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klinegraph's Introduction



前两天听了朱凯大神的知乎live,其中说到一点,作为Android开发者需要立即提升的三项技能: 分别是:UI,网络,线程,而UI又分:布局,绘制,以及触摸事件的反馈.凯哥强调:其实UI确实只有这么几个最主要的东西,但是很多人却没能搞明白.

其实UI的这三个方面,说容易也容易,说难也难.有同学当时也问到:怎么样才能算是掌握了这三个方面呢? 凯哥当时的回答是:给出一个不算是为难的界面,能布局出来,绘制好,并掌握相应的触摸反馈,就算是基本上掌握UI了.

实际上UI容易也是在这里,初步上手,对大部分比较认真的同学来说都是可以做到的,但是深入了解的,却比较少.例如,触摸Touch事件是如何分发的, 它的原理是什么,这就需要大家更加深入的学习了.


##股票图基本知识 了解股票图如何绘制,首先应该了解股票图的业务逻辑是怎样的,这篇文章是仿雪球股票写的,建议大家下载雪球股票软件体验一下.在写这个股票图之前,我对股票是一无所知(原谅我穷买不起), 所以花了一点时间了解了一下股票图的基本信息,如果知道股票图是如何解读的,可以跳过这节.

股票图的种类特别多,不同的种类的股票图也不一样,例如股票有港股,美股,上证,深圳,创业板等等.然后上证又有:分时,日K,月K等等. 复杂程度完全可以直接绕晕人,没错,我就是看不懂所以不敢买.

股票图的种类之多,本文也没有一一编写,这里主要是仿照了雪球股票之上证指数的:分时图,以及日K图. 也就是股票的两大图种:分时图,以及蜡烛图.











##分时图 ###布局 布局无论是xml引用layout编写,亦或是java直接new出来,或者是使用canvas直接绘制,最重要的不是应该使用 RelativeLayout还是LinearLayout,而是应该剖析它的层次与结构.

####层次 根据上面的基本介绍,分时图的可以分为以下几个层次:

  • 第1层:横线,竖线,以及底部时间(底部时间没有其他的元素,可以处于任意一层)

  • 第2层:折线,以及阴影部分

  • 第3层:文字,包括最高点,最低点,百分比

####结构 分时图的结构相对简单,在基本介绍上已经说明其基本信息.

股票的开盘时间是早上09:3011:30,下午是13:0015:00,所以其分上午,下午两部分. 中间的虚线是昨天收盘的股票点,以此为基准线,计算折线图的位置.

###绘制 布局分析好之后,就开始绘制这些基本信息.普通View的绘制,是写好xml或者java代码,然后交给每个view自己绘制,这里我们自己控制其绘制.


####详细绘制步骤 #####开始. 自定义一个View,覆写其四个构造方法(注意最好四个构造方法都覆写,这样就可以通过多种途径新建这个View),覆写onDraw()方法,画图的时候就是在这个方法进行绘制的.

public class KLineView extends View {
        public KLineView(Context context) {

        public KLineView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            super(context, attrs);

        public KLineView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
            super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

        @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
        public KLineView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
            super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {


 * canvas paint
private Paint mPaint;

private void init() {
    mPaint = new Paint();

 * create the test data
private void createTestData() {
    baseData = 3120.50f;
    try {
        times = new ArrayList<>();
        prices = new ArrayList<>();
        @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat
                ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        Date date = dateFormat.parse("2017-01-01 09:30:00");
        for (int i = 0; i < 240; i++) {
            if (i == 120) {
                date = dateFormat.parse("2017-01-01 13:00:00");
            date.setTime(date.getTime() + 60 * 1000);

            float tmp;
            if (i == 0) tmp = (float) (baseData + 5 - Math.random() * 10);
            else tmp = (float) (prices.get(i - 1) + 5 - Math.random() * 10);
            tmp = formatPrice(tmp);
            if (tmp > maxPrice) {
                maxPrice = tmp;
            if (tmp < minPrice) {
                minPrice = tmp;
//            for (String str : times) {
//                Log.e("time", str);
//            }
//            for (Float item : prices) {
//                Log.e("time", item + "");
//            }
    } catch (ParseException e) {


