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bunsen-configs's Issues

Update bl-mpv for mpv=0.23 and provide skel/.config/mpv/mpv.conf

  • Various options used in bl-mpv are not longer available in version 0.23 of the player as shipped in stretch.
  • Various hackery in bl-mpv can be done away with by deploying a mpv configuration file or simplified by using mpv profiles.

I'll take care of this shortly. Leaving this note to not let it be forgotten.

Change directory

About Bunsen Alternatives,yad --button="OK":0 --center --window-icon=distributor-logo-bunsenlabs --text-info --title="About Bunsen Alternatives" --filename="/usr/share/bunsen/docs/helpfile-bl-alternatives.txt" --width=900 --height=700 --fontname=Monospace,distributor-logo-bunsenlabs

Looks for filename="/usr/share/bunsen/docs/helpfile-bl-alternatives.txt", but Package bunsen-docs 11.1-1 puts helpfile-bl-alternatives.txt in directory /usr/share/bunsen/docs/helpfiles, so the menu-choise "About Bunsen Alternatives", launch an empty yad.

mpv config: BL uses the deprecated [pseudo-gui] profile

man mpv says

   Currently, you can extend the pseudo-gui profile in  the  config  file
   the normal way. This is deprecated. In future mpv releases, the behav‐
   ior might change, and not apply your additional settings, and/or use a
   different profile name.

I would suggest we define our own profile, eg


and use it in /usr/bin/bl-mpv: MPV_PROFILE=bl-pseudo-gui to allow user modification going forward.

installing .deb programs bugging my mousepad

Installing programs using the GDebi packager installer (

I am assuming that it is a BunsenLabs thing (somehow).

After installation (by clicking at the install button), the tapping of my mouse pad stops working (the one that simulates the left click).

I am fixing the problem this way:

synclient TapButton1=1

PS.: Should I report this to GDebi on debian instead??

/grub2/i386-pc/normal.mod not Found when Booting HELIUM5 AMD64 Installation from an USB-drive


Run the HELIUM5 AMD64 installation program from a DVD and choose an USB-drive as the target for installation. Choose the bootloader location to be on the USB-drive in stead of the built-in HDD.

The ~15GiB sized USB-drive had the following partitions:

primary_partition_1) SWAP

primary_partition_2) About 600MiB /boot with a bootable flag set, ext4 with noatime set

primary_partition_3) /  fills out the rest of the USB-drive.

I do not know, if that's the right GitHub repository for filing this bug report, but I had to choose some repository, so I thought that may be this one will do.

Thank You for reading my comment/bug_report.

Add subtle animations to compton.

In compton.conf, change...

# Fading
fading = false;
# fade-delta = 30;
fade-in-step = 0.03;
fade-out-step = 0.03;
# no-fading-openclose = true;

... (or whatever it currently is) to...

# Fading
#fading = false;
# fade-delta = 30;
#fade-in-step = 0.03;
#fade-out-step = 0.03;
# no-fading-openclose = true;
fading = true;
fade-delta = 3;

... for a tiny bit of eyecandy.

Openbox titlebar window icon

The default rc.xml has no entry for a window icon: <titleLayout>DSLIMC</titleLayout>;
instead of: <titleLayout>NDSLIMC</titleLayout>

Is this the intended setting? If so, what is the argument for not having a window icon button (because I would like to have it by default ;) )?

Hyperlinks (e.g. in PDFs) open in non-default browser

I have chromium installed in addition to firefox-esr (formerly iceweasel), my default browser (which is pointed to x-www-browser and everything linked to that, including bl-www-browser). When I open a hyperlink in a PDF that points to a website, it opens in chromium, instead of my default browser. This is because the mimetype of the link appears to be x-scheme-handler/http, and in the relevant entry in mimeinfo.cache chromium is listed first (alphabetically?). I find this annoying and propose appending something like


to mimeapps.list to achieve a defined (and likely desired) behavior.
This applies to Hydrogen, Helium, and most likely Lithium (not tested, but mimeapps.list is the same).
Thank you for your consideration!

