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Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning

This is the artifact for paper 'Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning' which has been accepted by CAV2018. All three experiments in the paper can be implemented by using this artifact. The data in Table 2 and Table 3 can be recovered by using this artifact.


There is one basic concept in apprenticeship learning: expected feature count. By demonstrating how a task is finished, a human expert generates a set of paths, which are all sequences of state-action-state tuples. By using apprenticeship learning algorithm, expert policy can be approximated by a policy of which the expected feature counts match with that of the demonstrated paths. By using the learnt policy, the learning agent can finish the task in the similar way as expert.

In Safety-Aware apprenticeship learning, a safety specifiation is given, and a counterexample will be generated if a learnt policy doesn't satisfy the given safety specification. As counterexample is also a set of paths, the expected feature counts of the counterexample paths can be utilized to train a safer policy by maximumlly deviating its expected feature counts from the counterexample feature counts. By solving a multi-objective optimization function, a policy that resembles expert policy while satisfing the safety specification can be learnt.


Please check the link in the file master/CAV2018_OVA and download the OVA file via the link.

There is no other installation except loading the OVA file to a Virtualbox. The artifact runs on a Ubuntu 16.04 OS with 4 cores 8 threads 3.6GHz CPU, 8GB RAM and 32GB storage size. When configuring the Virtual Machine, recommand using 4 CPUs, 8G ram and more than 32GB storage size.

Please login 'cav2018' with password 'cav2018' and enter the directory '/home/cav2018/CAV2018/'.

Quick Use

The program startis with a text-based interface. Please run to start the experiment.


There will be a list of experiment environments:

1. gridworld, 
2. cartpole,
3. mountaincar

Please input an index to select the experiment environment.


Firstly input an integer by following the prompt to decide the dimension for the nxn gridworld. If press Enter without inputing any integer, the default value 8 will be used.

After deciding the dimension, a figure of gridworld with predetermined reward mapping will be generated. As described in the paper, there are 2 goal states with highest rewards and 2 darkest states with lowest rewards. Including the 2 darkest states, the areas surrounded by red lines are all unsafe states. Close the figure window and choose '1' to demonstrate by hand or '2' to use provided demonstrations. If having chosen to demonstrate by hand, please input 'Y' when asked whether to start human demonstration. Please try to avoid crossing the red line and thus reaching the unsafe states. Press 0~4 in the terminal to select action in each time step: 0. stay, 1. go right, 2. go down, 3. go up, 4. go left to go to the goal states. Because of stochasticity, there is probability that the agent doesn't go in the same direction as the action, except for 0. stay, which means staying in the current state and ending the episode. The maximum step length in one single episode is upperbounded by n^2. User can demonstrate as many episodes as needed. Please follow the prompt to choose whether to start the next episode or end the demonstration phase. While human demonstrating, the generated paths are stored in a plain text file.

Once human expert want to stop providing any episode of demonstration, please press 'N' when asked whether to start demonstration. Then follow the prompt to start apprenticeship learning. After reading demonstrations from the plain text, apprenticeship learning will start the iterations. In the end, a policy will be output and a new gridworld figure will be generated. The gray scale of each cell implies the reward mapping of which the output policy is optimal. One can compare it with the original reward mapping. Close the image window and a report will be ouput on the command line. Note that model checking will be implemented on the policy to show the probability of reaching either unsafe state within n^2 steps. The PCTL formulation is:

P=? [ true U<=n^2 'unsafe'].

The next step is to implement Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning algorithm. According to the model checking result, user can decide the safety threshold p* for the safety specification:

P<=p* [ true U<=n^2 'unsafe']

Please input a value for p* and start the algorithm. After certain amount of iterations, a new policy will be output. This policy is guaranteed to satisfy the specification above. As for the reward mapping of which the learnt policy is optimal, please follow the prompt to select and compare the reward mappings learnt either via Apprenticeship Learning or via Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning.


Cartpole is the second environment. The detail about this environment can be found in

The unsafe situation is defined as (position<-0.3 && angle<-20)||(position>0.3 && angle>20). The abstraction of the environment and the expert demonstration has already been generated. As described in the paper, all episodes achieve the maximum step length 200 while none of the episodes reaches the unsafe situation.

Firstly, please follow the prompt to run apprenticeship learning. Like the gridworld, in the end, model checking will be implemented on the policy to solve the following PCTL constraint.

