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chemistry_language's Introduction

Chemistry Language

Chemistry Language is a programming language designed to solve chemistry problems. Despite its seemingly complex nature as a programming language, it is essentially a calculator with advanced capabilities. It features automatic dimensional analysis and implicit automatic unit conversion using pint. This tool is especially helpful for chemistry students because it treats chemical formulas as first-class citizens and allows quantities to be expressed with substances/formulas as their units for easy tracking. Furthermore, it assists in stoichiometry by using chemistry formulas as molar mass conversion factors to convert between moles, atoms, and grams. Finally, this language adopt a Python-styled syntax with keywords that are created with chemistry students in mind.


Lexical grammar

STR         -> ( "s" )? "\"" (not "\"" or "\"" with preceding "\\")* "\"" | ( "s" )? "doc" (any string sequence not including "done")+ "done"
FORMULA     -> compound ( "^" "{" NUMBER ( "+" | "-" ) "}" )? | compound ( "^" NUMBER ( "+" | "-" ) )?;
compound    -> ( ( ELEMENT | "(" ELEMENT ")" ) ( "_" "{" (any char that is not "}") "}" | "_" NUMBER | NUMBER )? )+;
PATH        ->  (path_car)* ( "\" (path_char " ")* )+ | "|" ( any char that is not "|" ) ( "\" ( any char that is not "|" )* )+ "|";
path_char   -> any char that is not "<>/|?*(){}" and not space
UNIT        -> "m" | "in" | "ft" | "yd" | "mi" | "acre" | "L" ... See pint default units.;
PLURAL      -> "s" | "es" | "ves" | "ies";
NUMBER      -> DIGIT+ ( "." DIGIT+ )? ( ( "e" | "E" ) DIGIT )?;
ALPHA       -> "_" | "a" ... "z" | "A" ... "Z" | U+0000 ... U+10FFFF;
DIGIT       -> "0" ... "9";
ELEMENT     -> "H"|"He"|"Li"|"Be"|"B"|"C"|"N"|"O"|"F"|"Ne"|"Na"|"Mg"|"Al"|"Si"|"P"|"S"|"Cl"|"Ar"|"K"|"Ca"|"Sc"|"Ti"|"V"|"Cr"|"Mn"|"Fe"|"Co"|"Ni"|"Cu"|"Zn"|"Ga"|"Ge"|"As"|"Se"|"Br"|"Kr"|"Rb"|"Sr"|"Y"|"Zr"|"Nb"|"Mo"|"Tc"|"Ru"|"Rh"|"Pd"|"Ag"|"Cd"|"In"|"Sn"|"Sb"|"Te"|"I"|"Xe"|"Cs"|"Ba"|"La"|"Ce"|"Pr"|"Nd"|"Pm"|"Sm"|"Eu"|"Gd"|"Tb"|"Dy"|"Ho"|"Er"|"Tm"|"Yb"|"Lu"|"Hf"|"Ta"|"W"|"Re"|"Os"|"Ir"|"Pt"|"Au"|"Hg"|"Tl"|"Pb"|"Bi"|"Po"|"At"|"Rn"|"Fr"|"Ra"|"Ac"|"Th"|"Pa"|"U"|"Np"|"Pu"|"Am"|"Cm"|"Bk"|"Cf"|"Es"|"Fm"|"Md"|"No"|"Lr"|"Rf"|"Db"|"Sg"|"Bh"|"Hs"|"Mt"|"Ds"|"Rg"|"Cn"|"Nh"|"Fl"|"Mc"|"Lv"|"Ts"|"Og";


expr        -> interval;
write       -> interval -> PATH;
interval    -> assign "..." assign;
assign      -> identifier '=' expr;
ternary     -> "(" expr ")" "?" expr ":" expr 
or          -> and ( "|" and )*;
and         -> eq ( "&" eq )*;
eq          -> cp ( ("!=" | "==") cp )*;
cp          -> term ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) term)*;
term        -> factor ( ( "-" | "+" ) factor )*;
factor      -> unary ( ( "/" | "*" | "%" ) unary | ( reactions )?  ( "->"  ( UNIT | formula ) ) )*;
unary       -> ("!" | "-" | "+" | "~" ) unary | exp;
exp         -> call ( "**" | "^" ) "{" expr "}" | call ( "**" | "^" ) ( call );
call        -> primary ( "(" content? ")" ) | "." IDENTIFIER )*;
primary     -> IDENTIFIER | "pass" | "fail" | "(" expr ")" | "na" | STR | PATH | quantity;

identifier  -> IDENTIFIER | "`" IDENTIFIER "`"
reactions   -> ":" reaction ( "," reaction )* ":"
reaction    -> FORMULA  ( "+"  formula )* "->"  FORMULA ( "+" formula )*
quantity    -> primary ( unit )? ( formula )?;
content     -> expr ( "," expr )*;
unit        -> unit ( "/" | "*" ) UNIT ( "^" )? NUMBER  PLURAL? | UNIT PLURAL?;


