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:iphone: :large_blue_circle::heavy_minus_sign::large_blue_circle: An iOS range selection slider compatible with UIKit and SwiftUI. Developed using autolayout and highly customizable using IBDesignabled and IBInspectable or programmatically. It support also RTL (right to left) languages automatically out of the box.

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License: MIT License

Swift 98.92% Objective-C 0.20% Ruby 0.63% Shell 0.26%
ios slider-range autolayout ibdesignable ibinspectable uislider range-slider range-picker rangeslider range-slider-component xcode swift-framework swiftui knob-color knob-gradient knob-shadow-radius knob-width

rangeuislider's Issues

Unable to Refresh View On Programmatic Value Change

Hi @chicio I can't update scaleMaxValue programmatically after it has been loaded, is there any way to refresh the view so that the value can be updated in the slider ?
I'm updating scaleMaxValue in my web service success and also I tested that the value was updated, But view is not updating accordingly.

Pls Look into this....


View does not respond if wrapped in a scrollview.

Describe the bug
RangeUISlider's handles do not respond to touches, if it's placed inside a UIScrollView.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Create a full screen UIScrollView, place some views inside it, along with RangeUISlider, so the content is larger than the scroll view, so it has a space to scroll.

Expected behavior
RangeUISlider responds to touches.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Model: Simulator and
  • OS: iOS 15

Support RTL in seeking Slider

Describe the bug
seeking is scrolling in the opposite direction in RTL.

To Reproduce

  1. Using RangUISlider in App Support RTL.

Expected behaviour
seeking should work from RTL for min and LTR for max.

Add Unit test

Extract testable logic and test it. Create a Unit test target that could run with the CI. Nothing to add ๐Ÿ™‚

Constraints Errors and can't get values from the slider

Hi, when I try to print the values from the slider nothing is happening, I only have errors in the console like this :

[LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
Try this:
(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x604000283110 H:|-(20)-[RangeUISlider.Bar:0x7fcc1854c2a0] (active, names: '|':RangeUISlider.RangeUISlider:0x7fcc198bc400 )>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x604000284b50 RangeUISlider.Bar:0x7fcc1854c2a0.trailing == RangeUISlider.RangeUISlider:0x7fcc198bc400.trailing (active)>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x604000099e60 RangeUISlider.Bar:0x7fcc1854c2a0.centerX == RangeUISlider.RangeUISlider:0x7fcc198bc400.centerX (active)>"

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x604000099e60 RangeUISlider.Bar:0x7fcc1854c2a0.centerX == RangeUISlider.RangeUISlider:0x7fcc198bc400.centerX (active)>

Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.

thank you for helping

Default value programmatically

Hi, is it possible to set values programmatically ? I tried this

ageSlider.delegage = self
ageSlider.defaultValueLeftKnob = 20
ageSlider.defaultValueRightKnob = 33

but it seems to have an error : 'defaultValueLeftKnob' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level'

Thank you for any help !

How to reset Slider

On click on a UIButton like Reset Button. How can I reset the Slider to initial value/default values?

Step value

When working when ranges there are use cases when it's necessary to step by 0.5 or 5... etc, possibilities are infinite, I couldn't find a property to define the step value.

It would be nice to have an ibdesignable property called step of type double so that it's open for any value.

Programmatically Access

Hi, I want to know if there is support for programmatically access on properties so i can change on Run time.

Not working when used as a part of my SwiftUI View.

First of All Thanks for your effort providing us with this pod that also support language flipping, But unfortunately I have faced this issue after integrating it in my SwiftUI project.

Describe the bug

  1. Not respond to user interacts when putting it in my swiftui view hierachy (Design) but worked only when it's the only component inside the Whole view.
  2. Also didn't work when wrapped in scrollView even if it's the only component inside the view.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. After integrating RangeSlider in my view it doesn't work i will provide you by my view structure and video showing not responding slider.
  2. Specially After wrapping it in simple view that consists of vstak wrapped in scrollview it doesn't work also.
  3. Finally i will provide you with RangeSliderView Struct and video showing that the slider works if it is the only component in the view.