#####绘制线. 使用MarkMan量取,分时图在720*1280分辨率下,高度是是410,则我们可以把其高度分成410份. 它一共有5条横线,从上到下,每条线距离顶部的距离依次为:10,30,190,360,380.其中第3条为虚线.还有一条竖线,水平居中.


protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float item = viewHeight / 410f;

     * draw lines
    drawLines(canvas, viewWidth, item);

 * draw lines
 * <p>from top to bottom, it have 5 horizontal lines,
 * <br> 1 vertical line in the horizontal center.
 * </p>
 * @param canvas    canvas
 * @param viewWidth the view's width
 * @param item      the view's height divided into 410
private void drawLines(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, float item) {
    canvas.drawLine(0, item * 10, viewWidth, item * 10, mPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(0, item * 30, viewWidth, item * 30, mPaint);
    drawDashEffect(canvas, 0, item * 190, viewWidth, item * 190);
    canvas.drawLine(0, item * 360, viewWidth, item * 360, mPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(0, item * 380, viewWidth, item * 380, mPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(viewWidth / 2.0f, item * 10, viewWidth / 2.0f, item * 380, mPaint);

 * draw a doted line
 * @param canvas canvas
 * @param x      startX
 * @param y      startY
 * @param endX   endX
 * @param endY   endY
private void drawDashEffect(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, float endX, float endY) {
    PathEffect effects = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{8, 8, 8, 8}, 1);
    Paint p = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    Path path = new Path();
    path.moveTo(x, y);
    path.lineTo(endX, endY);
    canvas.drawPath(path, p);

#####绘制时间. 时间的最简单,三个时间是固定的,位置也是固定的.



protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float item = viewHeight / 410f;

     * draw time
    drawTimes(canvas, viewWidth, item);

 * draw times
 * <br><br>
 * draw text method:
 * <p>params: 1:content, 2:x, 3: the baseline</p>
 * <br><b>Note:the baseline == -mPaint.getFontMetrics().top in default</b>
 * <br><br><b>More information, please
 * <a href="">click this</a></b>
 * @param canvas    canvas
 * @param viewWidth view's width
 * @param item      the view's height divided into 410
private void drawTimes(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, float item) {
    mPaint.setTextSize(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 8f,
    float textWidth = mPaint.measureText("09:30");
    canvas.drawText("09:30", item * 10, -mPaint.getFontMetrics().top + item * 380, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText("11:30", viewWidth / 2.0f - textWidth / 2.0f, -mPaint.getFontMetrics()
            .top + item * 380, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText("15:00", viewWidth - textWidth - item * 10, -mPaint.getFontMetrics().top
            + item * 380, mPaint);

#####绘制折线,以及折线的阴影面积. 转到canvas上来说,其实就是绘制路径,在前面绘制横线的时候,绘制虚线其实就是绘制路径. 注意绘制阴影的时候,要把画笔设置为实心的,这样才会有阴影的效果,同时路径path要多连接几个点,包括右下角,左下角,表明折线下方,第五条横线上方,就是阴影部分.

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float item = viewHeight / 410f;

     * draw broken line and shadow graph
    drawBrokenLine(canvas, viewWidth, item, "#504F76DB", Paint.Style.FILL);
    drawBrokenLine(canvas, viewWidth, item, "#4F76DB", Paint.Style.STROKE);

 * draw broken line
 * @param canvas    canvas
 * @param viewWidth view's width
 * @param item      the view's height divided into 410
 * @param color     paint color
 * @param style     paint style,FILL: draw shadow, STROKE:draw line
private void drawBrokenLine(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, float item, String color, Paint
        .Style style) {
    Path path = new Path();
    Paint paint = new Paint();
    float xItem = viewWidth / 2.0f / 120f;

    // get biggest  difference value, it will be calculated proportion
    float yCount = maxPrice - baseData > baseData - minPrice ? maxPrice - baseData : baseData
            - minPrice;
    //get one item height
    float yItem = 330 * item / yCount / 2.0f;

    //set path start point,item * 195 is baseData's y point.
    path.moveTo(0, item * 195);
    //set other points
    for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
        path.lineTo(xItem * (i + 1), item * 195 + yItem * (baseData - prices.get(i)));
    //if draw shadow, we should add 3 points to draw a complete graphics.
    //if draw lines, we should let lines bold.
    if (Paint.Style.FILL == style) {
        path.lineTo(viewWidth, item * 380);
        path.lineTo(0, item * 380);
        path.lineTo(0, item * 195);
    } else {
    canvas.drawPath(path, paint);

#####绘制最高点,最低点,以及百分比. 有了绘制时间的经验,我们知道x,y分别代表的是文字的左下角,baseline,直接绘制即可.

