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Learn Eleventy From Scratch

This course was originally authored by Andy Bell and published on Piccalilli.

⚠️This content is likely out of date

The content of this course was written in May 2020, so parts will be outdated. There’s no immediate plan to do a full update, but this course is now open source, so if you see an issue, please raise an issue.


All content changes must first be raised as issues where they will be discussed. If you submit a PR without an issue, it will unfortunately, be closed immediately.

All content additions will also be subject to an editing process to make sure the language and flow aligns with the rest of the course.

All the content lives in src/docs.

Licence (MIT Licence)

Copyright 2020 Andy Bell

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Running the site locally

Open the site directory in your terminal, then run npm install. Once that is done, run npm start.

Content that needs attention

  • Lessons 18 through 21 need gulp removing and replacing with a simpler, NPM scripts setup's People


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Tag Extends not found

After Introducing Extend blocks I am getting errors thrown at me. Im a pretty raw beginner when it comes to this, so I dont even know if this is a right place to ask.

Errors I get after Npm start (Npx eleventy --serve):

Error writing templates: (more in DEBUG output)
Having trouble writing template: dist/index.html

TemplateWriterWriteError was thrown
Having trouble compiling template ./src/_includes/layouts/home.html

TemplateContentCompileError was thrown
tag extends not found, file:./src/_includes/layouts/home.html, line:1

ParseError was thrown
tag extends not found

Also getting Errors from

AssertionError was thrown:
AssertionError: tag extends not found at assert
regarding a bunch of variables in liquid.common.js, which seems odd to me.

Then it repeats starting with

Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output)

Attempted Solutions

  • Run CLI in admin mode
  • move layouts folder out of _includes and change all refrences regarding this move

Lesson 22: Broken link to starter files


I just started with Lesson 22 (Global CSS and design tokens) and found a small issue: The links to the starter files seem to be broken. The code references {{starterFiles }} but I didn't find the variable in the project.

I have the zip file on my disk and also found the old download link from which is still working.
If you want I can send a PR to fix this by either using the old Piccalilli link or adding the zip file to a ./public/files directory. Do you have a preference?

Why not build the site using 11ty?

Hey there, great job on providing this tutorial! I am learning 11ty myself, and I think it is much more gentle and easier to learn compare to the official 11ty docs. Good job there!

I just can't help but see that the is built using VuePress (which I think it is also a good SSG!). It is just ironic that you are teaching others to use 11ty, and yet you choose not to use it to build the tutorial site itself. I think it will be more convincing and bring more confidence to readers if you rebuilt the site using 11ty instead?

Nunjucks code snippet not rendered


First of all: thanks for the amazing course.
I'm currently at Lesson 19 and noticed an inline code snippet that isn't rendered correctly. In this line {{ assetHash }} is not rendered in the HTML output:

My guess is that VuePress tries to interpret {{ assetHash }}. I don't have any experience with VuePress but I noticed that code snippets are often wrapped in ::: v-pre [ snippet ] ::: blocks. Could it be that this is missing here?

Here is a screenshot of the problem:
Screenshot showing that the inline code snippet is not rendered correctly

I will set up the project and see if I can fix this in a PR if you want.

Lesson 1: Windows Terminal is the best terminal on Windows

Microsoft's new, official, native, open source Windows Terminal is the best terminal for Windows these days.

I would suggest wording along the lines of:

On Windows, Microsoft's own modern Windows Terminal is a fine choice.

It is slowly making its way to being the default in Windows. The latest preview builds have a setting to make it the default terminal right now, which is huge.


(also, retro mode is cool-as)

Update config language

In your examples you use config. but Eleventy currently uses eleventyConfig for configuration.

Snapshot Zip Files for Each Lesson Not Linked

Edit: Adding links to my completed lesson code here, as I go through the tutorial.


Is it still possible to download snapshots of the project at the end of each lesson?

In lesson one, it says that the zip files are linked at the end of each lesson, but I am not seeing them anywhere.

I'm at the end of Lesson 2 and already getting errors. Because the course is retired, I can't tell if I made a mistake, or if it is simply something that needs to be trouble-shot for updating.

