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fp-oo's Issues

Confusion on Exercise 16.5.5

When doing the Ex. 16.5.5 I was confused on which element the new state's map was going to replace...

For example, the following monadic value map:

 {:state stateVal, :result result} 

should entirely become a new map or should be redefined just stateVal as a map? (It turns out it is the latter).

A hint like the following could help:

(map? {:state stateVal}) must be true

typo on p148

in the example for def result, do-monad should be domonad

typo in code

on page 166 of gastropod,

(expect (+ 1 2) => 3)
(expect 3 => old?))

surely that's gotta be odd?

Confusing wording in Chapter 10 Exercise 6

You say

Suppose you wanted to set an atom’s value to 33. How would you do that? Keep in mind that swap! demands a function, not (say) an integer.

I assumed I just had to add 32 to the current number of 1, so I just did (swap! my-atom (partial + 32)). Only after reading the next exercise did I realize your true intention. I guess what's not clear is when you say "an atom" you mean any atom, not the one just referenced in the example code.

Can't use nomads

in chapter 10.9's exercise, we need to use nomads library:
`(use 'clojure.algo.monad)

When trying to run it in lein , It has an error that it can't the class:

user=> (use 'clojure.algo.monad)
Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval2792 (REPL:1).
Could not locate clojure/algo/monad__init.class, clojure/algo/monad.clj or 
clojure/algo/monad.cljc on classpath.

⇒  lein -v  
Leiningen 2.9.1 on Java 1.8.0_172 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM


Anyone has an idea?
(couldn't find anything in Google)


Confusion in chapter 6

The class-from-instance function gets used on page 55 but it hasn't been explained yet. A little confusing and I had to find it in this repo in order to keep running the code along with the book. I think it was a helper function you extracted from send-to in 5.4 exercise 1, but that wasn't referenced in the book.

Similarly, page 56 introduces the lineage function, and it seems like that's not defined until page 66. It might be worth making some kind of note to the reader that this is just dream code that will get fleshed out later. I tend to follow along with the code and use the REPL to make sure I understand what's going on with your examples, and that approach stopped working in the beginning of this chapter.

Escaped markup on page 52

There's this line right after exercise 5 of chapter 5:

o# Inheritance (and Recursion) {#inheritance}

Guessing that was supposed to be parsed?

send-super is a poor implementation

send-super can only be used once. That is, the method called by a send-super cannot itself use send-super. The reason is that the method does not know which class it belongs to. To fix this, send-super would have to take an owner argument as well as a this argument. Dunno if that's worth it.

Note that the current implementation doesn't work at all once you introduce modules.

algo.monads dependency

On fastidious flounder, page 149 of the PDF version, you correctly say:

You’ll have to be sure to use that first line (the use statement) in your repl.

I'd also write a note about:

  1. the necessity of adding the algo.monads dependency. For example, if using lein:
    [org.clojure/algo.monads "0.1.0"]
  2. After, restart the REPL

[BTW, on page 148 do-monad should be domonad]

16.4 Exercise - NullPointerException

(with-monad sequence-monad (domonad [a [1 nil 3]
b [-1 1]] (* a b)))

NullPointerException clojure.lang.Numbers.ops (

And not, as suggested on 16.4 Exercise ("fastidious flounder" version):
` (-1 1 nil nil -3 3)

book/repo currently not working "out of box" due to lein 2 changes to default setup

the book says to clone this repository and run lein midje - this no longer works as of 2/16/2022. Because the default lein install is for version 2, I had to cobble together my own path to getting the midje checks to pass - mostly amounting to putting the latest version of midje in the user profiles.clj and updating the midge dependency in the downloaded repo project.clj to 1.6.0. Once I did those things, it showed some 1200 checks passed. Considering the book is still available and gives a suggested price of $20 which I paid, it seems like keeping the basic getting started up to date might be worthwhile. I would include a pull request, but a) it requires an update to the book or comment on the purchase page, and the change to this repo is pretty tiny if someone does decide to take it on.

Incorrect links

Apologies if this is too superficial at this stage, but it's a bit annoying when the links don't work.

Not sure whether you want the raw listings or not, since it varies. I'm assuming here that you wanted the regular link with syntax highlighting.

Sources link points to raw but broken ; should be regular
Solutions link points to regular.

