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zimic's Issues

HTTP interceptor request match by headers

  • The HTTP request tracker should support:
    • Defining headers to match requests
    • Receiving a second, optional argument to whether the match should be exact or not (default: false)
      const listTracker = authInterceptor
          headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
          exact: true,
          status: 200,
          body: [user],

Examples projects with third-party integrations (part 1)

Example projects

  • with-vitest-node (typescript, fastify backend, vitest)
    • Example configuration and code
    • README
  • with-jest-node (typescript, fastify backend, jest)
    • Example configuration and code
    • README
  • with-vitest-browser (typescript, vanilla browser, vitest, browser mode)
    • Example configuration and code
    • README
  • with-vitest-jsdom (typescript, vanilla browser, vitest, jsdom)
    • Example configuration and code
    • README
  • with-jest-jsdom (typescript, jsdom, jest)
    • Example configuration and code
    • README

HTTP interceptor defaults

  • The HTTP interceptor should support:
    • Defining default handlers, validated statically based on the service schema in the HTTP interceptor factory

Browser service worker init not working on NPM

> pnpm zimic browser init public
[zimic] Copying the service worker script to ~/zimic/apps/zimic-test-client/public...
cli.js browser init <publicDirectory>

Initialize the browser service worker

  publicDirectory  The path to the public directory of your application
                                                             [string] [required]

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, copyfile '~/zimic/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/zimic/node_modules/msw/lib/mockServiceWorker.js' -> '~/www/zimic/apps/zimic-test-client/public/mockServiceWorker.js'] {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'copyfile',
  path: '~/www/zimic/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/zimic/node_modules/msw/lib/mockServiceWorker.js',
  dest: '~/www/zimic/apps/zimic-test-client/public/mockServiceWorker.js'

Allow reuse of request trackers after the interceptor is cleared

Marking request trackers as unusable after the interceptor is cleared makes sure no outdated interceptors are used. However, this strategy makes it impossible to reuse interceptors between tests:

const userListTracker = userInterceptor.get('/users')

beforeEach(async () => {

it('test 1', () => {
  userListTracker.respond(...) // won't work

it('test 2', () => {
  userListTracker.respond(...) // won't work

HTTP mock server ideas


Zimic currently only applies HTTP mocks to the process where the interceptor is called. This makes it unusable in multi-process scenarios.

An example that illustrates this case:

  • A route handler of a Next.js application is being tested using Vitest.
  • The Next.js server was started as a separate process using next dev.
  • The Vitest tests make HTTP requests to the route handler running on localhost.
  • The route handler access an external service. This service is not guaranteed to be running all the time and, as we have no control of its availability, the tests should not reach it directly.

This is a great use case for Zimic, since mocking external applications with type safety is one of our goals. However, this scenario is not currently supported. For example, a test of this application could look like:

  1. The Vitest test initializes an interceptor and applies a mock to the external service. It is useful to keep the interceptor mock declarations in the test to easily simulate behaviors.
  2. The route handler running on the second process is not affected and requests makes by the Vitest test to the route handler still reach the external service.
Archived proposals

Proposal 1: mocks applied directly to the remote process


A feature that would extend Zimic to this use case would be the introduction of "remote HTTP interceptors". Remote interceptors are similar to our current interceptors, but they apply mocks to remote processes instead of the one the interceptor is initialized.

Using the example above, the workflow using remote interceptors would be like:

  1. The Next.js application would expose an endpoint (e.g. /zimic), available only in development and testing. This endpoint would be used by Zimic to receive mocks definitions and apply them to the Next.js process.
  2. The Vitest test would create a remote interceptor, linking it to the endpoint made available by the Next.js application.
  3. When applying mocks or doing any operation on the remote interceptor, a request would be issued to the endpoint on the Next.js application. In other words, declaring a mock in the Vitest test would actually send it to the Next,js application, where it would be applied. This would mean that all methods of remote interceptors and request trackers would need to be asynchronous.
  4. The external service would no longer be reached in tests, as the Vitest test would be able to apply mocks remotely to the server application.


