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sql-action's Issues

Allow for AAD username and password login

The underlying SQLCMD tool allows for login to SQL Server by using an AAD username and password combination or even doing integrated login. This is currently not supported by the GitHub sql-action, since the -G switch is not used for AAD login.

I am currently working on a fully automated setup of an Azure SQL Server database fronted by a web app. Code for this can be found at:

However I am bumping in the following restrictions for fully automating this flow:

  • I need to use AAD credentials to be able to allow for mi.sql script, since the script executes CREATE USER accountName FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER; this needs to be done from logged in AAD account
  • I cannot login with AAD credentials through sql-action

I tried using:

     connection-string: ${{ format('Server={0};Initial Catalog={1};User Id={2};Password={3};AUTHENTICATION = ActiveDirectoryPassword', steps.deploy.outputs.sqlServerFullyQualifiedDomainName, steps.deploy.outputs.databaseName, secrets.AAD_USERNAME, secrets.AAD_PASSWORD) }}

However, the AUTHENTICATION = ActiveDirectoryPassword gets ignored.

On execution I get a 'Failed to add firewall rule', from sqlutils.ts file. However, there the login is done without the -G switch for SQLCMD and hence failing for AAD accounts.

Could be that this same issue exists deeper in the code on execution of the actual SQL command, currently I get a failure on FW settings.

Additionally making this integrated AAD login would be nice as well for people wanting to use account of the runner for log in.

detectIPAddress method results in error due to db name not being specified

The SqlUtils.detectIPAddress method that is testing the connection results in the following error...

The server principal "(db name)" is not able to access the database "master" under the current security context...

due to the database name not being specified. Can -d "${connectionString.database} be added to the following line?

await exec.exec(`"${sqlCmdPath}" -S ${serverName} -U "${connectionString.userId}" -P "${connectionString.password}" -Q "select getdate()"`, [], {

Why mandate the Azure SPN login?

Hello team, this action is very useful, however the requirement to have a SPN which is used to adjust the firewall rules is a bit restrictive. In many cases, the target logical Azure SQL server already exists and has firewall rules adjusted already, or maybe the customer is running with self-hosted runner within a private VNET etc. In those cases, this step of mandating the Azure login is functionally not needed. Functionally, an ops person should be able to just specify the connection string and theoretically be able to specify that the firewall rules adjustment are not needed. Eager to know your thoughts on this.


Any idea how I figure out the firewall part:-

Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. .

Scripting Variables not being passed to sqlcmd

When arguments are passed to sqlcmd they are not appended to the running command resulting in undefined variables.

    - name: 'deploy sql script'
      uses: azure/sql-action@v2
        connection-string: ${{ inputs.connection_string }}
        arguments: '-v environment="${{ inputs.environment }}"'
        path: "${{ inputs.script-path }}"

In the logs I see the command is run without the -v switch
sqlcmd -S ******** -d ******** --authentication-method=ActiveDirectoryDefault -i ./SqlScripts/add-users.sql

Resulting in an error showing the variable as undefined.

'environment' scripting variable not defined.

support for user authentication without access to master db

Hi gang,

I'm trying to use Azure/sql-action in the "deploy" phase of my workflow when deploying an ASP.NET Core app to Azure.

My Azure SQL server definitely has "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server" set to "Yes", but when my workflow runs I get the following error:

Error: Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login failed for user '(redacted)'..

My code looks like this:

  • name: Apply EF migration script
    uses: Azure/sql-action@v1
    server-name: (my server name)
    connection-string: ${{ secrets.CONNECTIONSTRING_PUCKA }}
    sql-file: ./migrate.sql

In the server-name attribute I've tried it with and without the "tcp:" prefix (which is in the connection string) but I get the same error both ways.

Your README says if I have "allow azure services" set to "yes" then I should be fine. Am I doing something wrong?

Action cannot detect IP address of the runner

I am running a yaml pipeline with the following job:


The login action uses an SPN that has the role SQL Security Manager, as per the documentation.

Expectation: The action would automatically detect the runner IP, add the firewall rule, and remove it afterward.


Unable to authenticate to Azure SQL Server via service principal


Not sure if this is the correct issue template to use, but I am currently working with a customer to build out workflows to deploy DACPACs into their Azure SQL instance. We have created a service principal, but we keep bumping into the following error:

Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP address.