绘制最低点的时候需要注意,最低点距离第四条横线的距离,应该与第二条线距离最高点的距离一致.放大雪球股票的图,发现其K线图,以及后面要绘制的蜡烛图,这 两个距离都不相等,虽然无伤大雅.但是如果我们能做到,那就更好不过.


在前面绘制文字的时候提到过这篇文章StyleTextView,发布到郭霖的公众号后,有部分同学说,为什么这么麻烦搞这么多,感觉不需要这么复杂. 实际上如果只是单纯做一个需求,确实不需要多复杂的代码,直接绘制是最简单的,但是绘制也涉及到留白的问题,在一个要求不是特别精确的View,一两个像素的差距,确实可有可无,甚至有同学直接根据 实际运行出来的效果图,调整空白大小.



protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float item = viewHeight / 410f;

     * draw max, min price and percent
    drawPriceAndPercent(canvas, viewWidth, item);

 * draw price and percent
 * <br><br>
 * draw text method:
 * <p>params: 1:content, 2:x, 3: the baseline</p>
 * <br><b>Note:the baseline == -mPaint.getFontMetrics().top in default</b>
 * <br><br><b>More information, please
 * <a href="">click this</a></b>
 * @param canvas    canvas
 * @param viewWidth view's width
 * @param item      the view's height divided into 410
private void drawPriceAndPercent(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, float item) {
    // get biggest  difference value, it will be calculated proportion
    float yCount = maxPrice - baseData > baseData - minPrice ? maxPrice - baseData : baseData
            - minPrice;

    //draw max price
    canvas.drawText(yCount + baseData + "", item * 10, -mPaint.getFontMetrics().top + item *
            30, mPaint);
    String percentStr = formatPrice(yCount * 100 / baseData) + "%";
    float textWidth = mPaint.measureText(percentStr);
    //draw max percent
    canvas.drawText(percentStr, viewWidth - textWidth - item * 10, -mPaint.getFontMetrics()
            .top + item * 30, mPaint);

    //draw min price
    canvas.drawText(baseData - yCount + "", item * 10, item * 360 - (mPaint.getFontMetrics()
            .descent - mPaint.getFontMetrics().ascent - mPaint.getTextSize() + mPaint
            .getFontMetrics().ascent - mPaint.getFontMetrics().top), mPaint);
    percentStr = "-" + percentStr;
    textWidth = mPaint.measureText(percentStr);
    //draw min percent
    canvas.drawText(percentStr, viewWidth - textWidth - item * 10, item * 360 - (mPaint
            .getFontMetrics().descent - mPaint.getFontMetrics().ascent -
            mPaint.getTextSize() + mPaint.getFontMetrics().ascent - mPaint.getFontMetrics()
            .top), mPaint);


###触摸 网上有很多的触摸文章教程,这里就不展开篇幅讲解了,这里直接使用手势识别类:GestureDetector

但是实际使用发现,假设手指长按了,就不能再接收到 手指的移动事件,看GestureDetector发现,如果它判断是长按就直接break了,同时发现它也没有发送手指离开屏幕的事件,这都不是我想要的,所以我就把它源码直接复制出来了,删掉了一些用不到的事件,并 添加了手指离开事件.第二个手指按下,离开事件.

