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bp's Issues

common/religion/ Issues

  • Revisit Christian Doctrine costs
  • Religious heads required (WtWSMS):
    • Religious heads (potentially) required:
      • 00_christianity.txt: monophysitism, patripassianism, apollinarism
      • 00_hellenism.txt: orphism, pythagoreanism
  • Implement reformed icons for the new pagan religions
  • Remove the following faiths
    • 00_christianity.txt: bogomilist, cathar, waldensian, lollard, conversos, bosnian_church ; all out of timeline scope
  • New Holy Sites require effects
  • Implement new religion GHW values in common/script_values/02_religion_values.txt
  • Implement GHW regions in map_data/geographical_region.txt
  • Review events/yearly_events/yearly_events_sahara.txt for new African religions
  • Reevaluate core_tenets.txt:tenet_mystical_birthright is_shown conditions
  • Need to work out events/decisions to allow for these to spawn:
  • 00_christianity: catholic, orthodox, coptic, armenian_apostolic

history/characters/ : Resolve unmapped traits

The following traits are not clearly mapped into CK3. Review and replace; history/ has some sed scripts that can be used in Git bash to replace traits when resolution is determined.

Traits with probable equivalents

  • unyielding_leader [LT-Rascek: Unyielding defender]

Traits with no equivalents (i.e., : Nothing in Vanilla CK3 maps well enough)

  • agile
  • cavalry_leader
  • erudite
  • harelip (will require graphics changes as well)
  • powerful_voice
  • stressed (needs to be mapped in CK3 stress mechanic)
  • tall (not giant)
  • vegetarian
  • wroth: [LT-Rascek: Made wrathful for more direct mapping]

Unclear Mapping (i.e.: Not sure if anything in Vanilla CK3 maps well enough)

  • conscientious [made pensive; closest match]
  • envious [LT-Rascek: Made callous unless also callous, then made impatient]
  • imposing
  • inspiring_leader
  • mountain_terrain_leader
  • perceptive
  • playful [LT-Rascek: Made rowdy; closest match]

Split Mappings (i.e., were split into multiple possibilities with CK3)

  • Kinslayer: which type? Dynastic or familial?
  • shaktist_hindu needs to be determined which of srikula_shaktism or kalikula_shaktism faiths
  • Taoist has no clear mapping; review history of Taoist sects to determine what is valid. [LT-Rascek: Finished for 476]

Remove characters with this trait:

  • immortal
  • Anyone associated with the landless hall

Large number of missing localization errors in error.log

Loading BP into CK3 (after stripping the history/character file, which causes a crash if included [not unexpected]), there are around 30k lines of errors. Some of these have to do with Issue #15 but others seem to have to do with localizations not existing.

Biggest reason this is a problem (on my end at least) is it makes it difficult to parse the error log to track down implementation bugs in other parts we're working on simultaneously (e.g., the Henotikon and such).

Most notable errors seem to be:

  • No Vlach culture for some decisions
  • Error on 00_cultural_maa_innovations.txt:44 (missing Vlach culture)
  • Dynasties having no scripted source cultures
  • Dynasties not having founders for COA generation
  • Coat of Arm Color Lists throwing errors (?)
  • missing localizations for many cultures (e.g. [22:15:39][culture_names.cpp:98]: Missing loc for name 'Ostrogotho' in culture 'gepid')
  • Unexpected tokens in BP_dynasties.txt

@AvalonXD I think you created most of these culture files and are thus in the best position to direct how to start plugging these up, either by yourself or assigning sub-parts of this to other people if it's a lot of work to fix. If you can narrow down which parts specifically are causing problems, I can attempt batch fixes for some of these errors that are large and repetitive.

Attached is the log file I generated today so you can see for yourself.


