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jsonfx's Introduction

JsonFx v2.0 - JSON serialization framework for .NET

Distributed under the terms of an MIT-style license

Compatible Runtimes:

  • .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0
  • Silverlight 3.0, 4.0
  • Windows Phone 7
  • Mono Framework 2.6

Serialization Features:

  • Unified interface for reading / writing JSON, BSON, XML, JsonML
  • Implements true LINQ-to-JSON (not simply LINQ-to-Objects over JSON types)
  • Naturally deserializes to standard CLR types, not JSON/XML-specific types
  • Supports reading/writing POCO classes
  • Supports reading/writing using DataContract, XmlSerialization, JsonName, attributes
  • Supports reading/writing using convention-based property renaming
  • Supports reading/writing C# 4.0 dynamic types
  • Supports reading/writing C# 3.0 Anonymous objects
  • Supports reading/writing LINQ queries
  • Supports custom reading/writing extensions & name resolution strategies
  • Dependency-injection-friendly for extremely flexible custom configurations
  • Stream-based serialization for reading/writing right off the wire
  • Provider allows automatic selection of serializer from Content-Type and Accept-Types HTTP headers

Basic Examples:

Serialize to/from dynamic types (default for .NET 4.0):

var reader = new JsonReader(); var writer = new JsonWriter();

string input = @"{ ""foo"": true, ""array"": [ 42, false, ""Hello!"", null ] }";
dynamic output = reader.Read(input);
Console.WriteLine(output.array[0]); // 42
string json = writer.Write(output);
Console.WriteLine(json); // {"foo":true,"array":[42,false,"Hello!",null]}

Serialize to/from standard CLR types (default for .NET 2.0/3.5):

string input = @"{ ""first"": ""Foo"", ""last"": ""Bar"" }";
var output = reader.Read<Dictionary<string, object>>(input);
Console.WriteLine(output["first"]); // Foo
output["middle"] = "Blah";
string json = writer.Write(output);
Console.WriteLine(json); // {"first":"Foo","last":"Bar","middle":"Blah"}

Serialize to/from Anonymous types

string input = @"{ ""first"": ""Foo"", ""last"": ""Bar"" }";
var template = new { first=String.Empty, middle=String.Empty, last=String.Empty };
var output = reader.Read(input, template);
Console.WriteLine(output.first); // Foo
output = new { output.first, middle="Blah", output.last };
string json = writer.Write(output);
Console.WriteLine(json); // {"first":"Foo","middle":"Blah","last":"Bar"}

Serialize to/from custom types and LINQ queries

public class Person
	[DataMember(Name="id")] public long PersonID { get; set; }
	[DataMember(Name="first")] public string FirstName { get; set; }
	[DataMember(Name="last")] public string LastName { get; set; }

// respect DataContracts on the way in
var reader = new JsonReader(new DataReaderSettings(new DataContractResolverStrategy()));
// use convention over configuration on the way out
var writer = new JsonWriter(new DataWriterSettings(new ConventionResolverStrategy(ConventionResolverStrategy.WordCasing.Lowercase, "-")));

string input =
	{ ""id"": 1, ""first"": ""Foo"", ""last"": ""Bar"" },
	{ ""id"": 2, ""first"": ""etc."", ""last"": ""et al."" },
	{ ""id"": 3, ""first"": ""Blah"", ""last"": ""Yada"" }

var people = reader.Query<Person>(input);
var query =
	from person in people.ArrayItems()
	where person.PersonID == 1 || person.FirstName == "Blah"
	orderby person.PersonID
	select person;

Console.WriteLine(query.Last().LastName); // Yada
string json = writer.Write(query);
Console.WriteLine(json); // [{"person-id":1,"first-name":"Foo","last-name":"Bar"},{"person-id":3,"first-name":"Blah","last-name":"Yada"}]

Serialize to/from TCP socket:

TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient(server, port);
NetworkStream tcpStream = tcpClient.GetStream();

// read incrementally from incoming stream
TextReader tcpReader = new StreamReader(tcpStream);
Foo myFoo = new JsonReader.Read<Foo>(tcpReader);

// write directly to output stream
TextWriter tcpWriter = new StreamWriter(tcpStream);
new JsonWriter.Write(myFoo, tcpWriter);

