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kube-no-trouble's Issues

panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

Running into the below issue while running kubent, can someone help?

panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

goroutine 1 [running]:*RegoJudge).Eval(0xc00015fc10, 0xc000273500, 0x29c, 0x2a0, 0x29c, 0x2a0, 0x0, 0x1f4, 0xc0002f4390)
	/__w/kube-no-trouble/kube-no-trouble/pkg/judge/rego.go:76 +0x7c2
	/__w/kube-no-trouble/kube-no-trouble/cmd/kubent/main.go:97 +0x3be

Go version - go1.15.5 darwin/amd64

kubent version - 0.3.2

Collect all resources in cluster collector

Currently, when adding/updating new resources, changes have to be made at two places, in-sync - the rego rules, and cluster collector. This is difficult to keep in sync. Also, the specific API versions hardcoded in cluster collector are expected to cause issues when running against a cluster that does not support these.

I see 3 options to move forward:
a) Collect all resources, in all API versions
b) Collect specific resource, in all API versions
c) Come up with a better/automated mechanism that wouldn't require editing things at two places. Potentially connected with #154 - consider coming with some format to describe rule metadata, incl. what resources are we interested in.

Add tests for empty output format

Add tests for empty output format to make sure we keep consistent output with regards to use in CI/integration (#31)

  • text stdout output should be empty if no issues are found
  • json output should return an empty array

kubent 0.3.0 NOT reporting 1.16 usage of deprecated apis that ARE reported by kubent 0.2.0

Version 0.2.0 reports ...

10:33AM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
10:33AM INF version 0.2.0 (git sha b9b45f347c7e67cf488d8dd6e20c8b848c595a3e)
10:33AM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
10:33AM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-20.rego
>>> 1.16 Deprecated APIs <<<
KIND         NAMESPACE     NAME                          API_VERSION
DaemonSet    <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>        extensions/v1beta1
Deployment   <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>         extensions/v1beta1
Deployment   <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>         apps/v1beta2
Deployment   <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>         extensions/v1beta1
Deployment   <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>         extensions/v1beta1
Deployment   <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>         extensions/v1beta1
Deployment   <REDACTED>   <REDACTED>         extensions/v1beta1
>>> 1.20 Deprecated APIs <<<
A long list similar to that for 1.16 above

Latest version 0.3.0 for same cluster reports

$ kubent_30 -k kubeconfig-readonly.yaml
10:40AM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
10:40AM INF version 0.3.0 (git sha dev)
10:40AM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
10:40AM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.22 <<<
KIND      NAMESPACE   NAME                          API_VERSION          
Ingress   <REDACTED> <REDACTED>             extensions/v1beta1  

showing NOTHING for 1.16 Deprecated APIs

Am I doing something wrong ?

Fix very slow `TestNewClusterCollectorValidEmptyCollector` (330.810s)

This collector tests take currently 5m+. that's a bit too slow ;), it seems to be the TestNewClusterCollectorValidEmptyCollector test:

=== RUN   TestNewClusterCollectorValidEmptyCollector
--- PASS: TestNewClusterCollectorValidEmptyCollector (330.04s)
ok       330.810s        coverage: 45.4% of statements should be flagged deprecated also

All resources within the API groups are deprecated in favor of

$ kubectl get --raw /apis/ > /dev/null
Warning: ClusterRoleBinding is deprecated in v1.17+, unavailable in v1.22+; use ClusterRoleBinding

All resources within the and API groups are deprecated in favor of, and will no longer be served in v1.20. (#84758, @liggitt)

Detect K8s version and suggest only relevant issues

We can try to detect a version of the cluster a user is running and suggest only updates relevant for the existing/next minor version, since we have info on since what version are the replacement resources available.

I.e. if user runs 1.15, and is dealing with upgrade to 1.16, no point flagging deprecation in 1.22 that are only available for replacement in 1.18.

CI mode

The tool should provide a way for CI to fail. This is typically done by returning a non-zero exit code.

Refactor to support resource version evolution

As we want to provide most relevant advice to users, current implementation has its limitation as it's not able to support incremental recommendations, example being Ingress:

"Ingress": {
    "old": ["extensions/v1beta1", ""],
    "new": "",
    "since": "1.14",

This does not allow to reflect the real situation where is only available since 1.19, and since 1.14.

