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neurodiff-ase2020-artifact's Introduction

This artifact contains the code for the ASE 2020 Paper "NeuroDiff: Differential Verification of Deep Neural Networks" and documentation on how to use it. We provide a VM working out of the box here. The username is "neurodiff" and the password is " " (i.e. a single space character). Note on the VM: if you reconfigure the number of cpus on the VM, you must reinstall OpenBLAS (you can use the install script from the installation instructions). Failing to do so will cause buffer overflows and may casue NeuroDiff to produce unsound results


This installation is tested on a an ubuntu 18 VM. To install, clone this repository on the target machine, install the dependencies listed below, and then build neurodiff.


The following debian and python packages must be install to build and run neurodiff:

sudo apt install make git gcc g++ python3 python3-pip git unzip
pip3 install tabulate

In addition, if you want to compress your own neural networks, you will need the following python packages:

pip3 install numpy==1.18.1 tensorflow==1.14.0 

In addition, NeuroDiff depends on OpenBLAS 0.3.6. We include the source code in this repo, and a script to install. To install, from this directory, run:

# installs openblas to ../DiffNN-Code
# Add ../DiffNN-Code to the library/include path 


In our paper, we evaluated five different versions of our tool: Full NeuroDiff, NeuroDiff with only convex approximations, NeuroDiff with only intermediate symbolic variables, ReluDiff+, and ReluDiff. The version to build is specified using different make rules, which we document here. The following commands assume the user in the DiffNN-Code/ directory. Note that you can specify the parallelism level using CFLAGS=-DMAX_THREAD=$NUM_THREADS. In our experiments we used NUM_THREADS=12

Building Full NeuroDiff

CFLAGS=-DMAX_THREAD=$NUM_THREADS make clean lineqall extravarssym all

Building NeuroDiff w/ only intermediate variables

CFLAGS=-DMAX_THREAD=$NUM_THREADS make clean lineq extravars all

Building NeuroDiff w/ only convex approximations

CFLAGS=-DMAX_THREAD=$NUM_THREADS make clean lineqall all

Building ReluDiff+

CFLAGS=-DMAX_THREAD=$NUM_THREADS make clean lineq all

Building ReluDiff


File Contents

Here we document the source code, which is located in the folder ~/DiffNN-Code in the VM, and DiffNN-Code in this repository. The documentation for running NeuroDiff and ReluDiff can be found in the next section.


This is the source code of NeuroDiff/ReluDiff. It has the following files:


The main entry point for the tool. It handles parsing the input arguments and starting the verification process.


Contains the code for:

  • loading a network (function: load_network)
  • loading an input property (function: load_inputs)
  • performing the forward pass and backward propagation (functions: forward_prop_delta_neurodiff and backward_prop)


Declarations for the functions in nnet.c.


Contains code for:

  • The main function that starts the verification process (function: direct_run_check_delta) which does the following:
    • Performs the forward pass
    • Checks if the property is satisfied
    • If not, then calling the function to refine the analysis by splitting the input interval (see the next bullet)
  • The function that determines which input property to split on, and allocating new memory for the split (function: split_interval_delta)


Contains the definitions for the above functions.


Contains the definition for the struct that stores our matrices and declarations of our matrix mutliplication functions.


Contains the functions that call the OpenBLAS matrix multiplication functions on our matrix structs.


Contains the definition for the struct that represents the intervals during the forward pass.


Defines three data structures for the mnist properties, which are:

  • A 2-D array mnist_test that contains 100 test MNIST images (an image is stored as an array of 784 integers)
  • An array correct_class of 100 integers corresponding to the correct classification of the 100 test MNIST images
  • A 3x100 2-D array random_pixels to determine which pixels to perturb in the 3 pixel experiment. Each entry in this array is a triple of integers each in the range 0-783 which correspond to the three pixels to perturb


Defines two data structures for the HAR properties, which are

  • A 2-D array HAR_test that contains 100 test inputs from the HAR data set
  • An array HAR_correct_class of 100 integers corresponding to the correct classification of the 100 test inputs


This script takes in a neural net file in the .nnet format, truncates its weights to 16 bits, and then outputs the result.

  • NNET: the file path to the input neural network
  • OUTPUT-PATH: the location to write the truncated neural net to


This directory contains scripts for running the experiments for tables 1, 2, 3, and Figure 11, and scripts for parsing the output. We include examples in the the section "Running the Experiments" below.

nnet/ and compressed_nnets/

This directory contains all of the neural networks used in our paper. The file format for the neural network is described here.

Tool Usage Documentation

Here we document how to use the various scripts and tools for each of the techniques we evaluated in our paper.