Expected behavior
The expected behavior is to respond to user interactions as i gave it appropriate frame to allow user change min and max value Knobs.


This my view structure
Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 1 40 03 AM
And this the video showing the issue

This is RangeSliderView itself
Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 1 40 39 AM
**Here is a video after showing navigation to the RangeSliderView and it works here **

barBorderColor crash

i see "barBorderColor" has crash in Swiftui, the reason i find is UIColor from UIkit and Color from Swiftui not compatible.
Way to fix: RangeSlider+Modifiers > func barBorderColor > change parameter "UIColor" to Color. Or convert Color to UIColor
I have to stand on "pod 'RangeUISlider', '~> 3.0'". If this has fixed, please ignore this issues.

changeLeftKnob(value:), changeRightKnob(value:) and Rxswift is not working.

Functions, changeLeftKnob(value:), changeRightKnob(value:), is not working.
Each function does not change the defaultValueLeftKnob value and the defaultValueRightKnob value.
Also, is it not possible to use this library by wrapping RxSwift?
The code below is not working

extension Reactive where Base: RangeUISlider {
  public var upperValue: ControlProperty<CGFloat> {
    let source = self.base.rx.methodInvoked(#selector(setter: self.base.defaultValueRightKnob))
      .compactMap { $0.first as? CGFloat }
      .map { $0.rounded() }
    let bindingObserver = Binder(self.base) { (slider, value: CGFloat) in
      slider.defaultValueRightKnob = value
    return ControlProperty(values: source, valueSink: bindingObserver)
  public var lowerValue: ControlProperty<CGFloat> {
    let source = self.base.rx.methodInvoked(#selector(setter: self.base.defaultValueLeftKnob))
      .compactMap { $0.first as? CGFloat }
      .map { $0.rounded() }
    let bindingObserver = Binder(self.base) { (slider, value: CGFloat) in
      slider.defaultValueLeftKnob = value

    return ControlProperty(values: source, valueSink: bindingObserver)

When the 2 knobs are on the lowest value

first of all, congratulations for the amazing job!

I would like to share one thing that I came across while using your RangeUISlider. I'm using it as a Age Ranger control and the values could be the same, no problem until then. However, if both knobs are set to the minimum value there is a problem because the first responder on this case is the left knob and there is no room for it to move.

I ended up by doing a dirty fix on the code for now as below.

on the moveLeftKnob function, I included the else on your if clause:

if positionForKnob >= 0 && positionForKnob <= positionRightKnob {
    self.leftKnob.xPositionConstraint.constant = positionForKnob
    if gestureRecognizer.state == .began && positionForKnob <= 30 && positionRightKnob <= 10 {
        self.rightKnob.xPositionConstraint.constant = self.rightKnob.xPositionConstraint.constant + 100

So, I basically check if it is starting the touch, check the finger position and if the right knob is so close to the left. With that, I push the right knob further to give the left one some space.

Thank you once again for the amazing piece of code.


can't get the selected values


can someone help me to access values from the slider while the user is changing it ? I just need to print those values.

this is what I have done but nothing is happening

@IBOutlet weak var ageSlider: RangeUISlider!
@objc func rangeIsChanging(minValueSelected: CGFloat, maxValueSelected: CGFloat, slider: RangeUISlider){

Thank you

Issue when change dynamically defaultValueLeftKnob and defaultValueRightKnob

Describe the bug
I will want to dynamically initialize defaultValueLeftKnob and defaultValueRightKnob

To Reproduce
In a viewDidLoad:

slideRange.rangeSelectedColor = .red
slideRange.rangeNotSelectedColor = UIColor.lightGray.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
slideRange.leftKnobWidth = 20
slideRange.leftKnobHeight = 20
slideRange.leftKnobCorners = 10
slideRange.leftKnobColor = .red
slideRange.rightKnobWidth = 20
slideRange.rightKnobHeight = 20
slideRange.rightKnobCorners = 10
slideRange.rightKnobColor = .red
slideRange.delegate = self