// creates a RemoteHttpInterceptor
const remoteInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<{ ... }>({
  type: 'remote' // 'local' is the default
  remoteURL: 'http://localhost:3000/zimic',

const getTracker = await remoteInterceptor.get('/').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: { success: true }

// mock applied to remote application

const getRequests = await getTracker.requests()

Proposal 2: Zimic mock server


A feature that would extend Zimic to this use case would be the introduction of remote HTTP interceptors. Remote interceptors are similar to our current interceptors, but they apply mocks to a remote Zimic server process, instead of the process where the interceptor is initialized.

Using the example above, the workflow using remote interceptors would be like:

  1. In development or testing, a Zimic mock server would need to be started alongside the Next.js application. The Zimic server would be used to receive and apply mock definitions.
  2. The Next.js application would route requests intent to the external service to the Zimic server.
  3. The Vitest test would create a remote worker and interceptors, linking them to the Zimic mock server in use by the Next.js application.
  4. When doing any operation on the remote interceptor, such as declaring mocks, the operation would be sent to the Zimic server to apply it. In other words, declaring a mock in the Vitest test would actually send it to the Zimic server. This would allow simulating scenarios of the external service responses in tests. For this to work, all methods of remote interceptors and request trackers would need to be asynchronous.
  5. The external service would no longer be reached in tests, as the Vitest test would be able to apply mocks remotely to the Zimic mock server in use by the Next.js application. ๐ŸŽ‰

API examples

Using local workers and interceptors:
type InterceptorSchema = HttpInterceptorSchema.Root<{
  '/': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: { success: true } };

const localWorker = createWorker({
  type: 'local',

await localWorker.start(); // starts the local worker, applies the mocks to the local process

// creates an HttpInterceptor
const localInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<InterceptorSchema>({
  worker: localWorker,
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

// applying remote mocks is a asynchronous operation
const getTracker = localInterceptor.get('/').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: { success: true },

// mock applied to local process

const getRequests = getTracker.requests();
Using remote workers and interceptors:
type InterceptorSchema = HttpInterceptorSchema.Root<{
  '/': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: { success: true } };

const remoteWorker = createWorker({
  type: 'remote',
  serverURL: 'http://localhost:3001', // the URL of the zimic mock server

// start the zimic mock server with:
// zimic server start --port 3001 --on-ready 'npm test' --ephemeral true

await remoteWorker.start(); // starts the remote worker and links it to the zimic mock server

// creates a RemoteHttpInterceptor
const remoteInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<InterceptorSchema>({
  worker: remoteWorker,
  // the application should use the base URL of the external service as http://localhost:3001/service1
  pathPrefix: '/service1',

// applying remote mocks is an asynchronous operation
const getTracker = await remoteInterceptor.get('/').respond({
  status: 200,
  body: { success: true },

// mock applied to remote server:
// any requests to http://localhost:3001 will be handled by the zimic mock server with the mock applied

// getting requests is also an asynchronous operation
const getRequests = await getTracker.requests();

Release action setup

  • Create partial release on GitHub after a (protected) partial tag is created (e.g. v0.1.0-canary.0)
  • Create full release on GitHub after a (protected) full tag is created (e.g. v0.1.0)
  • Create CLI to upgrade versions and create tags and release branches automatically
  • Create NPM release action (partial and full versions)

Examples projects with third-party integrations (part 2)

Example projects

  • with-playwright
    • Next.js example using app router
  • with-next-js
    • App router example /app, tested with playwright
    • Pages router example /pages, tested with playwright
  • Move zimic to a development dependency in examples
  • Add instructions to clone each example
  • Add instructions to run each example

  • Improve example gitignore files
  • Try to improve types check and eslint to be more independent of the monorepo
  • Simplify example configs