This is NeuroDiff/ReluDiff's main executable. To get a help menu, run ./delta_network_test without any parameters. We also provide the documentation below.

  • PROPERTY: an integer value indicating which pre-defined property to verify. The value can be:
    • 1-5, 7-15, 16, 26: These values correspond to the ACAS Xu properties orginally defined by Katz et al. in their Reluplex and Wang et al. in their ReluVal paper. See the appendix of this paper for desciptions. The integers 1-5 and 7-15 directly correspond to properties 1-5 and 7-15 respectively. Property 6 is broken into two parts, corresponding to 16 and 26.
    • 400-499: These values are used for the MNIST properties. Each of the 100 values corresponds to a single input image, and then a perturbation is applied to the image to generate the input property. These properties require that either '-p' or '-t' is specified as an option. If '-p' is specified (see below), a global perturbation will be applied as described in the evaluation of our paper. If '-x' is specified, then the given number random pixels will be perturbed (see below).
    • 1000-1099: These values are used for the HAR properties. Each of the 100 values corresponds to a single test input, and then a perturbation is applied to the input to generate the input property. These properties require that '-p' is specified as an option.
  • NNET1, NNET2: file paths to *.nnet files to compare.
  • EPSILON: A floating point value. ReluDiff will attempt to verify that NNET1 and NNET2 cannot differ by more than EPSILON over the input region defined by PROPERTY
    -p PERTURB : specifies the strength of the global perturbation to apply to the MNIST and HAR properties. For MNIST this should be an integer between 0-254. For HAR, this should be a float between -1 to 1.
    -x NUM_PIX : Performs pixel perturbation on the MNIST images instead of global perturbation. NUM_PIX is the number of pixels to randomly select for perturbation.
    -e NUM_EXTRA_VARS : the max number of extra variables that can be used during a forward pass. Setting NUM_EXTRA_VARS=0 will use the heuristic described in the paper (this is probably what you want). Only valid when compiled with "extravars" or "extravarssym" make rule. -m DEPTH : forces the analysis to 2^DEPTH splits and then prints region verified at each depth. Using DEPTH=0 runs a single forward pass and prints the computed delta interval.


Running the above execuatable will produce some output about the verification results. We illustrate on an example:

./delta_network_test 1 nnet/ACASXU_run2a_1_1_batch_2000.nnet compressed_nnets/ACASXU_run2a_1_1_batch_2000_16bit.nnet 0.05 -e 0
Total difference: 1.0736
Average difference: 0.0001
Normalizing input
Initial output delta:
[-269.650666 -323.034150 -343.905884 -359.871644 -358.394318 ]
[270.809356 324.417053 345.055053 360.276184 359.276062 ]
progress: [===                                               ] 4.10%
No adv!
time: 0.331189 

numSplits: 213

The total difference and average difference lines refer to the total absolute weight differences between the two networks, and the average difference between each pair of weights. The two arrays after "Initial output delta:" are the lower and upper bounds of the difference between the two networks computed on the first forward pass. "No adv!" indicates that the property was verified, followed by total time taken to verify the property. If there is no line beginning with "time:", then ReluDiff could neither verify nor disprove the property. The last line shows the total number of times the original input interval was split.

Running the Experiments

We provide scripts with the commands used to produce Tables 1, 2, 3, and Figure 11. All commands below assume the user is in the directory DiffNN-Code/. The printed result tables are taken from the paper, which were run on the hardware described in Section 5.2 with 12 threads. You should update the NUM_THREADS variable in the scripts,,, and in the table_scripts/ directory. In addition, we also include artifact scripts that will run a small set of our experiments under the directory artifact_scripts/. There usage is identical to the scripts under table_scripts/.

