shown on the homepage


  • create a new branch
  • create a component for the title
  • write provisionally title
  • apply basic styling



Input food goal for the day

User Story

As a user
I want to add how much food my dog should eat in a day
So that I can see how much food my dog should eat




  • an option to update the amount of food the dog should eat in one day
  • the user should always be able to update the daily-goal
  • the information the user entered should be usable in the Add-food-item-component


  • create a new branch
  • create button to open input-information on the homepage
  • create a input-food-goal component
  • connect the input-food-goal-component to the button click (?conditional templates)
  • apply basic styling



Apply same look to forms

Developer Story

As a developer
I want to create a container components for my forms
so that I have less redundant styling in my code



  • the opened forms on the page should have a similar look


  • create new branch
  • create FormCard-component
  • apply styling to similar elements in the form like buttons and textareas
  • implement FormCard-component to the corresponding Card-components



Show overall walks (in time) for the day

User Story

As a user
I want to see how much time I was outside with my dog at a day
to have a quick overview about it




  • show total amount of walks in times


  • create new branch
  • add the time-inputs to sum up the total time outside



Set dates for todos afterwards

User Story

As a user
I want to set a date to my todos
so that I can move them to specific dates after creating them




  • the user should have an option to set dates to submitted todos
  • after setting a date the todos should move to the date in the calender
  • the user should be able to edit the dates after moving them to the calendar


  • create new branch
  • add form to set date
  • create button in the todo-component
  • show the Form on buttonClick
  • move todo to calendar component after submitting date

Set todos to urgent

User Story

As a user
I want to mark todos as urgent
so that I can see which to do i should do immediately




  • the user should have an option to mark todos as urgent
  • when clicked the todo should move to a different urgent-section
  • the user should see every urgent todo in that section
  • urgent todos should be movable back in the todos-section


  • create new branch
  • create urgent-section
  • create button to todos
  • filter urgent-marked todos to move into the urgent-section
  • add button to urgent todos to move back to todos-section

Show overall amount of food the dog ate

User Story

As a user
I want to see how much food my dog ate
to have a quick overview about it




  • sum up the submitted-inputs of food
  • show total amount of food the dog ate


  • create new branch
  • create counter-element in the displayFood-component
  • add the amount-inputs to sum up to a total amount of the inputs
  • show the sum in the counter



Delete todos

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to delete todos
so that I do not have to edit them if I change my mind




  • the user should see an option to delete the todos
  • after deleting the todo should be gone


  • create new branch
  • create button on todo-component
  • enable option to delete todo after button click

Show Picture

User Story

As a user
I want to see a picture of my dog
So that it is always clear which dog it is




  • a picture that shows the dog
  • the picture shown on the homepage


  • create a new branch
  • create a component for the picture
  • input mock picture
  • apply basic styling



Add Food-component

User Story

As a user
I want to add the food that my dog already ate
So that I can see how much food the dog should eat afterwards




  • an option to add new food items
  • user can input amount of food and time of day
  • a visual cue to show how much food the dog already ate on that day
  • a visual cue to show how much food the dog has left to eat for the day
  • user should see when the dog had something to eat


  • create new branch
  • create component for the item-card to display the input
  • apply basic styling to item-card
  • add inputFood-component
  • connect the inputFood-component to the button-click (?conditional templates)
  • add a form so that the user can input what and when the dog ate
  • apply basic styling to inputFood-component
  • add text-element when the dog ate the last time to item-card
  • add text-element as a goal of how much food the dog should eat in one day (for example 0(current) /100gram (goal))



design homepage

User story

As a user
I want to apply styling to the homepage
to reach the design-goal




  • the design should look like the design goal
  • the activity-cards should have the same design
  • the footer should consists of pictures/svgs
  • there should be a placeholder-image for the image-upload


  • create new branch
  • replace the footer-text with svg's
  • add placeholder-image for info
  • apply global-style to background
  • use reusable design for activity-cards to lessen redundant code
  • move show food goal into card

Display "business"

User Story

As a user
I want to be able to see a section of the „business“ my dog did today
So that I can have a quick overview over them




  • a card that displays the „business“ a dog did today


  • create new branch
  • create component for the item-card to display the business the dog did today
  • add text-element with placeholder-data to show what kind of business it was
  • add text-element with placeholder-data to show when the dog did his/her business
  • add text element with placeholder-data to show the overall business the dog did on the day
  • apply basic styling to card
  • add testing



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