Map/History Discussion

Some questions I have on mapping landed titles &c. meant to stimulate discussion

  • @loup99 : I noticed that many of the duchies/kingdoms in former Roman lands mapped to Diocletian's 395 reorganization of the Empire. Do we want to extend that pattern for BP and add all them in as I did on #27, or instead map WtWSMS directly with minimal tweaks. Alternatively, we can probably add some bits to the gui to make it possible for non-bureaucratic/subroman states to shatter the roman governance in the region (producing the sort of de jure duchies you'd see arise later).
  • While much of Western Europe and India is mappable from CK2 to CK3 in one form or another, this doesn't really hold for other parts. In particular, North Africa is a mess (part of the trouble is inconsistent transliteration from Berber/Arabic, but even so there's a lot that is not mapped correctly or maps to empty space on the CK3 map). How do we want to approach this?
  • Are Altava, Ourasenis, Hodna, Aures, Capsus, and Dorsale successor states to the Mauro-Roman Kingdom (as in, they came into being in the late 500s) or are my sources on those kingdoms incorrect and they are extant in 476?
  • Do we want to create a "nomad" government that is a carbon-copy of tribal to make future conversion easier when Paradox gets around to implementing nomadic governments.
  • Large portions of the CK3 map are brand new and thoroughly tribal, like Northern Asia/Tibet. How do we want to handle adding characters for this so we're not spammed with error notes about empty province history? I can probably implement some script to generate that sort of tribal history for us, but I'd really need to format the province history files in those regions to make it less of a pain to code. I'm thinking following the pattern laid out in the Horn of Africa Tribal duchies taken from the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea with those specific dates (420 &c.) listed for the characters in WTWSMS.

Aside: I've been doing more work on landed titles here, primarily mapping county data to the CK3 map. Because of the nature of Paradox's file formats, it should be very easy to port specific changes to main if people agree with the proposals. Besides a handful of additional characters in _lt_rascek_new_chars.txt, the only changes to characters in the files are fixing some mismatched religion/cultures that annoyed me; I have no problems obliterating those changes to bring Abian36's new history as those culture/religion changes were a done with a simple bash script.

79cab07 covers the easiest portions of the map (former West Roman Empire (sans Britain), North Africa, East Africa, Arabia, and the Persian Empire) and moving forward will end up being the less well-attested portions in Germania et al.

Map WtWSMS data to CK3 Map

This ticket is building on the culture/religion mapping of the WtWSMS map to the new CK3 map.

In my view the religion map will have to be done at the lowest level to reflect minorities, so I would suggest working on a map based upon baronies, not counties. There are several areas where baronies would be of different religions.

For reference, religion/culture is determined by the county level, not barony, as much as I'd like to set culture/religion at the barony level. Unless someone has worked out how to do it at the barony level, but I can't find a way to do it; my attempts lead to the county religion matching the capital barony religion.

If you want to I can start drawing out that. On reviewing your changes, I disagree with any Christian heresy being removed, the Zoroastrian heresies will have to be reconsidered together with India and Africa and on the Mandeans Basra is Nestorian in the mod.

The below is the religion map from the previous work I did, and should not be considered complete by any means. I will be reworking the map in line with @loup99's feedback this week.


common/culture/cultures/: Remove extraneous cultures

The following cultures have significant ties to vanilla but aren't of use for this mod. Remove when possible:

Future Removals:
00_east_iranian:sakan - remove after character/province history revamped
00_south_slavic:vlach - breaks a large number of references that need to be removed before vlach is
00_east_iranian:saka & 00_east_iranian:sakan : resolve as per below.

From Loup: With regards to Sakan, I think we should rather remove the mod culture Saka, while adding any content we had for that to vanilla Sakan. That would require less maintenance with regards to vanilla.

476 BM CTD

Along with #27, I've started trying to fix the 476 Bookmark CTD.

Doing some investigation, I made a second 475 bookmark with a single character (Julius Nepos) owning k_croatia and renumbering him to some very high number (900000 as per ck3 wiki suggestion). That managed, however slowly, to not CTD. So some character id collision might be playing a roll, but I doubt it's the single cause.

I've got some very coarse work started locally on rewriting the title history but I'm still getting CTD with full character history after removing all CK3 vanilla characters and reimporting the character history data. I'll probably back up and spend some time with sed on the character history files to cut down on the number of errors associated with it in error.log (stuff like "invalid traits" and incorrect education trait mapping should be a quick fix).