Currently, our action is configured as follows:

      - name: Azure SQL Deploy
        uses: Azure/[email protected]
          connection-string: 'Server=${{ env.serverName}};User ID=***;Password=***;Initial Catalog=${{ env.catalog_name }} ;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal;'
          dacpac-package: MyDacpac.dacpac
          arguments: '/p:IncludeCompositeObjects=true' 

Are service principals currently not supported by this task?

ServerName should not be needed

Given that the connection string already contains the server name, the property ServerName in the YAML file should be removed. Just like the database name is retrieved from the connection string, also the server name can be retrieved from the connection string, therefore asking one param less to the end user

sql-action V2 does not appear to be working with on-premises SQL Server

I have mentioned this to Drew Skwiers-Koballa casually in the past but thought better raise it here for visibility.

I seem to have issues using sql-action V2 to deploy to SQL Server on-premises. I am using a self-hosted GitHub Runner that works perfectly well with sql-action v1.3.

One of the types of errors I get is below, but it changes depending on which connection string format I use:

"Error: Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. unable to open tcp connection with host 'localhost:1433': dial tcp [::1]:1433: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."

Maybe there is a workaround for using it with v2 that is not documented. However, for now I workaround it by using v1.3.

Getting Failed to add firewall rule error during SQL DB deployment using GitHub Hosted Runner

Getting Failed to add firewall rule error during SQL DB deployment using GitHub Hosted Runner although 'Allow Azure Services And resources to access this server" is checked in the SQL server

Error: Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'MCSSQLADMIN'..
Error: The process 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.exe' failed with exit code 1

Proposal: v2 of sql-action

The team has been discussing improvements to sql-action that would also require some breaking changes. As we prepare to implement changes we wanted to gather feedback and suggestions by sharing the proposed changes here. Please feel free to drop comments on this thread and if any topic gets detailed we might move it over to "discussions" for better thread support.

Issues mentioned below will be tagged with a v2-candidate tag soon.

1. Azure Active Directory support

We'd like to support AAD auth for username/password, service principal, and managed identity. (#60, #78, #93)

To do this smoothly, connectivity testing and script execution would be done directly through node-mssql instead of invoking sqlcmd within the action. The workflow would need to provide a connection string to the action, but any valid connection string supported by Tedious would work.

This change has a side benefit of reducing confusion around the connection string components (#72, #79) and we'd remove the confusing (and no longer used) server name parameter.

This change would remove the ability to use sqlcmd arguments during sql-file script execution.

2. Login credentials that do not have access to master

We'd like to allow sql-script execution by database logins with less access. (#89) This can be incorporated into the change from sqlcmd to node-mssql.

3. Additional actions

There's been interest voiced to have a subset of functionality from SqlPackage (#55) as well as the ability to build but not deploy a SQL project.

Proposed yml interface

Within reason, we need to make some changes to the action.yml definition to support additional actions and remove the unused server-name parameter.

name: 'Azure SQL Deploy'
description: 'Deploy a database project, dacpac, or a SQL script to Azure SQL database'
    description:  'The connection string, including authentication information, for the Azure SQL Server database.'
    required: true
    description: 'Path to file or files to use. Wildcard supported in path for .sql files.'
    required: true
    description: 'Selection for action to perform on SQL scripts, project file, or dacpac. Options: Script, Publish, PublishScript, PublishReport, NoDeploy'
    required: true
    description: 'In case of dacpac or sql project files are selected, additional SqlPackage arguments that will be applied. When script action is selected, additional go-sqlcmd arguments that will be applied.'
    required: false
    description: 'In case of sql project file is selected, additional arguments that will be applied to dotnet build when building the database project.'
    required: false
  using: 'node12'
  main: 'lib/main.js'

Breaking Changes

  1. server-name parameter is proposed to be completely removed
  2. sqlcmd arguments are proposed to no longer be available for script execution

Sound off!

Here's some ideas:

  • Will these changes benefit your SQL deployments?
  • Are we removing anything you use? (sqlcmd arguments)
  • What are we not tackling that you would like to see?