Fully customizable name resolution strategies

// accept all variations! list in order of priority
var resolver = new CombinedResolverStrategy(
	new JsonResolverStrategy(),   															// simple JSON attributes
	new DataContractResolverStrategy(),   													// DataContract attributes
	new XmlResolverStrategy(),   															// XmlSerializer attributes
	new ConventionResolverStrategy(ConventionResolverStrategy.WordCasing.PascalCase),		// DotNetStyle
	new ConventionResolverStrategy(ConventionResolverStrategy.WordCasing.CamelCase),		// jsonStyle
	new ConventionResolverStrategy(ConventionResolverStrategy.WordCasing.Lowercase, "-"),	// xml-style
	new ConventionResolverStrategy(ConventionResolverStrategy.WordCasing.Uppercase, "_"));	// CONST_STYLE

// pass the combined resolver strategy into the settings object
var reader = new JsonReader(new DataReaderSettings(resolver));

// link the settings objects to share resolver strategies and name lookup cache
var writer = new JsonWriter(new DataWriterSettings(reader.Settings) { PrettyPrint=true });

Build REST services using dependency injection to configure auto-serializer selection

// setup once for the lifespan of the application

// POCO name resolution, share lookups among all instances
var readerSettings = new DataReaderSettings();				
var writerSettings = new DataWriterSettings(readerSettings);

var jsonReader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(readerSettings);
var jsonWriter = new JsonFx.Json.JsonWriter(writerSettings);

var xmlReader = new JsonFx.Xml.XmlReader(readerSettings);
var xmlWriter = new JsonFx.Xml.XmlWriter(writerSettings);

// list all the readers
var readerProvider = new DataReaderProvider(

// list all the writers
var writerProvider = new DataWriterProvider(

// ...later on a request comes in

// incoming HTTP request headers
string contentTypeHeader = myRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType];
string acceptHeader = myRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept];

IDataReader deserializer = readerProvider.Find(contentTypeHeader);

var requestData;
using (var textReader = new StreamReader(myRequest.GetRequestStream()))
	requestData = deserializer.Read(textReader);

// ...consume the data, generate a response
var myResponse = ...;
var responseData = ...;

IDataWriter serializer = writerProvider.Find(acceptHeader, contentTypeHeader);
using (var textWriter = new StreamWriter(myResponse.GetResponseStream()))

jsonfx's People


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jsonfx's Issues

The issue with service serving different types for the same property


I've got an issue with consuming a Drupal JSON service.

Drupal is a CMS in which each content node has a body text. If body of value "Lorem ipsum" is entered, the (part of) response of Drupal's REST service is the following:

"body":{"und":[{"value":"Lorem ipsum","summary":"","format":"filtered_html","safe_value":"Lorem ipsum","safe_summary":""}]}

However, if you leave the body blank, the response becomes:


I'm using the following structure on the .NET side:

public Dictionary<string, BodyValue[]> Body = new Dictionary<string, BodyValue[]>();

... where BodyValue is:

public class BodyValue : SafeValueBase
    public string Value;

    public string Format;

    public string SafeValue;

    public string Summary;

    public string SafeSummary;

In the case of the blank body I'm getting the exception:

JsonFx.Json.JsonTypeCoercionException: Error converting System.Object[] to System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[BodyValue[], eDriven.Drupal7, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] ---> System.InvalidCastException: Value is not a convertible object: System.Object[] to System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[BodyValue[], eDriven.Drupal7, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]
at System.Convert.ToType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider, Boolean try_target_to_type) [0x00000] in :0

I'm interested if this issue could be solved on the JsonFx side somehow. I'm thinking of some kind of fall-back options (something like: "if body is not an object, then try to deserialize it as array...")