Fix Faith 'FAITH_NAME' :missing custom localization 'SOMETHING'

Loading BP project (sans character files, which currently cause a crash), some errors that arise are of the form:
[TIMESTAMP][religion_templates.cpp:195]: faith 'FAITH_NAME' :missing custom localization 'SOMETHING'

[22:15:39][religion_templates.cpp:195]: faith 'akom_pagan': missing custom localization 'WealthGod'
[22:15:39][religion_templates.cpp:195]: faith 'akom_pagan': missing custom localization '='
[22:15:39][religion_templates.cpp:195]: faith 'akom_pagan': missing custom localization 'christianity_religious_head_title'
[22:15:39][religion_templates.cpp:195]: faith 'akom_pagan': missing custom localization 'CreatorNameAlternatePossessive'
[22:15:39][religion_templates.cpp:195]: faith 'akom_pagan': missing custom localization 'CreatorNameAlternate'

Some of these refer to true missing localizations. Others, like the above example, do not. This has something to do with how the localization files are handled/written. I ran into a similar issue months ago and cannot remember how to fix it. I'll look into how to fix it.

(Maybe localization file EOL or general encoding?)
(Loup: For some reason I can't assign this to myself, so you'll have to do it for me).

Landed titles for which I can't find a Latin/Greek/any other ancient analogue

I will publish a list for it here and will update it later. Your help in finding the suitable Roman era names would be very appreciated. Here for start most of these titles from the Eastern Roman empire.

  • Jabal Quzlum. (ἔνδον ὄρος, inner mountain, as it was called in Vita Sancti Antonii by Athanasius).

Ain al-Gharbi.

Gizeh (Only Coptic name).

Daqahla (Only Coptic name).



Al Hamam.



Bawit. (Yes, these two are distinct).

Al-Qasr Dakhla.

Farafra Oasis.


Qalat al-Jundi.

Ramla. (Founded under Muslim rule, so I may just go with Lydda).


-Judr. (Jayrud?. Then it is ancient Geroda)


As-Suwaida (Chasanara of the Byzantines, but that is just a corruption of its Arabic name Hisn ar-Ran).





Everything in counties of Podrinje, Zlatibor and Rashka.

















Sborishte. (Targovishte in Bulgaria)











Beta Work

List of tasks to be delegated to beta release (for tracking purposes):

Character History:

  • Replace "create_bloodline" action with custom Dynasty Legacies instead based on how DLC FP1 ("Northern Lords") implements such dynastic legacies.
  • Add the following character death reasons (and uncomment them in history):
    • death_rabble, death_execution_crucifixion, death_in_china_historic, death_offmap
  • Implement job_title history: bodpa.txt
    • In particular, work out 252013's job removal code; the code for getting the job works.
  • Implement dna for characters that have commented out dna in history.
  • Figure out how to re-implement "secret_religion" (commented out)
  • Go through tibetan history and ensure that vajrayana and nangchos/lamaism are properly used (CK2 probably applied vajrayana when nangchos/lamaism is more appropriate)
  • Reimplement various global flags in history or remove if they are no longer relevant in CK3 context; finnish.txt, ...
  • Update commented-out kinslayers
    • greek.txt, old_saxon.txt, romano_british.txt, romano_gallic.txt
  • Review Chakhar Dynasty culture/religions (bodpa.txt)
  • Update faiths of taoist/confucian characters beyond the 476 start date
  • Figure out what to do with all the chars associated with off-map China
  • Implement spawn_army for characters beyond 476.2.2
    • armenian.txt, bodpa.txt, isaurian.txt, ostrogothic.txt, thraco_roman.txt,
  • Review the following Traits: trickster, inspiring_leader, flanker
  • Replaced commented-out stressed trait with stress mechanic
  • Implement minor title history (commented out currently)
  • Map multilingual character_modifier to new multilingual features
  • Update cultural acceptance mechanics
  • Commanders not remapped to Knights (might be possible with minor titles rewrite)


  • Implement war history beyond 476.2.2
  • Add in additional troop history for post-476.2.2 special troops


  • Implement some form of Pentarchy and have it interact with Christian bureaucratic governments


  • Work out hybrid cultures within new CK3 framework
  • Work out proper cultural divergences within CK3 framework
  • Add slavery tradition/mechanic? Was a definite part of cultures during the period.