P=? [true U<=200 ((position<-0.3 && angle<-20)||(position>0.3 && angle>20))]

Then please select from 1. Play the policy visually, 2. Run policy to get statistical data, 3. Quit by inputing an integer. If one chooses to play the policy visually, please press Enter in the terminal for 5 times until a window popping up. Virtual machine may accelerate the time. Please observe how the policy controls the cart to keep the pole stable. If one chooses to get statistical data, the policy will be run for 2000 episodes. The statistical results include the average step length and the rate of performing an unsafe episode. Note that once an unsafe state is reached, the episode is regarded as unsafe. If Quit is chosen, then the program will continue to run Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning.

Please refer to the paper as well as the model checking results of Apprenticeship Learning policy, and then input the safety threshold for the safety specification. After a certain amount of iterations, a policy will be generated. User can select the same options as above to test the newly learnt policy. The policy learnt via Apprenticeship Learning can also be chosen so that user can compare the two policies. One can observe the information returned in the prompt in the episode or check ./data/log at the end.


Mountaincar is the second environment. The detail about this environment can be found in Note that in the original environment, the maximum step length is 200. However, in our setting, all actions must last for 3 time steps. The MDP is also built upon sampling in such way that one same action must last for 3 time steps before the next observation is accepted. Therefore, unlike the original environment setting, we use 66 as the maximum time step length, since there are at most 66 times to observe and choose actions.

The unsafe situation is defined as ((position<-1.1 && velocity<-0.04)||(position>0.5 && velocity>0.04)). The expert demonstration has already been generated. As described in the paper, the average step length is 51 while none of the episodes reaches the unsafe situation.

Firstly, please follow the prompt to run apprenticeship learning. Like the cartpole, in the end, model checking will be implemented on the policy to solve the following PCTL constraint.

P=? [true U<=66 ((position<-1.1 && velocity<-0.04)||(position>0.5 && velocity>0.04))]

Then please select from 1. Play the policy visually, 2. Run policy to get statistical data, 3. Quit by inputing an integer. If one chooses to play the policy visually, please press Enter in the terminal for 5 times until a window popping up. Please observe how the policy controls the car to reach the mountaintop on the right. If one chooses to get statistical data, the policy will be run for 2000 episodes. The statistical results include the average step length and the rate of performing an unsafe episode. Note that once an unsafe state is reached, the episode is regarded as unsafe. If Quit is chosen, then the program will continue to run Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning.

Please refer to the paper as well as the model checking results of Apprenticeship Learning policy, and then input the safety threshold for the safety specification. After a certain amount of iterations, a policy will be generated. User can select the same options as above to test the newly learnt policy. The policy learnt via Apprenticeship Learning can also be chosen so that user can compare the two policies. One can observe the information returned in the prompt in the episode or check ./data/log at the end.

Source Code Tree

There are three main components in the artifact.

  1. The first one controls the learning algorithms.

    [[mdp class]] provides resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Process, including basic value iteration algorithm.

    [[grids class]] provides the discretion functions, such as translating observation vector to coordinate, and translating a state index to a coordinate.

    [[apirl class]] implements Apprenticeship Learning algorithm.

    [[cegal class]] implements Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning.

    [[gridworld class]] sets up environment for gridworld experiment.

    [[cartpole class]] sets up environment for cartpole experiment.

    [[mountaincar clas]] sets up environment for mountaincar experiment.

  2. The second component is model checking functions. In this artifact, PRISM model checking tool is used. The source code is in ./prism-4.4.beta-src. More detail can be found in

  3. The third component is counterexample generator. The COMICS tool is used. The relevant code is in ./comics-1.0. More detail can be found in

When running any experiment, such as gridworld, an grids class is firstly instantiated so that the observation vector can be indexed. Then mdp object is built up according to the states, action and transitions of the experiment object. When human expert demonstrates how to finish a task, the observations will be recorded. The apirl class takes an MDP and expert demonstation record as inputs and implements Apprenticeship Learning algorithm to learn a policy. The cegal class is a subclass of apirl class and share the same functions as apirl class. But when it is instantiated, it can implement Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning algorithm instead.