Firewall Failure


I was building a workflow to run a sql script, the workflow is giving me errors related to firewall. (using github hosted runner)
Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. . Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login timeout expired. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.. Error: The process 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.exe' failed with exit code 1

we have the Allow access to azure serves on in our database.
MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

As per the documentation, we wouldn't need to login if this is enabled.
Even then, tried logging in with a service principal that has appropriate accesses.
Still, getting similar error.
The DB connection string that I am using
server=""; port=3306; initial catalog="db_name"; user id="user@host_name"; password="************"; SslMode=Preferred;
tried setting the sslmode=Required and even removing the sslmode from the connection string.
Would appreciate any help here.


Can I connect to an Azure SQL database using a managed identity?

If I have an Azure App Service with a managed identity, I can give it db_datareader/db_datawriter access to my database like this:

ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [$appName];
ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER [$appName];

(Where $appName is the name of the managed identity service principal.)

I can then connect to that database from the app service with a connection string like this:,1433;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;Authentication=Active Directory Default

Now, I've just learned that I can give my Azure SQL Server its own managed identity, and I'd love to be able to perform database actions (e.g. Entity Framework migrations) using that instead of maintaining an MSSQL user/password as the database owner.

Would it be possible to integrate this action with azure/login in such a way that the connection string can use the Authentication=Active Directory Default trick to connect using the service principal you've already logged in with? Or maybe you can think of an even easier way to pull this off.

This is all in the spirit of not having to store passwords anywhere. This way I wouldn't even need to store my db_owner password as a GitHub secret.


arguments not passing variable to sqlcmd

I have the following action:

uses: azure/sql-action@v2
  connection-string: ${{ secrets.CONNECTION_STRING }}
  path: './test.sql'
  arguments: '-v client_name="testname"'

According to the documentaiton, this should pass the arguments to the SQLCMD utility but it's not working. The line below shows the sqlcmd statement from the logs and there is no -v option.
sqlcmd -S sqldb-*** -d Auth -U *** -i ./test.sql

I also get this error when the script runs.
'client_name' scripting variable not defined.

This is what the documentation says:
go-sqlcmd: go-sqlcmd parameters are passed to the go-sqlcmd utility from the arguments property. This enables SQLCMD variables -v to be passed to scripts as seen in the sqlcmd documentation.

DeployReport support

Looking at the comment here:
It appears only the publish /action is supported at present. What we would like is for the DeployReport to be supported so as to provide a schema compare given the DDL changes to the target compared to the source dacpac.

I think this addition would greatly lead to adoption as right now you are blind to the net changes that are being made to the target until after those changes are published

Speed up download time with Webpack

I notice that the node_module folder is included in the tag of the publication and need it at run time, but it's very big. I modified to use Webpack to package the project, In my sel-hosted, the Set Up Job step saves 15 seconds. so I recommend using it and remove node_module from tag.

I submitted an RP #68 and I tested it very well

feature request : Add support of Xml PublishProfile configuration


Could you add the Xml PublishProfile configuration as an input of the Github action ?

For example what we have for Azure Devops :

  - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1
    displayName: "Execute Azure SQL : DacpacTask"
      azureSubscription: "${{parameters.serviceConnection}}"
      AuthenticationType: connectionString
      ConnectionString: "$(kv-SQL-ConnectionString)"
      DacpacFile: "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop/SQL/bin/Release/.Database.dacpac"
      PublishProfile: "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop/SQL/Profile.publish.xml" 

The kind of stuff we can configure in the publish profile :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="">
    <!--Drop and Exclude Objects-->

Thank you,
Kind regards.

Action does not work when connection string server name contains "tcp:"

This action fails when the connection string contains a server name with "TCP" e.g. Server=tcp: MY_SERVER.

It fails when creating firewall rules due to filtering azure resources based off the Server value (including the text "tcp:". i.e. it looks for an azure resource with the name tcp: MY_SERVER

The error is thrown:
Unable to get details of SQL server tcp: MY_SERVER. Sql server 'tcp: MY_SERVER' was not found in the subscription.

this._resource = sqlServers.filter((sqlResource) => === serverName)[0];

If no firewall is required, the connection works fine.

This should also be able to work using non-standard ports. i.e. Server=MY_SERVER,MY_PORT

v2 - Alter Database Failures aren't Retried

Note: I'm not convinced that we need to add retry logic here, but let's chat about this. Creating this issue just to ensure that we don't forget about it.

