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h-raylib's Introduction

h-raylib: Haskell bindings for Raylib

cabal-build nix-build Hackage Version

This library includes Haskell bindings to the Raylib library.

Basic usage | Platform specific requirements | Advanced usage | GHCi | Documentation | FAQ and help

Basic usage

To use this package, include it as a dependency in your cabal file.

  # ...

It should work out of the box. See Advanced usage for more complex use cases.

Platform specific requirements

This library is known to work on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It may not work properly on other platforms, so don't hesitate to report issues on the GitHub repository.


h-raylib should automatically work if you do not disable the detect-platform flag. In that case, you may skip this step.

If you do disable the detect-platform flag when building, use the platform-windows or platform-mac flag when building.


You may need to run the following to install X11 (a window manager for Linux).

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev

Now, h-raylib should automatically work if you do not disable the detect-platform flag. In that case, you may skip the following.

If you do disable the detect-platform flag when building, use the platform-linux flag when building

BSD (Experimental)

h-raylib should automatically work if you do not disable the detect-platform flag. In that case, you may skip this step.

If you do disable the detect-platform flag when building, use the platform-bsd flag when building.

Other platforms

This library has not yet been tested on other platforms (raylib supports Android, Raspberry Pi, and DRM, all of which have not been implemented in h-raylib). Anybody willing to try is welcome.

Web support has not been finalized yet.

If you get it working on other platforms, please create a pull request in the GitHub repository and update h-raylib.cabal with the relevant config.

Advanced usage

Your platform-specific dependencies will automatically be built by default. You may want to disable this behavior. You can disable the detect-platform flag to achieve this.

You can do this through the command line when running your project, like so

cabal run --constraint="h-raylib -detect-platform"

Or you can add it to your cabal.project file.

package h-raylib
  flags: -detect-platform

The flags platform-windows, platform-mac, platform-linux, and platform-bsd are also supported if you want to build for a different platform.

Running in GHCi

You can use this library in GHCi just like any other library, but you will need to add --constraint="h-raylib +ghci" to the command. For example, in the root folder of this repository, you could use the command below to use the library through GHCi.

cabal repl --constraint="h-raylib +ghci"

You may need to use :set -fno-ghci-sandbox after entering the REPL to fix problems with multithreaded execution.

On Windows, you may lose joystick support when running in GHCi.


For documentation:

For contributors:

If you want to request a feature, create an issue in the GitHub repo. Please check the roadmap to see if the feature has already been planned.

FAQ and help

  • When I try to run an h-raylib program I get the error The code execution cannot proceed because libwinpthread-1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

  • When I try to compile an h-raylib program I get the error Missing (or bad) C libraries: gcc_eh

If you find a bug, please create an issue on GitHub.

If you have a question about the library that is not related to a bug, ask it on GitHub discussions or in the Haskell GameDev Discord server.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See more in LICENSE.

h-raylib's People


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h-raylib's Issues

drawTextEx not working properly

I tried drawing text using drawTextEx and it mostly won't work, and sometimes it shows for a frame or 2 then nothing again. Tried using this code with two different fonts I know are working from another project:

mainFontPath :: String
mainFontPath = "/path/to/font"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  initWindow screenWidth screenHeight "Font Test"
  setTargetFPS 75

  mainFont <- loadFont mainFontPath
  gameLoop mainFont

gameLoop :: Font -> IO ()
gameLoop mainFont = do
  clearBackground rayWhite

  drawTextEx mainFont "Testing drawTextEx" (Vector2 640.0 12.0) 20.0 1.0 black


  shouldClose <- windowShouldClose
  unless shouldClose $ gameLoop mainFont

And the logs show the font loaded successfully

`` release checklist

  • Documentation
    • Update
    • Update
    • Update
    • Update
    • Check Haddock documentation for completeness
  • Submodules
    • Update raylib
    • Update raygui
    • New submodules
      • Add to cabal config
      • Add to nix config
      • Add to devtools.js
      • Create example
    • New structures
      • Add to Raylib.Util.Lenses
  • General
    • Increment cabal version
    • Run devtools.js -u
    • New examples
      • Add to cabal config
      • Add to
    • Prerelease
      • Check if GitHub actions is successful
      • Run devtools.js -p
  • Create release tag

More abstraction for WindowResources passed to load/unload* functions?

When using loadModel or unloadModel, WindowResources has to be passed as final parameter. Because of that, pasting code around could be annoying, for some codes using win while the other using w or wr.

