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grafana-statusmap's Issues

Object doesn't support property or method 'remove'

Getting this error in IE 11.
Same graph
IE 11:

TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'remove'
at Anonymous function (eval code:90:7)
at nt.prototype.each (
at drawDiscreteColorLegend (eval code:85:5)
at render (eval code:403:19)
at Anonymous function (eval code:384:15)
at s.prototype.emit (
at t.prototype.emit (
at t.prototype.render (
at _this.onDataReceived (eval code:176:13)
at s.prototype.emit (

[META] Sprints planning

Due to a lack of time and workforce, there are no strict dates for milestones. The development will be done in short sprints (each is 3-4 months long).

Please feel free to comment issues, PRs are also very welcome!

0.4.0 ~December 2020

  • some issues from 1.0.0 and fixes for the latest Grafana versions.
  • plugin signing and new publishing process.



  • Stabilize main features



  • Add hierarchy and more sorting options



  • Add data points aggregations

Fixed width for Y-legend

Fixed width of Y-legend for better readability of multiple graphs. Currently width of Y-legend is depended on labels length and so can vary between graphs.

Error on tab switching in Edit mode


angular.js:14700 TypeError: Cannot read property 'color' of null
    at ColorModeDiscrete.getBucketColor (color_mode_discrete.js:70)
    at SVGRectElement.getCardColor (rendering.js:432)
    at SVGRectElement.<anonymous> (style.js:17)
    at tt.each (each.js:5)
    at (style.js:25)
    at addHeatmap (rendering.js:295)
    at render (rendering.js:619)
    at s.eval (rendering.js:53)
    at s.emit (index.js:150)
    at t.emit (app.518c6d1c99cd647e899f.js:1) "Possibly unhandled rejection: {}"

Steps to reproduce:

  • define some Metrics
  • switch to Options, define some colors in discrete mode
  • switch back to Metrics
  • switch to Options again

Hierarchical list for y axis

hierarchy display

hierarchy aggregation

  • buckets for leaves are calculated as is
  • buckets for branches are calculated as a union of underlying buckets
  • options for grand totals row presence and position (top or bottom)


Assume there are metrics with these names:

  • main_office/core/eth0
  • main_office/core/eth1
  • main_office/core/br0
  • main_office/wan/eth0
  • remote_alfa/eth0
  • remote_bravo/eth0

Hierarchical list should displayed like this:

main_office...| [] [] []
    core......| [] [] []
        br0...| [] [] []
        eth0..| [] [] []
        eth1..| [] [] []
    wan.......| [] [] []
        eth0..| [] [] []
remote_alfa...| [] [] []
    eth0......| [] [] []
remote_bravo..| [] [] []
    eth0......| [] [] []
                12:30 13:00

Unable to get property 'removeChild' of undefined or null reference

Just updated after this issue #40, PR #48

Error actual only for IE 11.
TypeError: Unable to get property 'removeChild' of undefined or null reference
at Anonymous function (eval code:90:7)
at nt.prototype.each (
at drawDiscreteColorLegend (eval code:85:5)
at render (eval code:403:19)
at Anonymous function (eval code:384:15)
at s.prototype.emit (
at t.prototype.emit (
at t.prototype.render (
at _this.onDataReceived (eval code:176:13)
at s.prototype.emit (


Improve colors with dark theme

It would be great to have a color scheme that makes fonts more readable with the dark theme.
Two places in particular: the legend and when hovering tiles.

screen shot 2018-10-11 at 08 14 05

help understanding tags and statusmap

I'm sure this isn't a bug, thanks in advance for any help.

First of all, statusmap is very cool -- I'm most of the way to displaying a very nice timeline for our batch process using status map. One of the main goals is to show where parallel processing is/isn't used. This is the only grafana plugin I've found that can do that.

However, there there are some extra "features" showing up on my statusmap that I'd like to remove. Suggestions for how to 'remove' these things?

  1. In the screenshot below, I put a white rectangle around a number of rows I want to go away. Those are tag names in my influx data, and they're all tags attached to the good data, the rows above my white rectangle.
  2. I think once the above is fixed, the message in the white oval ("Data has value with undefined color") will go away.

dump of all data, about 5k, from influx

json for my panel

Here is an example of one data point I'm sending to influx:
batch_times,batchEnv=FOO_DEV,step=S_04_SERIAL_B_@BATCH,batchEndDate=2019-02-10,S_04_SERIAL_B_@BATCH=400 value=400 1556741570000000000


Display null values other than zero


I was trying docker input plugin of telegraf.
in which the status code gives 0 if the container is alive and gives null value for dead containers.
currently, the dead containers are displayed empty/invisible on the graph
is there any way to mark them as red colours?