Base HTTP interceptor

  • The base HTTP interceptor should support:
    • A base URL
    • Bypassing unhandled requests by default
    • Being created using the factory createHttpInterceptor
    • A method to clear all handlers:
      clearHandlers: (options?: { includeDefaults?: boolean }) => void;
  • Omit internal atributes and methods from the exported types
    • Export classes only as types
    • Create factory createHttpInterceptor
  • Verify tracked requests in trackers and interceptors
  • Try to simplify/abstract the tests of http interceptors
  • Provide validator/utility types to declare service schemas incrementally (smaller types)
  • Provide utility types to extract schema data
  • Verify multiple trackers applied to the same requests (should use the last one without error)
  • Verify mocks using routes with dynamic route parameters

Support to body, search params, route params and form data will be added in the future.

CI action setup

  • Check style
  • Lint code
  • Check types
  • Run tests
    • Unit and integration tests in each package
    • Tests in example packages, checking the API and previous behavior

HTTP mock server

Discussion: #75

Consider removing the platform parameter from worker factories. We can infer the platform automatically.

  • Create local and remote interceptors
  • Create local and remote workers
  • Create local and remote trackers
  • Create websocket integration
  • Create server
  • Create server CLI
  • Integrate remote interceptors with mock server
  • Consider not using records and maps to store the http handlers
  • Support mock urls with dynamic paths
  • Start the zimic mock server outside the tests on browser runs
  • Wait for websocket messages to be sent on browser
  • Consider renaming mockServerURL to serverURL
  • Use ZIMIC_SERVER_PORT in the test command of zimic-test-client
  • Fix worker tests
  • Fix tracker tests
  • Fix interceptor tests
  • Fix other tests
  • Fix test-client tests
  • Remove comments from the default.ts test file
  • Update zimic server start command to pass other arguments to the on-ready command
    zimic server start --port 3000 --ephemeral -- pnpm test
  • Do not show server CLI help if the --on-ready command fails
  • Use in server on ready command
  • Remove 0 access control max age on build
  • Add type tests preventing the use of bodies in methods with no bodies
  • Test coverage
    • Add tests to the server implementation as necessary
    • Add tests to the websocket implementation as necessary
    • Add tests to CLI implementation as necessary
    • Recomplete 100% test coverage
    • Replace skipped tests by ifs
  • Add logs to mock server
  • Handle timeouts in server event listener promises.
  • Handle timeouts in websocket integration.
  • Consider splitting worker and request tracker tests

  • Validate that the versions between the zimic client and the zimic server are equal on connection.
  • Think about easing the migration from local to remote (users have to add await to every mock applied)
    • Codemod?

HTTP interceptor request match by form data and binaries

  • The HTTP request tracker should support:
    • Defining form data to match requests
    • Receiving a second, optional argument to whether the match should be exact or not (default: false)
      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: creationFormData, // also Buffer or Blob
          status: 201,
          body: user,

How to use zimic to intercept Supabase Auth?

Hi, @diego-aquino

I'm trying to use zimic with supabase.


const supabaseInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<{
	'/auth/v1/admin/users': {
		POST: {
			request: {
				body: { email: '[email protected]'; password: '123456' }
			response: {
				200: { body: { user: { id: '123' } } }
	baseURL: 'http://localhost:8000'

My supabase environtment:




node: 20.10.0
honojs: 4.0.0

Error message:

ConnectionRefused: Unable to connect. Is the computer able to access the url?
path: "http://localhost:8000/auth/v1/admin/users"

Keep going! amazing work here!

