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distill's Introduction

Amethyst Game Engine

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Inactively Maintained!

Inactively Maintained

The Amethyst Game Engine has halted its development. Read this post about it:

For 0.15.3 and older, the following Rust version has to be used for compiles to work.

rustup override set 1.47

What is Amethyst?

Amethyst is a data-driven and data-oriented game engine aiming to be fast and as configurable as possible.


These principles are what makes Amethyst unique and competitive in the world of game engines:

  • Massively parallel architecture.
  • Powered by a correct Entity Component System model.
  • Rapid prototyping with RON files for prefabs and an abstract scripting API.
  • Strong focus on encouraging reusability and clean interfaces.

Why Amethyst?

Extreme Multithreading

Amethyst is based over a very powerful parallel ECS called Specs. This allows games built with Amethyst to maximize the available processing power to run as smoothly and as quickly as possible, without the headaches of multi-threaded programming.


By design, the Amethyst engine encourages you to write clean and reusable code for your behaviours and data structures. This allows engine users to easily share useful components, thus reducing development time and cost.

Using the ECS architecture, the code of games can be cleanly divided between data and behaviour, making it easy to understand what is going on, even if the game is running on a massive 64-core processor.


  • Discord - Announcements, help, useful information, general discussion.


Please visit the features page for a list of features Amethyst provides.



While the engine can be hard to use at times, we made a lot of documentation that will teach you everything you need to use Amethyst comfortably.

If you don't understand a part of the documentation, please let us know. Join us on Discord or open an issue; we are always happy to help!

Getting started

Before you begin

This repository uses Git LFS for some files used in examples. If you intend to run the examples, make sure you have LFS installed in your system before you clone. You can download it and read the installation instructions at Git LFS home page.


To compile any of the examples run:

$ cargo run -p name_of_example

All available examples are listed under the examples directory.

For a full-blown "Hello World" tutorial check out the Getting Started chapter in the book.

Showcase games

Our official showcase games demonstrate larger, continuously developed game projects made with Amethyst:

For more examples see Games Made With Amethyst topic on the community forum for some good sources of inspiration.


If you are compiling on Linux, make sure to install the dependencies below.

Arch Linux

pacman -Syu grep gcc pkgconf openssl alsa-lib cmake make python3 freetype2 awk libxcb


apt install gcc pkg-config openssl libasound2-dev cmake build-essential python3 libfreetype6-dev libexpat1-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libssl-dev libx11-dev libfontconfig1-dev


dnf install pkgconfig gcc openssl-devel alsa-lib-devel cmake make gcc-c++ freetype-devel expat-devel libxcb-devel libX11-devel


zypper install gcc pkg-config libopenssl-devel alsa-devel cmake gcc-c++ python3 freetype2-devel libexpat-devel libxcb-devel


In your project's root folder, create a file shell.nix with the following contents:

  mozilla = import (builtins.fetchTarball;
  nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ mozilla ]; };

  with nixpkgs;

  mkShell {
    buildInputs = [

    APPEND_LIBRARY_PATH = lib.makeLibraryPath [

    shellHook = ''


See your distribution-specific installation process for the equivalent dependencies.

Please note that you need to have a functional graphics driver installed. If you get a panic about the renderer unable to create the context when trying to run an example, a faulty driver installation could be the issue.

Building Documentation

You can build the book locally with:

cargo install mdbook
mdbook build book

If you're actively editing the book, it's easiest to run:

mdbook serve book

and navigate to http://localhost:3000. The text itself can be found in book/html/index.html. For more information, please see the mdBook project.

To generate the API documentation locally, do:

$ cargo doc

The API reference can be found in target/doc/amethyst/index.html.


Amethyst supports only the latest stable release of Rust. Use the nightly and beta channels with this project at your own risk.

If you have a question, please check out the FAQ before asking. Chances are, the solution to your problem is already present there. If you still need help, feel free to ask on our Discord server.

Other places you might want to check out are r/rust_gamedev and the #rust-gamedev IRC.


Note: Any interaction with the Amethyst project is subject to our Code of Conduct.

Amethyst is a community-based project that welcomes contributions from anyone. If you're interested in helping out, please read the contribution guidelines before getting started.

We have a good first issue category that groups all issues or feature requests that can be made without having an extensive knowledge of Rust or Amethyst. Working on those issues is a good, if not the best, way to learn.

If you think you are not ready to code yet, you can still contribute by reviewing code written by other members of the community. Code reviews ensure that code merged into Amethyst is of the highest quality as possible. Pull requests that are available for reviews can be found here.