Here's solution using monad reader

inWindow :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> ReaderT WindowResources m b -> m b
inWindow w h title fps =  bracket (liftIO $ initWindow w h title <* setTargetFPS fps) (liftIO . closeWindow) . runReaderT

loadModelFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader WindowResources m) => FilePath -> m Model
loadModelFile file = ask >>= liftIO . loadModel file 

and also some bracket functions for unload

withModel :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader WindowResources m) => FilePath -> (RL.Model -> m b) -> m b
withModel file = bracket (ask >>= liftIO . loadModel file) (\m -> ask >>= liftIO . unloadModel m)

withModels :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader WindowResources m) => [FilePath] -> ([RL.Model] -> m b) -> m b
withModels [] f = f []
withModels (file:files) f = withModel file $ \m -> withModels files $ \ms -> f (m:ms)

a side effect of using monad reader is that the abstraction require using lift for simplest program

mainGame :: IO ()
mainGame =
  inWindow 1920 1080 "MyApp" 90 $ do
    lift $ -- init something ...
    withModels ["./res/ship1.obj", "./res/ship2.obj"] $ \[m1, m2] -> lift $ do
       -- main loop with some real drawing code ...

Remove usage of unsafeIO from getRayCollision functions

Hello, and first of all thank you for these bindings - I've been enjoying using them!

However, I think I've found a bug. I am currently working on a project and for some reason I'm getting wildly different behaviours when getRayCollisionXXX is involved. Here's a snippet (which you can find here)

checkBoard :: PlayerAimComponent -> (BoardComponent, PositionComponent) -> System World BoardComponent
checkBoard (Aim ray) (_, p) = do
  hit <- liftIO $ isHit ray p
  if hit then
    pure $ Board Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled Filled
    pure $ Board Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

isHit :: RL.Ray -> PositionComponent -> IO Bool
isHit ray (Position p) = do
  let hitInfo = RL.getRayCollisionBox ray $ RL.BoundingBox from to
  -- liftIO $ print "Hello" -- <- uncomment to make this work?
  pure $ RL.raycollision'hit hitInfo > 0
  where from = addVectors p $ Vector3 (-1.5) (-1.5) (-0.05)
        to = addVectors p $ Vector3 1.5 1.5 0.05

So this function is WiP, but it tries to detect if the ray shooting from the camera is hitting one of the game boards, and if it does I'm just flagging every cell so that we can see it. Here's the weird thing though: This function only seems to work if you print something inside it. I have no idea what this signifies, but after digging down into h-raylib's source code I've found that getRayCollisionBox along with lots of other physics functions are unsafe IO functions.

I have no experience in FFI or making bindings to C, but while this fact remains true I can't help but wonder if it's the cause. All the other raylib functions I've used I've had to do liftIO to access them, and they've all worked really well with no issues this far.

Would it be difficult to make your collision functions also operate within IO? At least then if this is still an issue we can conclude its not the bindings?

Alternatively, if you have any suggestions of what the issue could be, please let me know as I'm blocked by this.

Thanks again for the great library!


Here's some debugging work I've done:

Not printing anything

Here's what it looks like if we don't print anything. The boards light up if hit is true, which is true when raycollision'hit hitInfo > 0. When we don't print anything, all of them are permanently lit even if we don't look at any of them.


Print "hello" or other random things

Uncommenting the comment so that we print hello in this function actually fixes it, all three boards are unlit until we look at them:



Printing raycollision'hit hitInfo

This one is an exception - if I print this value, I get the following:

  • One board lights up - its hitInfo hit value is 6749696 - a memory address maybe?
  • The second board lights up if I hit it, its hit value is 1 if I look at it, and 0 otherwise
  • The last board also lights up if I look at it, value is 1 if looked at and 0 otherwise
  • Finally, if I look at the first board with the weird number, it's value increases by 1 to 6749697




Considering add some helper `bracket` functions to Util in order to avoid begin* and end* syntax

import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask, bracket_)
drawing :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m () -> m ()
drawing = bracket_ (liftIO beginDrawing) (liftIO endDrawing)

mode3D :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => RL.Camera3D -> m () -> m ()
mode3D c = bracket_ (liftIO $ beginMode3D c) (liftIO endMode3D)

mode2D :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => RL.Camera2D -> m () -> m ()
mode2D c = bracket_ (liftIO $ beginMode2D c) (liftIO endMode2D)

The function loadDroppedFiles

I don't know if this counts as a bug, but it does mean that the program will crash upon dropping a directory. The message is this:

WARNING: FILEIO: [/home/dk/1] File partially loaded (-2721076 bytes out of 0)
Segmentation fault (core dumped

I tried catching it like this:

 file <- case file' of
      Left e -> lift $ do
          putStr "ERROR: "
          print e
          return $ FilePathList 0 []
      Right f -> lift $ return f

It does not print the error, just crashes. I am confident this is the function that throws. I've never worked with try so I'm not sure that I'm doing it correctly.