  • Overhaul House/Dynasties of Roman Emperors to better match CK3 Dynasty/House system
  • Fixup Roman Emperor history with more accurate deaths/traits/looks
  • Fixup Sassanian history with more accurate deaths/traits/looks
  • Fixup Gupta history with more accurate deaths/traits


  • Add back in Roman Legions


  • Implement monument building decision akin to runestone raising for monument builder tenet. Probably has to be tied to runestone raising event and DLC FP1.
  • Refactor faiths to support WtWSMS features
    • Patron Deities for missing faiths
    • Enraei et al features for scythian pagans
  • Consider separate Autocephalous Caucasian Albanian Christian Church to model religious dynamics of the Kingdom (flipping between Miaphysitism and Diopyhisitsm)


  • Roman successor mechanics, including sucessor_imperial_reconquest CB
  • Implement missing portrait genetic features features:
    • harelip, wrymouth, tall
  • Option for disabling non-exiting de jure empires like in CK2+, CK2-HIP


  • Replace trait "house_of_david" with some special dynasty perks like in Northern Lords.
  • Icons for convict and corrupt needed


  • Nomads should have their own flag style (compare feudal/theocratic/tribal/republic)
  • Tweak Faith Gui to support sin/virtue scrolling


  • Add Additional Chars to Byzantine bookmark
  • Add Indian, British, East African, and North African bookmarks

Implement Missing Historical Titles

As #33 has focused on getting 476 a playable date, I've avoided adding in any titles not present at this date. This will create some issues with the error log; add the additional historical titles to remove these errors.

Fix missing localizations/breaks in Faith GUI windows

1.2.2 patch broke some localizations and layout aspects associated with the custom faith creation GUI (which we require because of custom Christian doctrines) and now seems to have some other potential errors. Fix these issues.

Note: This doesn't seem to really break anything from the player perspective from what I tested, but we should prune these errors when we get the chance.

@loup99 : I can't assign this to myself, so if you could do that for me.

Culture of Cyrenaica

I don't think that Cyrenaica should be Coptic. Linguistic maps of the Byzantine Empire under Justinian list this area under "Greek and Native", where Native probably mean Berber, since Coptic is listed under its own category. That makes more sense, because Cyrenaica was colonized by the Greeks and their colonies formed local Pentapolis. So, I would suggest to change Cyrenaica's culture to Greek or add a new culture called Libyco-Greek. This culture for late-antiquity Cyrenaica was created by Asakhra, who also made several cultures already used in the mod.

Here is the link for Asakhra's Libyco-Greek culture, with unique namelists:

common/bookmarks: Fix related issues

  • Hairstyles/beards in common/bookmark_portraits/ are broken in 1.4.* and require fix. The addition of new subgroupings seems to the cause (western_hairstyles/western_beards no longer exist).
  • Error: Fix bookmark texture problems: [17:47:49][gfx_texture_loader.cpp:431]: Could not find texture 'gfx/interface/bookmarks/'

The second is probably fixable as per here:

0.2.0 Goals

Initial Planning for 0.2.0 Features

  • Bold are currently in progress tasks
  • Italics should be considered "stretch goals"
  • Strike-outs indicate planned features overtaken/modified by/into other designs


  • Add Sub-Roman Britain Bookmark (476)
  • Add Bordering the Black Sea Bookmark
  • Add Julius Nepos (480) bookmark
  • Add Shattered Empire (480) bookmark


  • Implement religious vegetarianism that was in CK2
    • Probably should be some sort of additional doctrine category where things like pilgrimages should be (so it's a selectable instead of hardcoded feature)? I'm open to category name suggestions.
  • Implement foreign missions as a Cleric Task
  • Decide on how to deal with the Pentarchy and the Praefectus Urbi
    • Being unlanded leads to them falling back to feudalism after a few days. We might have to have them be single-barony counties in the interim
    • However, while set_de_jure_liege_title to change what county a barony is in works, it won't display correctly in the game GUI and destroy_title does not work on counties.
  • See if we can override the GUI so that if a fellow rite owns a holy site, we get the same effects?


