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org.fastnate's Issues

Wrong ID calculation for InheritanceType.JOINED

When InheritanceType.JOINED is used in combination with GenerationType.IDENTITY, the IDs in references are not calculated correctly (the reference uses a difference which is way to big).

Support @Resource in DataProvider

While the additional @Inject annotation is already supported with its own DataProviderFactory (see #21), the always available @Resource annotation is ignored - which could be used in the same way.

We could support @Resource in the DefaultDataProviderFactory and in the InjectDataProviderFactory. In addition the DefaultDataProviderFactory could support @PostConstruct, too.

Can't use the same sequence generator for different entities

Fastnate does not allow the following sequence definition:

public abstract class AbstractEntity {
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "entitySequence", sequenceName = "EntitySeq")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "entitySequence")
    private Long id;

public class FirstEntity extends AbstractEntity {

public class SecondEntity extends AbstractEntity {

Fastnate will use a separate sequence for FirstEntity and for SecondEntity, instead of using the same sequence for both entities.

Support Embeddable in Collection of Embeddables

Given a collection of As (of type Embeddable), which also contains an Embeddable B in its definition, it would be desirable for the Fastnate to produce proper insert statements.

Mapping example:

    @AttributeOverride(name = "value.valueDE", column = @Column(name = "valueOverridenFromA1", nullable = false)),
    @AttributeOverride(name = "value.valueEN", column = @Column(name = "valueOverridenFromA2")) 
private final List<A> values;

public class A {

        @AttributeOverride(name = "valueDE", column = @Column(name = "valueOverriden1", nullable = false)),
        @AttributeOverride(name = "valueEN", column = @Column(name = "valueOverriden2")) 
    private B value;

public class B {

    private String valueDE;

    private String valueEN;


Configure relevant files without a ChangeDetector

If you want to specify additional files that are relevant for SQL generation, you need to build your own DataChangeDetector.

It should be easy to support in addition a pattern based configuration option:


Cannot instantiate the type EntitySqlGenerator

EntitySqlGenerator e = new EntitySqlGenerator(this.context);
When creating an object of EntitySqlGenerator this error comes

"Cannot instantiate the type EntitySqlGenerator"

How can I solve it?

Collection of embedded elements with required entity reference

If we have a collection of embedded elements with a "not null" entity reference, we need to postpone the inserts into the collection table until the referenced entity is written. Otherwise the SQL generation will fail with "Required property entity was not set for ...".


public class CollectionsTestElement {

  private CollectionsTestEntity entity;


private Set<CollectionsTestElement> elements = new HashSet<>();

Generate Update SQL from Entity

Please advise, how to generated Update SQL from Entity. In your github code, there is update statement which can generate update sql. I find way to generate insert sql from entity as:-
StringWriter result = new StringWriter();
Notes notes = new Notes();
EntitySqlGenerator sqlGenerator = new EntitySqlGenerator(result);

System.out.println( result.toString());

Log statements from ConnectedStatementsWriter

When using a ConnectedStatementsWriter one can't see the created SQL statements without a logging connection. Even the Hibernate property show_sql doesn't work, as Fastnate doesn't use the Hibernate resources for writing the statements. It would be nice if one could turn on logging of statements for debugging purposes.

Support for globally defined AnyMetaDef

When using Hibernates @Any annotation on a JPA property, Fastnate supports only @AnyMetaDef definitions attached to the field itself:

public class Entity extends BaseEntity {
    @AnyMetaDef(idType = "long", metaType = "string", metaValues = {
        @MetaValue(targetEntity = ExampleEntity.class, value = "EE"), 
        @MetaValue(targetEntity = SecondEntity.class, value = "SE")
    private BaseEntity anyEntity;

But Hibernate supports named @AnyMetaDefs at arbitrary positions for example:

@AnyMetaDef(name="anyMetaDefExample", idType = "long", metaType = "string", metaValues = {
    @MetaValue(targetEntity = ExampleEntity.class, value = "EE"), 
    @MetaValue(targetEntity = SecondEntity.class, value = "SE")
public class Entity extends BaseEntity {
    @Any(metaDef = "anyMetaDefExample")
    private BaseEntity anyEntity;

Fastnate should support these globally defined @AnyMetaDefs as well.

Support for GenerationType.TABLE

Currently only GenerationType.SEQUENCE and GenerationType.IDENTITY are supported.

Especially for MySQL GenerationType.TABLE is required as well.