I.e. for someone running 1.18 we should ideally recommend upgrade to, but not v1, as that is not available yet. To allow this type of recommendations we need to capture version evolution properly, perhaps smth. like:

"Ingress": {
    "versions": [
        "extensions/v1beta1": { "since": "", deprecated: "1.16", removed: "1.22" },
        "": {"since": "1.19", deprecated: "1.16", removed: "1.22"},
        "": {"since": "1.19", deprecated: "1.", "removed": "1.22"},

Maybe smth. like might be easier to work with:

"Ingress": {
    "versions": [
        [ "1.0": "extensions/v1beta1"],
        [ "1.14": ""],
        [ "1.19": ""],
  • We also need to support the case when a version is removed but does not have any replacement.

  • Do we need info when version is removed? or deprecated really? We only care if it has replacement, and perhaps removal without replacement could be smth. like:

    [ "1.22": ""],
  • Implementation-wise:

    • How easy is it to find if resource needs to be replaced?
    • And with what version?
    • Is this still a good use for rego? Or should we move this to Go...?

Cluster/context selection and multi-file KUBECONFIG

I have access to multiple k8s clusters, they are defined in multiple config files, all pointed-to by the KUBECONFIG env var, separated with ::


kubent doesn't support context selection, it seems to use the default context on the first config file, and if it points to a context defined in another file it fails: ERR Failed to initialize collector: <nil> error="invalid configuration: [context was not found for specified context: bar-context, cluster has no server defined]"

Currently I workaround that by setting the current context and edit KUBECONFIG, that's not ideal.


  • kubent supports multi-file KUBECONFIG
  • kubent supports context selection (technically as an indirect selector for cluster) with --context (alas the standard -c is already used for something else)

Using Kube-no-trouble in windows OS

Good morning,

There're some way to use kubent into windows OS system?
unfortunadle, I use windows to work with kubernetes clusters and we want to upgrade our clusters to 1.16 and need some way to use kubent to locate used deprecated API versions in 1.16.

Good job and thanks!, regards. should be flagged deprecated also

Since 1.19 has moved ingress to v1 could we alert on both v1beta1 strings?

	"Ingress": {
		"old": ["extensions/v1beta1"],
		"new": ""
Ingress and IngressClass resources have graduated to Ingress and IngressClass types in the extensions/v1beta1 and API versions are deprecated and will no longer be served in 1.22+

Once again thanks for the fantastic tool!

Add simple integration test

Start with checking one resource that should be flagged as deprecated, and make sure it is detected, and same resource with updated API version, and make sure it isn't. Perhaps use Kind to run this inside GH Actions.

Testing and ENV variables

These are some notes on tests with Env variables, mostly discussed in context of #127, so not to forget:

Tests preferably should not rely on ENV variables, however, there are some, where we test functionality that is directly related to env variable (such as TestNewFromFlagsKubeconfigHome). In such cases it would be nice to:

  • Test should not rely on external environment, i.e. it should set/unset its variables at the beginning (i.e. should be self-contained)

  • Test should return the env to a previous state, i.e. no variables should be leaked (it should not just unset the var, but actually revert, also there's a diff between var being empty and unset(

  • Ideally, we keep in mind tests can be run in parallel -> i.e. in case tests happen to use same variable this should be accounted for, perhaps some locking mechanism might be needed.

    • By default go does not run tests in the same file in parallel, unless t.Parallel() is called
    • However, tests in different packages are by default run in parallel

    @dark0dave added some notes just not to forget ;)

Create ARM Build

Lots of M1 mac chips and people running arm servers, means we should probably make an arm build

Unable to run binary

Hi Stepan,

I downloaded Linux release and after unpacking and executing ./kubent nothing happens.
/chmod 777 kubent did not help
executing ./kubent -h also shows nothing

I have admin role in cluster and running
kube config is in default location
I'm using 18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)

display target api to use


I did run your script and it's nice, but would be cool to specify some helpful information if possible.