Sources link points to raw embedded-functions.clj.
Solutions link points to regular just-enough-clojure.clj ???

Sources link points to raw.
Solutions link points to regular.
Exercise 5: superclass link points to broken ; should be
Also the link text says source/superclass.clj, should be sources/superclass.clj.

Sources link points to raw.
Solutions link points to regular.
Exercise 2: superclass link points to raw

Sources link points to raw.
Solutions link points to regular.

Sources link points to raw.
Solutions link points to regular.

Exercise 5: without-klass link points to broken ; should be
Exercise 9: higher-order-functions link points to raw.

Sources link points to raw.
Solutions link points to regular.


For the garrulous gastropod version:

Section 10.8, para right after code, "Given a pair, cond evaluates its element." I would think you would want to say "... cond evaluates it first element".

Section 11.8, page 166, "... either left-hand or right-hand size of an arrow." You must want "side", not "size".

Section 15.5, page 236, "... to be passed to in as the source-monad:", probably want to be "to be passed in as the source monad:".

Same page, toward the bottom: "... fair amount of rote code and a core of core that requires" might want to lose "of core".

Exercise 7.4 Confusion

I realised Exercise 1 was a problem with certain methods not being in the method cache, but thought the task was to fix the functions building it (like method-cache) or accessing it (like apply-message-to or send-to).

Giving up, I looked at the answers and realised the solution was to rewire the (super)class relationships. It would have been helpful to know that was what we were meant to do from the start (and that we had permission to do so in producing a solution).

I also found the end result of those answers counter-intuitive (as reflected by your diagram in Exercise 3, which is fine). My natural inclination was to think of MetaAnything as being at the top of the hierarchy. Instead, MetaAnything's superclass (Anything) is an instance of itself. Was that bizarre result intended?

stranded at paragraph 1.1

Version of the book:

Just bought the book and started reading. But now I'm stuck.

Paragraph 1.1 says:
The easiest way to install and run clojure is through Leiningen. Go to its page and follow the installation instructions.

I have a MacBook Pro model late 2011, OS X 10.7.4.
I'm an experienced Windows programmer (20 years), my main language is C# now, I have a mac since 6 months, but I can't get this to work.
I followed the instructions on the page.
I've just installed github for mac, I was able to do "Clone in mac", I have the repository downloaded in my documents folder.

But now I go to /leiningen/bin and want to start the lein executable.
This is what happens:

/Users/wouter/Documents/leiningen/bin/lein ; exit;
wouters-MacBook-Pro:~ wouter$ /Users/wouter/Documents/leiningen/bin/lein ; exit;ls: /Users/wouter/Documents/leiningen/leiningen-core/lib/*: No such file or directory
Leiningen is missing its dependencies.
Please see "Building" in the README.

I don't understand this part either:

  1. Download the script.
  2. Place it on your $PATH. (I like to use ~/bin)
  3. Set it to be executable. (chmod 755 ~/bin/lein)

I understand step 1, but I figure it's not necessary because I have done the git clone already.
I don't understand step 2 and 3.
If I want to do something with path on my mac (I know how it works on Windows), I find this page:
and it doesn't clear anything up...

When I "get the standalone jar from the downloads page" and execute it, I get an error "The Java JAR file "leiningen-2.0.0-preview10-standalone.jar" could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages."
The error message in the console is:
[0x0-0xeceece][11011]: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from /Users/wouter/Downloads/Leiningen-2.0.0-preview10-standalone.jar

I'm sure there are other easy ways to install clojure on my mac if I google a bit, but I wanted to let you know about this.

scaling artifact on ipad2

  1. When viewing the image in section 11.4 in iBooks on an iPad 2, the "The FUNCTION +" unfortunately looks like "The FUNCTION -", which could be confusing. I see that it is correct in the PDF, so it must be a scaling artifact when reducing the size to fit on the screen.

I'll check if that happens on an iPad 1. If so, I'll see if I can fiddle around with the size of the source .png, but that'll happen later.

boolean vs not not

Happy to read the book!

On p.114 (published 2012-10-17), you use the example:

(comp not not predicate)

As I understand, boolean does the job:

(comp boolean predicate)

It might be worth changing the example or at least noting this, lest it give the impression that inelegant Clojure code is needed here.