If for some reason we don't have any open PRs in need of a review nor any good first issues (that would be a good thing), feel free to consult our issue tracker.


Thank you to all our backers! ๐Ÿ™ Become a backer


Amethyst is supported by:


Amethyst is free and open source software distributed under the terms of both the MIT License and the Apache License 2.0.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

distill's People


aclysma avatar alec-deason avatar azriel91 avatar basil-cow avatar davidvonderau avatar ezpuzz avatar frizi avatar grzi avatar happenslol avatar jakobhellermann avatar jlowry avatar kabergstrom avatar pengowen123 avatar rua avatar tgolsson avatar


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distill's Issues

Design asset distribution case

While the asset daemon and RPC Loader works well for development environments, we should design distribution scenarios to support our current and upcoming target platforms.

  • Windows/OSX/Linux
  • Mobile (packaged with app, separately downloaded)
  • Consoles (Switch, XBox, PS4)
  • Web (WASM)

WASM and PC are probably highest priority.

Remove dependency on capnpc

The schema crate currently runs capnpc to generate code in, which incurs a dependency on capnpc for everyone using the project. By moving the contents of into a separate binary sub-crate that can be run manually, we can make sure capnpc is only necessary when a change to schema is necessary.

Replace scoped_threadpool

Currently I use scoped_threadpool when dispatching out source file processing. This should probably be replaced with tokio/futures UnorderedStream so that we can remove the dependency.

Implement hot reloading in rpc_loader

Every time a new version of the metadata is created, the asset daemon's RPC server sends out a new snapshot to every registered listener (atelier_schema::service::asset_hub::listener). Currently, the rpc_loader replaces its active snapshot with the new one every time.

To implement hot reloading, the rpc_loader should check each new snapshot for changed assets and trigger a reload of the modified assets. I'm not sure what should happen with deleted assets, though.

Implement loading of asset dependency graphs

The rpc_loader should support automatically loading an asset's dependency graph before making the load visible to users.

The load_deps field in the AssetMetadata already exists, along with get_metadata_with_dependencies in the RPC server. This should be sufficient to implement the logic in the loader.

The whole asset graph should be kept uncommitted in the storage until all assets can be committed.

Loader should have a frame budget

The loader and related systems should support an execution time budget that can be configured by users, preferably on the microsecond scale.

Handling assets with path references in the build process

A big use-case for the asset pipeline will be to compile shaders into a platform-specific format. These shaders are usually written with #include statements to pull in other shader files when compiling. It would be good if we can support this.

I think it would be possible with the following:

  • AssetMetadata's build_deps that Importers return are AssetId instead of AssetUUID
  • After a full batch of imports is completed, try to resolve build_deps with AssetId::FilePath to AssetUUID. If it fails, raise an error.

This would only impact the import process, so the impact on the whole system will be minimized.

The reason I want build_deps to be correct is that it will be essential for implementing distributed builds in the future. If we know all the inputs required for a build (i.e. our dependency graph is correct), we can send this data to another machine and perform the build there, spreading the significant CPU load of the build process.

[Feature request] : Add a way to clean the cache at start.

When working with importers && asset that are generated with them, the cache needs to be deleted.
Currently, we either have to delete it manually or increment the importer version, but I think that an environment var could be a nice addition to facilitate this.

Loader LoadState processing should avoid redundant work

Currently the main LoadState state machine iterates through all LoadStates every frame. Generally it only needs to iterate over states that may change. I think avoiding processing of Loaded assets will be sufficient, and can probably be achieved by processing only when a ref is added or removed.

Handle reloading of assets that are dropped when device is lost

When a graphics device is lost, all assets that were loaded into the driver will be lost, and need to be reloaded from source. Ideally, this would be done synchronously to prevent inconsistent frames where some things are loaded and some are no longer loaded.

`AssetDaemon` does not load assets without a file notification event


When there are assets that exist under assets/the_asset.txt, even if the AssetDaemon has a "txt" importer, it will not be run unless you touch assets/the_asset.txt while the daemon is running.

This is a surprise/gotcha in a workflow where new assets are created and saved before running the daemon.

Expected behaviour:

When the AssetDaemon starts up, it both processes and imports new assets. I think it currently processes them but does not import them.


User frustration / confusion.

Serde Handles in assets keep assets alive

Deserialized Handle/GenericHandle should not keep assets alive, which should be as easy as skipping add/remove ref for them, but they should still support cloning into real references. Should probably remove mutable access to assets so that we don't need to handle users putting valid references into assets.