It is weird to call them statements. Since this is a super-cow-power calculator, all the statements are evaluated and have a return value. But we got to stop the evaluation of expression somewhere, so statements are still preserved.

All the statements, if not followed by a newline, can be written as oneliner. We allow you to write assignment expressions inside this oneliner, and it will declare/define variables in a separate lexica scope of the statement.

For work, the last line of statements will be automatically submitted (Nobody can write homework but forgot to submit!), if you do not explicitly put a submit statement.

stmt        ->  exam | redo | during | work | submit;
exam        -> "exam" expr SEP block ( "makeup" expr ( SEP block | expr ) )* ( "fail" SEP block )? SEP | "exam" expr ( "makeup" expr expr )* ( "fail" expr )?; 
redo        -> "redo" IDENTIFIER "of" interval ( SEP block | expr ) SEP;
during      -> "during" expr ( SEP block | expr ) SEP;
work        -> "work" IDENTIFIER "(" parameters? ")" ( SEP block | expr ) SEP;
submit      -> "submit" expr SEP;

parameters  -> IDENTIFIER ( "," IDENTIFIER )*;
block       -> INDENT stmt* DEDENT;

SEP         -> \n;
INDENT      -> ( "\t" | " " )*;


  • In this implementation, the recursive descent parser shall parse any expression that can be generated from the first production expression -> interval.
  • A number without a unit is considered a scalar, which would only change the quantity in the expression (if any), but not their unit. However, if multiple units are found, dimensional analysis is running with Graph.
  • Chemical formulas are treated as a quantity with g/mol as the unit. However, one could use a different aspect of the chemical formula to calculate, e.g., the sum of electronegativity, the sum of atomic numbers, etc.


  • This is an interpreter that evaluates/generate result through iteration of the tree, a.k.a., syntax-directed generation.


Basic 4 Arithmetic

add:        1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
subtract:   20 - 1 = 19
multiply:   1 * 2 * 3 = 6
divide:     200 / 2 = 100

Advanced arithmetic

exponent:   2 ^ 3 = 8 or 2 ** 3 = 8 (pythonic style)        
  • Exponent is right associtive. Consider2 ^ 3 ^ 4 == 2 ^ (3 ^ 4) = pass
  • Use bracket to allow expression of lower precedence to be evaluated 2 ^ {3 + 7} = 1024
modulo:     3 % 2 = 1                                                    

Unit awareness

unit aware: 10 mol NaCl + 20 mol NaCl = 30 mole NaCl
  • There is no exception handling for the unit mismatch. Therefore if you put some weird unit, the calculator refuses to evaluate them rather than silently fail

Try to execute: 10 mol NaCl + 20 mol NaOH. You will see the error message.


Eq:        1 == 1 = pass
Neq:       1 != 1 = fail
Lt:        1 < 2 = pass
Le:        1 <= 2 = pass
Gt:        1 > 2 = fail
Ge:        1 >= 2 = fail
  • Comparison is right associative also unit aware. You can't compare quantities with different units (unless convertable). Same as above, you will get an error message.


And:        pass && fail = fail
Or:         pass || fail = pass
Not:        !pass = fail

No XOR. If you want to, you have to use (a || b) && !(a && b)

Special literals

Path:       home\user\file.txt = home\user\file.txt
  • Path, without quote, is defined as any char except "<>/|?*(){}" and it must not contain a space
  • Path does not respect OS specific separator. It must always be \
  • Majority of time, lexical grammar of unquoted path fail. So use '|' to quote them, like:
|home\user\file.txt| = home\user\file.txt
Quantity:   1 mol NaCl = 1 mole NaCl
  • In this calculator, as a trade-off of speed, all the number is stored as (magnitude, unit, formula) 3 element tuple. All the magnitude is BCD(binary coded decimal), with default precision 28 (more specifications see python decimal)
  • There is no integer, float, or double. All are stored as Quantity, but formula-less and dimensionless.
Identifier: a
  • The problem with the identifier is -- it must not collide with the namespace of the unit (which is parsed by Pint), and must not collide with keywords or an infinite set of string, Formula. Later two are exactly described in EBNF grammar in README.

