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home-automation's Issues

Нет виджета для Sensor Binary

В интерфейсе не появляются виджеты для Sensor Binary, хотя виртуальные устройства для них создаются. И если сжать браузер, то между контейнерами нет расстояний.
screen shot 2014-04-11 at 15 24 57

AutomationController stop/restart not called

It seems that when /etc/init.d/z-way-server stop/restart commands are used, the AutomationController.stop or .restart methods are not called. I see that .stop logs messages but the only log entries after the stop command is issued are these:

[2014-05-15 21:54:26.814] Worker thread exit point
[2014-05-15 21:54:26.815] Worker thread successfully finished
[2014-05-15 21:54:26.960] Saving configuration data to ./config/zddx/caca3496-DevicesData.xml

Automatic module classes scanner

Implement automatic module classes scanner which will replace controller.modules setting from the config.json when readDir() routine will arrive.

Restarting zway is slow?

From my setup, it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to do a restart of the zway server. Is there anything I can do to make this faster? It would make server side development a lot faster if I can short-circuit a few things to speed up the restarts.

What is your guys' setup for this? Maybe I just need to get a faster SSD card for my raspberry.

Issues with thermostat virtual device

  1. Typo "curentMode", should be "currentMode"
  2. withMode is checked (if the class 64 exists) but later a binding is made for the class 64 without checking of withMode

UI changes?

I'm not sure how to mark this as a question...

Anyway, what are your guys' roadmap for the UI? It seems a little bit clunky in a few places and I'm thinking of making some changes. Is there a place in particular that you guys need some help in? Otherwise I'll just submit random PR and hope that they get accepted :).

Enable gzip compression

It looks like the web server does not support gzip or does not have it enabled by default. Right now, it looks like the home page is 2.5MB, with gzip enabled, we can probably cut that down by about 60% to 70% easy. Loading this on a mobile phone is excruciatingly slow :(.

The response from request.js appears to be synchronous so using Node's zlib module is out of the question.

If this is not an option, I would recommend putting nginx in front of the z-way-server, however. This means that the setup will require nginx as a dependency on the installation, which may not be desirable.

Aeon lab multisensor bind make Z-way server stop

Hi all,
Since i've update to 1.7 RC1 version, all binding to my aeon lab 4 in 1 sensor make z-way server stop.
I've this log :
[2014-05-12 16:51:24.363] Executing script: zway.devices[15].instances[0].commandClasses[49].Get()
[2014-05-12 16:51:24.365] Error returned from zway_data_get_binary(zway, zassert(_zway_find_data(command->data, "typemask")), &typemask, &typemaskSize): Wrong data Data type requested (-10)

thk a lot for your help.


Based on pure implementation (no dep on third party closes libs)

Неправильный параметр

В modules/ZWaveGate/classes/ZWaveDevice.js в строке 45 следующий вызов:

// Emit generic event
self.controller.emit('zway.dataUpdate', self.zDeviceId, self.zInstanceId, self.zCommandClassId, self.zSubTree, this.value, args);

в котором self.zSubTree нигде не инициализируется. Возможно, там должно быть self.zSubTreeKey

EventLog shows no device events on the console

In the master branch version, all events that come from devices are shown on the console if debug option is set to true. In develop branch this doesn't happen. The only events that are coming on the console are from the controller. Here is the part of the log where events are shown. There are no further events from the EventLog in the log although the Z-Wave log is full of regular events. Also the new UI updates fine, so the event bus must be working correctly.

[2014-05-13 20:20:20.969] Instantiating module 3 from class EventLog
[2014-05-13 20:20:20.976] --- Starting module undefined
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.030] --- EVENT: 2014-05-13T20:20:21.011Z 1400012421 core.instanceRegistered [3]
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.032] {"id":4,"moduleId":"OpenRemoteHelpers","params":{"title":"OpenRemote helper"}}
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.038] Instantiating module 4 from class OpenRemoteHelpers
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.051] --- Starting module OpenRemote helper
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.082] --- EVENT: 2014-05-13T20:20:21.077Z 1400012421 core.instanceRegistered [4]
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.083] Starting webserver...
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.188] Starting storage...
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.194] --- EVENT: 2014-05-13T20:20:21.191Z 1400012421 core.start []
[2014-05-13 20:20:21.196] ZWay Automation started

Как должно скроллиться

Меню (все три уровня) должны прилипать к верхнему краю, нижние панельки (Rearrange & Settings) — к нижнему. Фон — на всю высоту. Скроллятся только виджеты. Которые показываются по центру, если все влезают. А если не влезают, то начинаются сверху.


Тень от него — однопиксельная и 25% интенсивности.

Все названия виджетов на одном расстоянии от левого края (сейчас у Temperature другое).

Между иконкой и названием неправильно маленький оступ.

У выключателя должна быть внутренняя тень.

Тень от пимпочки в выключателе должна быть тенью (полупрозрачной), а не просто серой (чтобы на голубом и на сером она была соответствующе разного цвета).