Use async-executor instead of tokio

bevy_task seems like a better fit for game stuff than tokio due to its flexible design, and async-executor is part of the bevy_task dependency tree.

Implement decompression in Loader

Decompression should be implemented in the loader and enabled in the asset pipeline for cached assets.
This work should probably be offloaded to a different thread to avoid blocking main thread for larger blobs, or be implemented such that it can keep within a frame budget.

"there is no reactor running" when using packfile loader

In my app when updating the loader, I get

thread 'main' panicked at 'there is no reactor running, must be called from the context of a Tokio 1.x runtime', /Users/pmd/.cargo/registry/src/

RpcIO uses the runtime it creates (self.runtime.lock().unwrap() and passes it to process_requests) . I think PackfileReader tries to do this by calling self.0.runtime.enter(); but those lines should probably be let _ = self.0.runtime.enter(); instead.

I'll test and PR this fix (assuming it's the correct fix)

Make AssetUuid and AssetTypeId newtypes

Currently serde serialises these as sequences of bytes in text formats which is really human-unfriendly. Ideally they should be serialised as uuids in text format and as 16 bytes in binary.

Implement an LMDB-compatible in-memory KV store

In an effort to minimize the dependency footprint of the project, implementing an in-memory key-value store that implements the LMDB API will allow to make lmdb an optional dependency. It will need to support the transaction semantics of LMDB.

CI tests hang on RpcIO error

Error: 1-11T00:42:06.812][ERROR][atelier_loader::rpc_io] Error connecting RpcIO: Connection refused (os error 61)

This error is preventing tests from completing in CI.

I believe we should:

  • Limit connection attempts in CI or number of retries
  • Attempt to solve underlying issue.

Implement an in-memory transport

By implementing an in-memory transport (just something in-process, like a channel) for RPC (both loader and asset hub server), tokio's IO dependencies can be made optional, greatly reducing the total number of dependencies.

Make `inventory` optional

inventory (and linkme) do not work on some platforms, and maybe we should prefer manual registration by default. Making inventory optional will also reduce the dependency footprint of the whole project.

SerdeImportable depends on typetag right now, which requires typetag. Might need to fork or switch out typetag to ensure we can still have simple custom assets.

Remove IPC transport

The UDS/named pipes transport in asset_hub_service is only marginally faster and seems to have a number of platform-specific error cases that I don't want to spend time debugging. We should remove it for now and replace it with a shared memory IPC later.

The commands under "Try it out" fail

I'm new to Atelier, so I tried to follow the "Try it out" instructions in the readme but failed:

warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/vagrant/atelier-assets/daemon/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/vagrant/atelier-assets/Cargo.toml
error: `cargo run` could not determine which binary to run. Use the `--bin` option to specify a binary, or the `default-run` manifest key.
available binaries: atelier-daemon, atelier-client, atelier-cli

So I tried specifying I wanted to run atelier-cli:

 $ cargo run --release --bin atelier-client
warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/vagrant/atelier-assets/daemon/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/vagrant/atelier-assets/Cargo.toml
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.22s
     Running `target/release/atelier-client`
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'failed to create named pipe: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/libcore/
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Any', src/libcore/

So that's not the right way to do it either. Also tried running atelier-daemon instead:

warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package:   /home/vagrant/atelier-assets/daemon/Cargo.toml
workspace: /home/vagrant/atelier-assets/Cargo.toml
   Compiling openssl-sys v0.9.48
   Compiling alsa-sys v0.1.2
error: failed to run custom build command for `alsa-sys v0.1.2`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/home/vagrant/atelier-assets/target/release/build/alsa-sys-0f3a895d3b79df9d/build-script-build` (exit code: 101)
--- stderr
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "`\"pkg-config\" \"--libs\" \"--cflags\" \"alsa\"` did not exit successfully: exit code: 1\n--- stderr\nPackage alsa was not found in the pkg-config search path.\nPerhaps you should add the directory containing `alsa.pc\'\nto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable\nNo package \'alsa\' found\n"', src/libcore/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.

warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: build failed

So it seems something is missing in the getting started instructions.

The above is on Ubuntu and master branch, Rust nightly (stable failed some other way I don't have the log from).

Support type names for SerdeImportable

SerdeImportable is a really convenient way to define custom assets, but the type identifier is a UUID which can be annoying to use without tooling. It would be great to support type names in addition to UUIDs for identifying types.

Error handling

The daemon panics on a lot of common user errors like file parsing errors right now. It should propagate asset import errors to the metadata state so that it can be shown to the user.

The loader should also handle errors better. There are scenarios where it panics, and others where errors lead to infinite retries.

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