Unwrap property

Hi, I wonder if there is already support for this requirement.

class Location{
  public string Name{get;set;}
class Session{
  public Location Location{get;set;}
Location l = new Location(){Name="test"};
Session session = new Session(){Location=l};

Desired output of session serialization:


Instead of the default:


Serialization in Mono throws an exception

As part of a project I’ve been using the JsonFx library. It is great to use and I’m still very positive about it.
However, I’ve been having an issue. Whenever I try to serialize a collection (both generic and non-generic) using the Mono Framework, I encounter the following exception:

Unhandled Exception: JsonFx.Serialization.SerializationException: Invalid IL cod
e in (wrapper dynamic-method) object: (object): IL_0001: callvirt  0x00000001

---> System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method
) object: (object): IL_0001: callvirt  0x00000001

  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Delegate:CreateDelegate_internal (System
  at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (System.Type type, System.Object firstArgume
nt, System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, Boolean throwOnBindFailure, Boolean all
owClosed) [0x0032c] in C:\cygwin\tmp\monobuild\build\BUILD\mono-2.10.1\mcs\class
  at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (System.Type type, System.Reflection.MethodI
nfo method, Boolean throwOnBindFailure) [0x00000] in C:\cygwin\tmp\monobuild\bui
  at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (System.Type type, System.Reflection.MethodI
nfo method) [0x00000] in C:\cygwin\tmp\monobuild\build\BUILD\mono-2.10.1\mcs\cla
  at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.CreateDelegate (System.Type delegateTy
pe) [0x0002f] in C:\cygwin\tmp\monobuild\build\BUILD\mono-2.10.1\mcs\class\corli
  at JsonFx.CodeGen.DynamicMethodGenerator.GetPropertyGetter (System.Reflection.
PropertyInfo propertyInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Serialization.Resolvers.MemberMap..ctor (System.Reflection.PropertyI
nfo propertyInfo, DataName dataName, JsonFx.Serialization.Resolvers.ValueIgnored
Delegate isIgnored) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Serialization.Resolvers.ResolverCache.BuildMap (System.Type objectTy
pe, IDictionary`2& maps) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Serialization.Resolvers.ResolverCache.LoadTypeName (System.Type type
) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetTypeName (System.Object value) [0x00000] in <fi
lename unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetArrayTokens (System.Collections.Generic.List`1
tokens, ICycleDetector detector, IEnumerable value) [0x00000] in <filename unkno
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetTokens (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 token
s, ICycleDetector detector, System.Object value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetObjectTokens (System.Collections.Generic.List`1
tokens, ICycleDetector detector, DataName typeName, IDictionaryEnumerator enume
rator) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetArrayTokens (System.Collections.Generic.List`1
tokens, ICycleDetector detector, IEnumerable value) [0x00000] in <filename unkno
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetTokens (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 token
s, ICycleDetector detector, System.Object value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>
  at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetTokens (System.Object value) [0x00000] in <file
name unknown>:0
  at JsonFx.Serialization.DataWriter`1[JsonFx.Model.ModelTokenType].Write (Syste
m.Object data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

The weird thing is that in the .NET framework, everything works fine!

I’m using the following bit of code to convert the object to JSON:

dynamic el = new ElasticObject();

el.test = "value";

List<Dictionary<string, object>> result = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); // Usually a result from a MySQL query
el.result = result;

Hashtable jsonObject = DynamicExtensions.HashtableFromElastic(el);
JsonFx.Json.JsonWriter writer = new JsonFx.Json.JsonWriter();
string jsonString = writer.Write(jsonObject);


  • Latest signed .NET 4.0 build (version according to the properties)
  • Mono 2.10.1
  • Ubuntu 10.04, but it also occurs on Windows 7 (still using Mono of course)

According to, dynamics are completely supported since Mono 2.8

doc/example request: streaming json deserialization

I see on the readme that streaming operations are supported in JsonFx, but after a quick read through the examples and scanning the source, it's not clear what the recommended approach for this is.

Do you have any similar 5-10 liners (if that's even possible) that might show how to receive JSON data streaming in incrementally over a TCP socket connection? In my case, this is not over HTTP so I won't necessarily have the entire json object when I start parsing.

Thanks in advance!

DynamicObject derived classes and Xml Namespace (xmlns) issues

Not too long ago, we chose JsonFx 2 as it seemed to best serve our needs, as we recently moved fully to .NET 4, including C# 4 and dynamics, in our daily code. JsonFx 2 definitely delivers when it comes to ease and transparency of use, however I believe we have encountered a discrepancy in how it serializes dynamic objects to Xml. Our current need involves serializing an object that has a set of predefined, required properties, and a dynamic set of optional properties. The object needs to be serialized to XML with a specific xmlns, and the optional properties, if there are any, need to be included in the serialized output.