Either way, it could be nice to have a variant that does not throw.

Provide low-level API to raylib without automatic freeing (WindowResources)

It's enjoyable to have a raylib API in Haskell that takes care about Foreign stuff (pointers and marshaling), so one doesn't have to.

However, at the moment h-raylib enforces a particular memory management approach that may be not good for certain cases or favorable by some programmers. It would be nice for a library user programmer have a choice whether to use raylib without WindowResources facility.

Here is a great article on different levels of APIs Haskell (please, note that it's HTTP, you might need to instruct the browser to render it):

Note, how the API of the lowest level allows building higher level APIs on top of it, but not vice versa.

Please, note that raylib philosophy is about simplicity and not enforcing things, but rather leaving a door open to have them.

Low-level API with Closeable

Here's an example of a low API that allows automatic resource freeing, but can be opted out if not wanted:

with :: Closeable a => IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
with = flip bracket close

class                     Closeable a       where close :: a -> IO ()
instance                  Closeable Image   where close = ...
instance                  Closeable Texture where close = ...
instance                  Closeable Font    where close = ...
instance (Closeable c) => Closeable [c]     where close = mapM_ close

User programmers can decide how they want to write:

t <- openTexture "1.png"
close t


with (openText "1.png") $ \t -> do

...or something else.

With this design, user programmers can opt-out from using bracket/with and use something like resourcet or managed, if they want (but let's not focus on these approaches here).

Another important thing: user programmers are not forced to pass WindowsResources to every API call -- especially if they favor other resource-handling techniques such as with/close.

If a user programmer want, he can still implement WindowResources approach in their code on top of low-level API and track all the resources (e.g. this can be useful for runtime introspection). Also, he may go even further and push the WindowResources to a Reader monad, so he doesn't have to carry it around -- that's up to the user programmer.

stb_vorbis.c is missing from sdist

After unpacking the hackage sdist for raylib/src/external contains only:

cgltf.h    dr_mp3.h      glad.h     jar_xm.h     msf_gif.h     qoi.h        sinfl.h             stb_image_write.h  stb_truetype.h
dirent.h   dr_wav.h      glfw       m3d.h        par_shapes.h  rl_gputex.h  stb_image.h         stb_perlin.h       tinyobj_loader_c.h
dr_flac.h  glad_gles2.h  jar_mod.h  miniaudio.h  qoa.h         sdefl.h      stb_image_resize.h  stb_rect_pack.h    vox_loader.h

isKeyDown and isKeyUp always True

I used the window example as base and started playing around with inputs, just printing text to see if they work. isKeyPressed and isKeyReleased are working fine, but isKeyDown and isKeyUp just return True. Heres the code i used:

gameLoop :: IO ()
gameLoop = do
  wDown <- isKeyDown key'w
  wUp <- isKeyUp key'w
  if wDown then print "W down" else print "W not down"
  if wUp then print "W up" else print "W not up"


  clearBackground rayWhite
  drawText "Basic raylib window" 30 40 18 lightGray


  shouldClose <- windowShouldClose
  unless shouldClose gameLoop

The output prints both "W down" and "W up" no matter the input

`` release checklist

  • Documentation
    • Update
    • Update
    • Update
    • Update
    • Check Haddock documentation for completeness
  • Submodules
    • Update raylib
    • Update raygui
    • New submodules
      • Add to cabal config
      • Add to nix config
      • Add to devtools.js
      • Create example
    • New structures
      • Add to Raylib.Util.Lenses
  • General
    • Increment cabal version
    • Run devtools.js -u
    • New examples
      • Add to cabal config
      • Add to
    • Prerelease
      • Check if GitHub actions is successful
      • Run devtools.js -p
  • Create release tag

cabal file does not specify dependency on X11/extensions/Xge.h

I saw that the Xext dependency was removed recently 5a09c28

But when building with macaroni.nix, it fails due to that dependency not being declared:

Configuring library for h-raylib-
Preprocessing library for h-raylib-
Building library for h-raylib-
[1 of 4] Compiling Raylib.Types     ( src/Raylib/Types.hs, dist/build/Raylib/Types.o, dist/build/Raylib/Types.dyn_o )
[2 of 4] Compiling Raylib.Colors    ( src/Raylib/Colors.hs, dist/build/Raylib/Colors.o, dist/build/Raylib/Colors.dyn_o )
[3 of 4] Compiling Raylib.Util      ( src/Raylib/Util.hs, dist/build/Raylib/Util.o, dist/build/Raylib/Util.dyn_o )
[4 of 4] Compiling Raylib           ( src/Raylib.hs, dist/build/Raylib.o, dist/build/Raylib.dyn_o )
In file included from raylib/src/external/glfw/src/x11_platform.h:48,
                 from raylib/src/external/glfw/src/platform.h:62,
                 from raylib/src/external/glfw/src/internal.h:331,
                 from raylib/src/external/glfw/src/init.c:30,

                 from raylib/src/rglfw.c:61:0: error: 

/nix/store/r0pzhgq3l9mfhc67gxc7aarv15pjshql-libXi-1.8-dev/include/X11/extensions/XInput2.h:32:10: error:
     fatal error: X11/extensions/Xge.h: No such file or directory
       32 | #include <X11/extensions/Xge.h>
          |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
32 | #include <X11/extensions/Xge.h>
   |          ^
compilation terminated.
`cc' failed in phase `C Compiler'. (Exit code: 1)
error: builder for '/nix/store/w7yzb3cdb5lvkr57llyvy2i28ay8z1j0-h-raylib-lib-h-raylib-' failed with exit code 1;
       last 10 log lines:
       > /nix/store/r0pzhgq3l9mfhc67gxc7aarv15pjshql-libXi-1.8-dev/include/X11/extensions/XInput2.h:32:10: error:
       >      fatal error: X11/extensions/Xge.h: No such file or directory
       >        32 | #include <X11/extensions/Xge.h>
       >           |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       >    |
       > 32 | #include <X11/extensions/Xge.h>
       >    |          ^
       > compilation terminated.
       > `cc' failed in phase `C Compiler'. (Exit code: 1)
       For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/w7yzb3cdb5lvkr57llyvy2i28ay8z1j0-h-raylib-lib-h-raylib-'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/q9mawhklkbnpi65h7r88va5672fdwgbd-h-raylib-minimal-exe-h-raylib-minimal-' failed to build
make: *** [Makefile:2: build] Error 1

For now, seems to build fine.

Drag and drop does not work as expected

Trying to drag and drop files fails. Particularly using the function loadDroppedFiles will seg fault while trying to free an invalid pointer to the file path:

free(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)

Or it will try to double free:

free(): double free detected in tcache 2
Aborted (core dumped)

It does that on the next frame or the frame after. I'm not sure if this is user error, because I don't know what I should or should not free manually and how. This is a basic version of what I tried:

mainloop :: AppState -> IO AppState
mainloop appState = do
  fileIsDropped <- isFileDropped
  when fileIsDropped $
    print =<< loadDroppedFiles
  return appState''

main = whileWindowOpen_ mainloop =<< initApp

Web build support

Set up h-raylib to work with emscripten and support building to WebAssembly.

Pure version of `getScreenToWorld2D` function in rcore

in Raylib.Core module, getScreenToWorld2D :: Vector2 -> Camera2D -> IO Vector2
but it is theoretically a pure computation, and pure version is always easier to compose.
Should we add something like sreenToWorld2D :: Vector2 -> Camera2D -> Vector2?
screenToWorld2D v c = unsafePerformIO $ getScreenToWorld2D v c

Does not seem to work under Windows


When I run the following program with cabal run under Windows nothing happens.

hello-raylib> cabal run


cabal-version:      3.4
name:               hello-raylib

common warnings
    ghc-options: -Wall

executable hello-raylib
    import:             warnings
    main-is:            Main.hs
    build-depends:      base ^>=
                      , h-raylib
    hs-source-dirs:     app
    default-language:   Haskell2010


module Main where

import Control.Monad (unless)
import qualified Raylib.Core as Raylib

main :: IO ()
main = do
  w <- Raylib.initWindow 480 320 "Hello, Raylib!"
  let loop = do
        shouldClose <- Raylib.windowShouldClose
        unless shouldClose loop
  Raylib.closeWindow w

I tried updating my NVidia drivers. No change.
I installed raylib and successfully ran one of their examples in C so I suspect there's something wrong with this package or something I've done or missed in the code posted above.