1:24PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
1:24PM INF version 0.2.0 (git sha b9b45f347c7e67cf488d8dd6e20c8b848c595a3e)
1:24PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
1:24PM INF Retrieved 70 resources from collector name=Cluster
1:24PM INF Retrieved 0 resources from collector name="Helm v2"
1:24PM INF Retrieved 0 resources from collector name="Helm v3"
1:24PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
1:24PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-20.rego
>>> 1.20 Deprecated APIs <<<
Ingress   test         test-ingress    extensions/v1beta1

or event a link to the current version for deprecation api.
Example : or

Native support for CustomResourceDefinition

First of all thanks a lot for this nice utility.

Problem Statement

I was just wandering why the CustomResourceDefinition object isn't natively supported. So basically if I have something like:

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    kind: MyStuff

Attempting to apply the following to a cluster with a recent version of k8s e.g. 1.20 I get a message like:

Warning: CustomResourceDefinition is deprecated in v1.16+, unavailable in v1.22+; use CustomResourceDefinition

That being said, running kubent doesn't print out this object at all.

Proposed Solution

I would love to see a native support for the CRD definition object itself (CustomResourceDefinition) similar to other k8s objects like Ingress, ClusterRole, Service, .. etc.

Current Workaround

The current workaround is to use the -a flag of kubent e.g.:

$  kubent -a 

In such case I get:

4:17PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
4:17PM INF version 0.4.0 (git sha 3d82a3f0714c97035c27374854703256b3d69125)
4:17PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
4:17PM INF Retrieved 207 resources from collector name=Cluster
4:17PM INF Retrieved 0 resources from collector name="Helm v2"
4:17PM INF Retrieved 266 resources from collector name="Helm v3"
4:17PM INF Loaded ruleset name=custom.rego.tmpl
4:17PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
4:17PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Additional resources (custom) <<<
KIND                       NAMESPACE     NAME                                         API_VERSION                    REPLACE_WITH (SINCE)
CustomResourceDefinition   <undefined>              <na> (<na>+)
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.22 <<<
KIND      NAMESPACE     NAME                     API_VERSION          REPLACE_WITH (SINCE)
Ingress   kube-system   ingress-kube-dashboard   extensions/v1beta1 (1.14+)
Ingress   kube-system   ingress-master           extensions/v1beta1 (1.14+)

Be possible to run kubent against manifest

One issue I found in kubent is that it requires to run it against the cluster, I would prefer using local manifests.

This will avoid putting credentials inside a CI/CD and be able to detect deprecated api during development or allow to prepare migration to new version not yet deployed.

I heard from @drewboswell that kubeval could provide the model.

kubent --local 1.6.1

KUBECONFIG env variable would be nice to support

Firstly thanks for a great tool!

Then minor issue and a workaround for anyone having the same problem

Actual result:

$ kubent
10:54AM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
10:54AM INF version 0.3.2 (git sha 919129b596890475965cda2b972cb6fded71f40b)
10:54AM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
10:54AM ERR Failed to initialize collector: <nil> error="stat /home/<redacted>/.kube/config: no such file or directory"
$ env | grep KUBECONFIG

Expected result:
using the KUBECONFIG - env variable for the path (like kubectl does)


$ kubent -k ${KUBECONFIG}

Doesn't find all deprecated APIs

kubent didn't find all the deprecated APIs...

The list of all deprecated APIs is here:

kubent finds this:

$ ./kubent -k kubeconfig
3:57PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:57PM INF version 0.3.2 (git sha 919129b596890475965cda2b972cb6fded71f40b)
3:57PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:57PM INF Retrieved 8 resources from collector name=Cluster
3:57PM INF Retrieved 0 resources from collector name="Helm v2"
3:57PM INF Retrieved 636 resources from collector name="Helm v3"
3:57PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:57PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.16  <<<
KIND         NAMESPACE     NAME                   API_VERSION          
Deployment   <undefined>   metabase-metabase      extensions/v1beta1   
Deployment   <undefined>   sonarqube-postgresql   extensions/v1beta1   
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.22 <<<
KIND      NAMESPACE     NAME                                 API_VERSION          
Ingress   <undefined>   harbor-harbor-ingress-notary         extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   alice-frontend-generic-app   extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   frontend-ingress              extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   frontend-generic-app                 extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   ganache-cli-generic-app              extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   harbor-harbor-ingress                extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   api-generic-app                      extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   metabase-metabase                    extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   alice-api-generic-app        extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   pomerium                             extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   chartmuseum-chartmuseum              extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   sonarqube-sonarqube                  extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   temp-api-generic-app                 extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   temp-frontend-generic-app            extensions/v1beta1   
Ingress   <undefined>   verdaccio-verdaccio                  extensions/v1beta1  

but there is no mention of other deprecated APIs like NetworkPolicy:

$ k get networkpolicy -A -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.apiVersion != "") | .apiVersion,,.metadata.namespace'

Add a "dev" build from master

It would be nice to have a binary for the latest version of the master published, so it's easy to download and test latest features before a release is cut.

File collector not reporting all resources or reporting them inconsistently

Hi. Thanks for the great tool. We were trying to run it on manifests using the -f option (the File collector) and found it to not always pick up deprecations in all the resources in the files specified or to pick them up differently when the tool is run again on the same files.

To reproduce, start with these 3 manifest files (I tried to trim them so they may not actually work as resources in a real cluster but they demonstrate this issue):


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: app
  namespace: prod
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: backend
          servicePort: 8080
        path: /


apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: StatefulSet
  name: memecached
  namespace: prod
    matchLabels: memcached memcached
  serviceName: memcached
      labels: memcached memcached
        fsGroup: 1001
      - name: memcached
        image: memcached:1.5.20
        imagePullPolicy: ""
          runAsUser: 1001
        - memcached
        - -m 64
        - -o
        - modern
        - -v
        - name: memcache
          containerPort: 11211
            port: memcache
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          timeoutSeconds: 5
            port: memcache
          initialDelaySeconds: 5
          timeoutSeconds: 1
            cpu: 50m
            memory: 64Mi
    type: RollingUpdate

combined.yaml - this is just stateful-set.yaml appended to the end of ingress.yaml

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: app
  namespace: prod
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: backend
          servicePort: 8080
        path: /
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: StatefulSet
  name: memecached
  namespace: prod
    matchLabels: memcached memcached
  serviceName: memcached
      labels: memcached memcached
        fsGroup: 1001
        - name: memcached
          image: memcached:1.5.20
          imagePullPolicy: ""
            runAsUser: 1001
            - memcached
            - -m 64
            - -o
            - modern
            - -v
            - name: memcache
              containerPort: 11211
              port: memcache
            initialDelaySeconds: 30
            timeoutSeconds: 5
              port: memcache
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            timeoutSeconds: 1
              cpu: 50m
              memory: 64Mi
    type: RollingUpdate

Running on just the ingress.yaml file seems to always work:

$ kubent -c=false --helm2=false --helm3=false -f ingress.yaml
3:47PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:47PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)
3:47PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:47PM INF Retrieved 1 resources from collector name=File
3:47PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:47PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.22 <<<
Ingress   prod        app       extensions/v1beta1

As does running on just stateful-set.yaml:

$ kubent -c=false --helm2=false --helm3=false -f stateful-set.yaml
3:48PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:48PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)
3:48PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:48PM INF Retrieved 1 resources from collector name=File
3:48PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:48PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.16  <<<
StatefulSet   prod        memecached   apps/v1beta2

But running on both files only ever seems to pick up the resource in the last file, never both:

$ kubent -c=false --helm2=false --helm3=false -f ingress.yaml,stateful-set.yaml
3:50PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:50PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)
3:50PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:50PM INF Retrieved 2 resources from collector name=File
3:50PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:50PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.16  <<<
StatefulSet   prod        memecached   apps/v1beta2
$ kubent -c=false --helm2=false --helm3=false -f stateful-set.yaml,ingress.yaml
3:50PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:50PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)
3:50PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:50PM INF Retrieved 2 resources from collector name=File
3:50PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:50PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.22 <<<
Ingress   prod        app       extensions/v1beta1

(Notice the flipping of the order of the files in the -f option in the above 2 calls)

And weirdest of all, when run on the combined.yaml file, sometimes it reports 1 resource and sometimes the other (but I've never seen it report both)