boolean onDown2(MotionEvent e);
boolean onUp2(MotionEvent e);
boolean onUp(MotionEvent e);



 private void init() {
        detector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), new GestureDetector.OnGestureListener() {

            public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
                Log.e("onLongPress", getActionName(e));

            public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float
                    distanceY) {
                Log.e("onScroll", getActionName(e2) + "  Y: " + distanceY + "  e2: " + e2.getRawY
                if (e2.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && longPressFlag) {
                return true;

            public boolean onDown2(MotionEvent e) {
                return false;

            public boolean onUp2(MotionEvent e) {
                return false;

            public boolean onUp(MotionEvent e) {
                Log.e("onUp", getActionName(e));
                return true;

            public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
//                Log.e("onDown", getActionName(e));
                return true;

            public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float
                    velocityY) {
//                Log.e("onFling", getActionName(e2));
                return true;

            public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
                Log.e("onSingleTapUp", getActionName(e));
                return true;

            public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {
//                Log.e("onShowPress", getActionName(e));

   public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
       return detector.onTouchEvent(event);

 * hide touch line
private void hideTouchLine() {
    touchIndex = -1;
    longPressFlag = false;
    if (touchMoveListener != null) {
        touchMoveListener.change("", "", "", "");

 * show touch line
private void showTouchLine(float touchX) {
    longPressFlag = true;
    float itemX = (float) getWidth() / prices.size();
    for (int i = 1; i <= prices.size(); i++) {
        if (itemX * i >= touchX) {
            touchIndex = i - 1;
    if (touchMoveListener != null && touchIndex >= 0) {
        touchMoveListener.change(times.get(touchIndex), prices.get(touchIndex) + "",
                formatPrice((prices.get(touchIndex) - baseData) / baseData * 100) + "%",

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float item = viewHeight / 410f;

     * draw touch lines and point
    drawTouchLines(canvas, viewWidth, item);

 * draw touch lines and point
 * @param canvas    canvas
 * @param viewWidth view's width
 * @param item      the view's height divided into 410
private void drawTouchLines(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, float item) {
    if (longPressFlag) {
        // get biggest  difference value, it will be calculated proportion
        float yCount = maxPrice - baseData > baseData - minPrice ? maxPrice - baseData :
                baseData - minPrice;
        float xItem = viewWidth / 2.0f / 120f;
        float yItem = 330 * item / yCount / 2.0f;
        float x = xItem * (touchIndex + 1);
        float y = item * 195 + yItem * (baseData - prices.get(touchIndex));

        //draw the lines
        canvas.drawLine(0, y, viewWidth, y, mPaint);
        canvas.drawLine(x, item * 10, x, item * 380, mPaint);

        //draw the point
        canvas.drawPoint(x, y, mPaint);

###分时图总结 至此,分时图的布局,绘制,触摸反馈都已经完整,如果再加上设置数据的方法,就可以作为一个基本的分时图使用了. 详细代码请点击:KLineView

##蜡烛图 ###布局 ####层次

  • 第1层:横竖刻度线
  • 第2层:股票点,时间
  • 第3层:蜡烛,以及MA线(MA其实就是绘制折线,这个Demo中没有绘制)

####结构 蜡烛图的结构相对复杂,首先是,数据是从右往左的呈现的,最右边是最新的数据,越往左时间越久.

其次,蜡烛图没有昨天收盘的时候的股票点,也就是它没有基准线,它的涨跌情况都是与前一天对比.所有它的刻度范围是不固定的,需要根据 当前呈现的数据,动态计算它的最高点和最低点

###绘制 ####开始


public class CandleView extends View {
    public CandleView(Context context) {

    public CandleView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public CandleView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
    public CandleView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

private void init() {

    candles = new ArrayList<>();
    mPaint = new Paint();