Dashes in Filenames

Apparently Clojure does not work so well as soon as you put dashes into your file names.
To me it is kind of confusing that many files contain dashes given that you are aware of this "problem" (you are, aren't you?)

Do you have any explanation for that or a workaround to require files with dashes in them?

(require 'my-solutions.add-and-a) 
=> Could not locate my_solutions/add_and_a__init.class or my_solutions/add_and_a.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

diagram for double dispatch

  • p 19/26 "the double dispatch problem". This is quite hard to wrap your head around. You might want to include an object diagram here. Perhaps even give an example of the problem in a non-Clojure language like Java.

More background in "Functional Style" part?

  • Chapters 9-12 flow really well - and nothing really jumped out at me. The only thing that niggled as I reflected on it was that it felt like you spent less time building ideas here, more more time making assumptions about the readers knowledge and jumping into the code. This seems to depart from the stye of the beginning of the book. Perhaps you'd consider dividing these three chapters into 10 page chunks - and just adding a page of prose explaining the big idea you're driving at.

ecstatic earthworm - Section 1 First impressions

I've just started looking at this and I thought I'd pass on my thoughts on Section 1 since the start of book like this is very important. For background I'm a long-term (15+ years) C++ programmer with no experience of functional programming.

BTW I'm enjoying the book so far!

Section 1.6 (minor)
Found myself asking; What happens if repl given "(+ 1 - 3 2)" instead of "(+ 1 (- 3 2))". Would "1 - 3 2" be passed to '+' function? i.e. does + takes 2 parameters or a list?

Section 1.9 (minor)
What are 'def'? A symbol?
Likewise, what is 'twice'?

Section 1.16 (major)
Considering the number of pages to section 1.6 (something familiar to most programmers), this is very short for a complex (and novel to an OO programmer) example. Understanding this section I feel is key to understanding the general approach to solving the excercises. It's a different way of thinking about problems. I think there should be some text before all these details about how Clojure works to explaining something the different mindset of functional programming. Otherwise its difficult to approach the examples since all the reader has is an OO way of problem solving, but some basic Clojure syntax.

Section 1.17 (medium)
You don't really say what the map function does (have to work it out). Something like

"The map function is perhaps the most common loop-like function. (If you know Ruby, it’s the same as collect.) [say
what map does here]. For example Clojure has an inc function that returns one plus its argument."

Section 1.18 (minor)
In LightTable I get
"(doc filter) => java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: doc in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:25:2)"


  1. "using to using" instead of "used to using" in

Warning: I’m using to using load in other languages, so I often reflexively use it instead of loadfile.
That leads to this puzzling message

Ecstatic Earthworm - error in text on PDF page 169

In "The Trickiness of Removing" on page 169 of the PDF version of Ecstatic Earthworm, there is either an error in the text or I am confused about what you are trying to convey:

Remember that zip/next moves depth-first, not breadth-first. The next node after (+ 1 HERE) is 1, not (2 3).

From the example that is in play, I would expect this to say "The next node after (+ 1 HERE) is +, not (2 3)." since the depth-first walk would take you into the seq at the left-most position. I've confirmed this with the REPL:

user=> (def zipper (zip/seq-zip '((+ 1 HERE) (+ 2 3))))
user=> (-> zipper zip/down zip/node)
(+ 1 HERE)
user=> (-> zipper zip/down zip/next zip/node)

This is using the original zipper, not the one resulting from the removal, but I see the same thing with the latter as well.

Second method of embedding functional code in OO should not be so easy to miss

My first read-through of Chapter 8, "Embedding Functional Code in an OO Codebase", garrulous gastropod, I finished reading the chapter with the impression that the introduction mentioned 2 approaches and the chapter only described 1.

Closer reading revealed that approach 2 ("OO coating around a gooey functional center") is mentioned almost as an aside in the conclusion of the chapter.

It would be interesting to see this given the same weight as the first approach ("chunky functionalism"), as well as some text putting these approaches in the context of the leading practices of object-functional languages like F#, OCaml, and (of course) Clojure. What do people end up doing when mixing OO and FP is nearly frictionless?

Is there any extant code in non-object-functional, but rather object-oriented, languages that you'd recommend reading as a good demonstration of this style?