ON / OFF в выключателе по вертикали съехало с центра. Да и сам выключатель тоже.

У сенсоров другой цвет шрифта в названии и тень внутрь.

Некорректная работа функции SwitchMultilevel StartLevelChange

Судя по описанию в функция имеет следующие параметры:
StartLevelChange(dir, duration=0xff, ignoreStartLevel=TRUE, startLevel=50, indec=0, step=0xff, successCallback=NULL, failureCallback=NULL)

  1. Параметр duration никак не влияет на длительность диммирования. Конкретно для диммера Fibaro FGD-211 длительность удается установить путем задания параметра конфигурации 9. Time between extreme values of manual dimming : devices[4].instances[0].commandClasses[112].Set(9,duration,1).
  2. Параметр startLevel игногируется, т.е. при установке ignoreStartLevel=false и dir=0 диммирование всегда производится от 1 до 99, при dir=1 - от 99 до 1.
  3. Параметр step игнорируется и не влияет на шаг диммирования.
  4. Параметр indec - из документации не ясен смысл этого параметра.
  5. Параметр dir - почему int, а не bool, если всего два значения?

Моя конфигурация:
Роль в сети
Номер узла:1
Роль первичного:yes
Способности первичного:yes
SUC/SIS в сети:Нет SUC/SIS

Производителя:RaZberry by Z-Wave.Me
Номер продукта у производителя:2 / 3
Чип Z-Wave:ZW0301

Тип библиотеки:Static Controller
Версия SDK:4.54.01
Версия Serial API:04.02

Версия Z-Way
Версия сборки:v1.4.1-rc1
Номер сборки:eeafaa52efb63177d7d96a3b68a614ab447662f1
Дата сборки:2013-10-21 03:49:05 +0400

Crash "Error: ReferenceError: ZWaveDoorlockDevice is not defined"

When a network has a door lock, the ZWaveGate initialization fails. Further initialization stops and the whole Automation UI becomes unusable.

Log file segment:
[2014-05-12 20:52:26.738] Creating device 28 instance 0 virtual devices
[2014-05-12 20:52:26.741] Creating Battery device
[2014-05-12 20:52:26.745] Creating Doorlock device
[2014-05-12 20:52:26.882] result: Error: ReferenceError: ZWaveDoorlockDevice is not defined
at :174:38
at Array.forEach (native)
at ZWaveGate.createDevicesForInstance (:125:28)
at ZWaveGate.handleStructureChanges (:102:14)
at AutomationController. (:45:37)
at AutomationController.EventEmitter.emit (:320:21)
at :75:29
at Array.forEach (native)
at :70:39
at Array.forEach (native)

Should apitests be passing?

I'm running from the RewriteStructure, here's what I did:

cd apitests
npm install
mocha index.js

Here's what I got:

  4 passing (4s)
  12 failing

Here's the first error:

  1) ZAutomation API /modules returnes modules list:
     Error: 404
      at Request._callback (/home/pi/zway/home-automation/apitests/index.js:38:34)
      at Request.self.callback (/home/pi/zway/home-automation/apitests/node_modules/request/request.js:129:22)
      at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
      at Request.<anonymous> (/home/pi/zway/home-automation/apitests/node_modules/request/request.js:873:14)
      at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
      at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pi/zway/home-automation/apitests/node_modules/request/request.js:824:12)
      at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
      at _stream_readable.js:920:16
      at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

I can post rest if you need it.

На вкладке Automation по умолчанию не должно быть пусто

Сейчас при заходе на вкладку Automation мы видим Ничего! Чтобы появился выбор модуля, нужно нажать + внизу

Предлагаю, при заходе на вкладку Automation, сразу предгать добавить новый модуль, без нажатия на +

Таким образом убираем одно лишнее действие и добавляем простоты в освоении интерфейса

Cannot make old EventLog to work

I copied the old EventLog module to the modules directory and it is loading when the automation is loaded. However, the last events it logs are

[2014-05-15 18:34:29.439] --- Starting module OpenRemote helper
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.467] Instantiating module 4 from class EventLog
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.473] --- Starting module undefined
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.531] --- EVENT: 2014-05-15T18:34:29.508Z 1400178870 core.instanceRegistered [4]
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.532] Starting webserver...
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.643] Starting storage...
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.657] --- EVENT: 2014-05-15T18:34:29.650Z 1400178870 core.start []
[2014-05-15 18:34:29.659] ZWay Automation started

No further logging is shown although with the original automation module it worked very well. I placed debug output in the EventEmitter2 base class and it seems to provide all needed output, but these emitted events don't seem to reach the logged although it subscribed to onAny, what could be wrong there?

Сетка виджетов

Виджеты должны быть шире. И отступы между ними одинаковые по вертикали и горизонтали. И меньше (как в макете).

Wrong lock status

When the new UI page is open, all lock widgets show Open, no matter what real status is. Also when I use an old UI to lock and unlock any lock, the widget status in the new UI does not get updated.

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