  • Implement language + name list / heritage drift mechanics
  • Implement the melting pots that were in CK2 as creation names
  • Implement culture event for monolithic cultures (vanilla event is currently blocked)
  • Remove unnecessary Vanilla cultures


  • Revisit culture/faith of counties in light of minorities
  • Add An-Nahrawan province back into game

Map Stretch Goals

  • Review Crimea Baronies; we may need more
  • Consider splitting up Constantinople to make room for Hagia Sophia

Landed Titles

  • Reorganize title files to reduce clutter and decide which titulars to add/remove.
  • Review Gothic Empire/Gothic Kingdom decisions
    • Convert the decision into one that amalgamates Gothic Titles? Might require some sort of "Cultural Title" mechanic to do

Landed Titles Stretch Goals

  • Remove Most De Jure Empires then re-enable with game rule


  • Re-add at least some of the missing CK2 decisions
    • Definitely decisions relating to Ostrogothic conquest of Italy
  • Flesh out Chariot races


  • Extend all events referring to Aniconism to Iconoclasm as well
  • Reimport at least some of the various CK2 flavor events that aren't implemented
    • Definitely decisions relating to Ostrogothic conquest of Italy


  • A good minority map mode variant; version that is included with minorities mod is not sufficient.


  • Implement "Cultural and Religious Minorities" within WtWSMS
    • Relatively lightweight to implement
  • Revamp tributaries using T4N Tributary module
    • Requires adding some additional functionality that T4N plans on adding (calling tributaries/suzerains to war)


  • "Matter of Britain" struggle
    • Struggles are rather extensive coding, so we should get our feet wet with something more small-scale to start
    • Also, struggle mechanics would probably work well with Anglo-Saxon migration mechanics


  • Implement buildings that were in CK2 but are missing (Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Sarvestan Palace, Hagia Sophia)
    • May require creating additional provinces
  • Should "House of David" be a trait (replacing Savior for Jews?) or a dynasty legacy?

Innovations Notes

Since it was brought up here:, I have a few notes on innovations. I was holding off on posting this until the code base was more developed, but now seems as good a time as any.

General notes:
Innovations in base CK3 are closely tied to both government and culture, so they'll really should be modified more-or-less simultaneously; at least, that's my take on it.

General notion is to break up what would be the Vanila "Tribal Era" into the following groups, with some notable innovations listed (more details in the spreadsheet):

Tribal Era (AD 1):

  • 10 Maximum Development
  • Writing: Adopt High Tribal Government
  • Migratory Warfare: Migration Casus Belli

Late Antiquity (AD 200):

  • 20 Maximum Development
  • Foederati: Level 3 High Tribal Authority, Foederati Special Contract (has to be a feudal contract of some sort since we can't have tributaries right now)
  • State Religion: County Holy War, Send Missionaries Decisions (event-decision to allow for spreading religion in absence of court Chaplin mission)
  • Coloniae: +15% Promote Culture Councilor Task Speed (Roman Culture)

Migration Era (AD 450):

  • 25 Maximum Development
  • Doctrine and Dogma: Religious Reformation (This would mean that Tribals couldn't do faith reformation, but high Tribals could; it's a change I thought made more sense), Religious Councils (when that decision gets coded)
  • Legal Codex: Reconquer Rome Casus Belli (Latin & Byzantine Cultures)

Rise of Islam (AD 700):

  • 30 Maximum Development
  • Casus Belli: Enables De Jure Casus Belli
  • Scriptural Canon: Duchy Holy War
  • Themata: Themata Contract (Roman/Byzantine cultures) [useful for modeling the evolution of Themata in response to the Rise of Islam]
  • Decentralization: Convert to Feudalism for High Tribals
  • Kinship Records: Convert to Clan for High Tribals

Early Middle Ages (AD 900):
As seen in vanilla and so on

Most of the innovations are just one-line descriptions at this time, along with a few notes on holding changes (more steps leading to Mottes for example) and government details. The items listed in Blue in the spreadsheet should be worked out in more detail before implementation (Imperial Elective Succession, Adopt High Tribal Government, Send Missionaries Decision, Foederati Contract, Religious Councils).

Tribals would be locked into just Tribal Era innovations, High Tribals would be locked into before the Early Middle Ages. Given overall lower development in this mod, the a lower tech spread rate should keep the 250 year gaps between Tribal-Late Antiquity-Rise of Islam reasonable. The techs listed in the attached spreadsheet mostly would be combined with some changes to the default values so that most values converge to default CK3 values (levy reinforcement, taxation, etc) by AD 900.