[Suggestion] Thunar keybind / F4 to Open terminal here

[Suggestion] Thunar keybind / F4 to Open terminal here


Code Snippet / orginal

    <name>Open terminal here</name>
    <command>sh -c &apos;cd &quot;$1&quot;; x-terminal-emulator&apos; _ %f</command>
    <description />
    <directories />

add one line <unique-id>Action_Open_Terminal_Here</unique-id>

Code Snippet / adjusted

    <name>Open terminal here</name>
    <command>sh -c &apos;cd &quot;$1&quot;; x-terminal-emulator&apos; _ %f</command>
    <description />
    <directories />


add one file ~/.config/Thunar/accels.scm


(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/ThunarActions/uca-action-Action_Open_Terminal_Here" "F4")

I created a pull request 126 for this suggestion.

Move skel/.fonts to skel/.local/share/fonts?

The user ~/.fonts directory is deprecated (see /etc/fonts/fonts.conf) and the xdg approved default location is ~/.local/share/fonts.

The directory is empty anyway, so another alternative would be to remove it and leave it up to the user to put it in the right place.

rc.xml <application>'s

Is it still necessary to have gimp configured there?

Is gmessage (gxmessage) going to be installed? If not, the entry is redundant.

hsetroot in autostart

autostart includes a commented line for an hsetroot command, but it isn't installed

## Set root window colour
#hsetroot -solid "#2E3436" &

i want to ask

how to change default icon main menu bunsenlabs, in taskbar ?

bl-user-setup doesn't work with domain join users

Hi. I'm running Bunsenlabs hydrogen and joined AD domain. I'll skip that part, cause it totally taken from Debian.

When domain user trying to login in GUI, lightdm let them in, then black screen flashes with black and gets back to login prompt.

in /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log

[+389.01s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Greeter start authentication for [email protected]
[+389.01s] DEBUG: Session pid=682: Sending SIGTERM
[+389.01s] DEBUG: Session pid=685: Started with service 'lightdm', username '[email protected]'
[+389.01s] DEBUG: Session pid=682: Terminated with signal 15
[+389.01s] DEBUG: Session: Failed during authentication
[+389.01s] DEBUG: Seat: Session stopped
[+389.03s] DEBUG: Session pid=685: Got 1 message(s) from PAM
[+389.03s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Prompt greeter with 1 message(s)
[+391.92s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Continue authentication
[+398.86s] DEBUG: Session pid=685: Authentication complete with return value 0: Success
[+398.86s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Authenticate result for user [email protected]: Success
[+398.86s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: User [email protected] authorized
[+398.86s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Greeter sets language ru_RU.utf8
[+398.93s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Greeter requests session lightdm-xsession
[+398.93s] DEBUG: Seat: Stopping greeter; display server will be re-used for user session
[+398.93s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Sending SIGTERM
[+398.95s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Greeter closed communication channel
[+398.95s] DEBUG: Session pid=656: Exited with return value 0
[+398.95s] DEBUG: Seat: Session stopped
[+398.95s] DEBUG: Seat: Greeter stopped, running session
[+398.95s] DEBUG: Launching process 690: /usr/lib/bunsen/configs/bl-user-setup
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Process 690 exited with return value 1
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Seat: Exit status of /usr/lib/bunsen/configs/bl-user-setup: 1
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Seat: Switching to greeter due to failed setup script
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Seat: Creating greeter session
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Started with service 'lightdm-greeter', username 'lightdm'
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Session pid=685: Exited with return value 0
[+399.04s] DEBUG: Seat: Session stopped
[+399.06s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Authentication complete with return value 0: Success
[+399.06s] DEBUG: Seat: Session authenticated, running command
[+399.06s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Running command /usr/sbin/lightdm-gtk-greeter
[+399.06s] DEBUG: Creating shared data directory /var/lib/lightdm/data/lightdm
[+399.06s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log
[+399.07s] DEBUG: Activating VT 7
[+399.07s] DEBUG: Activating login1 session c2
[+399.16s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Greeter connected version=1.10.3
[+399.41s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Greeter start authentication
[+399.41s] DEBUG: Session pid=698: Started with service 'lightdm', username '(null)'
[+399.42s] DEBUG: Session pid=698: Got 1 message(s) from PAM
[+399.42s] DEBUG: Session pid=691: Prompt greeter with 1 message(s)

In daemon.log:

Apr  7 14:44:57 hydrogen-test lightdm[588]: /usr/lib/bunsen/configs/bl-user-setup: variable USER has not been set correctly.