Correctly render buckets for inconsistent timestamps and sparse results.

Prometheus returns good data for queries similar to that described in README. Data has timestamps for each interval and timestamps are equal.
Other sources or different Prometheus queries can contain holes or inconsistent timestamps. Plugin is not render this data correctly.


  • The solution is to render buckets using interval grid to calculate width and x coordinate. Interval is already adjusted to get one timestamp for minWidth if use $__interval in query.
  • Use minWidth for results from queries without $__interval
  • Aggregate results by timestamp to render vertically aligned buckets

Related problem: #33 (comment)

Support for SQL Server data source.

I tried using it against SQL Server data source but not sure how it would render the columns. it would be great to add SQL Server as one of the data source and also please include an example on how to use it with SQL Server.
This would be a great panel to track SQL jobs with multiple servers. thanks

Enabling Alerting

Is it possible to integrate alerting into the dashboard. This dashboard is extensively used by us and is great for visualization but if alerting is also included, it would be even more better or is there a way to do it which I am missing?

Fix H spacing = 0

H spacing = 0 not displayed as one solid line. There is 0.5px spacing or something like that because of float calculations.

Add support for influxdb datasource

Thanks for the interesting plugin.
I would also like to use it, but as datasource i have influxdb.
Is there a chance that influxdb will be supported?

Using Prometheus Labels in Tooltips?


Just discovered this plugin and it looks really promising. I've played about with the panel and got it working fine but I was wondering if there was a way to enchance the tooltip to show more information for each value.

Specifically I'm wondering if there's a way to use a label value in each tooltip like Grafana allows with labels. So if I set the tooltip to {{server}} up it would show each value for the server label in the tooltip.

Is something like this possible?


Tooltip displaying incorrect information

The tooltip sometimes does not display the correct value for series name. For example, the status map below just shows count of data per hour from a table for three separate series (V002, V006 and V009). The tooltip displays "V009" for data from V006:


For some of the V009 series, no tooltip is displayed at all:


Statusmap version: 0.1.1
Grafana version: 6.2.0
Data source: Clickhouse

Dashboard render failed with timeout


  1. start docker, login into grafana, create and save dashboard with graph panel.
  2. add /render at the beginning of url (/render/d/6PJB0E1ik/new-dashboard-copy?orgId=1) — it works OK, browser displays png
  3. add statusmap panel, save dashboard
  4. add /render again — grafana gives error 500 and timeout error in logs:
INFO[10-12|09:06:19] Rendering                                logger=png-renderer path="d/6PJB0E1ik/new-dashboard-copy?orgId=1"
EROR[10-12|09:07:19] Timeout error. You can set timeout in seconds with &timeout url parameter logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error="Timeout error. You can set timeout in seconds with &timeout url parameter"
EROR[10-12|09:07:19] Request Completed                        logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin method=GET path=/render/d/6PJB0E1ik/new-dashboard-copy status=500 remote_addr= time_ms=60042 size=1763 referer=

Thanks korki!

performance issues with 500k of influxdb data.


Our influxdb response has about 500k of response data, see attached influxdb-response_02.json.

The majority of the influx response is nulls, but I don't have a clue how to make this work without them. Any suggestions? There are about 130 rows in my status map.

I tried this in both chrome (v74 / windows) and IE (11.1087.16299.0CO ) and the results are about the same.
The retrieval of the influx response is sub second -- certainly acceptable.


  • the whole render takes 30+ seconds
  • Once its loaded, tool tips do not show up,
  • buttons are slow to click, all of grafana is slow,
  • vertical scroll bar does respond, but it takes 3-5 seconds to grab it before its move-able.
    ..and there were no problems before.

Attached is a saved chrome profile session


More sort options

What is wrong?

  1. Metrics sort is a sort by metric id (A,B,C... as on Grafana have ability to move up/down individual metrics. That is a new option — sort by metrics position.
  2. Of course sort by metrics should be reversible!

What to do?

  • research how to get A,B,C,... order
  • add Reverse option
  • remove z → a option
  • add options to customize sort with arguments of localeCompare. ignore­Punctua­tion, numeric, caseFirst.