Parent child relationship with preassigned ids -> Referential Integrity Error

When a parent in a parent-child relationship has assigned a manual ID (the ID is not generated) and a child references such a parent, the generated SQL may result in a "Referential Integrity Error". This is because the SQL insert statement of the child references the parent before the insert statement for the parent is written.

Version: 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT (the buildNumber is 6)

Skip synthetic fields

In the generator the method AccessStyle.*.getDeclaredAttributes(Class) should not grab synthetic fields/getters.

Update existing entities

Currently Fastnate can only insert new entities.

Existing entities can be referenced with EntitsSqlGenerator.markExistingEntities. But this works only if either the ID is given, or the entity has a unique property. Referencing any other entity is not possible. And updates of these entities are not possible as well.


Use an approach like JPQL for finding entities and support updates of the result:

Bean bean = sqlGenerator.find(Bean.class, "SELECT b FROM Bean b WHERE b.text = 'Old text'");
bean.setText("New text");

AssociationOverride with JoinColumns defined in the JoinTable are ignored

Fastnate ignores the @JoinColumn declaration in the following override:

@AssociationOverride(name = "simpleEntities", joinTable = @JoinTable(name = "MyTable", 
        joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "join_id"), 
        inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "inverseJoin_id"))) })

Only a @JoinColumn defined like this ist found:

@AssociationOverride(joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = ...)) 

InheritanceType.JOINED bug

Hello again!

Catched the InheritanceType.JOINED bug (v.1.4.1).
My class structure consists of 3 classes:
@entity class (1)
extends @MappedSuperclass class (2)
extends @entity class (3) with @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
So, I'm trying to generate inserts by class (1) objects and catching NPE on null discriminaror column.

The problem, I see, is in EntityClass.findHierarchyRoot method. At line 623 the condition "if (parentDescription.getInheritanceType() == InheritanceType.JOINED)" returns true, so the parent class (3) and its context defines correctly.
In this "if" condition body I don't see the row like "this.inheritanceType = parentDescription.inheritanceType;", so "inheritanceType" value of my target class (1) keeps its default value, equals to "SINGLE_TABLE".

And then the EntitySqlGenerator.writeInserts method (lines 259-260) has not null "discriminator" value, but null "classDescription.getDiscriminatorColumn()" result

Support for referencing subclasses with InheritanceType.JOINED

This is currently not possible:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class Superclass {
    private Long id;

    private Subclass entity;

public class Subclass extends Superclass {

generator.write(new Subclass());


org.fastnate.generator.context.ModelException: Superclass.entity does not reference an ID column in class Subclass
    at org.fastnate.generator.context.EntityClass.getIdColumn(

DefaultValue annotation for temporal attributes (date, time, timestamp)

Currently the @DefaultValue annotation on temporal attributes is written 'as is' with a simple string quoting to the database. It is not possible to use a database independent format. And it is not possible to reference CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or CURRENT_DATE with the ConnectedStatementsWriter.

Fastnate should use a database independent format for temporal attributes.

Support other NamingStrategies

Currently the default names of tables and columns are derived from the JPA specification.

As Hibernate offers the option to change these names by defining another NamingStrategy , it would be nice if FastNate would support the same configuration option.

Write statements directly to the database

Up to now all SQL statements were written to an SQL file.

This has the advantage, that no database connection is necessary at build time and that we don't need to attach the initial data sources (CSV files or other databases) to the shipped artifact.

But it has the disadvantage, that we need to write an SQL file for every supported database dialect. If we have different SQL files for different target environments, we will even need to write a file for each of them.
And we can't change how the SQL files are executed (as long as we use the initial import of the JPA provider).

It would be nice if both ways are supported. And everyone can choose, which is the best for him.

Support bulk import of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL has a command for bulk import:
COPY {columns} FROM {file}.

This is much faster than any plain SQL insert (at least twice as fast), but it needs a special data format and it needs files that are accessible to the server.

Fastnate should support to write that bulk format for a really fast import of huge data samples in PostgreSQL.

Support AttributeConverter

Fastnate does not support the following attribute:

@Column(columnDefinition = "VARCHAR")
@Convert(converter = StringListConverter.class)
private List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(); 

With StringListConverter like:

public class StringListConverter implements AttributeConverter<List<String>, String> {

    public String convertToDatabaseColumn(final List<String> list) {
  	return String.join(",", list);

    public List<String> convertToEntityAttribute(final String joined) {
      	return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(joined.split(",")));


Default column names in bidirectional ManyToMany relationship

Fastnate creates the wrong column names for the following relationship:

public class FirstEntity {
  private Set<SecondEntity> secondEntities;

public class SecondEntity {
  private Set<FirstEntity> firstEntities;

Current workaround: Use a @JoinTable annotation for secondEntities and define names for the (inverse) columns.