HTTP interceptor request match by body

  • The HTTP request tracker should support:
    • Defining a body to match requests
    • Receiving a second, optional argument to whether the match should be exact or not (default: false)
      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: creationPayload,
        }, { exact: true })
          status: 201,
          body: user,

HTTP interceptor request match by search params

  • The HTTP request tracker should support:
    • Defining search params to match requests
    • Receiving an optional argument to whether the match should be exact or not (default: false)
      const listTracker = authInterceptor
          searchParams: { name: nameToFilter },
          exact: true
          status: 200,
          body: [user],

HTTP interceptor request match by path params

  • The HTTP request tracker should support:
    • Defining expanded route params to match requests
      const getTracker = authInterceptor
        .with({ pathParams: { id: } })
          status: 200,
          body: user,
      // Code to test
      const response = await getUserById(;
      const returnedUsers = (await response.json()) as User[];
      const getRequests = getTracker.requests();
      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(getRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({ id: });
    • Defining inline route params to match requests
      const getTracker = authInterceptor.get(`/users/${}`).respond({
        status: 200,
        body: user,
      // Code to test
      const response = await getUserById(;
      const returnedUsers = (await response.json()) as User[];
      const getRequests = getTracker.requests();
      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(getRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({});

Access to the intercepted requests

  • The HTTP request tracker should support:
    • Accessing the data of the intercepted requests, to allow assertions in client code
  • This implementation should include tests in an example client, using all the implemented features and APIs. This is important to feel how intuitive the API is and ensure that current behaviors are not broken in the future.

Project setup

  • Turborepo
  • Lintstaged & config package
  • ESLint & config package
  • Prettier
  • TypeScript & config package
  • Git hooks (pre-commit and pre-push)
  • Commitlint
  • zimic main package
  • Empty HTTP interceptor exported (stub release to NPM)

Service schema typegen brainstorming

Initial ideas

Alternative 1

Utility package to be installed in client apps, supporting schema typegen generation by CLI

  • Workflow:
    1. [mocked service] Install the utility package and export the types of all endpoints, using a terminal command
    2. [intermediate package] Commit/upload typegen files to a common package
    3. [tested service] Install the intermediate package and import the typegen to use in the HTTP interceptor factories
  • Notices:
    • Dependent of frameworks used in the mocked service (many adapters are necessary)
    • Dependent of programming languages used in the mocked service (many implementations are necessary)

Alternative 2

Utility package to be installed in client apps, supporting schema typegen generation by using the app

  • Workflow:
    1. [tested service] Install the utility package and use the service normally
    2. [tested service] The utility package tracks the requests being made and saves the found types to a typegen file
    3. [tested service] Import the typegen to use in the HTTP interceptor factories
  • Notices:
    • Independent of frameworks used in the mocked service
    • Independent of programming languages used in the mocked service
    • Relies that the user runs the program "in real life", outside the mocked tests, such as e2e

Alternative 3

Runtime endpoint specification

  • Workflow:
    1. [mocked service] Install a utility package that generates the specification based on the endpoints (e.g. OpenAPI)
    2. [mocked service] Create an endpoint that serves the endpoint specification
    3. [tested service] Terminal command (or automatically before tests) fetches the specification endpoint and creates the typegen
    4. [tested service] Import the typegen to use in the HTTP interceptor factories
  • Notices:
    • Dependent of frameworks used in the mocked service
    • Dependent of programming languages used in the mocked service
    • HTTP-only if OpenAPI is used
    • Works the same as the Alternative 1, but excluding the intermediate package
    • Might be the most feasible solution (see

Service schema typegen ideas


  • Mocked service: application to which Zimic mocks are targeted
  • Client application: application that consumes the mocked service and where Zimic mocks are applied

Initial ideas

Alternative 1: Types inferred from source code

Assessment: promising, not feasible directly.

A utility package could be installed in a mocked service, allowing automatic schema type generation by a CLI. The generated types are exported to an intermediate package that must be imported by client apps.