To solve this problem, we created a custom class that derives from DynamicObject. This class is decorated with an XmlRoot attribute that defines a custom xml namespace. Using XmlSerializer, we can ensure that the xmlns is included in the root element, however it does not serialize any dynamic properties. Using JsonFx (and some careful crafting of our custom dynamic object), we can ensure that all dynamic content is serialized, however the xmlns is not output.

Is there some way to force JsonFx 2 to output xml properly in this case? By that, we need both the xmlns to be included in the header, as well as include all dynamic and static properties.

Many Thanks!

Deserialization of interface or abstract class

This is an issue similar to issue #28. When I tried to deserialize to a NET data type with properties which is of an interface or abstract classs, the deserialization will failed.

If you think about #28 and this issue, so this is not some rare cases that you won't run into. Especially when you are doing some serious programming, it's common practice to use interfaces. And this issue right now is a big headache for us since we are using interfaces almost everywhere.

Cannot install JsonFx into a .NET 4.5 Project

I was playing around with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview and I wanted to use EasyHttp which depends on JsonFx.
I can't however, because NuGet won't allow me to add the package because of version limitations.

Json attributes can't start with dot


Thanks for this great library. I am using it in a Unity project connecting to an API, where authentication is controlled. From the API I receive an authentication with an expiry date as well. The expiry date is formatted as ".expires", but JsonFX does not allow that.

EcmaScriptIdentifier.cs, line 148 splits on dot for nesting meaning that I get an ArgumentException: Variable expiression ".expires" is not supported.

I guess there is no reason not to allow properties starting with a dot? The bug probably occurs do to the fact that ".expires" is recognized as a nested property, which it is not. I am not sure where this check is performed, but fixing this nested-check should do the trick I think.




Using the JsonReader with the DataContractResolverStrategy the serializers does not seem to serialize into the ExtensionDataObject if the contract implements IExtensibleDataObject.

In terms of code:

using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("some stream here"))
  DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(SomeContract));
  var serializedItem = (SomeContract)serializer.ReadObject(reader.BaseStream);

  JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new DataReaderSettings(new DataContractResolverStrategy()));
  var otherSerializedItem = jsonReader.Read<SomeContract>(reader.ReadToEnd());

The serializedItem and otherSerializedItem will not be the same as the serializedItem will have all the unknown values in the ExtensionDataObject defined in the contract.

I don't know if this would be a desired feature, an option to the resolver strategy or whatnot - but I find it odd that the two produces different results (and I for one finds it a usefull feature).

System.ExecutionEngineException when serializing IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>>

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> jsonObject = new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("1", "1"), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("2", "2") };
var writer = new JsonFx.Json.JsonWriter();
string jsonString = writer.Write(jsonObject);

Feature Request: Nuget Package

You should package 2.0 for [ NuGet] not only does it make it easy to consume and update your framework from within visual studio, but you only need one package for all target runtime frameworks.

How to handle Json dates from WCF4?

I got a Json data package from my WCF4 service in the form of:

{"Code":1,"Message":"OK","Result":{"CharacterSet":"Utf8","Description":"test","FromEmail":"[email protected]","FromName":"Test","Hidden":false,"MailingListName":"Test letter","MailinglistID":12345,"SubscriberCount":123,"Updated":"/Date(1262427133000+0100)/"}}

I get a "DeserializationException was unhandled by user code".

/Date((1262427133000+0100)/ is not a valid value for datetime.

How can I deserialize this kind of dates from WCF?

Change property name of deserializing object

Hi! Is it possible to change property name while desirializing object?

Something like this (but this doesn't work)
private class Resolver : JsonFx.Serialization.Resolvers.PocoResolverStrategy
public override IEnumerable<JsonFx.Serialization.DataName> GetName(MemberInfo member)
change property name here
return base.GetName(member);

JsonFx.Serialization.DataReaderSettings sgs = new JsonFx.Serialization.DataReaderSettings(new Resolver());

var jsonReader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(sgs);

dynamic fr = jsonReader.Read(customFilter);

TextReader gets disposed (and shouldn't) in JsonTokenizer

I have a StreamReader(MyNetworkStream()) that gets passed into JsonReader.Read. My network connection is persistent, so I would like to keep the StreamReader around until it gets closed.