Table 1

# runs the verification, and collects output in the file neurodiff_acas_0.05 and reludiffp_acas_0.05
bash table_scripts/
# prints tables with results
bash table_scripts/ neurodiff_acas_0.05 reludiffp_acas_0.05
                        ReluDiff+                                               NeuroDiff
|   Property |   Proved |   Undet |    Time (s) |       |   Property |   Proved |   Undet |   Time (s) |
|------------|----------|---------|-------------|       |------------|----------|---------|------------|
|          1 |       44 |       1 | 4800.6      |       |          1 |       45 |       0 | 343.332    |
|          3 |       42 |       0 |    4.09981  |       |          3 |       42 |       0 |   1.68917  |
|          4 |       42 |       0 |    2.79513  |       |          4 |       42 |       0 |   1.24225  |
|          5 |        1 |       0 |    0.220824 |       |          5 |        1 |       0 |   0.100485 |
|          6 |        2 |       0 |    0.407    |       |          6 |        2 |       0 |   0.309289 |
|          7 |        0 |       1 | 1800        |       |          7 |        1 |       0 | 542.018    |
|          8 |        1 |       0 |  361.803    |       |          8 |        1 |       0 |  71.7295   |
|          9 |        1 |       0 |    2.31705  |       |          9 |        1 |       0 |   0.38704  |
|         10 |        1 |       0 |    0.706996 |       |         10 |        1 |       0 |   0.51966  |
|         11 |        1 |       0 |    0.265006 |       |         11 |        1 |       0 |   0.12171  |
|         12 |        1 |       0 |  360.85     |       |         12 |        1 |       0 |   1.7467   |
|         13 |        1 |       0 |    5.1239   |       |         13 |        1 |       0 |   3.41288  |
|         14 |        2 |       0 |   95.8638   |       |         14 |        2 |       0 |   0.311279 |
|         15 |        2 |       0 |   64.9665   |       |         15 |        2 |       0 |   0.376886 |

Table 2

# runs the verification, and collects output in the file neurodiff_acas_0.01 and reludiffp_acas_0.01
bash table_scripts/
# prints tables with results
bash table_scripts/ neurodiff_acas_0.01 reludiffp_acas_0.01
                        ReluDiff+                                               NeuroDiff
|   Property |   Proved |   Undet |     Time (s) |      |   Property |   Proved |   Undet |     Time (s) |
|------------|----------|---------|--------------|      |------------|----------|---------|--------------|
|          1 |       15 |      30 | 55778.6      |      |          1 |       41 |       4 | 11400.1      |
|          3 |       35 |       7 | 13642.2      |      |          3 |       42 |       0 |    14.2523   |
|          4 |       37 |       5 |  9114.96     |      |          4 |       42 |       0 |     3.81368  |
|          5 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |      |          5 |        1 |       0 |     0.326058 |
|          6 |        2 |       0 |     0.838987 |      |          6 |        2 |       0 |     1.04212  |
|          7 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |      |          7 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |
|          8 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |      |          8 |        1 |       0 |  1115.94     |
|          9 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |      |          9 |        1 |       0 |     2.43849  |
|         10 |        1 |       0 |     1.13708  |      |         10 |        1 |       0 |     1.55229  |
|         11 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |      |         11 |        1 |       0 |     0.317247 |
|         12 |        0 |       1 |  1800        |      |         12 |        1 |       0 |   132.233    |
|         13 |        1 |       0 |    14.7514   |      |         13 |        1 |       0 |    15.9159   |
|         14 |        0 |       2 |  3600        |      |         14 |        2 |       0 |  1589.27     |
|         15 |        0 |       2 |  3600        |      |         15 |        2 |       0 |   579.387    |

Table 3

# runs the verification, and collects output in the file reludiffp_mnist_pix and neurodiff_mnist_pix
bash table_scripts/
# print the results
bash table_scripts/ reludiffp_mnist_pix neurodiff_mnist_pix
                        ReluDiff+                                               NeuroDiff
|   Num Pixels |   Proved |   Undet |   Time (s) |      |   Num Pixels |   Proved |   Undet |   Time (s) |
|--------------|----------|---------|------------|      |--------------|----------|---------|------------|
|           15 |      100 |       0 |    1610.16 |      |           15 |      100 |       0 |    236.461 |
|           18 |       88 |      12 |   34505.8  |      |           18 |      100 |       0 |    540.827 |
|           21 |       30 |      70 |  145064    |      |           21 |      100 |       0 |   1004.04  |
|           24 |        1 |      99 |  179715.9  |      |           24 |       99 |       1 |   7860.14  |
|	    27 |	0 |	100 |  180000.0  |      |           27 |       83 |      17 |  49824     |

Figure 11

# runs the verification, and collects output in the file reludiffp_mnist_global and neurodiff_mnist_global
bash table_scripts/
# print the results
bash table_scripts/ reludiffp_mnist_global neurodiff_mnist_global
                ReluDiff+                               NeuroDiff
|   Perturbation |   Proved |   Undet | |   Perturbation |   Proved |   Undet |
|----------------|----------|---------| |----------------|----------|---------|
|              3 |      100 |       0 | |              3 |      100 |       0 |
|              4 |       55 |      45 | |              4 |      100 |       0 |
|              5 |        0 |     100 | |              5 |      100 |       0 |
|              6 |        0 |     100 | |              6 |       93 |       7 |
|              7 |        0 |     100 | |              7 |       43 |      57 |
|	       8 |        0 |     100 | |	       8 |        4 |      96 |

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