I think you might want to reach out to Markellus of Rhomaioi mod or Knuckey333 or the Imperial Government mod to see if they'll let us implement some of their government modifications for the Bureaucratic government. I imagine it'd be useful for modeling Bureaucracy and Sub-Roman governments and save us some headache.

Other thoughts:
Considering breaking the Tribal Era in two if Tribals develop too quickly under this layout.


Cultures for India

India is a land of many cultures, peoples and languages, but vanilla CK has mostly giant blobs, which IMO don't really work for the time period of the mod. So here are my suggestions for cultures.

First the cultures that we should keep from Vanilla: Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi, Rajaput, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, Kirati.

I would however rename Rajaput to Rajasthani since Rajasthani is both the language and the name of the people group.

Breaking up Hindustani

In vanilla there is a central culture group called Hindustani. The problem is that this is based on where Hindi is most focused and Hindi doesn't exist in 476, it also doesn't exist in either 867 or 1066. So it should be broken up into several cultures. My suggestion is that Hindustani should be broken up into Braj and Awadhi.

The language Braj Bhasha still has over a million native speakers today. While Awadhi has 3.85 million native speakers, which I think makes a good case for the split cultures.

Bihari / Magadhi Culture

This is a big one IMO. In vanilla, the region of Bihar is bengali, when that was never the case. More importantly for the Mod. This is the time period of the Gupta Empire who were Bihari, specifically they were Magadhi IIRC. There are several languages and several peoples besides the Magadhi in Bihar with the other two prominent peoples being the Maithils and the Bhojpuri.

Considering the Guptas, we could call this culture over all Magadhi or go with Bihari or we could split it into the three main peoples of the Magadhi, Maithils and the Bhojpuri. The easist solution is to just have the Bihari culture as one group weather we name it Magadhi or Bihari.

Gandharan Culture

Another one for this time period in particular, is Gandharan or Gandhari. The Gandharan culture thrived in Northwest of India, and are well known for their Buddhist culture. This culture was patronized by the Kushan Empire, and would thrive for most of the Mod Time Period. Moreover it was one of the official languages of the Hephthalite Empire. So they should be another culture.

Tribal Cultures

There are a number of cultures throughout India, which have millions of members to day that are still tribal. The Bhil, the Munda, and the various tribes of the Odisha, the various bodo-kachari peoples, the Gondi to name a few cultures. Now there are a number of these cultures groups throughout India so which cultures are added would have to be decided upon.

My suggestion of the groups we should add are:

  1. the Odisha tribes though as a general culture to abstract things, so calling the group Gahjati(referencing the Gahjat hills or Sambalpuri in refence to one of the major languages within the regions.
  2. Gondi
  3. Bodo-Kachari - I would just call it Kachari


The Meitiei people are the people that moved into Manipur around the first century IIRC and founded there kingdom there. They would also IIRC have some presence in Burma and Bengal.

The other Cultures

There are a number of other cultures that I think should be represented on the map. Those people and culture are the Malayali, Konkani, Nagpuri, Konkani, Malvi, and Saurashtra.


The Malayali are the people of Karelia. They are closely related to the Tamils, and the rulers of Karelia are the Tamil Cheras. However they are their own people with their own language and culture.


The Konkani are the people of Kanara, aka Coastal Karnataka.


Nagpuri are the natives to the western Chota Nagpur plateau region in the western part of India.


The Malvi culture reflects the culture of Malwa. The Malvi language is still spoken today by over 5, million people.


The Saurashtra are the people of the Saurashtra region which bears their name. They and their language are related to the Gujarati people north of them. It was one of the more productive areas of the Gupta Empire and the region had their own kings not that long ago before the start date IIRC

So in addition to the vanilla cultures of:
Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi, Rajaput, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, Kirati.

There would be the cultures of Saurasthra, Malvi, Nagpuri, Konkani, Malayali, Meitei, Gondi, Sambalpuri, Gandharan, Bihari, Braj, and Awadhi.

This would mean a total of 26 cultures for India, which I think is good to represent the diversity of India. I would like to hear the rest of the team's thoughts on this cultural setup.