In JsonTokenizer.GetTokens(), the TextReader gets disposed once a single JSON object is complete. This is a problem (I think) since some of the next JSON object's data might be buffered in that reader, so even if I create a new StreamReader, the data has already been read out of the NetworkStream. The error I saw in this case was that JsonTokenizer threw exceptions with ErrorUnrecognizedToken when reading from a StreamReader created after the first one had been disposed, even though the input was good.

If I comment out 'scanner.Dispose()' in JsonTokenizer, my app runs as expected, and I can dispose it myself once the socket closes.

Side note: the JsonFx solution file doesn't open up by default in Visual Studio Express 2010, or MonoDevelop - I had to edit around manually before they worked, and then had to add an explicit reference to System.Xml before JsonFx would compile. Would be nice if it were a little easier to hack on :)

Deserializing polymorphic types

My JsonFX serialization code works, but the object that I'm serializing contains a list of polymorphic entities, and they're all deserialized as their base type and not their actual type.

Here's my serialization code:

As you can see it's pretty straightforward. I'm also not decorating my classes with any attributes or anything special to make them serializable. Besides the polymorphic problem, it all just seems to be working properly.

So how can I get my polymorphic types to deserialize properly?.


How about support for CF 2.0

I am in need for a json library that works in .NET 2.0 Compact Framework.
Could it be possible to build for that as well?

read/change attribute of root element von XML- or JSON files

I need to read and may be change attribute of root element of large XML- or JSON files.

  • Is there possible in jsonfx to do it w/o parsing whole document?
  • Is jsonfx suitable for it? As I mentioned this is the only library that supports both formats in the same engine.

Decimal is jsoned into Double.

Trying to unjson throws a "Specified cast is not valid" exception at jsonfx\src\JsonFx\Serialization\TypeCoercionUtility.cs:509

Deserialization of Xml content with the <?xml ... ?> header and/or any preceeding whitespace produces incorrect results

We have a mix of resources, most of them are JSON, however in some cases we have had to request results as XML due to incorrect JSON serialization on the server side. When we receive xml results back, they usually have a standard xml header:

When deserializing such XML content with JsonFX 2, we get a dynamic object back that contains three properties:

Begin: "?"
End: "?"
Value: "xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8""

That is obviously incorrect. We could care less about the xml header, we need access to the content within the actual XML body. Additionally, if the string being deserialized contains ANY preceeding whitespace of any kind before the first angle bracket of the root element, JsonFx 2 simply spits out that white space as a string wrapped in a dynamic, and ignores the actual XML body. For example, if the XML content contained two spaces and two returns before the first angle bracket of the XML, the object returned from JsonFX would be:

" \n\n"

Intriguingly enough, this is a Windows operating system, so one would expect hard returns to be encoded as "\r\n", rather than simply "\n". Either way, JsonFX does seem to have some problems deserializing XML content. It does not appear to sanitize input before trying to parse, and is incapable of handling a standards-compliant XML header. It would be extremely helpful if these issues were fixed soon.

JsonSpecifiedProperty not respected.

I have a class that have 4 or 5 conditionnal property. one of them is not working.

Here are two. the conditional serialization works with normals (it is not serialized if the attribute is null) but it triggers an exception with the material.

        public float[] normals;

        public string compressed_normals
                return JiEncoder.toString(JiEncoder.encodeSingleArray(normals, 0));
                normals = JiEncoder.decodeSingleArray(JiEncoder.fromString(value));

        public bool isNormalsNotEmpty
                return normals != null;

        public MaterialMsg material;

        public bool isMaterialNotNull
            get {
                return material != null;

        public string json_material
            get {
                return material.ToJson ();
            set {
                //Console.WriteLine ( value );
                material = (value.Contains ( "UVscale" )) ? SapphireMaterialMsg.FromJson<SapphireMaterialMsg> ( value ) : MaterialMsg.FromJson<MaterialMsg> ( value );