  • Workflow:

    1. [mocked service] Install the utility package.
    2. [mocked service] Use helpers to "mark" endpoints and extract type schema? Infer type schema from framework utilities?
    3. Idea 1: declare the schema manually and provide utilities to validate if the endpoints are following it (promising)
    4. Idea 2: derive the schema from an OpenAPI specification and provide utilities to validate if the endpoints are following it
    5. [mocked service] Generate type schema of all of the endpoints using a CLI.
    6. [intermediate package] Commit and upload the generated types to a shared package.
    7. [client app] Install the intermediate package and import the generated types when creating interceptors.
  • Pros:

    • Type schema is derived directly from the source code in the mocked service.
    • A static type check could be integrated to CI environments to verify if the mocks are using valid types.
  • Cons:

    • Dependent of which framework or code patterns where used in the mocked service.
      • Adapters might be necessary.
      • Code markers might be necessary.
    • Not easily portable to mocked services using programming languages different from TypeScript.
    • Requires an intermediate types package.
    • Does not work if the client app developer does not have access to the source code of the mocked service (e.g. GitHub API could not be used)

Alternative 2: Types inferred from real requests

Assessment: not promising, requires manual intervention and is error prone.

A utility package could be installed in client apps, allowing automatic schema type generation by inferring the types from real requests.

  • Workflow:

    1. [tested service] Install the utility package.
    2. [tested service] The client app makes requests to the mocked service, without any mocks applied. The requests reach the real service,
    3. [tested service] The utility package tracks the sent requests and generates the type schema.
    4. [tested service] The generated schema can be used when creating interceptors.
  • Pros:

    • Type schema is derived directly from the behavior of the mocked service.
    • Independent of frameworks used in the mocked service.
    • Independent of programming languages used in the mocked service.
    • Does not use intermediate packages.
    • Does not require changes to the source code of the mocked service (e.g. GitHub API could be used).
  • Cons:

    • Relies that the client app developer runs the program reaching the real mocked service at least once for each possible request and response types.
    • Type schema cannot be easily generated and validated as part of a CI workflow.

Alternative 3: Types derived from endpoint specification

Assessment: most promising, will be implemented into Zimic.

Having access to the mocked service endpoint specification, Zimic could automatically generate the type schemas. The endpoint specification could follow the standard OpenAPI.

  • Workflow:

    1. [mocked service] Provide a path to get the OpenAPI specification of the service endpoints.
    2. [tested service] Fetch the OpenAPI specification and generate the type schema, by CLI or script.
    3. [tested service] The generated schema can be used when creating interceptors.
  • Pros:

    • Type schema is derived directly from the expected behavior of the mocked service.
    • A static type check could be integrated to CI environments to verify if the mocks are using valid types.
    • Independent of frameworks used in the mocked service.
    • Independent of programming languages used in the mocked service.
    • Does not use intermediate packages.
    • Does not require changes to the source code of the mocked service (e.g. GitHub API could be used).
    • There are already utility types that convert OpenAPI to TypeScript types (see and
  • Cons:

    • Requires the mocked service to provide an OpenAPi specification.
    • Although OpenAPI is comprehensive, there are no guarantees that the code of the mocked service is following the specification, as it is not statically enforced. However, other programming languages do not have the TypeScript's rich ability to derive types, so this might not be a big problem.
    • HTTP-only if OpenAPI is used.

Extra: OpenAPI auto-generation

There could be ways to infer the OpenAPI specification from the source code of the mocked service. By doing this, alternatives 1 and 3 are combined:

  • If the mocked service already has an OpenAPI specification, it could be used by client apps to generate the type schema for mocks.
  • If the mocked service does not have an OpenAPI specification, it could be generated from the source code and provided in one of the endpoints or file, which could be accessed by client apps to generate the type schema for mocks.