Link to deployment logs where I ran into this issue:

Error SQL72014: Core Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 42008, Level 16, State 120, Line 5 ODBC error: State: HY000: Error: 0 Message:'[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server. Connection may have been terminated by the server.'.
Error SQL72045: Script execution error.  The executed script:
           FROM   [sys].[databases]
           WHERE  [name] = N'$(DatabaseName)')
        ALTER DATABASE [$(DatabaseName)]

Error SQL72014: Core Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
Error SQL72045: Script execution error.  The executed script:
           FROM   [sys].[databases]
           WHERE  [name] = N'$(DatabaseName)')
        ALTER DATABASE [$(DatabaseName)]

Action does not support AccessToken\ServicePrincipal

The current task requires a connection string with a hardcoded user name and password (for internal validation). I would like to request adding the feature to support either AccessToken based connection strings, or directly configuring the task to use service principal credentials to acquire and use the token internally.

Build without deployment

There's a use case where a dacpac might be needed to save to pipeline artifacts or do other deployments - can the action be provided a sqlproj file without connection info to output a dacpac in the pipeline?

dacpac file

The docs don't mention anything about how to create the dacpac and where to place it etc - for others working through this

Allow "Database" instead of requiring "Initial Catalog" in connection string

Database and Initial Catalog are interchangeable in a MSSQL connection string:

However if only "Database" is supplied to sql-action, following error is thrown:

Error: Missing required keys in connection string. Please ensure that the keys 'User Id', 'Password', 'Initial Catalog' are provided in the connection string.

Azure Login is still required, despite closed issue.

The documentation has been updated, but the action still requires the information. No updates were made to the code in the repo, just the readme. Can this be addressed?

Originally posted by @jonthenerd in #10 (comment)

If it is supported to not have to supply Azure Login credentials, an example of how to do so (as just omitting it doesn't work) would be much appreciated.

@v1.1: Error: Cannot find module '@actions/core'

Hi there,

I am getting below error when running with @v1.1:

Error: Cannot find module '@actions/core'

Require stack:
- /actions-runner/_work/_actions/azure/sql-action/v1.1/lib/main.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:797:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:690:27)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:852:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/actions-runner/_work/_actions/azure/sql-action/v1.1/lib/main.js:34:27)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:959:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:995:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:815:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:727:14)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1047:10) {
  requireStack: [

It seems like the node_modules directory is missing from the v1.1 release? Can you help to take a look?


Action not accepting multiple sql files or folder (despite being documented)

As per the documentation here:

    description: 'Path to SQL script file. *.sql or a folder to deploy'

So we should be able to pass a directory name or pass wildcard like *.sql. But when done so, it fails complaining:
(for wildcard)

Error: Muliple files found matching pattern ./abc/xyz/*.sql

and , for folder,

Error: Invalid sql file path provided as input ./abc/xyz/

Is this feature not supported yet? If so, can the documentation please be corrected?

SQL Managed Instance

Does this action support SQL Managed Instance deployment ?

I followed every step to connect to Azure, and deploy my database which is in SQL MI, only to end up in message:

Unable to get details of SQL server . No SQL servers were found in the subscription.

Got a post where people from Microsoft confirms this action is only limited to Azure SQL.

Any help on SQL Managed Instance deployment will be greatly appreciated.

Failed to add firewall rule - Using self-hosted runner and Deny public access in AzureSQL server

I have an error when deploying a bacpac from a self hosted runner...I have a sql server but denying public access in the sql server firewall options (obviously this disables the option to add any rule by runner ip)

How could I deploy a bacpac from a self hosted runner to a server that only uses private endpoint. I need to automate this action.

"Error: Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Error: There was a error when attempting to execute the process 'sqlcmd'. This may indicate the process failed to start. Error: spawn sqlcmd ENOENT."

Unable to use it with on-prem SQL Server


I'm trying to use this action to deploy some SQL Script to a SQL Container which is spin up as a services container at build time so we can validate the build with unit tests on Github Enterprise on a self-hosted GitHub Actions agent.

The SQL container is defined like this:

          ACCEPT_EULA: Y
          SA_PASSWORD: yourStrong(!)Password
          - 1433

The actions setup is as follow:

- uses: azure/[email protected]
          connection-string: ${{ env.SQL_CS }}
          sql-file: 'src/*.sql'
          SQL_CS: "Server=localhost,${{[1433] }};Initial Catalog=MyDB;User Id=sa;Password=yourStrong(!)Password"

The error is shown like this:


Am I missing something? The readme says it is supposed to work with SQL Server, not just with Azure SQL. Can someone shed a light on it?