I test it with :

            var p = createPrim();
            p.material = null;
            Console.WriteLine ( p.isMaterialNotNull ); //  display false
            var json = p.ToJson (); // exception here, 
            Console.WriteLine ( json );
            var p2 = PrimitiveMsg.FromJson<PrimitiveMsg>(json);
            Assert.IsTrue ( p2.indices.SequenceEqual ( p.indices ) );
            Assert.IsTrue ( p2.positions.SequenceEqual ( p.positions ) );
            Assert.IsTrue ( p2.faces != null ? p2.faces.SequenceEqual ( p.faces ) : p.faces == null );

the test trigger an exception :

JsonFx.Serialization.SerializationException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  ----> System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Serialization in Silverlight throws an exception

JsonFx.Serialization.SerializationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime. ---> System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime.
at (Object )
at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetObjectTokens(List'1 tokens, ICycleDetector detector, Type type, Object value)
at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetTokens(List'1 tokens, ICycleDetector detector, Object value)
at JsonFx.Model.ModelWalker.GetTokens(Object value)
at JsonFx.Serialization.DataWriter`1.Write(Object data)

On call:
object propertyValue = map.Getter(value);

Windows7 x32, Silverlight 4, Firefox 3.6.18.

JsonFX and Unity3d + iOS

We are in the process of trying to figure out which json parser to use
for our unity project that will work on the web, iOS and Android. We
need something lightweight and fast and that doesn't use reflection (iOS

I have several custom web services that send json formatted data to the
client, but we are having a big of a hard time getting up and running
with your system since we tested litjson and things get turned easily
into a dictionary. Right now based upon our data coming from the server
we need to write a method to make sure an int is coming though, a string

Do you have any example code or maybe example code with Unity that we
could look at and what is the best method for us to deal with various
json methods of data we send to the client. Currently we have 15 call
types that return various types of data.

any help would be appreciated.


we are seeing this issue quite often with some test..

Failed processing communications response:
System.ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method 'JsonFx.Serialization.DataReader1<JsonFx.Model.ModelTokenType>:Read<System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2<string, object>> (string)' while running with --aot-only

Build.bat CF jsonfx_key.pfx password

Trying to build for CF. When running build.bat, I am prompted for a password for jsonfx_key.pfx.
Uh, what's the password, or how do I address this?

Failure when reading directly from HTTP stream + StreamReader

The following code works as expected (showing "Number of tweets = 2") when reading the input into a string before parsing. When the StreamReader is used directly it fails with "Unterminated JSON string".

JsonFx version 2.0.1106.2515

Bug or feature? Am I doing something wrong?

static void JsonReadFailure()
  HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
  HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

  JsonReader jsr = new JsonReader();
  using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
#if true
    dynamic result = jsr.Read(reader);
    string json = reader.ReadToEnd();
    dynamic result = jsr.Read(json);

    Console.WriteLine("Number of tweets = {0}.", result.Length);


Following code throws System.NullReferenceException:

    public class ClassA {
        public int a;

    class Program {

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            JsonReader r = new JsonReader();
            r.Settings.AllowNullValueTypes = true;
            ClassA aObj = r.Read<ClassA>("{a:null}");

Windows 8 RT WACK compatibility

JsonFX is yet not compatible with the Windows 8 RT API. Compatibility is needed to be able to use JsonFX in apps that go into the Windows 8 store.

Any plans to deliver a version that passes the Win 8 WACK test?

Serialising ConcurrentDictionary causes .NET framework error

The following minimal program shows up an obscure issue I ran into by accident;

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using JsonFx.Json;
namespace JsonFXTest{
class Program{
static void Main(){
IDictionary<int, object> dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, object>();
dict.Add(1, new object());
string json = new JsonWriter().Write(dict);

Executing this terminates the program at the serialisation step with no stack trace and the following Error events added to the Application event log;

<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name=".NET Runtime" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1023</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-05-27T16:24:28.442474700Z" />
<Security />
<Data>Application: JsonFXTest.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 00007FFB999612E0 (00007FFB99960000) with exit code 80131506.</Data>

<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-05-27T16:24:28.474494500Z" />
<Security />
<Data />
<Data />

I was using JsonFX v2.0.1209.2802 on .Net 4.5.2 and it happens in both 32 and 64 bit

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