Regarding ex. 1 chapter 7.9

As I understand, a manager can't participate in afternoon sessions.
I understand the solution suggested at

The logic is when checking availability.

But what if we pass the manager boolean to solution function ?
Something like that:

(def separate-1
(fn [pred sequence]
  [(filter pred sequence) ()]))

(def solution
(fn [courses registrants-courses instructor-count manager]
  (map (fn [courses]
           (half-day-solution courses registrants-courses instructor-count))
       (if (true? manager)
         (separate-1 :morning? courses)
         (separate :morning? courses))

(the reason for separate-1 is because I couldn't do filter in the if clause. Got a null pointer exception.
Did I miss something?

Comments/errata on "garrulous gastropod"

I am part way through the book and enjoying it very much. Here are the things I have noticed.

Comments on FP-OO (version G)

p27: (One or more semicolons starts a comment.

  • missing closing parenthesis

p23 or so: If you know Ruby, map is the same as collect.

  • This seems odd to me, presuming that a Ruby person knows collect first and
    map in terms of collect. I'm a long-time Ruby programmer and have always used
    map. I think "collect" is a Smalltalk flavour.

p29: Note: if the problems you think of...

  • I don't understand this paragraph.

p40: Here's a less boring method: shift

  • The rendering of "shift" is odd, with too much space between i and f

p49: So Clojure provides an alternate way to name sub-computations.

  • I suggest "alternative" instead of "alternate".

p57: I would prefer getting an exception over getting a nil.

  • The space between "a" and "nil" is too small. Same in following sentence.

p69: passs a partial solution down the levels...

  • typo: 'passs'

p76: Section 6.5 "Finishing up"

  • the apply-message-to used here no longer has the fallback of returning an
    instance variable (i.e. no automatic getter). Is this intentional? If so,
    it should be mentioned.

p93: There's little of interesting remaining.

  • Should be interest.

p94: There you have it: a pretty functional solution to our problem.

  • I'd like to see a demonstration of it working.

p96: If you’d like to examine this solution in more detail, see sources/wrapped-scheduling.clj

  • no such file; it's (now) called scheduling-variant.clj

General comment:

  • why all this (def ... (fn [...] ...)) instead of (defn [...] ...) ?

p103: Here's a sequence of maps:

  • unexpected and unnecessary page break


  • another ugly page break

p107: whether it be handled with objects or not

  • I like a good subjenctive as much as anyone, but this reads funny to me
  • suggestion: remove "it be"

p110: complement would be easy enoguht for us to define:

  • keep this paragraph with the code that follows

p115: Exercise 2 -- your output is [false (:c :b :a) 3], but I get mil instead
of false

p117: Exercise 9 -- the calculation is supposed to be for [4 8 9 3 2], but it's
actually for [4 8 9 4 2].

p117: Implement check-sum and upc? and check it against these numbers (also in the sources):

  • no numbers follow the colon; the text goes straight to the next exercise

p118: In object-oriented programs, It’s not horribly unusual

  • unwarranted capital letter

p121: unnecessary page break

The separate function DOES exist

I found a small improvement regarding

The Elements of Functional Style
        Basic Datatypes that Flow through Functions
                Processing sequences of maps

chapter from the "garrulous gastropod" version:

the "separate" function actually does exist, although not in the core language,
but in the clojure-contrib library

("Inexplicably, Clojure doesn’t have a separate-by-predicate function").

I stumbled on this by typing the following in lighttable (the recommended IDE):

 (separate odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6])  

and obtaining the actual result: [(1 3 5) (2 4 6)].

Suggested improvement

Add a mention that the "separate" function is available through the clojure-contrib library (which lighttable probably uses).

garrulous gastropod - chapter 5 exercise #5 has no published solution

(perhaps others as well - but this is the first that i noticed)

exercise #5 asks the reader to predict the outcome. I think it might be nice to include a short comment in the solutions file explaining what the result actually is. While it is easy to run the code; relying upon that presumes that the reader's code is functioning the same as the authors at that point.

Exercise 4.1 Confusion

I'm not sure what the exercise in 4.1 is asking me to do:

"Change the Point constructor to add x and y accessors."

What is an accessor? Is it like a 'get' method? Why would I need it if I can just use :x on a Point directly?

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