 * create test data
private void createTestData() {
    //create 4 months data
    Date date = new Date();
    @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat
            ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    Float todayStart = 3150.10f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1200; i++) {
        Candle candle = new Candle();
        date.setTime(date.getTime() - 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L);
          candle.time = formatTime(dateFormat.format(date));
        candle.time = dateFormat.format(date);
        if (i == 0) candle.start = todayStart;
            candle.start = formatPrice((float) (candles.get(i - 1).end + 100 - Math.random()
                    * 200));
        candle.end = formatPrice((float) (candle.start + candle.start * 0.05 - Math.random()
                * candle.start * 0.1));
        float tmp = formatPrice((float) (candle.start * 0.05 - Math.random() * candle.start *
        candle.max = formatPrice(candle.start + (tmp < 0 ? 0 : tmp));
        tmp = formatPrice((float) (candle.start * 0.05 - Math.random() * candle.start * 0.1));
        candle.min = formatPrice(candle.start + (tmp > 0 ? 0 : tmp));
    for (int i = 0; i < candles.size(); i++) {
        float total = 0f;
        if (i < candles.size() - 5) {
            for (int j = i; j < i + 5; j++) {
                total += candles.get(j).end;
            candles.get(i).ma5 = total / 5;
        } else {
            candles.get(i).ma5 = candles.get(i).end;
        total = 0f;
        if (i < candles.size() - 10) {
            for (int j = i; j < i + 10; j++) {
                total += candles.get(j).end;
            candles.get(i).ma10 = total / 10;
        } else {
            candles.get(i).ma10 = candles.get(i).end;
        total = 0f;
        if (i < candles.size() - 20) {
            for (int j = i; j < i + 20; j++) {
                total += candles.get(j).end;
            candles.get(i).ma20 = total / 20;
        } else {
            candles.get(i).ma20 = candles.get(i).end;

//        for (Candle candle : candles) {
//            Log.e("item", candle.toString());
//        }




 * calculate min and max y,the scale y.
private void getYData() {
    maxPrice = 0;
    minPrice = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++) {
        if (candles.get(i).start > maxPrice) maxPrice = candles.get(i).start;
        if (candles.get(i).start < minPrice) minPrice = candles.get(i).start;
        if (candles.get(i).end > maxPrice) maxPrice = candles.get(i).end;
        if (candles.get(i).end < minPrice) minPrice = candles.get(i).end;
        if (candles.get(i).max > maxPrice) maxPrice = candles.get(i).max;
        if (candles.get(i).max < minPrice) minPrice = candles.get(i).max;
        if (candles.get(i).min > maxPrice) maxPrice = candles.get(i).min;
        if (candles.get(i).min < minPrice) minPrice = candles.get(i).min;
    yScale = 1;
    int diff = (int) (maxPrice - minPrice);
    if (diff / 100000 >= 1) {
        yScale = 100000;
        minY = (int) minPrice / 100000 * 100000;
        maxY = ((int) maxPrice / 100000 + 1) * 100000;
    } else if (diff / 10000 >= 1) {
        yScale = 10000;
        minY = (int) minPrice / 10000 * 10000;
        maxY = ((int) maxPrice / 10000 + 1) * 10000;
    } else if (diff / 1000 >= 1) {
        yScale = 1000;
        minY = (int) minPrice / 1000 * 1000;
        maxY = ((int) maxPrice / 1000 + 1) * 1000;
    } else if (diff / 100 >= 1) {
        yScale = 100;
        minY = (int) minPrice / 100 * 100;
        maxY = ((int) maxPrice / 100 + 1) * 100;
    } else if (diff / 10 >= 1) {
        yScale = 10;
        minY = (int) minPrice / 10 * 10;
        maxY = ((int) maxPrice / 10 + 1) * 10;
      Log.e("siyehua", maxPrice + "  " + minPrice + "  " + maxY + "  " + minY + "  " +
              yScale + "  " + "  ");


protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float itemW = (float) viewWidth / count;
    float itemH = viewHeight / 410f;
    drawLinesAndText(canvas, viewWidth, viewHeight, itemW, itemH);

 * draw lines and text
 * @param canvas     canvas
 * @param viewWidth  the view's width
 * @param viewHeight the view's height
 * @param itemW      the view's wight divided into count
 * @param itemH      the view's height divided into 410
private void drawLinesAndText(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, float itemW,
                              float itemH) {
    mPaint.setTextSize(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 8f,
     * draw x lines and price text
    int lineCount = (maxY - minY) / yScale;
    if (lineCount > 5) {//假设线条超过5条,则把刻度大小翻倍
        yScale *= 2;
        lineCount = (maxY - minY) / yScale;
    //draw first line
    canvas.drawLine(0, itemH * 10, viewWidth, itemH * 10, mPaint);
    float percent = 370 / (float) lineCount;
    for (int i = 1; i < lineCount; i++) {
        //draw prices
        String content = minY + (lineCount - i) * yScale + "";
        canvas.drawText(content, itemH * 10, itemH * (10 + percent * i) - mPaint
                .getFontMetrics().bottom, mPaint);
        //draw middle lines
        canvas.drawLine(0, itemH * (10 + percent * i), viewWidth, itemH * (10 + percent * i),
    //draw last line
    canvas.drawLine(0, itemH * 380, viewWidth, itemH * 380, mPaint);
     * draw y lines and time
    String tmpMonth = candles.get(startIndex).time.substring(5, 7);
    for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < startIndex + count; i++) {
        if (!tmpMonth.equals(candles.get(i + 1).time.substring(5, 7))) {
            tmpMonth = candles.get(i + 1).time.substring(5, 7);
            String timeStr = candles.get(i).time.substring(0, 7);
            float tmp = itemW * (count + startIndex - i) - itemW / 2;
            //draw times
            float timeWidth = mPaint.measureText(timeStr);
            canvas.drawText(timeStr, tmp - timeWidth / 2, itemH * 380 + -mPaint
                    .getFontMetrics().top, mPaint);
            //draw liens
            canvas.drawLine(tmp, itemH * 10, tmp, itemH * 380, mPaint);