Thanks for any help on this!

From Lesson One:


Last point before we get stuck in to the course.

At the end of each lesson, there will be a link to a ZIP of a snapshot of the course project where it is at the end of the lesson that you’re on.

This means that if something is broken and you don’t know how to fix it: grab that zip archive and replace your project folder with its contents.

Don’t forget to run npm install if you do this though!

keywords: starter files, zip files, snapshots

Update lesson 9 to use Eleventy Fetch

Hey, great course. In lesson 9, it uses eleventy-cache-assets, which has been replaced by eleventy-fetch.

I just did this lesson using eleventy-fetch and it worked. Making a few tweaks to the docs to replace eleventy-cache-assets with eleventy-fetch would bring this lesson up to date.

Lesson 11 - Prev and Next pagination links are mislabeled

The code shown in Lesson 11 looks like this:

title: 'The Issue 33 Blog'
layout: 'layouts/feed.html'
  size: 5
permalink: 'blog{% if pagination.pageNumber > 0 %}/page/{{ pagination.pageNumber }}{% endif %}/index.html'
paginationPrevText: 'Newer posts'
paginationNextText: 'Older posts'
paginationAnchor: '#post-list'

The latest articles from around the studio, demonstrating our design
thinking, strategy and expertise.

The paginationPrevText and paginationNextText values should be swapped here.

Lesson 9 - Add reminder to run 'npm update'

I had left a project for a few months, when I came back to it today, and at the beginning of lesson 9, I see there is a call to run npm install. I think we should include a boilerplate reminder to run 'npm update' before running install. Especially since I was coming back to the project after a few months.

Lesson 2 - Eleventy Config File

To match the information on the eleventy site, the base config file should be as shown below. The directory name is irrelevant, but the lambda expression is replaced with a function call.

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
     return {
          dir: {
               input: "src",
               output: "_site",

Lesson 19: Breaking Changes with Gulp and SaSS


I am still going through the tutorial and trying to document errors and how they are fixed.
At lesson 19, there was a breaking change with Gulp and/or Sass
Here is the issue: maiya-22/learning-repo__learn-11ty-from-scratch#4

If anyone can help solve this, I will followup with posting updates here, etc.

Would it be better to fix the repo by removing SaSS all together? I saw @Andy-set-studio comment somewhere that he does not use SaSS anymore due to the advances with CSS.

Any pointers are really appreciated. Thank you!

Lesson 18-20: Transform gulp pipeline to use ESM (to fix issue with `gulp-imagemin`)

gulp-imagemin in its latest version is now ESM only (see also #24 ).

In my personal project I have changed the gulp pipeline to use ESM and was able to update all dependencies to their latest versions.

I want to leave my code here for anyone who's interested in doing the same, too.

I followed this guide.

1. Update packages

Updated package.json:

  "devDependencies": {
    "get-google-fonts": "^1.2.2",
    "gulp": "^4.0.2",
    "gulp-clean-css": "^4.3.0",
    "gulp-imagemin": "^8.0.0",
    "gulp-sass": "^5.1.0",
    "sass": "^1.64.1"

2. Update gulp to use ESM

Change the file endings of all gulp files to .mjs:

  • gulp-tasks/fonts.mjs
  • gulp-tasks/images.mjs
  • gulp-tasks/sass.mjs
  • gulpfile.mjs

3. Change syntax


import gulp from "gulp";
const { parallel, watch: gulpWatch } = gulp;

// Pull in each task
import fonts from "./gulp-tasks/fonts.mjs";
import images from "./gulp-tasks/images.mjs";
import sass from "./gulp-tasks/sass.mjs";

// Set each directory and contents that we want to watch and
// assign the relevant task. `ignoreInitial` set to true will
// prevent the task being run when we run `gulp watch`, but it
// will run when a file changes.
const watcher = () => {
  gulpWatch("./src/images/**/*", { ignoreInitial: true }, images);
  gulpWatch("./src/scss/**/*.scss", { ignoreInitial: true }, sass);

// The default (if someone just runs `gulp`) is to run each task in parallel
export default parallel(fonts, images, sass);