Sort by label in Y axis

Do you consider to add some kind of sorting for labels for buckets in the Y axe?
Prometheus is not going to implement any kind of sort_by_lable function looks like - prometheus/prometheus#414
also maybe related in grafana - grafana/grafana#13325
We have this picture currently:
screenshot at nov 08 13-11-59

Thank you for this panel! - it helps a lot in cases even not related with statuses because of its ability to show concrete value in the predefined bucket.
And of course this panel is must have for statuses over time - for example statuses of cisco interfaces. (our widely used case)

Cannot read property 'then' of undefined

Hey boys, i am trying to use this beatiful plugin with my custom datasource, but i am getting this error :
TypeError : cannot read property 'then' of undefined,
status_heatmap_ctrl.js:211:60, function issueQueries.
Is there a way to avoid that? all other plugins perfectrly working with this datasource :C Should i implement something in it?
I am using grafana 5.3.0. Also i was tring to implement annotation methods in datasource and settting annotations to true in plugin.json of datasource, but that doesn't change anything :/

Error on hovering a graph without data

query_range?query=... returns


Graph shows No data points and errors are stacked in js Console on hovering:

Error: <g> attribute transform: Expected number, "translate(NaN,0)".

Explicit discrete mode and heatmap mode

At the moment colors for legend and buckets are spread over continuous range from min to max for opacity and gradient modes but discrete mode is "one value one color" mapping. Plugin should spread opacity or gradient colors over discrete range from 1 to count of unique values (spread by index). User should be able to copy these calculated colors into discrete mode mapping for further tweaking.

Old behavior can be enabled with a dropdown ["spread by value (as heatmap)", "spread by index (statusmap)"].


User enters some queries on metrics tab.

The data has these unique values: 3, 5, 10, 21 and 45. Spectrum mode with GnYlRd theme should calculate 5 colors: red for 3, orange for 5, yellow for 10, bright green for 21 and green for 45.

Spread by value calculates almost identical reds for 3 and 5:

Request: add clickable cells / drill-down support

It would be amazing if we could click the cells and redirect to any URL, basically support drill-down.
Use case: I have some cells with different colors and would like to see more details about a red cell.
Are there any plans to include this?
Thanks for the plugin.

Changing the parameters of the options plugin hangs Grafana

Grafana v5.4.2 (d812109)
Statusmap v0.0.4

Datasource: InfluxDB v1.7.2
Measurement: win_system (from telegraf plugin - win_perf_counters)
Field: System_Up_Time

SELECT mean("System_Up_Time") FROM "10seconds"."win_system" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1m), "host" fill(null)

  "type": "flant-statusmap-panel",
  "title": "Panel Title",
  "gridPos": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "w": 12,
    "h": 9
  "id": 2,
  "datasource": "InfluxDB",
  "targets": [
      "policy": "10seconds",
      "resultFormat": "time_series",
      "orderByTime": "ASC",
      "tags": [],
      "groupBy": [
          "type": "time",
          "params": [
          "type": "tag",
          "params": [
          "type": "fill",
          "params": [
      "select": [
            "type": "field",
            "params": [
            "type": "mean",
            "params": []
      "refId": "A",
      "measurement": "win_system",
      "alias": "$tag_host",
      "query": "SELECT mean(\"System_Up_Time\") FROM \"10seconds\".\"win_system\" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1m), \"host\" fill(null)",
      "rawQuery": false
  "color": {
    "mode": "spectrum",
    "cardColor": "#b4ff00",
    "colorScale": "sqrt",
    "exponent": 0.5,
    "colorScheme": "interpolateGnYlRd",
    "defaultColor": "#757575",
    "thresholds": []
  "cards": {
    "cardMinWidth": 5,
    "cardVSpacing": 2,
    "cardHSpacing": 2,
    "cardRound": null
  "xAxis": {
    "show": true,
    "showWeekends": true,
    "minBucketWidthToShowWeekends": 4,
    "showCrosshair": true,
    "labelFormat": "%a %m/%d"
  "yAxis": {
    "show": true,
    "showCrosshair": false
  "tooltip": {
    "show": true
  "legend": {
    "show": true
  "data": {
    "unitFormat": "short",
    "decimals": null
  "nullPointMode": "as empty",
  "yAxisSort": "metrics",
  "highlightCards": true,
  "useMax": true

[Request] Upgrade dependencies

Hey, I tried to build the plugin but got the following warning
Running "babel:dist" (babel) task Warning: Requires Babel "^7.0.0-0", but was loaded with "6.26.3". I already replaced "babel": "6.23.0", with "@babel/core": "^7.4.5", on package.json but no success.

Perhaps you know how to make it work again?

Tooltip brokes after changing range with nodata

grafana-statusmap version 0.1.1
Grafana v6.1.6 (commit: cf9cb45)
Datasource: Zabbix API 4.2.1

4 hosts
4 boolean metrics

Tooltip is okay if there is enough data in the range

But if I select the range with nodata period, it brokes:
(value should be 1)
(no tooltip at all)


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