####绘制蜡烛 绘制好线与文字,就可以绘制蜡烛了.蜡烛图在View的视觉上占了很大的份量,但是绘制的时候,实际上很简单,当刻度计算好后,只需要绘制一条线,以及一个实心的矩形即可.

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewHeight = getHeight();
    int viewWidth = getWidth();
    float itemW = (float) viewWidth / count;
    float itemH = viewHeight / 410f;
    drawCandles(canvas, viewWidth, viewHeight, itemW, itemH);

 * draw candles
 * @param canvas     canvas
 * @param viewWidth  the view's width
 * @param viewHeight the view's height
 * @param itemW      the view's wight divided into count
 * @param itemH      the view's height divided into 410
private void drawCandles(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, float itemW, float
        itemH) {
    String tmpMonth = candles.get(startIndex).time.substring(5, 7);

    for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++) {
        //set paint color
        if (candles.get(i).end > candles.get(i + 1).end) {
        } else mPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN);

        float left, top, right, bottom;

        //draw line
        float tmp = itemW * (count + startIndex - i) - itemW / 2;
        left = tmp;
        top = ((maxY - candles.get(i).max) / (maxY - minY) * 370 + 10) * itemH;
        right = tmp;
        bottom = ((maxY - candles.get(i).min) / (maxY - minY) * 370 + 10) * itemH;
        if (top > bottom) {
            float a = top;
            top = bottom;
            bottom = a;
        canvas.drawLine(left, top, right, bottom, mPaint);
//          Log.e("siyehua", tmp + ", " + (((maxY - candles.get(i).start) / (maxY - minY) * 370 +
//                  10) * itemH) + ", " + tmp + ", " + (((maxY - candles.get(i).end) / (maxY -
//                  minY) * 370 + 10) * itemH));

        //draw candles
        left = itemW * (count - 1 + startIndex - i) + 2f;
        top = ((maxY - candles.get(i).start) / (maxY - minY) * 370 + 10) * itemH;
        right = itemW * (count + startIndex - i) - 2f;
        bottom = ((maxY - candles.get(i).end) / (maxY - minY) * 370 + 10) * itemH;
        if (top > bottom) {
            float a = top;
            top = bottom;
            bottom = a;
        canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mPaint);


####绘制其他元素 雪球股票的蜡烛图,还有三条折线,以及左上角的文字提示.这些在分时图已经讲解了如何绘制了,只需要依样画葫芦即可.


###触摸 ####初始化触摸类

private void init() {
    detector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), new GestureDetector.OnGestureListener() {
        public boolean onDown2(MotionEvent e) {
            Log.e("onDown2", e.getX(1) + "");
            flag1 = flag2 = false;
            type = 2;
            down2X = e.getX(1);
            return true;

        public boolean onUp2(MotionEvent e) {
            flag2 = true;
            if (flag1) type = 1;
            return true;

        public boolean onUp(MotionEvent e) {
            if (type == 2) {
                flag1 = true;
                if (flag2) type = 1;
            } else hideTouchLine();
            return true;

        public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
            Log.e("onDown", e.getRawX() + "");

            type = 1;
            downIndex = startIndex;
            downX = e.getX(0);
            return true;