$ kubent -c=false --helm2=false --helm3=false -f combined.yaml
3:52PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:52PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)
3:52PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:52PM INF Retrieved 2 resources from collector name=File
3:52PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:52PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.16  <<<
StatefulSet   prod        memecached   apps/v1beta2
$ kubent -c=false --helm2=false --helm3=false -f combined.yaml
3:52PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble `kubent` <<<
3:52PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)
3:52PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
3:52PM INF Retrieved 2 resources from collector name=File
3:52PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
3:52PM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-22.rego
>>> Deprecated APIs removed in 1.22 <<<
Ingress   prod        app       extensions/v1beta1

Sometimes this last one is not easy to reproduce. I had to run it over 10 times (all identical and on the same file) to get it to show the Ingress resource instead of the StatefulSet resource. Other times it seems to flip back and forth more often.

Notice that the resource count its reporting always seems to be correct even if its not detecting or reporting all the deprecations.

I tried to see if I could spot where it was but I don't know go and couldn't see anything obvious.


Fix Git sha in build

When running, kubent should display correst sha from which it was built, instead of:

3:47PM INF version 0.3.1 (git sha dev)

Dependencies - Helm v2 blocking from upgrading to v0.18+

Helm v2 is not compatible with v0.18+ modules.

At the same time, this is stopping us from upgrading to latest Helm v3 (last compatible seems to be v3.1.3).

Go does not seem to support multiple minor versions of the same package. Solutions:

  • Not upgrade
  • Drop Helm v2 support
  • Fork helm v2 & lock dependencies by replace & importing them under a different name

We should also be careful as not to lose support for older K8s clusters like v 1.15 -> this calls for integration testing.

Tracing bad yaml code - eval_builtin_error: json.unmarshal: invalid character ']'

Thank you for this fantastic tool!

This has worked in several clusters, but in one I receive this message. It may be indicative of some odd yaml somewhere in our cluster, but I'm not sure how to trace it, and since it's being retrieved from the cluster it suggests that it may be valid yaml but misinterpreted. Also the rule returned whether 1.16/1.20 rotates randomly between the 2, and --debug doesn't seem to print any more to screen.

$ kubent --debug -k ~/Kubeconfig-prd1 --helm2=false --helm3=false
10:38AM INF >>> Kube No Trouble kubent <<<
10:38AM INF version 0.2.0 (git sha b9b45f3)
10:38AM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
10:38AM INF Retrieved 3843 resources from collector name=Cluster
10:38AM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-16.rego
10:38AM INF Loaded ruleset name=deprecated-1-20.rego
10:38AM FTL Failed to evaluate input error="deprecated-1-16.rego:14: eval_builtin_error: json.unmarshal: invalid character ']' after object key:value pair" name=Rego

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

Error on WSL1 windows OS

`โฏ kubent
2:44PM INF >>> Kube No Trouble kubent <<<
2:44PM INF version 0.3.0 (git sha dev)
2:44PM INF Initializing collectors and retrieving data
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1154c15]

goroutine 1 [running]:*ClusterCollector).Name(0x0, 0x1823920, 0xc000361b80)
:1 +0x5
main.storeCollector(0x182ac00, 0x0, 0x1823920, 0xc000361b80, 0x2331290, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x16649b5)
/__w/kube-no-trouble/kube-no-trouble/cmd/kubent/main.go:40 +0x151
main.initCollectors(0xc000223630, 0x16649b5, 0x2b, 0xc0002ce540)
/__w/kube-no-trouble/kube-no-trouble/cmd/kubent/main.go:51 +0x3a7
/__w/kube-no-trouble/kube-no-trouble/cmd/kubent/main.go:88 +0x31c`

Continue processing other manifests, even if one fails

Even if one or more manifests fail to be parsed, we should still continue to process others. This is improvement after adding better error reporting in #20 to address #13

This will require some ref. around handling errors, I imagine the collector should return multiple "non-fatal" errors in this case, and these should be logged to user.

Feature request: Customizing ruleset

It would be good to have functionalities like checking objects deployed using some specific Helm version i.e. Helm v2 which is gonna be deprecated soon and report that also. In short, allowing to incorporate custom rules also on top of K8s deprecation rules.

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