  • The lexer/scanner always treats alpha, number, and underscore sequence as

    • Element
    • Unit
    • Path
    • Identifier

    with priority from high to low, top to down. Hence, sometimes you must escape the identifier to use them, like - `NaCl` = 10 = 10

Reaction:  :NaCl + H2O -> NaOH + H2:
  • Reaction is always preceding conversion operation, quoted by ':'.

Special features

Dimensional analysis made easy. Consider following problem, excerpt from our beloved chemistry teacher:

How many moles of aqueous copper(II) sulfate would be required to precipitate all the hydroxide ions present in a solution of sodium hydroxide containing 50.00 grams of NaOH?

    - 50.00 g NaOH -> mol :CuSO4 + NaOH -> Cu(OH)2 + Na2SO4:-> CuSO4
    - 0.6250625062506250799124776075 mole CuSO_{4}

How many grams of carbon dioxide can be produced by combusting 16.00 moles of butane (C4H10)?

    - 16.00 mol C4H10 :C4H10 + O2 -> CO2 + H2O:-> CO2 -> gram
    - 2816.576000000000021827872843 gram CO_{2}

What mass of iron(II) carbonate can be produced by reacting 35.00 grams of potassium carbonate with an excess amount of iron(II) nitrate?

    - 35.00 g K2CO3 -> mol :K2CO3 + Fe(NO3)_2 -> KNO3 + FeCO3:-> FeCO3 -> gram
    29.33963561112558265547152519 gram FeCO_{3}

If you want to show balanced equation, you can set environment variable show_balanced_equation = pass. Vice versa, set it to fail to disable it. For your reading experience, we disabled this feature in this document.

Programtic stuff

Yeah! Welcome to CS part of this calculator.

Control flow

Exam is used to do something based on whether the exam is passed or failed. For example

gpa = 3.5
exam gpa > 3.5 
makeup gpa > 3.0 

The above program gives a very cruel classification of GPA.

  • Everyone who has GPA > 3.5 is A+
  • Everyone who has GPA > 3.0 is A
  • Everyone else is F

redo and during are used to doing something repeatly. For example

i = 10
during i >= 0
    i -= 1

redo i of 1...11

Above two programs, will count from 10 to 0 and then back to 10.


There is no OOP. All the calculation is done by (home) Work. There is no default argument, overloading, etc. But there is closure, first-order function (or function pointer if you like), and recursion.

  • Hanoi tower puzzle handler.

    work move(n, from, buf, to)
        exam n == 1
            print(s"Move {n} from {from} to {to}")
            move(n - 1, from, to, buf)
            move(1, from, buf, to)
            move(n - 1, buf, from, to)
    move(3, 'a', 'b', 'c')
  • Fibonacci sequence calculator.

    work fib(n)
        exam n <= 1
            submit 1
            res = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
            submit fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
    redo i of 1...20
        print(s'fib({i}) = {fib(i)}')

A function that remembers a nonlocal variable, through usage of closure. Notice in this implementation of closure, there is no __closure__ variable to access the nonlocal variable. Instead, it is some magic that is hidden.

work counter()
    i = 0
    work impl()
        i += 1
    submit impl

i = counter()


Just put -> after the expression, and the result will be collected. For example, you want to print a multiply sheet with this language.

redo i of 1...10
    redo j of 1...10
        print(s'{i} x {j}
' -> |test.txt|)

And the result is collected in a file (more exactly, appended and created if not exist), test.txt.

Format String

This document is written with doc string. Read source code to find out how that works.

You can use a bracket to quote expr, and then we will recursively evaluate expr and fill its' stringify version to doc string. Doc string always supports that feature, but you must prepend an s before normal string to enable that.


  • Add support for predicting chemical formula
  • Add support for better printing
  • Add support for GUI


  • For the inspiration for this calculator, thanks to my beloved chemistry teacher!
  • For the implementation of this calculator, thanks to my beloved CS teacher!
  • And we will also thank Sympy for handling some heavy math stuff, Pint for unit parsing, the dragon book & crafting interpreters for the EBNF, CFG, predictive parser, recursive descent parser, and Python.


  • MIT

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