I've looked into that script and noticed, that it can't handle usernames like 'user@domain'

For workaround i've moved template to /etc/skel and remove setting from /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50_bunsen.conf

Also, why not to use homedir=$( getent passwd "user" | cut -d: -f6 ) for getting user's homedir?

tint2rc systray background too dark

The dark icons for power and network are invisible against the default dark tint2 background.

Suggest changing to systray_background_id = 2, which is the same as that used by task_active_background_id

mpv config: window is forced even when running mpv in terminal

When running plain mpv <uri> (not bl-mpv ) in a terminal, if the uri points to http or https then an unwanted pseudo-gui window is opened. This is because our /etc/mpv/mpv.conf invokes an auto profile:



This applies both to bl-mpv ( invoked with [pseudo-gui] or [audio-only] ) and mpv.
I think it would be desirable to insulate mpv from configurations for bl-mpv as far as possible, giving users something close to the vanilla mpv settings.

I disabled the window in my personal ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf with:

# allow streaming in terminal


but this disables the presumably desirable force-window=immediate also when running bl-mpv.

Is there some way to apply [protocol-http] only when running as bl-mpv (or if a user has specifically enabled it)?

I notice there is support for lua scripting, and a script exists to conditionally apply profiles:
I don't know if that could be used, or something simpler written?

add menu for hw-probe

Many users won't know that hw-probe is installed, if there is no menu choise.
i propose to add the following menus in prepend.csv, under ^tag(bl-system).

  • hw-probe - system report saved local
    Command to be issued:
    sudo -E hw-probe -all

  • hw-probe - system report uploaded
    Command to be issued:
    sudo -E hw-probe -all -upload

Mayby a link to "man hw-probe" and/or link to

Lithium bl-xdg-autostart script args faulty error trapping

This seems to be carried over from the original 'openbox-xdg-autostart':

Any script argument which is not one of --list,--help or --version causes errors such as

** (light-locker:996): WARNING **: 14:36:35.241: screensaver already running in this session

I don't see anything in def main(argv=sys.argv): to cope with this.

Adding this to the beginning of def main(argv=sys.argv): may fix it:

    arg_list = ['--help', '--list', '--version']
    if len(argv) == 1 or argv[1] not in arg_list:
        return 1

`.config/openbox/menu.xml` scrot -- no `~/image` directory

On my jessie netinstall, I did not import the #! $HOME directories and left them as the vanilla Debian default setup. This includes a Pictures directory, but not an images directory. The scrot commands in the openbox menu rely on there being a images directory, for instance:

scrot '%Y-%m-%d--%s_$wx$h_scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/images/ &amp; viewnior ~/images/$f'

IIRC @johnraff indicated on the #! forums that the directory structure was to be the same as the Debian defaults for a user's $HOME to preserve interoperability (or something like that). If that's true, should the images directory reference be changed to Pictures? I wanted to ask before I went ahead and submitted a pull request as I'm not able to find the post where @johnraff had indicated we were to preserve the vanilla directory structure.

EDIT: Also present in .config/openbox/rc.xml

menu.xml references to geany

There are still many geany references. Should we be using xdg-open, or whatever is to be used for "bl-text-editor"?

fdpowermon config file points to non-existing icons

The default ~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.cfg (from skel) contains the line dir = /usr/share/icons/Faenza-Dark-Bunsen/status/22/, and it expects icons named gpm-primary-??0-charging.png there. Since the cleanup of the BunselLabs incon themes (which made use of inheritance from the Faenza themes), these icons were removed from the Bunsen-specific directories and exist in only /usr/share/icons/Faenza-Dark/status/22/, and the space in the tint2 panel used by fdpowermon is blank (but shows battery stats on mouse-over).
fdpowermon is a rather simple script and I consider it unlikely that the maintainer would change it any time soon to follow the icon theme specification (which might well double the code). In any case, the config file asks for a directory, not a theme name, and its icon theme is not linked to anything in Preferences->Appearance. So I think the easy fix is to point theme.cfg to /usr/share/icons/Faenza-Dark/status/22/. (BTW, the live CD still has the pre-cleanup icon setup, so it works -- at the expense of duplicating icons.) Thanks for all the hard work and continuing the #! spirit!

Nitrogen path in menu.xml

From this post in the CB forums:

If I may offer a gentle suggestion, please please please don't hard-code the wallpaper path in Bunsen's menu.xml. I know #! did this, but it caused a lot of problems and repeated help topics (and has continued to cause problems for the OP). If you need to set the initial path, put it in the config file (~/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg) and simply call "nitrogen" in menu.xml -- this way when the user changes the path or adds directories the changes will persist.