Create v1 API draft examples

Example 1

import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import { createHttpInterceptor } from './lib';
import { describe, beforeEach, it, expect, afterAll } from '../common/test';

interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;

interface UserWithPassword extends User {
  password: string;

type UserCreationPayload = Omit<UserWithPassword, 'id'>;

interface LoginResult {
  accessToken: string;
  refreshToken: string;

interface RequestError {
  code: string;
  message: string;

interface ValidationError extends RequestError {
  code: 'validation_error';

interface UnauthorizedError extends RequestError {
  code: 'unauthorized';

interface NotFoundError extends RequestError {
  code: 'not_found';

interface ConflictError extends RequestError {
  code: 'conflict';

const authInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        body: UserCreationPayload;
      response: {
        201: { body: User };
        400: { body: ValidationError };
        409: { body: ConflictError };

    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: {
          name?: string;
          email?: string;
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };

  '/users/:id': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        routeParams: { id: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        404: { body: NotFoundError };
    PATCH: {
      request: {
        headers: { authorization: string };
        routeParams: { id: string };
        body: Partial<User>;
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        404: { body: NotFoundError };
    DELETE: {
      request: {
        headers: { authorization: string };
        routeParams: { id: string };
      response: {
        204: { body: void };
        404: { body: NotFoundError };

  '/session/login': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        body: {
          email: string;
          password: string;
      response: {
        201: { body: LoginResult };
        400: { body: ValidationError };
        401: { body: UnauthorizedError };

  '/session/refresh': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        body: { refreshToken: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: LoginResult };
        401: { body: UnauthorizedError };

  '/session/logout': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { authorization: string };
      response: {
        204: { body: void };
        401: { body: UnauthorizedError };
  baseURL: 'https://localhost:3000',
  unhandledRequestStrategy: 'error',
  defaults: {
    '/users': {
      GET: {
        response: {
          status: 200,
          body: [],

    '/users/:id': {
      GET: {
        response: {
          status: 404,
          body: {
            code: 'not_found',
            message: 'User not found',

describe('Users', () => {
  const user: User = {
    id: crypto.randomUUID(),
    name: 'Name',
    email: '[email protected]',

  beforeEach(() => {

  afterAll(() => {

  describe('User creation', () => {
    const creationPayload: UserCreationPayload = {
      password: 'password',

    async function createUser(payload: UserCreationPayload) {
      return await fetch('https://localhost:3000/users', {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
        body: JSON.stringify(payload),

    it('should support creating users - alternative 1', async () => {
      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: creationPayload,
          status: 201,
          body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(creationPayload);


      const createdUser = (await response.json()) as User;

      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(creationRequests[0].body).toEqual(creationPayload);


    it('should support creating users - alternative 2', async () => {
      const creationTracker ='/users').respond({
        status: 201,
        body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(creationPayload);


      const createdUser = (await response.json()) as User;

      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(creationRequests[0].body).toEqual(creationPayload);


    it('should return an error if the payload is not valid', async () => {
      // @ts-expect-error Forcing an invalid payload
      const invalidPayload: UserCreationPayload = {};

      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: invalidPayload,
          status: 400,
          body: {
            code: 'validation_error',
            message: 'Invalid payload',

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(invalidPayload);


      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();


    it('should return an error if the payload is not valid', async () => {
      const conflictingPayload: UserCreationPayload = creationPayload;

      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: conflictingPayload,
          status: 409,
          body: {
            code: 'conflict',
            message: 'User already exists',

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(conflictingPayload);


      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();


  describe('User list', () => {
    async function listUsers(filters: { name?: string; email?: string } = {}) {
      const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(filters);
      return await fetch(`https://localhost:3000/users?${searchParams}`, { method: 'GET' });

    it('should list users filtered by name', async () => {
      const nameToFilter = 'nam';

      const listTracker = authInterceptor
          searchParams: { name: nameToFilter },
          status: 200,
          body: [user],