Change dynamically after a callback in the main thread:

slideRange.defaultValueLeftKnob = 13.70   // example of value
slideRange.defaultValueLeftKnob = 17.50  // example of value

slideRange.scaleMinValue = 10   // example of value
slideRange.scaleMaxValue = 20  // example of value

Expected behavior
Display Knobs at the right place when I initialize defaultValueLeftKnob and defaultValueRightKnob
Screenshots (2) and (3) must be the same

(1) Initial state

(2) Select values

(3) By initialize defaultValueLeftKnob and defaultValueRightKnob

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Model: iPhone Xr
  • OS: 14.4

Additional context
UIKit application
Define RangeUISlider in a Storyboard
Same with changeLeftKnob and changeRightKnob

One Knob

Is there a way to have just one knob? I couldn't see one so went with another one I found, but would have preferred yours given all the other customization options.

Add SwiftUI support

Describe the solution you'd like
Expose RangeUISlider using UIViewRepresentable to SwiftUI in order to use it in SwiftUI apps. Try to understand the best way to return selected values (I think bindings will be fine but let's check during implementation).

Add UI Test to CI

Add UI Test to CI. New GitHub Action test that execute all the tests.

Building for "Any iOS Device (arm64)" fails

Hello Fabrizio,
I used your really fantastic RangeUISlider in one of my small iOS Apps.
I installed it as Package Dependency in Xcode 13.3 under Monterey 12.2.1 (Version rule: master).
My app with your slider works properly on different connected iPhones as well as on different Xcode iPhone simulators. No errors at all.
But as soon as I try to "Archive" it, the build for "Any iOS Device (arm64)" fails with 49 issues.
I'm pretty sure, that it is not a bug in your RangeUISlider. Do you have any clue, what might goes wrong? I'm running out of ideas.
I attached the list of issues and an error log file.
Thank you very much for your help.
All the best, Stephan
Compiler Error List.pdf
Build target RangeUISlider_2022-03-19T20-44-35.txt

rangeNotSelectedColor issue

Describe the bug
I try to change rangeNotSelectedColor

To Reproduce

slideRange.rangeSelectedColor = .red
slideRange.rangeNotSelectedColor = .green
slideRange.leftKnobWidth = 20
slideRange.leftKnobHeight = 20
slideRange.leftKnobCorners = 10
slideRange.leftKnobColor = .red
slideRange.rightKnobWidth = 20
slideRange.rightKnobHeight = 20
slideRange.rightKnobCorners = 10
slideRange.rightKnobColor = .red
slideRange.delegate = self

Expected behavior
No select range with green color


Device (please complete the following information):

  • Model: iPhone Xr
  • OS: 14.4

Additional context
UIKit application

Can't drag the range handles

I've used the library as a Cocoapod in a project and found that it's very very difficult to actually grab the range handles. It takes many attempts.

I've also tried your demo project and it suffers the same problem. While it seems highly customisable it doesn't actually work.

I'm running on iOS 10.3.1.

Detect Programatic change.

Programmatic calling of rangeChangeFinished is causing a lot of issues for me. Is there any way to detect if it is from a human or not?

I see the programmaticChangeCompleted method getting called internally to RangeUISlider. This could easily pass a "isFromUser" bool to make it easier to discern, "real" changes and merely the range slider initialising itself.

Add UI Tests

Add UI tests to the project in order to proceed with some refactoring.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add XCUITest. Use demo app (and other demo targets created ad hoc) as test container.

Refresh View On Programmatic Value Change

I can't seem to find a solution regarding updating the view using code. If I set the default Left Knob value in the code after it has been loaded, is there any way to refresh the view so that the value can be updated in the slider ?

Kindly look into this :)
Thanks !


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