Thank you and kind regards

defaultWindowResources is undocumented

Hello and thank you for creating these bindings!

I wanted to report that the defaultWindowResources function defined here isn't visible in the documentation. I had to click on Source for WindowResources and that's how I found it.

On a related note, I'm trying to get loadTexture to work which requires WindowResources. Would you happen to have an example of using loadTexture? Thanks!

Invoking getFontDefault twice will cause a core dump

getFontDefault seems to cause Raylib's text utilities to suddenly break measureText. Additionally, I've found that invoking getFontDefault twice will crash Haskell citing a double free error or memory corruption as a cause. I'm not to sure what the cause is, but my guess is the original font is somehow getting destroyed as it is passed to Haskell.

Minimum repoduction:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  _ <- initWindow 1 1 ""
  defaultFont <- getFontDefault
  defaultFont <- getFontDefault
  return ()

Missing function

Hello. I was wondering where was the binding for the function SetTraceLogCallback to specify custom loggers and I couldn't find it. Is there a reason for it not existing, maybe?

Add Lens instances for Raylib types

The types in Raylib.Types feature many nested records. It would be nice to be able to access them using lenses. If there is interest, I can try to do it myself.

Windows - GCC missing libs error

When I've included this package into Stack build project, I've got error : * Missing (or bad) C libraries: gcc_eh

Can we please include into documentation these steps to resolve it?

This errors occurs when haskell stack can't find gcc libs. To fix this follow these steps:

  1. Run stack exec -- pacman -Syu, stack exec -- pacman -S gcc
  2. Then "stack exec -- gcc -print-libgcc-file-name"
  3. Copy the path without libgcc.a and paste it inside extra-lib-dirs stack.yaml

Expose Raylib.Internal module

Could you expose Raylib.Internal module?


I need to have access to internals of WindowResources(..).
Mostly for debugging/introspection purposes:

  • to keep an eye counters and spot memory leaks early.
  • to have access to actual pointers for investigation purposes.

At the moment, I have a modified local build of h-raylib where I can have the access to it.

Having full access to such hidden layers is important for user developers, so they can know what's going on and are able to investigate and fix things when needed.

Having Raylib.Internal module hidden prevents user developers to spot memory leaks early. Having Raylib.Internal module open contributes to be curious and spot problems early.

I believe it's important for a binding such as h-raylib not to hide or safeguard such crucial bits, especially that they are not internals of raylib itself, but rather a layer built on top of raylib (that can also have bugs and needs to be accessible/investigatable).

loadFontEx does not appear to work

font loaded by loadFontEx is not visible on screen.

module Main where
import Raylib.Core
import Raylib.Core.Text

import Raylib.Util
import Raylib.Util.Colors

import Raylib.Types

main :: IO ()
main = do
  window <- initWindow 100 100 ""

  font <- loadFontEx "font.ttf" 28 [] 0 window

  whileWindowOpen0 $ do
    clearBackground white
    drawTextEx font "Testing" (Vector2 0 0) 28 0 black

  unloadFont font window

  closeWindow window

`clamp` function in Raylib.Util.Math can be more haskellish

Haskell-styled function should be good at combination.

e.g. clamp

clamp has to be used in this way

clamp Value_to_clamp Lower_bound Upper_bound

more haskellish args ord should be

clamp Lower_bound Upper_bound Value_to_clamp 

if change the order of args the endo-function will change
from (\x -> clamp x (-40) 40)
to clamp (-40) 40
which makes this function combine easily with other Float -> Float function

Same thing goes:

Module ‘Raylib.Util’ does not export ‘raylibApplication’

Basically title.

My ghc version is ghc 9.2.8.

Other functions from Raylib.Util are there.

Template Haskell is enabled.

The cabal file is this:

common warnings
    ghc-options: -Wall

executable pokiclone
    -- Import common warning flags.
    import:           warnings

    -- .hs or .lhs file containing the Main module.
    main-is:          Main.hs

    -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
    -- other-modules:

    -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
    other-extensions: MultiWayIf

    -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
    build-depends:    base ^>=
                    , h-raylib
                    , lens

    -- Directories containing source files.
    hs-source-dirs:   app

    -- Base language which the package is written in.
    default-language: GHC2021

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