      // Code to test
      const response = await listUsers({ name: nameToFilter });


      const returnedUsers = (await response.json()) as User[];

      const listRequests = listTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(listInterceptions[0].searchParams).toEqual(
      //   new URLSearchParams({
      //     name: nameToFilter,
      //   }),
      // );


  describe('User get by id', () => {
    async function getUserById(userId: string) {
      return await fetch(`https://localhost:3000/users/${userId}`, { method: 'GET' });

    it('should support getting users by id - alternative 1', async () => {
      const getTracker = authInterceptor
        .with({ routeParams: { id: } })
          status: 200,
          body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await getUserById(;


      const returnedUsers = (await response.json()) as User[];

      const getRequests = getTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(getRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({ id: });


    it('should support getting users by id - alternative 2', async () => {
      const getTracker = authInterceptor.get<'/users/:id'>(`/users/${}`).respond({
        status: 200,
        body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await getUserById(;


      const returnedUsers = (await response.json()) as User[];

      const getRequests = getTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(getRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({});


    it('should return an error if the user was not found', async () => {
      const getTracker = authInterceptor
          routeParams: { id: },
          status: 404,
          body: {
            code: 'not_found',
            message: 'User not found',

      // Code to test
      const response = await getUserById(;


      const getRequests = getTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(getRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({});


  describe('User deletion', () => {
    async function deleteUserById(userId: string) {
      return await fetch(`https://localhost:3000/users/${userId}`, { method: 'DELETE' });

    it('should support deleting users by id', async () => {
      const deleteTracker = authInterceptor
        .with({ routeParams: { id: } })
          status: 204,

      // Code to test
      const response = await deleteUserById(;


      const deleteRequests = deleteTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(deleteRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({ id: });


    it('should return an error if the user was not found', async () => {
      const getTracker = authInterceptor
          routeParams: { id: },
          status: 404,
          body: {
            code: 'not_found',
            message: 'User not found',

      // Code to test
      const response = await deleteUserById(;


      const getRequests = getTracker.requests();

      // Simpler alternative:
      // expect(getRequests[0].routeParams).toEqual({});


Example 2

import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import { createHttpInterceptor } from './lib';
import { describe, beforeEach, it, expect, afterAll } from '../common/test';

interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;

interface UserWithPassword extends User {
  password: string;

type UserCreationPayload = Omit<UserWithPassword, 'id'>;

interface RequestError {
  code: string;
  message: string;

interface ValidationError extends RequestError {
  code: 'validation_error';

interface ConflictError extends RequestError {
  code: 'conflict';

const authInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        body: UserCreationPayload;
      response: {
        201: { body: User };
        400: { body: ValidationError };
        409: { body: ConflictError };
  baseURL: 'https://localhost:3000',
  unhandledRequestStrategy: 'error',
  defaults: {
    '/users': {
      POST: {
        response: {
          status: 400,
          body: {
            code: 'validation_error',
            message: 'Invalid payload',

const user: User = {
  id: crypto.randomUUID(),
  name: 'Name',
  email: '[email protected]',

const creationPayload: UserCreationPayload = {
  password: 'password',

async function createUser(payload: UserCreationPayload) {
  return await fetch('https://localhost:3000/users', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),

describe('Users', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  afterAll(() => {

  describe('User creation', () => {
    it('should support creating users', async () => {
      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: creationPayload,
          status: 201,
          body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(creationPayload);

      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();


Example 3

import * as crypto from 'crypto';

import { createHttpInterceptor } from './lib';
import { describe, beforeEach, it, expect, afterAll } from '../common/test';

export interface UserCreationPayload {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;

export interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;

export interface ValidationErrorResponse {
  code: 'validation_error';
  message: string;

export const authInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        body: UserCreationPayload;
      response: {
        201: { body: User };
        400: { body: ValidationErrorResponse };
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  unhandledRequestStrategy: 'error',
  defaults: {
    '/users': {
      POST: {
        response: {
          status: 400,
          body: {
            code: 'validation_error',
            message: 'Validation error',

async function createUser(payload: UserCreationPayload) {
  return fetch('https://localhost:3000/users', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),

describe('Users', () => {
  const user: User = {
    id: crypto.randomUUID(),
    name: 'Name',
    email: '[email protected]',

  beforeEach(() => {

  afterAll(() => {

  describe('User creation', () => {
    it('should support creating users', async () => {
      const creationPayload: UserCreationPayload = {
        password: 'password',