Wifi connections/ disconnects

Internet via Cable, runs just fine.
Internet via Wifi at University (WPA2 TTSL PAP and a certificate), runs just fine.
Internet via Wifi at home (WPA2), disconnects (or hooks up) after seconds. (Networkmanager says yes, ping google says no)

Other mashines are doin fine at home.. (Manjaro, #!)

Running Bunsen on my newly bought old and used Lenovo x60s (testing purpose mashine).

Not sure, if it is an issue or just odd. I might solve this at a given time on my own, but since the overall setting works for me, it might take some time.

Edit: not sure, if to place on 'netinstall' (because this concerned the situation after the netinstallscript)

Tweak default compton shadow settings?

A very small issue, but I find the default compton shadows to be too big, and dispersed equally round the window. I think they'd look better a bit off to the right and down, and a bit smaller. This can all be achieved by uncommenting three lines in skel/.config/compton.conf thus:

# Shadow
shadow = true;
no-dnd-shadow = true;
no-dock-shadow = true;
#clear-shadow = true;
shadow-radius = 7;
shadow-offset-x = -7;
shadow-offset-y = -7;
shadow-opacity = 0.4;
# shadow-red = 0.0;
# shadow-green = 0.0;
# shadow-blue = 0.0;
#shadow-exclude = [ "n:e:xfce4-notifyd", "i:e:Conky" ];
shadow-exclude = [ "i:e:Conky" ];
#shadow-ignore-shaped = false;

Does that sound OK?

Super+w doesn't work on BL-Lithium ARM install...

Hey guys,
Hope I'm not OT.
Installed Lithium packages (arch all) over Raspbian Buster Lite (Openbox, LAMP).
Long but pretty easy install.
If I'm not mistaken, the Super+w combo does not work for me... Tried to edit the .xbindkeysrc file but it seems like it's not the one read by the system i.e changed the "x-www-browser" command to "firefox" or "firefox-esr" but nothing changes... Am I doing something wrong?

"How to Edit Menu" in openbox's menu.xml must go

I'm not a native speaker of the English language so I would like to ask around before committing any changes: Does the "How to Edit Menu" entry in the openbox main menu sound like bad English just to my German ears?

Because I would totally change that into something else, or rather, I would like to remove it altogether since it feels kinda out-of-place. Maybe this should be hidden away in a 'Docs' or 'Documentation' submenu, together with other bunsen-docs stuff.

autostart needs updating

autostart has

#(sleep 2; tint2) &
## To start a saved tint2 session, comment out the line above, and uncomment:
(sleep 2s && bl-tint2-session) &
## Run the conky
#conky -q &
## To start a saved Conky session, comment out the line above, and uncomment:
(sleep 2s && bl-conky-session --autostart) &

Should it be something like:

## Start the tint2 session (the default tint2 will run if no sessions have been set)
(sleep 2s && bl-tint2-session) &
## Start the Conky session (the default conkyrc will run if no sessions have been set)
(sleep 2s && bl-conky-session --autostart) &

Also there is something I always want to add - HorizEdgeScroll:

## Detect and configure touchpad. See 'man synclient' for more info.
if egrep -iq 'touchpad' /proc/bus/input/devices; then
synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 &
synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1 &
synclient TapButton1=1 &

I wasn't going to push any changes without some feedback ;)

ALT key is (maybe) being eaten by the desktop

I just reported this issue: I thought it was related with lazarus. It may be related to the open box desktop configuration. Key combinations with ALT are (maybe) being eaten by the desktop. For example, CTRL+ALT+O should open the debug window when Lazarus is open. It does not, and as the pascal issue discussion suggests, it is not related to Lazarus. Please, could you provide some feedback on this?

Improve xdg-open behaviour

by setting XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=gnome in the environment and making sure that gvfs-open is installed (maybe pulled in by a gtk dependency already?).

The issue came up here: & The problem is that xdg-open's generic file opening procedure produces mediocre results at best. Marshalling gvfs-open could be a viable workaround and a nice configuration detail. args

Suggest that the dmenu_run command have -i (case-insensitive).

dmenu_run -i -b -nb '#151617' -nf '#d8d8d8' -sb '#d8d8d8' -sf '#151617'

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