        public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float
                distanceY) {
            //16ms refresh one time,because man resolution 16ms only.
            if (refreshFlag) {
                refreshFlag = false;
                handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(10086, 15);
                if (type == 1) {
                } else {//多根手指刷新
                    if (e2.getPointerCount() >= 2) {
                        float moveDistance = Math.abs(e2.getX(0) - e2.getX(1)) - Math.abs
                                (downX - down2X);
                        Log.e("onScroll", Math.abs(e2.getX(0) - e2.getX(1)) + "   " + Math
                                .abs(downX - down2X) + "   " + moveDistance + "    " + getWidth()
                                / 30);
            return true;

        public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
            if (type == 1) {
                longPressFlag = true;

        public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
            return true;

        public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {


        public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float
                velocityY) {
            return true;


public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    return detector.onTouchEvent(event);


     * show touch line
    private void showTouchLine(float touchX) {
        float itemX = (float) getWidth() / count;

        if (longPressFlag) {//长按,与分时图一个效果,先获取触摸的index,再刷新界面
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
                if (itemX * i >= touchX) {
                    touchIndex = i + 1;
            if (touchMoveListener != null && touchIndex >= 0) {
                touchMoveListener.change(candles.get(count + startIndex - touchIndex).time
                        .substring(0, 10), candles.get(count + startIndex - touchIndex).end + "",
                        formatPrice((candles.get(count + startIndex - touchIndex).end - candles
                                .get(count + startIndex - touchIndex + 1).end) / candles.get
                                (count + startIndex - touchIndex + 1).end * 100) + "%", "4613" +

        } else {//左右滑动,左右滑动,View不需要滑动,只需要修改startIndex的值,即达到滑动的效果
            int number = (int) ((touchX - downX) / itemX);
//            Log.e("number", number + "");
            startIndex = downIndex + number;
            if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;
            if (startIndex > candles.size() - count - 1) startIndex = candles.size() - count - 1;

     * draw lines and text
     * @param canvas     canvas
     * @param viewWidth  the view's width
     * @param viewHeight the view's height
     * @param itemW      the view's wight divided into count
     * @param itemH      the view's height divided into 410
    private void drawTouchLines(Canvas canvas, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, float itemW, float
            itemH) {
        if (longPressFlag) {//长按
            float x = itemW * touchIndex - itemW / 2;
            float y;
            float a = ((maxY - candles.get(count + startIndex - touchIndex).start) / (maxY -
                    minY) * 370 + 10) * itemH;
            float b = ((maxY - candles.get(count + startIndex - touchIndex).end) / (maxY - minY)
                    * 370 + 10) * itemH;
            if (candles.get(count + startIndex - touchIndex).end < candles.get(count + startIndex
                    - touchIndex + 1).end) {
                y = a > b ? a : b;
            } else y = a < b ? a : b;

            //draw the lines
            canvas.drawLine(0, y, viewWidth, y, mPaint);
            canvas.drawLine(x, itemH * 10, x, itemH * 380, mPaint);

            //draw the point
//            mPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#FFC125"));
//            mPaint.setStrokeWidth(10f);
//            canvas.drawPoint(x, y, mPaint);



    private void scaleCandle(float moveDistance) {
        if (moveDistance > getWidth() / 30) {

            if (count == 20) count = 10;
            else if (count == 10) return;
            else count -= 20;
        } else if (moveDistance < -getWidth() / 30) {
            if (count == 240) return;
            else count += 20;




本文从布局,绘制,触摸,三个方面讲解了分时图,蜡烛图的一步步实现过程.其实股票图的业务上还有很多是没有讲解到的,例如大家应该都有注意到截图中 下面有柱状图,其实这个应该也是图的一部分,还有一些高亮显示等问题.



最后在CSDN看了一个教程一步一步教你写股票走势图, 这个教程的绘制是依赖另外一库的基础上改造的,而且也不是很成熟.作者花了大量的篇幅,主要问题并不是教大家如何绘制,而是教大家如何处理绘制股票图中遇到的一些问题, 例如数组越界了等一些实质性的问题,最后还把这个系列商用了.如果大家在股票图的应用中遇到了一下问题,也可以参考这个系列的教程




Copyright 2017 siyehua

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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