      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          body: creationPayload,
          status: 201,
          body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(creationPayload);

      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();



Example 4

import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import { createHttpInterceptor } from './lib';
import { describe, beforeEach, it, expect, afterAll } from '../common/test';

interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  email: string;

interface UserWithPassword extends User {
  password: string;

type UserCreationPayload = Omit<UserWithPassword, 'id'>;

interface RequestError {
  code: string;
  message: string;

interface ValidationError extends RequestError {
  code: 'validation_error';

interface ConflictError extends RequestError {
  code: 'conflict';

const authInterceptor = createHttpInterceptor<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        formData: UserCreationPayload;
      response: {
        201: { body: User };
        400: { body: ValidationError };
        409: { body: ConflictError };
  baseURL: 'https://localhost:3000',
  unhandledRequestStrategy: 'error',

const user: User = {
  id: crypto.randomUUID(),
  name: 'Name',
  email: '[email protected]',

const creationPayload: UserCreationPayload = {
  password: 'password',

async function createUser(payload: UserCreationPayload) {
  return await fetch('https://localhost:3000/users', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify(payload),

describe('Users', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  afterAll(() => {

  describe('User creation', () => {
    it('should support creating users', async () => {
      const creationTracker = authInterceptor
          formData: creationPayload,
          status: 201,
          body: user,

      // Code to test
      const response = await createUser(creationPayload);

      const creationRequests = creationTracker.requests();


Interceptor type schema auto-generation from OpenAPI/Swagger

Following the discussions on #21, Zimic will support inferring and generating interceptor type schema from OpenAPI/Swagger specifications. Learn more at the section "Alternative 3" of the summary comment.

  • Rename components[] everywhere
  • Find a way to normalize response declarations using schemas
  • Consider components['responses] as response declarations
  • Normalize boolean search params and headers to ${boolean}
    • If referenced from parameters or headers, use ${boolean}
    • Keep the original schema if referenced from 'schemas', but use ReplaceBy<Type, boolean, ${boolean}>
  • Normalize numeric search params and headers to ${number}
    • If referenced from parameters or headers, use ${number}
    • Keep the original schema if referenced from 'schemas', but use ReplaceBy<Type, number, ${number}>
  • Normalize components['responses'] as response declarations
  • Improve types, tests, and fixtures
  • Normalize components['requestBodies'] as request body declarations
  • Normalize components['pathItems'] as path declarations (not supported) (consider creating an issue on openapi-typescript)
  • Change unknown types to any at the end
  • Consider security schemes (not supported)
  • Remove header types containing only any or unknown
  • Consider blobs
  • Consider form data
  • Consider url search params as body
  • Export enum type values (enumValues: true)
  • Consider other content types, not only the first (try to use a discriminated union with the content type as key)
  • Implement some mechanism to filter endpoints to generate types from
  • Support pruning components not used in any of the included paths (default to true)

v0.3.0 documentation

  • Document API changes introduced in v0.3.0
    • Code documentation with JSDoc
  • Add examples to headline links to README
  • Change examples in README to follow the new strict JSON validation.

Custom unhandled request strategies

  • An HTTP interceptor should support:
    • A custom unhandled request strategy: 'ignore' | 'warn' or a function receiving a request. The default is 'warn'.
    • When the modes are 'ignore' and 'warn', output structured logs containing all relevant fields of the request, to help developers know which specific requests were not matched. For example:
      [zimic] Request did not match any filters: Request { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, body: 'message' }
    • Try to improve interceptor method tests to reduce duplication
  • Pending tests
    • test server with a static default unhandled request strategy
    • test server with a function default unhandled request strategy
    • test interceptor with { log: undefined } and a static default unhandled request strategy
    • test interceptor with { log: undefined } and a function default unhandled request strategy

Expectation about no unused handlers

  • The HTTP interceptor should support:
    • A method to throw an error if not all handlers were used:
      expectNoUnusedHandlers(): void;
      afterAll(() => {

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