Relative dates in SQL files

There is already support for writing now into the SQL files (as reference to GeneratorDialect.NOW).
But there is no option to write today or now + 5 days.

With the wrapper class "RelativeDate", we could archieve that:

// Set "now"
// Set "today"
// Set yesterday
persistedBean.setDate(new RelativeDate(, - DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY));

Read mapping-file from persistence.xml

Up to now Fastnate reads mapping information from annotations only. As annotations are usually the preferred option, this should be enough for most projects. Nevertheless some projects might still use mapping files for historic reason or when legacy POJOs are used.

Attribute name bug on mapped property

I have a Collection property on my entity with annotation @OneToMany(..., mappedBy = "incomDistrScheme", ...)
Using EntitySqlGenerator (verson 1.4.0) drops exception: org.fastnate.generator.context.ModelException: Unsupported "mapped by" property for public java.util.Collection ...
By debugging i see, that in line 679 of PluralProperty class calling of "entityClass.getProperties().get(this.mappedBy)" returns null
Cause of entityClass.getProperties() collection do not have property "incomDistrScheme", but it have property "incomDtrScheme"
I guess, that error is in line 164 of AccessStyle class: = Introspector.decapitalize(getter.getName().replaceAll("^get|is", ""));
You don't have to use replaceAll() here. You need to use replaceFirst().

Support for Hibernate property "globally_quoted_identifiers"

Hibernate supports to quote all identifiers, when setting the property globally_quoted_identifiers to true. This ensures that even database keywords may be used for property or entity names.

This enhancement should support the property too and use quoted identifiers when set.

Fastnate - Spring Boot Generate the whole schema based on the entities

Good Morning

I have three questions related to fastnate.

The first one is if the Fastnate can just be used to populate the database.

The second one is how I can achieve this because I've read all the documentation and even after adding all the maven dependencies and creating the class none data.sql file was generated.



The third one is if it's possible to generate the whole schema of the database as it's possible with the Spring JPA with the configuration below:

I've seen a person that mentioned fastnate here but reading it wasn't clear if fastnate can do this or not.


Thanks for the support

Fastnate generating table even if Hibernate does not.

I have following entity

public class KeyValue {

    private Long id;
    public String key;
    public String value;


The entity is not creating because key is a reserved keyword. Fastnate on the other hand is generating this line for importing via CSV file:

INSERT INTO UserSettings (id, key, user_id, value) VALUES (2, 'mykey', 1, 'myvalue');

I am not sure whether it is the correct behaviour or not.

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using SINGLE_TABLE and ConnectedStatementsWriter

Writing two entities of two different subclasses in the same class hierarchy with default inheritance type SINGLE_TABLE results in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 6
    at org.fastnate.generator.statements.ConnectedStatementsWriter$PreparedInsertStatement.setColumnValue(
    at org.fastnate.generator.context.PrimitiveProperty.addInsertExpression(
    at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.writeInserts(
    at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.write(
    at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.write(

Support for IdClass and EmbeddedId

The current implementation only supports IDs with exactly one value.
IdClass and EmbeddedId are not supported.

As the SQL for inserting foreign keys that reference an entity with more than one ID column is totally different to the current implementation, this is somehow a bigger change.

Implementation idea:

INSERT INTO table (primitiveValue, foreignKey1, foreignKey2) SELECT 'abc', id1, id2 FROM table2 WHERE ...

Support for @Version

If an entity contains a nullable @Version field, that field should be initialized with 0 in INSERT.


public Example {
    private Long id;

    private Long version;

Workaround: Initialize the version field in application code.

Increment generated IDs by one

If the allocationSize of SequenceGenerator and TableGenerator is bigger than one, Fastnate should use all allocated IDs - not only the last allocated value.

Provide AbstractCSVDataProvider constructor that uses URL

So i found that the AbstractCsvDataProvider is very nice, except that it must load its data from a File, which is validated for its existence and all that. Too bad because I like the ability to load from a CSV, but want to be able to pull this content from a file embedded on a JAR, instead of a standalone file.