// This is our watcher task that instructs gulp to watch directories and
// act accordingly
export const watch = watcher;


import GetGoogleFonts from "get-google-fonts";

const fonts = async () => {
  // Setup of the library instance by setting where we want
  // the output to go. CSS is relative to output font directory
  const instance = new GetGoogleFonts({
    outputDir: "./dist/fonts",
    cssFile: "./fonts.css",

  // Grabs fonts and CSS from google and puts in the dist folder
  const result = await

  return result;

export default fonts;


import gulp from "gulp";
import imagemin, { mozjpeg, optipng } from "gulp-imagemin";

// Grabs all images, runs them through imagemin
// and plops them in the dist folder
const images = () => {
  // We have specific configs for jpeg and png files to try
  // to really pull down asset sizes
  return gulp
          mozjpeg({ quality: 60, progressive: true }),
          optipng({ optimizationLevel: 5, interlaced: null }),
          silent: true,

export default images;


import gulp from "gulp";
import cleanCSS from "gulp-clean-css";
import * as dartSass from "sass";
import gulpSass from "gulp-sass";
const sassProcessor = gulpSass(dartSass);

// Flags whether we compress the output etc
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

// An array of outputs that should be sent over to includes
const criticalStyles = ['critical.scss', 'home.scss', 'page.scss', 'work-item.scss'];

// Takes the arguments passed by `dest` and determines where the output file goes
const calculateOutput = ({history}) => {
  // By default, we want a CSS file in our dist directory, so the
  // HTML can grab it with a <link />
  let response = './dist/css';

  // Get everything after the last slash
  const sourceFileName = /[^(/|\\)]*$/.exec(history[0])[0];

  // If this is critical CSS though, we want it to go
  // to the _includes directory, so nunjucks can include it
  // directly in a <style>
  if (criticalStyles.includes(sourceFileName)) {
    response = './src/_includes/css';

  return response;

// The main Sass method grabs all root Sass files,
// processes them, then sends them to the output calculator
const sass = () => {
  return gulp
    .pipe(sassProcessor().on("error", sassProcessor.logError))
          ? {
              level: 2,
          : {},
    .pipe(gulp.dest(calculateOutput, { sourceMaps: !__prod__ }));

export default sass;

Error: template not found: css/critical.css on Windows

I am at lesson 19 : Setting up SASS

running npm start throws an error

 Having trouble writing template: dist/about-us/index.html

`TemplateWriterWriteError` was thrown
 Template render error: (./src/_includes/layouts/about.html)
  Error: template not found: css/critical.css

Tested on Windows 10
npm --version: 6.14.11
node --version: 14.16.0
and Windows 7
npm --version: 6.14.8
node --version: 14.15.1

The problem is Regex in file /gulp-tasks/sass.js
History array return the file path in windows filepath format in Windows
Current regex does not work for matching filenames in Windows filepath format
sass never creates a css directory inside /src/_includes directory

Present Code:

 const sourceFileName = /[^/]*$/.exec(history[0])[0]; 
 // only matches last element after / in the file path 
 // (works for Unix file format, fails for windows)

Modify it to :

  const sourceFileName = /[^(/|\\)]*$/.exec(history[0])[0]; 
  // matches last element after / and \ in the the file path 
  // (works for both file formats)

        [^          Matches any character not in the square brackets
            (       Creating a group 
                /   Match the / character
                |   Alternation. Matches either the character before or after the symbol
                \\  Match the \ character and one extra \ for escaping the backslash
        *           Matches 0 or more repetition
        $           Matches the end of string



Lesson 21 - gulp-imagemin is now an ES Module

Lesson 21 doesn't work, at least for me. I thought I'd open an issue, if only to reassure people who are having the same issue.

Unless there's another version, it seems gulp-imagemin has moved from CommonJS to modern ES Modules. This means the image optimisation can't be mixed with the non-module gulpfile.

If the course moves from Gulp to NPM Scripts this won't be an issue any more.

Correcting links

This is a rather minor issue but I noticed that a few links (one in Lesson 26 and another in Lesson 28) were not working properly. I was wondering if I could create a PR to correct them!

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