  1. Important files in ./data folder.

    a. The files named 'demo_XXXX' are the record of expert demonstrations. Note that the demo for gridworld can be generated by user, while cartpole and mountaincar demos are already provided and shouldn't be modified, since the requirements on human demonstration in those two experiments are much more rigorious. Please make no changes to those files.

    b. The files named 'mdp_XXXX' are the temp file of the experiment object. For gridworld, since the dimension can be accustomed by user, the MDP may be modified by the program. For other two experiments, since the MDP is built up by sampling from OpenAI gym and shouldn't be modified. Please make no changes to those files.

    c. The files named 'policy_XXX_YY' are the policy files. Every time a policy is learnt, it's stored in a policy file. Note that 'XXX' is the experiment name while 'YY' is the safety threshould decided by user. When user wants to implement a policy, the program will load the policy by reading from the policy file.

Check the log files

The file named 'log' in ./data folder records the model checking results and statistical data whenever a policy is learnt or implemented in the environment. User can look up in this file to compare the performance of the learnt policies. Each experiment has one time stamp. Please find the time stamp and check the information recorded below the stamp, including the model checking results, number of iterations and avearge step length.

Please refer to the example below:

	Time Stamp: [2018, 4, 15, 8, 20, 29]
	Experiment: cartpole

	AL ends after 2 iterations

	>>>>>>>>Apprenticeship Learning learns a policy.

	Given safety spec:
	P=? [U<= 200 ((position < -0.3 && angle < -20)||(position > 0.3 && angle > 20))]

	PRISM model checking the probability of reaching the unsafe states: 0.491358

	AL ends after 50 iterations

	CEGAL ends in 22 iterations

	Learning result for safety specification:

	P<=0.1 [U<= 200 ((position < -0.3 && angle < -20)||(position > 0.3 && angle > 20))]

	>>>>>>>>Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning
	PRISM model checking result: 0.071744

	Test CEGAL policy
	Unsafe Rate: 80.90%
	Average Step: 159


  1. Experiments all begin with a timestamp and experiment name as in the example, i.e.

     	'Time Stamp: [2018, 4, 15, 8, 20, 29]
     	 Experiment: cartpole'
  2. a. 'PRISM model checking .....: XXX' in log file corresponds to 'MC Result' in the paper.

    b. 'AL ends after XXX iterations' in log file corresonds to 'Num. of Iters' for AL.

    c. 'CEGAL ends after XXX iterations' in log file corresponds to 'Num. of Iters' for CEGAL.

    d. 'Average step length: XXXX' in log file corresonds to 'Avg. Steps'.

  3. As can be seen in the example, in each experiment, there are two records for AL. When comparing to the paper, please check the iteration number of AL right above ">>>>>>>>Apprenticeship Learning learns a policy.", i.e.

     	"AL ends after 2 iterations
     	>>>>>>>>Apprenticeship Learning learns a policy.
     	Given safety spec:
     	P=? [U<= 200 ((position < -0.3 && angle < -20)||(position > 0.3 && angle > 20))]
     	PRISM model checking the probability of reaching the unsafe states: 0.491358"

As well as the model checking result as above. The 'AL ends after 50 iterations...' below 'PRISM model checking the...', is used to generate the initial counterexample for CEGAL. Please ignore this message since epsilon will be temporarily set to 1E-5 for it. And under this small epsilon AL will always run for 50 iterations(max iteration) before it ends. The data in the paper is consistent with the first record of AL, including iteration number and model checking results. Please identify them in the log file.

  1. There may be inconsistency between the results in log file and the data in the paper. Some input parameters in the table may have unstable output. This is largely due to the randomization in the algorithm. Some optimization in using third-party tools in the program can also lead to unstability. For instance, there is a time limit for COMICS to generate counterexample. If it fails to ouput in 2s, then p* is by half so that COMICS can enumerate less counterexample paths. However, the runtime of COMICS can be affected by the condition of the system, e.g. for the same p*, COMICS may fail to output in 2s when CPU is busy whereas manage to output in less than 1s when CPU is not busy. Different counterexample can largely influence the final result. It is normal that differences in number of iterations, average step length between the data in log file and results in the paer are less than 10, i.e. variation in [-10, +10] should be acceptable. However, if serious inconsistency happens, please reboot the virtual machine and run the program for at least one more time.

  2. The data in the paper uses the precision of one decimal. We don't recommend user to try the p*=0.0% because the safest policy may has less than 0.1% unsafe probability.

Error report

  1. It's very common to see error report in the prompt when running the policy, such as 'No counterexample found ...'. If the program doesn't exit by itself, please don't stop it by hand.

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