SQLAction DriftReport fails to execute

Problem description/replication steps

When sql-action is invoked like below:

      - name: Generate Drift Report
        uses: azure/sql-action@v2
          connection-string: ${{ secrets.BAR_CONNECTIONSTRING }}
          path: foo\bar.dacpac
          action: 'DriftReport'
          arguments: "/OutputPath:'${{ github.workspace }}/driftreport'"

The below error is given:

'SourceFile' is not a valid argument for the 'DriftReport' action.

To resolve this, I attempted to remove the path parameter from the azure/sql-action invocation. This throws the below error.

Error: Input required and not supplied: path

Microsoft documentation does not contain a /SourceFile: parameter for the sql package driftreport action.

It looks like this could be resolved by modifying this case statement to only add /SourceFile: for Publish, Script, and Deploy report.,break%3B

Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'sql_user'

Hi, I am getting this error "Failed to add firewall rule. Unable to detect client IP Address. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'sql_user'" when executing the task. My code is:

- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Login via Azure CLI
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Execute SQL Script
uses: azure/sql-action@v1
connection-string:; User ID=sql_user; Password=xxxxxx Initial Catalog=xxxxx
sql-file: './test.sql'
- name: Azure logout
run: |
az logout

The Azure credentials used has Contributor role. I have tested the same credentials using a powershell action and I've been able to add and remove firewall rules to the sql server.
Regarding the connection string, I can log in the database via SSMS using the values in the connection string. Also tested using different server names like tcp:servername, servername,1443 ... etc.

I don't know if the error thrown by the action is the real one because even without adding the login action I get the same error.

Any help is more than welcome :)

Support GO statements in v2

GO statements are sqlcmd batch terminators, but are not native T-SQL statements. Since v2 no longer uses sqlcmd, scripts that have GO in them would no longer work.

sql-action failing to deploy to Azure Gov for Synapse Workspace, but works in Azure Commercial

I am trying to deploy dacpac to Synapse Workspace. This works in Azure Commercial but not in Azure Gov. I am getting this error below.

Error: Unable to get details of SQL server Sql server' was not found in the subscription.

  • uses: azure/sql-action@v1
    server-name: "${{ env.DB_Server_Name }}"
    connection-string: "Server=tcp:${{ env.DB_Server_Name }},1433;Initial Catalog=${{ env.DB_Name }};Persist Security Info=False;User ID=${{ env.SQL_ADMIN_USER_NAME }};Password=${{ env.SQL_ADMIN_USER_PSWD }};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
    dacpac-package: ${{ env.DACPAC_Path }}
    arguments: "/Variables:DataLakeAccessKey="${{ env.DATA_LAKE_ACCESS_KEY }}" /Variables:DataLakeAccessId="${{ env.DATA_LAKE_ACCESS_ID }}" /Variables:DataLakeEncryptionMasterKey="${{ env.DATA_LAKE_ENCRYPTION_MASTER_KEY }}""

Is it possible that some resource providers are not exposed in Azure Gov?
I tried to deploy dacpac package via sqlpackage.exe and that works. Only the issue with this GitHub action.

[Feature Request] skip add firewall rule

I have a customer who has very strict access, they don't want to open a firewall every time and they used self-hosted. could you add a parameter like as.

    description: 'Parameters which skip Firewall Setting'
    required: false
    default: 'false'
        let skipFirewallSetting = (core.getInput('skipFirewallSetting') != 'true');
            const runnerIPAddress = await SqlUtils.detectIPAddress(inputs.serverName, inputs.connectionString);
            if(runnerIPAddress) {
                let azureResourceAuthorizer = await AuthorizerFactory.getAuthorizer();
                let azureSqlResourceManager = await AzureSqlResourceManager.getResourceManager(inputs.serverName, azureResourceAuthorizer);
                firewallManager = new FirewallManager(azureSqlResourceManager);
                await firewallManager.addFirewallRule(runnerIPAddress);

v2 - Connection string escaping for Authentication option

Connection string currently requires quotation marks around the Authentication option, otherwise it throws error such as

sqlcmd: error: unexpected argument Directory

Example connection string that fails but should work: 'Server={0};Initial Catalog={1};Authentication=Active Directory Service Principal;User Id={2};Password={3}'.

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