Complete Alpha Tasks

Character History

  • Add BM476 Foederati, Tributary for those powers with such relationships:
    • ERE: Thracian Goths (Foederati), Lazica (Tributary), Sarir (Tributary), Ghassanids (Foederati)
    • Persia: Iberia (Tributary), Caucasian Albania (Tributary), Lakhmids (Tributary), Bukhara (Tributary), Khwarezem (Tributary)
    • Hephthalites (all Tributaries): Khuttal, Samarkand, Chach, Oshrusana, Fergana, Dahae, Zunbils, Kashgar
  • Fix some platonists having dead friends (i.e., char is dead when friendship assigned)
  • Assassination of Iulius Nepos: send_assassin is invalid in CK3
    • Implemented as Ovida murdering him on his death day
  • Reimplement character events if desired
    • vandalic.txt
  • Parse out special chars for certain special titles (e.g., e_palmyra,e_selecuid) to better clarify character history
  • Handle potential duplicate character cases:
    • nepali.txt (Licchaivi dynasty might have some)

Vanilla Features to Suppress

  • Overhaul heresy events to avoid ahistorical religions
  • Overhaul character spawns to avoid ahistorical religions

New Features

  • Fix independent gubernatorial_government upon independence; try to trigger "when landed" conditions to have can_get_government to be used instead of other code.
  • Non-bureaucratic lieges of gubernatorials should change government to subroman


  • Review if any dynasties should be converted to houses instead
    • Gupta probably, some others in India probably
    • Arascids in Caucasia


  • Overhaul event widgets to support scrolling options for hellenic patron deity mechanic.
  • Tweak Faith Gui to support sin/virtue scrolling
  • Fix hair bug for Childeric/Gundobad DNA


  • Localization for new Buddhist religions

Gameplay Errors

  • Fix creation of feudal/clan governments being created when granting or succeeding titles (H/T @Abian36 )
  • Potential CTD involved with some characters dying (namely patriarch of Jerusalem, Antioch)
  • Refactor title_on_actions to suppress "trying to set illegal government" errors.

Final steps before prepping for review

  • Standardize all (regex) "#+ Change[d*] from Vanilla" type strings
  • Bring all other code up to philosophy standard

Need feedback

  • Revamp c_constantinople to support new baronies
    • Probably not needed for Alpha

Probably not fixable

(or at least not simple)

  • Probably need to remove and rewrite pentarchs wholesale
  • Fix non-HOF theocracy religious titles being inheritable or revocable by secular rulers (H/T Abian36 )
    • Demanding conversion of Ecumenical Patriarch and Patriarchy of Antioch changes the inheritance laws.
  • Prevent baronies owned by religious dukes from reverting to county holders if possible.
  • Fix women being able to inherit male-only titles in the 476 start
    • Seems to be an issue in Vanilla as well (see comment below)
  • Figure out how to workout "impregnate" effect in illyro_roman.txt
    • Can't specify pregnancy state in char history as of v1.4.4, can only add trait

Development Map

@loup99: While working on culture/innovations and hit some annoying roadblocks, so I spent some time mapping out dependencies between game concepts. I put this together in about 20 minutes, so I might have missed some of the dependencies; I can update it more if necessary.

Blue indicates history aspects (i.e., making the map, characters, and situation that match the 476 start), while purple indicates things in the common/ folder that relate to nice WtWSMS chrome (e.g., migration and Roman Reconquest Casus Belli, Religious events like the Henotikon and Three Chapters Controversy, Restoration of Rome and Rebuilding the Circus Maximums). This will also better explain the relationship between some items that should make linking things together easier.

Short story: Cultures and Religions are the biggest blockers at the moment and we should focus on getting those stamped out in the near term; that greatly opens up the things we can develop without having to backtrack.

Might be useful to set up a wiki for storing this sort of info rather than issues; a central repository is always useful.


A graphmp file used to build the above diagram in yEd.

Title history tweaks

  • Split the Arochi tribe to represent the Aethelrugi and Ranii as well (see #54 for area)
  • Add the Salihids at start, who preceded the Ghassanids
  • Review Roman Septem between 476-533
  • Implement Agread Dynasty and k_macedon history
  • Fill out Herodian Dynasty

Implement Missing Cultures and Religion Aspects


  • Overhaul event widgets to support scrolling options for hellenic patron deity mechanic.
  • Localization for new Buddhist religions


  • Get basic localization for mzab-* and balto-urgic cultures.