This would be nice...
public AbstractCsvStreamDataProvider(final URL resourceURL)

Support @Inject in DataProvider

To inject data of another DataProvider into a new DataProvider we currently only support to offer the other one in the constructor of the new one:

public class PersonData extends AbstractDataProvider {

	private final OrganisationData organisations;

	public PersonData(OrganisationData organisations) {
		this.organisations = organisations;

It would be nice, if we could support @Inject on fields as well.

Fastnate should automatically determine dialect from DataSource

I am currently using Fastnate in tandem with SpringBoot + Flyway, to preload data into certain tables when creating/upgrading new databases. One major hurdle that I needed to clear was to have Fastnate automatically infer the correct dialect when the application properties changed the vendor of the database. (ie. Local dev mode uses H2 whereas production deployment uses Oracle.) The SpringBoot - Flyway bootstrapping mechanism does not provide access to the various beans that I might be able to specify the dialect with, as Flyway's Java migrations only allow the execution of SQL (adhering to the vendor dialect) via a provided DataSource. This is the same issue that Fastnate presents.

A solution could infer the SQL dialect from the DataSource, which is possible, as shown here:

I know that JdbcUtils is a Spring class, so perhaps this isn't as cut and dry. However, slightly modifying that code, I was able to extract the DatabaseDriver type from the DataSource, and then implement a switch-case statement to match up the proper Fastnate SQL GeneratorDialect class to the determined DatabaseDriver.

[Question] Is there anyway to do it using gradle instead?

Hello liefke.. thanks for your interesting project here. I am just wondering if there is any way/guide to generate the data.sql using gradle instead of maven? I just happened to start a springboot using gradle and would be nice if fastnate provide a way to use it too. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Better support for other JPA libraries

While most of the SQL generated by Fastnate does not depend on the JPA library you use, there are some specialties we offer for Hibernate:

  1. hibernate_sequence is used as sequence name, if no sequence name is given for an id with GenerationType.Sequence
  2. The strategy for GenerationType.AUTO is taken from Hibernate
  3. Support for Formula, Any and ManyToAny annotations

Because of the last point we require Hibernate to be on the classpath during compilation.

The focus of this enhancement is to extract the Hibernate specific part into a standalone module, which you need to link, if you want to use these features. In a second step we could than focus on the creation of such modules for other JPA implementations.

ConnectedStatementsWriter does not respect autocommit=false of given connectionn

In the constructor the autocommit of a given connection is forcibly set according to GeneratorDialect#isFastInTransaction() configuration. However, if the supplied connection was already used within a transaction any action prio fastnate is commited.

I would expect, that fastnate respects the transaction.

Could you please also check whether this code is a duplicate of EntityImporter#importData(connection)

JPA support?

I noticed the fastnate code relies on the @mapsid annotation to present when creating onetoone and manytomany relationships. JPA i think does not use this, instead only hibernate uses this.

Is there a work around for this for JPA entities. When my entities have something like this,
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@joincolumn(name = "Field_ID", referencedColumnName = "Field_ID", insertable=false , updatable=false),
@joincolumn(name = "Customer_ID", referencedColumnName = "Customer_ID", insertable=false , updatable=false) })

it fails with a ModelException - misses MapId for a singular property

Spring persistence classes aren't supported


I recently tryed to use the Fastnate API to populate the contents of a DB (H2, created at app start with Flyway), and ran into a bug where it appears that the Fastnate API cannot generate values for generically defined IDs.

My project's ORM leverages classes from the Spring API, which extend (after several levels) (source) as their @MappedSuperclass.

I found that since the ID is defined as the following,

public abstract class AbstractPersistable<PK extends Serializable> implements Persistable<PK> {
	@Id @GeneratedValue private PK id;

... the Fastnate IdGenerator choked when trying to determine the class type to be assigned. This was my resulting error message:

org.fastnate.generator.context.ModelException: Can't handle number class for generated value: interface
	at org.fastnate.generator.context.IdGenerator.createNextValue(
	at org.fastnate.generator.context.GeneratedIdProperty.addInsertExpression(
	at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.writeInserts(
	at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.write(
	at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.write(
	at org.fastnate.generator.EntitySqlGenerator.write(

I believe that the underlying problem is here. It appears that while this function successfully identifies the class from which the @Id is declared, the process does not sustain the generics that truly define the ID's type for a concrete class that would extend it, causing the code to think that the ID is of type Serializable, when it should be Long (as in my case).

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