Beta features:

  • Implement monument building decision akin to runestone raising for monument builder tenet. Probably has to be tied to runestone raising event and DLC FP1.

common/culture/cultures/: Fix missing Dynasty Names

A number of cultures have no dynasty names. The list is as follows:

List of cultures missing dynasties:

  • 00_albanian.txt: albanian
  • 00_anatolian.txt: lyconian
  • 00_baltic: vistula_veneti
  • 00_berber: tamazight, shenwa, taqbaylit, tacawit, nafusi, mzab_wargla
  • 00_byzantine: greek_gothic, greek_persian, isaurian_persian, grecco_axumite, bosporan, spartan
  • 00_caucasian: caucasian_albanian, aghbanian
  • 00_celtic: manx
  • 00_central_germanic: bucinobantian
  • 00_central_semitic: yathribi, bedouin_dravidian
  • 00_chinese: vietnamese, korean, japanese, ryukyuan
  • 00_continental_celtic: galician, lusitanian
  • 00_east_celtic: east_welsh
  • 00_east_germanic: lebus
  • 00_east_iranian: bactrian, dahi_scythian, sarmatian
  • 00_east_semitic: akkadian, aramaic, eblaite
  • 00_indo_aryan: kalash
  • 00_iranian: kushanshas, indo_parthian
  • 00_latin: gallo_romance, romansh, romano_aramean
  • 00_mongolic.txt: hunno_bulgar, khanid, xianbei
  • 00_northwest_semitic.txt: punic, nabatean, samosatan
  • 00_phrygian.txt: phrygian
  • 00_proto_carpathian.txt: macedonian, illyrian, veneti
  • 00_siberian.txt: yeniseian
  • 00_somalian.txt: sidamic
  • 00_south_semetic.txt: hadhramaut, sabaean, minaean, himyarite
  • 00_south_slavic.txt: antae, sklav, tracki, alzzecio
  • 00_turkic.txt: gokturkish, azeri, utigur, kutrigur, barsil, white_croatian
  • 00_ugro_permian.txt: udmurt
  • 00_vasconic.txt: aquitani
  • 00_western_germanic.txt: cheruscii, buri
  • 00_west_slavic.txt: geruly, tyuringii, nordvind

Review province terrain

Province terrain is innaccurate (e.g., too much farmland in France). Modify terrain to better match 476 conditions.

history/ has a list of some terrains that should change.

Erik W's bloodlines

@LT-Rascek, you correctly noted that some characters like Varus the Younger and Avidius Cassius didn't historically belonged to Octavianus dynasty. But that's actually how Erik set things up, continuing various famous bloodlines through female lines. For example, later members of "S. J. Caesar" dynasty considered themselves to be Sextii, Vettii, Caecinii etc, but not "Caesarians". What should we do with them? I can add husbands and stuff, moving characters to their appropriate families, but it will take a lot of work.

Discussing Roman genealogies

This thread is intended to discuss various issues of the Roman genealogies. To start, I will post three initial questions:

Pope Gregory the Great is said to be member of the Anicii, but how exactly was he related to them?

Same goes for Boethius's mother - we know that she also belonged to the Anicii, but her exact relationship to members of this family is not given among the sources I read.

  • And finally, are there any sources discussing ancestors and descendants of Zenobia? She is currently descending from Emesene dynasty (which is accepted by some scholars), while her later descendant is Empress Theodora (which look like a pure fantasy).

Implement Custom COAs from WtWSMS

So far, the bare minimum custom COAs are getting implemented for alpha. For Beta, we should expand on this to all major custom empires/dynasties.

Overall, each step is not difficult, just somewhat time consuming because of the scale.

Suggested changes:

  • Add Gothic Alphabet letters to replace Latin Alphabet for dynasty 1042165 (Amali)

map_data/geographical_region.txt Overhaul

The regions listed in geographical_region.txt require a serious overhaul; many duchies/regions are no longer valid and their associated events must be removed. Others will require significant refactoring to match the new map. This also ties into defining regions for GHW areas for new religions/faiths.

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